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    Lucid Dreams

    1. CN10- speeder, wild? and chocolate milk fire extinguisher

      by , 01-17-2024 at 12:51 AM
      I was walking around near the road in the middle of the night. A car sped past me, missing me by a few feet. I remembered hearing about this guy that speeds and smokes weed or something, so I start running back to my house. I'm about to climb over my fence, I hear his car coming back around the block, I see his headlights.

      [COLOR="#008000"]I am suddenly aware of myself falling out of my body and pooling on the floor like a liquid. I relax and let it happen, when I'm completely out I open my eyes. I can't remember that I'm in a competition or tell that my furniture arrangement is completely off, but I can see in a level of light where I normally can't. I walk past a chair and into my hall. I turn to the living room, something red and cylindrical catches my eye. It's a fire extinguisher, I plug my nose to make a thousand percent sure I'm in a dream cause I'm about to make one hell of a mess. I hold the can, It's weightless, and there's a black handle/spout like on a spray bottle. I pull the trigger and white foam shoots out and all over everything like elephant toothpaste but with more pressure. I empty the can, look around and feel glad my father's not here. I unscrew the spout and look inside. There is a small amount of liquid at the bottom which tastes like chocolate milk. [/COLOR]

      comp total-55[/COLOR]
    2. Winter Comp Night 9: Distress on Deimos

      by , 01-16-2024 at 02:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a fairly lengthy dream that had me set back in elementary school. I was in my fourth grade class at night doing some kind of assignment.


      This dream transitioned to one where I was with my friend K, but confined in a wheelchair or hover chair of some kind. I was heckin overweight.


      I am on Mars' moon of Deimos. I just intuitively know this despite being inside of a windowless complex that seems to have artificial earthlike gravity. I am with a dream figure who reminds me of detective miller from the expanse and there are a bunch of corrupt security forces chasing us around the station. He fights them off and tells me to escape into this elevator and go to the top floor.

      To get on the elevator I must go down this long hallway, maybe 15 meters with large sliding doors at either end. The hallways floor, walls and ceiling are paneled in white marble and marble columns run up along the side of the walls. There are marble busts and classical paintings set along this hallway. I rush down it and into the elevator which has a similar decorative style. The ceiling of the elevator which is even higher than the hallway leading up to it has a large fresco painting.

      I get to thinking I am probably going to a floor on the station where there will be a huge mob of the corrupt riot cops waiting to kill or capture me. I see there. is a sort of robotic rolling suitcase in the elevator with me. It is black, made out of like a carbon fiber weave and has a little blister on top with what look to be cameras and operational equipment to allow it to roll around on its own. I hide behind it for cover if the crooked cops come in, not wanting to feel exposed. I am thinking about how I wish this was a lucid dream, because then I could fight all the guards, then do a nose pinch reality check to see if thats the case and become lucid.

      Around the time I become lucid, the elevator chimes informing me it has reached the top level. The walls and ceiling then split apart and the walls and ceiling of the elevator unfold like a Chinese takeout box. I am in this massive cathedral-like space with more of the same classical style architecture. Above me is a huge glass domed ceiling through which I can see mars. There are city lights on the night side.

      There is a sort of elevated balcony built up along one wall. I hear dream figures up there and decide to investigate. I can't find any stairs and if I could that would take too long. I decide to fly instead. Boosters on. I fly up, easily three or four stories. I waver a bit in the air but manage to land on the stone railing. Its an ornate bedroom setup openly overlooking the huge foyer type area. Two older men are sharing a bed together. They look at me flying and seem impressed, but not the type of impression you tend to get from lower level dream characters. I intuitively know they are members of that 'review committee', the one that I aggravated back around the turning of the new year.

      One of the men gets out of bed. He looks like Jeff Goldbloom and he puts on a blue robe with white fluffy trim. The other guy looks kind of like jack black. He asks me to sit down with him and talk. I consider that this is a lucid dreaming competition and I should probably be focused more on dream control tasks but that this dream figure has something important to say and that I don't want to aggravate them anymore. I study my dream form for a bit, very standard this time around. I have some cute black and pink shorts though.

      I sit down in a large recliner. Jeff Goldbloom DF dawdles around for a bit making a hot drink on some kind of futuristic keurig machine (he doesnt offer me one) and then shuffles around with a collection of vinyl records. He picks one and puts it down, starting the record player. It begins playing Mars the Bringer of War, I recognize it immediately even though I only hear the first 20 seconds or so. But then I lose lucidity and wake up.

      RCs: 0.5pt
      NLD: 1pt
      DILD: 10pt
      RC: 1pt
      DC Interact: 2pt
      Flight: 5pt
      non-lucid , lucid
    3. Winter 2024 Night 1/14

      by , 01-16-2024 at 12:26 PM
      Reminder that these dreams will have spoilers for attack on titan due to its theme. This lucid dream originally had me doing some 3D modeling in person like if I were using blender in VR. When I wanted to get into the Attack on titan pr for the competition, I summoned the walls out of the ground. Remembering that the last dream left off with returning to the walls, I allowed the rest of the pr to fade in almost like if it were painted at high speeds before my eyes. I saw the carriage I was supposed to be in, but I was being taken away quickly. I was then able to see that a titan had my in one hand and was running away from the carriage and walls. The titan noticed me looking up at its face but kept running without eating or hurting me. I would have attacked, but its grip kept me from being able to pull out the swords to fight back. I could have used super strength, but I was honestly interested in where they would take me.

      I tried talking to the titan since it was clearly different from the others but it mostly ignored me. Since not much was going to happen with the titan not speaking up I sped time up until we reached the titan’s destination. We went into a forest with trees much taller than the titan, and it finally spoke. It was unhappy with what it had to do, but explained that we had to die after what we saw and did in the town. Our hurried leave alerted the townspeople into knowing we saw that something was wrong, and it turned out that the titans outside of the village were transformed people who were capable of keeping actual titans away from the village. I assumed this was one of the competition challengers who I saw in the bar, but the titan did not reveal their identity. Since my entire squad left quickly, they were targets as well. I was ready to attack as the titan started to put me down, but they tightened their grip the moment before letting me down. With that grip they were able to break a leg and explode the tank in the maneuver gear. With a broken leg and broken gear, there was no way to fight back or follow as the titan ran off to retrieve the rest of my squad.

      In our conversation it was revealed that the in universe reason for me waking up on the way back was my dream self falling asleep due to drugs put into the feast. Since my character did not eat as much before leaving the feast, I ended up waking in world way earlier than the others. The titan was able to come back carrying the carriage which had the entire team still asleep. I was able to heal my leg and use control to repair the gear while the titan was away. I stayed on the ground to see what they would do, and the titan stood in front of me with the carriage. They have become hostages and the titan was using them to interrogate me. Since I refused to answer their questions they pulled out one of the squad members, the first being Hukif. I was about to use control to wake him up but right as I was about to, he already pulled out both swords and cut off the hand that was holding him. The titan screamed and covered their neck as he launched himself to their nape and was blocked. All the other members fell to the ground as the titan let go of the carriage and began to wake up from the impact.

      I could feel the entire ground shaking as titans appeared in all directions, alerted by the speaking titan’s scream. The speaking titan ran into the forest and we were not able to catch up to them as there were too many titans in the way. Now with all team members awake, we were able to work together to defeat the titans coming after us. We mostly split up due to the sheer number of titans but there were times where we assisted each other in taking down titans through cutting and distracting them. Once all the titans were killed except the escaped speaking titan, the captain checked the amount of gas left in our tanks and the condition of our swords. Considering how spent we and our equipment were, it was not worth pursuing the titan or the town until another day. We had to walk back due to the carriage’s destruction and it became night during our walk.

      Not being able to see each other so well did bring some anxiety over titans and animals attacking but also brought us to open up to each other more. Some of the team was on edge at my introduction because I came after two former team members were killed in battle, and I was seen as an inexperienced replacement for their dead friends. We were able to reach the gate this time and as we walked back through the city I was able to see the return of soldiers from a new perspective. We had to return to the office to return the gear, which would be delivered up to the barracks later on. We were dismissed for the day, but the captain told us we would need to return to the village for further investigation next time. We split up and as I was about to enter my home the vendor from the first dream spotted me and we went over to her house to catch up on things. I found out her name was Irene, and it was nice having a side to the pr that was simple village life apart from the fighting. It was while I was still at her home that my dream left the pr and I moved on with the night.
    4. 1. Abodo (LD) 2. The Night Sky (LD) 3. Coffee Break (LD)

      by , 01-15-2024 at 03:47 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Winter Competition 2024 - Night 9

      1. Abodo (LD)
      I'm aware as I'm looking at the counter top in the kitchen of the main house in Syrano. I see my tablet just where I left in waking life. I figure I can begin sliding my dream body into the scene. I begin to reach my hand out slowly as well as move closer to the counter. I'm in. I turn and notice that the visuals in my left 'eye' are dark. I shout "visual field, fill in!" and think back to a message I sent someone in the omni discord a few days prior. My visuals fill in. I head into the kitchen. I need to get some points! I decide to grab some chocolate. I head to the waking life location, but there is n't any there. Let me check the dream world location I turn to the cabinets to my right, head to the top shelf, and they're there like always. I grab a thick bar and begin to eat it. It's awesome! I head toward the main entranceway and begin thinking about my three step. I need to teleport next and then...oh yeah, mass telekinesis. I decide to go for Djinn transformation and my body enlarges to about eleven feet tall, my shoulder expanding and my body turns to dark smoke, the lower portion becoming wisps. I turn to my right to cast portal into the wall, yet nothing clearly visible appears. I phase into the wall and go to void. I cross my legs to meditate in the void and begin visualizing Forest Haven. After a moment, I appear in front of a large pool type structure with a fountain at the far end. A large forest sits in the area beyond, just behind what appears to be a large fence. I'm not sure if this place is actually Forest Haven, and wonder if there's a way that I can find out for sure - asking a DC perhaps. I turn to view the area behind me and see two massive manors. One with a cream colored stucco, sitting about two stories tall with pillar shaped corners catches my attention. I wonder the name of the place, and the name 'Abodo' suddenly pops into my my mind. I decide to explore the manor and fly in that direction. I enter the manor and notice that there's nobody present, however the rooms are adorned with furntiture. I head toward the back section and wonder if I can come back to this place. I decide to leave and head back through the entrance. I fly a bit further toward the neighboring structure and feel as though I'm beginning to wake up.

      2. The Night Sky (LD)
      I'm laying down on the ground and see couches in front of me. Dream
      I'm lucid. I stand up and begin to explore the area. I enter the neighboring room and notice it's a kitchen area. I should score some points...I'll drink something first. I ate something last lucid so I'll mix it up. I consider coffee, yet don't see a coffee maker on the counter when I look for one, just a wooden knife holder and some other appliances. I'll just grab a drink from the fridge I begin looking for something, yet don't find anything I particularly want. I keep pulling out large bottles of Sprite. I begin to think that I need to find the exact drink I imagine for points, and wonder if I can find a Fresca. I pull out another bottle and it's another...Sprite. I see a bottle with some blue behind them and wonder if I can find a bottle of alcohol. I dig behind them and find a bottle of vodka. I wonder how it'll affect me as I've never drank in a lucid before. I turn from this area and re-enter the room I just came from. I take large swigs from the bottle. I phase through the wall and enter an outdoor area with two large houses beyond a small fence. I drink more from the bottle and feel for a moment that I'm getting a bit tipsy. The effects dissipate rapidly. Oh! I should do some mass TK! I turn toward the first, darker three story house on the left for a mass TK. It doesn't budge. I turn toward the one to it's right...it resists as well. I'll go for that huge tree I focus on it as I stick my arms out. I feel that it's raising and that it's roots are beginning to rip out. Suddenly I begin moving the entire thing into the air and my gaze follows as it raises high into the air. I see the beautiful night sky beyond the tree, filled with brightly glowing stars. They seem to be comprising a galaxy in the far distance. I consider flying to the galaxy, yet decide to stay in the current area. I continue to move the tree over house, and it begins to move in a strobe-like fashion. I finally decide to turn and explore the area behind me a bit further. I fly over to what appears to be a playground, bottle of vodkae in hand. I feel that the dream is de-stabilizing. I enter a void for a moment, then begin to visualize the forest once again. I soon pop up on blacktop in a slightly industrial area. There's a builidng at the far end of the pavement and some trees to my left just beyond a small fence. I decide to jump up and slide down the top of the fence. I begin to think of other dreamers and how much lucid time they have. I pop off and think I should do some transformation. I transform into crow form, yet don't feel that it's as accurate as I want. I shrink down to mouse for and feel that it's far better. I head toward the small building, then turn around to an area of dirt, going into cat form. I run up the dirt area and see three small dinosaur looking creatures a few feet ahead. They soon fuse into one small T-Rex-looking dinosaur, roughly the size of a raptor. I revert to humanoid form. Time for super strength I punch it in the face, then grab it by the neck and launch it over the fence behind me. I begin to feel that I'm waking up.

      3. Coffee Break (LD)
      I'm laying down on the ground in a somewhat dim room. I see a student. Dream
      I stand up and begin thinking I should get some points. I'll try to get some coffee again. I see a couple of women in a kitchen behind me, head past them, and make my way over to the counter top. I quickly find a coffee machine. I turn it on, then notice that only hot water is coming out, dropping into the carafe below. Oh...actually putting coffee in the machine would help.... I turn to one of the ladies behind me.
      "Hey, could you help me make some coffee?"
      She comes over and starts to use the machine. Hmm...I should still try to find some stuff to add...
      I open the fridge to our left and quickly find a small container of milk. I grab it, then pour it right into the carafe. I feel the dream beginning to de-stabilize, so I grab the cup it was poured into very quickly and raise it to drink...I wake up.

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 04:00 PM by 50425

    5. Winter 2024 Night 1/13

      by , 01-15-2024 at 11:07 AM
      I went straight into the lucid dream this time since I knew I’d sleep way less this night. Spawning in the home where I left off, I treated it as if a day passed in the world despite leaving off on the couch rather than somewhere better like the bed. Guess in the attack on titan world I’m the type of guy to sleep on the couch. I remembered the goal of completing a mission for the survey corps, so I left my house to search for their office building. I headed in the direction I expected the headquarters to be in, and right as I was about to ask for directions someone came up to me already seeing how frantically I was looking around. The passerby walked with me towards the building and as it came into view they commented on how casually I was dressed for someone that had business with the survey corps. After thanking them for their help, I went into an alleyway to get out of sight and teleported back home to get the clothes I bought last night. Teleporting back, I walked straight into the building and found it to be very busy with employees and soldiers there.

      Among the soldiers was the man I met last time, and he came up to introduce me to the other soldiers who were around him. Although he was being a bit rough which was fitting for our past relationship and his personality, he was being very welcoming. The man was the captain of his squad, and I got to know his name along with the names of the three other members. The captain was named Vertin, one of the members was the participant Hukif, one was named Gareth, and I honestly forgot the last one’s name. Although he was able to get me past all the paperwork and time usually needed for new recruits, I had to prove my abilities officially. We went over to their barracks in a simple carriage and on the way the other soldiers told stories of how dangerous it was out of the walls and seemed to be testing my knowledge and will to fight.

      At the barracks they had rigs to test out my ability with the maneuver gear and the captain had a lot of confidence after having seen my fighting ability in the last lucid. It was fun to try out the rigs for both balance and swinging around a stand representing a titan. There were also regular exercises and I easily passed through those. The rest of the team watched through some of the tests but were sent to train as I took the regular exercises. After confirming my ability the captain was allowed to send me out with the team to their next mission. Our mission was to clear out whichever titans may be on the other side of the walls closest to the city that got attacked in the last dream. On the way there I had to try some of the food from the barracks and they were laughing and joking a bit as I tried to choke down the dry rations.

      Once we reached the walls there was a gate big enough for the carriage to pass, but it looked small considering the wall it was for. We had to wait for soldiers on the wall to confirm there were no titans near the gate before we passed through. The captain told us we were headed for a small town to check for titans and survivors, but on the way there we should keep an eye out for titans and possible breaches to the wall. As we were getting close to the town there were two titans among some trees and the new members decided they would like to see how I handle real combat. I walked up to the two and they noticed me, with the taller of the two running ahead. As they ran at me they got to a hill where there was nothing high to aim at with my gear, so I shot at the ground higher up the hill to shoot myself at them. Once past the point where the gear pierced, I continued running at the same extreme speed and pulled out one sword to amputate a leg from the closest titan. I ran into the chest of the titan behind it and was able to stab the sword straight through their neck. The other one struggled to get up with its missing leg and was easy to finish with its head still near the ground.

      I headed back to the carriage and although one of the members acted like a sore loser the rest were happy to have a competent new team member. It was later brought up that they bet on how well I would handle the titans. Once we got to the town we surprisingly found no titans. Some of the people came to greet us and we were taken to the village leader’s home to have a meal as thanks for taking down the nearby titans. The meal they gave was much better than the rations from earlier, but I ended up thirsty and went out to a bar nearby. The owner ran up to the door right as I came in and asked if something went wrong at the leader’s home and I saw that the only other people there were Sensei and Establish. Recognizing them, I quickly understood there was something behind the village keeping us from meeting. I agreed to go back to the house and on entering I told the leader that we should leave quickly since the people were strangely persistent on us not seeing anything other than this house in the village. This time all of the members complained as we left the building, and we headed back. I was beginning to wake up on the trip back into the walls, and the dream ended right as new tensions were rising.
    6. CN8- mario level and a dild

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:58 AM
      I was playing some airship level in one of the 3d mario games. I jumped across some platforms, and I fell off, I tried to save it with a spin jump, but I couldn't go through the platforms so I started at the beginning again. I accidentally walked off the edge of the large block before the moving platforms and discovered a secret area. I hit some ? blocks an d a couple invisible blocks that didn't give me anything cause they were meant for Luigi. I then somehow changed the camera angle, and there was a hole in the block to crawl into. I was suddenly the one crawling into the hole, which felt like crawling under a chair.

      I was sitting on the couch spacing out [COLOR="#008000"]I caught myself and paid enough attention to my surroundings to become lucid. I got up and walked down the hall and tried to remember what to do. I remembered that becoming a giant would get me the most points, but the ceiling was a few feet above my head and I didn't want to get stuck, my father pulled me out of thought by telling me "It's time to go to the house." I followed him, and I remembered that one of my tasks was banishment. He was talking or getting his keys or something, so I decided to banish the screwdriver that was on the counter. I looked away and imagined it gone, it was still there when I looked back. I was going to try again, [/COLOR][COLOR="#EE82EE"]but it was blackening and I could feel my body in my bed more than my dream body. I kept my eyes closed to do a DEILD but my cats somehow noticed I was awake and walked on my face.

      comp total-38.5[/COLOR]
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    7. Comp Nights 2 to 8 - Fantasy Worlds, Yuri, and Lucidity!

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:24 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      This has been a surprisingly busy week for me... I have stuff to do every day �� It's my birthday week though, so it's okay.

      Night 2

      Meditated a bit before bed, didn't record times for any of these nights. I also did some decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I can't really read my handwriting here, but there was an autistic boy who said something strange when he meant "thank you," and his mother had to translate.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      This girl, a senior in high school, was sexually abusing her brother. Their parents were dead and he was cut off from the outside world so he constantly went to her for head pats. She left for school and was almost killed for mocking a deity, but avoided it by pleading "love" for her brother. -_- It was decided that she would be executed as soon as she graduated, though.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was a super muscular guy with super powers, and this other muscular guy was fighting Todoroki with me. He had jetpack boots and special moves but we still beat him, slamming him into the wall of the arena. Later there was a scene change, a dungeon, where horses and monkeys were trapped in jail cells. The monkeys could (and wanted to) sacrifice themselves for the horses. One asked if he could sacrifice himself for a human but we didn't allow it. There were also some cats wandering around in there.

      Dream #4 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag 1: Playing word games with (S) and their brother, similar to Bananagrams except we took turns.
      Frag 2: I brought something to a circus-like place.

      Night 3

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I had somehow been transported to 1964 and all I had was some then-unreleased Korean candy. I decided to sell it and make a killing.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      A boy was pitching a new Owari no Seraph series, called Niko something, made by the director of Yurikuma Arashi. It was a fan fav, rated 4.87 stars.

      Later someone was asking a bear, “Sir, please give me your yuri.” But something felt off. The progression of the relationship was weird.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was being really uptight… (illegible). Later I was pulling back my hair and saw I had white hair underneath. This horrified me for some reason and I was doing everything I could to disguise it.

      Later I watched an anime an talked to (S).

      Night 4

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Stephanie Soo was recording herself in a cheap apartment, except she was an anime loli girl. She stood on a coffee table and gave a tour.

      Scene change. I was making hearts in a pond. I was very bothered when someone pointed out that as a child I only made rectangles.

      Scene change. MC was an anime girl who was also a lesbian. She was in a parking lot and two people, a man and a woman, pulled into a spot in a Jeep. The girl was completely spellbound by the woman.

      The two claimed to be firefighters and stole a bunch of her stuff. When the girl said she liked the woman because she was “petite,” she got chased around the lot, but she liked it.

      Then they left, saying their name was “UTY,” and shouted “US. TRUST. YOUUUUUU!!!!!” as they drove away with all her stuff.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      People were killing Titans, also known as Guardians. They were mind-controlling them to walk into walls and kill themselves. But a small one (the size of someone’s palm), had magical powers and was able to bring them back.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compyuri.jpg

      Night 5

      Did decent reality checks and meditated briefly.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Again I had another dream about having white hair underneath my normal hair. This time I tried to take a picture in the mirror, but struggled a lot.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was at some interesting hotel place instead of school. But my dad found me and stole a school bus and started speeding down the street. He nearly hit a car but it turned just in time, but on school grounds he crashed into a mound of dirt and killed two kids!

      As soon as the bus came to a stop I bolted out and into the school, dropping a moon rock I’d picked up earlier. The interior was different and there was a disco ball hung from the ceiling.

      My friend (A) walked in and I complained to her, but she didn’t believe me. I screamed at her that two kids were dead and he was always doing stuff like this—how could she doubt me?!

      Night 6

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      I was at a carnival. A dude was selling donuts in a strange neighborhood. Later I went home and my grandma was there. For some reason this struck me as extremely strange and I stared at her for a while before realizing, Oh, this must be a dream. Then I woke up.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      My dad called me a whiny complainer. I was about to go off on him, but woke up before I could.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was trying to fix my mechanical pencil, singing in my head. For some reason it was a very complicated process and I was on edge. Then my mom told me that my brother’s friends had stolen my rock-climbing passes and we needed to go meet them at the place now. Apparently we were late for my birthday party (which IWL was the next day).

      I broke down crying and stumbled up to my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. My dad was in the bathroom and yelled at me to shut up.

      Night 7:

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Crocodiles were killing seniors. We followed a friendly one down a path to escape, but still had to fight a few on the way.

      No WBTB this night

      Night 8

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      This dream was in anime format, with episodes and everything. A middle schooler was trying to save this girl named Mari. He was stuck in a time loop, running to the school roof over and over and over, where she would be standing, and then he would get teleported back down until she sent him a few texts. He met a couple friends, Xu and Enta. Xu was kind or a punk, Enta was a good honor student.

      At some point a giant frog detached from another building, a dramatic song playing in the background and the sound effects very vivid. It hopped onto the middle school roof and started drinking the girl’s life force.

      Anyway in one of the time loops he managed to save her from hanging herself by dashing to the roof the second she texted, “It’s the end.” But then she said she had also taken poison hours ago and it would surely be in her system by now. So even if he went back in time again, how could he stop her?

      Suddenly he was in my body (but still himself) and taking a bath while talking to Enta on the phone. Enta had forgotten him and Xu, so MC was trying to convince him they were friends by talking about the test scores he’d just recieved. The only reason he’d taken that test was because of them. He wanted to get into a good college and make a lot of money to take care of his mom and siblings. MC started choking up when talking about what a good person he was, looking at a yuri towel that doesn’t exist IWL.

      Then my brother barged into the bathroom and I took over the position of MC. I yelled at him to get out, then realized my dad had been on the toilet this whole time.

      Suddenly I became lucid. I got out of the bath and telepathically swung the door open, manifesting forks and knives and throwing them into the wall. I mind-controlled my dad to have a desperate urge to collect them all, and started throwing popcorn as well.

      I wonder if these items come from somewhere in the world, I thought. My lucidity level was not the highest. Then there’s no guarantee they’re all fresh, right?

      I ate one of the more buttery-looking kernels, but it was nasty so I ran to the sink to wash my mouth out. Then I flew up to my room, phasing through the door easily. It might be the first time I’ve phased through an opaque surface without losing lucidity; I felt super powerful in this dream. (Still, I was only vaguely thinking of the competition.)

      I knelt down on the floor and closed my eyes, imagining a complicated T-shirt design. When I opened my eyes, it was only partially formed, so I had to manually fix it by running my hands down its length, the rest of it forming before my eyes. The design was a bit dim, so I made it brighter by doing the same thing.

      I was trying to take a picture, even though I knew I couldn’t bring it back to waking life. I just wanted to see if it would show up on camera as well. It took a lot of effort to keep it materialized, and my mom broke my concentration by yelling at me to take a shower.
      It woke me up, but I’m really happy about this LD ^w^

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: I was in a fantasy world and killed two crows.
      Frag2: My dog was cuddling with a cat. I was surprised because he usually wants to eat them.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was on the phone with a little girl. She was lying between two houses, pretending that a boy named Jake had possessed her by stabbing her with an icicle. Her real name was Jane, and she was copying a behavior my friend (S) had been doing lately.

      I called (S), who was at college, demanding to know what was going on with them. They were always away, and if they weren’t they were between houses, or with some weird guy. During the phone call I met up with them in person, and they explained everything to me.

      The kid apparently thought they were a super powerful reincarnated deity, and they had to keep up the act. The kid joined us, and (S) slammed down a dangerously hot gold hammer into the ground, pretending it was a manifestation of their powers.

      I became less and less myself as the dream went on, pushed into an observer role. The one who had replaced me joined in on a shared delusion of the two that the school principal was behind all their problems. They marched to headquarters and fought the guards, one of which was a super cool neko girl with a black-and-white mask. She talked like a robot and for a decade had been in charge of China.

      We were losing but another girl joined us. She was inexperienced but managed to tie with another powerful guard. They both died. (S) had weak fire powers and was engaged in combat with the weakest of the guards, while the MC who had replaced me was standing in the middle “charging.”

      She was enraged at the death of her friend, her powers growing and growing until she lost it and blew up the entire hallway, killing everyone in it, including her friends. (The “narrator” was really dramatic about this, repeatedly saying she forgot to shield them, trying to get just the right tone.)

      The MC walked into the vault which was being guarded. Turns out the principal actually was evil and had been possessed. She would put very little funding into the school, using 90% of it on herself. I woke up as they were talking, but it seemed like the MC was going to become the new principal, under the condition that she be isolated for the rest of her life.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compmaskedneko.jpg

      Night 2
      Brief meditation and RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Total: 7 points

      Night 3
      RCs - .5 points
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Total: 5 points

      Night 4
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Theme - 3 points
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 10 points

      Night 5
      RCs and meditation - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 4.5 points

      Night 6
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 14.5 points

      Night 7
      RCs - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 1.5 points

      Night 8
      RCs - .5 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Telekinesis - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning (I could see the forks appearing in my hand) - 10 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points
      Basic Summoning (Partially-formed T-shirt) - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning + Third Chosen Task (forming the rest of the T-shirt) - 25 points (**This counts because it's for the 3-step tasks, right?**)
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 97.5 points

      Comp total: 149 points

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (forgot to add night one points)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , lucid
    8. Short lucid, testing things out

      by , 01-14-2024 at 11:05 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I had a lucid dream. It was fairly vivid.
      I was in the middle of a dream when it started to shift and I realized whats up. Then It shifted and now I was infront of my house, late evening. It was getting dark, I looked around asking questions for some reason.
      I looked back, the buildings looked a bit different as I expected, I couldnt see clearly.
      Anyhow, I tried to manipulate the dream and tested this invisible keyboard, cause I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams, but it didnt work, I wanted to make it daytime again I think.
      Then I tried to fix my vision, it was like I had no glasses on, so I tried another association, I imagined there is a focuser on the side of my head, and turned it and I almost got a good focus, but then it also stopped working and reverted to glassless focus.
      And then I woke up.

      So I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams. Which partly worked, the first attempt didnt, then the second one kinda did, but then it stopped working.
      I'd like to look more into it, come up with new experiments.
      lucid , side notes
    9. Lucid Library (DV Winter Competition Night 7)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 06:42 PM (The book of mars)
      WBTB, back to sleep...

      I enter a dream. I'm at a library, in a city, maybe Seattle? There's guards who pat me down, but then let some others in. Why? Oh, they're regulars.
      I go in. I'm walking the shelves when I remember books! Books is a dream sign - yes! Is this a faint visualization? No, it's a dream!
      I look to the shelves, so excited, and pull a big book out. Large format. It's a symbology book, all the symbols from some ancient culture. Fuck yeah. Each symbol is created using two or three stick-like figures, but someone has gone in and used pencil to make them all doing obscene things like smoking and fucking. OK then. I put it back; the shelf was ILLs.
      I'll go upstairs to the fiction section. I have an idea that this library is an amalgam of two that I know IWL, maybe Seattle and somewhere else, but this is a false dream memory really.
      The place is super busy. Lots of folks, and seems like a class of kids as well. I look around, trying to find exactly what I want. Cool short stories. But where's the fiction? So much garbage, non fiction, Christan-themed children's books (though the cover was so cool in memory…) I'm low lucid, because I would be delving into any of this had I my full memory. Oh, well.
      I find a tiny shelf of some fiction on an end cap. One of the books is an old mystery writer short story collection, but a massive gilded cicada has bored a hole in each book. I yell "Staff? Any staff?!" and someone comes over with a black knit cap on. (Again, low level lucid, or I'd have loved to speak to any of the many DCs here..) I tell him about the books. He seems like he's seen this before and thanks me.
      Something about Chase being here.
      Tags: books, library, lucid
    10. 1. Plant (LD) 2. Office (LD)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 03:35 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Winter Competition 2024 - Night 7
      1. Plant (LD)
      I walk farther into the room and see many lounge seats spread throughout the meeting room. The dream begins to fade a bit and I'm become lucid. I walk up to a large plant in a gray container on the near side of the room and set my mind to stabilization. I begin rubbing the container and grab it. I continue engaging tactile sense, encouraging the dream to rematerialize. The room comes back into view. I consider nose pinching for stabilization, but don't really feel like it. I walk forward and begin losing lucidity as I turn toward the mirror to my left.

      2. Office (LD)
      I'm facing a glass door.
      "I'm lucid in this place". I'm lucid.
      I phase through the wooden door with glass on the top and enter a small reception area with two secretaries working. I immediately begin thinking about earning some points. Invisibility comes to mind. I go invisible and then head to test it out. I walk by the first desk and they seem oblivious. I feel that one may be looking in my direction after a moment. To test further, I walk up to her desk, take her tumbler and walk away. She remains oblivious and turns toward her work. I enter the next office area and see a heavy set man in a brown suit sitting in the area beyond. I see a collection of stuffed animals of various colors in a bin to my right and go for telekinesis. None of the items move. I explore a bit further into the office area, heading down a hallway. I jog my memory for dream goals and other ways that I can earn points. I think of flying and rise up, gliding down the hallway. I consider teleportation, but I don't want to risk destabilizing the dream too early on. I think of other dreamers and how long some of them spend in lucid dreams. I think about alternating night and day as well, then turn my attention back to points. I want the dream to be a bit more clear. I shout to the dream: "This is going to last an hour", willing the dream to continue. I see a man working at a desk in a cubicle in an area just ahead. I cast invulnerability, yet I'm not sure if I'll have a way to test if it's in effect. I decide to interact a bit. I rush up, super punch him under the jaw, and launch him into the area beyond. I feel a bit bad about how rough I was with the DC as I usually don't do that outside of competition. I decide to score some points with healing. I stick my hands out and see golden healing light go in the direction of the DC. I imagine him healed and getting up, going back to his desk. I see a wisp of a figure head back to the desk, then disappear, although it's not very clear. I continue heading down the hallway thinking about other dream control. I decide that I can find some thing to eat. I walk a bit further, then wake up.

      Updated 01-14-2024 at 03:43 PM by 50425

    11. Winter 2024 Night 1/12

      by , 01-14-2024 at 09:38 AM
      This dream entry is for the attack on titan themed event, and there will be spoilers to the show in here.

      The lucid dream originally had me as a dad, and the dream reached a nice spot to end on. It was when I was back at home when I decided to travel to the attack on titan world for the competition. I went into the basement of the house to find an exposed concrete wall and walked into it to transition into Paradis. As I went through the wall, I could feel myself passing by one of the colossal wall titan’s legs before reaching the other end of the wall. Once out, I saw the medieval looking city and looked up to see the massive walls, which really gave perspective to how huge colossal titans really are.

      I took a walk through the city trying to decide what I should do since I did not know what team I would be on yet. While wandering around I ran into the market and decided to try out the food available. I ended up getting an apple and after talking a bit with the vendors I went over to try some almond bread they recommended. I don’t even know if almond bread is real but it tasted good in the dream so it might be worth searching for in waking life. As I paid for the food I realized my clothing matched with the world, having been changed from the modern clothing in my past dream. One of the vendors ended up going with me as I left the market, as they decided to close at the time. We went over to buy some clothes and she pointed out the soldiers as they were traveling through another street. Although I was unsure of what my position would be in the competition, I remembered my goal of using their gear in this dream.

      We continued into a store which had a very wooden interior that I enjoyed, and we went to try out some outfits based on what was sold. After having some fun going through changing rooms and talking about the fashion trends, we went to pay for a set each. It was while I was in one of the changing rooms that I spawned a couple coins on my hand and put them into my nearly empty wallet. Using those extra coins I was able to pay for both of our sets and the cashier ended up giving a DV coin and other smaller coins as change. As we were about to leave the shop, a massive titan foot slammed through the ceiling with giant shards of wood and stone being thrown everywhere. I could tell that even if the titan didn’t directly step on anyone, the destruction of the building would kill everyone inside. With a hand motion I sent all the debris away from the vendor and cashier. I told them to run out as I stayed looking through the now torn roof at the massive titan.

      Looking up at the titan, I did not know if I would eventually be on its side but I knew that at the moment I had to stop it. It was about 6 stories tall, already with a cord tied around it from a now chewed up soldier in its mouth. It pulled the soldier out of its mouth and ripped off the cord, dropping the body as it turned to look at me. I was able to dodge its hand and grabbed the body as I ran to a part of the store hidden from the titan due to its still standing ceiling. I undid some belts and pulled the gear off the soldier’s body to put on myself. Once on I pulled the stretched cord back in, right as the titan finally managed to turn around to reach at me. As it crouched down to pull its hand under the ceiling, I ran next to its arm and used the gear to sling myself at the highest point of the building that hasn’t fallen yet. Now crouched, the titan had its nape exposed and even lower than the highest point. I used the other cable to send myself at its neck and sliced it with the swords attached to the maneuver gear. Now falling apart, only the cable attached to the building was anchored and I was sent flying out the building.

      I thought of returning to the people I was just with, but I decided to continue swinging around to see if there were other titans within the walls that may threaten them. I was able to cut down 2 or 3 others as I swung through the city, and as I was swinging around the last titan trying to find a good angle to strike, another soldier cut it down. They landed on a roof and swung an arm at me to get my attention. I landed on the roof as well and once I was right up to them they punched my face. I was expecting a compliment on killing the other titans but they made it immediately clear why they were so angry. They were asking who’s gear I stole, they didn’t recognize me and I was clearly not in uniform. I explained my side to it and we got into an argument about respect for the military. He took the gear after we were back on the ground and even though he was still mad at me he told me to go up to their office tomorrow. Although I had an attitude problem he did recognize I had what it takes to fight for them. At the time I thought I’d go only if I ended up in the human team, but on waking up I realized it would be worth joining either way.

      Since the decision was left for the next day, I chose to go back to the vendor and saw that they were safe with the cashier in a nearby building. We were happy to see each other and spoke about what’s happened since we were separated. As it became night I walked them home and went over to one of the other homes to claim it as my own. I walked inside and changed around the furniture to how I would like it, and allowed myself to transfer into another type of dream through sitting on a couch and imagining other situations.
    12. Log 3176 - DV Lucid Dream Winter Competition 2024 - Night 6

      by , 01-13-2024 at 09:04 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 12 January 2024

      Got one LD today. Seems my schedule's been made a bit tighter than I anticipated. I'll keep making an effort whenever possible.

      Dream 1 - DV Lucid Dream Winder Competition 2024 - Night 6

      Many forgotten scenes before this one. The visuals were mostly clear. I was floating in space. To my right was a blue Earth-like planet, white clouds swirling over its sole continent.

      By this point, I'd gained awareness. I rocket to the nearby world. Piercing the stratosphere, I see below a vast badlands of smooth beige metamorphic stone. Oddly, the blue sky looked sparsely cloudy from then on.

      Anyway, after many quick miles of travel, I arrive at the foot of a truly vast castle atop a mountain range, its construction slate grey. I went over the outer walls, and levitated into a great keep that occupied most of the site. The interior was dimly lit, and furnished/constructed mostly of glossy wood.

      At a building-sized table a distance away, a huge figure awaited: a gigantic woman, easily 100ft tall, skin light, long dark hair frayed. She was dressed in a violet robe. Her face beamed into a welcoming grin, belied only by a glint of madness in her saucer-shaped eyes. It was no surprise when she made a fierce swipe at me. I weaved around her hand and wrist, and swooped around her head. Then, I flung myself like a dart at her nape. My knee struck true. In that instant, the giant witch crumples over on the table, unconscious. Mission accomplished, I thought.

      I fly out of the castle and hurtle back into space. I realize then that maybe I didn't accomplish a competition goal, as my opponent wasn't explicitly a titan. Sighing in dismay, I find it was too late to do much else, for the dream begins to fade. I go unconscious.
      Tags: competition
    13. Winter 2024 comp Night 7

      by , 01-13-2024 at 04:49 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am having a very disorganized NLD, constantly shifting through plots and locations. I am in an OTD parking lot. It is a fairground with a small white ferris wheel and some other tents and smaller rides set up. There are workers either tearing down or setting up the rides but at the same time there are at least a few people hanging around the fairground.

      I see a creepy guy with a knife following me and nobody seems to notice him so I sneak away from the fair to get away from the stalker. I get to an empty part of the parking lot where there are orange construction barrels and yellow tape set up around several large potholes and think that workers will be trying to resurface the parking lot. I try to call either my parents or the police, but my phone is not working. I ask one of the construction workers to help. He yells at the stalker and says he will run him over with a steamroller if he doesn't f off right now.

      I become properly lucid and the dream scene changes. Its a location that feels close by sort of like a shopping mall but you head down the gallery one way and its just left open to a beach, but the dream is still pretty sloppy. I investigate my dream form to try to stabilize. I feel like I’m a bit taller than normal but otherwise everything seems normal.

      I decide I want to carry out the dream goal of sparring with monkey’s DG, Juliana. Its something he wanted to try, and I decided to try it and see what would happen.

      “Dream, its time to spar with Juliana”

      She comes out of a side utility door in the mall. Fairly standard appearance, though she has the pixie cut hair my visualization seems to have locked in on to. I take a fighting stance thinking about how this modified form feels extra tall and lanky right now and that’s probably not ideal for fighting. But being lucid I’m more curious and open to the experience rather than just wanting to win.

      “Are you ready for our sparring match?” I ask.

      “Yes.” She says, taking off her witches hat and top. She is wearing black sexy underwear underneath and tries to kiss me.

      “What are you doing? This is hella inappropriate!” I say. I reach into hammerspace for my horny bonk stick. It comes out as a big extra long roll of newspaper this time and I hit her on the head. She looks up and it frowns and says “DARN IT!” Playfully.

      “Sorry I get +27 saving throw against seduction checks and I roll at advantage when lucid.”

      The dream does an anime visual gag where everything goes black and its just a white drawing of Juliana screaming in a deep male voice “PLUS 27?! NANI?!” Then goes back to normal.

      I notice when she walks away she was holding her wand behind her back with some spell charged up, but it fades away. The tip is glowing with some golden white magic energy. She goes over and sits on a bench, pouting like a child. Though I get the vibe she's just playing around.

      OML do i have to draw this now? Idk if monkey is ok with that.

      I lose lucidity and go to a school dream. I’m on the second story of classroom in B hall. There are just a few other students in here and one of them is drawing a comic strip. Its fairly well done, though IDR the plot at all. The dream figure has written a comic about him and his for friends, its drawn with colored pencil and ink pen. One of the strips is just a hand-drawn version of that one internet meme comic strip about the guy running into the hospital and the girl who lost her baby. (IDK what that comic strip actually is)

      A teacher comes in and yells at him. She says the comic only has four straight white male characters and needs more diverse casting and says he is getting saturn-day detention. The boy sighs relief because saturn-day only happens when the planet saturn is directly in alignment with earth and the sun so the teacher will probably forget.

      Theres another dream where I am driving. My father is in the passenger seat and someone else in the back behind me. I am on the main road north of my town and a cop starts following me with sirens on. I pull over into a driveway and the cop gets out. He says to me.

      “You didn’t do anything wrong but your car looks like a piece of crap make sure you get a new one soon I don’t want it to break down and you to get hurt or stuck somewhere.”

      Meditation: 2pts
      NLD: 1pt
      DILD: 10pts
      Stabilization: 1pt
      DC Interact: 2pt
      Basic Summoning (DG, though not mine): 10pt
      Personal Goal Complete (I guess...): 15pt
    14. Winter Competition 2024 Night Five

      by , 01-11-2024 at 08:34 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I woke up for a WBTB and took 4mg galantamine and 300 mg Alpha-GPC.

      Winter Competition 2024 Five (MILD) 01.11.2024

      I spontaneously become lucid and start flying. I remember there is a competition and that I need to do my three step task. While flying I reach behind my back and grab something. I pull forward a small lemon. I take a bite out of it and it isn't very flavorful. I then put my hand forward like Superman and fly super fast. I hear the air rushing past my ears. Now I remember my personal goal is to take off a VR headset that is simulating the dream. I reach up and feel a vr headset that is much smaller than current waking life products. I take it off and... nothing happens. My view is replaced with the same view from before. Huh.

      I fly down to a city and get caught up in a dream plot that I have mostly forgotten now.
    15. Interdimensional Bus

      by , 01-11-2024 at 04:56 PM
      This was lucid, but it's not very noticeable because I tend to just go with the dream and not control most things.

      Dreamed last night that me and my SO were going somewhere. We hopped onto a public bus. When the bus stopped, she got off for a restroom break, but the bus driver was inconsiderate and drove off without her just as she was trying to board even though she was right there trying to get back on.

      I asked the driver to let me off at the next stop so we wouldn't be separated (I would rather miss our trip), but it turned out to not be for a while. The bus continued through the countryside past farms and wilderness.

      It wasn't until after we drove through a tunnel that we reached the next stop that was inside of a station. I asked the driver how often he comes around.

      "Every few years." he said gruffly, making it clear that my problems were not going to be any of his business, so I didn't make it his business, but I was a bit concerned.

      I got off the bus and discovered that this was an entirely different dimension. The tunnel was actually a portal according to the workers. They were transporting goods on palettes, loading vans, and working alongside drivers to ship things back and forth through the portal to handle legal trades between the two dimensions.

      As such, they were wary of me and checked that I didn't have any contraband, though it wasn't unusual for passengers to take that bus that comes around every few years, so this was all pretty routine. They seemed annoyed at the extra work more than anything.

      They told me that I should have gotten off the bus before going through the portal if I didn't want to be here, and now I would have to wait for the next bus. I told them I wasn't willing to wait for years and showed them some of my dream powers to get the point across.

      So they begrudgingly agreed to let me go through the shipment area. Following their directions, I got back into the tunnel and headed back into the original dimension I was in. While in the tunnel, I felt more in touch with my waking memory (awareness increase).

      I was able to reunite with my SO, who said the bus (the regular one that we were SUPPOSED to get on, not the interdimensional one) comes around every few hours. So we could catch the next one and continue our trip.
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