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    1. Help! I'm Not in the Car Yet!

      by , 11-26-2024 at 06:45 PM
      So I had this bad dream last night. There were five people in the dream. Me, Dad and my sister were visiting someone(5th). (There was a 4th person who was not Mom but was also a visiting person and they're in the car as well). I was going to get back int the car. I was going to get into a different seat but for some reason I couldn't so I closed that door, and I opened up another car door. But before I could get into the car Dad is driving off.--so I'm like holding on for dear life yelling at Dad and sister to "STOP THE CAR I"M NOT IN THE CAR YET" and the two in the front (Dad/Sis) are telling me to *shut up" and "put my seatbelt on" not realizing I am NOT in the car to even be able to put a seatbelt on. I think Dad says that "If I don't stop Complaing I can walk home or find my own way home"

      I think we're like driving for 20-30mins in the dream with that "conversation" happening over and over again until I had to wake up because the bathroom was calling me.
    2. Wednesday, January 5

      by , 05-04-2022 at 11:46 PM
      I am at work and a man comes in. He looks pretty gruff, and is loosely wearing a bandana or scarf for a mask. He wanders for a minute and then starts talking under his breath at us. I think they are derogatory comments, as I get angry and end up yelling at him. I think it’s Jessica here with me, and she unexpectedly looks glad or impressed that I’m yelling at him. I keep yelling until he leaves, not putting up a fight. Now, Zoe is here and she wants to talk to the man. I’m irritated that she’s so calm about it and treats him like he didn’t do anything wrong.
    3. 8/10/16 - A Mother's Control

      by , 08-14-2016 at 09:47 PM
      I'm sitting in a booth at a restaurant. Sitting next to me is my girlfriend, and across from us is her mother and brother. The mother won't stop talking about how her daughter needs to find a man and how we shouldn't be together. The brother isn't saying anything, but he keeps nodding and agreeing with the mother. The more I hear, the angrier I get and finally I start yelling at them. I tell them that they have no right to keep us apart and they better stop trying to control my girlfriend. While I'm yelling, they have the nerve to try and talk over me.
    4. TILD attempts

      by , 07-10-2014 at 02:49 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Yes, that stands for "Toilet Induced Lucid Dreaming"

      These were rather subtle. I nearly missed them until I realized I was actually experiencing it and it was a dream.

      - At work, a young guy Anthony is put in charge of supervising my work. He lets me do whatever I want, which is nice, because neither he nor the store manager really know what needs to be done anyway. The store manager returns later, and is unhappy with what I've done. She is always unhappy with everything everyone does, so this is to be expected. She yells at Anthony, and then he passes along the changes I have to make telling me, "I took the first one for you, the next time, I won't be able to keep her from yelling at you"

      - I'm operating a fork lift, and do wheelies with it, getting the tines completely vertical.
    5. Umbrella...ella...ella.

      by , 08-20-2013 at 12:02 AM
      Date: August 19, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (hoping for a DILD)
      Total Hours of Sleep: around 8-9

      Dreamed I was eating at a very fancy restaurant. and I ordered the food and after a long wait, the food still hasn't arrived. Our waitress does come to our table, but she says we have to pay a small portion of our bill now before we will be able to get our food. We argued with the waitress, but was so hungry, we paid $25.00 up front hoping that this will help in hurrying up with our dinner. The waitress came to our table shortly after paying, but she did not come with food. Instead, the waitress had a Louis Vuitton umbrella and said that we can have that for the time being (this dream sign went right past me!). I'm not sure if the umbrella was edible, but I raised holy hell to the waitress demanding our food. The waitress was adamant about keeping the umbrella and assured us that the umbrella was a Louis Vuitton (instead of ensuring us the food was coming). I started arguing with my date, but the more I tried to rationalize with him, the angrier he got with me. I couldn't understand why he was mad at me? He was just yelling and yelling...and then I woke up.

      When I woke up, I heard people yelling and realized the yelling I heard in my dream was really my husband yelling at my son about the trash not being taken out this morning! I hopped out of bed and asked them what the f*ck is going on in here! Both of them looked at me like I was crazy and told me they didn't mean to wake me up with their yelling and for me to go back to sleep. Damn them!

      Updated 08-20-2013 at 12:09 AM by 62703

    6. "Where is my dream guide?"

      by , 09-23-2012 at 10:22 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      Last night I had quite a few dreams, but my recall has been lacking lately and I remember the main themes of two of the dreams.

      In the first scene, I was visiting my friend Marykate and her mother Wendy in a trailer home of theirs. In the dream it had been about seven to ten years since I had last seen them. It was a very pleasant visit. After a while I began to wonder where Marykates younger brother Kyle was. In real life he's currently in elementry school, we used to be somewhat close in a psuedo older brother type way when I was over at their house a lot- and I wanted to say hello. I asked them both what Kyle had been up to, to try to gain some information about where he was at. Marykate didn't say anything, and her mother's face went dull. Wendy leaned in a little closer and said, "You haven't heard what happened?"...
      "What do you mean?" I asked, and became a bit conserned. They both paused, and Marykates expression became very strained. "He died, Zech." She said, and began to cry. Wendy chimed in, "He had an accedent on a nature trip, he got attacked by an animal."
      "Oh my gosh..." I gasped... I couldn't believe it. It was so horrible, I sat closer to them and began to tear up myself. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I added. It was a terrible moment in the dream, but my dream turned it around thankfully. Wendy then flipped a swhich in emotion and said, he's in the other room- we were just messing around. (Now, in the dream they weren't at first. But the dream made a swhich, that meant they were all along.)
      "No fucking way you guys just made me think Kyle was dead. You guys are dick wads, major ones." I said relieved and pissed at the same time. An older version of Kyle then walked in the room and said Hey. I got up and hugged him and said Hey man, what's up- thank goodness. He said, "Yeah, they're assholes." and sat down with us. That was as much as I remember from that dream.

      The next dream I became lucid in some random place, walking down a suburban sidewalk. I remembered that I wanted to find out how well I could actually 'Hear' in dreams. Because I usually remember conversations and people talking, but I don't remember the voices or hearing their words after I wake up. So I yelled "HEY!... I'M DREAMING!" I could hear it loud an clear, it was pretty awesome. It made the dream more life-like. I began to float around checking things out, still yelling on the occasion. Then I got an idea. I've been curious about these things people call "Dream Guides", and I wanted to see if I could find one for myself. So I began going around, realizing there were no people around. I found a few people in the distance and cars driving by, and yelled at everyone "Hey! Where is my dream guide!?", "Hey you! Where can I find my dream guide."
      While doing this, I was playing around , trying to make little 'Resengan' like energy balls from that show Naruto. It worked like once, but my attention wasn't all the way there. I continued to fly around for awhile, and... I thought I might have found someone who knew something about my dream guide, but they got in a car and drove off. I was going to hunt them down, but my dream dissapated shortly after. I'm sure other things happened but like I said, not much dream recall lately. I'm hoping to fix that somehow. But that's it for now.
    7. Lol fuck this

      by , 07-09-2012 at 08:26 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm in bed and I feel the transition. Falling through the bed and all that jazz. I think I got a little disorientated, but other than that it's all good right!? WILD action right?

      No, I'm in the void for a bit and scared to open my eyes and all that basic stuff I should already know. As a matter of fact the dream starts.

      I'm in my room trying to go back to sleep and I hear my nephews enter the hours. Furiously, I yell at them about how they need to shut up. It felt weird cause I don't do things like that.

      I even closed my door so I wouldn't hear them. Seconds later they opened it. I was soooooo mad, Nd then they're like "uncle Auron can we play your game". I gave in and I feel them in the damnbed rummaging around all my old games. Oddly enough they want to mess around with my Dreamcast and Nintendo crap, and I kinda want to punch them. One of them holds up a copy of dead or alive. I say something that I regret, but at the same time I meant it.

      it's so crazy how I was like I need to go back to damn sleep when in actuality, I was already asleep. Just laying there in my dream waiting for the dream to begin. I should have recognized my aggressiveness. Also the whole part where some random kid was with them. I guess I'm going to just pretend that it was going to be a short lucid that wouldn't have mattered anyway.
    8. Feb 2, 2011 - Accusation

      by , 02-10-2011 at 04:21 PM
      I am walking up the stairs form my parent’s basement. I pass by my mother and some of her girl friends. Her friend, that knows I’ve been to rehab, stops to give me a big hug. When she pulls away she looks at me judgmentally and says in french “so you didn’t go after all?” I am surprised with her comment because I just came back from my program. I respond “I did go, I just got back.” She says “no you didn’t. You smell like you’ve been using.” I get very upset and start to yell in english now. I say “Who the hell do you think you are? You have no f-ing right to come in here and accuse me.” I go on but I can’t recall what I say.

      I wake up.

      I would never speak like that to my family or their friends. I have not used in two months. I think this dream was brought on by fear. I had a fear of relapse coming out of rehab even though I did not want to use anymore and didn’t feel any physical compulsion to it anymore.
    9. Texas spa/fish animation (fragments)

      by , 02-02-2011 at 08:50 AM (Trial and Error)
      I decided that one the one week break from school me and all my roommates should go to a spa (I have never been to a spa irl so I made up what I thought it was when I argued my point XD) For some reason we were going to go to a spa in Houston, TX.

      dream skip, there was some kind of animated movie involving a fish getting sucked into a whirl pool, I knew in the dream that my roommate L had helped work on it.

      We randomly arrive there, and for some reason have to sneak through what looks almost like a maze, but I know it is not, it is some kind of shopping center. (After awakening I realize it looks kind of like the art store "blick"). There are many people I know irl were hunting us down, and in order to make it to our vacation we had to get bay without them seeing us.

      Dream skip, we are returning from vacation and an equally strange animation of the same fish in the same style plays, only it is more violent and scary.

      Dream skip (pretty sure this is the next dream)

      I let my roommate B know that her bird is chewing a hole in the wall (believe it or not, actually happening irl XD) I let L know, and she begins to yell at B like a crazy person. She yells to the point that I feel the need to defend her and I step in to say that is was not her fault, these things happen, we can fix it.

      Not sure what these mean, they were to scattered for me to get any meaning out of it.
    10. Castle of Winds

      by , 11-05-1984 at 08:53 PM
      Night of November 5, 1984. Monday. (To morning of November 6.)

      As some of this one facet of a small part of my lifelong “story” involves hundreds of pages, I will include only basic information here, and a copy of Zsuzsanna’s journal page from when she was much younger and written long before we made real contact (though at the time of this dream). There are many more entries both already online and not yet posted anywhere that add hundreds more unexplainable layers that prove (for me) dreams are often a composite of precognition and remote viewing and there is absolutely no one that could convince me otherwise, especially twenty years on in a blissful, sensuous and spiritual marriage and with healthy children (though I do understand how there are deceitful people that, for whatever reason, are somehow against marriage and family and who sadly deny love itself - you the reader have likely seen it yourself many times - they are very good at pretending and creating fabricated drama).

      There were earlier “prototypes” and precursors for this dream, and there were many that implied the eventual “battle” between Susan R and the “mystery girl”, this still being years before it was confirmed that hundreds of my childhood dreams implemented more precise precognition and remote viewing, which has turned out for me to be what dreams mainly are. The “mystery girl” dreams were all precognitive; they not only “introduced” me to my soulmate before she was born, they revealed every minute detail from the unlikely accent and cultural mix, to birthplace (exactly inverted to my birth place) from directly across the ocean (as shown in other entries).

      Before the Blue Pearl (or “blue flame” or Merkaba) was more dominant in my perception, I saw it in Susan R. My first dream where I “ended up” with the “mystery girl” in an implied marriage would not be accepted as truth by most, due to it having elements of maturity for me at the age of eight (I am never in a mood to debate so I will not go into it). It was validated many times that Brenda W was the wife-to-be “stand-in”, which was validated again in 1991 just prior to real contact with my wife-to-be (and involving the “blue sun”).

      My main castle dream implied a battle between Susan R and the “mystery girl” (who looked exactly like my wife-to-be in every way and with the same mixed heritage and same intriguing mixed Romani/Hungarian/Australian accent). The castle was implied to be beyond the area (at the end of the hanging bridge) where the “Bridge Over a Prehistoric World” dream took place - which started with watching Susan R (a transparent “blue egg” around her) leave me and ended with me hugging my wife-to-be archetype. The castle exists high in the sky, on a floating small hill, but only of partial land area, with plant roots hanging down from underneath. It seems to be “another realm” with a different “speed” of time (hard to explain). I get the clear impression that the castle stays only in areas where night exists.

      The castle also has areas of temple-like rooms as well as oddly modern neon lights in some areas (almost like a discotheque). It is very vivid. Some lights are too bright to directly look at. I do look over the edge of the floating hill at one point, and see the view as if from an airplane flying very high; I see the lights of a larger city far below, barely perceptible at times. Susan R seems oddly upset at looking at her own reflection (though I eventually discover that is not what she is looking at in the mirror). She frustratingly yells “get out” at the mirror, which seems odd to me though reminds me strongly of the scene from “Fear No Evil”, first seen March 3, 1969.

      My mental “connection” to Susan is broken (there were events prior to this which I do not recall). The “mystery girl”, wearing a black dress and a diamond necklace and some sort of unusual swept-back “crown”, emerges from the mirror, quite royal-looking, with glowing green catlike eyes and quite precise, sensual motions. I am amazed by her beauty. It is her. “Queen of the Gypsies”. Well, at least a dazzling princess. Orange-tinted skin. I even detect a trace of Aboriginal Australian.

      From here, the two girls fight in an epic battle of screeching voices and incredibly intense and eerie screeching wind. They are arguing about me, my purpose, my birth, where I should live, and who I “belong to”. I believe the “mystery girl” is “screeching” and “whistling” the loudest and affirming that I am hers. It is very strange to hear this - like the wind itself “arguing” with itself, like lightning bolts “wriggling” against each other, like clouds trying to “strangle” each other. The Merkaba appears to be spinning out of control for a time sort of knocking into each girl’s silhouette for a time. The voices reach a point where they are not human-sounding at all in any way.

      One of them falls to the ground far below, eventually, but I am not sure who; I only see her silhouette falling, back first with arms out. I think I have had enough commotion, so I turn to leave…almost finding my way out before someone behind me asks “Where are you going? You cannot go alone”. I am not alarmed but I do not see her directly. I only see her shadow on the wall. I wake.

      This “battle” and long-term outcome (as some already know) could not have taken place solely within my own dreams, but could only have happened in a collective sense (in the supraconscious perhaps) or “another plane” of reality. There have been a number of dreams where I eventually was absolutely sure of this and there is not the slightest evidence to the contrary. What is also interesting is that my wife also loosely describes the Barbara Steele movie I was fascinated by as a young child and it remains a favorite movie (1964’s “Danse Macabre” aka “Castle of Blood” aka “Castle of Terror”) yet she had never heard of it or seen it. In a way, this dream is actually a “replay” of some aspects of it.

      There were other dreams involving Susan R and the “mystery girl” (wife-to-be) within the same setting or relative to one event or another. I do not know the dynamics behind this, as I had never contacted Susan after high school. (In fact, she is the only one I have never been able to contact or find out more about out of all my classmates through all school years. I did hear she was married, though. Another girl with her same full name, unrelated I believe, married someone with my name - and my surname is not very common at all.)

      My wife Zsuzsanna’s older poem from her teenage years follows in text - which implies another layer of reality and which matches my dream above as well as being from the same time period (do not forget the thousands of other facts that confirmed the “mystery girl’s” identity many years before I met her).

      A castle on the hill

      gleaming lights and flights of stairs

      running through the corridors

      looking for the door

      it’s a mystery where are you going

      you cannot go alone

      for there is something eerie

      watching the lights fade away

      then all I heard was a shout

      a voice pleading to get out

      it’s a mystery where will I go

      I cannot go alone

      A mystery in the castle

      A mystery of neon lights

      A mystery of you and me

      A mystery the facts of love

      Updated 08-10-2015 at 09:06 PM by 1390
