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    1. Space Travel - 1/15/2013

      by , 01-17-2013 at 04:37 AM (GeOh's Dream Journal)
      January 15, 2013

      Lucid Dream

      I was walking down the street in my friend's neighborhood, it as night at around 11pm as I remember looking at my phone for the time. As I was walking back to my friend's house there was an old man walking into his house and he yelled out to me, something like “Hi, hope you have a nice day.”. I turn around and shout back, “Thanks, you too, and sweet dreams.”, and at this point I think I became somewhat more aware of the dream once I said that but it did not make me lucid at this point. As I turn around and continue walking, like I said before I was more aware of my surroundings, I noticed what a beautiful night it really was. All the houses in the distance were shrouded by a light foggy mist with a really blue color, and I remember looking in the sky, it was a darker blue but the stars were out and plentiful. I love admiring the stars so I kept my eyes on the sky as I kept walking, and then something happened which caused me to become lucid, the stars started forming constellation lines between them. I could not make out any of the constellations but there were plenty of lines connecting the stars and I was so not-normal that I knew it had to be a dream. I did not even RC, I was convinced at this point and looking at the sky I wanted to fly, so I jumped way up into the air. A part of me was like “why did you do that!” because the last couple times I tried to do something like flying right of the bat the dream would end, but the other part of me was just staying calm and enjoying it and the dream did not end up ending right here . I wasn't actually flying, I just jumped around 100ft into the air and did a little flip at the top before starting to fall back to the ground, this happens to me a lot. So, as I reached the ground, I don't know what possessed me, but I just lifted my hands up and wanted to make and explosion go off in the distance, which it did. About 3 explosions go off, and I remember being amazed at the lighting on all the houses and even myself, but then the explosions jut disappeared once I stopped paying full attention to them. I still really wanted to fly, not just jump high but actually fly. Realizing that I have had good control in the dream so far, I set out to try it again, I jumped way up into the air with my mind focused on not stopping. This is where the dream got interesting, I was flying alright, but really fast and before I knew it I was skyrocketing out off the Earth's atmosphere into space. I just went with it as I kept going and going, it was almost like I was on a ride, I was just sitting back admiring the view of flying through space. I remember looking back and there was this huge red open portal thing behind Earth, I did not pay much attention to it. At first, there was a lot of colors everywhere, but after awhile everything started getting blacker and blacker with nothing to see. Well, that went on up until I noticed I was approaching something, it was the red portal again, but it was in-front of me. I was not stopping so I flew right through it and it took me back to where I started, right outside of Earth where the portal was to start with. I was confused at the time and something was telling me that I was in a parallel universe where time went backwards and I even had like a vision of some people walking backwards and everything. I can't remember exactly how it ended, but the rest of the dream is unclear to me.
      lucid , memorable
    2. First lucid

      by , 01-17-2013 at 04:29 AM
      Was short, but I was running and I realized I was dreaming. Then the dream ended after I lost concentration.
      Tags: lucid, running
    3. Another experiment with galantamine

      by , 01-17-2013 at 04:06 AM (Experiments)
      - no 5-HTP before going to sleep
      - no galantamine + choline (continuing the 1 day on 1 day off cycle)
      - no Piracetam when I got up
      lucid dreaming: 0 lucid experiences
      - been trying out different ways to WILD
      Tags: galantamine
    4. Dream fragment: Reality checks

      by , 01-17-2013 at 03:44 AM (Strange dreams and experiences)
      I was standing I think. My eyes were closed, and I was constantly doing the nose pinch RC. It kept half failing but half working, like some air would escape but most of it would stay in my nostrils. Very odd.
    5. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

      by , 01-17-2013 at 02:41 AM
    6. 01/16/13 Detta Walker's Rage

      by , 01-17-2013 at 12:53 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Detta Walker's Rage
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I land on the moon and get out, waiting for the dream to stabilize before deciding to aim for a Dark Tower dream this time. I focus on opening a portal. But a portal doesn't open. Instead a door appears. Well, that is consistent with the Dark Tower series… So I open the door and go through to the other side. I find I am on a beach. The beach seems to stretch out indefinitely in both directions with some hills on the one side and an endless ocean on the other. I walk along the beach with the ocean to my left. The first thing I hear other than the waves is a stream of expletives. Wtf? I follow the sound of a woman cursing a blue streak… I find Roland, Eddie, and a woman who could only be Detta Walker. She is cursing fluently at Roland and Eddie, calling them pathetic honkey mo-fos and saying she will bit off their dicks and feed them to each other… Roland and Eddie see me approaching and watch me warily. Eddie seems happy to see another person, Roland seems a bit more hesitant. When they look over at me so does Detta, and she immediately includes me in her abuse. She says for me to come join the party, those two honkey mo-fos are about to have their way with her but she's going to bite off their little white candles and then I can eat both of them, she calls me a fucking honkey hoe. She clearly would like to be accompanying her rant with rude gestures but she is tied to a wheelchair. She pauses and then continues her rant, now she is asking how many honkey mo-fos did they call in to handle one black woman… does it really take that many? Maybe some of them don't even have little white candles, but rather they just have a hole where their little white candles should be… gaping holes leading to the bowels of hell itself… She asks which of them (looking at me) have little white candles and which of them have the holes to stick 'em in. I wonder who she is talking to and I look behind me. There are five men back there, all of them white to Detta's disgust, all of them Templars to my own disgust. Detta asks if I do all five of them at once, I tell her I'd sooner kill myself than let a fucking Templar touch me… She now starts calling them honkey Templar mo-fo pieces of shit. I can't help but laugh. She calls me a hoe again and asks what is so funny, does it tickle to have their little white candles up inside of me? I tell her I don't let Templar bastards touch me. She asks if they're bastards, too? Of course! Their mammas must be so ugly a pig wouldn't do her… their daddies must have been flat drunk for them to even be conceived… then she calls them honkey bastard Templar mo-fos. I notice the Templars are actually being silent. I comment that Detta managed to stun Templars to silence… I like her. She asks if I'm going to lick her cunt… because it has teeth and will bite my face off when I try. One of the Templars finally says I stole something from them and they want it back. Detta asks if the honkey mo-fo Templar bastards lost their fer-special to some honkey hoe. She said I should break it. Then use it to cut off their little white candles. She cackles madly. I have had enough of her cursing. Roland and Eddie seem to be ignoring it and waiting for a chance to speak. Roland finally asks if I am the Raven… then who are those other people. I tell him they aren't with me. Detta identifies them as honkey mo-fo bastard fucking Templars with their main fuck, who is obviously me. I want to calm Detta. I use a song spell to calm her down, or I am about to when the Templars get violent. Roland cuts them down with his guns, though is clearly not happy about using the ammo. I tell him I can help with ammo supplies… and with Detta, who is cackling about how Roland blew the honkey mo-fos can all kill each other. I focus on the song Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack and manage to soothe Detta. She falls asleep. Probably she will shift back to O'Detta Holmes. I look at one of the bullets from Roland's revolver and use my Pentacle to create more, enough to fill his ammo belts. He asks what manner of magic I used to create those… I am more focused on getting MoSh into the dream. I focus on opening a portal, hoping it isn't too late. Unfortunately it is… everything fades as I wake up.
    7. Fast Food Gunfight

      by , 01-17-2013 at 12:10 AM
      The dream begins with my girlfriend driving me to go get some food at what seems like a fast food restaurant. We pull into the parking lot and park and she begins to open her door. In the distance I see a sketchy man start to walk up so I tell her to close the door quickly. Unfortunately it is too late and she and the man begin to struggle to open or close the door. After a minute the man opens the door and tells her to get out. She doesn't and he pulls out a very oddly shaped gun. It looks like a squirt gun or something mixed with a real gun and is gray. After he pulls the gun on her she quickly gets out and I walk over to her from the other side of the car. The man then points the gun at me but I hit his arm quickly to grab the gun from him. After this he takes off running and I shoot him. Another person also shoots him but I do not see him as he disappears.
    8. Aeoneth's Workbook

      by , 01-16-2013 at 11:51 PM
      2 dreams today.

      1st was like my usual day except everywhere i went i heard the same 2 lines of song

      Mama its your boy (not sure of the your boy part)
      Somebody save me

      *EDIT* after making it back home an rereading my hastily scribbled chicken scratch it actually says something along the lines of:
      Mama's just insane, Somebody save me.

      2nd was much harder to remember as i ended up sleeping through my alarm. And woke up 30 minutes before i had to be at work so i lost my "recall time".

      Still i can remember there was a dream but when i try to remember a specific part of it the memory gets blurry.
    9. Aliens and Zombies – Dream of January 16th, 2013

      by , 01-16-2013 at 11:39 PM
      This morning I dreamt that there was a party of sorts in my yard or something like that, but it didn’t look like my yard. I left and went walking around some buildings. When I was walking some people came to chase me and said they were “Infected with the slime!” and tried to attack me. I simply said something along the lines off “You are cured of slime” and then it became so. Basically, I already knew that I was dreaming, but my thoughts weren’t that clear. I don’t even remember when I became lucid, I just seemed to be vaguely aware of it already.

      When I went back to my yard I saw that aliens were coming to attack us, so everyone evacuated into our spaceship. When I went back outside to see how things were the place was now surrounded by water and ancient looking pillars were sticking out from the water as well as some destroyed submerged buildings. It looked like a completely different place now. I looked up and above me I saw what looked like high tech jets. These were apparently the aircrafts/spaceships of the aliens. They kept flying by and shooting down blue glowing bullets, but they were mostly missing. At one point though a jet passed right above and shot some bullets. There was a small woven canopy above me placed at the entrance to the spaceship, but I knew it wouldn’t be able to hold back the bullets so I just braced myself. I knew that I couldn’t be killed anyways.

      I didn’t really feel the bullets when they hit me. I simply saw them pass through and go into the ground. But, when I touched my head with my hand it felt wet. I looked at the ground and blood dripped down onto the ground. The bullets had passed right through my head. The wounds had closed nearly instantly though and I was in no pain so I wasn’t really worried. I then jumped up and started to fly.

      For a while now, or really since forever, I’ve had trouble flying. I only ever seem to be able to fly to a certain height and then I start to fall down again. There have only been a few instances where I’ve flown really high and fast. Anyways, I kept dipping up and down when I flew and I had to move my arms a lot. I also kept trying to make wings appear on my back since for a while I’ve wanted to fly with wings again in a dream. Unfortunately though, it wasn’t working, and I kept going up and down. Sometimes I even fell in the water, which looked a little odd. It looked not quite natural, or like it was very murky when I felt it shouldn’t be. I flew on.

      Eventually I came to a broken down building which was mostly composed of metal, and it was very rusty. I went inside. The building was abandoned. On the inside though, it looked like it wasn’t only rusty, but also had blood on it. It reminded me of Silent Hill. It looked like it might have been a sports place of sorts before it was abandoned. While walking through the place I noticed a control room overlooking a big pit with stands, and sitting in there was a zombie. The zombie looked my way, but it seemed very weak and didn’t try to get up. Nonetheless, I was terrified. I turned around and headed back for the entrance, but when I got there a zombie was standing in front of the doors. Right away I jumped and flew on top of some lockers that were close by. The zombie ran towards me and clawed at the lockers, trying to get me. There was some stuff on top of the lockers as well so I threw them at the zombie, but it didn’t really have much of an effect. Soon, another zombie came, and I threw stuff at them as well, but it also did virtually nothing. Right after that though, I woke up.

      Eventually I came to a broken down building which was mostly composed of metal, and it was very rusty. I went inside. The building was abandoned. On the inside though, it looked like it wasn’t only rusty, but also had blood on it. It reminded me of Silent Hill. It looked like it might have been a sports place of sorts before it was abandoned. While walking through the place I noticed a control room overlooking a big pit with stands, and sitting in there was a zombie. The zombie looked my way, but it seemed very weak and didn’t try to get up. Nonetheless, I was terrified. I turned around and headed back for the entrance, but when I got there a zombie was standing in front of the doors. Right away I jumped and flew on top of some lockers that were close by. The zombie ran towards me and clawed at the lockers, trying to get me. There was some stuff on top of the lockers as well so I threw them at the zombie, but it didn’t really have much of an effect. Soon, another zombie came, and I threw stuff at them as well, but it also did virtually nothing. Right after that though, I woke up.

      Updated 01-17-2013 at 05:47 AM by 32349

      lucid , memorable
    10. Tatesless Food.

      by , 01-16-2013 at 11:30 PM
      I'm walking quickly down a street in my hometown. Then I notice that it will rain and start running. At this point I'm not running but flying close to the ground. I Continue flying in front of a row of houses that have ornamental plants in front. When I was approaching my house I decided not to follow the road and started to climb to a height of several floors. At this point I decide to enter into my house through a chimney. I descend into a diningroom where my parents are waiting for me to eat. The food is bland and the dream fades.
      Tags: bland, food
    11. 16 Jan: Dream orgasm

      by , 01-16-2013 at 11:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      For a couple of months I couldn't post here due to some techical glitch, but today, finally, I managed to do so. Allelujah!

      I was living at some community. I remember familiar faces, a stone house, a heavy wooden door, a basement. And then some intense lightning in the sky and everybody rushing to the outside to see it better.
      From the clouds appears some kind of UFO, which turns out to be a flying blue convertible, which lands on a terrace nearby. Everybody runs to its encounter, but I stay behind at the entrance of the house. A guy from the group also doesn't join them and instead approaches me in a seductive way. I didn't know he was interested in me, but I like it. He holds me from behind, caresses me and starts undressing me. At first I'm a bit worried the others may come back and catch us. So when he asks me if I can put myself in a certain position. I hesitate. But then I cave in and we do it.
      It is so clear and real, that I feel everything in detail. I reach orgasm. I know by now that I am dreaming, but the effect is real and I wake up feeling the body spasms. They are so very intense that I feel the chakras below my waist vibrating with it.
      The truth is, I had a strong pain in my coccyx for over more than a week, due to a fall when skating and I was considering taking an X-ray this morning. But as I felt that orgasm, I also felt I was being healed and I got up no longer feeling the damn pain.

      Updated 01-18-2013 at 04:56 PM by 34880

    12. Lotta dreams due to sleeping fourteen hours straight.

      by , 01-16-2013 at 10:23 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      January 14

      I'm walking through thee trees just north of IGA in pablo, going to get Mara, I then reach the highway and see Mara and Isis and another dogs leashes all tangled up and they are scattered among the highway. I quickly rush over and untangle Isis and Mara from the other dog and then start walking back to my moms with them, After I get to the other side of IGA I see mike and give him Isis explaining what happens. he says lil fuckers. like always.

      I'm in a trailer park below china gate, across for Safeway, I see Shannon and Aaron outside, of the trailer I am living in, its trashed but I have nowhere else to go and I am trying to get it clean. I go outside and visit with them. I find out they are living in the trailer park in the trailer right next to me, mine facing the highway theirs facing my trailer, and we decide to be good friendly neighbours and watch out for each other. I wake up after talking to them sleeping on my trailer floor right next to the front door. there is an irritation on my stomach and I wake up to see a puffed up area with bugs crawling in and out of my stomach I rip the skin of that area and it revels so much more, I throw open the door and jump out trying to get the bugs off me, Aaron is standing there freaking out asking what she should do, if she should call her dad. I then wake up.

      I fall back asleep

      I wake up in the trailer but this time on the bed, and no worries about the bugs from before, I go next door to see charlie, because he has moved in with his mom and sister. I meet up with him and he says he got a letter to meet a girl on top of the hill overlooking where the highways cross. I go with him. The girl is pregnant, and they talk, me giving them some privacy, watching the cars drive by. Chuck says this was his skull and hands here a skull but thats all I hear, and it catches my attention so I start to watch them. I see her put the skull up to her stomach and it osmoses its way inside her belly, She then goes into labor and a baby is born. Chuck then takes the baby, which is already growing at a substantial rate. he then invites me to lunch at china gate. I go with him, where we meet up with my gram, and two of my aunts jeris and miss. They seem to ignore me but talk to chuck and cuddle the baby. they say things like Oh it looks just like him but when he says something it sounds like me. that puts them at pause and freaks them out and they start crying. I then realise I'm the dead spirit of the previous me and this baby is me reborn by a witch….

      I'm at a pawn shop with my Yaya and I set my laptop down and someone tries to buy it.

      I wake up and decide I want to have sex in my next dream so I will it as I'm falling asleep.

      I'm in a dream and I can tell I will it to let me have a three some with Kylie and Amanda. I open my eyes and I'm in a house i've never seen. I get a nock at the door and its Kylie and Amanda and some girl smaller then both of them. they ask if I wanna have sex. We then proceed to the bedroom and do, happy with the extra girl my subconscious gave me. after along time I start to hear a bunch of people outside the bedroom. I go out and kick them out wanting privacy. Some say I can't but I prove to them that I can do anything because its my dream, eventually they all leave, and I go back to the bedroom. Eventually I fall asleep with Kylie and the other girls.

      I then have a series of four false awakenings at different houses I've lived in

      I wake up at myles house. everything seems normal till we go outside, on our way to go play pool. The neighbours yard has a giant pool in it with alot of prehistoric animals in it. I end up accidentally letting a Velocioraptor out
      I track it on foot all the way from there to McDonalds. I see my sister inside and ask her for help to catch it. We do and we put it on a leash like a dog. We don't think its harmed anyone and it doesn't seem to want to. we start to train it and it is really smart, I treat it alot like my dog, which my sister doesn't like. She says its not a dog and we should treat it more like an equal. I tell her to get her own, then but at least mine will never hurt anyone. Right here my dream trips me out because instead of staying with me it starts to follow my sister like a movie. only first person. I have no control as she gets a banana and goes to where I got the velociorapter She then starts throwing chunks over the fence into the water to see which one will eat them. they all try to and even fight over them. eventually a really big snake like one that is more oval shaped and comes to together like a sideways eel jumps over the fence at her. she drops the banana and it eats the rest in one bite, then attacks her. eventually myles and I come out. it gets myles right on the knee and my sister picks up a gardening claw and starts to chop its head off. it takes three or four swings then me and her pulling on the body to separate it. once done myles can pry the thing off of his knee. the head drops and split touches but we think nothing of it. we end up talking for awhile. the yellow white eel thing then comes back to life and cut the head off again and separate it in a few places. i then touch the inside of its body and it burns me like acid. we conclude that it melted itself back together and came back alive. something else creeps its way out of the water and through the fence. similar to the one that already did, but its green and it has many heads and mouths coming off a bunch of necks at the top like a medusa thing. it starts to eat the one already dead, and we notice that the heads are how it moves, and there is a bigger mouth in-between all the head. we trick it into eating a sparkler bomb and kill it.
    13. Stupid doppelgangers ruining my plot.

      by , 01-16-2013 at 10:19 PM (The world of Lyseno)
      I am inside the house doing a RC, well this is new never start the dream with a RC, just do it right after. Anyway now that I am lucid should go outside and… the dream starts to become darker but I am not waking up?

      Walk out to where the moon is giving some light, wonder what happened to the street lights. Soon some kind of dark fog falls and I have trouble with sight and am forced to switch over to echolocation, find some dark ghosts here and there doing this so teleport to their locations and eat them, dream ends not long after.

      Back to sleep.

      I am inside a closet, get out and then false memories of going to buy one and this being a shop and what not start to come, just ignore memories and do a RC then become lucid. Go out of the shop and then see nothing outside, literally.

      Go back in, wonder what is going on right now with the dream, hopefully nobody is trying to mess with my rules; check that using scan and there isn’t anyone messing with the world, how strange. The owner asks me if anything is wrong, bet he knows something! Go ask him about there being nothing outside, he says that he knows nothing and then just leaves, teleport to him and put him on the ground then use scan on him.

      There is a cursed girl here and the guy is closed in here until she is free or eaten, whatever works for me don’t plan to stay in this place for long. Go up to where the girl is, she is apparently trying to posses the daughter of the dude running the shop, transform myself into a girl the same age as her and then go over to the bed, take out the girl and summon the ghost one, she appears and I stab her eye with some healing spell, alright problem solved!

      Back to sleep.

      FA, go out of bed and RC, think something is wrong because everyone in the family is sitting at the table and using a small candle to lit themselves, not like it matters to me.

      Prepare to teleport outside and then hear something, go over to the lonely room with no light and see a shadow run outside, it didn’t seem to be human and I am getting tired of being annoyed by these, go out and open the door, family tells me not to open the door because I don’t know, who cares.

      Stare at the thingy, it stares back at me and then moves over to a darker area, step outside of the house and then get the image of several demon-things that will attack me as soon as I go over to the darker side, oh yeah? Growl at them and just continue then get woken up, dang it must have growled very loudly in waking too.

      Back to sleep.

      I am inside this big room, do a RC
      while getting up and then walk over to the door, try to open it and it doesn’t works, oh yeah that’s why I try to escape. Scream at it and break it with sound then step out, find myself back on my room when I step out and then the room disappears, strange.

      Go over to the kitchen and decide to prepare something, ignore the complete darkness for now. The same shadow girl from before shows up and try to stab her but the sword goes right through her, she starts to grow and cover my body so teleport my face behind her and start to bite at then eat her, some giant dog doesn’t likes that and starts to attack me, use the sword again and cut him in two “Leave the house if you want to stay alive” tell the rest, but no they decide to attack, finish my breakfast while they get down to attack.

      Teleport a few swords, like 20 or so and kill them all, leave them stay on the walls and the like while I eat, so bothersome. Make the dead bodies fertilizer and teleport them along with me to some forest, float around while I find a proper place for the now fertilizer and then throw it there, fly down and wonder if this was the reason I couldn’t go out? Actually believed them to be real for a second after waking up and all, oh well whatever problem solved, go take care of my dream body before waking up.

      Back to sleep.

      I am at this very big kind of convention, been a while since last time I attended one. Do a RC while asking for direction and once lucid lose all interest in the convention, have better things to do than being here.

      Teleport over to the Jack Frost world and then can’t find him… strange, teleport using scan and then see him for about a second before he says something I can’t understand and then disappears, the rest of the guardians have the same problem and the world seems a bit desolate, wonder whatever the heck happened? Maybe I am just waking up, teleport back home and no, the dream is as stable as always.

      Teleport back and now somehow the city is starting to fall under some kind of snowstorm, I don’t like how things are starting to turn, hopefully this universe isn’t being destroyed just because I ate shadows… oh right the shadows! Use scan to search for them but there isn’t anything of the sort in this universe, this is getting annoying, wake up and can’t find the real reason.

      Back to sleep.

      FA, go out of bed and RC, when I am lucid decides to get working on goals. First thing will write a letter to Nathan so he will know what I will be going for tomorrow and that I have not forgot about him, don’t feel very comfortable with the letter so rewrite it a few times before sending it, my cat wakes me up before I can do any other goal though.

      Back to sleep.

      I am at school, do a RC become lucid and then start to search for my goal, was supposed to send someone to Scott I think? Eh will do that later, he is less important than the other world… as I am thinking of that something falls off the sky, teleport out of the way and see some more things fall, fly and dodge the meteors I think, someone is throwing them at me.

      Use light-speed and fly to where the person is, they shot another fireball down at the after image and then can’t see me, I just kind of freeze the person and let them fall, wonder why I am being attacked so much lately, wouldn’t mind but oh come on, send someone stronger than that!

      Forget that I had goals after the whole being attacked and just fly over to space, try to find a good planet to stay at while modifying my body like normal, find a small moon on another galaxy, go sit there since its atmosphere is pretty similar to earths, not counting the intense gravity that is but oh well.

      Back to sleep.

      I am home, do a RC while picking up some trash and become lucid, alright! I still have to do the whole Jack Frost goal, teleport over to their world and find myself at some school instead, try to contact the guardians but they are nowhere to be seen either.

      Make a proper scan of the place, apparently nobody believes anymore due to some kind of sect run about by teachers, they are brainwashing people, make sure none of the guardians are close to this place, they think I can’t see them but I can, see and sense and anything I so wish pretty much, they are all too far away so yeah, the school is the whole problem and I will solve it.

      Take back a normal body and walk around trying to find the teachers… instead find a girl that somehow is my fan, just run away as fast as possible, she tells them that I have powers and to kill me, oh yeah that explains it all, she is brainwashed.

      Well since it doesn’t really matters whether or not I have powers because now they will either kill or brainwash me, just fly away, go up some stairs and then down, hide inside a kitchen. I expect them to not be able to find me but oh yeah, they can find me after all! The girl follows and I use the folding-teleportation to escape, appear inside the directives room, scan said that everyone I should kill is inside this room… alright maybe killing isn’t the right thing to do in this world for now, the people I have to subdue or something.

      When I get out of the folding place fall to the ground, still suck at this of landing with teleportation it seems. Anyway go over to the meeting room and start to stalk through the keyhole, they are talking about how this plan is going perfectly, ah plot stuff could let them save themselves but me doing it is far better, check that nobody is here yet and then continue.

      The girl from before finds me again and tries to pin me down, I just kick her and then put her down with gravity while she screams that there is an intruder in the place. The others go out and start to grow some kind of roots, they try to put that on my head and I just teleport behind them then use the healing-power I had on the guardian world to enhance the immunologic system and make it so that the brainwashing is considered a disease, make myself immaterial again in case anyone shows up.

      Break down the spell and then some shadow shows up, it was them! Have to accept it, they were wonderful and fast, even while time was supposed to flow differently it only took them 2 days to make the whole world theirs.

      Follow the shadow and then put my hand inside of it, use the healing spell and teleportation so it will link to all other shadows “Hope that saying they had a link of their own convinces the others…” finish the job with the shadows and then find myself in a desert, wow the thing flew fast. People start to lose the mind-control, I make it so that as it vanishes so does their memories, replace them with some kind of dream thing and everyone starts to believe again. Make up some BS explanation about the shadows entering during a dream, so when it vanished a new dream shows up and solves the problem, wake up before being able to talk with Jack though, did fly over to his location and see him and the others recover their spirit body buy dang it woke up before reaching.
    14. 16th Jan 2013 Ridiculous foods, weird alley and airport placement

      by , 01-16-2013 at 08:34 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Again, don't remember the start of the dream and some details

      I was in some building and there is some political stuff going on, some political people apparently preparing some foods and i and some other person have to choose the ones which will be on some festival or something. The foods are ridiculous, there are huge cakes, many foods of sorts in form of various buildings, places and stuff. And ofcourse to choose stuff we'll have to try it! It was delicious and also i was consuming one of the 'building' foods a whole at some point and hearing somebody making kirby joke of sorts.
      Then i decide to go on walk somewhere, exiting building apparently brings me to the exit of the house i live in IWL, so i go to the park from there. On the way i notice some weird alley, entering it i notice alot of mongrel dogs sleeping there. I somehow know that it's time to return to the building, on the way i meet dad and we both go back to the building.
      The political people have heated discussion on where to place airport, and since they can't decide on anything i have to choose the place apparently. There's some sort of holo-table which is used for choosing where to place airport, i place it somewhere. After that i was apparently congratulated by some president-looking person, everyone goes to the table and we all eat cake that looks like Empire State Building or something similar. Dream ends there.
    15. 16th January 2013 - Traveling Dimensions

      by , 01-16-2013 at 08:34 PM
      Sleep – 10:30pm
      Wake ups – N/A
      Finial Wake up – 6:30am
      WBTB – N/A

      I am fighting a monster that kind of looks like Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. Me and my brother were fighting it in my house for a while until it stopped and told us that we couldn't defeat it and that its only weakness was silver. My parents were in my room and my dad opened a drawer and threw me a silver crowbar. I caught it and started hitting the thing with it. It didn't seem to make much of a difference but it started to move towards the door to the back garden. It ran out the door and I followed it. My back garden had a big pond where there normally isn't. It jumped in and my brother who was behind me yelled at me to follow it. I jumped in after it with my crowbar. It grabbed me and pulled me super-fast towards the bottom. The bottom was miles deep and at the bottom was a portal that glowed slightly. I got dragged into it and I menu popped up in my vision.

      I had to choose what dimension I wanted to travel to. I chose a random one and everything went black. My vision returned and I was in a massive room. The floor was covered in a picture of space. There were a couple of other people here. I looked at the floor confused and a woman walked over to me. See said I could zoom in on any star I wanted to. I looked around for a second to check if the monster was there. It wasn't and I didn't have my crowbar with me anymore. I went on my knees and wondered how to zoom into a picture of a star. I tried the pinch zoom like on a phone. The whole picture around me zoomed in. So I picked a random star and zoomed into it so I could see the planets orbiting it. I zoomed into one of the planets and I could see buildings on its surface. The women gasped and said I had found an enemy planet. A man walked over and I had the sense that he was the boss around here. I didn't get a good look at him. He confirmed that it was an enemy base and thanked me for finding it. I was confused so I asked him what he was talking about and he started to explain but I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable