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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 9 Dec - Working in retail

      by , 12-09-2012 at 11:41 PM
      Here's one odd little dream. I am 100% sure that I had more dreams before this one, but I just can't seem to recall them ..


      Dreams starts with this big mall. It doesn't look like a mall though, the part I was standing on looked like the indoors 'balcony' bit of the Call of Duty - Modern Warfare map Broadcast, with the color scheme from the Battlefield 3 map Ziba Tower.

      Basically, I was standing there, waiting for the store to open. Me and my colleagues had to get dressed, so we went into this small room, of which one wall had lockers and one showers. As soon as you were done with the shower, you got to pick your clothes, which were hanging outside of this small room. It was very cramped.

      As soon as all of us were done showering, we had a bit of small-talk, one of my female friends walked in. She's very short in both person and dream, and she walked in the middle of the bunch and looked up at us, basically. I remember her saying something funny and make us/her laugh.

      Then we were to leave the room and pick up our clothes. I was pretty upset, as I got out late, as the best shoes were already picked, and I had to settle for a pair of crocs, which I refused to do.
    2. Cloning and making walls

      by , 12-09-2012 at 10:22 PM
      Non-Lucid Lucid

      So today I decided to take a nap (this seems to becoming a thing) in the hopes of being lucid and because I was tired. So anyways I fell asleep and was in the dreamworld. I can't remember where I was but that I was with two companions. Somewhere along the way I became lucid and decided I was going to fly. (I don't know how I didn't lose lucidity here, but whatever) I sadly did not fly as I had hoped to and became frustrated leading to the loss of my lucidity. In the rest of my dream for some reason I decided to make clones with one of the people and then with the clones turn them into walls. If only I had done this lucid. Ah well. Hopefully I will have better luck tonight.
      Tags: cloning, walls
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Almost Caught Masturbating

      by , 12-09-2012 at 06:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost Caught Masturbating (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a random house, and I remember that I did a lot of things in the dream, but not exactly what I did. I felt tired, and a few familiar faces were going to sleep as well.

      I was assuming me and a few others were guests for someone that I know from New York in waking life. She's remaining passive like she usually is, looking at me occasionally without really realizing that she's looking at me way too much.

      At least in this case, she's focused on something else other than me. I remember a few dream flashbacks where she asked a family member of mine something, and they responded "No" while fixing something on a table.

      It seemed that it required his full attention, which made him end up being laconic to her.

      After that and a few more that I can't recall well

      I'm wearing a pajama set where there's swampish green stripes going down vertically next to a more faded lime green color....so it was a faded lime green stripe, then a swampish green stripe, and so on.

      And now for the fun part......

      ........(warning, a bit graphic)........

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Then I hear footsteps, and someone is calling out my name.

      I had an "OH CRAP!" moment, and I still didn't even get the chance to reach orgasm and ejaculate. I couldn't think straight, and even though I was in the closet, I was still panicking. I decided to use whatever is on my right hand to cover up my boner, and I quickly pulled up my pajama pants.

      The lady was wondering why I was away for so long, and I just tried to look at the ground and not make eye contact with her, because I'm still kind of horny. She scoffs at me, turns around, and I follow her into the bedroom.

      I'm still wondering how the hell I can fap without anyone noticing. I started to create scenarios, since I'll be sleeping next to this woman, on how I can still fap vigorously without her being suspicious. I didn't want to have sex with her mind you because she was a family member.

      I tried to imagine if she would sleep with her back facing me, which means that I could at least align myself where I'm resting on the right side of my body. This way, since I'm uncircumsized in the dream, I could use my thumb and roll around the head of my penis and get a quick ejaculation without making lewd noises to wake anyone up.

      The other scenario is that if she was facing me, I would have my back facing her while I'm resting on the left side of my body. This way, I could use my right hand, but it would be a little too strong for me since I haven't used it in a-------

      Wait, what am I saying...I....I don't............

      You didn't see that!

      As I'm busy formulating ways I can get this boner over and done with, I'm trying my best to make sure I suppress the urge to stroke this eager cock....it's realllllllllly hard to suppress it.

    4. Chicken Felattio Wake Up Call, Happiness and Sadness in the Snow

      by , 12-09-2012 at 06:33 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Chicken Felattio Wake up Call (Non-lucid)


      Things start out where I'm with a group of dream characters who have to fill in an empty case with a label on the side of it with the right CD.

      To make this dream short, it was basically just putting things in the right slot. Then I'm getting felattio from a cartoon chicken female in a red female ceo suit and skirt.

      The funny thing is, as soon as things were actually getting good,
      the alarm in waking life wakes me up.

      Which means a chicken not only did a cock doodley doo on my penis, but the fact that I woke up and roosters being a wake up call (except it was a female though) just made me confused.

      Note, I'm still not able to process whether or not who is giving me head is an animal or human at the time I was waking up. In fact, when I woke up, I wanted to perform a DEILD, but the alarm made my eyes open up.

      I quickly turned that damn thing off and went back to imagining the dream scene of me getting sucked off by whoever (which in this case was the female chicken).

      But I decided the wasting another hour of sleep just to attempt to get virtual blowjobs wasn't going to be worth it since I would have company over in 2 hours or so.


      Happiness and Sadness in the Snow (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking in the snow, and completely ignoring that it rarely snows where I live in waking life. I'm assuming I have my brown leather jacket on with regular dark blue jeans.

      It feels so empty, until I see a girl to the left of me about 10 feet away. She's a redhead, and she's wearing a white sleeved shirt where the sleeves are pulled up near the intersection of her elbows. I believe she had a few freckles around her nose, but I wasn't paying too much on her visage.

      I was just giving her a passive glance, and I saw there's a guy coming next to her, and it seems he's her boyfriend or just a really good friend. She talks with him for a while, and he mentions something on how she did on Algebra.

      I couldn't hear her response, but I could tell she's excited and enthusiastic in her speech. She mentions that her final exams are done, and that she can finally let loose and have some fun.

      The moment she said that, it made me reflect how I still have freaking 3 exams next week. And I went back to looking down on the ground, hugging myself because it's fairly cold. As I'm walking slowly in the snow, I passively accept the audio from the girl and the boy that I just eavesdropped for a while.

      I hear the echoes and muffling sounds from them, feeling their positive energy over their exams being finished pisses me off more, and I just want to get to the gray door that's about 15 feet away from me already.

      It seems I'm heading for a store, but the store itself seems to have no activity, at least from what I was seeing from afar. The windows are fairly realistic, having reflections here and there. The insides looked pitch black, but I can still make a decent visual on the contours of what's inside there.

      It seems to be nothing but wooden chairs, tables, and all sorts of furniture inside. The boy and the girl who are now behind me, completely out of my scope of vision, I could sense that they're leaving to enjoy themselves.

      I open the door, and I find myself being shifted into a completely different dreaming environment. The inside of the room is fairly compact and short, and the walls consists of a dark red intertwined with a maroon color.

      It feels like I'm in a mini-factory, or the back of a store where you have all the boilers and steamer machines being exposed. This place feels so familiar, but I have not awareness as to why, and I believe I take my jacket off at this point since I'm not seeing myself wearing it at all.

      I'm shifting through third person and first person view here and there, so it's a bit hard to collect when I'm a spectator or seeing myself 3rd or 1st person. I walk slowly into this mini hallway consisting of a gray and thin concrete linear path, and as I'm heading for the interseciton that makes the pathways into a cross, I encounter someone familiar.

      This person to the left of me looked like a guy who was in my art class in High School. He had weight issues, and not to be cruel or anything, he was extremely obese. He puts on that facade of depression, or at least this passive state of interchanging the demeanor of being bored or just tired of life.

      I looked at him, seeing if he's going to respond to me at all, but he doesn't really declare anything to me. I continue walking slower, focusing my sight on the door in front of me. It seems I had the keys for this door, so I take them out of my right pocket I believe.

      The door knob is silver, and is suprisingly being a little brigther than the rest of this dull environment saturated with dark red and maroon colors. The big guy is still there, and by this time, I was this close from completely blocking him from my reality inside of this dream, he didn't really matter to me because I simply did not have an attachment or any kind of bonding with him in waking life.

      But he says something, which quickly alerts me to acknowledge him, but here's how things work out. As he's talking to me, I'm in spectator mode, and I see myself wearing a gray shirt and jeans, and my view is focused near the stomach region of the shirt.

      There's a gap on my left side (if you were to take on the role of me in 1st or 3rd person view), or to the right if you're looking at this screen where I could see the guy's face and body behind me. I noticed that while I'm in spectator view, I seem to be depressed about myself overall as well.

      I can barely see my eyes because they're covered with a shadow of darkness, and my lips are neutral, barely dropping any kind of facial expression as I'm listening to this guy. Again, I can't really hear what he's saying, but I do stop in my tracks to at least show some respect and wait until he's done talking.

      When he's finished, I go back to treating him like another human being that I'll just see and forget. I go inside the door, and I find myself in a store. It's a very short store, about 20 feet in width, and maybe 30-40 feet in length from the start of the door I came into all the way to the Indian man in front of me.

      He seems like a peaceful man, and he's wearing a faded vanilla dress shirt, and I can't tell what he's wearing below because he's behind a counter. The store inside is the same as the mini hallway I was in a while ago. There's shelves to my left and right, though I wasn't interesting in materialism.

      Something about this man made me go after him, I can't remember what happens next.
    5. #1 - #6

      by , 12-09-2012 at 04:14 PM
      im still new to writing down dreams so i only have a few written down.. not the best at remembering and not sure about techniques or what could help me have lucid dreams.

      November ?, 2012
      • I don’t remember what day I had this dream but I was in some apartment terrorizing some lady in there. I found the money I wanted by the tv and walked out. The police had already showed up and was going up the stairs I was going down. There was a kid in front of me so I slowed down n let him go down and the police arrested him. I got out the door and got in my car and drove off. I turned right and went down this hill that looked like china town. Then I parked at the bottom of that hill. I then somehow was in the apartment again like I was someone else trying to comfort her. A police car drove by in the next room (shoulda noticed that) and when it turned around it looked like a police bike. Apartment had a similar look to the place that momos was. This is all I can remember.

      December 3, 2012
      • When I was dreaming I remembered being on a dirt road that had a few S turns to it. I would constantly be going this way to someones, possibly brendans house but never left that way, only entered. He had told me these guys on bikes were dangerous and if you try to pass them they will kill you. They would come out of this ally as I was entering and stopped to wait for them to go ahead. This happened every time. This time was some party and cayden had some weed along with a bunch of others passing it around, they gave it to me and I did to throwing it in the distance ahead of me when it was done. It burned me a little but It was just warm in my mouth. Nothing happened from it… After that I was walking with dad and uncle rod as he was telling some story about kids always smoking weed and dad was arguing “but not at 10”. On my bed there was a thing of crap which made no since at the upper side of my bed. Grabbed paper and took it off, not sure what I did with it after(I think I threw it on the ground). I would lay down and flick smaller bits off and tried to smell it but there was no smell. It looked like it had corn bits in it at first but picking it up there was nothing. Had that tender meat stringy look to it. I think I was sleeping when I woke up.

      December 5, 2012
      • In my dream I think this was a hospital. One part I was begging someone to go into this portal with me. Looked like a minecraft portal thing but she wouldn’t. the floor was missing in some spots in block pattern (like what I do to spawners). it was because some kid had stolen stuff from this place which I think was a hospital. The kid was the same as the one from the book I was reading I believe(Quinn kahill). Then last I remember I was helping caleb (fat asshole) with some homework but I didn’t want to at first. I don’t know why I did. Last thing was I was looking out the window at some people golfing. The slope was downhill to the hole not sure which one and they were just walking up to it about to swing. This is when I woke up.

      December 6, 2012
      •Don’t remember what was going on at the time if it was for my gecko or austins but something was wrong with the heat pad so we were trying to make a new one. Don’t know what I was eating looked like a tortilla or some kind of brownie but I ripped or ate the bottom off and it looked close to a heat pad. Then I looked at the wires how it had 2 silver prongs half connected to the rest of the wire by the cage. Last thing I said was just gota figure out the wiring for it now. Then the next part of my dream was in some place that I cant remember but some girl was chained up, I think it was a tour of the house. Not sure if cursed or what was going on but after she was tortured they hit her in the crotch and blood went down everywhere(kicked her in the crotch, tarzan always checks for squirrels first is where that may have come from). Then whoever was in charge (a girl) asked if I wanted to be part of this or end like her(the girl). Of course I said part of this and I think she wanted me to fuck her as proof that I will stay. This is all I remember of that then I woke up.

      December 8, 2012
      • So this dream was weird a bit. I cant remember where it started I think it was grandma. The house was a bit different. But anyway it was winter but was never cold. We were playing outside and jasmine went in. after a bit jade called me over and told me to look through the window. There was jasmine playing the piano without a shirt. So I ran in to find my ipod it was in the living room and by the time I got it she was gone. So after that these 3 kids were here no idea who they were but they somehow got to see by asking her if she needed something when she was in the shower. After that I left and went to some other house with a similar layout as grandmas and tried to sleep in the corner. These black guys dressed in black got mad at me saying I made a lot of noise and wouldn’t let me stay so I had to leave. After walking in snow I was dressed all in white and a white mask with some crazy design on the eyes. Somehow I was able to adjust it to see and walked around the house and looked through the window. There was some guy in I think a cowboy outfit and some girl with him. Tall. He came out telling me to get the hell out and went back in. I hid down in the snow when he looked out the window. I somehow went in and stole his boots at some point they were really long and pointed and said something runner on them and was able to run easy with them. Looking through their window I cant remember what they were doing but someone else was there with me outside not sure who or why and at some point the guy came out and said thought I told u to get out. So we faught and I completely beat the shit out of him. I was stabbing at his eyes and nose with a straw and around the end of that I threw him over me and out through the snow. Then I went inside to this girl with darker skin, I don’t know what she said but i started to kiss her and grabbed her ass pulling it toward me and then she started to and I lifted the left half of her shirt and kissed her boob. It was like a u but sticking out and hard? But then I kissed and sucked the other one and got something in my mouth that didn’t taste good. She wasn’t looking I spit and then pushed her to the bed. Then that.. and the view zoomed out to a video and I woke up

      December 9, 2012
      • this dream has happened more than once but i cant remember much of it. i remember its some kind of giant arena with others around it. id somehow build a giant tree house type thing and metal doors instead of wood. Another part was in class caleb would try to sit behind me because alaina hugged me right in front of him but i stretched so he went back to where he was. Another i was a prisoner and was following this girl. not sure how it happened but she had this business suit on. Then when i looked she was on her hands and knees skirt off with white underwear on and said just make it quick. i cant remember what happened after if i did or woke up

      Sorry that its long but anyway any comments, advice, etc. welcome if thats possible here haha ill try to post these alot and hopefully good advice will get me to lucid dreams
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. More Copping

      by , 12-09-2012 at 02:36 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      More Copping

      There was more to this dream, but I don't remember it. The salient point was that I was in a pool. A girl was in front of me and she started tickling my balls. I pulled her in close so her back was up against my chest.

      I slowly started feeling the bottom of her breasts until I cupped them both. All of a sudden I was sucking on one of them.

      Soon I was out of the pool and trying to catch up to someone who was going to drive somewhere. I think it was my cousin J. As I tried to catch up to him, my headphone wires got caught in part of a door panel. I tried to undo it but it was caught.

      I kept getting it almost undone, but then it was caught too well to free. Eventually by trying to unwrap the wires, I opened the door. As I entered, I realized I was in a vet.

      The veterinarian didn't want me there and she asked me to take all the animals and go wherever I was going. I wondered how she expected to do her job if I had all the animals...which weren't mine!...so I kind of discounted what she said.

      I saw the back of someone's head. She had blonde hair and she was sitting in the vet's office. I wanted to continue my sexy-time dream with her, so I realized I was dreaming. I said, "Please be pretty!" in my mind. As I turned her around I woke up.


      The End

      I'm going to add a lucid to my count under my Worthless Lucid's heading just to keep count and monitor my lucid's.
    7. The Mother and my saying sorry

      by , 12-09-2012 at 11:42 AM
      I went to a house, where ruth and her family lived. There is garden, the sunn is shining, i meet her mother, i try to apologise to her, they seem as if they themselves dont no what to say or to do, my mother is also there, she wants a nice table in the garden, so we all can eat together.


      I know, that there will be a port cast, it is a small house, and the gay looks like an oxford profesor, he is wearing an apron, and as the girl comes, he is quite nice to her....
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Big House

      by , 12-09-2012 at 11:37 AM
      Dec 8, 2012

      I recall walking through a house with 9 to 10 large rooms arranged either like a 3 by 3 or 3 by 4. I wasn't lucid but I was felt the eeriness of the dream. The large house is a reoccurring figure in my dreams. The house becomes more familiar with each successive dream in it. I vaguely remember upon entering the house that a voice directed me towards the kitchen, where I believed people to have been in.
    9. 09/12/2012 - Dreams

      by , 12-09-2012 at 11:06 AM
      Dream 1: Fight
      My younger brother is going out for the girls and I am following him. Then we are back to home there we saw two men are fighting with each other on front of our gate. I am trying to save myself from them. My younger brother transformed into my other brother. we knock our house gate. and then we entered and going to our drawing room.

      Dream 2: Guest
      I am coming back to my home from Market. This is our current house but in strange street. Front of this house there is a Mud wall. And My father is there and talking to my mother from there and my mother was in our house gate. I reached and got that my father is here and i saw him and said hello. My mom is telling me that my father in law is coming today its surprise but he is coming alone not with his family and we are saying that this is wrong that he is alone.
      Tags: fight, guest
    10. The night of 12/9/12 (GangsterPanda's DJ)

      by , 12-09-2012 at 09:12 AM
      My first DJ post, wish the dreams were a bit more intreasting


      Miss X- So I remember sitting in a pub with BH well it was more of a coffee shop. Over to the right there was a door which looked like it was made from diamonds but wasn't and I could see a faint figure behind the door. Then BH called out "Hey X" and then the most stunning woman I have seen in a dream so far open the door. And she says something like "BH!". So X then turns and looks at me and asks who I was, BH told her who I was and we started talking about stuff in the Coffee shop. So we were now back at my house the dream had a time lag so this actually felt like a long time when it wasn't. My kitchen and dining room look amazingly realistic and so did X. It actually turned out that X was BH's X-girlfriend and in real life he never talks about her. In the house X looked like a girl I saw on my recent holiday, she was wearing a black dress with about 4/5 of her legs showing. We talked and the only two conversations I remember are "Do you do any sports I use to do basketball at school?" The funny thing was she was not as tall as you would expect her to be for that sport. I told her I played basketball too, and also hockey. The other thing I remember is BH said you to would be great together and well she laughed and said yeah we would. She came over to me but my dream transitioned.

      The red liquid water slide- now this dream actually followed the same theme as the last one because X was still there but this time my Mom was as well. And a lot of other family members. Well this shows that dreams have to meaning because all we were trying to do was get red liquid down a water slide. But me and X were bonding we were slashing at each other and all that. The dream was actually quite long but had no structure so I decided I would leave most of out.

      The tesco carpark and Robowars- probably the longest and most interesting dream I had last night, I remember driving a car into tesco to go get my shopping, and there was a chimpanzee in the car with me. So anyway I was walking down the isles and I didn't pick up anything and went out the shop. I was now again in the Car park which by the way is absolutely huge. So I went out of the Store car park and I can't actually remember what I did outside of the store, but when I came back I remembered the 2 hour packing rule. So I ran to my car and couldn't find it I remember thinking someone had drove off with it, but then it came into view and the dream transitions. I was now at my village park and all the other residents were there making giant robot dinosaur, so I thought what the heck and joined in. In what felt like ages we built 5 massive dinosaurs and we battled then on some grassy plain which is very similar to my Morgan Freeman guide of the dream world dream which if you want to read is in the lucid experiences topic board. I then woke up.

      It's unusual to remember this much because I have not been writing done my dreams due to making a tulpa, but I believe this as some how caused better dream recall and vividness.
    11. 08/12/12

      by , 12-09-2012 at 08:59 AM
      -Dream 1-

      I was stood inside this building, it was quickly filling with smoke. Suddenly fire people rushed in and told us to get out because the place was on fire. When we were all outside I saw the girl who told us to get out. The girl with black hair. I didn't realise at the time who she was but I went over to her and hugged her tightly and told her she was very brave (she was quite young).

      -Dream 2-

      Was in some kind of shopping centre buying cake, I couldn't decide so in the end bought some cake with walnuts in ^_^

      Hopefully my recall will get better soon ready for The 1 Week Challenge
    12. 12/5/12 The second night

      by , 12-09-2012 at 08:24 AM
      Throughout the entire night i had quite a few dreams, although none of them were lucid. The first dream i had that night was about some guys trying to rob me. In real life, i take martial arts and i was trying to fight the guys off of me and i did. After that i woke up. Then feel back to sleep and dreamed something about a guy working on a powerline and i watched him get electrocuted and fall off of the thing he was on and he hit the ground. I woke up again and the way things went during this night I beleive I went though all my REM stages and remembered all my dreams from this night. When i feel back to sleep again, I dreamed I was at my ex-girlfiends house(I should have used reality checks here, but like an idiot I didn't). Some things went on there that you guys can guess on your own lol. Then finally I woke up before the last dream and it was still pretty early. So I dirfted off into a similar situation as the first dream. I think that there was water in the enviroment I was in and I was fighting with many opponents in martial arts. This was the most vivid of them all during the night. The difference in the last dream and the first was i did not feel thretened by guys in the second one. I beleive we were only sparring.
    13. 12\4\12 My first attempt to lucid dream

      by , 12-09-2012 at 07:55 AM
      During the night of 12\4\12 i did not recall any dreams but i attempted to fuse the wake back to bed technique with the Wake induced lucid dreaming technque that next morning when i woke up. My dad was playing the guitar in the backround and that was what hepled keep me concious. After about twenty minutes of laying still, I entered sleep paralysis. I thought it was so cool, but it got so intense it scared me right out of it and i did not attempt after it to go back into the sleep paralysis. Next time im that close though i know now how to move right back into the paralysis state and hopefully i will sucsessfully enter a lucid dream after that point.
      Tags: attempt, dream, lucid
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. No. 11/13/2012

      by , 12-09-2012 at 07:55 AM
      A girl opened a drawer full of chocolate bars, they are all open but still had chocolates in them. She asked me if I know how she can eat chocolate all the time... it was because she exercises and runs.

      I saw my ex. He asked me about something and I told him that I don't care, that I like him at this moment, and that I know it won't last but he's the one that makes me happy right now. I kept kissing him.
    15. Really long 11/11/2012

      by , 12-09-2012 at 07:51 AM
      I was at home with my mom and she told me to get her some medicine. She told me to make sure I have enough money since the medicine is 70 dollar for a small bottle. She wrote the medicine name down on a piece of cardboard. I carried it to my car and started driving, the way to the store was more like an alleyway than a road. It was narrow and it doesn't even look like it would fit two cars. It was mostly a straight road except for a quick left and right turn, the alleyway was surrounded by walls. I got to the convenience store, I got three items and the total was 70 dollar. On the way back home, I realized that I didn't get the medicine and my excuse was "I forgot to bring the money so I had to come back home". I then remembered that I do have enough money to buy it and drove back. This time around the quick left and right turn, I drove too fast and it was dangerous. I got to the store, I couldn't find it so I asked the woman at the counter.She told me they don't sell them and told me to look for it in a bigger store. When I was out the door and in my car, the owners son gave me his email on a piece of paper and said that we should have dinner. I accepted the piece of paper and the email was short and started with "w". I found a piece of scrap paper and started writing down my email but the back had other information so I wrote it at the bottom of the paper. I ripped it and gave it to him while apologizing for the handwriting. It was horrible but still legible, it looked like I scratched it on a wall with my fingernail. --- I was at a supermarket's outdoor parking lot. I was parking underneath a staircase but it was too low. --- I was at a live horror show or something, I couldn't remember the details of the during. The show was ending and I was relieved but the announcer said that there are bonus games. Some guy volunteered for the first one and a familiar girl volunteered for the next one, something to do with the grudge. --- I was in my car driving, and these white trucks that looks like the clean up crew. They are parked surrounding the street. I was driving away from that spot, but was directed to the right side of the street. I was told to park my car on this lift and climb the ladder to the car. I see people around doing just that. I parked my car and got distracted cause the next thing I did was trying to find my car. I looked up from the ground trying to find a red car, I found red but it was a deep red. I found my bright red car to the left and climbed up. a guy told me to drive my car down this curvy slide and that sounds dangerous. I opened my car door, threw some items in and got in.