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    1. FA Fvcked Me

      by , 02-21-2013 at 02:17 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Nonlucid: I was having Josh issues again. I remember walking up to him and giving in to something we were discussing. I was about to resign to making out, when I suddenly woke up on the floor! Danny had just come to my rescue, and scooped me up and we started making out. I remember thinking that I hope Danny doesn't find out about Josh O_O. Then I remembered I needed to get something in the kitchen, but it was the kitchen at my parents' house. Then I woke up for real. (NOTE: Josh was from about 8 years ago, and I'm 100% faithful to Danny. That's dream logic for ya.)

      I blame Xanous for this FA because we were just discussing them yesterday. Everytime I talk to him about something, it seems to happen in my very next dream. DAMN YOU, PSYCHIC TWIN!!

      j/k <3

      Updated 02-21-2013 at 02:19 AM by 905

      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. police is after me

      , 02-21-2013 at 01:15 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Wednesday, 2/20/14 nap 12:30 - 3;30 after going to bed 6am-9:40am

      DR 3pm
      I'm at grammas. (Seems like every second dream is at grammas lately).
      I got into altercation with someone, but I really didn't do anything. So I'm getting dressed, because police will be there to get me any moment now.

      It was longer, but I didn't get up after it ended, went back to sleep. Had pretty good feeling from this dream.
      Tags: gramma, police
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Inventory at the hospital.

      by , 02-21-2013 at 12:42 AM
      I'm at home and receive a visit from two women who claim that they need to do an inventory. I say we should go to the hospital . I walk barefoot and shirtless like the most normal thing in the world. When we arrived at the office door we can not enter because we do not have the magnetic card for doing that. Then we began to leave the hospital. We reach a staircase and I realize that two children are dangerously leaning against the railing. I carry a little girl about 4 years and suddenly people start running. We run out and I can see that there is another child in the top of the stairs. In those moments comes another lady who apparently knows me because she calls out my name. She takes the girl and I head out of the hospital. Then I start to make huge leaps as if gravity did not exist. Jumping from house to house, rather to the courtyards of the houses, I wake up suddenly.
      Tags: railing
    4. What the FUCK?

      by , 02-20-2013 at 11:52 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being a pony from MLP...I had a race or some crap, and I lost. I was blaming it on my new form. Like I evolved or some crap. I was purple, and I ended up getting wings......I don't watch this damn show, so I'm trying to figure out where the hell this came from.

      Now I'm with my family and we're about to play basket ball. I figure if I get my one bro on the team, it'll be over with.

      I also had a dream about fighting a mouser from ninja turtles. Well I started out chasing some bad guy and cuffing him. Dude had some weird glowing blue eyes. He's making these threats about how he's going to get me back. The mouser comes out and I'm fighting it with a bo staff. It wouldn't die.
      Tags: animal form, wtf
      dream fragment
    5. Star Trek meets Contact? Visually amazing!

      by , 02-20-2013 at 07:53 PM
      Captain Chris Pike is in front of me in a large, metallic room, illuminated softly from above. An accessway is to my left. I sense that an alarm may be going off somewhere though I don't hear anything. I do feel the room shaking and I suspect the ship is in damger.

      Suddenly the thick deckplate below my feet becomes translucent and glows with a bright white light. I can't even imagine how much energy it would take to cause that to happen but I suspect it's incredible. It pulses slightly and a whooshing sound fills the room, much like when Jodi Foster is about to take her voyage in the machine.

      The energy waves pass through both of us and I can see Pike is visibly affected. He skaes a bit and I realize he is becoming ultradense, impermeable and strong. I am likewise affected but I can't seem to move from the spot I'm in. Nothing I cna do will prevent what's happening.

      The knowledge that Pike is changed fills me though I can't yet see any reason why it should. I realize he is angry, about to commit horrible crimes, and it will be up to me to ultimately defeat him, though it may come at the cost of my own life.

      And that's all I recall right now.
    6. No sleep

      , 02-20-2013 at 07:45 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Tue, 2/19/13

      Went to bed at 5:15am. Had to work late. Didn't fall asleep until 6am. Was vibrating like crazy just minutes after laying down.
      Woke up at 9:40am. I'm hoping for a lucid nap today.

      Updated 02-20-2013 at 09:13 PM by 50242

      side notes
    7. Yoda for BrandonBoss

      by , 02-20-2013 at 07:43 PM
      Let's see what I remember...

      I'm on the ground floor of the office building I worked in for 10 years, tile floors and hallways leading in four directions from a central elevator column.

      I walk along the hall towards the back entrance of the building but the doors lead into a glass-lined hallway that runs along the back of the building to either side. As I approach the glass I catch a quick glimpse of a man who I know to be Emperor Palpatine, but I recognize him and think of him as Count Dooku. What's really weird is that he looks more like a bulky version of Darth Maul. This bulky Dooku is striding purposefully with an angry expression and I can tell he is heatedly discussing my whereabouts. He has been after me for a long time and for him to show up now, practically in my face, is truly frightening.

      I ducked quickly out of sight by back-pedaling and walking to the side hallway. I peer around and watch him pace back and forth a little, giving orders to various hunters to search everywhere for me. I'm panicking slightly but I knew that only one person could help me now...my dad.

      What, what? My dad? Well, that's who I was thinking about but as I concentrated on trying to bring him to me I remembered that my father was in California so I had better summon someone who had experience with Dooku. SO I summoned Yoda.

      Yoda appeared and walked through the building towards the back hallway with the intention of fighting Dooku. I saw one of the hunters heading my way and I stepped back and ducked into the nearby bathroom. There was no place to hide in it, not really, and I suddenly became worried that Yoda would lead them to me. I had to act quickly without leaving my hiding place.

      I placed my hands on my head and telepathically let Yoda know not to lead Dooku to the bathroom, though I did think it remote that Dooku would dare come to a woman's restroom. Still, couldn't take the chance.

      After I thought this an attractive young woman walked in and I became distracted by her flimsy skirt and the open door that might allow a hunter to see me. I think this is when the dream shifted and I ended up in the creek.

      *note - Dooku. Yeah...
      Tags: dooku, office, yoda
    8. February 20th 2013 Non-Lucid

      by , 02-20-2013 at 06:09 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      IRL I've been in show choir (singing and dancing group) for about 3 years now and I'm now a leader this year. In our show I have two solos which means a lot of pressure to not mess up, and this pressure makes me nervous every show.

      Last night I had a dream about show choir. Usually in my show choir dreams I'm on stage with my choir and I don't really know the moves or I'm forgetting them, but I don't actually care about messing up or get upset over it. This is why last night's dream was so different.

      The dream starts as we are running onto my school's stage to see that the entire place is filled with people that are screaming and cheering us on. The lights are very bright so I can't really make anybody out in the crowd but the people on stage are the people in my IRL choir. The show is going okay as people are doing random moves to a song I don't know and I'm looking at other people to see what moves they were because I clearly did not know them. When the chorus comes up IRL it's very quick and most people have trouble at first remembering the words and sometimes the moves. The chorus in my dream turns into a disaster. As it hits, no one knows the moves and they stop cold in their tracks along with me. This thought comes into my head that goes "no choir has ever had their entire show stop because people didn't know the moves, this is all my fault" and I run down the stage steps into the crowd crying. For probably 30 seconds I'm standing in dark matter by myself crying in my hands unaware that there is no world around me.

      I don't think I've cried this hard in a regular dream over something so stupid. It was like all the sadness that is in my mind went to this moment of just balling my eyes out for this absurd occurrence. Then I appear through a door into the chorus room where we have class to see our previous dance captain walking. I love this guy so much so I feel I ashamed him and this position. I walk over still crying into my hands and lean on his chest. I'm crying so hard I'm practically yelling my sobs.

      That dream ends and this morning I had a false awakening. IRL my phone plays a song and vibrates to wake me up, but in the dream my phone only vibrates. I get up and turn it off then immediately get out of me bed. I head for the shower and see there are clothes stacked up on the sink. Then I wake up for real.
    9. 20th February 2013 - Arrested with out a Reason

      by , 02-20-2013 at 05:47 PM
      Sleep – 10:35pm
      Wake ups – 5:35am, 7:25am, 8:35am
      Finial wake up – 8:50am
      WBTB – N/A


      It was my birthday and I was walking down my street. I saw two police officers walking towards me and I recognised them as Tom and Jordan who go to my collage. As I got closer to them they both pulled out handcuffs while looking straight at me. I got nervous but carried on walking. When we were standing right next to get other, one of them pushed me to the ground and the other handcuffed me.
      I saw Tom walk over to a green electrical box nearby and open the door. He pushed a panel and revealed a secret place within the box. He pulled out a large book and then closed the panel and the door on the box. He then walked over to me and showed me the book. He told me that this si the book that they write down who they arrest and why. I asked them why they were arresting me because I had no idea. Jordan responded with “You know why, we should have to tell you”. He had a look that told me that I had apparently done something really bad.
      One of the picked me up and dragged me to a nearby police car. I got shoved into the back seats and tom got in the driver’s seat. Jordan got in the front passenger seat. We started driving off and neither of them said a word during the journey. I asked again why I was being arrested and where we were going but they didn’t respond.
      When we stopped, I could see a building on an island in a lake. The island was a couple of meters away from the shore and nothing was connecting the island to the shore. The building was quite tall and thin. It looked like it was made from concrete and it was all grey and rather dull looking. Tom got out of the car and laid two planks of wood that were quite this across the gap. Jordan opened my door and dragged me out. I was told that I had to cross the gap via the wooden planks.
      The planks didn’t look like they would hold my weight but I didn’t really have a choice. I stepped onto the plank and surprisingly it didn’t budge. I took a couple of more steps and I was about half way there. I noticed that Ton and Jordan were just standing there staring at me, not saying anything. I took a couple of more steps. I lost my balance and started to fall off. I managed to rebalance myself after a lot of flailing about. It was really hard to rebalance myself without using my arms. I heard Tom shout behind me “Hurry up, we don’t want any of the acrobat stuff”. A few more steps and I was now on the other side.
      I took a few steps towards the door and the turned around. Both Tom and Jordan were right behind me. I looked back at the door and saw that it was a large wooden set of double doors with windows cut into them. It had a couple of steps to get up to the door. Once again I was dragged up to the door. As the door opened I was pushed inside and then dragged to the left, into another room.
      Inside this room was 5 or 6 white settees facing a simple wooden desk. Sat on the settees were my whole family. My mum looked at me and said “Well, it’s been an interesting birthday hasn’t it Max”

      At some point in the dream I was still handcuffed but I was sitting at a table in the school resource centre. I was with Tom, Jordan and Preston. Preston was meant to be filling in some paperwork about my arrest but kept getting distracted. Then the Head of the police force walked into the room and sat at the table with us. He didn’t say anything but still made everyone extreme nervous.
    10. 19-2-2013

      by , 02-20-2013 at 04:58 PM
      I was guarding some kind of sewer. I was at the entrance, which resembled a well with a ladder going down. There were a bunch of creepy stuff in the sewer and it was my job to get rid of them. A girl from inside the sewer then called out and asked for help to get out. I didn't trust her one bit and went down there myself. She did something stupid that gave herself away and I beat the imposter up with what seemed to be a mace. After that i mostly ran into these kind of situations but I don't get fooled by anything. I even remember encountering a dog, which wasn't a real dog as I eventually discovered. After a while I stumble upon what seemed to be a kitchen and I then assume I've been everywhere in the sewer, and the dream ends. Even though it was really dark, I wasn't scared, I rather felt heroic while walking around in there.
    11. All That You Can't Leave Behind

      by , 02-20-2013 at 04:43 PM
      My attachment and affection for familiar DCs came back to bite me in this one. They are so lifelike that in the moment they feel every bit as real as the actual person. I love my DCs but I may need to learn to get better about leaving them behind in certain situations.

      And I finally had the phase through a solid wall that I've been looking for! That's progress!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #67: All That You Can't Leave Behind

      I'm sitting on a carpeted floor talking to my friend BS about strength training, in particular his recent deadlifting injury. At some point, he offers me responsibility or a promotion of some kind, saying that I will be level "17+". It occurs to me that I almost always communicate with him online rather than in person and I become lucid.

      I see that I'm sitting on the floor of my master bedroom and BS has vanished. I know that I'm dreaming but the scene's almost distressingly vivid, sort of like a very realistic FA. Our laundry basket is in the middle of the floor but otherwise the room is impeccably organized. Yeah, definitely a dream.

      It looks like it's early morning and Wife isn't in the bed. I want out of the house to work on some tasks so I decide to phase right outside Alyzarin-style. I walk up to a wall that leads outside, imagining that it's not really there. But when I try to walk through it, it stops me. This time I imagine the house having that entire section of wall missing, but my phase attempt is still a failure.

      I take a few steps back and make one final run-up, focusing my mind on the fact that none of this exists... and pop right through the wall to the outside! My left shoulder slightly clips the window on the way through and a few stray fragments of glass fall with me to the driveway below. It may not have been the prettiest thing, but I'm happy to have finally phased through a solid wall again!

      I'd been looking at pictures of Angel Falls during my WBTB and it's fresh in my mind. I Hulk-jump hundreds of feet into the air, willing myself to land at Angel Falls. Instead I come crashing back to Earth on a broad downtown plaza next to a long row of elegant, sculptured water fountains. The plaza is busy this morning and working men and women walk purposefully past, seemingly oblivious to my landing.

      My 3-year-old son E is standing here watching the fountains. A few kids are playing in the fountains and I get the sense that he wants to join them. "Hey buddy!" I say. "I'm dreaming all of this."

      He pops his thumb into his mouth. I think that he's getting way too old to still be doing that. "That's a lucid dream!" he declares, and smiles slyly.

      I bend down and give him a hug. "That's right. We'll talk about this tomorrow. For now I'm going to take you with me." (I haven't thought through how dangerous it probably is to jump off of Angel Falls with a toddler.) I hoist him up to my shoulders the same way that I do every evening during part of our after-dinner walks. But somehow the lift feels awkward, strange, and too heavy. He slips out of my arms and crashes down to the plaza, landing hard on his forehead.

      He wails in pain and I hurriedly bend down to scoop him up. I'm terribly upset, bordering on losing lucidity. I check his face and I'm relieved to see that he's unmarked. I hug him tight to me as he squalls in my ear. I'm too emotional to hold the dream together and
      I wake up.
    12. Castles. Non lucids

      by , 02-20-2013 at 03:32 PM (Zödra)
      Date: 02/20/2013
      Total sleep: 7 hours
      Daytime Techniques: DDA
      Lucid Techniques: MILD
      Recall Techniques: Waking up a lot

      Fell Asleep: 10:30
      Dream Title: Castle City
      Dream: I am in a huge cite that is basically a Castle with many mini castles throughout. I had a goal, but I forgot it. The scenery was amazing though, and when I would get high on the castles It looked like it was in the sky, but more like Skyward Sword floating islands than anything else. The castles were reddish/brown and had moss all over them. In order to get from one place to another it was pretty much like Zelda games. Flip switch, climb vines. Very fun
      Awake: 2:00 (later than usual. :/)
      Seed: Zelda
      Vividness: 9
      Awareness: 6
      Length: 30-45 minutes
      Emotions: Fun!
      Dream Signs: Castles, Zelda, Clouds

      Lucid Techniques: MILD again. Forgot to SSILD at all last night.
      Fell Asleep: 2:10
      Dream Title: Outhouse Living
      I was going out of my castle (yes... castles are in all my dreams from last night) and I ran into a friend of mine. Well, he is more of a facebook friend, I have never hung out with the guy, just talked to him in groups. He was showing me around his house, that was literally an outhouse. There was a toilet and a sink and a pink dildo in it. I saw that and tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me. He kept wanting to talk to me and hang out with me. I was just trying to get the picture of where that dildo had been out of my mind . I finally got away and to my castle. I sent my servants away and started meditating. Then he came back and started talking to me. I was quite annoyed.
      Awake: 3:00
      Seed: His Facebook post
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: 8
      Length: 20 minutes
      Emotions: Annoyed
      Dream Signs: Castle, random sexual things

      Lucid Techniques: MILD, visualization
      Fell Asleep: 3:10
      Dream Title: Again
      I was in my parents castle. Me, my brother in laws, and my dad were hanging out and the guy that was in the previous dream showed up. I don't have a problem with him IRL, but he brought his pink dildo and was being really creepy/clingy towards me. We all played video games for a while (time seemed to skip for this part) and then everyone but me and him left. They were trying to pass me the message that we would meet up later after he was gone, so I decided to go home. He asked if I could walk him home. I took him to his outhouse and went back to my castle. I started meditating and I noticed something fall out of my pocket. The pink dildo! I was grossed out and walked out of my house. It was getting dark out.
      Awake: 4:15
      Seed: Same as previous
      Vividness: 8
      Awareness: 8
      Length: 20 minutes
      Emotions: annoyed (again)
      Dream Signs: castles, random sexual things, video games, my parents house

      Lucid Techniques: MILD
      Fell Asleep: 4:30
      Dream Title: Outside Dining
      I was walking around outside (see previous dream) and was eating from the trees that grow in the garden in the middle of the city. I made conversation with a few people, but not too much. I was beautiful outside and I think I was still on the floating castle because the stars and moon looked bigger and closer. The place was surrounded by yellow light that seemed to illuminate everything, making the ground seem like day, and the sky seem like night.
      Awake: 5:00
      Seed: dunno
      Vividness: 11
      Awareness: 7
      Length: 10 minutes
      Emotions: awe
      Dream Signs: night sky, garden

      Lucid Techniques: MILD
      Fell Asleep: 5:05
      Dream Title: Casino Castle
      I was riding in a van to a basketball game with my team (yes, four years past and I still dream of basketball tournaments). We stopped in the middle of a castle courtyard (this had the court in the middle) and everyone was supposed to be back soon. I left with my sister to go get some food from the establishment. It was like Las Vegas inside, people gambling, acting like idiots, etc. I was walking past the slot machines (Because every slot machine is a one armed amputee waving hello). and I saw RDC I asked my sister if that was RDC and she said yes it was, amazing how that person can be here since we are so far from home. I asked her the time and she said 6:45. I told her we needed to get back to the game and she said "No it doesn't start till 7:00 and it is 6:15 now" I was convinced.
      Awake: 6:00
      Seed: Basketball
      Vividness: 11 (RDC was at about 13 though)
      Awareness: 9 almost 10 (almost lucid)
      Length: 10 minutes
      Emotions: shock
      Dream Signs: RDC, basketball, castle, age mess up

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:57 AM by 58222

    13. pillsburry blurry and HAyleys appearance

      by , 02-20-2013 at 03:15 PM
      oooo yes the great vacation of the year...pillsburry mwahhahaha what a shit show itwas in my dream. kind of funny actually.

      we some how just magically appeared at the lake and there was definetly some despute about sleeping arrangments. big boy patrick was there from the rugby team and a bunch of other random peeps and there simply wasnot enough room in the tents so we were sleping in shifts.

      yet i managedto get my own tent . but then right asi was about to fall alseep some one drives up in my grandmas old motor home. they ask me to help so i do andwe take it down to the beach. next thing you know the motor home is rollling away and isee itsinking into the lake. we try and get it out and some lady who set up her own little camp is all pissed off yelling At DD. freeeze fram for a minute im back in my house and DD comes in and explains to me whyy that womanis a bitch, i console her and tell her fuck em

      back to the motor home some dudes came to help us with a trailer but we already got that big bitch outa there. somehow we beach it. idk what a cluster fuck, than shit gets weird for me, i jump in the lake and see all these caverna

      i swim deeper into the caverns and found myself in a dark watery cave. i see these little shadows of zebras start running by me, i try to catch one but cant. then theres this blonde girl who keeps running away. i cantcatch her i want to talk toher but cant

      finally i decide il catch a zebra and climb onto a cavern ledge above the water and wait, then i pounce out like a lion and zooom woosh zoosh hte dream speeds up and im in some little room realizing im in a dream. some ball goes into my hand i catch it and throw it against a wall realizing im dreaming

      the mirror doesnt shatter despite my thinking this is a dream it should shatter. than i get all poetic. i look at them mirror see myself and punch my 1stat it making a small crack. i repeatedly punch it and a small crowd gathers and starts cheering me on as i punch te mirror.

      This is off random but i also remember being in like a water polo tournament with my sisters friend roxanne. i could not beat her but i swear that bitch was cheating

      also i was waching the nutcracker OOO yess hayley she was in there to!!! sitting next to me i had my arm around her and remember thinking that i saw my friend omar, i meant to say hi to him but didnt see him and got lostin the world of the nutcracker

      there were also a horde of bees in which i attempted to swat away

      its like my dreams and reality are so similar. i have moments of conciousness throughout the day. whenever they may be. and then when thoughts arise i got lost in these visons like in my dream and then i am taken away to some foreign place
    14. tiny insecys on skin

      by , 02-20-2013 at 09:24 AM
      I really don't want to log this dream fragment but I went to "Chat" afyer thinking about it and Carousoul said "insects crawling all over you" (or something). It was mearn't as a trolling insult.

      But it was an EXPLOSIVE sync.

      It was the dream I woke from and wasn't going to log because it was to short and meaningless and icky.

      I told Carousoul the on the strength of that EXPLOSIVE sync I give Carousoul full permission to Troll me when ever she feels the need.

      She said "good"

      I said

      "HAHAHA What have I done? (squeek-squeek)

      In dream I thought Buckello my little white mouse tulpa was scurrying over my skin (arms). But when I looked I had two or three tiny insects scurrying and slipping off my arms.

      I was non-lucid so I couldn't remember what form my tulper was. So I took it for granted that these were my beloved tuloa.

      I studied these tiny insects. I couldn't recognise them. Then there was a sandy feel then I was awake.

      I kept trying to remember what insect possibly resembled them and finally thought they might be a cross between a tiny cicarda and something.

      Then I remember seeing a pic on the "Random Image Thread" of a dog-faced horse. It spoke to me of a creature representing "mans best friend" (the dog) and "a four legged friend" (horse)

      A four legged friend - Roy Rogers

      (1:10) 98,077 views

      I went looking for the dog-horse on that thread but I looked through 64 pages of the 93 pages so it was like looking for a "needle in a hay stack.

      So I chuffed-off to "Chat" and had that mindblowing interchange with Carousoul. I hadn't even put the dream in phone notes ( I'm doing that right now) So even if Carousoul was somehow hacked right into my phone she couldn't know I had insects crawling over my body in last nights dream.
    15. Fever flying dream

      by , 02-20-2013 at 08:53 AM
      This is a flying dream which happened when I had a fever, it was actually the night my fever finally broke. I was very tired and it felt better than usual when I put my head down in bed.

      The dream:
      I was going home after a bike ride on a street parallel to a park downhill on my left. There was a yellow school bus passing me and then I took off with my bike. Since it felt real and it was like the first time I flew "for real" I was kinda in shock when I landed in my driveway and didn't remember the flying in between taking off and landing. The next day, I don't know exactly where I went in the morning, maybe work, I only have a sense that it was in a big building with some blue on it, in an industrial sector not far from a shopping mall... (might be because of seeing new areas in my city from taking the bus from a new metro station...) Anyway, when I left the place, I remembered flying before and tried it again, but for some reason I had 2 pillows with me in a back pack and just held them under my bent elbows, my elbows were pointing outwards and my fists on my chest, and I took off! At first I was flying like 60-90 feet off the ground, then up to about 180 feet. It felt like a few days passed, like a fast forward, and I had left work again (whatever work was), and took off again... with the pillows. I decided to see how high I can get and man, I got as high as about 900 feet or more, the ground and all the streets looked like a neighborhood map!

      The wind was pretty strong and the left pillow slid to the edge of my elbow, but somehow stayed there... I got a bit scared of falling so I came down gradually and was ok.

      It was the weekend now and I decided to go for another flight, and I thought to try it without any pillows and it worked, it just took some more effort to stabilize. I got really high at night, it was beautiful, I even saw a plane about a mile away from me on my left. In flight I remembered a show I used to watch as a kid called The Little Vampire (The Little Vampire (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) as the city looked similar to how they showed it. Now it got weird... I landed next to a bus stop and pay phone near an apartment building as I didn't have my cell with me, I was gonna call a friend. Who do I see walking down the path from the building? MY MOM, yet she's different, she looks more content. I wanted to tell her that I can fly and have been for about a week, she tells me to wait until we're inside to tell her. We get back to what looks like home, but it's in the apartment building, I think it's her place but it has the same furniture as in the house, no sign of my dad. She tells me she didn't know I could fly but that it was actually a hereditary trait for some on her side of the family... and then she pulls out a knitted suit for flying passed down from previous generations... I'm weirded out at first but then I start having ideas about improving it, like adding compartments to the sleeves to insert molded plastic to improve stability... My mom tells me not to go too high due to planes... I think that's around where I woke up... it was 1pm and I was sweaty but no more fever.

      Man, this is definitely one of the most detailed dreams I've ever had. In fact it's the one that made me do some research and led me to this site. I've had flying dreams before, but never where I controlled the flying so much, I really flew a lot, it was amazing. I wouldn't say it was a lucid dream though, just a vivid one. I've had 3 lucid dreams in my lifetime and I'm really excited about learning more. Those LDs will be in future posts.
      Tags: flying
      non-lucid , memorable