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    1. Wednesday, June 15

      by , 06-16-2022 at 09:36 PM
      (fragment) I’m sleeping in a room with Melissa. It’s unfamiliar and the bed feels like it’s in an alcove. I wake up and feel like we have fans on and the AC on a very low temperature, so I ask if we can turn it off.

      *I’m sure this is from sleeping in a much colder temperature than we have been, especially with the covers coming off of me at times.
      Tags: sleeping
    2. Sleeping on the floor. Fit for military

      by , 11-24-2020 at 10:37 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Notes: I got some weird sensations where I was in between the dream realm and reality when I went to bed. It was like a movie but without color and I didn't actually see them. I think that I could enter a dream from there if I was more experienced.

      I'm sleeping on the floor in a room. Mom and dad are also there.

      I'm walking through a military barrack. On the other side there are some poles hanging in sideway that you can swing in. I start to do some pull ups and it is pretty tiring. I think I do about 5 and then I rest. A tall blonde guy about 20 years old comes. He runs a bit and start to spin around a pole that is really high up. He spins around for some time and do a perfect landing backwards. I try to do the same thing he did but someone runs in front of me so that I can't do it.

      Notes: I got in contact with a boy yesterday that is going to do the military test with me.

      Updated 11-24-2020 at 10:42 AM by 97565

    3. Wednesday, May 13

      by , 05-16-2020 at 05:11 AM
      I am in my bed at Mom’s. I am going to sleep or have been sleeping. I think Ryan lives here. He comes in here, and it is so dark that I barely see him but rather sense him. He exudes malevolent sarcasm as he says something to taunt me. He then leans over and kisses my arm, his lips sickeningly wet. Smiling as he thinks he’s won, he leaves with another remark. Now I think it is the next day. I am going to covertly find some boxes, pack my things, and leave within the day.
      Tags: bed, kiss, moving, sleeping
    4. Sunday, September 9

      by , 12-29-2018 at 02:43 AM
      I am staying with Melissa at her house (though it looks different). I’m going to be sleeping on the floor right next to her bed. I am upstairs, while she is downstairs. Throughout the night, I wake up a few times with a disconcerting feeling. When I wake one of the times, I discover that I’ve broken her glasses. I have no memory of doing so, but I know it must’ve been me. One lens is out of the frame and cracked. I notice that the other lens is also heavily cracked, which I hadn’t noticed before. I wonder if she’s been wearing them like this. It still saddens me to think of accidentally breaking them, and think about buying her a new pair. I also remember her other pair. I look up now and see her in this dim room. Comforted by her presence, I hug her. I relay to her the disconcerting feelings.

      I’m with Melissa at some food place. We get to the counter and look up at their large menu. It seems to be Mexican food. Melissa orders a few tacos, then I step up to order. I ask the guy for a certain taco, but he says he only has a steak one. I can see the taco I want on the menu, but I don’t care too much, telling him that’s fine. I also add a burrito. He gives me a little container of red hot sauce. He also grabs a bottle of a more orange looking hot sauce. He squirts some towards me, most hitting the counter, but some landing on the floor between my feet and a little bit on my shorts. He seems nonchalant but also like he’s getting a kick out of it. I’m not exactly mad, just a little put off that it got on my shorts.

      I am in a parking lot, where Mom has gotten into a verbal fight with Ashley (from the preschool, the one Melissa also worked with). They are yelling at each other, over something unknown, as I reach out to hug Mom and then attempt to do the same to Ashley. She doesn’t let me, so I desist. I then contemplate taking Mom’s side and fighting back. I go over to her silver SUV and tap it a few times with my fist. There is an unstated knowing in her hesitation as I walked over to it that I had intent to damage it.

      I am driving up a narrow and winding road on a hill and through a small neighborhood (pretty much a house on each side of the road, i.e. no more than two deep). I’m calling it Stead, even though it looks nothing like it. I hear Dad on the phone with Matt. Dad is declining going to a party tonight - “we’re party people, but just not tonight, period.”
    5. Insistent Melody; The Centipug

      by , 03-13-2018 at 10:19 PM (Night Vision)
      I'm lying in the middle of a dark room, trying to sleep. But it’s not very comfortable there since I don’t have a pillow or blankets or anything else except the (possibly carpeted) floor. As I lie there, a piece of music comes into my mind—“Night on Bald Mountain.” It’s not as if I’m thinking of it: rather it’s as if it’s pushing all the other thoughts out of my head until it’s the only thing there, even though it's clearly in my head and not actually playing.

      It plays for a few bars, and then, just as the horn blasts the first note of the melody, I hear a loud crash from outside. A jolt of alarm—but it lasts only for a moment. The noise I heard sounds just like the falling branch did a couple weeks ago, when the winds came through, and it seems likely to me that that’s what happened now. But I reflect that that was odd, about it matching the melody—almost as if, on some level, I knew the crash was going to happen in advance.

      I’m not sure what series of events came in between this and the next dream I can remember clearly, but my memory picks up shortly after attaining lucidity somehow. I step through a door out into a hallway—tile floors, completely bare, and several wooden doors, including one with a window in it at the end of the hall. Through the window, I can see some sort of colorful projection on the wall, like a screen. I head towards it and open the door.

      The room turns out to be a mid-sized lecture hall, with the seats and desks in a semicircular amphitheater arrangement. A few students are scattered throughout, and although there doesn’t seem to be a teacher here, a PowerPoint presentation is going. It seems to be a presentation on poetry.

      An idea occurs to me: I’ll write down what I see and then try to record as much of it as I can in my dream journal once I’m awake. Granted, most of it looks like the sort of word salad you might except the subconscious mind on autopilot to kick out, but it could still be interesting. I forage around for something to write on but turn up with nothing but a pencil and some kind of treated animal skin, which is pretty far from ideal, but I figure I can try writing on the leathery side. I slip into a seat in the back row and start taking notes.

      I have a good half “page” or so written by the time I wake up—with no warning, as usual. But I find I can’t remember any of it—not even the one line that actually seemed striking to me as I was recording it. The only thing I can remember from the whole presentation was the centipug (to give an appropriate name to it)—the clipart-ish picture of a pug with many sets of legs that was at the bottom of one of the slides. Funny how that works.

    6. Strange Weather, Collapse, and Minotaur’s Lair (Prescient)

      by , 11-04-2017 at 05:04 PM
      Morning of November 4, 2017. Saturday.

      Dream Series: The Experience of Prescience, the Inexplicable Dream State Phenomenon. Part 3

      Over time, I become aware of a very unlikely situation (which has no discernible backstory), although my dream self does not consider it unusual. I am resting outside in an unknown location on the side of a hill that is about the height of a one-storey house (when not elevated on stumps or with a higher roof as our house has). It also seems to be part of a house on one level. I have a blanket over me. I am aware of a number of unknown people also sleeping on the hill or “building” and within the sparse framework. It seems to be nighttime.

      It begins to rain lightly and this hill or odd pyramidal building (note that the roof of our house in real life is pyramidal) seems to take on unusual properties as if it was made out of miscellaneous junk and tarpaulins as well as at least fifty percent dirt. I feel a bit uneasy, but not uncomfortable. It begins to collapse due to stormy weather, the metal part of the tarpaulins noisily clattering on other parts of the framework, which seems somewhat oppressive after a time, but I do not respond with emotion or fear. I cover myself fully with my blanket, including my head. The hill or building is eventually flattened though no one is hurt. No one talks directly to me. I look up at the sky and notice very unusual clouds passing overhead. They have very unusual shapes and atypical colors, some vaguely similar to jigsaw puzzle pieces. I enjoy seeing them but I do not know if it is suitable to sleep here now.

      I get up and walk through a doorway to find a better place to sleep indoors. I am vaguely aware that the room is modeled after the Loomis Street house’s living room, though it is more like a cave. To my left, in an armchair recliner, is a large Minotaur. In front of me is a couch with the back oriented to the right of my viewpoint. The furniture layout is the same as it was in the Loomis Street house living room. There are other features that I do not directly focus on. I consider sleeping on the couch.

      “You’re not sleeping there,” says the Minotaur somewhat frustratingly, as he notices me looking at the couch, though indicating no anger or threatening posture. It almost seems as if he is afraid of me or at least does not want anyone else intruding on his relaxing environment. Eventually, I decide to turn around and find myself in my own bed in reality upon waking up.

      Friday, 30 March 2018: What I presently understand about this dream, based on the following real-life event: A few days after this dream, on November 7, a totally unexpected devastating storm (with very atypical clouds prior to it - unusual shapes and of odd colors), tore the roof from our house and carried it down the street, where it landed in front of another house.

      My family and I had to endure over a month of large tarpaulins slamming against what was left of the front part of our roof. (The noise was almost ear-splitting and my family had to leave the house at times, though there were days when it was not as noisy.) This devastating storm was so unexpected, there were still a few people working on the street near our house only minutes before. Members of my family had been out to see a movie, and had taken the bus. If the timing had been different by only one minute (when they had come in the house), there would have been more serious consequences.

      What is usually RAS personification (for preconscious RAS mediation or modulation) is the Minotaur in this case, and an association with my brother-in-law Bob. It seems pertinent however, that bulls were only otherwise a recurring RAS modulation factor (bulls crashing through the wall for example, as a WAF - waking alert factor) in very early childhood, which should have told me there was something in this dream’s autosymbolism that was very atypical and of which was a warning. The fact remains however, even if I had fully known of this event beforehand, there was little that could have been done. Additionally, another literal factor that came to pass was members of my family sleeping under a destroyed roof covered by large tarpaulins. Zsuzsanna and I slept on the floor in the front room for a time, until the destroyed beds and roof were replaced. This is part 3 of what will be at least 500 parts, as prescience is a major factor of my dreaming history other than autosymbolism and auto-scripting. These main factors of dreams are usually completely ignored by most of modern society.

      Updated 03-30-2018 at 03:27 PM by 1390

    7. Dream - Graduation No Fun & Volcanic Panic & Class Already Started & Spying Into The House

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:54 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 11 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 175 - Separated Sections

      Dream 175 A - Graduation No Fun

      The class of 2017 graduation was taking place at some unknown external venue, somewhere near the city. I was trying to congratulate each year 12 that walked past me but Ms L would constantly be talking over the top of me. I felt like I wasn't a valued part of the school community anymore. I then noticed that WB hadn't arrived yet, and I was waiting especially to greet her.

      I saw that family photos were taking place across the road, right on the nature-strip. One group had just left and the next group that were coming appeared to be WB's family. The mum and dad did not look familiar at all, WB had dusty ginger hair and there was a little boy with them. As they walked across the road, I got into position to meet them. I frantically waved at them but they power-walked past me, without smiling.

      As the dream progressed, I actually got lost and drifted away from the venue. Eventually, I was doing something with Jasmine and her sister, with some dog near by. I was then walking around on my own, trying to find my way back to the graduation event but would still feel lost. The dream scene then shifted to my bedroom, as if I would wake up in the morning, sitting up in bed, the room was light like sun was coming through the curtains. This part of the dream actually did feel like I was waking up in real life.

      But then I sit up, look towards the window, closed curtains, and use the exact same sequence for requesting Dreamy WB's help like in Dream 167 A. The first two times, I use a standard speaking voice to say “Dreamy WB” and the third time, it's her alternate name, “Miss T”. After that is a very slight whisper of “Dreamy WB...”.

      The dream scene then changes back to searching for the venue. It appears that there is now this strong, invisible energy guiding me towards the place. I know I am near because I see two teachers standing beside a set of escalators but they didn't really talk to me, rather I listened in on their conversation. I then continues towards where I thought the venue was. I can't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 B - Volcanic Panic
      I don't remember completely what happened in this dream, only a small amount. There was this volcano right in the middle of suburbia that I approached. There was this poodle-like dog there and the volcano was about erupt.

      Dream 175 C - Class Already Started
      The dream started off with me in my bedroom but very quickly shifted to the scene of a classroom. It showed that I was already in the company accounting class. Throughout the whole dream, I am saying to myself, “How am I expected to be in class if I am still sleeping?”. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 D - Spying Into The House
      I was walking around the streets when I caught sight of Jure's house. I was curious to know what was going in there and so snuck to the side of the house and stuck my head into the window. There I saw Jure, sitting on a couch facing towards the kitchen and he was reading a newpaper. I then catch sight of his wife who looks shocked when she sees me. She points a finger to me and speaks to me, still with the window shut, calling me a pervert. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      I only had enough time in the morning to write the majority of Dream A down, hence why there is only little detail on B, C and D.

      Updated 04-25-2018 at 01:29 PM by 93119

    8. Citrus Fruits and Spiders

      by , 03-26-2017 at 09:26 AM
      Morning of March 26, 2017. Sunday.

      I am in a distorted scene where the main characters seem unknown, but could be implied to be versions of certain relatives, especially as I am in a variation of the Loomis Street house’s backyard. There is no fence on the south side as was in reality.

      The neighbors to the south are in a house that is to the west a full house distance more (into what otherwise was the backyard) than the real location. The neighbors seem to be versions of neighbors I had in Florida as a boy but their daughter is not seen. However, I do hear the father and his supposed daughter arguing when I am outside at night (apparently when she is visiting, though she is much older than her parents, which makes no sense; that is, she is about fifty and the “father” seems in his thirties). Someone loudly says, “That is a really stupid thing to argue about”.

      There is one scene where I am lying on my left side at the northwest corner of their house. It is still nighttime. The man comes out (from what seems to be the back door near the northeast corner of the house) and is oddly not angry at my imposition (though he still seems annoyed and seems to take on a somewhat sarcastic attitude). He throws a blanket on me and tells me to have a good night’s sleep, though more to himself as he thinks I am sleeping. After he goes back inside, I get up and go to the other backyard.

      The main scene involves an unusual vegetation feature on the back of the Loomis Street house (to the left of the back door when outside). There are at least two large vines, one growing oranges and the other grapefruit. Mixed in with these dense plants are a large number of spiderwebs and many golden silk orb-weaver spiders, both adults and newly hatched.

      A few people visit and say that I could probably sell the citrus fruits. I pick one and it has a lot of small bumps on it, the peel yellowish in spots. The rest do not seem fully ripe. The vegetation goes very high; up to the roof. I would need a ladder to get many of them. I get the impression that people would not want to buy them due to small spiders possibly being inside some of them, though mostly just under the peel. (Considering that I lived next to an orange grove for years, it seems unusual that my dream self thought of citrus as growing on vines.)

    9. Lollipops

      by , 02-14-2017 at 08:14 AM
      Morning of February 14, 2017. Tuesday.

      I had been sleeping in the semidarkness of the Cubitis living room on a couch that is aligned to the west wall with my head north. (This is the first time this setup has occurred in a dream. I have not been in Cubitis for about forty years. A couch had never been in this location in reality.)

      As I am lying on my left side, facing outwards from the back of the couch, I feel something moving near my hip. Later, I feel it again and I am thinking that there is a mouse crawling on my right side.

      I reach around and grab what I think is a mouse and fling it into the center of the living room. When I look up, I see at least six or seven disk-shaped lollipops of a few different colors strewn across the floor. This is what I had thrown. They are individually wrapped in transparent plastic. I notice a yellow one, a red one, and a green one as I decide to pick them all up.

      My brother Dennis is standing near the hallway entrance. He had apparently given them to me but I absentmindedly grabbed them and threw them. I do not want him to think I am unappreciative, which is why I make sure I pick all of them up from the floor. No one speaks.

      My dream is rendered as already being in the emergent consciousness stage but in a random dream sign setting. Dennis is the emergent consciousness factor (having soon transmuted from the inducer). I have not seen him in real life since February 1994. His nickname is Muskrat. Although he could be very annoying and mean-spirited, he was charitable at times, which this dream seems to reflect. The association with Valentine’s Day also seems inherent (though my father died in real life on Valentine’s Day in 1979).

    10. Fragments

      by , 01-06-2017 at 12:27 AM
      Escaped from my IRL home onto my IRL street and went lucid when I crossed that boundary line. Started flying, admired some views of Christmas lights, getting less and less realistic as I went on, culminating in a castle with turrets completely covered in white lights.

      Memory gap, crossed a lake by a natural rock bridge and entered a cavern on the other side, memory gap again, and then I'm semi-lucid again in a room with three sleeping people I recognize, including Julia. I try to leave without disturbing any of them, fail in this. Mary Jane wakes up, the closest to the exit, and we speak for a while; although we seem to know each other, I'm aware that Mary Jane is wholly imaginary, and that's the point of her in this scene, that she's imaginary. Julia is in the bed across from hers, and eventually wakes up - that's what I wanted to avoid most. I can feel the sensation of pressure from her hand, which stands out - it's the first time I've used that sense in tonight's dreams. Her face has started to resemble Mary Jane's, which is sad but not a surprise; but I think "her name is still her own," which is a surprise and a relief. (This whole scene is about mental associations.)
    11. Fragments after The Sea of Mist

      by , 10-07-2016 at 09:25 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I woke up and wrote down my dream earlier. Since it was my day off and I was sleepy, I went to bed again. I had a few fragments, but most of them were too vague to write down.

      I recall being antagonized by a loudmouthed man in a wifebeater as I sat in a blue metal chair and blue metal table at a food cart on the street (these are common in Thailand), at night, with a few other people around sitting on the chairs and eating. (I think it was a food cart? I recall working on a painting and I recall people eating food.)

      I recall having a false awakening where I didn't bother getting up, which was why I didn't perform my reality checks. I was in a bed, which presumably was big, and back in my mom's city apartment, cuddling with her. I dozed off within the dream.
    12. 04.24.2016 dream of sleep

      by , 04-26-2016 at 01:16 AM
      I kept dreaming that I was asleep. Or seeing myself asleep. I kept waking up hour after hour with this dream repeating.
      Tags: sleeping
    13. 04.20.2016 Creepy Phone Guy

      by , 04-21-2016 at 03:07 PM

      I have been completely pre-occupied with flooding in my area. It rained for about 3 days straight- Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Most of the areas here are flooded. All of the school districts were shut down, many homes and businesses had no power. My office was closed, so I have been working from home all week. Yesterday we lost power for a short time, but other than that things have been okay on my end. I have been very exhausted and unable to sleep. Last night I was finally able to sleep at a decent time. I didn't recall much, but this is a lot for me as I have not been able to recall anything in days.

      DR 1
      I dreamt I was in my cubicle, seated at a chair. I was trying to go to sleep, but I kept being interrupted by random things going on at work.
      There was a lady in the cubicle in front of me. I knew her; she used to work with me last year. She was dressed up very nicely and had on bright red lipstick.

      DR 2
      I was a third party, and I was watching a lady. She kept lying to people about things. She had a apparently lied to this guy about something serious...killing someone? Her friend went to a hotel room and covered it up for her. He even made it look like someone had blown the elevator doors open. At the end of the dream, she is sitting at a picnic table with her friend, and she is telling another lie to someone else. It looked like that was going to go on forever.

      DR 3
      I was making a miniature Christmas tree to match the big one that was already set up. I did this while sitting right next to a huge 7 foot tree. I was making mine a personalized version, because it had photographs on it. There were a lot of icicles everywhere. I was happy doing this, very content.

      DR 4
      I received a phone call from a man with a thick Southern accent. I didn't like what he was saying- he insulted me. I told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I received a second phone call. This was from a lady. She started saying that she knew the guy I just talked to. So, I told her he was creepy and to be careful- I said a bunch of things warning her about him. All of a sudden the guy was on the phone saying "haha it was me all along- I changed my voice". I freaked out and told him to leave me alone and stop calling my phone. I was very mad and upset.
    14. Willy Wonka and the Murderering Demon Vampires

      by , 04-01-2015 at 08:40 AM
      I haven't posted in a little bit, but I have been keeping track of my dreams! Alot of them I have been writing in my paper journal for lack of time online, and when I couldn't do that I have an emergency "sketchbook" style notebook to write quick notes in. Realistically I have alot of these sketch-style notes that need to be transformed into journal entries.

      But here I will tell you about how I got Lucid FINALLY after recording and obsessing about recording! In it, my dream journal, the thing most on my mind lately, became my dream-sign.


      It starts out on a farm my landlord owned in my dream. I was looking after it for them with a dream-sister, although there wasn't much to take care of. All the animals they owned had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew what happened to them. I think this mystery, among other things, is what caused them to keep away from the farm and ask me to watch it for them. The farm was a very dull and bleak looking place. Imagine a cold winter day before any snow has fallen on the ground, but all the leaves had fallen from the trees. Barren trees, dull orange dry leaves, dull grey sky. It looked like it was 6AM, just before sunrise, all day long. And this appearance permeated through the entire farm, into the house. It was just very depressing.

      There were other mysteries too. You would hear footsteps of people walking on the second floor, but no one besides me and my little sister were there. I think the farm hands and other people who worked on the farm disappeared along with the animals, so hearing footsteps was eerie. I think there was an understanding that something unearthly occupied the farm, although I am not 100% sure.

      As to my dream-sister, she looked nothing like my actual sister in real life. I might add also, that alot of times in my dreams I am accompanied by a dream-friend or a dream-sister or my own sister in real life. I am rarely alone in my dreams. I like to think its my dream guide. This particular companion was a young girl of 10 or so, with blonde hair done up in pigtail style braids. She wore an old fashioned dress.

      I remember a couple scenes in this house. I remember me and my sister in an office type of space attempting to hook up a laptop so we could use the internet. The only part of this room I really remember is the desk the laptop laid on, and the laptops themselves. The desk was that cheap particle board style desk you see in offices, with the base of the desk being made of beige colored metal. Everything was dusty, too. There was a main section of the desk where the "main laptop" would sit, and two fold out wings, slightly lower than the main portion, where smaller laptops sat. It was designed for a team to sit at the same desk and work together side by side. We were very excited to try and get it to work, but like I said..it was quite dusty and unused. I don't think we could get the computers to even power on, or there just was no internet in the area.

      I remember walking through a small dark hallway in the home to get to a bedroom with my sister. A greenish yellow light glowed through one room to accent the darkness, like a painted yellow window bringing in the dull grey atmosphere of the outside into house. The bedroom, too, had a dusty, grey, old feel to it. The bed looked like it came out of the 1980s, infact. Another particle board mess, very low key and geometric, Blonde "wood", and pastel colored sheets. I think the whole reason I went lucid was because of what I did next. I was acting as if I was awake, and I had to go to sleep. My sister suggested I lay down, and I did. I laid down in the 1980s bed, laying in the same position I use in waking life, to my left side facing a wall. This is where I heard the walking and banging upstairs as I tried to fall asleep. My landlords in real life live above me in my house, and it is an actual thing for them to make lots of noise when getting ready for work at 4 AM. I think my mind was recreating this, only in my dream, ghostly things were stomping around instead.

      I did my best to ignore it, covering my head with the blanket and closing my eyes. Very weird to try and sleep when in a dream, but it was just as it was in real life. Nothing zany happened when I closed my eyes, just the usual darkness. The banging continued, but I just ignored it and continued to focus on falling asleep.

      This next part, I don't know in what order of the dream it occurred. Maybe here!

      I remember I had wanted to grab my dream journal and "emergency" red journal from home, because I knew I would be staying at the house for a while and wanted to use the opportunity to write down all these dreams I have been stockpiling for the past few days. I remember going to my boyfriends house - not my house! - and searching for them around and under the cushions of their living room couch. I reached under the leftest most cushion and..voila! my dream journals! Just as I found it, a little funny gremlin looking demon appeared to my right, in the fireplace or floating near it. He wasn't a menacing monster, just something you would imagine seeing in a kids book or a cartoon. Ugly, but not scary. He popped in to taunt me about my sister, how I left her all alone. He told me she was in danger in a mocking way. Maybe he even implied HE was kidnapping her! I got angry and nervous, and decided to get my butt back to the farm house to make sure she was ok. I vaguely remember the demon showing me a video of my sister. She was sitting with other kids in a daycare setting (the same grey dullness), doing some kind of craft project on little circular tables like you'd see in a school. Suddenly someone called to her, and she got up and walked off camera. So, I rushed to her rescue!

      I guess my sister was taken to the usual place bad stuff happens in my dream, my childhood home, "B Street". Always, no matter what, I find myself back in that house with its spooky basement full of ghosts! Anyways, I had to take a train there to rescue her, but I missed it completely.

      Rather than give up hope, however, I said "why don't I just fly there?"

      This is where things get weird. I cant figure out how all this worked out in my dream. Maybe it just doesn't make sense! I am back sleeping in the 1980s bed, or maybe I woke up a little in real life, or maybe I was just dreaming of dreaming again. Whatever the case, I was back to having my eyes closed like I was trying to go to sleep. When I suggested to myself to just fly there, a flash of purple and pink lit up my blackness, and the desire to fly to where I needed to go went from just a mere thought in my head, to a visualization, to a dream. I saw myself sliding down a steep hill like a videogame character, and saw myself glide over a gap at the end of this hill to a platform on the other side. (Very videogame-like. Just imagine Mario64 styled levels or Banjo Kazooie. Very polygonal, this section.) At this point I was having trouble. Its always a gamble with me when it comes to transitioning from "vague idea/visualization" to "holy crap I am dreaming!" because at some point you need to "open your eyes". When visualizing the gliding/flying, my eyes were "closed". I flew from that platform I glided to, and flew a little more to land in a small polygonic valley on the other side. I felt the sensation, that wonderful sensation, of dream flying while I did this. But my eyes were still "closed". I landed all cool in a fancy crouching pose, and just stayed there for a little bit.

      "You have to open your eyes, you know." I thought to myself. "Its always a gamble, but you have to try!"

      So I did. The first try, I opened my eyes to a faded black scene, like a stage set where all the lights are out. You can just see the vague shapes of the things around you but nothing concrete at all. It was because I was trying to go to B street, still determined in my mission. I was trying to visually construct that place with my consciousness, but I just sucked at it. I saw shaped of trees, and the valley I was in sort of transformed into a little side lawn on a side of a house that actually was on B street. But it was all dark and formless. So I closed my eyes again, and thought really hard. "You're in B STREET!". I opened them again. Same thing. I closed them again. As usual when in these kind of pickles, I said "screw it, let me just let the dream take me where it wants me to go." After coming to terms with my suckiness, I opened my eyes one final time.

      Oh sweet goodness! So wonderful to open your eyes when lucid to a new world!

      I was not in B street at all. I was in something that looked like it came out of the newer Willy Wonka movie. I was still in my little valley, and it was still kind of dark like before, but past this was a vividly colorful hill, a bright spring green. It was framed by bright red velvet and gold tasseled stage curtains, and it went up in steps to a scene on the tippy top, like a big green staircase. At each "step", red and white candy cane looking swirlie structures decorated the hill. There were yellow and white flowers, too, and maybe a cobblestone walkway. I was, as usual, in awe of the clarity of being here, and just took it all in. I tried rubbing my hands to get more in the moment, but it didn't really bring any texture or more realism to the situation. I usually don't bother with sensation alot anyways. I find constantly rubbing my hands to be distracting, but I do try it from time to time. I saw on the top of a hill, a little scene. Maybe a tree in shadow, with a park bench sitting besides it, and someone lounging in it, like they were sleeping. It was either my sister fainted from being kidnapped, or the bad guy in the plot lounging in a smarmy sort of way. I couldn't see the top immediately, so I focused my eyes (go me for doing more than one focusing technique!), and as I did so I began walking up the hill.

      Like a dream does, as I neared the top, the scene transformed. I also got a little more numb the closer to the top of the hill I got, but I was still using my conscious mind just fine. The top of the hill transformed itself into a medieval/fantasy looking church, and waiting inside for me was the villain. The church was completely open from where I walked into it. Inside, it had a lobby sized area for maybe a couple of people or parishioners to sit. It was small by cathedral standards but it also fluctuated in that respect as well. To the left of the "parishioner" area was a rounded room, almost a large alcove. It was completely walled in glass windows that gave a view to a forest outside. In front of the parishioner area was where the priest would usually go. In the dream this section was only a few steps higher than the congregation area, whereas in real life its usually a little taller I think. There was a big rounded stain glass window here like a traditional church, but the exit door to the other side of the church was there too. The right side of the church was just a wall. The entire thing was in light grey stone, with pillars and steps and all the nice things you'd find in an older church. Where the priest's place was stood the villain. It was a taller 20 year old with brown-red hair and pale skin, wearing black. She was a vampire. She kidnapped my sister and was going to feed off of her and turn her into a vampire, too. I am not sure what ended up happening to my sister in this struggle. the brunette vampire was, I think, behind her and sucking on her neck or threatening to. She might have even turned her into a vampire already and I had to fight her off. Whatever the case, my sister was getting in the way of my battling the evil vampiress. Either I had to break her neck and push her into the window alcove, or the vampiress threw her in there after sucking on her blood and she passed out and fell in there. In the dream, as in my favorite show "Vampire Diaries", cracking ones neck didn't kill them immediately. It just sort of knocks someone out.

      (I was still SLIGHTLY lucid btw.) I tried to punch at the vamp while she hid behind my sister. My punches connected but they did little to her, and she laughed them off. Once my sister was out of the way, I kept trying to punch her out and stop her from killing her and me. I didn't want to kill the evil vamp I don't think. I wanted to either cure her or just stop her from hurting other people. If there was a way to end it in a peaceful or less definitive way, I was willing to try it. However, my methods were not working, and I decided I had to worry more about my unconscious sister than keeping this woman alive. Now that I think of it, I think my sister was going to turn into a vampire, so it was a race against time to stop the villain before she turned. I think I needed the evil villain's blood to stop the transformation, or killing off the villain stopped it. Since I was so stressed for time, I reach over to the brunette vampire, said "Ah screw it!", and snapped her neck. Instantly she crumpled to the floor, completely defeated.

      I ran over to where my sister was laying and helped her up as she came to. Did I give her blood? Not sure. She looked differently at this point, though. What was once my blonde, fancy dressed little sister was a squat little anime chibi dressed in kimono. She had a big bobble head, and her hair was black now. She stood up and was fine.

      After that I woke up and happily wrote all this down! Yay!
      VAMPIRE STUFF: Definitely Vampire diaries! One of few shows I watch, I guess I was thinking about it that night. I even thought perhaps the bad guy of this show, "Claus", was in my dream!
      Stompy stomp stomp above my head!: My landlord's wonderful habit of causing ruckuses every morning. Its why I wear earplugs.
      Getting to sleep: I have been OBSESSING with going to bed at a good hour since restarting my Lucid dream mission!

      And of course, my dream sign was MY DREAM JOURNAL because of my recent obsession with writing in it. Having it in my hand in the dream made me think of dreaming, so I was able to easily figure things out. Dreaming was on my mind, so it was an easy transition, and my journal was the reminder!

      Updated 04-01-2015 at 08:57 AM by 82463

    15. Dream I Had

      by , 12-17-2014 at 03:34 PM
      Last night, I had a weird dream. I dreamt that I was in my elementary school gym, sitting there and waiting for a dentist appointment. Meanwhile, I was arguing with my brother over if there was poison ivy in the forest behind our house. We were fighting to the point of punching and kicking, until the principal told us it was time for my dentist appointment. I walked into this room, and it was so weird; some people were getting haircuts, and others were getting their teeth cleaned like a normal dentist. One of the girls on my swim team named Sabrina was the dentist. Oh great. I sat down in the chair, and she just counted my teeth with this metal thingy and said I was good. Yay! Then, I went home and my mom said that my brother, sister, and I had to go to bed. It was only 2 in the afternoon! She sprinkled some magic dust on us, and we fell asleep until it was two the next day. I woke up, and I was eating different colored tortilla chips out of a plastic baggie on the top bunk of our bunk bed. I was rotating like a clock around the bed, and for every different side I was on, I ate a different colored chip. I kept rotating around and eating different colored chips, and the crumbs were falling down the sides of the bunk bed. Some even landed on my brother, who was sleeping on the bottom bunk. I hoped he wouldn't notice or freak out, so I just ate the chips until I woke up. The End.
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