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    Lucid Dreams

    1. LD #34, 35 & 36

      by , 03-09-2014 at 08:20 PM
      December 2006 – LD #34 – “Sitting on parent’s deck”
      I was at my parent’s house, standing on their deck, and it was a beautiful summer day. Suddenly, I realize that they removed the deck and had a garage built 3 years ago. I look at my left hand and count 8 fingers. I am lucid. I decide to simply look around. I examine everything around me: trees, grass, a stone wall, the tree covered hills in the distance, the sky, the clap-boards on the side of the house, the pavement of the driveway. I am astounded (as always) by the amazing detail my mind has created. I wake up.

      December 2006 – LD #35 – “Back in Reading/run instead of fly”
      I find myself walking down a street in a town I lived in from 10-14 years old. I am walking to my old grade school. Suddenly I realize that I haven’t lived in this down for 23 years and I can’t remember how I got here. I look at my left hand and count 6 fingers. I am lucid. I continue to up a hill until I reach the top. I can see my old school down the hill on the right side of the street. The detail is amazing. I jump in the air and begin to fly slowly upward. I do a single loop-de-loop and land. I decide that I don’t want to fly in this dream. Instead I want to see how fast I can run. I begin to sprint down the hill. I pass the school in less than a second. It is just a blur in my peripheral vision. In front of me (about ¼ mile away) is a swamp (which is not there in RL). I speed up my pace and run across the water as if it were solid ground. I can feel the cool water seeping into my shoes. I stop on the other side of the swamp and see a convenience store across a field. I jog over to it and go inside. There are people milling around and shopping. Suddenly the urge for sex takes over. I begin searching for an attractive woman but the only woman in the store is an elderly woman in a light blue dress. She is standing in front of some shelves filled with bread, with her back to me. I walk up beside her and lift up her dress. I begin to ‘will’ her (morph her) into a younger more attractive woman, but I wake up.

      December 2006 – LD #36 – “First LD fight”
      I am in my hold high school gym. I am part of a class that is going to play dodge ball. My team is wearing black t-shirts and black shorts. I walk across the gym toward the door that leads to the rest of the school. The gym teacher, a man in his fifties with graying hair, who I don’t recognize, stops me. He begins yelling at me to get back with my group. I am extremely angry, but I do as he asks. I walk back to my group so is sitting on a bench. I try to find a spot to sit, but every time I walk toward an open spot on the bench it is suddenly filled with someone (like magic). I am growing more angry and frustrated with each passing moment…….Suddenly, I realize that this entire situation isn’t right. I look at my hand and count 8 fingers. I am lucid and really pissed off at that gym teacher. I storm across the gym toward that man. He turns and charges me. I know I’m dreaming and invincible. With the speed & strength of superman I punch the man in the face. He flies backward at least 20 feet before hitting the floor and sliding another 30 feet to the wall. I don’t bother checking on him I continue walking toward the door that leads into the school. I go through the doors and am confronted by 2 teenage boys. The try to attack me, but I am superman. I grab each of them by the neck, one in my left hand, the other in my right. I lift them off the floor and slam them together. They fall to the floor at my feet like 2 rag dolls. I continue down the hall and find a classroom. I walk right in. There are many teenagers in the room. One of the boys is holding a large knife. I walk right up to him, look him right in this brown eyes and say, “What are you gonna do with that?” He looks frightened, and shrugs at me. I pull open my black trench coat (which I didn’t realize I was wearing until right then) and yell, “Come on! Stab me!” He looks at me confused. At this point a tiny bit of doubt enters my mind. What if I’m not dreaming? This could kill me. I push my doubt away and demand, “STAB ME!!” The kid jabs the knife into my gut. The blade slides into my flesh up to the hilt. But I feel no pain. When he pulls it out, there is no blood or wound. I laugh out loud. I walk out of the room and hear a song playing over the loud speakers. It is Sarah Smile by Hall & Oats (weird). I begin singing along with it as a walk. My voice sounds amazing. I am impressed with myself. I walk by a door to my left and Maggie (a woman I work with) is in there sitting on the teacher’s desk. She says, “Wow! You have a very nice voice.” I laugh again at the comedy of my dream world. I decide to fly down the hall, but wake up.
    2. Ld #33

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:30 PM
      LD #33 – “I don’t live here anymore!”
      Wow! 6 LD’s this month! I’m not sure why I’ve had so many. I’m not doing anything different (that I’m aware of).
      In my dream I am in the upstairs bathroom of a house I used to live in (from ages 10 to 14). Suddenly, I realize that I don’t live here anymore. I walk out of the bathroom into the upstairs hall. I look at my left hand and I have 9 fingers. I am lucid. I decide to explore my old house. I walk down the stairs and take a right at the bottom. I look into the living room. It doesn’t look like I remember it. The furniture is different, and it is smaller than I remember. I continue on and walk into the kitchen. Again, it isn’t as I remember it. The counters are in different positions and the room is much smaller. I walk across the kitchen and look into the den. This room looks more like I remember it, but the door leading to the garage is missing. My mother is sitting in the room knitting. She takes no notice of me, and I don’t bother to talk to her. I turn around and head for the door that leads to the basement. I open the door and start down the stairs. About 3/4 of the way down I hear someone behind me. I take the last 4 steps to the basement and turn around. There on the stairs is a child of about 6 or 7……..it is me as a child. I am a bit freaked out at this point. I grab hold of his/my shirt and pull his face closer to me. I examine him/me closely and I look just as I did in pictures I have from my childhood. The dream fades before I have a chance to speak to him/me. I wake up.
    3. Ld #32

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:29 PM
      LD# 32 – “Cooler full of Ice Cream!!”
      July has been a great month of LD’s. This is my 5th in this month…..That is a record for me.
      I woke up at 5am and then dozed back off.
      In my dream I was in the backyard of my childhood friends, and it looked just as it did back in the 70’s. There was a cooler sitting on the ground and I opened it. It was full of ice cream cones wrapped in wax paper. I took one out, unwrapped it, and called my friend Dave over. He took the cone and walked away. I took out another and called my wife over. She thanked me and took it. I turned back to the cooler wishing that there was some ice cream filled chocolate chip cookies inside……..to my surprise the ice cream cones were replaced with the ice cream filled cookies. I took one out, unwrapped it and took a big bite. It was delicious. Suddenly it dawned on me that the cookies weren’t in the cooler moments before. I further realized that I had been awake a moment before. I am now lucid without doing an RC. I looked around me at what my mind had created. It was so real, and it was like I had traveled back in time to when I was a child. I looked at the grass at my feet……..it was lush and green with a bit of pale brown strands of dead grass. The color was so vivid and the detail was perfect. I looked to my friend’s house. I could see the details of the white aluminum siding, the small cracks in the cement of the foundation & the reflection of light off of the windows. Again, I was in awe of how much detail there was, how incredibly realistic the dream world appears. I tried to think of what I wanted to do in this dream. I decided that I was going to pick a fight with a DC. I headed toward the front yard, hoping to find some people. I went around the side of the house when I noticed my cat sitting on the neighbor’s stone wall. Just for kicks I willed my friend’s dog to appear. Instantly I felt a cold wet nose on my hand. I looked to my right and there was Murdock looking up at me with his big brown eyes, his tail wagging. I patted him. I could feel is course fur & the warmth of his body. I stopped petting him and he ran off toward the street. Then I made the mistake of worrying that I might wake up……….and that’s exactly what happened.
    4. Ld #31

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:28 PM
      LD #31 “Grave stone in the middle of the street?”
      I was walking up a steep paved street in the middle of a thickly wooded area when I noticed a grave marker in the middle of the pavement. This seemed very strange to me. I walked over to it and it had a name on it, Mary Pyratte. The name meant nothing to me in my dream, and means nothing to me in RL. But the strangeness of the situation prompted me to do an RC. I looked at my left hand and counted 6 fingers. I was lucid. I knew exactly what I wanted to do in this LD…..Fly! I walked to the edge of the road and there was a steep drop which led down to an open area of ground surrounded by large oak and pine trees. I stood on the edge of the drop for a moment and then let myself fall forward. I had my hands out to the sides and willed myself to glide. I began to sore like a bird riding the wind. I could actually feel the wind rushing by my skin and it felt wonderful. I swooped low to the ground and then pulled up and rushed upward toward the tops of the trees. I then did a full loop-da-loop in the air and began to soar low to the ground again. I felt so free. The dream starts to fade to gray, and I try desperately to focus on staying asleep & in the dream world. I see my room and my bed, but my wife is laying next to me (in RL she is away for a few days). I know I’m still dreaming. I reach over to my wife and touch her. I am suddenly full of sexual energy. I slide up close to her with the intention of having sex, but the dream slips away and I wake up.
    5. Ld #29

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:27 PM
      Wow!! July is a good month for LD.
      LD #30 – Lucid in the Liquor Store. (Brief)
      In my dream I am in a liquor store searching for some tequila, but I can’t seem to read the labels on any of the bottles…..the words are gibberish. I am getting frustrated, but then I realize that I am dreaming. I don’t bother doing an RC. I know exactly what I want to do in this dream……..eat candy!! I look around for a moment at the thousands of bottles around me and revel in the crystal clear reality of the dream. Then I decide the best place to get the candy is at the front counter. I start in that direction but can feel the dream beginning to fade. I stop and look around. There are packs of gum on a display near me. I focus all of my attention on a brilliantly realistic pack of “Big Red” gum on that display. I concentrate on every detail of the pack of gum and the dream stabilizes. I start moving slowly toward the front counter again, but the dream starts to fade again too quickly for me to take any further action and I wake up.
    6. 8. 3. 2014 - 3x DILD

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:27 PM
      In the night before sleeping time I felt depressed, so I drank a bottle of wine and watch a movie with my gf. I fall asleep around 1:30 a.m.

      I wake up and I recall 1 dream fragment. I start to run around the flat. I do few excercies to become completely awake. I've told to my girl that we sleep separately because of my focus toward lucid dreaming competition. So I sleep on the sofa.
      She was awake and I have sex with her without achieving orgasm. Then I go to the kitchen and drink 1,5l of milk and 1l of juice. 6:30 I take one Galantamind 4mg pill and Choline 400mg. I go out to buy a breakfast, but the bakery shop is still no open.
      The open at 7:00 a.m. and I buy some orange juice and some pastry.

      7:30 I return to the flat and I go back to bed (sofa). (my gf is still sleeping) I try to do wild. I feel galantamind is already buzzing in my head, so it should be easy. When I fall a sleep, I started to spin and woke up immediately. I decided just go to sleep.

      LD pinching my grandmother - March TOTM
      I'm in the granma's garden. It's sunny warm day and we just sit there, sunbathing and drinking juice.
      I have suddenly blur vision. I wonder why...
      I'm must be dreaming. I become lucid. But the dream is not stable. I can't move with my dream head nor with my eyes. I see only floor - orange tiles. Is this because of galantamine? No, it can't be... Or maybe it's sleep paralysis in the dream - what a nonsense I tell to myself. I remember that I wanna do March totm - to pinch someone who is not wearing a green clothes. My granma had orange bathrobe, so she is perfect subject. Only problem is that I can't see her and I can't move my head. I try to move with my arm. Yes it works, I try to palpate granma. I feel her foot in my hand. Great! Now I pinch her. Firstly I do a soft pinch. She say nothing. Okay, lets try it little harder. She say something like: Yau. Okay lets pinch her really hard, and she was like Yauuuu, but she say no more. I wake up.

      lucidity 1,5
      vivacity 1,5
      control 3
      time 4m

      LD Waltz in the bedroom
      After first lucid I wasn't moving at all and I started to hear really loud and annoying voices in my head. I though that I'm mad now... I think that was because of galantamine.
      I have false awakening in a bedroom. I stand up and looking across the room. Walpaper on the wall is rich staurated with color. It feel to me strange these colors. There dancing people in evening dresses and they do waltz dance. I say to myself, come on! This is easy, this is deffinitely a dream!!! I was really excited and I remember that I want to do three step taks. My first task is flying. I have to go out of the building. I run to the next room. There is a some kind of doctor in black blazer and he looks like psychologist. I could interact with him, noo that's the second step, I must fly first. There is a window, but it closed and it has window shutters on. I'm good in going through a wall. So I stand againts the wall and run toward it. Bam, i hit it with my nose. The second try - BAM!!! My head! Ok lets focus, I will run throught the wall now, I can do it easily, I'done it so many times, I tell to myself. Run fast agains it and BAAAAAAAAAAAAM! It knocked me down to the ground, it was a little painful experience. Okay lets open this old way DD. I open the shutters and I put my head out of the window. I smell fresh ground aftar raining. It's so real. I doubt my dream state for a second before I will run out of the window I need to be sure. I'm looking to the doctor, yeahh this is deffinitely a dream. I run out of the window and slowly fly to the road. I see black car at our neighbor. I can go interact with him. But first, I need to do my stabilization technique. I lay on the ground and start to feel all my body. I scrub the road with my body. I see mud there and I lick it. It's dream mud, but it taste like a real mud YUF!!! I focus on sounds. I hear something and my thought was: isn't this sounds from real world? And because of this idea, I wake up.

      lucidity 1
      control 2
      vivacity 1
      time 7m

      9:40 After I've written all my dreams to my laptop, I decided to go to sleep again, because my gf is still sleeping

      LD Atempt to teleport by quick blink
      I'm alone in my car in the back seat. There is beautiful sunny day and the sun is going to set. I think how I get there? Why I'm here alone? The car is so spacious, I think to myself that I could live here. I don't get that this is lucid yet. It was all wierd, but I'm still not lucid. I see a car coming. It's friend from my highschool with a girl. I did't see him like two years. This car is not looking good, he would never bought such a scrap. I don't want to talk to him, so I hide. I make up a story why, I'm alone and in the back seat. Is it sign fo shyness? My car begin to jiggle. It was like on the sea. It jiggle increasingly. I look out of the window, if there is water beneath. No water, just sandy road. This is impossible! I must be dreaming! I immeadately recall what is the next second and third step task - interact with a dc and teleport. I fly up thrhough the front glass of my car with eyes open. I did't feel the glass at all. I land close to them. How are you today??? And I kiss the girl on her cheeks, I wanna do the same with the boy, but he push me away and look unpleasantly. Okay, nevermind... Next step - teleportation. I'm struggling with teleportation and I need to practice it more and become better. I will teleport by blink of my eyes, to whatever location. Okay, here we go, I look to the road and blink. Nothing happened. Second try - blink. SMAAAASH TO MY FACE totally new enviroment with brick road and different trees and everything. It was like blow my brain, so quick change!!! It was no pleasant and I think I immediately lost my lucidity or wake up. So I think I can't count this like successful teleportation.

      lucidity 1
      vivacity 1,5
      control 2
      time 6m

      If you see a bug or a grammar mistake in my English, especially if you are a native speaker, you are welcome to point it out, I would be happy to learn something. I wrote it pretty fast though...
      lucid , task of the month
    7. Ld #29

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:26 PM
      LD #29 – Where’s my wife?
      In my dream I was in a high-rise hotel in some large city. I desperately needed to use the bathroom. I entered a huge bathroom with a white marble tiled floor; the only other feature was a toilet. The entire wall next to the toilet was made of huge plate glass windows. From those windows I could see another building right next to this one. I “took a seat” and a bunch of people appeared in the windows of the building next to mine. They were all looking at me, pointing and laughing. I was very embarrassed. I dove for a curtain string which had suddenly appeared, and drew the large dark blue curtains closed blocking the windows. Suddenly the strangeness of this situation dawns on me. I look at my left hand and count 8 fingers, yet I doubt the RC because the dream is so vivid. I count again and I have 8 fingers. I am lucid. On impulse I decide to try and walk through the nearest wall. I walk up to it and press my body against it……..it feels cool against my face, but I don’t pass through it. My mind shifts gears and I have a better idea……I will try to find my wife. I walk out of the door and I am at the top of a set of stairs. There is a marble brass banister and I jump on it and slide down. I am in the lobby of the hotel. It is huge, with a stained glass sky light, rose marble tiled floor, a dark cherry wood front desk with brass fixtures, and brass elevator doors. There are many people around, but the one that caught my attention was a blonde woman wearing a bright yellow dress. I run to her, put my hand on her shoulder and turn her to face me. She looks very scared. I say, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just need to know where my wife is.” She points to my right and replies, “She is in the conference room, that way.” I turn to look in that direction and I see some kind of show going on in the middle of the lobby. There is a crowd of people standing around watching several people dancing. I ask, “What are they doing?” The woman replies, “They are practicing for the Nutcracker.” I move away from the woman in yellow and head in the direction she pointed. The crowd and dancers are blocking my way so I decide to dance my way through the crowd. I push my way past the on-lookers and into the area where the dancers are. I begin to jump, twirl and levitate in a dance that is silly and yet inhumanly amazing (in my opinion). At one point I leap over two of the dancers and hover in the air long enough to spin completely around. I land and start down a long hall searching for the conference room, but I can’t find a door. The dream fades and I wake up.
      Wow!! July is a good month for LD.
    8. Ld #28

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:26 PM
      LD# 28 "I look like James Taylor???" (Brief LD - a mirror makes me lucid again!)
      In my dream I was standing in front of a bathroom mirror. I was in a bathroom that I didn't recognize in RL, but I was comfortable there in my dream. My reflection looked like James Taylor. The top of my head was completely bald and I have long hair in the back. I am very upset that I am bald and I am trying to figure out a way to comb my hair over to hide my baldness. Suddenly I realize that my reflection doesn't look like me and that I'm not really bald. I realize I'm dreaming and look at my left hand. I have 8 fingers. I am lucid. I walk out of the bathroom. The door opens up directly to the outside. I am ontop of a low grassy hill. I run forward and jump into the air. I am flying superman style about 30ft off of the ground. I only fly a short distance when I see a beautiful blonde woman wearing a bright yellow one peice bathing suit to my left. She is standing in a grassy field. The urge for sex takes over yet again. I alter my flight and sore over to her. I land and immediately begin to strip her bathing suit off......but I wake up before I even remove the shoulder straps.
    9. Ld #27

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:24 PM
      LD #27 - Sex with Mud???
      I was a bit hesitant to post this LD because it is embarrassing. Please be warned that this post may get a bit graphic, but I will try to keep it as clean as possible.
      I was having a dream where I was still in high school. I knew that I had been out of school for the last 2 days because I was sick & I wanted to stay home again. But somehow I had ended up at school wearing only my underwear and bathrobe. I was desperately trying to find a way to get home, when suddenly I realized how ridiculous this entire situation was. I looked at my left hand and counted 8 fingers. I am lucid. I looked around. I was in a school building that I didn’t recognize in RL. The exit door was to my right and I walked out. I was standing on top of a small rocky hill & it was night. I looked up to the sky. It was brilliantly lit with thousands of stars (no moon). It was absolutely beautiful. I stood there for a moment considering what to do. Ultimately, I couldn’t resist just flying. I leapt into the cool night air and flew hundreds of feet upward in seconds. There is nothing like flying in an LD. I began to hum the Superman theme song (I have done this before in LD’s) as I flew. I hovered hundreds of feet in the air for a moment and then shot downward, feet first. I hit the ground hard and willed it to be like a trampoline. I bounced off of the springy ground and shot back into the air, doing 3 forward flips in the process. I felt so free. I decided to do that again. I hovered and darted downward, but this time when I hit the ground I sank into it. It felt like I landed in thick warm mud. I sank up to my waist. I was initially annoyed with this situation,
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      I jump to my feet and run from the room. I realize I am wearing only my underwear as I am running down the hallway desperately trying to find a bathroom so I can clean up…………I wake up to RL at this moment. I did not have a wet dream in RL.

      Updated 03-18-2014 at 12:25 PM by 68290

    10. LD # 26 (+ some more interesting dreams)

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:23 PM
      5/23/06 – Failed RC – In my dream I was being attacked by a bear. It had me pinned on the ground and was standing over me with its maw wide open, its huge teeth inches from my face. I was horrified. Suddenly I realize how strange this situation was and wondered (or desperately hoped) that I was dreaming. I was trying to remain perfectly still, trying to play dead….yet I needed to look at my hand to do an RC. I shifted my hand slightly, glanced at my fingers out of the corner of my eye and counted….1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I panicked at this point because I believed that I was awake. I closed my eyes tight and waited for the bear to sink its teeth into my throat. I then woke up.

      5/28/06 – Successful RC, but woke up. I has woken at 5 a.m. and then dozed back off, only to find myself walking down a path in the woods. I knew that I had just been awake moments earlier and looked at my left hand. I counted 8 fingers and realized I was dreaming, but I wasn’t “asleep” enough. I could still hear the sound of my air conditioner which brought me back to consciousness, and I awoke.

      LD #26 – “I want a donut!”
      Just before bed I was discussing with my wife my next LD goal. I have given up refined sugar in my diet, but today we were at a friend’s house and there was a big plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table. I really wanted to have one, but resisted. I told her, as we lay in bed, how I wanted to get lucid in a dream and eat piles of candy, cookies or what ever else I could get my hands on. We laughed about it and then went to sleep.
      I had woken up and looked at the clock at 3:34 a.m. I dozed back off and found myself in my car with Mike (a guy I work with). I was driving. I took a left onto a steep, snow covered road and my car began to slip. I knew we would never make it to the top. Suddenly I remembered that I had just been awake and that I was dreaming. I didn’t bother doing an RC, I knew I was dreaming. I turn to Mike and say, “Watch this.” I hold my hands out to my sides (like I’m performing a magic trick) and will the snow to evaporate. All the snow melts away and turns to steam within 3 seconds. I smile. I remember my goal to eat some sweat junk food. I take hold of the steering wheel and continue to drive up the hill. I see a building on my left and will it be a bakery. I pull into the parking lot and park the car. I jump out and walk into the bakery, only to find that it is abandoned. The display cases are all empty, there are old pans and junk scattered all around. I am disappointed. Mike has entered the building. I say to him, “Come with me.” He responds, “I don’t think this is going to work.” I walk out of the bakery, so that my back is to the building, and will it to become a Dunkin Donuts. I turn around and the sigh on the front is a pink and orange Dunkin Donuts sign. I walk back in, and the lights are on……..but it is still abandoned. I think to myself, ‘This is my dream and I want some donuts.’ I begin searching around and find a pan that has a single munchkin (donut hole) on it. It is a honey glazed with a maraschino cherry on top. I grab it and pop it into my mouth. The only thing I can taste is the maraschino cherry (not my favorite thing). Again, I am disappointed. Then I hear Mike’s voice, “Hey! I found the donuts!” I begin to run to were he is, but the dream fades and I wake up.
      Wow! It seems that finding junk food in my dreams is just as difficult as having sex. Who would have thought??? ??:
    11. LD # 25 (+ an LD I don't count)

      by , 03-09-2014 at 07:21 PM
      Shower at my ex-wife's house.
      In my dream I was at my ex-wife's house (for some strange reason). Some how I had gotten mud all over myself. I went into the bathroom, took off my cloths and got in the shower. Suddenly I realize that my current wife will flip-out if she finds out I took a shower at my ex-wife's house. Then I realize that this situation is too strange to be real. I look at my left hand and count 8 fingers. I am lucid. But I decide that I just want to wake up. I close my eyes and will myself to wake up. I open my eyes in reality and realize that I just wasted a LD opportunity.
      Oh well, live and learn.

      LD #25 - "John Flanigan is dead!"
      In my dream I was at work. But I wasn't in my usual building. Yet all my co-workers were there walking around. Suddenly I see John Flanigan (a guy I went to high school with). But I remember that he died about 7 years ago. I do an RC by looking at my left hand........I have 9 fingers. The urge for sex is right there, but this time I realize that I can skip all the formalities (like removing cloths). I see a woman walking down the hall away from me. She has a very nice body from the back and long black hair. She is wearing blue jeans and a white top. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Her body is firm and warm.
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      I really wake up at this point. I did not have an orgasm in RL.

      Updated 03-18-2014 at 12:26 PM by 68290

    12. 6th Lucid, Old Book store 08-03-2014

      by , 03-09-2014 at 06:36 PM
      I was in what looked like a shopping center. It was completely empty. Night time.
      I remember that I'm wondering around thinking about Lucid Dreaming.
      I'm walking and I look at some Flyer. I read the title (can't remember) turn around a look again( RC ). I realize I can't really read anything at this point. Everything is fuzzy, awkward and changing. It looks like one of those cards from Harry Potter.
      I realize I'm dreaming .
      I immediately feel a rush of adrenaline and I'm highly excited. I look at my hands carefully trying to calm myself down.
      I was repeating to myself, 'Don't you wake up"...
      I realize now that that's a mistake because. Just the tough of waking up in my head.
      I lean against a wall and place my hands really close to my face. I look at them and at the wall trying to stabilize. The wall is just beautiful. Purple and transparent. I remember thinking that both the walls and my hands are at least as clear and real as in waking reality. It's awesome.
      I'm calmer now.
      I'm thinking what should I do. I don't wan't to do anything too extreme that will eventually wake me or makes me loose lucidity.
      So I just walk a little further and there's this little antique bookstore.
      At this point I ignore what I ha just planned for this dream and imagine that Angelina Jolie is waiting for me inside
      I walk in and there's no one inside.
      After a little while a girl walks in. I believe sh'e the owner.
      Things get really private here.
      I believe that i'm losing lucidity here.

      Wake up after on or two minutes.
    13. Ld #24

      by , 03-09-2014 at 06:00 PM
      LD #24 - Lost Lucidity and became Jimmy Neutron.
      This was a brief LD.
      I woke up at 5am this morning and then dozed back off thinking about lucid dreaming.
      I find myself in my parent’s driveway. There is a large blue pick-up truck parked there. A dark haired woman is putting her kids (3 of them, ranging in age from 3 to 10ish). I know without doing an RC that I am dreaming. The urge for sex is there and I walk over to the woman. I look into her brown eyes and say, "Come with me. I want to talk to you." My intention is to have sex with her once we move away from her children. But....I stop right there. I fight off the urge for sex, knowing I will just wake up. I jump into the air superman style and fly as fast as I can (felt like 100 mph) straight up into the sky. When I reach about 200ft I stop and hover. I look around and can see for miles in every direction. Suddenly I can feel the dream slipping away. I begin to lose visuals. I begin to rub my hands together, focusing on the feeling. I can also feel myself drifting down like a feather. I keep rubbing my hands together desperate to stay in the dream. I land face down on the ground (which I still can't see). Everything comes into focus. I am in my Parents yard, next to the driveway. I have landed on some strange plant that looks like a patch of tall grass. I notice there are shiny black wasps flying all around it, and I panic. I have lost lucidity. I am now Jimmy Neutron and I have a spray can full of special liquid I developed that will make the wasps friendly. I begin spraying the wasps with the spray.............I wake up.
    14. Ld #23

      by , 03-09-2014 at 05:58 PM
      LD #23 – “I have no towel! Naked in the coed locker room.”
      My step daughter woke up at 3am last night. After she fell back to sleep I began focusing on having an LD and it worked. I kept repeating in my mind, “I am dreaming, I am dreaming, I am dreaming……..” until I fell back to sleep.
      I found myself in a large shower stall, naked. I hear voices on the other side of the shower curtain, female voices. I peek out and realize that I am in a college locker room and it is a unisex locker room. There are at least 5 college girls outside of my shower stall. I look around and notice that I have not towel or cloths! Suddenly I realize that this situation is VERY unrealistic. I glance down at my hand and count my fingers. I have 6. I count again to be sure and again I count 6. I’m lucid. I look up from my hand and I’m no longer in the shower stall or locker room. I am outside, standing in front of some kind of shopping center. The urge for sex takes over, yet again. (I suppose that being naked in a locker room with college girls a few seconds earlier played strongly into this situation.) To my left is a large sign (aprox 10ft tall by 20ft wide) it is risen off of the ground by about 2ft on 2 poles. I can see the legs of 3 women walking behind it. The first woman has on red, white & blue striped knee high socks and black shoes. She is about 6ft in front of the other two women. As she clears the sign I am shocked to see that she has no body…….only a set of woman’s legs, from mid thigh down, comes walking out from behind the sign. I just laugh at this. The other two women clear the sign and they are fully formed and take no notice of the pair of legs walking 6ft in front of them. One of the women is a pretty blonde wearing a long tan trench coat. I walk up to her, put my arm around her waist, look deeply into her blue eyes and say “come with me.” She nods and I begin to escort her toward a door leading into a close by building. I will the room on the other side to be empty. Before I even open the door I wake up.

      I really need to get control of the urge for sex. I truly believe that if I had decided to fly or do something else the LD would have lasted much longer.
    15. Ld #22

      by , 03-09-2014 at 05:57 PM
      LD #22 – “Heath fell out of the window.”
      Wow! It’s been a while since I’ve had an LD. I have been focused on so many other things (Back into weight training, school, work, family, etc.) that LD’s are rarely on my mind. I still do RC’s when I think of it, but it isn’t as often as I’d like. The natural outcome of less RC’s is less LD’s.

      I am at a college. I am comfortable there, but in reality I have no idea what college this was. I am walking into a dorm with a kid I knew back in junior high named Heath Myers. The dorm building looks like an old ski lodge. We walk up some old wooden steps that run up the side of the building to the second floor, and enter. We are in a common room were that are a bunch of college kids. There are 3 stereo-typical nerd guys sitting on a couch. Suddenly, Heath jumps out of the window. I run over and look out just in time to see and hear him hit the pavement below. He lands, belly-flop style on the pavement which makes a sickening sound (like a huge piece of raw meat hitting the floor). I think, ‘Oh my God! He must be dead!’ Then Heath gets up and brushes the dirt off of his cloths and walks away. I am surprised to see that he was completely uninjured, and didn’t even break his glasses. I move away from the window and sit in a small chair facing the three nerds. I speak to them, “Maybe Heath is a super hero and we never knew it?” They just stare at me. Then something clicks in my head. “Or maybe I’m dreaming?” I look at my left hand and count out loud, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven……..HEY! I HAVE SEVEN FINGERS!!” I am lucid. I stand up and move over to a large wooden table. I decide to use super strength (sticking to the super hero feeling of the dream). I lift my fists up over my head and slam them down on the table. My fists hit hard, but the outcome is more like reality. The table doesn’t break. I think to myself, ‘this is my dream and I can do anything I want.’ I try again and this time the table smashes in to several large pieces. I move to the window and punch the glass, shattering it. I move to fly out the window and notice some jagged pieces of glass clinging to the frame. Worried that I might cut myself I begin to brush them off. Then I think, ‘What are you doing? This is a dream! You don’t have to worry about getting cut!’ I laugh to myself and fly, superman style, out of the window. I fly right into some maple trees. There are many branches around me and I maneuver around them like I’m under water. I finally get out of them and push off and fly to another dorm building. I land at the bottom of another set of wooden stairs. The urge for sex takes over and I will this place to be the girls’ dorm. I run up the stairs and burst through the door. I am in a common room, but there are no people in it. I see another set of stairs that leads up to the bedrooms. I run up those stairs and find closed door. I focus my will on having a naked woman, in a bed on the other side of the door. I open the door and there is a mattress on the floor. I see a figure of a woman beneath a green blanket. I move over to the mattress and slip under the blankets. I realize that I suddenly have no cloths on. The woman has her back to me, and I move up close to her naked body. I never see her face but I can feel her warm flesh against mine. (It gets a bit pornographic at this point……..) I penetrate her from behind and begin to thrust gently. It feels amazing. My entire body is tingling with extreme sexual stimulation. I can feel my heart pounding as I continue to thrust. The feeling of orgasm approaching quickly………..and I wake up. My heart is racing in real life as well.

      Wow! This is the first time I’ve gotten this far with sex in a dream, and it was amazing!