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    1. Hockey with VO

      by , 06-25-2012 at 08:09 PM

      DILD + DEILD

      I was playing hockey in some rec league. I was really good. The first thing I did was take the puck from behind my net, blow past everyone, hold the last defender on my back, deek, and scored with half the net open. However, the ref said blocking out the defender was a penalty so he recalled my goal. I did the same thing 3 more times but hit post for all of them. I was getting really frustrated and then the game ended.

      We were heading back to the locker rooms when I became lucid. I am talking to Val, and I follow her to the girls locker room. I keep asking her to fool around and she is stubbornly refusing. I land a few kisses and rub her leg as I wake up.

      I focus on the tactile sensation of her legs and our body positions as I DEILD. I was doing a lot of foreplay because I wasn't going to let myself finish due to the mess it would probably make. I involve a 3rd girl who was around and we all have fun for awhile and I stop right when I had previously planned. Eventually I wake up.
      Tags: sex
    2. Smoking with Mo and his fam

      by , 06-25-2012 at 07:44 PM


      I got on a bike and started riding from my old house to where Mohammed lived, which was by the tot lot. It was a long journey, and I couldn't seem to get any momentum. There was construction everywhere so I took like 5 detours. I eventually get there and we are hanging out back. I had stored my volcano at his place. Apparently it was left under some boxes while he was moving or renovating or something because it was crushed flat. The heat still worked, but the air wouldn't. I kept trying to pop it back up to normal. It kept slowly dipping back down. I was able to open it up and get the fan working again.

      Just then I look up and see Mo's dad through a small window and we make eye contact. He stands up and starts to come outside. I grab all of the weed and paraphernalia on the table. He comes out and suddenly there is a mountain of giant nugs right there. It had to of been a half ounce out in the open. He grabs it and starts scolding Mo.

      I realize it is a dream. I thought about flying or something, but I also wanted to see this play out. I told Mo it's a dream and that he should try to get his dad to smoke. Maybe he would change his mind about it. I thought that this could be a shared dream and it could change his real opinions a bit. We offer to have his smoke and he accepts. The dad wanted to smoke a blunt so he put a ton of weed into a wrap and rolled it 1 handed!. he struggled at first, but it turned out pretty good. We were smoking and talking for awhile. I moved the blunt in a way that made a perfect smoke ring. It drifted and hit the open top of a pizza box, where it sat perfectly for like 20 seconds. By then his mom came out and I showed her. After the blunt was done, Mo's dad wanted to use my "weed microwave", reefering (haha) to my volcano. I started to load it up when the dream ended.
      Tags: smoking
    3. lucid dream layer 1minor

      by , 06-25-2012 at 06:29 PM (The Dreamer)
      i was in a field with wheat not to tall wheat it was about to my waist and i looked up and saw earth but mexico was gone it was so vivid a thought raced into my mind i kept thinking if im not on earth then where am i then it hit me i plugged my nose and i could breath and i said im dreaming then i woke up this was a very beautiful dream i could have cried (i did use idoser lucid dream i havent lucid dreamed in a while so that was probably why i was surpriesd and woke up).
      lucid , memorable
    4. the fair

      by , 06-25-2012 at 06:23 PM
      I was at a fair shooting at targets with a gun the man next to me told me to kill myself I said I would if he would by me something to eat. we went to a run-down white castle (ive never been there in real life) but the it was orange on the inside (unlike white castle in real life) I ordered two large fries two sliders and tater-tots we didn’t pay. the food looked weird and they just magicly pulled it out of a small oven I went out to get something and came back in then I woke up
    5. Chair Fight, Just Another Family Party

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:52 PM
      #1 - Chair Fight [Non-Lucid]

      I was with AB, an old friend from high school, and some random girl. I think she said something about her named being Andon... hard to remember now. All I really remember was that it was the girl I was just meeting for the first time, but AB was the one who acted like he didn't really know us, and we were in some kind of high school classroom and we got into a fight with random objects. I was holding a chair up to defend against attacks and AB pulled out his wallet and threw his credit card at me, and it bounced off the chair and then flew straight (and slowly) into the ceiling where it got stuck, and then I proceeded to laugh my ass off at the absurdity until I woke up.

      #2 - Just Another Family Party [Non-Lucid]

      There was some kind of family party going on, and I was on the deck out back. I was actually swinging around the roof on some kind of rope or wire for part of it, too. A family friend, ME, was doing coke on the back table (which was awesome to witness ) and my uncle and I were laughing at my cat, who was actually speaking English with this funny high pitched voice... but just saying random gibberish, kind of like a parrot but even less developed, just repeating word salad phrases rather than structured sentences. I woke up laughing from this one, too.
    6. Robin Hood and... Chipmunks?

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:31 PM
      Ok, so I've got a jumbled mess of dreams again. Hopefully, eventually, I can regain a more cohesive dream memory.

      In this first dream, there's this large, wide open field area that we're running around in. I'm with a large group of people, though I don't remember who any of them are. The main thing I remember is that we're playing some sort of game, running around and collecting things for points. I'm not entirely sure what the deal is with this, but in the dream it's simply having fun. That is, until the dream suddenly takes a darker turn. Apparently I have been sentenced to the guillotine... for some reason. I don't remember why, and it's obviously unjust because there's a supposed way out. Someone, whom I can only give identity to as "Robin Hood" has presented me with this odd slip of paper that, just by having it on me, will somehow open a way for me to escape when the time comes. On the other hand, it's critically important that I don't lose it... and I seem to come awfully close several times. I fiddle with it, drop it, hastily pick it back up, and so on. Eventually I slip it between the seams of one of my sneakers, which is falling apart. This dream ends well before I actually get stuck in the guillotine, so who knows what that paper was supposed to do.

      In the second dream, I'm on a cruise ship, or something. And, even though I don't really see them during the dream, I get the feeling that... the Chipmunks are on board somewhere. (Sigh. Yes, my friends made me watch all 3 chipmunk movies a few weeks ago. And I guess it's stuck.) Anyway... we're on a cruise ship, and it seems to be a little tough finding something to actually eat. Plus, the people on board (and we're all in mostly the same area... I guess it's a very small cruise ship) are getting a little rowdy with each other. It seems that one of the people has bad food poisoning, like Salmonella, and they're all telling him to stay away, hoping not to get sick themselves. I think this sick person is the "bad guy", Ein. And that's about all I remember for that.

      Blah. It's good that I have some dream recall, but where are the exciting, lucid dreams? Ah well...
    7. June 23, 2012 Dream

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:23 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I see a lot of fighting. There's a swordsman. He seems to be going insane. He attacked a ship, thinking it was attacking their village. Merchants. Snow.
    8. The Cafeteria Line

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:09 PM
      Another rough night. First, I just could not relax enough to fall asleep. Then when I was able to doze off, one of the dogs woke me up because she urgently needed to go outside. The process was repeated two hours later with the other dog. But at least there was one good dream when I slept between both trips.

      I nearly WILD'd with this one. I fell asleep very quickly and saw a lot of hypnagogic imagery. I lost consciousness while focusing on it.

      I'm in an office where the walls seem to be made of cheap fiberboard. Through the doorway, I can see into another office where there is gas being sprayed from the ceiling. This doesn't seem like a good place to be right now, so I turn around and head in the other direction.

      I find myself in line in a cafeteria. It's a really long line, and it winds around a complicated arrangement of buffet stations. The woman behind me points out a section that has a tasty-looking pork dish. But for now, I've only gotten as far as potatoes. I take a generous helping of mashed potatoes, but I realize I'd much rather have baked potatoes with sour cream. Somehow, a platter of potato skins topped with sour cream appears next to the mashed potatoes. I certainly wouldn't have taken any mashed potatoes if I'd seen it earlier. I go ahead and take a generous helping. Then, realizing that my plate is completely filled with starchy foods, I decide I need to take nothing else but proteins.

      Except that I somehow wind my way throughout the whole line without getting any meat dishes. I reach the end of the line where there's a soda machine. It has lots of choices crammed into a very small space. I have trouble getting my drink of choice because the labels don't seem to line up with the buttons. They're all numbered, too. But the numbers are not in any order, and the order changes each time I look.

      Without my drink, I look at my plate and realize I never got that pork dish I wanted. I look back the line, but it's even longer and has more twists and turns. I'm not sure if I'll even find that dish again.

      One positive note on waking: I managed to stay completely still with my eyes closed. So at least I'm making progress on eventually being able to DEILD. I also made another WILD attempt after my second trip taking the dogs outside. I think I got as far as SP and had some mild hypnagogic imagery, but I couldn't relax enough to enter sleep.
    9. June 22, 2012 Dream

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:01 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Traveled a lot. I was in a dorm. I remember Stephen and Jasmin, and some actor. Bath?
      Tags: dorm
    10. Should have wrote something sooner

      by , 06-25-2012 at 04:50 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had another spy dream, and Kaomea was in it. I just don't remember any other details.

      I was in class, and my old speech teacher was there. He had a setup with a bunch of spray cans and a small stress ball on the table. He closed the door and had several students spray the entire contens of the can in the class room. I said "what is this supposed to do?". And I noticed my voice was several octaves higher. I had to talk in a low tone on purpose just so my voice would sound normal. He grabbed the stress ball and threw it and it bounce so hard and fast that it hit the ceiling several times in a blink of an eye before finally slowing down. He said that the cans had fix a flat in them, and they contained helium and some other stuff. I remember telling D about it at lunch and J and I can't think of her name. But they were arguinging. One of them said I was only friends with the girl because I wanted to get in her pants. Mybe it was like that initially, but we have been friends for so long that I gave up on that. I told her no, and the other girl backed me up.

      I think I was lucid for a bit last night too, but I don't remember. Hmmm
      dream fragment
    11. dream log

      by , 06-25-2012 at 03:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      here's my dreams in audio format.

    12. June 21, 2012 Dream

      by , 06-25-2012 at 03:03 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Kimi Dora. John Lloyd. Two people. Cousins. Mall. Back at the Cavite place. Computer. Games. Yellow colors.
      Tags: cavite, computer, mall
    13. Is it Legit, Clerker, Skipping in Line

      by , 06-25-2012 at 02:32 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Is it Legit? (Non-lucid)


      There's some random person showing me and another random person on how there's a store or something of the sort that sells Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and that there's one card that gets an updated picture frequently.

      Me and this person I'm following go to a store to find some information on where this "store" is, and we eventually find it's at some kind of alley or street, with the number "5xx" and some kind of random lane name.

      We reach a gray stone bench with a few people sitting on it, and they're looking at us quiet suspiciously. I'm just here to make sure the person I'm following doesn't get shot or something. There's another person following us who apparently can tell if a card is fake or real.

      The group of shady people give the guy the card to look at, and then he hands it over to me. The card is light purple, it has almost all the features of a Yu-Gi-Oh card, life-points, picture, name of the monster, description with special abilities, code number, etc.

      The only exception is that it was a bit shorter than the average size of cards. I didn't bother with this because I didn't want to say it's fake and piss the shady people off. I pass it to the guy who can tell if it's real or not.

      He looks at it for a few seconds and says it's legit. I forget what we do next, but I assume the guy pays for the card and we go our own separate ways from the shady people.
      Clerker? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm at some kind of beach, this same beach has extensions of certain attributes that you would see in an uncharted island. I'm with a group of people, and I believe we're looking at some guy wearing red dress shirt.

      This same shirt had a Hawaiian style to it, and he wore long and slim black pants. He keeps smirking at us, and just has that shady atmosphere to him. I have a feeling he wants to injure or kill us.

      I don't know what's happening, but one member of the small group I'm following is willing to offer another member in order to satisfy the guy in the red shirt's desire.

      I forget what it was exactly, but this guy seemed to be interested in some kind of black magic, it reminded me of Kitami's character from Bible Black for some reason >.>

      Anyway, the member was pretty clever with the offering, and I think it was a female, and I couldn't feel any kind of emotion towards the girl, maybe we didn't care about here, I don't know....

      I have a dream shift where I decide I wanted to dance in some kind of recital. But instead of the word dancer, I have to use the word "Clerker?"

      And when that happens, I get a flashback of the guy in the red Hawaiian dress shirt and black pants.

      Oh and that same guy, he had a really long pompadour, and it was dark brown. He must've used a lot of gel to keep it up like that....O.o

      Skipping in Line (Non-lucid)


      I only remember some girl skipping a person in a line, and I didn't understand why she needed to do so in the first place, since the line itself really wasn't that long.

      Then I made the presumption that it's because the guy in front of me was probably annoying to her. Whenever he talked to her, she would be nice to him, but the moment he turned his back away from her, I still kept a sharp eye on her, and her visages changes from kindness to a form of apathy.

      She was cute too, but really skinny, and she was dark-skinned as well wearing some kind of hoodie, along with dark blue skinny jeans as well I believe.
    14. Aliens and the origins of modern man

      by , 06-25-2012 at 01:20 PM
      Fragment: Vampire History
      Something about vampires and their history. Was a vast storyline that went way back, and was very complex.

      Obviously this comes form the vampire bible in true blood and that 200o year old vampire chick.

      Aliens and the origins of modern man
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm walking along in the basement when I see a face pressed up against the basement window. It's an alien, with pink human like skin, human like features, but it's different enough to be creepy. I ignore the feeling of uneasiness I have and open the window, put my hand against the screen, and invite it in. I tell it to hold on and I'll go upstairs and let it in.

      When I get upstairs, the alien is already inside, only now it looks more like a classic grey, only about as tall as a baby. It's kind of cute, and I pick it up. The alien begins to tell me where they are from, which is 13 star systems over, and it describes it's planet. I say "Maybe I should write this down..."

      Next thing I know, I'm looking at a pile of harvested wheat in a field, and the alien tells me this is the origin of mankind. It says that in the pile of wheat a certain bacteria has mutated which vastly improves the functioning of our brains when consumed. This bacteria spreads and made us what we are today.

      Now, back home, the little alien is now a tiny stuffed teddy bear sitting on my shoulder. I wonder about the fact that it keeps changing shape, and I walk over to the washing machine thinking the reflective surface of the door will reveal it's true form. But no, it's still a cute little teddy bear.

      I lose the little alien for a moment, and call for it to come back. I search around a little bit and then a whole bunch of them come towards me. They are all little fuzzy stuffed animals, although many of them are little slugs or something. I gather them all up and they crawl all over my body.
    15. 6/25/12

      by , 06-25-2012 at 01:15 PM
      It was after 2:30 before I fell asleep last night, and the roofers showed up at 7 am. Working with less than 5 hours of sleep, so mostly just fragments today.

      Dream One(Fragment): I'm watching videos on youtube... exactly what I did before bed, lol.

      Dream Two (Fragment): Images of Spiders and the house we may be moving into.

      Dream Three: I'm in a house I don't recognize. In the dream it feels like some sort of group home or something where a lot of people live and pay for a room and use of the common areas as opposed to having their own separate apartments. I look outside and I see a pool that is in total disrepair. I decide to go out and start cleaning it so we can use it. I rake leaves and sticks, then I'm trying to scrape the mold off it and the concrete is whittling away under my scraper. It starts to thunder and rain, so I go back inside. Out the window I can see the driveway is gravel, and the neighbors kids are being dropped off by the bus. I think I'm supposed to baby sit the one kid that I used to baby sit, so I open the door and tell him to hurry up and get inside before he is so wet he ruins the furniture. He tells me his big brother is home so I don't have to watch him today. Then I wake up to the roofers knocking on the door!