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    1. The Longest SP

      by , 03-24-2013 at 03:09 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      4:41AM -#151 - Longest SP - WILD

      I am counting 1 I am dreaming, 2 I am dreaming, ect. while focusing on my body. Suddenly I am gripped by intense sleep paralysis (NOT REM atonia this time)I hear a demonic cat sound and feel a presence hovering above me. The vibrations are really intense and I cannot move. I feel the entity grab my balls and the vibrations intensify there to the point of mild pain. I try to cry out but the sound is caught in my throat and it sounds like a feeble wheezing. I open my eyes and see swirling black entities like Dementors above me. I am terrified but having been here many times; I force myself to relax and stay calm. I will the entity away. Immediate calm and quite comes over me.

      I do my usually getting out of bed. It's dark and I feel really dizzy. I fall backwards into the wall. I feel like I am falling into a bottomless abyss. I see the hole I entered getting farther away.

      I find myself back in bed. I can't see at all now. I use my dream hands to pry my dream eyes open. My eyes do open but I can see the bedroom and the red glow of the alarm clock. I close them. I do this several times but feel like its my physical eyes. At one point I feel the ceiling fan drying my eyes out and have to blink. I try getting up again but pretty much the same thing happens again. Then again I get up. I try to phase through a wall but it's solid. I am too frazzled to think clearly. I end up back in bed.

      The vibrations are so strong. I decide to wait and focus on the vibrations. I feel like I am lying in an awkward position but I am not hurting so I don't move. I realize too that my head is at the foot of the bed and I can feel the box fan on my face. I don't care. I'm in the zone. I hear my wife ask I am ok. I become annoyed and tell her, "Yes Shhhhhhh!" I wonder how I am talking in SP but just go with it. I consider the probable fact that none of this is really happening. Still, I feel the vibrations and can't really move. I get the feeling that we are in my childhood bedroom in Luling from my teenage years. The lay out just seems to match.

      I think I hear my son cry and I hear and feel my wife leave the room. I just lay there in waiting. What seems like a few minutes later she comes back and gets in bed. I realize that now I am back in the right position in bed. My hands are free to move now so I reach over to feel if my wife is there. I grab the ankle of a small child. I hear someone *gasp* so I let go. Was it my son? I was surprised she brought him to bed with us. I shrug it off. I feel like I can really move my hands now. I rub them and feel my face. Super real. BUT I can still feel vibrations. I decide to just wait this one out and let the dream form.

      This waiting was a really long time. I think I'm forgetting a few details but it's mostly all there. I start doing things like the Gladius swing, Walking motions, anything repetitive to maybe get something started. Nothing worked. I get really bored so I meditate for a few minutes. Then I visualize being on the beach. I see some really vivid images but its more like flickering photographs. I try to imagine my feet in the sand but its a dull sensation that quickly fades. At some point I start talking to myself. I say something like "Well Shit. Hurry up dream. I am dreaming." I say all this out loud and I wonder if my wife can hear me because it sound ultra real. I begin to think at some point that I am going to be stuck like this forever and never wake up. I think this is my idea of Hell. Then I laugh and say out loud, "Of course it won't. It will change. I just need to stay patient."
      After some more waiting and fiddling about in bed I start to hear music. It's Sugar Ray's Fly but instead of "I just want to fly" it is "I just want to dance." The beat and music and vocals are very high quality. I am thankful for some entertainment right now and I feel relieved to have a distraction. I begin to sing along loudly and dance as best I can in bed. I move my arms, head and upper body in rhythm to the music. It begins to feel invigorating and soulful. I enjoy the hell out of it. Soon the words fade and the music begins to wind down like a slow record player.

      Start at 48 seconds

      Then there is nothing. No physical sensation. No sound. No movement. I just wait a second and the BAM!

      I find myself standing in a big open room with no furniture. The room is well lit and there is gray carpet. I look around and say, "OHHHHH WOOOOOW! THAT IS SO COOL!" The layout of the house is off but reminds me of the house we lived in Luling. I can see out the windows as there are no blinds or curtains. I see the front yard but in the distance there is a thick mist. I have a feeling that my brain hasn't finished rendering the dream yet but I feel super stable and confident. I make my way to the front door. At that point I remember how this house was "haunted" in waking life. I imagine a horrible demon coming after me as I close the door but nothing happens.

      Now I am outside the lighting is a little worse. The world looks cold and gray. I walk along the front of the house on the sidewalk. I realized that I forgot what my task was. I think for a second that I really should stay inside until the dream gets more stable but I am afraid and really impatient.

      I can hear something like cheering and jeering at the nearby football stadium. I feel curious but I have something in mind first. I really want to burn this house down and never visit it again. There are too many bad memories. I see my shadow projected on the side of the house. I see brown wood siding. (Brick in real life) I think that if I can start a fire there is will catch and be gone. I do the clapping motion that I used for the fireworks TOTM. I hear a loud sound of fire like a flame thrower but only see a small flame on my shadow like a cigarette lighter. I try several times but only see and hear the same. Then I hold my hand up still looking at my shadow. I see handcuffs and a chain coming off it. I note this but ignore it for. The crowd at the stadium is jeering loudly now. (Damn I could have turned that into the Colosseum if I thought about it) I tell myself I will investigate in a minute. I really want to get the fire trick down. I focus on the palm of my hand. I see a glowing ball form. I stare at it and focus longer and harder.

      Then, I am suddenly awake. NOOOOOOO!
    2. Hiding Spots

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:52 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Hiding Spots (Non-lucid)


      I am running from a particular group of people who always manage to find me. My brother is with me. We are part of some Hunger Game-esque future in which college and high school age students are thrown in prison camps.

      My brother and I run down the dirt road behind my old house, when we see a dark car up ahead. We quickly take another fork in the road, only to come across another car. Both drivers are now after us. We veer off the road into the forest until we see a cabin. With nowhere left to go, hidng there seems to be a good option.

      When we enter, however, there are two men standing there. I am about to fight them, but they convince me that they are on our side. "Not everyone agrees with wiping out part of society," one man says bitterly. He tells me that he was a teacher. I decide that I can trust him.

      We hear car doors out front. "Hide!" the men say.

      There aren't many suitable hiding places in the room. My brother hides beside a bookshelf while I hide under a couch. The men chasing us never come into the cabin.
      Tags: escape
    3. Seeing Orange

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:51 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      This is one of those nonsense dreams that make me wonder if someone drugged my food before I went to sleep. xD

      Seeing Orange (Non-lucid)


      Running through a dark cave-like place with my companions, we must activate these strange orange symbols by touching them. I am balancing on a railing over a huge abyss in order to reach one of the symbols, high up on on the cave ceiling.

      After activating enough of these symbols, they now produce glowing orange spheres. The spheres are supposed to increase our "HP" in a deadly battle/game that is soon to follow.

      Now my brother and I are collecting the orange spheres. This soon disintigrates logic-wise into us gathering oranges and other orange things in a grocery store. We are racing against time to collect enough before the game begins. We have no idea what to expect once we enter the Chamber.

      I had gathered a full bag or oranges, but as we are walking to the Chamber I see that my bag is barely even half full, and only a few of the things in it are actually orange. There are a lot of little biscuits in there that I hope count as orange even though they're more white/tan.

      My parents are walking with me and my brother. They will be part of the audience. My mom chastizes me when she sees me eating one of the buscuits, because it will alert people that I'm "stressed."

      Inside the chamber, our bags of orange things disappear. A creepy disembodied voice tells us that we can find them throughout the game to increase our HP.

      As we're walking in, several judges are sitting on a high podium in the middle of the Chamber. I cannot stop staring at one of the judges, who is an evil-looking but gorgeous woman who is known for her cruelty in these games. She says something sarcastically to us about none of the contestants liking her. I like you, I think to myself, stricken by her beauty. One of my fellow contestants tells her, "You have nice hair."

      "Nice hair?" she says incredulously. "I have beautiful hair."

      After the disembodied voice introduces us to the judges, everything goes completely dark. The game has begun.

      A spotlight shines on one of the contestants, eating a slice of pepperoni pizza. The cheese (though more of a white/yellow color) apparently counts as orange. But when she takes a bite of one of the pepperonis, green mold spots begin growing on the cheese.

      The curtain closes on her, and the spotlight falls on twin puppets that are supposed to represent my brother and me (though we're not twins). The puppets are talking as if reading a script very badly. They stop and look down at their feet, where a coin is. "Look Sister, a gold coin!" the brother says.

      "Indeed brother, it is a lovely coin!" Though I am watching this scene from a seat several feet away, I also seem to have control over what my puppet version does. I will her to grab the coin, and she does.

      "But Sister," the brother puppet says, "Should not I get the coin? It was I who found it."

      "No, Brother. I found it." As I'm watching this, I firmly believe that if I have the coin, I can get both my brother and myself through the game alive.

      The two puppets quarrel over the coin until a Teddy bear walks up to them. He introduces himself as Hurston. They have a brief conversation that I cannot recall, and then the bear hugs the boy puppet. "Hurston hugged Timothy!" the puppet squeals happily.

      In my seat, I look to my brother who's sitting next to me. "Does this seem familiar to you?" I ask him. He nods.

      The spotlight goes out on the puppets and comes on another contestant. She is a pretty girl who is maybe a few years older than myself. She begins to sing: "When you're down and troubled, and you need a helping hand..." The crowd murmurs appreciatively at her talent. She sings this song so beautifully!

      I resist trying to find my mother in the audience. When I was a child, she would sing this song to me every night before putting me to bed.
    4. The Hall of Letters

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:05 PM
      This was a great LD for breaking a dry spell! No progress on tasks, but some fun action, a DV member cameo, and what feels like progress on keeping caffeine dreams stable. As usual, the last thing that I read during WBTB (in this case, a Visitor Message from NewArtemis) has a significant impact on my dream content.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #79: The Hall of Letters

      I'm sitting on the side of the mountain, looking across a green valley at another mountain that's dotted with caves. A person sits in each of these distant caves. I recognize my college friend RS and somehow I can talk to him even across this huge distance. The weather is sunny, clear, and beautiful, so I casually say to RS, "Isn't the day amazing?"

      "It is!" he says, and suddenly blankets and rugs come pouring out of the mouths of these faraway caves. The blankets and rugs go tumbling and sliding down the side of the mountain to the valley below. Fascinated, I wander into the valley, not sure what to make of what I'm seeing.

      Now the valley is teeming with hundreds of people. Each of them spreads out a picnic blanket, removes their shirt, and flops down onto their stomachs to sun themselves. I see RS take a spot of his own ahead of me and to the left and I realize that I am now holding a blanket as well. I start scoping out a spot of my own.

      As I'm looking around, I see AA, a mutual summer crush from high school. I want to say hi but when she removes her shirt I see that unlike the rest of the female DCs, she's not wearing a bikini top underneath. I turn away, not wanting to get caught staring. I lay out my blanket and remove my shirt, looking forward to feeling the sun on my skin. But when I check, I find that I have another shirt on underneath my original.
      "This is a dream..." I tell myself, and almost immediately Hulk-jump out of the valley, thinking of the Great Wall of China.

      As I'm soaring through the air, the scene quickly darkens and soon I'm in the void. "This is fine," I tell myself, "I can do this all night." I rub my hands together and feel my forearms, drawing myself into my dream body. With my left hand I reach down and massage my knee cap, extending my right hand for aid. I beg for help, saying, "Bail me out. Pull me into a new scene."

      A smallish hand, seemingly female, grips mine and yanks me forward. A voice says, "Hey! It's [NewArtemis]! I know you can't see yet, but we need to keep running!" I obey, and I sense that we're running through the hallways of some building.

      I start getting flashes of imagery -- signs with arrows and strange, all-caps letter patterns like "ABCD ->" and "<- PQDELJH ->" (the first one was definitely in the dream, but the second is a reconstruction/guess.) Seconds later, I'm in the halls running, my vision restored. Art says something along the lines of, "Okay, you're good now," and drops my hand.

      I hear the running footsteps of pursuers, so I begin floating so that I can get a look behind us. I move a few feet ahead of Art, turn around, and start floating backward. A squad of frightening-looking Enclave Soldiers (from Fallout 3) is pursuing us, perhaps 50 feet behind. "It's those guys from Fallout," I say, not able to remember what they're called. Art doesn't appear particularly concerned about this, so I figure this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be.

      At the end of the hall, we take a right turn into a circulator elevator with a bumpy, cylindrical metal pole in the middle of it. I feel the bumps with both hands, and the texture is like that of a cheese grater. "You should do this," I tell Art. "It really helps with stabilization." Feeling confident, I boastfully add, "This is making my dream so stable. Try it." She laughs and shakes her head like I'm really failing to grasp something basic.

      Art shifts to where she's out of sight behind the pole, and when I look around the other side to find her, she has completely vanished. The elevator doors have shut now and I'm on my own. There are buttons with weird symbols on them and I start pressing them at random. Each one lights up as I touch it and soon I feel a faint vibration from the elevator like it's moving.

      I wait a long time, hoping that the elevator doors will open, but nothing seems to be happening. I begin to fret that I'm in a bad situation now -- stuck in a small room, inactive and waiting for something to happen. The dream begins to feel thin, goes dark, and my half-hearted DEILD attempt fails.
      I'm awake now.
    5. 24/03/2013 - fragmented recollections

      by , 03-24-2013 at 01:58 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      recall has been terrible the past few nights. thinking of taking up awareness-enhancing/LD-inducing techniques again but that's difficult when you're very busy irl

      the dream began in the townhouse basement. it was dark. i don't recall what i was doing there. later i was trying to change the colour scheme on an ipod? then i was with my uncle in a version of my grandmother's living room. some other people were there but i forget who. he put on a blues song which i recognized as frog eyes - time reveals its plan at poisoned falls (i assumed that this version was a cover of the "original" blues song). i sang along to it. then it was very dark and i was sitting at a computer. i was trying to make a fake kickstarter for a tablet so that i could make money. i recall having significant difficulties with this.

      then i am hanging off the side of a bed and trying to get a pin that has fallen underneath. B---- is watching me and making sarcastic comments. there are two lollipops under the bed, one wrapped and one unwrapped. i cannot reach the pin. i recall that i need the pin for sexual purposes (what in god's name are those purposes? i don't know.)

      finally i am watching a woman dance in an empty room (concrete floor and walls; dirty; colour scheme is desaturated, dark teal). she is nude except for a pair of pink panties and i am not able to see her face. on her lower back (left sacral area) she has many deep wounds, which are (insufficiently) covered by flesh-coloured bandages in the shape of bows.

      there's not much to analyze here, but a few things i found worthy of comment:

      i often have dreams wherein my subconscious is able to replay a musical piece entirely from memory and it is always flawlessly accurate... in real life my musical memory is nowhere near this prodigious (i tend to recall only lyrics and vague ideas of the vocal delivery). i really wonder what about the dreaming state allows me access to greater musical capabilities & how i can come to harness this ability in real life.

      in most of my dreams that have sexual content the sex object is female... in waking life i consider myself heterosexual, i'm in a happy relationship with a man and i don't really find myself attracted to women. it's interesting, therefore, that it's mostly women who appear in my sexual dreams and i find myself wondering why. i have a vague idea that i find male sexuality more threatening than female sexuality and thus sexual situations involving women are simpler/"easier" to dream about, but really i'm not sure.

      Updated 03-24-2013 at 02:00 PM by 61860

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. GiraffeDomo's DJ

      by , 03-24-2013 at 09:15 AM
      im just starting a dream journal i think. dont quite know what im doing on this web sight yet.
    7. updates

      by , 03-24-2013 at 05:45 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      updated "she loves me not" and desire....links were dead.

      Also had some dream about H being upset with me...no matter what I did or how much I apologized, it didn't matter.
      non-lucid , side notes
    8. Spit and shampoo

      by , 03-24-2013 at 04:53 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I was in some house and had picked up a cute kitten, but it spit up all over me.


      I'm going into a bathroom to shower it off of me. It got all over my clothes. But mom wants to take a shower too.

      It's a big shower with brown tiles. But I'm alone then, and getting really frustrated as I look for the shampoo but can't find it. I get out of the shower (my hair is soaked) and start going through a bunch of stuff on the sink. I find two short, slim bottles of what is apparently shampoo and conditioner.

      Just as I find a bottle of Pert, though I'm unsure if it's the same kind I use, some people come in, completely ignoring me as one of them throws a couple of mattresses right in the space where the shower is.

      Note: I remember being half-awake and kicking my legs out in my frustration!
    9. 24th Mar 2013 Fake sleep paralysis, 'Fight' with a midget, Basic TOTM I, Some transformation success

      by , 03-24-2013 at 03:02 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap, got lucid due to attempting WILD in a dream again as well as finally did some goals as well as TOTM.

      I can't recall much about dream start, but i was at home and i was apparently sick, it was nighttime and i was watching Syphon Filter let's play, it was pretty weird in way that there were driveable vehicles and one level had the jump that was supposed to be done in vehicle, but player failed and was forced to redo whole level because the jump was done above area where level starts. Dad was annoying me because he decided to sleep in my room for whatever reason. Later i was watching another level with massive bridge and armored enemies, which supposed to be boss level of some kind. I looked at time and it was time at which i should go for nap. So i went for the WILD.
      I wake up and it is daytime, i can't move, also for some reason i am in position in which my view is rather limited. The bed position is different too, and there were no curtains on windows, but i didn't notice it at that moment. So dream manages to convince me that i have sleep paralysis event. In a bit i hear sound of someone walking behind the window. I am slightly alerted for a second, but only for a quick second, then i get back to calm state again. I hear more sounds behind window and then i see some shadow figure. It breaks through the window and runs towards me.
      At this point i start suspecting that i am dreaming, but still can't move. Now it's not shadow anymore, but a person, i can only see legs though due to position i am paralyzed in. He starts punching and kicking me, i feel being hit, but no pain, i still can't move though so i just absorb hits like a badass until i fall out of the bed. I am able to move now, and i ask the person why he's doing it, i can't recall response but i was not satisfied with it, i looked at the person and apparently he is a midget. He decided to continue attacking me, but i just... sit down on him. He's angered and somehow manages to grab me and almost throw me, but i grab him in response too. Then he grabs in different way, making it harder to keep balance, but i respond by grabbing differently too. We continue that 'fight' while epic orchestral music is playing, until i get him into situation where keeping balance is just ridiculous, like he has to stand in weird pose on single finger while grabbing my hand, and while i am not touching the floor at all and grabbing him somehow... i am not sure how to describe this fully, haha. But i apparently win and i free myself from the grab.
      I say something i can't recall to midget which was lying on the ground and walk to the window, which is not broken now apparently. I smash it with my fist and it breaks, i get through and check hands, no damage on them and left hand has 7 fingers, also they are like super detailed. I take off and start feeling wings, i fly straight ahead and then slightly to the left this time, and i fly pretty quick, i also hear sound of wings more clearly that previous time. Shortly dreamscape changes and i am now flying above some different place in the city, i decide to try transforming into a dragon again, but no dice, i continue flying and dreamscape changes again, to some kind of outdoor restaurant with a bunch of DCs, i fly above it and dreamscape changes once again, now there's some buildings. I spontaneously get an idea that transformation would be easier if i get more destructive.
      I fly straight into building wall and start breaking through it at full speed, it ends up very very thick, since i am breaking through it for whole 5 seconds already, without lowering speed. There's not much light and i decide to visualize transformation now, and i have feeling of change. After a couple more seconds of breaking through the wall i manage to reach some rooms, which luckily had some light. I look at my hands and i have claws and hands are fully covered with green and black scales, it's awesome, though i didn't changed in size, i think. I try to talk and my voice has weird tone messed with something like combination of roar and some high pitched sound. I haven't stopped flight for whole time, so i end up breaking through the wall again, deciding to get back to outside, but eventually everything fades out.

      I feel myself back at the bed, but all i can see is darkness, i try to shout, but my voice is replaced with sound similar to one i had during transformation, i feel paralyzed and shortly i see some black and white portrait in the darkness.
      I wake up while shouting, family is in the room and they make 'wtf' faces, i respond that "that's why i don't do this when someone else is in the room, especially when sick", i get up and then i wake up properly and immediately do an RC, haha.
    10. (Nap)-A Very, Very Messed Up Dream-

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:54 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      This was by far one of the worst dreams I've had in a long time, if not my whole life.

      Part I: Playdate

      So it started off very normal, for the most part. Okay, that's a lie.

      I was with my father, my brother and this family of two African Americans; one a mid-aged man and who I assume was his very young son. So we're at what I assume was an arcade/restaurant place, though not much eating was going on to be frank. My father seemed very fond of the African American family, and I thought they were alright. I was very young in this dream, no older than 10 years-old. We were all taking turns at playing this jet-ski racing arcade game with the black child, and we were having fun. Every time I stopped playing though, I would go to the bathroom.

      Whenever I went into the bathroom, I turned into this humanoid wolf person, like a werewolf except not nearly as gruesome looking, but every time I went to the bathroom, I engaged in some different form of sexual intercourse, ranging from just standard vaginal to blowjobs by two different women at the same time. When it wasn't my turn to play with the kid, I'd sit down on this padded red couch with my brother, who was playing with his kindle a lot. This happened three or four times I think, though I somehow transitioned between this and the next part.

      Part II: Grandpa

      This is the most tame part of the dream, really.

      Recently, I went on vacation to Marina Del Rey with my mother, brother and grandfather, which is what I believe effected this dream.

      Much like in the dream, my brother, my grandpa and I spent most of our time eating and talking, though my mother was nowhere to be found, and we most certainly weren't in Marina Del Rey. It was a high class restaurant, the whole room was red. Fancy red walls, silk tablecloths and wall hangings, and red chairs to sit on. We all sat down at one of the middle tables in the back, talking idly to a point where I don't remember what we were really talking about. Soon though, it was time for us to depart, and I had a bad feeling that I'd never see my grandfather again, though I didn't hesitate to even say goodbye to him.

      He sent me and my brother a limo to ride us home, though we waited in the parking lot first. He pointed out that we were in the exact location of where a commercial he shot was at--in front of a diner with a Ross' in the background and a bank next to that, the sky filled with stars.

      We eventually got into the limo, and we began driving down a street I've never seen before, one with this large apartment complex that was stacked up neatly like blocks, though each one of these apartments was shaped like an individual square and had a large glass window in the front that showed off the whole room, and it consisted of people getting dressed in front of these windows. No one was nude, but half-dressed in some clothing, then some underwear as well. I assumed they were either going to bed or getting ready for work.

      Our destination would be our father's house.

      Part III: A Father's Abuse and One Odd Wish

      We got to my father's house, and my brother came with me, which was odd because my brother would never agree to go to my dad's house after invading his privacy and ruining his social life for years to come once back in high school. We were now about 17 or 18. Things were going fine so far--my brother was playing a game on the PS3 and I was sitting there playing with a Kindle. My dad wanted to check out my Kindle by looking through the images, and I didn't want him seeing some of the more... intimate images I had stored on my device, so I kept turning back the pages as he moved forwards. He was getting mad, and he asked me to stop. I replied with "I have some personal things on there." he said "Then you should show me them." which made no sense to me. I replied with "Things that I don't want you to see." which brought a huge snarl onto his face. He was furious, and got up and yelled at me "What could be so personal that I can't see?" I replied with "You have your privacy and I respect that, so please respect my privacy!" which only made him more mad. He screamed out "GOD DAMMIT!" loudly, turned around, then turned back to me and hit me right in the face.

      This made me fall on the floor, dazed at how my father just socked me in the face. He began kicking me violently, his bare feet digging into my stomach with each blow, and I just took it. My brother just kept playing video games, while I slowly and crudely got up. I tried to hit him, though I was so weak and out of energy that he easily dodged it, and pushed me back to the ground. He looked at me and started saying "Really? Really, huh?" and then began bashing my skull into the ground, over and over again. While he did, I couldn't stop thinking "I'm definitely running away to mom's." and then, I bit his foot, dug my fangs deep into them, and I did this over and over again. Eventually, he kicked me off and bashed me in the head again and again.

      He said he was going to leave for a bit, and he left me with my brother alone. I couldn't even get up anymore. So exhausted and hurt. I looked at my brother, still playing games, and said "Did you see that? He nearly killed me..." with him replying "Hey, I don't want to say I told you so, but..." and stopped there. I then devised a plan to kill my father, and without any sort of show on how I did it, I murdered my father, and retrieved a... "full diaper" from him. I met this anime-looking girl who wanted the diaper. In my mind, she was a friend, so I gave her the diaper.

      What she did next, was something I could have never expected. She opened up the diaper and ate the fecal matter inside of it, or rather, let it sit in her mouth for a bit, then spit it out like water, spraying it everywhere. I wasn't so disgusted in the dream, but I was horrified when I woke up. When she spit it out, she said I had something like one wish, and with my dad dead, I wished that we could go far away, and so we zoomed off in a motorcycle into the Californian sunset.

      Later, it zoomed back to the diner, a tall, tan man walking out and two men standing there, looking at him and asking "Is there a Julian Romano here?" he replied with "Oh, yeah. She's in the third room." and then it showed a picture of an old Asian woman, now rich because of the two men. Then I woke up in a bout of daze and shock.


      This is by far one of the weirdest, most macabre dreams I've had.
      When my father was beating me up, I sometimes felt the pain of his hits.
      The name Julian Romano doesn't sound familiar at all to me.


      Perhaps, I really do hate my father and love my grandfather. Honestly though, I can't interpret this dream for the life of me.
    11. Bags

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:31 AM
      Again, another night where I didn't remember much. Frustrating. My sleep schedule has been irregular, which doesn't help.

      In the last dream of the night, I walked a few miles down the road from my aunt's house to a convenience store that doesn't actually exist. I wanted to buy 2 gallons of milk, some food, and some candy bars. I didn't have enough money for the entire purchase on one card, so I had to do 3 separate transactions for less than $4 each. The clerk put each transaction in its own plastic bag.

      I began to walk home. The milk was heavy and somehow both my hands and arms were full, and the bags were unwieldy. I stopped at another store to meet up with my mother. For some reason I set the bags down momentarily and went into the store. When I returned, my bags were gone. I didn't have any more money left to buy any more milk or food, so I curled up in a ball on the ground and began to sob.
      Tags: bags, food, heavy, loss, milk, theft
    12. 3/23/13 - Killing With Dexter

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:26 AM
      I was able to knock out for an hour or so...

      I'm standing above a body on a table. This person, which I cannot see, is restrained with endless amounts of plastic. I'm holding a knife right above their heart. My hands won't stop shaking. Dexter walks up behind me, pressing his chest into my back and securing his arms around my waist. "You can do this", he says. "I'm right here with you." I close my eyes, take a breath, and without hesitation, I plunge the knife into the body.

      Updated 07-31-2013 at 06:53 AM by 61973

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Pre-Move Dream Canon (The Lake)

      by , 03-24-2013 at 01:14 AM (Another Night: Best of Jabre's Dream Journal)

      1. I go to the pond by my house and realize that there are seven mystical locations in the forest near it. The next day, my friends and I search the woods but cannot find the locations.

      2. I return to the Lake. I am older when I have this dream. I notice it, and become lucid. Unlike the swaying trees and sweet water of the Lake of my childhood, it is broken and gloomy, causing me to fear a broken psyche. I tell the DC next to me to stay away from the Lake. I try to run away into a new dream scene because I know something bad will happen if I stay dreaming here. I run to a house. While I am in it, the lights go out. I maintain lucidity, but I am overwhelmed with terror. An entity creeps in the shadows. I run out of the house, and as I do, a hand touches my ankle. I go back to the lake, but the DC isn't there. I become worried. I do not want to awaken, so I simply go into the forest. All of the trees are dead. I call for the missing DC. I become frightened and run out. I stumble over the twigs that dig into my shins. I find another DC. He appears delusional. It is night, but the DC wants to go swimming in the pond. For some reason, I feel more terrified than before of the water. I scream at him, but he twists a grin and drags me into the lake. The water becomes murky and I see blood and an unnatural smile as I wake up.

      Updated 04-02-2013 at 05:39 PM by 60107

      Tags: lake, lucid, nightmare
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    14. Poor attempt at testing remote viewing

      by , 03-24-2013 at 12:54 AM

      DILD (false-WILDs)

      This was during a nap. I may have lost the dream and restarted it a few times due to eyes not opening/darkness.

      I kept waking up in a hotel room on University. It was hard to open my eyes in all of the attempts. I get out of bed and look at the mirror. I can feel the pillow pressed on the side of my face. As I look at myself, half of my face is squished. I can tell it is from the pillow.

      I start the dream over and try to head out the hallway. I hold my nose shut and keep breathing as a constant reminder that I am dreaming. I also thought it would help stabilize the dream.

      I eventually get outside and get an idea. I see a bus stop and I plan on checking what bus is coming next, waking up, and seeing if I was remote viewing. The bus stop has a long, jagged, hard top. I fly to the top of it. A bus is already there. I look at it for a second and see the next one coming. I lose the dream there.
      Tags: bus stop, mirror
    15. Pre-Move Dream Canon (Incubus Collection)

      by , 03-24-2013 at 12:45 AM (Another Night: Best of Jabre's Dream Journal)

      1. I have been sleeping in my bed. I am five years old. I have a strange dream that a faceless creature is living underneath my bed, banging on the bed frame to get out. This nightmare continues so drastically that I have trouble distinguishing dream from reality. I frequently check underneath my bed for the thing.

      2. I have a nightmare that the thing breaks out and strangles me, and then marches through the city. I spray monster repellent at it. Not understanding that it is a dream, I check underneath my bed to assure that it wasn't there anymore. I expect to have a good night sleep, but I do not. The incubus gets me each night.

      3. I dream I am touring the preschool I am going to. My mom chats with the teacher while I go to play with the blocks, but I see it crouching behind a chair, shrouded in darkness. The next day I go to my real preschool in fear.

      Updated 03-27-2013 at 12:34 AM by 60107

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment