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    1. Wednesday, January 5

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:46 PM
      I am at work and a man comes in. He looks pretty gruff, and is loosely wearing a bandana or scarf for a mask. He wanders for a minute and then starts talking under his breath at us. I think they are derogatory comments, as I get angry and end up yelling at him. I think it’s Jessica here with me, and she unexpectedly looks glad or impressed that I’m yelling at him. I keep yelling until he leaves, not putting up a fight. Now, Zoe is here and she wants to talk to the man. I’m irritated that she’s so calm about it and treats him like he didn’t do anything wrong.
    2. Saturday, December 11

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:42 PM
      For my birthday? Mom has arranged for me to climb Half Dome. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve climbed, but I think I’m excited. I am looking at the wall now (I’m not sure it’s actually Half Dome) and it’s incredibly tall and somewhat slabby. There’s something about some bolts at the top and me considering top roping it but not being sure if the rope is long enough.

      I am in some building with Luke and Danielle from work. I think it’s an apartment building that both or one of them lives in. Walking through it, it is vast, but none of the space seems like living space so far. There is a succession of common rooms that have art on the walls and some others viewing it. Now I am walking through a hallway that seems upstairs and like it has the living spaces. I complete a lap around the place, back at the main room. There’s a fair amount of people here; I think there’s some event happening.
    3. Saturday, November 20

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:31 PM
      I am in some shopping mall. (I want to say it is unfamiliar, but it almost seems familiar from another dream). It seems large and it’s not all that crowded. Right now it looks like I’m in a section with an atrium. I notice some people with masks and some without, myself included, and it seems like there’s no judgment from either party toward the other.
    4. Thursday, November 18

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:30 PM
      I have showed up to some house for some appointment. The house is fairly large and very well kept. The natural lighting is soft and I don’t initially notice anyone else here. I then see a boy about my age in plain clothes who I assume works here. I tentatively ask if they’re still taking appointments today. He informally but not unkindly says yes and asks my name. I tell him and notice a few closed doors along this hallway that I assume must be the rooms for the appointments.
      Tags: house
    5. Saturday, November 13

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:29 PM
      I am in California to go to the bank. I’m not sure exactly what part I’m in (it doesn’t seem like too big of a city - maybe Sacramento size?) or why it has to be this bank. I’m aware that masks are optional here if you’re vaccinated, so I’m not wearing one. The people I pass on the sidewalk are a fairly even mix of masked and not. Inside the bank now the same is true and it feels natural with no hard feelings either way. I get to the teller and I think I’m just making a deposit. It takes me a minute as I haven’t done this in person in quite some time.
    6. Tuesday, November 9

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:28 PM
      I’m with Jessica and Julia somewhere. A random man is bringing us to his house, I think for a party? I’m not sure how we found this man or vice versa, and I think there is a vague acceptance that this isn’t the safest thing to do. I think he is driving us there and we approach the place. The house is massive, on a huge stretch of land. We look at each other in awe. It’s dark out and the house is lit from the front and the ground, making it even more impressive. It looks more like the White House than an average house. Palatial is the best way to describe it; there is even a toroidal water feature in the front with a massive planter in the center. There are marble steps and the landscaping is immaculate. It also feels like we are fairly far away from anything else. Inside now, the place is completely empty. I think the man has also disappeared. I start exploring. Every room is impossibly clean, like a model. The floor plan is open, yet complex. It seems corners serve to divide space more than do walls. There are multiple floors and I keep ascending. There is one room with a tan couch against the wall and a small, old TV awkwardly in the corner. I imagine sitting on the couch and having to turn to see the TV. I notice that all of the TVs in this place are antiquated.
      Tags: driving, house
    7. Monday, November 8

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:26 PM
      I’m with Melissa and by what seems like a warehouse building. The following seems more like a movie, but also like I’m experiencing it? The dim, empty warehouse space has a cluster of what looks like large cocoons on the ceiling in the far corner. They are black and close together. There is a creepy woman here what crawls or somehow gets to the ceiling and slowly metamorphoses into one of the cocoons. Her face remains most recognizable the longest, and the scene zooms into it and her creepy grin. Now, I think Brittney is here too and it’s like a small amount of time has passed. The warehouse is now a small airport or a single terminal that we have to use. Melissa does not want to go, as we have to pass right under the ‘cocoon people’. It is fairly creepy, but I try to persuade her to just get it over with. We end up stalling in a gift shop here.
    8. Thursday, November 4

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:25 PM
      I am going to design a house for someone (for Kreg - for a class?) It starts with me not wanting to, but I then take interest in it. I start sketching a pool that’s pre-existing or being added to the yard while I talk to Kreg on the phone. It’s long and narrow, with some angular changes that seem to only be for aesthetic. This lot is also long and narrow - only 30 feet wide. I am now on the phone with Zoe and telling her this. I tell her that the average house is that wide, without including the setbacks. I get the idea that I’ll have to design this house long and tall. It may be in a mountainous setting, as I’m imagining it with a cabin look. I imagine the second floor protruding on the back side to cover a patio, possibly with a hot tub. Now it seems as if I’m actually at this house, pretty much how I’ve been envisioning it. I’m showing it to some unfamiliar guy about my age. It is pretty impressive, long and low, dim and with plenty of dark wood.

      I am at what seems like the GSR or something similar with Brittney. It is somewhat crowded, and masks are not a concept in this dream. I think we’re going to get a beer at one of the places here. The tap handles at the first place I’m not impressed with, so I suggest going to the other one across the way. There were three taps of domestic beer and then a bottle of what looked like a German beer but that I wasn’t sure about. At the place across the hallway space I notice at least two good taps - Revision and something else. I think we get drinks there, and now we’re taking them into a restaurant. The guy here questions our age, I guess because we’re bringing in alcohol?
    9. Wednesday, November 3

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:23 PM
      I am in a house. It sort of feels like the 695 house and like there have been some renovations. Someone is showing us the new rooms/spaces. They are still empty. There are also some unfamiliar people here. One is a man who when I pass by once is briefly naked. I just see it out of the corner of my eye, not sure if he’s changing or what the scenario is
      Tags: house, naked
    10. Tuesday, October 5

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:23 PM
      I’m with Melissa somewhere that feels like rural Nevada. The place is gently sunny, with dappled shadows from the handful of trees. I see there is a structure or two - one of which looks like a barn. There are others here, definitely looking like the conservative type. Nobody is wearing a mask, and it feels nice. We notice a small body of water that we’re going to float on? and then notice that it’s bigger than we initially thought, with a couple of turns and an increase in size with each. The water is placid and the scene tranquil and peaceful as we float (on something?).
      Tags: water
    11. Tuesday, September 28

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:22 PM
      A short, middle aged woman walks into work with a brown paper bag full of books. I watch from off on the side as she strolls up to the unattended counter, then behind it, and sets her bag on our baker’s rack. She then shouts out “thanks for buying my books!” I can’t believe the audacity of this and wait a few moments before going over there. I sternly tell her that she can’t go behind our counter and then that we aren’t even buying books right now.
      Tags: work
    12. Doctors and tears (may 3rd, 2022)

      by , 05-04-2022 at 12:14 PM
      (This dream is particularly unremarkable but I want to start off this online journal at my most recent dream.)

      Now for some reason, in this dream I had to see a doctor just about everyday (it lasted for multiple dream days) and this doctor was only accessible in a sort of a plain white food truck. Probably what my mind thinks an ambulance is supposed to look like, but looking at it it's just one of those places you'd get really good 5 dollar burritos from without any nice designs on the sides. So anyway it was vital for me to go here everyday, and what was also vital is them giving me a bottle of water and I have to drink it halfway and bring it back the next day. That's weird. I never actually saw what the doctor looked like, but they did multiple different things like taking vitals and stuff. Later on the style of visualization flipped from a realistic world set in some rotting concrete city to a cartoon in the perspective of me watching it or something. It was the same setting actually, just cartoon-like y'know. There was really only one person in this show and it was me with some faceless side characters. It was just me crying a lot while flashes of side characters abusing me would pop up every once in a while. It ended off on those side characters coming to try and console me before I pit a knife against them. Didn't see what happened next because I woke up.
    13. nothing

      by , 05-04-2022 at 06:20 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      one dream with jamie. audio only, her saying something like that i'm hers forever or something.
      Tags: jamie