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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Night of Thursday 12/28/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-29-2023 at 04:29 PM (Dreamlog)
      Glitchy Holodeck:

      I'm sleeping on a couch at DR's house (where I actually am).
      The room's lighting looks darker than usual.
      I reflect that since I am sleeping somewhere relatively unfamiliar, maybe I will be more likely to become lucid from my body being more alert.
      It occurs to me that I haven't done a RC for some time.
      I plug my nose, breathe, and realize that I can breathe through it.
      I'm dreaming.
      I hardly believe it at first, but I repeat a few times to confirm.
      I have trouble getting up from the couch, feels like moving through thick mud, but I get to my feet.
      I recall wanting to travel by pretending I am in the Holodeck from Star Trek.
      "Computer, send me to the forest!" I say outloud.
      Nothing happens. The dream fades.
      I "wake-up" on the couch again, but I immediately do another nose RC to keep lucidity.
      I repeat the same steps but have no success.
      Eventually I wake up and the RC shows I am truly awake this time.

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:41 PM by 99808

      Tags: close people
    2. Unformatted Ramblings

      by , 12-22-2023 at 06:17 AM
      Been laying in bed for hours asleep, but fully aware as though awake.

      I can’t feel my body, it’s floating weightlessly in space. There’s a soft wave of energy slowly undulating through me, like the lulling sway of a hammock, but it’s inside of me.

      My mind isn’t focussed on anything in particular, but there’s a constant feeling of tension that binds me inside my own body. Technically, I can move, but reality seems frozen. Time seems frozen.

      I stare ahead at the door and watch the light move between the cracks as my perceptions distort to my will. I can make them flicker or move in the direction I want. I can make sounds turn off or on.

      Meager control over my perceptions brings me comfort, but still frozen, knowing that it’s not real. I can only dream of having control over reality.

      I tell myself that I need to get up… Gotta move forward with time because time is moving without me.

      Eventually I get up… I check the clock and note that several hours have passed.

      Then indecision binds me again. I don’t know what to do. I lay back down after my muscles ache from sitting in one spot for too long.

      This goes on all day. Rinse and repeat.

      I dreamed that my old house was trying to kill me last night. Same old. I’m glad the new one doesn’t do that.
    3. lost race, gained lucidity

      by , 12-22-2023 at 06:08 AM
      I was following a small boy through a sandy path in the desert. We then turned around, and he challenged me to a race, I accepted. I tried to run, but I was so slow he was beating me, I thought "How the hell am I losing to a six year old?" [COLOR="#008000"]I then remembered that I usually can't run properly in dreams. I stopped, and then I was in his garage, there was a large window. I wondered if there was going to be a brain outside, and there was. I asked the boy about it and he said it was just an image or something. I realized I felt like i had drempt about that garage before so I asked him if it was going to become one of those persistent realms, and I forgot what he said. [/COLOR]

      I was in a room which was very slanted, I was with my mother and a few distant relatives. The room was slanted because it was in the sky, and the doors were two grocery store doors. One of them would occasionally open a crack and close, so I was nervous around them, and I felt a duty to try to keep them closed when the distant relatives dog was walking near them. It opened a crack, so I pushed the dog away and held the door shut. One of the relatives then pushed a switch that I had just realized existed, and it didn't do anything.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Invisibility of The Mind (Training)

      by , 12-16-2023 at 07:39 PM
      Dreamed about having sleep paralysis last night. My dog climbed onto my chest in the dream and started staring and growing at the window where something black started phasing into existence.
      I turned to my significant other and realized it was just a dream my SO suddenly spoke in an amused demonic voice.
      "I can't help you now~"

      I immediately woke myself up from the nightmare, did some emotional grounding, then went back to sleep.

      In the next dream, I took an alternate form and was at an outdoor training facility featuring a round pie-shaped field. Each section had a door to the next, but to reach it, one had to cross that section of the field.

      There were various obstacles in each section and cheats like flight, teleportation etc. were prohibited.
      You had to face what was in the field.

      As I stood at the gate of the first section, I saw a tall black figure standing in the field, motionless, waiting.
      Despite me being in plain sight behind the gate, it didn't see me. It didn't navigate with the usual senses.
      As I stepped past the threshhold of the gate, it noticed and turned towards me (with fluid movement, no walking despite having the appearance of legs).
      So I stepped back out, and it seemed to lose sight of me again.

      Recognizing that it navigated reality through pure consciousness and not perception, I cleared my mind. No emotions, no thoughts, as if I didn't exist, so it wouldn't detect me.
      I re-entered the field with my mind empty and began to move towards the door at the opposite end of the field, just as fluidly as the being. No walking, just floating above the ground in stillness.

      I found more of the same figures in the next chambers, and continued on with the same strategy until it stopped working a few chambers in.
      Maybe it was my inability to hold that state for long enough, or maybe it was that they were getting smarter, I don't know.
      But one of them noticed as I was halfway through the field, unable to make a quick exit no matter which direction I went in.
      As it moved closer, I could feel something warping, pulling, idk how to describe it. This uncomfortable sensation, as if all the blood in my body was being sucked towards the figure.
      I decided to give up the stealth and just sprinted towards the next door in a quick burst. It worked.
      That strategy continued to work in the next room.

      I never made it to the end because I was eventually caught in a field with multiples of the figure. The blood-pulling sensation intensified uncomfortably and I woke myself up before they could touch me.

      Updated 12-16-2023 at 08:43 PM by 99032

      lucid , nightmare
    5. The Trials and Tribulations of Trucker Life

      by , 12-14-2023 at 06:17 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      It starts out in an apartment, presumably around the Arden-north highlands area by the look of it. I was with a various group of people when a bullet crashes through the window. Me and everyone else get down in an attempt to save ourselves as we figure out the hitman's target. Turns out it's this woman who was with us. The shooter enters the apartment and I ask why he's doing this. He says it's because she won't reply to him on tumblr, which seems to activate a pity response in everyone, so we hug him and tell him everything is okay.

      After that situation settles, I, who for some reason am some heavy set white middle aged trucker dude in this dream, not unlike muscle man's dad from regular show, exit the apartment, climb down the stairs, and realize that in the space between buildings a couple of guy fawkes mask wearing killers are approaching me. Being aware of the dream at this point, I attempt to fly away to the bus stop I was intending to catch, and then I wake up, however I can't completely do so. I lose visual of the dream, but the audio is clear as ever, as well as the sensation of a blond kid pestering me about my wings and how his brother has the same ones.

      In the faux waking world, I am in the room of my childhood home at night, dodging various vague figures in the shadows whose existence is merely implied. I try various things, including screaming, singing "bring me to life" by evanescence, which comes out as pathetic whimpering, and hobbling over to the light switch whenever my attempts very briefly succeed enough for me to be semi-conscious. My entire body felt numb but I realized I had leverage whenever I scratched the back of my thigh relatively deeply. In the dream I was in front of a post as I was singing bring me to life while scratching myself, and eventually it works and I finally do wake up. Turns out I was literally just being restrained by my fiance, who was nearly sleeping ON me.
    6. wednes day morning

      by , 12-14-2023 at 03:40 AM
      I was in the back of the car, waiting outside a grocery store. My father opened the door and sat in the drivers seat. I saw my cat Cole running away. I didn't tell anybody for some reason and we drove off. They pulled into our driveway, and my mother finally asked where Cole was, I felt really guilty, but I told her I didn't know, and father said she must have run off. I saw a cat like shape outside my window, I thought that maybe it was Cole, so I packed the baby raccoons which I had tricked my parents into thinking were kittens into a small carrier. I was about to open the car door, when he informed me that the cat I thought I saw was actually a large owl. I looked back and it was in fact an owl.

      I was in a Home Depot parking lot, I walked around the building looking for my parent's car, and i couldn't find it, so I went back into the home depot, except the building was empty. The lights suddenly flashed off, and [COLOR="#008000"]I noticed a bass guitar on the wall, and I was completely sure that Home Depot didn't sell them, I pinched my nose and breathed through it just to be sure, and then grabbed it and went outside. I plucked one of the strings, and then without touching my hand to the fret board, I played a lower note on the same string, I did this a few more times, and the fading started. [/COLOR]
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. sleep thing and gravity garden

      by , 12-12-2023 at 08:25 PM
      [COLOR="#008000"]I suddenly became aware I had no body and was in a black void. I recognized it as a state of sleep so I decided to wake up.[/COLOR] I was under a bed. I crawled out and decided I needed to stop sleeping under beds, because they were slightly uncomfortable to crawl out of.

      I was climbing on a plant which was just big enough to support my weight. There was one small twig poking out of the branch I was standing on, so I decided to turn it. I felt my weight start to pull me up so I pulled a leaf off a nearby tree and watched as it fell into the sky. I turned the twig back into its normal position and gravity went back to normal. Some other person was with me, we jumped to the ground. there was a woman under the nearby tree who was closely watching an ant hill. I jumped up on the fence in front of her, narrowly avoiding a green spider, so she blew a whistle at me a few times, and the person who was with me told me to run. I jumped off the fence and ran few feet up the path. I was then distracted my a pale pink lizard frog thing. I grabbed my bug net out of hammerspace and caught it. The person started saying something to me.

      Updated 01-31-2024 at 05:13 AM by 100014

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Night of Friday 12/8/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-11-2023 at 11:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Hands Observation and High Jumps:

      I'm in some foreign place. There is sand, mountains, and two sets of railroad tracks side by side. I'm standing in middle of the two railroad track sets.
      There is a train coming toward me.
      There are also cars coming, but they aren't on the tracks.
      At first I'm trying to use a hearthstone (From the MMORPG World of Warcraft) to teleport away, but it isn't going to be fast enough.
      I get out of the way, and then notice there are two people approaching me.
      One of them is an older woman, and the other is a younger man.
      Neither of them speak English, and I realize I'm in a foreign country.
      Despite this, they begin to speak and I understand anyway.
      They ask me what language I speak, so I tell them American.
      Upon hearing this, the older woman grabs my arm and starts to pull on me.
      I get the impression she wants to capture me because I am American. Ill intent.
      My first thought is that I need to get out of the situation.
      I pull out my phone and look around at places I could use my hearthstone to teleport to.
      I start to think about my childhood home, and I see a pin on a Maps app.
      It occurs to me that my phone shouldn't be giving me the ability to teleport, even if I had a hearthstone.

      I realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a nose RC.
      At this point I look up from my phone and notice I'm now in a small shed.
      No longer concerned about the danger the old woman posed, I recall that I wanted to test looking at my hands.
      I hold them in front of me, and I notice there are seven or so fingers.
      I look away and back to the hands a few times, noting how the number of fingers changed.
      It did vary, but it was always more than five fingers.

      I open the door leading out of the shed, and I'm hit with a vibrant green scene.
      It's a backyard from my childhood neighborhood, somewhat resembling BM's yard.
      I make a mental note to not try anything to crazy, not wanting the dream to end too fast.
      I step out, and I notice there is another house down the way. I decide that I'm going to fly over there, and land.
      I jump up into the air, and fly over the street. I start looking down for a place to land, and struggle to make myself go down where I want, but I do land there.
      Instead of continuing to fly, I decide to sit down and observe the dream from this rooftop.
      I see a big, man-made lake on the horizon. There are three husky-dogs playing on the frozen surface, and a fourth one that has fallen into a hole in the ice.
      The huskies, strangely, are laughing somehow. Maybe it was sounds similar to laughing that a dog could make. Tough to describe.
      It's a light-hearted scenario, the dog isn't in danger. I start to laugh too.
      I'm sitting at an outdoor patio table with a family. My Mom is there.
      I've lost some lucidity by this point.
      I get up and leave the table, remembering that there was more stuff I wanted to do with the lucid dream.

      I'm back to lucidity again.
      There's a cake on a side table nearby, and I think to grab a plate and get a slice...but then I remember this is a dream and that doesn't matter.
      So, I grab into the cake with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb, grab a chunk, and take a bite.
      It tastes maybe 90% like a buttercream sheet-cake. Pretty close!
      I notice a kid watching me nearby, but I'm not concerned if he sees me doing lucid dream stuff.
      I see a house nearby and decide I want to not fly, but do some flip jumps like Goku from Dragonball Z.
      So I jump once, make it to the first house, and then the next, and the next, until I am pretty high up.
      I land on a chimney.

      I'm sitting at a table again outside, and there is a family behind me playing.
      The dad looks like my landlord, C.
      He has a son, who has a girlfriend there.
      The boyfriend jumps forward and vaults off the girlfriend. It is played off as a joke.
      I tell the boyfriend, nice jump!

      Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:25 PM by 99808

    9. Juliana Vs JadeGreen One

      by , 12-06-2023 at 05:34 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I woke up at 5:00 AM to WBTB and took AlphaGPC and Galantamine. My recall of the dream isn't perfect because I had a couple hours of dreams after this dream was over.

      Juliana Vs JadeGreen One (MILD) 12.06.2023

      I am in a dream that is based on The Last of Us. The dream starts out with the beginning of the outbreak and gets to the point where there are survivors living in small walled-off communities. I remmeber part of the dream I was fighting a zombie with a can of beans, trying vainly to crush his skull in. Later on, it is a nice sunny day and I am outside the wall. There are no zombies around and I become lucid spontaneously from my MILD and supplements. I fly up in the air before thinking about my goals. It feels good to fly again because it has been a while. Then I remember I was supposed to spectate Jay and Hade sparring. I fly back down and find them in the road. I tell them to get ready and say, "Jay, take out your wand." She does and I say, "3, 2, 1, Fight!"

      Hade fires up his jets (although the fire is invisible for some reason.) and Jay starts the somatic components to cast a spell. Hade closes the short distance and sumersaults in the air so he can kick Jay's wand out of her hand. Hre wand goes flying and he follows up with a kick to her center of mass.

      I remmeber Manei should be here so I turn around and Manei is there. I give her a hug and turn around to see the fight is over and Hade won. I talked with Jay a bit after this but I can't remember what we said or what happens next.
    10. Elminster and Strangespace

      by , 12-04-2023 at 01:29 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I took a nap and had this dream! I wish I could remember more of it.

      Elminster and Strangespace (DILD) 12.03.2023

      I don't remember how this dream started or how I became lucid but I am moving into a new apartment and know it's a dream. I must have summoned Elminster (Elminster is one of my tulpas. This is the second time he has shown up in a dream!) or he showed up because I was talking to him. Later on, we went to the grocery store together to get ice cream. I lose lucidity while waiting for a woman to get out of the way for El and me to get our ice cream. After she is gone I am amazed that I can see him so clearly next to me. I am talking to him out loud and know that no one else can see him so I must look crazy. I wake up for a bit.

      I quickly fall back asleep into a dream. I am in my new apartment with friends I don't recognize and we are playing D&D. I am DMing and the party gets trapped in a demi plane that might have been one in my setting called Strangespace. It was a maze of interconnecting rooms that sometimes loops back on itself in impossible ways and is filled with monsters. Suddenly, I found myself actually living out the life of a character in the game instead of sitting around a table. We are so scared and are trying to escape.

      We finally make it far enough away from where we started to find other "friendly" humanoids. They strike a deal with us to show us the way out. Ultimately we fail to follow up on the deal and have to go to court to defend ourselves. Then I wake up again.
    11. Night of Wednesday 11/29/23 & Morning of Thursday 11/30/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-01-2023 at 04:09 AM (Dreamlog)
      Working Recovery:

      I'm at work, outside, on the garden path between buildings.
      NH from high-school marching band is there.
      He has some kind of injury to one arm and to one leg.
      The injuries, are exceptionally gory, like stumps where the hand and foot should be.
      NH seems like he is in a good mood regardless.
      I'm on the production floor, but the office cube area is reversed from left/right and under construction.
      There is a tarp that goes over all the cubes, indicating that they are inaccessible.
      Later I'm with NH at a back-area of the production floor.
      His injuries seem to be lesser now, with just bruised limbs where the stumps once were.

      I woke up after about 7.5 hours of sleep (11PM to 630AM) and then stayed up for about 45 minutes before going to sleep on the couch for a morning nap.

      False Awakening:

      I'm at home and taking out the trash. I notice that there are a few more trash/recycle cans than there should be. About 4 or 5 against the expected 2.
      I do a nose-RC and become lucid. I recall the 'pre-flight check' from Daniel Love's book, so I decide to attempt that.
      I say outloud "this is a dream, nothing is real, nothing can hurt me."
      I look around the yard, trying to interact and stabilize the dream.
      But this only lasts a few seconds or so, and the world fades.

      I vaguely recall trying to fit my hands into some kind of gardening pot by the front door or side of the house.
      I 'wake up' on the couch, and my family is there. Dad, sister, brother, and my friend DR.
      We are taking turns playing a VR game, where the perspective of the person playing the game shows on the TV.
      Later I'm in a different room, with pillars on four sides and 'open concept' entry ways.
      I'm struggling with some straps on the VR setup for my arms.
      There were also two different sizes for the VR goggles, and a smaller one fits me better.

      Recorded at 940AM.

      Updated 12-02-2023 at 12:39 AM by 99808

      lucid , false awakening
    12. Three Bears

      by , 11-30-2023 at 02:50 AM
      I visited a bear in the forest who needed help climbing a tree. It was an old bear who couldn't climb anymore.
      There was one mid-aged bear partway up the tree, and a baby bear high up where the branches were breaking.
      They couldn't get the baby bear without the tree breaking, which would cause the baby to fall and possibly be injured.
      So I entered the body of the baby bear and helped it climb down (it didn't have the motor coordination on its own).
      The older bear then told me that they were all the same entity and the three of them combined into one.
      Tags: baby, bears, life, stages, tree
    13. Night of Friday 11/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 11-25-2023 at 07:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Bulldog:

      I'm sitting on a patio chair looking out to a sunrise. I'm high up, a few stories above the ground.
      The patio is made of large wood pieces, similar in style to Frontier Land from Disneyland. Within the lore of the dream, we had just built it (my Dad, sister, and I).
      I looked at my left hand and noticed that it had three fingers, and I looked at my right. It had four.

      I become lucid. The very next thought is that I want to learn more about my dreamworld, to serve me better later.
      So I decide to keep looking at my hands. They keep changing in finger count wildly, not fast or as if morphing, more like my brain kept trying to convince me that they had 'always been' said count.
      It was more like my perception was in flux than the actual visuals. Tough to describe.
      This activity doubles down on the fact that I truly am dreaming.

      I decide to get up and look around. I see a man down below in a pool, he's singing on a platform in the middle.
      Also, across the way there is another man singing. I listen to them for a while, but I can't recall the tune now.
      I noticed a bulldog down by my heel. I feel a massively comforting presence. I don't recognize this dog but I feel the comfort anyway.
      He is wearing some sort of skin(or should I say fur) tight dog-shirt.
      I remember that I should be stabilizing the dream, so I run my hands across the wood railing a bit.
      I notice that the patio is missing some pieces, and get concerned about the stability of the structure.
      I decide to go the the side of the house, and once I turn the corner, it represents the side of the house I'm living in now.

      The bull-dog is sitting in front of the gate that leads to the front yard. I go up to him and start to pet him.
      "Are you a bulldog?" I ask.
      "Yes, I am!" the bulldog replied with a British accent.
      "Can you tell more more about you so that I can find you in my world?" I ask.
      "Ohhh you shouldn't do that...because I have...my issue." the bulldog replies ominously.
      I notice he is drooling a bit.
      "Well, what is the issue?"
      "I....tend to wet the bed." the bulldog admits with some shame in his voice.
      I start to comfort the bulldog, but then I begin to lose lucidity.
      Instead, I start telling the bulldog a story of a recurring dream. It's about not making finals for marching band back in high-school.
      I try to recall the name of the girl who was our drum major who broke the news, but I can't remember her name (just her face).
      This isn't actually a recurring dream.
      An Asian girl appears behind him as if in response to the story, but she doesn't resemble anybody from it.
      At this point I seem to get my bearings, and I start to narrate what has happened up to now, to the bulldog.

      "So I've spent a lot of time in this dream letting things flow on their own, observing, doing RCs, keeping it low-key. Do you think it is OK if I try some dream control now?" I ask the bulldog.
      "Yes, that seems reasonable." the bulldog replies matter of factly.
      I walk forward and open the gate leading to the front yard.
      It's night-time over here.
      I remember that I want to try the teleport-sprint from another dream, so I position myself on the street with plenty of runway space in front of me.
      But there is a festival happening on the street. Lots of people. This prevents me from having space.
      I get the impression that the dream characters are not fans of what I am about to try, slightly hostile.
      They don't stop me when I went to find a new position, but one guy did bump me as I passed.
      I don't visualize a particular place. I break out into a sprint with the night-road in front of me and close my eyes.
      I feel my body shake, similar to the first time having a WILD transition. Feels like going through a wormhole.
      When I open my eyes, I see blackness. I assume I have woken up.

      I'm back on the patio with the sunrise, but this time I think I am awake.
      "Wow! What a cool lucid dream, I'd better go record it before I forget!" I think to myself.
      I enter the house through a doorwall and go to a computer.
      This home does not resemble one I have lived in.
      The computer has three or four monitors all setup, and looks super cool.
      Dream-me has a program setup that will record my dreams as audio, and then auto-tune them.
      So I narrate the previous dream as it happened in its entirety.
      I mess up the recording so I have to start and stop a few times.
      As I recorded it, the computer generated an animated movie, with the audio, as a musical.
      The graphics resembled Final Fantasy VII: Remake's.
      I'm invested in making the video good.
      I'm back in my actual bed. My girlfriend is by me, and so is a dog. It may have been a german-shepherd.
      Strangely, my sister is at the foot of the bed.
      We're awake because we are concerned that there is an intruder in the house.
      I felt safe, because the dog would be able to alert us if there was a problem.
      My girlfriend tells me I should give my sister the larger pillow, and I tell her that she is already asleep so there is no point.
      I reflect that the dog with us is not giving me an allergic reaction, so maybe I can have a dog after all.
      I'm back at my childhood home, and I'm talking about the intruder with my Dad.
      I look at the thermostat, and it reads '60 degrees'. I think it is low, but my Dad tells me that this is how it has to be.
      I look over to the living room and see my Mom playing a video game. She's losing so she calls me over to help and I do.

      Updated 11-27-2023 at 12:48 AM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    14. House of Purgatory

      by , 11-22-2023 at 05:19 PM
      I visited a house of purgatory early in the night. It was a building the size of a city, containing a railroad that connected its halls. The halls were made of stone and lined with open arced passageways each leading into separate rooms. Inside many of the rooms were portals leading to different places in the universe. Other rooms contained souls in suspension waiting to be born (or going somewhere else).

      The ceiling was supported by over 20 ft high pillars and embellished with with gold and green paint, but I couldn't see the ceiling well because my light didn't reach that far. There were no lights in the building. it was designed for visitors who didn't need external lighting.

      The place almost felt empty, but I saw a few others wandering around.
      Normally when I travel to any given location, there's a lot of people who aren't aware that dreamers exist. They don't know what I am and they assume that everything they see is mundane.
      Not here. Everyone was aware. There were a lot of travelers like me, some of them had destinations, and others (like me) were just exploring the ancient building.

      There were no entrances or exits to this building and not a single window or door.

      There was a kiosk by the railroad where a seemingly empty shuttle would stop every so often.
      There was nobody manning the kiosk, but I took the stack of forms that was left out for me and filled them out.
      I was applying for the ability to pause my life and visit this place. I din't know whether that's was any different from what I was currently doing (lucid dreaming), but applied anyway because I figured time might not be linear (abilities I've had in the past could result from the application I'd fill out in the future).

      I manifested a dream character who accompanied me for a while as I explored further and met people. I didn't speak directly to others (aside from my dream character), but we were able to communicate through shared consciousness. It was well understood amongst the visitors that separation is illusory, and this was the place where we separated ourselves.

      I eventually saw everything I wanted to see and left through one of the portals, going to one of my favorite places (a beach!). I stole a cute little sailboat and pulled the boat into a private cove that I claimed as my own.
    15. Log 3119 - Forgotten False LD, Guilty Upgrade, ...and Sand Bar Beach Awareness Fragments

      by , 11-17-2023 at 02:23 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 16 November 2023

      Got a LD re-entry and some fragments today.

      Scrap Group 1
      Vaguely recall thinking I woke up from a lucid dream. Lacking memory of such, I'm inclined to believe it was false awareness.

      In a very dimly lit space, like a wide basement or something. I pick up a laptop from the floor. I "recalled" buying a new system with one of the latest high-end ARM processor. Got it at a relative bargain at $1k. I watch some videos on multiple windows concurrently. One was clips of Attack on Titan. There were a bunch of purple splash effects for some reason. I spot my bro snooping nearby, much to my annoyance. I minimize the AoT videos and watch the others. These were matches for various Guilty Gear titles, including Strive, Xrd, and XXAC. One had Sol spam Grand Viper. Warp. Another unknown dimly lit place. I'm imitating Grand Viper. I managed to project fire too.

      In the kitchen of an unknown house during night time. My niece was working on a school project. There was this light skinned black dude around. Only on waking up do I notice he was the host of Mental Outlaw. Anyway, he helps Jalani with her homework. Later, my niece and her mother (my sister) go out to get groceries. Timeskip again. The project was near completion. I see it's some kind of macaroni art on a cardstock booklet. Instead of macaroni, it's tortilla chips, both the triangular shaped and round varieties. These were arranged in rather sophisticated floral and butterfly patterns. The booklet, when folded, had cut-out city buildings and a radio tower pop up. I was asked to hold the book as he continued his work. He was making the finishing touch, when suddenly, most of the chips slid off its surface. I guess it wasn't as fixed as it appeared. The guy slams the counter in frustration. I noticed a tube of Elmer's glue in one hand, the other covered in the paste. I tell him my requiring a much stronger glue for a similar project some time back. Too little too late, I thought...

      Spectator mode. This was some kind of Monty Python (or Python-esque) castaway survival comedy show. This took place at a lost island during a clear day. A barely dressed, stubble faced Englishman wanders off to a swampy area. There, he sees a withered tulip. For some reason, he likens this find to the burning bush of the Exodus. He discreetly collects some seeds. A bald, sunburnt old man in a robe calls out to confront him about this. The first man denies finding anything of value. The old man continues to accost him on the matter. They arrive at a beach of profound green, the shore littered with seaweed. Not far into the deep water was an expansive sand bar. Anyway, the younger man makes a claim that he found tulip seeds at a swamp much further away from the previous area. The old man is outraged, and calls him out on the lie. He then chases the other man into the high waves.

      Dreamlet to dream. Dream re-entry into the same island mentioned above. This time, the waves were far calmer, though still congested with plant life. I walk towards the sand bar. I could feel the pressure and coolness of the waves, its briny vapor stinging my throat. Yet, I felt no dampness, as if water failed to stick onto my skin. Once on the bar, I strode on the water out to the greater blue sea. I anticipated some enemy would attack. On cue, a huge saltwater crocodile torpedoed at me from below. I dodged the beast, watching as it jumped over four meters into the air. I leaped after it, and grappled with the animal. I then flew us high up, arriving near the sky almost instantly. To much amusement, the crocodile suddenly changed into a big plush copy of itself. I hurled it far into the horizon. Then, I raised a a pillar of water from below, a cylinder about 1m diameter in depth and standing as high as I was floating. I froze the pillar into an icy pole, and began sliding all the way down. I'd thoughts to phase through, but decided I needed a bigger surface. As I was nearing the water, I thought maybe the sea floor would do? I soon hit the ocean. But, instead of piercing through, I wake up instantly.

      Updated 11-17-2023 at 02:29 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment
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