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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 7th Oct 2013 Video game fragments

      by , 10-08-2013 at 12:30 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was going near some buildings.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in some game and i was in some team, the game used kinda that VR/grid-like theme for levels. At first it was kinda race for best positions and then it continued as sort of RTS/TBS hybrid, we were building cannons and firing them at enemy bases. We were missing alot, but so were enemies and we were discussing plan and enemy weaknesses.
      In the end we kinda just rushed enemy team and it was just an vs battle where each of us got some kind of power or something.
    2. The country, a hen

      by , 10-07-2013 at 10:54 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)

      I remember a hen and the country. Maybe a few trees, too.
      dream fragment
    3. 08oct13

      by , 10-07-2013 at 07:27 PM
      [Dream Fragment]
      I was explaining to someone how my contraption worked. It was a box that used a series of mirrors to display a bunch of different pictures in one place.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. In Trouble With Jane

      by , 10-07-2013 at 11:31 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was at a house with Daryl, Jane and Tim. Daryl had a trailer connected to his car, which was parked in the backyard.

      We must have done something wrong, because Jane wasn't too happy with either Daryl or both of us. Daryl moved his car in another spot and I said to him that your Mum may not me happy with you doing that.

      I could see Jane in the distance, through a window. I think she may have been washing the dishes.

      Daryl wanted to do a good deed, and built a fence. We started building the fence near the shed, which was only about knee high. Jane came back, she didn't seem to happy with what was going on.

      Dream Fragment 1:
      An ugly girl with a big forehead was sitting on Elton Johns lap, while he was playing piano. The girl was over singing the song. Elton looked different. He had a skinnier face and a red face. When the girl was singing he gave her a look of WTF! You're butchering this song.
      The girl mentioned later, that she lost the plot a little when singing.
      Hey, new here... got a question already ^_^-elton-john.jpg
      Elton John

      Dream Fragment 2:
      I could see some big brother contestants, but could only remember Jasmin. I was sizing her up and imagining what she would be like to sleep with. I thought she was younger then she is, 19-20.
      Hey, new here... got a question already ^_^-jasmin.jpg
      Jasmin - Big Brother
    5. Buying A Cat (6.10.13)

      by , 10-07-2013 at 07:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I'm in a car with someone and we were on out way back to the house that I was at previously. I told the driver that the house was in fact, my cousins house. They driver offered me to go in to the house considering I was related. I was here to pick up a cat. I was walking towards the house, then it dawned on me, this wasn't my cousins house at all. I knew by noticing the surroundings didn't match up. Someone opened the door to greet me, I think I knew her. As I walked in, I noticed Gemma P on the couch. The house had a very strong scent to it. I saw the cat sitting on top of a cabinet. It looked like a doll, and it's color was black and white, which looked like fabric. I began to second guess on if I should buy this cat, as I didn't really like the look of it. Gemma explained that those type of cats sit around quite a lot, and have known problems when they get adopted. I could now see text in my vision of what Gemma was saying.

      Dream fragment:
      IGA Peanuts in a bag.
    6. 6th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-07-2013 at 12:25 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some video game about spaceships.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home, which apparently was on some huge wooden ship thing, the temperature was rather unstable at times as i was checking outside. At one point i was searching for something at land and there was a group that was bullying people so i had a little talk with them, telling them "to stop or else", and then went back to ship.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing and discussing some multiplayer space game with someone and we were trying to figure out about allied races.
    7. 6th Oct 2013 fragments and FA, almost lucid

      by , 10-06-2013 at 02:59 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was at home and i was trying to visualize something(in dream) and i ended up seeing scene in hills with a waterfall and a dragon flying.

      Dream 2:

      I wake up at home and get distracted by loud deconstruction noises and explosions outside, i was wondering what's going on and then noticed that my bed is in different room, but i woke up before realizing.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      There was some wrestling match/fight going on and then dragons started appearing, one of which had blue scales.
    8. 10/5/13

      by , 10-06-2013 at 02:00 AM (A Strange and Nonsensical Adventure)
      October 5 2013 - ~11:00pm to ~9:00am, woke up at ~1:30am and ~4:45am

      I woke up at 5 to try WBTB (Actually did this in real life, but the rest was a dream)
      Mom had this app that let her know when someone connected to the wifi
      I had turned my light on just for a moment but she/dad noticed
      She was like 'wanderingoak's using the internet that early' etc
      I tried leaving to tell her that that wasn't true, and that evernote automatically syncs, but I couldn't speak, so I decided to tell her in the morning
      Imitation of an old man teaching
      Lego game with magnetic walls
      Superhero vs superhero/villain, one on one
      Half-human, half robot
      man with wife and children was normal from the waist up but his ribs/organs/? were exposed from the waist down
      He wore a blue dress into the water, was supposed to count to three and go back up, but didn't, and drowned
      (Wife - black haired - was trying to kiss him on the shoulder underwater but then that happened)
      Children had something to do with a white towel, a cheese grinder, etc
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 5th Oct 2013 Doom/minecraft mix

      by , 10-06-2013 at 12:11 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      i was playing some video game.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was doing some stuff and then lots of people dropped on me but i've managed to overcome them.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some kind of doom mod that increased power of all weapons, and increased player hp too, the level was some city ruins and i was winning against testing bot who was set to highest difficulty.

      Dream 4:

      I was playing minecraft(apparently) with yogscast(apparently) and we were in some bunker thing, it was apparently part of their base but it haven't been used for ages. We were exploring around and i've managed to find some basic equips and we were talking about who gets what and i've gotten bow and arrows. We went exploring further and there was a forest, underground. Then some kind of bush/vine maze and a pool with dolphins and then more caves further.
      Then we teleported back and i suddenly had Doom weapons and interface and waves of enemies appeared all around, invasion mode-style. We still continued exploring bunker while fighting and managed to find a few crates with important items in small rooms. Fighting was more difficult than usual though mainly because player speed was rather slow, that became ridiculous when two cyberdemons appeared and started wrecking stuff because they were moving actually much quicker than current player speed, and i've had to retreat to underground forest area. I've still managed to destroy them using rocket launcher, plasma gun, minigun and some other powerful weapon, though i got hit a few times in the progress and was rather low on hp afterwards.
    10. Catching the waking end of a dream

      by , 10-05-2013 at 06:20 PM (The Dream Cauldron)

      I didn't see this dream, but I heard some dialogue. Apparently someone was apologizing because either I or they were being slow.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 5th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-05-2013 at 02:55 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about minimalistic forum games illustrated by lazily photoshopped pics, one of which was about some midget and another one was called "ROLL TO BE TRIDE" or something like that with pics of some one eyed thing.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some 3rd person shooter style game and it was happening in some sandstone maze, i've had to escort some npc which could open up passages that were blocked by wooden boards using crowbar and there were some stairs. Then after i've also had brief false awakening.
    12. A few fragments

      by , 10-05-2013 at 11:01 AM
      Just getting back into dream journalling

      1. I remember seeing my possible future employer standing there looking at me

      2. I remember being with four of my friends
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. of course im not emotional

      by , 10-05-2013 at 05:29 AM
      this is a lucid dream within a dream. it confuses me too. anyway:

      i'm on my bed with this chubby chick. she's telling me about her violent past. then i become lucid, and in a moment of clarity, i realize i dont have to listen to this. and then i realize that a dream is the perfect place to play out your sexual fantasies

      i start kissing the girl, and i can feel that i'm losing awareness. then there is a flash of someone eating me out, and then i completely lose lucidity

      because i 'wake up' and go to school, think about my dream and what it means, and get on my laptop

      and then i really wake up on my couch, feeling a bit of 'wtf'
    14. 4th Oct 2013 A bunch of video game and story fragments

      by , 10-05-2013 at 12:54 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some game and it was about some town in the desert which was attacked by some mutants and there was some time limit, i was using some kind of jeep alot and levels were very branching with multiple characters/storylines. Later i was playing some 3D platformer that was like mix of some that i've played before, there was a global map with central island and four smaller islands, filled with level select areas and in the middle of central place there was an observatory where game started, then i've had to setup alot of controls and i was sitting strangely far from monitor.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some 2D puzzle game.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      There was some story about two kids finding out about some organization and deciding to join it. There was a subway near which some of people from that organization were hanging out, kids came here, one through subway, another found way through rooftops somehow, there was some talk and some of people had special abilities but then kids apparently had them too and they were accepted. Then everyone went somewhere else.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      (Kinda continues story from dream 3)
      Some members of the organization were showcasing abilities in the forest and there was some talk and something about lady with knifes and a survival 'game'.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I was playing some game on extra hard settings and i had to defend the hill from very powerful by controlling bunch of characters and tricking enemies into traps. In the end i've had one character left and i've tried to use whole lot of mines to stop enemies.

      Dream 6(fragments):

      (Kinda related to story from dream 3 and 4 as well)
      I've had interface, kinda like XCOM2012 and i had an army of Cyberdisks and Sectopods in some city under my control, then i've found enemy army but most of them had like 3-4 HP so i've used cyberdisk's grenades to take bunch of them out, enemy also had special character that had powerful effect when it died and global buff when alive but couldn't do anything else and i was trying to figure out what that effect was before killing it, so i was looking for organization profiles and found out that it was not so dangerous. Then there was a cutscene about that character, which apparently was related to lady with knifes.
    15. 4th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-04-2013 at 03:02 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Recalled one more dream from normal sleep

      Brief false awakening in the bed and getting distracted.

      Dream recall from today's naps, i need to fix my schedule again.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some place with a river, and (from what i feel) i was in dragon form and there was also another dragon.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I was playing some forum game.