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    1. Oblivion Dream: Duo

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:57 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Short fragment this time, branching off from the previous fight.

      I'm back on the battlefield, sitting on the ground, there are loads of boots on the floor and I am looking for a pair better than mine, again the HUD pops up and I can see each boots stats. There is some epic boots but the armour value isn't very high (1500 for some reason), so I find some more scruffy ones with an armour value of 8000.

      Panoramic view, there is two warriors standing near a dock, the women is wearing what seems to be similar to Oblivion guard armour, equiped with a bow. The guy is clad in thick rusty plate (may have been thick leather) and is the tank of the two.
      I am watching from above as they take out two guards and begin to walk up to the port, the women sending an arrow straight into the guards neck, while the guy sweeps his sword into the side.

      I zoom out of the dream and it seems to be as if I was watching from youtube.
    2. 9/22/11

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:55 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Somehow became lucid. I forget the beginning because this one was supper long. I decided to dedicate this dream to energy bolts and mind control. The last I remember was that I wanted to try to switch scenes entirely. I closed my eyes and it all went black. It was night out and I was in some war with black and red android looking robots. They would come at me slowly. I kept trying to fight in it with energy bolts but nothing would happen other than little wisps of energy coming out of my hands. I had to pick up cars using telekinesis and use them to smash enemy's. Every energy ball I tried to make failed me. Eventually a voice said to me that I should try to practice first. This was the voice of my dream guide. He told me to close my eyes and not to move. I did so and felt the sensations of sleep paralysis. A new scene came it life. It was day and I was with Kara. I decided to practice with energy balls. This dream felt like hoursssss and not one full powerful energy ball happened. The best thing I had was a little purple ball bounce out of ny hand. I tried kahmaehameaha and failed several times. I told myself that I need to go on the forums and read about this problem. I tried mine control and it worked on some people camping nearby. I looked to my right and baron pooped. It looked like he had a girlfriend. Kara left and drove away. I kept trying energy balls for what felt like forever.

      Updated 09-24-2011 at 10:15 PM by 20284

      lucid , memorable
    3. Oblivion Dream: Discipline

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:43 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Yeah, this is the second dream of the night, and it is like I am in oblivion, same graphics, I'm first person.

      I am on a battlefield with alot of friends, there is a strange cart behind us which is pulling what appears to be thousands of spears.
      A friend from school Karl, who used to bully me in real life, wants to mess around, he begins to jeer and get people to throw spears.
      Chaos occurs, everyone is fighting, spears flying through the air, splinters and debris floating down smoothly.
      I look up carmly, and begin to take action, telling karl to stop, he turns around and begins to provoke me, he is armed with a shield.
      He pushes me over, I feel embarrassed and it hurt quite alot. It is time to take action, I pick up a spear on the ground nearby. A smile appears on his face.
      I am calm and precise, I drive the spear into an uncovered area as his shield is covering his upper body, the battlefield goes quiet.
      He groans, I pull the spear upwards, leaving his back unprotected, and I smash the spear into the back of his calf's. He falls to his knees, begining to turn to sheild himself.
      Too fast for him I bring the spear down upon his sholders, smashing it over and over again, the spear splinters.
    4. december 29th, 1949

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:28 PM
      i had a dream last night that some one in my dream told me that december 29th, 1949 was the turning point of the decade. i check google for this date and to my disappointment nothing great happened on this date in history.
    5. Africa with Family

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:15 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Comment: Well what do you know, I get a good nights sleep and here comes a dream, quite vivid, although I cant remember what made the dream transition into the fighting dream. Non lucid, but was still fun.

      I am with my close family, I remember my dad in particular, and some of my dads side including my aunt, Steve and nan.
      Steve looks nothing like he does in real life, probably should realised because I did question why did was like that in the dream.
      We are going out for the day in the rain forest, there is a pathway in front of us, so it is a casual walk and by no means a treck. The family set down, but I want to continue exploring and I see an opening to a cave in front, when going into the cave I am viewing myself in third person, almost eagle view. On the bottom of my 'screen' a HUD appears, with greyed out weapons, I know I need to find these.
      I begin finding these strange weapons all over the cave, it is very easy to find each one, each weapon varying from shotgun to bladed spear.
      I come to the end of the cave and see some of my family crowded together at the bottom of this stairway, shallow, just a place out of the sun.
      I start to discuss why my nan how beautiful it is, I love the nature in real life, and everything is green and perfect.
      We head back home, I know that where my close family are living is a horrible hut, but my aunt and nans house is lovely, I decide to go check it out, I want to live there as it is much more luxurious than ours. The house has spikes as a perimeter around the house, this is to stop animals getting in is my best bet, the house has lots of windows and is one story high. Some of the family are standing out side, there is a man that I do not recognise but he welcomes me lovingly, I see the house as a panoramic view as I hear him welcoming me into the home.
      My dad and steve are arguing about getting the truck, I believe that my dad does not think it is safe to go and collect the truck due to the wildlife that is out there at the moment.
      Steve is talking to him about different strategies, I see a panoramic view of a small group fending off various dangerous animals, the group keeps getting killed no matter what strategy is used.
      Judy (Nan) does not look well, I am in the house and she is limping around, her ankle is bending in a very strange way, it makes me feel disturbed.
      She is talking to me about which toilet she prefers.
      Dream Fade.
    6. GTA4 and College

      by , 09-23-2011 at 12:29 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in a mix of Liberty City and Baltimore and was scoping the city, like a camera in a movie. I went to the top of a building and Niko Bellic was there, he jumped off the building and died it went black and white and into slow motion. Just like the videogame.

      Dream 2

      I was sitting at lunch with my friends. Then I got up and did something, when I turned around I was in the main hallway. I saw a box on a bench and opened it there was a phone in it a really nice one too. I was going to show my mate but I remembered what happened the last time I showed a friend a phone I found. I didn't know I was dreaming so I put it near a bin after looking around to see who it could've belonged to.

    7. Dream > Reality?

      by , 09-23-2011 at 12:15 PM
      Okay, the last few night, I've had some pretty cool dreams.
      Or, actually I'm pretty scared, but, you know.


      I was sitting in my Biology class room. The teacher came in, and asked about we've done our homework. I said yes. I looked down on the paper, and saw, that I haven't done the homework!!´
      I woke up, and found my homework, and made them.
      I thought so much about the homework, that I totally forgot my book, and the teacher became mad anyway.


      I ran. Down on my road. I was late, and I was afriad to come too late for the bus. I stopped up. The bus just drove away from me. I screamed: "NO!", and people looked weird at me.
      I woke up. I went a little earlier, just in case, that it would happen. It didn't happened in the morning, and I was glad it didn't. But then I was going home. I saw that here only was 3 minuttes to the bus should drove, and I ran down! And again, I saw the end of the bus. "Shit!" I said. But then my moms friend saw me, and drove me home.
    8. A Snowy Nightmare

      by , 09-23-2011 at 10:41 AM (Beautiful Picked Notes)
      It's fall in the northern hemisphere and where I live it's a nice, warm fall. My subconscious apparently decided to screw that and I ended up with a night in which almost every single dreaming moment took place in a snow-filled winter setting. So did tonight's most memorable dream.

      It started off with the unsettling feeling that it's a nightmare. There's the dreaming equivalent of "My gut tells me something bad is going to happen", it's got "Nightmare" written all over it but you just don't know it 'cause you don't know it's a dream.
      In reality, I'm out of school since June. In the dream, I find myself walking my way from the bus stop up to the school buildings and somebody's watching me. Without ever looking in his direction, I know where he is. Later in the dream, I would also know where he lives.
      I walk past him, I'm feeling cold. I make my way to the school and not much happens for a while. Our school buildings are significantly bigger than what reality has to offer, but that's a recurring theme for me. Then there's a gap in the fabric.
      Again, I find myself walking up from the bus stop. Again, I know he's watching me. I feel even more unsettled than last time, but this time my girlfriend is with me and I decide not to take it. He's watching me from the first or second story of the building all the time, but I seemingly know that he lives in its basement. To give him a scare, I bang a twig against his basement window. I hear chatter about the situation, acoustically it is close to me, when my head percieves it like it's further away. Its content appears to revolve around "Yeah, he's a weirdo" and "I know him for years, he's strange". Nothing happens, another gap.
      The same scene again, this time I'm alone. I walk past him, but this time I see him. He stares at me from his window, that goes low enough to allow all of his torso down to his waist to be visible. He stares. Just stares. There's a cold chill running down my back as I write this down. I walk past him just a bit. Another gap.
      The scene restarts once again. All is the same, but this time he grins. His grin shows not happines, it ridicules me. It despises me. A grin so oversized and inhuman, Picasso could have done no better. It's not cheesy or goofy, it is nothing that a human could produce. And it scares me.
      The scene restarts again. He grins as I start to boil with fright and anger. I try to turn around and not walk past him, but I can't. In my desperation, I pick snow from the ground and hurl it at him. I hit him - he vanishes.
      Finally, a different setting forms. I'm not alone, my girlfriend is with me. We are not in a familiar place. It's a city street with the charme of a TV set. A long, curved street with midrise buildings to both sides of it, the front walls about 10 yards off the road with green grass between the asphalt and the concrete. A single bus stop on the street ahead of us.
      We're walking along and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Her coat is beautiful. Then I see him, 50, maybe 70 yards down the street ahead. He's watching us through a pair of binoculars. In spite of the distance, I see his grin. Occasionally, he waves at us. When he does, his grin stretches even more, goes from ugly to hideous. He looks a little younger than what I had in mind from seeing him at the window and his face provokes a distant reminiscence of a friend of mine, who looks somewhat alike. I resist an urge to scream and instead drag my girlfriend to turn around and walk the other way. He's there, too. 50 meters away, he looks at us. Just the same. We turn around again. He's there. His face is getting more and more sardonic with that malicious grin. Slowly he comes closer. He does not walk, he just comes closer. Ahead of us and behind us, he is always there when we turn. To our sides, there are wall-to-wall buildings framing us in. He gets closer and closer. I remember the last window-scene and pick up snow to throw at him, but he remains unfazed. My girlfriend has taken a rather passive role and just watches. It appears as if she isn't terrified at all, when I'm going out of my mind with fright and this amazingly uncanny feeling under his terrible smirking.
      He comes closer still, there appears to be no way out. The closer he gets, the more often I momentarily feel my real body lying in bed, like a glitch in the dream. Suddenly, when he should have reached us eventually, two cats jump between me and my girlfriend. In my state, I kick them, they run off. I wake up.

      After waking up next to my sleeping girlfriend, there was obviously the feeling that you have after a nightmare. The anxiety, the sweating. But there was a noise. A dampened voice. I really didn't want to listen any closer to that, but I couldn't help hearing a man's voice say "Where is she!?" in a rather angry and aggressive tone, over and over again in periodic intervals of about 5 seconds. I did RCs like crazy, but I was awake. I sat up in bed, drinking some water. The voice started to fade, I stopped hearing the angry words, but the noise remained. Loud and clear. Laying back down, the noise started losing volume and becoming softer. And then, about two minutes after waking up, I realized it was my sleeping girlfriend's breathing.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    9. I'm Not A Natural :D

      by , 09-23-2011 at 10:19 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]This night I remembered about 4 dreams, but when I woke up I only remembered a fragment of one scary dream. I think I am going to start to note the dreams again so I at least remember something.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I had a dream about a man trying to kill me and my friends. He tried to stab us with a kitchen knife and we ran, I pushed something into his mouth and he started vomit in the bathroom. It looked like he was unconscious, so we slowly walked to him and looked to see if he was ok. But then he opened his eyes in a scary way and said "Tricked you!" and a girl hitted him with a fryingpan as a reflex. The police came and took him to custody.
      The dream changed and I was now a businessman and I went to my work and I saw a weird man looking at me with scary eyes. I then head him say "Tricked you twice.." I realised that he looked exactly as the man who tried to kill me in the previous dream. I then called out the gurards to take this man down. But when the guard pointed their guns to the man he said "I would not shot if I were you, you see right beneth you there are explosive gas, and yeah you get the picture." The guards started to cough, and the man screamed "realise my brother!". Then I saw his twin brother smiling. Everyone started to panic and tried to get out.

      I was standing in a shopping mall and treated this scary dream as a horror movie. I looked at my iphone and saw that they were going to do a follow up.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]Then I woke up.[/COLOR]
    10. Lucid #19, #20

      by , 09-23-2011 at 09:53 AM


      I am with a friend and we are walking. We reach a place where there is a cliff on our left and some bars and ropes near the edge. At about a few hundred meters there is a big house floating. Actually no, it's not a house. It seems like a medieval town where there are a lot of houses close to each other and there is a big castle at the center with tall, sharp and aggressive towers etc. So something like this, really huge floating in the air. And below it the ground is so far away that i can barely see it. I think about it for a second. I become lucid without RC or anything. I run and jump off the cliff. I start falling down, but it is pretty easy to stop and float. Then i fly up to the top of the cliff. The feeling is really good, much better than the first time. My friend looks at me with an excited-shocked face. I do some flying around and invite her to come over, but she hesitates.


      I take part in a theatrical play or a movie... Some weird-dressed and -make-uped women are chasing us. As we are running i realize it's about the movie so i 'm not scared. We reach a place where the floor collapses. It's something about the movie. There is a funny amusing feeling in it. After we fall, we start running in a big ring. We stopped every few seconds, but i didn't get why we were doing this...


      I wake up in a friends car. There are two friends in the front. I am lying in the back seats. I get up. One of them says something about the place we are going. I say that we shouldn't be late, because i have a rehearsal with the theater. The driver says:
      "Should we go back then?"


      I am at the reahersal. There is a friend next to me. A guy comes to us with some pills in his hands. One handful of green ones and one with red ones. I guess we had to take one.
      "Which one should i take?"
      "You should already know that"
      "Noone informed us about pills. We didn't even know there is any agreement for us to take pills"
      I took a green one. It was like weird nuts.


      I am in a weird place with many corridors and a lot of people. Looks like a supermarket. I become lucid, not sure how. I look at my hands. They seem fine. Oops. One finger is half transparent. Hey! there is an extra finger. Now they are all twisting. Hmm and now my nails are growing fast and they look awful. OK that's enough! I wander around. I am on my knees. I tried to get up but it felt really unstable, so i kept on going on my knees. A guy falls right in front of me. He stumbled on a bag and fell on the floor. I kinda laughed. Suddenly my eyelids got really heavy and i couldn't hold it.
    11. Floating head 23/09/2011 - Chichen Itza practice

      by , 09-23-2011 at 09:35 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      So I decided to try and practice to get to Chichen Itza before our next shared dream attempt - so that I was a little more prepared, and because I was (I think) successful - I wanted to post it up here.

      I get up in the middle of the night after having some weird dream about a theme park and find I can't sleep, so I go down stairs and switch on my computer - just as an after thought I do an RC and read a bit of writing, I then look away and read again - and it reads something completely different! Damn it feels so real but I'm dreaming! So I go out of the house and decide I would try to fly to Chichen Itza (as making a portal last time failed) So I chant 'Chichen Itza' repeatedly, everything goes black, I can not even see my hands and I'm scared I'm gonna wake, so I decide I've flown enough and land .

      I find myself in the middle of some ruins, some metal dividers (like you get in theme parks) divide some areas off. I look around me, it is dark, and there are ruin but none look big enough to be the Chichen Itza temple, it does kinda feel like a theme park - like it is some ancient ruins but it has been re-designed on top for tourists (after I woke I found this to be partly true)

      Kinda like this:

      The funny thing is, up until now I thought Chichen Itza was just one pyramid structure - and after I had this dream I realized it was a much bigger area.

      So I'm walking around some grounds of Chichen Itza and all of a sudden somekind of masked man pops up from nowhere, he is wearing a mask and looks very tribal, possibly Myan (this pic reminds me of him, also found at Chichen Itza)

      He chases after me, I try to be relaxed and tell him I come in piece, that I'm just looking around, but I notice I also have a mask on of some sort - he cannot see my true face so he is scared. And another starts to chase after me and then the dream ends.
    12. party up

      by , 09-23-2011 at 08:35 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I went to some pool party with D. There was a lot of drinking going on, and a lot of music. When it was about to end, the cops came through and shut it down. I remember having to pay some kind of fee there, and when I got my shoes, some guy was trying to charge me a fee for keeping my shoes there. I didn't have any money on me, and it turns out the guy was just trying to make some extra loot on the side.

      I headed out, and came up to a tree and a ditch and was going to cross it on the trees left side, but there was a snake there. I don't know why I didn't RC since it was python. I just went around on the right side, and continued in the semi darkness. I came up to this area that was the top of a baseball stadium. I was pretty amazed at it, and I was looking at the bleachers. Some security guy(s) ran me off, and I was trying to explain to them that I just wanted to look at stuff.

      They called a cop on me, and the guy searched my items. Some kind of way I had this package of a ton of money, and drugs were in it. He gave me the money back and said it was my lucky day. I told him that I didn't know how any of it got there.
    13. Some fragments

      by , 09-23-2011 at 07:48 AM
      23-09-11 Sexual dream, almost completion, then I discover it is my sister and she goes and fetch me a sandwich or something from the fridge, I awake deeply embarrassed.

      Drew, in Bournemouth, that route that is stunning to walk, pick up some weed and smoke quite a lot, walk back to the house, stumble into Janni, hug, somewhat paranoid, but not much, sleep through and wake up to him having rolled quite the amount of spliffs for me, he is gone, walk outside in the field.

      Diabloesque thing, walk to first level, loads of books and stuff supposed to be filled with spirits and ghosts, it isn't, demon in next level, calls up and tells me to bring the police, there is a crime scene, I look through the door and throw a cleaver into the body lying in a bed, there is a demon I can see through the walls, I think he kills my partner.

      Hiding behind some bushes to catch a killer, it is all set up by the police.
    14. Afternoon Nap

      by , 09-23-2011 at 07:27 AM
      Took a quick nap at 4pm and had a quick dream, though I only remember a few fragments. The first thing I remember was that I was in a classroom of sorts listening to my iPod and doing math homework. I then went home in what appeared to have been a seamless transition between the desk I was working at an the floor of my room. I remember having my blinds opened and hearing a storm going on outside. From there, bolts of lighting illuminated my dark room. The last thing I remember however tripped me out. I was still listening to my iPod when my entire room lite up more than usual and stayed that way for quite some time. In my mind, it signified that there was lightning close by and was about to strike my house. Then out of nowhere, I lost control of my body and a huge buzzing went through my head as I soon realized that I was struck too. My sight flashed in and out, each time showing a different room. One was the classroom I was in earlier, another was this bunker in this city, and the last was my room from the perspective of my bed. It ended with me fading back into my room only to find it on fire and still unable to move. At that time I shifted from thinking I was dreaming, to actually believing I was dead as my vision had begun fading into this white space. In a quick jolt however, I woke myself up and felt disorientated for a few minutes as I was trying to gather my wits on what exactly happened.

      I have to say, this was probably my most vivid dream for some time now, despite it being just a fragment near the end.
      Well, happy lucid dreaming everyone!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Night Spy2's Dream

      by , 09-23-2011 at 03:23 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Night Spy2's Dream
      I think this is the 32nd one...

      Anyway, the overall theme was that I was in a building, it was a big fancy building with lots of glass.
      Then one of my friends like jumped off and did a back flip, and then a black chick tried to do the same but she fell and died cause we were like 5 floors up.
      There was like 5 of us, and we were all pro freerunners.
      Then we split up and were running away from the cops, freerunning over heaps of stuff.
      Then we met up at the warehouse, and were still running away from the cops inside the building, knocking over heaps of stuff on the way.

      Feels like it could have been shared. Sorry for putting it up so late... I was busy with school.