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    1. Religious Nutjobs, Jam Band and Beer

      by , 11-16-2012 at 04:48 AM
      non lucid

      I was having a conversation with a group of people in a parking lot when religion came up. I wasn't being that outspoken but when the age of the earth came up my atheism was exposed. We had headed inside a big building nearby which had underground parking.

      To the right as you enter was a few rows of seats with each row in front of the other being a little lower than the previous. In front of the front row was a railing and a wall that dropped off to the lower part of the building. Directly as you enter was a set of carpeted stairs that also went down to the lower part of the building. At the other end of the stairs where two doors. One on the left led through other rooms and probably out to the covered parking. The other was about 7 feet away from the bottom of the stairs facing the stairs and led to a bathroom. This place was being used as a church.

      One younger guy in the group had started ranting and raving in gibberish and was apparently trying to make an argument. I was seated in the far right of the rows of seats and a girl who was sitting next to me started to repeat a mantra like prayer. It went something along the line of "Jesus Lives, Jesus Lives" or "Jesus is real, Jesus is real"...over and over.

      The guy was still going off and waving his arms about. I was a bit amused and dumbfounded at what I was seeing. The guy then started to do this funny dance like thing while still shouting out nonsense. He would sort of step to one side with his arms up and together to one side and flop his hands out in a sprinkling type motion. He did that a couple times on one side then went in the other direction. Between the guy and the girl who sat next to me, quite the rhythmic spectacle was being formed.

      Suddenly, Thad(an old friend of mine who is a devout Christian) decided to make fun of this spectacle by picking up a base guitar and thumbing out a hokey tune to go along. Then Sam came in on drums and Daniel on guitar. They were really jamming and I was thoroughly amused.

      I was beginning to walk down the stairs and for some reason I tried to throw a bottle of gatorade at sam. It missed and bounced of the base drum. Sam was upset and retaliated by throwing one of his drumsticks. It some how wound up getting under my bare feet and between my toes because it made me have trouble walking down the steps in fact I kind of slid a bit.

      My gatorade bottle was now a bottle of beer(Coors/Corona) sitting on a table behind the drum set. I felt bad that I had disrespected these peoples sanctuary by bringing in a tally and Daniel said that I need to get rid of it. I grabbed it, put it under my jacket and headed into the bathroom.

      As you entered the bathroom.. to the right was a trash can with... straight ahead was a divider and then some sinks with urinals to the left of them... to the far left was a single stall. Behind the divider were three small black waste-baskets. There was also a waste-basket in the stall which was empty except for the thin plastic bag. I swapped the empty waist-basket for one with a few paper towels in it.

      I sat in the stall and took some sips of the beer and contemplated how to dispose of the bottle. I couldn't break it into pieces and flush it, and putting it in a bin with only a few paper towels in it was too obvious. I could sneak it out under my jacket....then I woke up.
    2. Lessons in a Game

      by , 11-16-2012 at 04:48 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I am with some friends. We were escaping from some people, or maybe just hiding. We were in our high school, near the quadrangle. It looked like a forest there.

      Then a van passes by. It's M., my high school crush (who I was obsessed with). He invites us in, although I am wary. I sat in the front row of the van, near the window. The others are sitting behind.

      M. sits beside me, to my right. I am hesitant, but after a while, I put my head on his left shoulder, and we held hands, both hands resting on our legs.

      I am in some sort of abandoned building at night. It's in the middle of some city. The PLUS people appear, and we talk. Not sure of what.

      i think my dream self is partially aware, teaching me how to lucid dream. We are in some sort of technological facility, and it feels more like a game.


      I slept at around 11 p.m., and I watched United States of Tara most of the day. I also wrote some pieces of a story about a wanderer. I was very emotional when I wrote it, in love perhaps? Before sleeping, I recall thinking about how to add a crushing ending.

      Updated 11-16-2012 at 04:51 AM by 47454 (ADD notes)

    3. You can have whatever you like

      by , 11-16-2012 at 02:33 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in A&P and my professor mentions that he's in my brother's class.....I think he wanted me to have him hook him up or something, but I didn't say anything. Later, I met up with my brother. He was picking up his car. I think the people there hooked him up with food or something. I thought he may have needed someone to take him, but there was some random guy sitting in the middle seat between my nephews....it was creepy.

      I'm at a bar, watching some stage performer named Tookoolu. She's singing a song and nearly instantly changing into various outfits. Someone was saying she was totally awesome, but I wasn't feeling it. I mean she was totally hot, but that's all she had going for her other than stage performance.

      This other lady came out all of a sudden. She was tall, Spanish, and she had long flowing hair. Apparently she was someone famous. I didn't care really, but she was pretty aggressive in a cool way. There were two other people with me in this small room. Both Spanish....both super old. I'm not sure who they were, but they knew her. As she went along and asked me twenty questions about sex...we drank, we laughed, we got naked. I have no idea why or what caused that, but we didn't care.

      She was telling me about the plastic surgeries she had. Something about having back fat lifted to tighten up the stomach. I reached towards my back, and pulled up skin, and tried to see if it had any effect. I noticed my penis was bouncing up and down. She noticed too.....and it was go time.

      *following get's really weird/graphic awkward*

      I was fully erect, and she said if I could enter her while standing up, then we could have sex. She was facing me, and I was rubbing it between her legs so she could get wetter, and finally I slid it in. She grimaced, and I obviously enjoyed that look on her face. Finally someone so in control...finally broken down by the basics. Well it didn't last long. Me that is....I started losing my erection, and she started talking trash. I told her to suck it, and she did. I started rubbing her, and she told me to stop, because she wanted me to enjoy this and not take my mind off of what I needed to do. It doesn't take much, and I'm back up. She gets on the ground, and lies on her side, and I come up behind her, and enter......

      *even weirder*

      My penis is like a long air hose, and it traveled inside her, but there was a clear bag that I guess extended her uterus on the outside of her. My penis curled up inside of it. Shit was really really really weird. Once we were finished, she was talking about how it was shaped, and I told her "well I didn't hear you complaining about it when it was inside you". We both laughed, and she said something about differences in people with money and the people who don't. It was supposed to be some profound statement about money. After that she wanted me to drink with her some more. One of the old men filled up a bucket of beer. He took a big swig, rinsed it in his mouth, and spit it in another bucked of beer. I was thinking "man I'm not going to drink all of this". She read me like a book, and I told her that I'd drink. (not from the spit/beer bucket) She poured me a huge bucked of beer, and herself one. I was thinking how drunk I should have been, but I didn't feel a thing.

      One of the old guys offered me a sandwich....this wasn't an ordinary sandwich. It was a toasted piece of wheat bread, sitting under two tomatoes, sitting under something fried but small, while melted mozzarella held it all in place. It was divine.
    4. Mac Miller uses a Double to escape paparazzi [Fragment]

      by , 11-15-2012 at 11:31 PM
      First dream Entry,

      this is a Fragment because it was awhile when I had this dream. It's not old or anything, just a few days old but I haven't written dreams down in months but I'm starting again and I want to get this one recorded because I found it kinda humorous. When it comes to recording dreams, I'm just going to type em because I can't stand writting em out in a notebook. Ok so here is my first dream entry for this site.

      Dream - Mac miller uses a double to escape paparazzi

      I'm in what looks like the yard of a mansion, the place kinda looks like the back area in CoD black ops where the gate and steps are but smaller. I find myself having a conversation with mac miller about random crap I can't remember. Mac miller is wearing a suit which looked like the suit he wears in the videos "Knock Knock" and "Smile back" only grey. then the subject of a body double comes up and I mention something about mac miller's body double. What I found kinda humorous about the double is that while he wore the same outfit mac miller was wearing but he was chubby and looked like a poor doppleganger of mac miller. He also had this stupid look on his face like he was on a mission which sorta reminded me of how sometimes in cartoons, this random guy tries to pose as someones double and they have this real serious look on their face and they have the stereotypical doppleganger look to them which no one in real life would mistake for the real person. thats kinda the vibe I got from mac miller's body double while in the dream. Also while in the dream, I also got a feeling like mac miller was trying to keep a low profile among all the people and letting the double do everything, only thing about this is that the dream is very fuzzy and I'm not sure what I said or felt in the dream but I kinda remember getting that feeling. I'm not even sure if my dreamself misunderstood the situation since mac miller seemed to be totaly casual with the conversation and he was dressed regular not trying to hide anything but for some reason I remember thinking that in the dream. This shows I really need to start writting my dreams down again.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Passing Another Scantron, What Year Am I In?

      by , 11-15-2012 at 09:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Passing Another Scantron (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm being assigned a task of giving someone their scantron with their grade on it. They have a B in it, and I'm looking for the classroom. I finally reach a hallway with a door at the end, I go to the left after going through the double doors, and had to wait until the teacher was done.

      She sees that I'm outside, and quickly comes near the door so I can give her the scantron. There was a student who was a Black male, and he was complaining on something related to his degree, which happens to be Biochemistry.


      What Year Am I in? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a random classroom with wooden desks with metal based chairs. The walls are dark brown, and it feels a lot like High School. There's a girl that I'm aware of that I know in waking life that's in this dream, let's call her Christina.

      I look at Christina for some odd reason, and then turn back. I have to fill out some blanks on a colored worksheet that's probably a cool color, most likely blue. I can't figure out what year I'm going to graduate, and I look at those awards that are posted in gold and surrounded by fancy brown wood polish for an answer.

      However, there's years in 1950, and all sorts of stuff that it confuses me more.
    6. November 15/ 2012 Nightmare

      by , 11-15-2012 at 08:26 PM
      I was at some sort of party. I was with Raymond and a bunch of other people. There were two girls twwho I kept talking to. One of them was trying to convince me I should date her. She kept saying that she was practically my old girlfriend and since I had been wanting to get back together I should just go out with her. She gave me reasons as to why she was her. She didnt just mean that they were simillar but that they were essentially the same person in a physical and spiritual sense. She wasnt as good looking as my old girl friend. I decided I would date her. The area where we were was interesting. It had a waterslide that twisted and led into a circular pool of water. The whole place had this naturallistic jungle feel to it. They invited me and raymond to to a party the next night. We all shared a tent next to the pool of water. The next day me and raymond were at my moms house. The kept telling us to come to this party by phone. It was out just below black mountain kinda near raymonds but higher up the mountain. One was talking to raymond on the phone and saying that there were too many girls there. Raymond said we would only come if more guys came. I smacked his arm and asked what the fuck he was doing. I said never say that about a party. I didnt want to drive because we had both been drinking. I decided finally to double us on my bike. We didnt get very far. We were on Sexsmith when I realized how ridiculous this idea had been. We turned back. It was snowing like crazy out now and I was using that as my excuse not to drive. A girl came and picked us up. She was friends with the other two girls. I had gone to highschool with her. She was blazing while driving. She had her little brother with her. She offered me a hoot and I refused saying I didnt like smoking weed while partying and drinking. She drove us to this house in a gated community. The community was huge, too big to gated it seemed. The house was a ways away from the gate too. When we finally got the house it was eeirily quiet. I went into a room which appeared to be a little boys room. It was to the right of the front door. There was an on suite bathroom. It sort of resembled my childhood room. There was also another door that was just down a small hall past the en suite bathroom. This room just seemed evil. I began to get a terrible feeling about this place. Someone came into the front door. They were wearing a mask that looked like leatherface's. This whole place was evil it seemed now. I didn't know where raymond was. I thought of the movie the strangers. There was a staircase leading down and I think thats where raymond was. This guy was weilding a knife and trying to kill me. This whole gated community was. I ran out the door and headed for the gate. It was a long ways to the gate and I didnt even know how to get there. I came to a 15 or so foot drop at one point. I had a glass of water and couldnt spill it for some reason. I carefully climbed down the ledge parkour style and kept my glass of water in the cup. I just headed to the gate. There were evil people everywhere, looking at my from their houses and I knew they all wanted to kill me. It was terrifying. I somehow came to the realization that this whole place was a cult and that they had lured me there and that girl that drove me was in on it too. They all wanted to kill me, not for sacrficial reasons though, I wasn't quite sure why. I made it to the gate and over the gate. I waited for Raymond. He came out not too long after I left and we peaced the fuck out of there.
      Tags: cult, nightmare
    7. Thurs Nov 15 (11:18-7:27)

      by , 11-15-2012 at 08:10 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      • something about my current math/CS professor
      Tags: math
      dream fragment
    8. sex

      by , 11-15-2012 at 05:50 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      All I remember was flirting...foreplay innuendo...different girls...differnt framents. I woke up 3 this morning, and ran over the stuff I had in my head, but it's gone. Then after....more sexual moments that I can't recall.
      Tags: foreplay, sex
      dream fragment
    9. A Random Girl

      by , 11-15-2012 at 05:27 PM (One Crazy Ride to Lucidity)
      Dream Fragment:

      I remember playing Call of Duty, or a game similar, and then everything changed into a high school or college setting. A white girl with BCGs (giant ugly glasses), reddish-brown hair that was pulled back into a single braid, dark brown eyes, and in a green sweater appeared at a table in the library with her friends. She kept a private diary, though she shared its entries with friends, and was apparently a nympho.

      Short, I know..but this week hasn't been too good for dreaming
    10. Visiting Africa

      by , 11-15-2012 at 05:24 PM

      I was visiting Africa with Elden and a group of people. I was taking pictures of everything. My camera worked but I had to push extra hard on the button to make the picture take. (It reminded me, in retrospect, of having to push extra hard on the brake pedal to make my dream cars slow down). At one point we were on the beach and some of the guys in the group were playing guitar and the African people, especially the children, were surrounding them and dancing. I remember taking pictures of these huge flocks of sea birds.
      Tags: animals, beach, camera
    11. 11/15/2012 Vivid again.

      by , 11-15-2012 at 05:05 PM
      First vivid dream in quite a while

      At a hotel for a nice date with my wife. It may be a messiah conference, but I decide I'll do something nice and get a nicer room. For some reason, the rooms are labeled in the First, Second and Third class categories. I decide to choose first class (which turns out to be the crappiest) It is a large open room with several double wide chairs (Not quite loveseats, just chairs for fat guys) The room is made in tiers, and it adjoins the main hall. On each tier are 10 chairs. We are given our allotment of two chairs as our "room." People are flipping their chairs over to make beds, forts, etc. All of the people in this section are college age, single men. I drop off our bags, and go in search of better accommodation. We run into a few guys from our youthgroup, who joke and say that perhaps someday, they'll share the cost of a room with us, and run upstairs to the nicer levels. I briefly consider asking some of our other friends to split a room, but realize that my intent had been to do something nice for the wife, and continue my search for an employee.


      We are now in a camp setting. In a small, white, farmhouse; which has been converted to a camp-cabin. My entire youthgroup is here as well as my wife. The subject matter is something awkward (Don't think it was THE talk, but something awkward). After the awkward talk, it progressed to some sort of story telling. While telling the stories, the female youth leader pulled out a device about the size of an iron and began massaging the member's backs with it. The device produced a violin hum. A low note sustained, which pulsed with each new stroke of the device. It was extremely hypnotic, and the individuals who were undergoing the massage fell asleep. With the hypnotic sound, and the rhythmic movement, I begin to doze off.

      I wake up a few times to see that the youth leader has stopped his story, while his wife is still massaging the youth members. My own wife is still awake and has a similar device in her hand. She jumps on my back and begins massaging my shoulders with it. I quickly recede into slumber.

      ~~ SHIFT~~

      I am at a school, or perhaps a continuation of the same camp. There are large castles, and towers. and wooden structures. I get the impression there are continued studies regarding magic, or possibly psionics. Everyone seems to have abilities such as throwing fire, lightning, shielding, etc. I am an advanced student, and am a bit of a teachers' pet. I have recently gained the ability to throw fireballs, which is something I really am not supposed to have at this point, but because I am so advanced, I am allowed to practice. I remember several situations in which I am in the ramparts of a large, braced, wooden structure. Possibly a wall, or possibly an amphitheater of some kind. I throw the fireballs around, and watch them splash across the creosote coated wood, knowing that my power is neither great enough, nor are my fireballs hot enough to burn through the resilient covering.

      We are attacked one day by a group of bad guys (possibly a rival school, it is tough to remember). I remember I am one of the few students that can fight back due to my recent acquisition.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Underwear Lucidity, Daughter Fragment, and Walking Around Topless

      by , 11-15-2012 at 04:28 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was standing in my closet, looking through some clothes, when I came across a pair of black panties hung up. Hmm...odd. I don't have any hanging panties. I decided to test to see if I was dreaming, and thought to myself "I'll find another pair of black panties in here." Lo and behold, the next thing I came to was another hung up pair of black panties that looked slightly different from the ones I first found. I'm dreaming!

      I decided to keep on making panties appear, just to test my abilities. It kept on working, over and over, and each pair was black, but a different style. Some had bras hung with them.

      I then turned and looked in my full-length mirror. I was wearing a white bra. I decided to see if I could make the black underwear appear on my body. I concentrated, but all that happened was my bra turned pink. Close enough for now.

      I walked around doing other things in the house for a bit, but nothing exciting. I was mostly trying to hold my focus on the dream so I wouldn't lose it. At one point, I did somehow go back to the closet, and had to retest the lucidity the same way I did before by making the underwear appear.


      I had a small daughter, probably only about 1 or 2 years old. I protected her from something, though I don't remember what.

      Also, I think in the same dream, I dreamed I was watching this couple, a black man and an Asian woman, who were about to get married, and their friends booked the church for a wedding on the same day at the same time. It was some big to-do, and people got mad, kind of like you would see in a romantic comedy. At the end of the dream, I saw the black man and Asian woman again, but they were sort of disguised. They were at the church trying to do something about the double-booking.


      I was in London, working at a department store with some people that came with me, I remember one for sure being a guy. We had literally just gotten hired on that day. I was wearing a purple polo that reminded me of a purple version of my old Subway shirt with my clothing underneath, which happened to be a plain red shirt I had some years ago IWL. We also had these mini microphones clipped onto our shirts.

      I walked out, and there were these long counters where people would check out, kind of like the one I saw in my dream two nights ago. In fact, I made that connection during the dream last night, thinking I had just dreamed about the counters. There were many women, mostly small Asian women, manning the registers and checking customers out. The environment seemed very bland, everything being shades of white.

      I then was in the back with I think the guy who came with me. We were chatting and laughing, just having a good time. Our microphones kept on cutting in though, and the whole store would hear some of what we said and some of our laughter. I kept trying to stop it, but I was having a lot of fun, so I didn't worry a whole lot, though I knew we'd probably get in trouble.

      Which we did. Some guy, I guess our manager, came by and said
      "No talking!!! You're going to get fired."
      Shit. Well I guess we better shut up then.
      We were then behind the counter again, and everyone was working in silence. The "no talking" rule was very strict. It was just so...boring! And way too strict. I asked someone if we really weren't allowed to talk to each other, and they said yes, so I said
      "Well, I'm out of here then!"
      I walked out from behind the counter, quitting my job and feeling absolutely no remorse over it. I went to take off the purple polo, and ended up taking off both that and my red shirt as well. I also didn't seem to be wearing a bra, so I was completely topless.

      And for some reason, I didn't really care. Whatever!

      I walked back through the door to behind the counter, I guess to get my things or something, and barely covered up my breasts with my arms; you could definitely still see nipples. I was not taking that much care to hide them. I yelled
      "I'm topless!" to warn people that there was a topless woman coming through.
      The guy I was with said something to me about it all, sounding concerned that I had quit and was now walking around topless, and I just shrugged it off I think. I actually felt really good about myself during the quitting and walking around topless.

      I did have a thought that I'd get in trouble for some kind of public indecency thing, but I never did.
    13. 2 Lucid Dreams - Flying Experience

      by , 11-15-2012 at 04:07 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      (15/11/12) Lucid Dream 1:

      I was in a car coming back from somewhere and I was on a road close to my house. The car was full. I was sitting in the back seat, my mum was driving, I think my brother may have been there, I am not too sure. But we drove past this building which isn't there in real life. It was just one story and it had one huge window so you could see exactly what they were doing. What were they doing, I hear you say. Well they were dressed in all black costumes. Something like the KKK would wear but in all black. They were fighting each other one on one in a martial art style. Then at the end of this building was a man. He was looking out the window and he was wearing the same costume. But he had a mask. He stared at me. I ducked down in my car seat. Everyone was laughing, I was saying 'That really scared me, I'm not even lying it actually did.' Then I became lucid. I can't remember if someone went to me. Do a reality check. Or I just realised and done it myself. Anyway, I done my reality check, the plug nose one and I could breathe. I was thinking 'wow' as I completely didn't expect it. I lent across and said to my brother in a sinister tone 'Guess what we're going to do?'
      'What?' He replied
      'We're going to kill him!' I wanted to kill him now I was lucid as he scared the living crap out of me. So I think I said to my mum 'Turn the car' which she did. We began to head there and I forgot the rest.

      (13/11/12) Lucid Dream 2:

      I was standing on my driveway about to get in the car with my family. My nan and grandad live two doors away and they were also getting in their car, I guess they were going where I was. Then I shouted to my nan, who was getting in her car 'Shall I fly there?!'
      'Go on then' she replied, laughing. So I did. I walked onto my road. By now I just know its a lucid dream. And I run. I run down my road for a couple of seconds and take off. I took off and was flying like usual. I usually fly in my lucid dreams at about a 70 degree angle. However this time I thought I'd switch it up and try fly like superman. But I struggled at this. I would slowly lower until I was almost scraping the floor with my face. Then I would have to re adjust myself into the normal position before trying again.

      Anyway I was flying down my road and I just had a t shirt on. I felt the wind rush against me, then I would think how realistic it felt. Then I became chilly because of the speed I was going. I even got goosebumps. I then turned a few corners and I was coming past 'the green' as we call it in my area. On the green was a dead dog. It was a very big dog an it was lying in a black bodybag. I carried on flying through the streets a bit longer. I was coming to the end of another lane before I lost lucidity and woke up.

      Updated 11-18-2012 at 08:11 AM by 49743

    14. Hes always with me

      by , 11-15-2012 at 03:52 PM
      Hes always there, his smiling face, his eyes and his laugh. I cant ever really remember where we are or what where doing but i remember this person is always there. Almost every night i dream of him, we do the things we normally do while awake but yet im asleep. I now find out he often has a hard time sleeping or staying asleep. I heard a legend once that when your awake at night it means you are awake in someone elses dream, am i bringing this person into my dreams?
    15. festival

      by , 11-15-2012 at 03:07 PM
      amazing festival type dream last night, k was taking me round for my birthday. col, rus, dan j, marm, jo p, michael caine, david cameron and stephen fry all featured. after festival we were all hammered and in this house which seemed to be this michael caine type characters place. loads of girls lying around, parts of the place were still like massive festival tents with people sleeping while i rode my bike through them. found Jo with an old aussie celeb, she looks tiny and we sit down and chat. kept going round and finding my stuff all over the house like nmy phone etc because i felt so hammered. dropped my phone while talking in a crowd, and then stephen fry fell on his back with an almighty thud. was ok but said he was off home or something.

      later outside this kid gets bitten by a wandering spider that they were provoking. i manage to blag us a bus to take him to get it sorted. while leaving and hanging off the back of the bus, david cameron comes out in protest against the festival. he comes up to me and knows my name which freaks me out a bit (dreamsign). i grab him and shake him up to freak him out back.

      on the bus and we spin through a field and tip over (major dreamsign). it comes to rest against a wall and everyone is safe.

      must add losing personal belongings and worrying how much cash i have left to list of dreamsigns