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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dodge ball

      by , 08-27-2012 at 11:24 PM (Conscious Sleeping)
      After tossing and turning all night not being able to sleep I just gave up. This morning when I decided to try and sleep again I was more successful. Trying to fall asleep, telling myself, "I will dream, I will remember" I slipped off while looking at the light coming from my window. This light slowly fading away, then coming back and turning red as I zoom out and away from a dodge ball leaving my hand. I was in a place I wouldn't be able to recall. Never being here before I was confused as my extremely pissed dad whips another dodge ball at me. I was in a gym. Several other teenagers I've never met before all whipping dodge balls at each other before me. I blink and they were gone. The room brightens and I could feel a warm aura pulsating around me. Looking across this strange gym I find my dad with an exercise ball in his arms and sprinting straight at me. Before I can react I was drilled sent straight into the floor. Momentarily, split seconds before smashing into the concrete I am awake to my grandmother yelling my name.
    2. Babysitting

      by , 08-27-2012 at 11:21 PM
      At in-laws' house. Mum was having a bath in the laundry sink, while my wife and I watched TV. Small children playing on the floor. I was playing with one of them for a while, while I waited for Mum to come out of surgery. Child became upset so I handed her to my father-in-law who had just arrived home from a road trip.
    3. Bike store, shoe thief

      by , 08-27-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Walking in the city (dream-geography) on a Sunday. Happen upon a bike store with a closing sale. Browse in shop, which is kind of bare. Shopkeeper asks if I'm interested in Trek bikes. I say no, and he proceeds to take me to see some bikes. I was thinking "I bet he'll show me a Trek bike just because he's a salesman." He didn't, but showed me a MTB of some other brand. He tried to convince me that I should have the seat low enough that I could rest both feet flat on the ground while seated, and just to be polite I pretended to agree. He asked if I would be more interested in a road bike, and I said that I ride a fixed-gear road bike. Somehow he knew that I ride 30km (20mi) to work, and was impressed that I ride a fixie. He showed me a weird road bike with a removable rear triangle, which could be re-attached with different lengths to change the wheelbase. Not sure how the chain worked(?). While he was showing me this, two suspicious kids walked in and looked around. I was tempted to talk to them, thinking I could convince them not to steal, but then I got the feeling that the shopkeeper didn't want anyone to do anything, so I watched. They picked up a pair of bright blue ankle-high shoes and walked out. The shopkeeper joked that it would have been impossible to sell those shoes anyway.
    4. A Storm and a Report Card

      by , 08-27-2012 at 08:22 PM (Dreams from the Deep)
      Sleep Time: 3:00 am - 8:00 am

      I attempted a WBTB but failed..

      Storm Coming

      H and I are walking down a trail. We pass a beautiful white marble fountain several times. There is a storm off in the distance. I notice several small, faint tornadoes in this storm.

      Report Card?

      I get a report card in the mail (which I should have questioned since I graduated college 3 years ago). The report card came in 2 pieces but only half of it was mine. The other half had the name of the children of my parents' next door neighbors. I'm calling my step-mother to tell her when my alarm goes off.
    5. Bears

      by , 08-27-2012 at 06:23 PM

      I was camping in a forest with some friends. I was nervous because there were supposed to be bears around. And, sure enough, I soon spotted a brown bear. It started walking toward me, so I hurried into the camping trailer that Marsha had brought. I worried that the bear would be strong enough to just tear though the wall of the trailer. Suddenly I saw that the bear was in the trailer. I wasn't sure how it had gotten in. And there was another bear with it that was a more tan colored bear.

      I was suddenly with 2 other little girls. And I think I was also very young now, maybe 10 years old. We decided to needed to hide in the traler's bathroom, but as I pulled the sliding door shut, I saw how flimsy the wood was. I knew a bear could break through that with ease.

      But then Marsha came into the trailer. She was armed with a gun. She walked right up to the first bear and unloaded a couple of rounds into it. The bear dropped. She did the same with the next bear until it was also dead.

      Later I remember doing stuff in the trailer (but it was a much bigger place now) with the bears' dead bodies still there. I remember being glad that at least they were not bleeding all over everything.
      Tags: animals, bears
    6. Mon. Aug. 27

      by , 08-27-2012 at 06:22 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      A bunch of my buds and I decided to go to the airport together. We've been delayed in various ways, so I'm relieved when one guy finally gets back with our boarding passes so we can head to our respective gates. I start speedwalking along a hallway. There's a stranger about to cut me off going around a corner (I'm squeezed between him and the wall), so I try to dart past him. The only trouble is, someone else tries to do the same on his other side, so we all end up crashing into each other and making a really awkward scene. I hurriedly apologize and start lecturing everyone about what a bad decision we both made there. The other guy apologizes also (as much to me as to the stranger, it seems), and I recognize him as a high school friend. But I'm desperate to vacate the scene, so I dash away again without saying hi. I feel bad about it, since I never got a chance to talk with him over summer break, either.

      As I walk through more hallways, I see a girl a bit younger than me trying out a kind of play microphone. From what I hear as I pass by, it changes your voice so you sound like a robotic alien.

      I reach a green tile ramp set into the middle of the floor; it's about twenty feet wide. I set down my things beside me and happily slide down it. There are lots of twists and turns, forking paths, and side hallways. I start to feel a bit confused about the layout of the airport. Once, I shoot off the end of a flat section and gravity doesn't work too quickly, so I crash lightly into a vertical wall a few feet farther forward. I'm frustrated that the ramp didn't work properly, but I'm not injured or anything. I continue going down. A girl comes sliding out of a side hallway, and I recognize her as a housemate right before we crash into each other. We both laugh about it. Behind me, I hear some people from the group I arrived with. They're talking about how it's later than they thought it was, and they were supposed to be at their gate quite a while ago. Upon hearing this, I realize that I'm not even sure what gate I'm supposed to be going to.

      Well, that kind of takes the fun out of sliding. I get off the slide and fish my crumpled boarding pass out of my pocket. It's the smaller part, the stub that ushers usually take when you go into the theater. I hope I still have the other part. But whatever, gate information should be on this part as well. When I look for the gate, I'm horrified to see that the terminal is specified not with one but with FOUR letters, which seem to follow a complicated pattern of upper and lower case. This airport is far more confusing than I feared. I have no idea where that terminal is, much less how to get there. I'm probably going to miss my flight.

      Uncomfortable Music

      There's a concert coming up, and I still need to practice the music. I pull it out and start working, but it's the most uncomfortable music I've ever played. I feel like I'm engaged in spiritual battle with some demonic entity, and the music is feeding it, making it stronger. I decide to stop practicing before the music kills me.

      But now it's concert time, and I still haven't practiced. This is one of those orchestras where you only get a couple rehearsals and you only get the one concert, so if I don't do a good job on this concert, I may as well not be in the orchestra at all. So while we're all sitting on stage warming up, I try to get in a bit more practice. Realistically, though, it's too little too late.

      Climbing Rock

      One of the main attractions in this building is its indoor climbing rock. Its surface is rough but its shape is roughly ellipsoid, and its dimensions in meters are about 15 by 20 on the base, and 3 high. It's granite, or anyway some kind of gray stone. The sides are a bit steep, so the attraction is that it's challenging to get on and off of it, but once you're on top you can run around and play games with the other victors.

      I finally reach the front of the line, and I reach the top without incident. I don't have anything to do up there, though, so I just walk across to the other corner and try to find my way down. Turns out this side is much steeper than I expected. As I'm clinging to the rock, a building employee walks over and sticks something on my arm. I can't pick it up since I need my arms to hang on, so I use my forehead to try and press the thing more firmly to my arm. I'll look at it later. Anyway, I fiddle and shift around for a few minutes without making much downward progress, but then I notice that some "rungs" have been cut into this side of the rock a few feet to my right: rectangular gouges about two inches deep, spaced like the rungs of a ladder. I use them to get down, but then I start feeling like I cheated, and I start wondering whose idea it was to put rungs on the climbing rock, anyway. I see my old math TA standing nearby, so I ask him if there's a more legit way to climb down the rock in the place I had been trying to do it. He doesn't know, but during the course of the conversation I become convinced that for the sake of my own self-worth, I need to go back onto the climbing rock and try again.

      The rungs on the rock go all the way down to a hallway below the floor on which the climbing rock is located. I'm not allowed to go back up the rungs, so I'll have to find some other way to the floor above. There doesn't seem to be an elevator in sight, and I begin to wonder whether this building is designed to make it difficult to get back to that floor.

      I wander around for quite some time. In the process, I come across a darkened room with a bunch of merry-go-rounds or bumper cars or something spinning all over the place on the floor. I need to cross the room, but it'll be hard to do that without getting my shins severely bruised. Seriously, who thought this room was a good idea? I do some desperate dives and jumps and hops, and somehow I make it.

      At another time, I see something in the wall that looks like an elevator button, and I press it without thinking. A second later, though, I see that the windows in the sliding doors on this wall are showing me an underground tunnel, not an elevator shaft. This button must call a subway train. Horizontal transport rather than vertical. Sure enough, a train soon comes roaring up to the station. Ha ha, very funny, building designer.

      Finally I find some hallways populated by people, and I even recognize some of them. They're students from my university. I'm surprised to note that a lot of the girls look quite attractive. Isn't my school one of those where you're supposed to need a special pair of goggles for this kind of thing? Maybe that's not true! That would be cool. Anyway, I go into a room where some acquaintances of mine are having a baking party.

      Road Rage

      I accidentally drop a rubber duck behind a movie screen playing Finding Nemo. Damn it. I'm going to have to tow it out with my car. I get in and start zooming down the highway, swerving haphazardly between other cars and going just about as fast as my car can manage. Once, I start passing a car just as it starts passing the car in front of it. Meanwhile there's yet another car in the far left lane, so for a few seconds there are four of us cars driving side-by-side in a three-lane highway. I don't care. I'm angry. Eventually I decide it's time to turn around, so I pull one of those parking-brake 180s and shift gears without putting in the clutch. For a while I dodge traffic going in the opposite direction until I find myself on the right side of the highway, halfway between two lanes and tailgating both cars in front of me. One of them suddenly brakes, and I almost crash into it. That was a bit too close for my liking, so I try to give them a bit more space. But there are cars everywhere and I'm still trying to get things under control when I look up and there's a white screen with the word "Nemo" right in front of me and I swerve just enough to crash into the screen broadside, and the car comes to a halt. The rubber duck falls out, rolls behind the movie screen, and this time rolls all the way under the refrigerator as well. Damn it, now I'm never going to get it out!

      Party at Alex Day's

      Tonight is an orchestra rehearsal. It's the first one, but it might as well be the dress rehearsal, since we only get a couple of rehearsals before the concert. I decide I should wear concert attire, just to get used to it. I'm running late, so I resent the few minutes it takes to turn on my laptop and check my email to find the one where the conductor tells us what concert attire will be. By the time I'm dressed and outside, it's five minutes to seven. I can't remember whether rehearsal is scheduled for six or for seven, but in either case, I'm going to be late. I decide to go anyway, because even half a rehearsal is better than none when you only get two in the first place.

      Unfortunately, there's some car trouble. It takes a few minutes to work out, and then Dad and some of his friends give the car (in neutral) a push down the road. I start running down the road after it, trying to reach it before the road curves and the car crashes into the fence. I barely get there in time, diving into the car to cheers from the group still standing around my driveway. I dove too far, ending up in the passenger seat, so I climb back over to the driver side. I stick in the key and twist it, the engine comes on, and I turn the steering wheel. As I drive out of the neighborhood, I try to think of what else I need to do in order to get the car under control. Maybe I should turn on the radio?

      Later, I'm walking. I decide to take a shortcut through some buildings. It's a more direct route, but I'm not sure if there actually is a path all the way through. I go up some stairs, down some stairs, and through some arches. The buildings are made out of butterscotch-colored stucco (or plaster or something; I'm not sure what it's called). Suddenly I see an arch that opens onto an apartment full of people, including Alex Day and my sister! Alex invites me in, and we start talking. There's a really fun atmosphere at this party; I'm impressed. I wonder if Alex and my sister are dating. Just for fun, sometimes I answer Alex's or my sister's questions in Spanish. He invites me to stay, but I insist that I must be going: I've got places to be and work to do. My sister explains that Alex feels threatened by my productivity as a musician. Hmmm. Interesting.

      I ask Alex if he knows any way though the buildings so I can finish my shortcut. He doesn't, but he tells me I should ask Kim (Nieuwenhuis). "Her apartment's just upstairs," he says. "I spent a couple of days up there a while ago. It's one of the happiest places I've ever been." Well then. I guess I should go up there.

      Just then, a group of girls run past in the hallway outside. They're laughing and running upstairs, and I think I recognize Kim among them. "Kim!" I call, hurrying to the doorway. But either it wasn't her, or she didn't hear me. No one turns around.

      In any case, I think I remember this place. I think I've been here before. If memory serves, I should be able to go down this hall and around a corner and--yes! I'm outside! It should be easy to get to the concert hall from here. But then I realize that I've left my viola in Alex's apartment, so I have to go back for that. Somehow I start watching a new video of his that's based on a pun on his name: Alex Day vs. Alex Night, or something. There's a bouncing ball that turns into a bounding dog that turns into two smaller balls that Alex throws that turn into one bigger bouncing ball again, and so forth.

      • Watching an online advertisement for a cosmetic skin product
      • Posting on the DV forums. I was glad when I realized I was doing this, because that meant I was actually participating in the forums beyond just my introduction thread.
    7. 08272012 - The WILD Approaches Says The Dream Guide.

      by , 08-27-2012 at 05:07 PM
      This dream didn't last long but it left quite an impression.

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]An alarm is sounding and it’s an unusual sound judging byall the activity. People seem confused by the noise and don’t know where to goor what to do about it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I appear to be at a resort judging by all the people inbathing suits and swim attire but I think of it more like a compound. The womanin the blue bikini is telling people something about an approaching WILD and weneed to be prepared for its eventuality. To me it just seems like a normaloccurrence though people near me are clearly agitated.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I called it a compound because the ‘resort’ is surrounded bya large concrete wall, the kind of wall that isn’t meant to look confining butin reality is a foot thick and reinforced. The setting seems tropical but thepalm trees can’t compete with the view of the woman in the blue bikini. She isin charge and stunning, a powerful combination.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Almost like a Dream Guide, I think.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Sadly I wake up, but the vision of her still fills my mind.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      Tags: dream guide, wild
      memorable , non-lucid
    8. No Wedding Ring (SDE Day 13 Part 2)

      by , 08-27-2012 at 04:49 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      No Wedding Ring (SDE Day 13 Part 2) (Non-lucid)


      I had to go to Organic Chemistry Lab, and didn't have time to write this dream out with the previous entry.

      I'm in a store, and I'm trying to find a wedding ring for someone, the employee gives me few options, but they don't even look like Wedding Rings in the first place. One apparent jewelery was a transparent sky blue glassware. It was oval shaped, with a curved tip on each end. I believe there were a few waves perpendicular from the curve tips on the vertical side of the object.

      I try to look around the the displays contained in the glass containers in typical jewelery stores, but they are pretty much empty. The lady in front of me who was the employee wore a light blue dress shirt, and had black/dark brown hair, and looked like she was in her 40s. She had some mascara around her eyes.

      I leave the store, it's useless wasting my time here. The dream shifts, it's a very bright environment, full of grassy hills here and there. I walk down, and see a lady in a light blue dress opening her arms to the skies. I can only see the backside of her, and the dress looks very nice on her. She has light brown hair, is fairly tall, probably my height, or a few inches taller.

      I gaze at her for a while, until she notices I'm close to her. She turns her face to the left side, and she's smiling, but I don't know if she's smiling at me. She has her hair tied up, bundled into a short ball in the back. She was in a very positive mood, as if she's in her own little world, nothing to hold her back.

      Out of reaction, I tried to smile, but after she turns back to continue spread her arms out, something felt wrong. I guess I didn't feel I belong here, so I left...

      Updated 08-31-2012 at 11:02 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. A Machete to The Thumb, And Various Odd Happenings In My Room

      by , 08-27-2012 at 04:08 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was somewhere with my mom. We were inside, and I remember the colors being bright tones of purple, blue, and there was some darker red in there. She was showing me how to cut things with a machete. I don't like knives or things like that, it's kind of an irrational fear I posses in waking life, and apparently in my dreams too. I wasn't really too scared though, more just worried that she would slip up and hurt me. I kept thinking that a machete blade was so sharp, it would slice at the slightest contact.

      My mom was showing me some way to cut where you threw it in the air and it would come back down. When she did that, it grazed my left thumb. It didn't hurt, and I looked at my thumb and didn't notice anything immediately weird, but then I saw a slight line that went all around the pad of my thumb. I told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right away. I touched the cut part of my thumb, and it was barely attached. It then started to ooze some blood out the sides of the cut. Then I noticed the pain. I held the piece of my thumb to the rest of it, worried it would fall off and I wouldn't be able to save it. I knew there was a time limit on reattaching digits and limbs, and I wasn't about to let that piece of my thumb go.

      We were then at the hospital, which had the same color scheme as wherever we were before, and we went up to the counter. I was holding my thumb, and telling the ER nurse that we needed to get in quick. I hoped she thought it was enough of an emergency to send us back right away.

      Thankfully, she did. We were sent back, and my mom told me that they would put this clear gel stuff around the cut that would "dissolve part of the nerve". I thought they were going to kill my thumb, but I think it was designed to seal the wound quickly, kinda like a heavy-duty liquid band-aid.

      I sat down, and a man with messy brown hair that was a bit shorter than mine and a mustache sat across from me and started to doctor my thumb. I couldn't watch as he lined the cut with the gel. My mom was sitting to my right getting the same thing done by a woman doctor I think. She didn't have a cut though, so I wasn't sure why she was doing it. Oh well.

      When the doctors were done, we got up. My mom showed me the veins in her wrist, and how the medicine was causing some of them to look a white-ish clear color. I then put my wrist out and noticed the same thing. Apparently, that was a normal reaction to the medicine.

      I looked at my thumb, and it looked like it was healing well enough. No blood, and I could barely see the cut anymore. Then, I saw my cat underneath a kitchen table and some chairs, and she was messing with something that apparently was supposed to be my thumb, but looked nothing like it. It was this small white thing, maybe it was the cat's paw or something. At any rate, part of it came off, and some string thing extended from it, like that's what was holding it together. I then saw that the pad of my thumb has fallen off, leaving an indention where it had been before. Well crap, that sucks. I accepted it, however, since there really wasn't anything else I could do about it. I examined the thumb, and it looked like someone had just scooped a bit from the middle. It still had the lines and creases of a fingerprint. I felt alright about it, I knew it was something I just had to get used to.


      I was in my room, and my mom came in and started to look through my stuff since the people painting our house had to do something in my room (IWL we are having the house painted). I went into my closet and watched her do it, hoping she wouldn't get into my top dresser drawer where my pipe was. She then headed over there and asked something about the dresser. My POV then switched to me being behind the dresser. She started to open the drawer, and I ran out and shut it, saying
      "You don't want to look in there. Please don't look in there."
      She didn't argue or anything, she just opened another drawer instead.

      Then, I remember walking out of Peck Hall, a building at my old college, and I was with some other people, my friend JT being one of them. He had his arm around me. In front of me, I saw the back of a girl in a cute black sun dress with grayish flowers on it. She was wearing a headband in her straight blonde hair. It looked just like my good friend Kacey, whom in waking life moved away to another town last year. I asked JT if it was Kacey, and he said no. I knew it couldn't have been anyway. We kept walking.


      I remember a brief fragment about Gabriel texting me saying he was busy or something.


      I was in my room again, looking at some painting that The Sandman apparently did, of an Indian girl getting fucked by a white dude on my bed by the closet...I could hear him explaining it to me. It wasn't his original plan to paint that, he had just started to paint a hand on the closet door, and he was inspired to paint two people fucking. Lolwut.

      Then, there was some weird black contraption in my room. It was a dolly that the painters were using to carry packages or heavy loads, but at first I thought it was a weird sex toy. I touched something that protruded from the center, which I assumed was used for, well, sexual purposes. Hmm...interesting. I then saw the wheels and realized what it really was.

      I then saw this guy laying on the floor next to this girl I had some classes with in waking life named Natalie. At least I think it was her. Anyway, she was giving this guy shot after shot in the leg, right where it bends, a little below the side of the knee. They were supposed to be steroid shots or something. Natalie was giving the shots like a professional nurse would. They were talking as she gave him the shots. I said something about my mom getting steroid shots in her shoulders for her pain. He would occasionally say it hurt, but they would keep talking.

      She finally finished giving him shots. I have no idea how many he gave her; it was quite a few. I saw the part of his leg that was getting the shots was slightly swollen in the spots the needles had gone in.

      I finally got to sleep last night after struggling for hours to do so. I take ambien to sleep now, and I guess I've built up a tolerance, or this batch just sucks. Either way, it's not helping me sleep right now. I had to take an allergy pill to even have any hope I would fall asleep, which I obviously finally did after sitting up half the night watching documentaries on Netflix. Hoping that a visit to the doctor will straighten out the sleeping meds problem. I do eventually need to get off the Ambien, and I will once my life slows down a bit.

      Updated 08-27-2012 at 04:37 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Playstation and Colours

      by , 08-27-2012 at 02:52 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I can kind of remember two dreams from last night. Well, more like fragments. In the first, I was trying to help a girl hook up a Playstation to my laptop because she needed a monitor to play it on. The second dream involved me guessing at meanings of things in a language made of colours.
    11. At least give me $20, Kaiba's Wives (SDE Daty 13)

      by , 08-27-2012 at 12:51 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      At Least Give Me $20 (Non-lucid)


      Inside of a High School, and the tile flooring is light brown, and I'm at one of the end sections of it like the one High School in waking life that shows up a lot lately. Apparently, I'm waiting for something, I think, and I can't go inside of the rooms because most of the students are taking an exam of some sort.

      I'm just casually waiting at a wall, wondering when it's time for dismissal. I'm assuming I finished my exam early, like REALLY early, so it's no wonder I'm waiting so long for the bell to ring. As I see people coming out, for some reason, I had to give some guy cash, like around $30 if I remember correctly. I felt as if I didn't need to give him this at all, I felt like I Was just giving away free money.

      I tell him to give me back my money, and he does. I check the amount in my hand and had $5 instead, so I asked him,

      "At least give me 20."

      He looks at me, but he's just standing there like an idiot, and since he's not going to respond at all, I decided to prepare to leave for the building. There's a red sign with white font saying something along the lines of talking not being permitted when others are taking the exam.

      When it's time for most students to leave, there's a blonde teacher who looked likes Ms. Anderson in one of the High Schools I attended. She's wearing a light gray jacket, light blue jeans, and has the same, or close, body composition as the waking life counterpart. She's resting one of her hands on the red sign, and is pushing it forward, which obviously means we can't talk for as long as she drags the sign wherever she's going.

      I walk a little faster, since there's really no point in being in this area anymore, and I finally get out of the long hallway from one of the end sections, and I am now at the beginning of the 1/4 mile path that would be perpendicular to the hallway I just came out of. It looks like good weather out there, light gray skies, not too sunny at all. I turn to the right, since the left side is pretty much a dead end with a brown wall like the waking life version of this High School layered in bricks.

      I'm still cognizant of the sign being moved around, but by this time, I'm already at a fair amount of distance from it. Here's the part that makes this High School different from waking life. There's a section to my left where you can prepare to leave the building and go to the bus docking area. It's easy to distinguish because of the light gray carpet flooring and glass doors.

      I had a feeling that I might've been late to get on the bus, but I don't know why, just a hunch. That hunch was wrong because as soon as I get out of the building, there are plenty of buses that are dormant. All of them are your classic canary/yellow colored buses. A few are starting to get ready to form a line for students who will be outside in a few minutes.

      I decided to get a clear view of all the buses, so I decided to take a jump up some wide ledge above me with easy, probably 10 feet, and look at the view. It's pretty decent, and I have my right hand between my waist and upper thigh. I had it in a reverse upside-down L position
      (if you try to make that with your arm right now, I'm sure you'll know what I mean), and I said a few words to someone, though I can't remember what exactly.

      I believe it could've been something related to how cool the scene looks from above, seeing the horizon and the buses preparing to form a line. From afar, the school buses still looked pretty huge, but I didn't pay any attention to that. The person to the left of me looks like a debater I knew in High School named Danny.

      He responds by whatever I'm saying by saying, "Yeahhhh...." while looking at what I'm looking as well. After a while, I'm presuming that I get ready to find my bus to go home, and
      that's all I remember.
      Kaiba's Wives (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a light-orange room, and it feels too weird to be in here, it feels like a garage to me. If I turn to my right, I will see a Plexiglass type of window where you could look outside, however, it's too dark to see anything at the moment. I can feel that my father is here, and a friend of his as well too. There's three entities that would come near the Plexiglass outside.

      Before they came, I assumed that Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! or someone would be the husband for all three of these entities, and I'm not saying that word loosely. These are completely abstract beings, not human AT all. The first one that shows up looks like a variant of Gardevoir, and she looks so cute. Anyway, she comes up slowly, has her hands, or whatever you want to call them, and looks shy. Then there's another entity that looks orange, but I can't remember what exactly.

      The final one that comes up is a pink octopus, though I don't know how the hell that's could be a wife for a human. I can understand if the human has some sick fetish for Gardevoir, but an Octopus?

      How does that relationship work out, through suction cups? =P

      I think I tell someone that the three wives are here, and my father and his friend come on, though I don't know why they need to come in the first place. They declared that they can't see properly outside, and the window was kind of misty that they had to wipe it from the inside, lol, that's dream logic for you.

      Then after they leave, Kaiba comes in out of nowhere and starts using these type of binoculars or some microscope lens attached to the window. I'm wondering what the hell he's doing, and he responds to me by saying my first name, and then declaring that I was disrupting him from finding out something.

      What could you be finding through those weird lens attached to a wall, and through complete darkness outside?

      Also, my father random decides to mix what seems like orange juice, milk, and hot cocoa power together.


      Updated 08-27-2012 at 04:52 PM by 47756

    12. Fairy Caverns!

      by , 08-27-2012 at 12:20 PM
      Dream 1:

      I had just gotten back from school. I was going to tell my friend a story from yesterday, but didn't get to for some reason. I messaged him on facebook what it was about.

      Dream 2:

      I'm in some sort of underground tunnel system. Or some could call it a "fairy cavern". There were about 10 other people there with me. We are riding something, I think it was a small, weird version of a horse. We're playing some sort of game, where we have to get to something first. If we got close enough to the roof, we would float. I found myself on a ledge and jumped, missed, tried again, and got it.

      False Awakening:
      I wake up in my bed. I get out. I look back down and I'm utterly terrified. It's filled with tons of termites and bug feces. I go yelling to my mom before I actually wake up.

      Dream 3:

      I'm laying in my bed. I have four pillows, each a different element. I was laying on the left side of my bed, atop air and fire pillows. The ones beside me are water and earth. It's almost as if you could feel the element you were laying on, and what it was on top of. I threw the fire one off beside me, when I had a feeling of panic. I somehow knew a mouse got on my arm. I jump up, and try to hit it off. My hand goes right through it. I wake up :l .

      Dream 4:

      I'm at some sort of football game. We're waiting in a driveway, beside a ton of other people. My "house" is close by, so I run in. I go upstairs and past someone elses room next to mine. I go in mine. I open a window slightly and realize a game from my computer is causing music to play. I try to exit out, and run back down to where me and my mum are sitting. Over the speaker system, you can hear the music playing. Everyone is laughing and saying to stop it. They didn't know who it was, so I didn't do anything . Sometime later in the dream, me my mom and someone else are walking some dogs. I have my old dog, Tumbles. We're going down the hill by my house when I run around the back. I put him in his cage (which he didn't even have) and waited for them to get here. They never did.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Paying for a trip, toothbrush

      by , 08-27-2012 at 08:48 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I had several dreams tonight, all with similar theme of money, tickets and friends.

      I am standing on some big London bridge over a river. It must be maybe 300m wide. There are many tourists there around all looking one way. Then they started shouting and sort of panicking. I ask them what happened as I dont see anything strange going on. They tell me that there was a big building on the river (I suppose on some small island) and they report that it just sinked in one second. I look around, trying to remember the scenery and where the building was and looked like.

      I am trying to sort out a situation where I have paid some trip for me, JH and someone his friend in advance. It all cost me something over £3200. Somehow I worked out that they need to give me £792 each plus some more for some other expenses. However, they didnt go on the trip for some reason and now I am little puzzled how to ask them for the money. But I paid in advance, as we were supposed to go. So I do ask them and there is a big fuss about it.

      I am standing outside JH house and there is him and his father. For some reason I have his toothbrush in my pocket. We talk about brushing teeth and his fathers says that he can land me his leather belt (to brush my teeth with???). I am thinking how will I give the toothbrush back without JH noticing.

      There is more, but I am struggling to remember and string it together
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    14. 8/25/12

      , 08-27-2012 at 07:19 AM
      It was my last day in LA. Very sad day. Realized there were so many things I hadn't yet done. It was dark. I had memories of my arrival in LA (that was another dream several years prior). I was attempting to run last minute errands. I was driving down LaBrea but I had no car and it was very dark. Somehow my brother was there and I was crying. Ended up at a night club in Chicago. My friend's sister was there and I realized we were both vampires. She was very happy to be so - said it was a lot of fun. However, I didn't want to be. I excused myself to the restroom. It was an obstacle course to get to the bathroom - like ice climbing, maze, etc. Made it to the top and there was Julian getting ready to play pool. He caused me to wake up. I woke up with tears in my eyes.
      Tags: non - lucid
    15. 08262012- 2nd Dream, fOrceezpwndu

      by , 08-27-2012 at 05:34 AM
      Another chat/fOrceez dream fragment.

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I am at home and on the forum and all I can think of or sayis fOrceezpwndu over and over. It’s really odd how many times I say it and noother thought will enter my mind.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I wake up and the name still fills my mind.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      Tags: forceez
      non-lucid , memorable