Dream False Awakening I was in Florida during the day time on a Saturday. I was supposed to requalify with my rifle and pistol but I got teleported to Venezuela with my grandma. She made me some weird soup and I ate it while driving. As I drove, I ran over a pretty Asian woman and backed up to tell her sorry but she ran into her house. I eventually arrived at a school/apartment complex as the sky turned to dusk. Christa met up with me and we started having sex. People from Christa's work showed up and it started to rain so we both ran to deliver a money bag to the school library. I suddenly remembered that I had left my car door open so I ran back to my car in the slippery pavement. I got to my car while some guy was breaking into it so I grabbed the guy and started punching him in the nose, eventually slamming him to the ground. A fat security guard said "Just let them kill each other" and some guy started making a joke and I told him about how Valery put hot sauce on my pizza a long time ago. I eventually got off the guy I was beating and cops showed up and started throwing CS. I ran back to my car where I took off my shirt and hid it as the cops arrested people that were known trouble makers. I woke up into a counter strike game and stated typing my dream.
I was a hero in counter strike and the setting was in Venezuela. I was in some sort of big indoor or underground city doing city type stuff like taking taxis, buying groceries, hitting on girls, etc. I got a gun and some monster machines started attacking an important building that had to do with money. Me and my partner defended the place but eventually got overrun so we jumped off a railing and onto the floor, doing a roll and running up an elevator away from zombies. My partner told me to get inside and as I was running, I saw a big monster inside the elevator. We fought the monster and managed to kill it as we went up hundreds of stories. My parners clothing looked like an older version of the TF2 scout and he was sad that he had to let go of his bat to kill the monster. We got out of the elevator and ran through a forest at night as he was saying how sad he was.
Dream Lucidity I was playing a combination of Dishonored and counter strike when some girl told me it was time to leave. Me and her and another guy started walking out and I subconsciously remembered about fortune cookies. I told a man to open me one and read it. He said it said "This bitch". I knew it was referring to the girl since she was being bossy. We went through an elevator and landed on the basement, which was also an airport. I talked to a girl knowing she was part of my dreams. Eventually, I got teleported to my old apartment in Venezuela. I decided to do a reality check but kept it a secret from the person I was with, who was watching tv. I checked my watch but it was normal but I knew I was in a dream. I left the loud room and entered what was my grandma's old room and flew out the glass window. I saw a man talking to a demon and when I landed on the other side of the fence, they both looked at me and ran towards me. I ran backwards and yelled at the demon, asking what it represented, as it turned into a demonic dog. It wouldn't reply to me and it kept trying to hurt me. I knew he couldn't hurt me and I said "I give you the ability to talk!" Still, no response from the dog. Slowly, it started turning into Lucy. Its ember filled eyes turned into black eyes and Lucy was sitting there. I petted her and she played with my hand. I kept asking her what she represented but no reply came. I worried that something might have happened to her. I heard sounds coming from Victoria Avenue and grabbed a chain Lucy had on, which was attached to the gate. I went to investigate the sound and zombies were coming towards us. I yelled "Firewall!" as I moved my arm towards the zombies. I started running away but was woken up by my alarm.
I was in some sort of school running against some people in a gym, which was pretty crowded. While running, there was a lot of things that were distracting me like eating a sandwich, talking to friends, etc. In the end, I got 3rd place and some girl was teaching me how to eat a sandwich. ------------------------------------------------------- I was at a small reunion with Laurie and her friend Mitchell was there. I started picking on him and hitting him while he was cooking food. We went outside to fight and I think I hit him a few more times but then I went inside and served him some food and apologized. ----------------------------------------------------------- I was in Counter Strike and was killing the enemy team with an awp. Some stuff started happening about some paperwork or something. -------------------------------------------------------------- I was playing New Vegas and was getting mods for my game. I was also talking to Laurie. Some guy I knew was in the Marines and he got killed so I was getting him ready for the Morgue. I was talking to the person getting him ready for his casket and how he should look. I then talked with his parents on how they had to pay the guy.
I was playing counter strike but the game had battlefield-like mechanics. I was flying an anti-air tank and shot down a few jets. I went up a ladder and used a rocket launcher on some enemies. I laid down on an enemie's bed and he got mad and killed me with a chainsaw. I was then waiting on my results for my clearance. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I was walking through a suburban neighborhood at night with Nikki. Nikki escaped and I chased her, looking into a few houses. Some of the houses were empty, some with only a few things in them like couches. I saw one of Laurie's friends and I also knew that I was at the apartments where I live. I came up on my sister and she had just bought a horse. There was a small reunion going on and I saw Amy and helped her with her computer, which I started playing after I fixed it. I played Halo: Combat Evolved and even though it was laggy, I still played it. There were a lot of new things in the game and it eventually changed to X-Men on an island surrounded by water and I was trying to kill some things that looked like robots. They grabbed me but I was able to escape. I tried killing them several times but didn't succeed. I was having a hard time escaping them so I Blinked through the map. My dream ended shortly after in a Walgreens. We were talking to an Asian man that knew how to defeat the robots and help us win. All we had to do was go to the top of a radio tower in India.
Dream False Awakening I was playing counter strike but against aliens in space during an invasion on Earth. I was awping and so were they. Eventually, we planted a C4 near one of the black holes they had. When the bomb exploded, their mothership got destroyed. I then watched endings of Golden Sun. This happened twice and each ending was different. The black hole was close to Earth so it made alternative realities, which is why there were separate endings. I woke up and my alarm was off and I had not service on my phone. I started writing down my dream and the beginning part said Megan was part of the dream. Then I really woke up ----------------------------- I was with Tim working on the job at an airport.
I was at the apartments working out when I saw one of the work vans there. I parked it, got out, and walked around towards a group of people. They were my old classmates from Venezuela and a few new people. There was a pretty asian/mexican girl with black hair and I went up to talk to her. I was gonna give her a handshake but she wasn't interested. She walked away without shaking my hand and I followed behind her making small talk. She had a few papers she was holding and I don't know what happened but she gt them tangled in her hair. I offered to help and I gently untangled the papers, hurting her a few times. After I finished, she started talking to me. Joel hooked up with a girl and we all started clapping for him. I left and went to a car place to have something in my car worked on but realized that while working on it, they dropped something on the car and busted it up, which made me angry. ------------------------------- I was in a room looking at my scored from MEPS. I was wearing glasses and when I took them off, my vision was blurry. I was mad because they were making my eyesight worse. I complained to some girl and she told me it would help with aiming my pistol. We went outside and engaged some CTs. We lost the first few rounds but after, we started winning.
Dream False Awakening I was playing Counter Strike and beating the other team pretty badly. There were plenty of new weapons and grenades. After the match ended, I was in a room with my mom and she was preventing me from leaving or something and I called my dad. I woke up and had all kinds of pimples and hair on the bridge of my nose. I thought it was disgusting. After a while, we were on a talk show and the guy running it was an ass. I was then in a warehouse and challenged some fat tall guy to a boxing match. We got the gloves and he took off his gloves and pulled out a knife. I punched him in the face then got behind him and punched him in the gut. He went down and this black guy came up talking reckless so I grabbed his arm, twisted it twice, and took him to the ground. I yelled out for someone to get my belt and handcuffs but suddenly the guy turned into a beautiful woman. I handcuffed her and laid her on a bed and asked her to stay still so she wouldn't get hurt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was setting and I was in a large school doing parkour. I had all my gear from work on and someone stopped me and confiscated all of it, telling me S. Orona had snitched me out. I eventually got the gear back and headed back to where my backpack was.
I was playing counter strike but in real life. I recognized some people and my team was losing so I would stay back with a Glock and my vest to try and kill someone. I saw a few people and shot at them, making them take cover. I went after them and recognized a girl. I tried doing something but I shot her and she fell to the ground si I started hitting her and kicking her. She got upset and I left. I turned around and shot someone in the forehead, which revealed we were using airsoft guns. The girl's dad then started whipping me so I turned around and started beating him telling him he wasn't shit. The dream scene looked to be a harbor or dock. There were boats on water. ---------------------------------------------- I was in a small house on a tall hill or mountain. There were a few pets around and I was watching a news channel because there was nothing else on other than news. I heard someone pull up and looked to see my car arriving. I quickly changed the channel because I wasn't supposed to be watching that news station. Kristy came in and she was very sad and went to the bathroom with Lucy. I wondered why she was sad and waited for her. When she came out she said she was infertile and she showed me the paperwork from the doctor. I was sad also and thought maybe I was infertile also? I found out that on her paperwork it said I was also infertile, and that made me feel even worse. Apparently Kristy and I were together. Kristy had long brown hair
I was at boxing in a gym that was in a school. Everybody started hitting me and a little girl grabbed my back. I grab the little girl and slam her to the floor, which makes everybody step back. They're all surprised at what I did so the next day I know everyone is mad at me and want to fight. I go into the male locker and tell people that it was an accident, that she grabbed my back and I reacted. I also said that if they wanted to fight me, 1v1 or even 1v2, I'd be there. Rosales and a few other people where there and they told me to make a statement so I grabbed pieces of paper that were ripped and tried writing 10/17 on it but it was very hard to do. ---------------------------------------- I was playing counter strike but with magical characters and powers. Mine was able to heal, become invisible, and was a girl. Since my team had lost the match, we were put into a survival type game with monsters. The objective was to escape without being spotted. The first monster was a big boulder thing that could run real fast. He was coming after me but I evaded him. I grouped up with my team and kept moving. We went through a crowd of people of people that were turning into zombies but when we saw enemies behind them, we ran the other way. My team ran off without me and I had to catch up. We made it into a room where prisoners were kept in cells. I became invisible a few times to help me avoid anemies and we were almost out of the room when we saw a tank guarding the exit. I tried going around him but he almost noticed me and started patrolling. I had a plan to distract him and turn invisible but my team went back and used another route. I was mad and was about to go when I heard my team get in trouble. There was only a girl and a guy left and tey took a wrong turn, making them appear in the exit of the room I was in, with the tank. I heard gunfire and saw the guy get killed by some hovering robots, which ended our game. Everyone said good game and I decided to stop playing and woke up. ------------------------------------------- I was in an ocean as a pirate. The ocean levels had risen and we were in a war against humans that turned into underwater creatures. My cousin was there and he knew when the creatures would raid and attack us and told us how to avoid them. The biggest concern was preventing the underwater humans from getting phones, so they couldn't call their families on the surface. We got raided and there was fire and explosions everywhere, we even lost a phone. Me and a Princess drifted off for hours until a friendly ship spotted us. We came upon an old temple which was half covered by water because of the rise. I entered it and began solving puzzles. Then, once I solved the puzzles, the temple release a little hovering ball that had eyes and could talk. He was my guide in the temple. I ended up getting captured by a monster but convinced it to let me go. ------------------------------------------- I was at a house and in front of it, ther was a pool surrounded by more houses. Some guy was getting bullied and so I went to help him. Whe nI went back to my house, a big black dude rang the doorbell and asked to see my grandma. I told him "She's not here; what do you want?" He told me "I'm here for secret shit" I replied "We don't got no weed." He started getting mad but eventually left. I found out he was on trial for raping and killing his 2 year old daughter. I had my pistol and decided if he came back I wouldn't chance anything and I would shoot him. My p229 kept jamming and the first round looked weird so did one of the magazines.
Sneaking into a military compound of sorts, there are multiple levels of concentric balconies surrounding a central structure, every bit of which is teaming with guards. There is a bomb that is set to explode soon which will kill a bunch of innocent people. Looking at how heavily guarded the bomb platform is I think, "This is going to be really difficult, but those people in there need me, so I don't have a choice" Vastly outnumbered, I try to remain unseen as I creep into the central structure. There is no roof on the central structure, but the whole compound area seems to be in a building that resembles a covered football arena, only never meant for sports. One of the guards spots me and immediately starts shooting. I jump into an adjacent room to dodge the gunfire, but not fast enough as a bullet tears through my abdomen. All I can think is, "It burns so much!" as I crumple to the floor behind a large metal desk. Trying to crawl to a safe place, I drag myself across the floor, but the guards have me surrounded now. Sadistically, they plan to kill me slowly, in the most painful way possible. They taunt me and laugh to each other, trying to instill fear in me. Rather than be afraid, I simply prepare to die. Loving the guards now, I alertly observe their actions to see what they will do next. One of them shoots me in the foot. It really hurts! On impulse, I pull my shoe off, and apply pressure to my blood soaked sock as my foot throbs in pain. Noticing how much blood I'm losing I become lucid! I realize that I cannot be harmed now that I am lucid. Just in time - another guard runs towards me and rams a knife through my stomach! I am a little surprised at this, and yet confident that I am indeed still dreaming and there is no pain. "I could feel the pain from this" I ponder, but decide not to go there right now. Screaming at me, the guard pulls the knife out and stabs me again, but in the chest. I have to consciously decide to have his knife just pass through me unhindered, but it is worth doing for now. A handful of other guards surround me and start pulling at my arms and grabbing me to hold me in place. Feeling a little too close for comfort with all these hostile DCs, I levitate a good 15 ft above them so as to be out of their reach. This works, until they start shooting at me. Really, it's very loud, and distracting to have all that gunfire so close. I float out of their line of sight and contemplate my options, "I could do anything now that I'm lucid. There's not even a real bomb, no one will get hurt, so I don't have to defuse it anymore... What should I do?" I decide that it is an interesting challenge, and even though the innocent DCs don't exist, and that this whole scenario doesn't exist, I still want to defuse the bomb to save them. It seems like the moral thing to do, and I want to follow my good intentions more anyway. Floating around the corner, I get a peek at the bomb on the top level of the building, complete with a rats nest of wires, and a pulsing red light. It reminds me of Counter Strike for some reason. There are a lot of guards nearby, and each time I poke my head around the corner, there is a hail of gunfire. It's easier to dodge than to allow to pass through me. I hear the timer on the bomb tick down, and know there is only 17 seconds left before it explodes. "That's not much time to work with!" So, I turn on the cheats, decide that the hostile DCs' guns no longer shoot bullets (without their knowledge), float into line of sight with the bomb, and use telekinesis to break the bomb into individual parts, levitating each one of them out in the air so it looks like one of those exploded view engineering diagrams, frozen in space. As I do so, the timer clicks to zero, and makes a loud buzzing noise. I find it to be a very annoying sound, but at least the bomb cannot explode now. I feel satisfied with my choice there. Now, if only I can stop this buzzing! I gradually become aware that it is in fact the same buzzing as my alarm clock as I wake up and my room fades into view.
I was playing Counter Strike but with magical characters and powers. I was able to heal, become invisible, and was a girl. Since my team had lost the match, we were part of a survival type game with monsters. The objective 3was to escape without being spotted. The first monster was a big boulder thing that could run real fast. He was coming after me but I evaded him. I grouped up with my team and kept moving. We went through a crowd of people that were turning into zombies but ran the other way because we saw enemies behind them. My team ran off without me and I had to catch up. We made it into a room where prisoners were kept. I became invisible a few times to help me avoid enemies. We were almost out of the room and I saw a tank guarding the exit, so I tried going around it. The tank almost noticed me, which made it start patrolling. I had a plan to distract the tank and turn invisible but my team went back and used another route. I was mad and was about to go when I heard my team get in trouble. There was only a girl and a guy left and they took a wrong turn and appeared in the exit of the tank room. I heard gunfire and saw a guy get killed by some hovering robots, which ended our game. Everyone said good game and I decided to stop playing, which caused me to wake up.
I was in a quiet city that was made of white stone. The city was on the coast and it looked European. It was like I was playing counter strike and I was rescuing hostages as a terrorist. I was killing the CTs and then my pistol ran out of ammo so I tried knifing them but then I died. I was then in an apartment playing TTT and after playing for a while, I died again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember riding my motorcycle down NM47 in my other dream ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my other dream, I was at a huge party and there were tons of people. We moved the party inside and then Desirae got mad cus the thought I was gonna cheat on her and she walked off. I was then in the tower with C. Williams and some other person. We were sleeping and suddenly we hear someone coming up the stairs. I try to get my boots on in a hurry and then Lt. C. Martinez shows up. He notices that I didn't have my boots on but doesn't care. He says if anyone works the kitchen for them not to fall asleep. He looked tired and so I told him to go to sleep and that I'd watch his back. I then went to the parking lot and got in my car. I put the keys in the ignition and the car turned on so I took the keys out and the car started moving. I pressed the breaks but they weren't working and the car started going in an oval and would get bigger in circumference. I grabbed the radio and called Williams and told him to help me out. He started running to the tower and I told him no, to turn around. The car ran down part of a trailer and then I snapped to use my emergency brake. The car came to a stop and a lot of people gathered around. Benito was there and he was disappointed, saying something about money. I was then back at the party and it got crazy and fires started and everything. We started shutting it down and I had no way of getting home because Desirae was mad and had left. I found Dorina and showed her the party. A police helicopter was hovering and shinning his light into the room of the building, which was pretty high up. I asked Dorina what that meant and she said that I had made it all the way through. I felt happy and music started playing. The sun started rising and sunlight was starting to shine in the room. The dream ended then.
Updated 04-01-2014 at 11:07 PM by 67773
I was going up a hill or something at night. I did a reality check, asking if I was in a dream. Since it was night, I couldn't see my hand very well. I grabbed my phone and shine my light on my hand but it only lit up a little bit of it. Everything started feeling so real. I came to the conclusion that I wasn't in a dream and said "Nah, this can't be a dream" I was obviously wrong, and the feeling of realism went away. I kept walking up the hill and there was a firefight. I was part of counter strike. There was a new update and it made it look more like Battlefield, with bullet drop and even more scopes. I got mad because my helmet had a scope and so did my gun and I didn't know how to exit that view. We ended up losing to the terrorist team and I got pissed of and left the server. I was then at home browsing what looked to be the new marketplace and everyone was trading cards, since they were the only new drops available. I was in the tower with my shoes off. I could see the level 2 and saw F. Martinez taking a dummy out of level 2 and putting it in his car. I figured he was using it as a drill during count. The tower was in the middle of the parking lot. I tried calling Martinez on the radio but instead kept saying R. Varela. I went down there and saw old inmates in wheel chairs and nurses and I figured that they were doing the Geriatrics or LTCU moves. I realized I didn't put my boots back on so I ran back to the tower. Bugaloo was there and I grabbed him. For a few seconds, Bugaloo actually felt like he was there. I wondered if he liked the height of the tower and I thought how he'd react to me holding him over the railing. I decided not to because the wind might kick up and he might fall off my hands. Thinking that, I started wondering if I would jump after him to save him. My view changed to me seeing buildings from a bird's eye view. I thought I wouldn't jump after someone because we'd both die. I remember feeling fear and thinking the only reason I wouldn't like falling is because I couldn't do anything to save myself. I then saw some guy jump after a girl and I knew it was 007 or something. He grabbed her and then deployed this bouncy thing that saved his fall. I fell down on the thing with them and it seemed like a huge, strong trampoline.
I'm laying down on my bed next to where Ace is. The rat cage is on top of Ace's cage and I notice the rats got out through a hole. I put them all inside the cage and notice that Ace bit Shaniqua. I freaked out and went to some girl's house and asked for help with my clothes. The house was messy and when I got my clothes I left for the vet. I realized I had to kill Shaniqua cus she wouldn't make it. I went into the city and into a parking lot where a security guard told me where I could shoot my rifle. I went but then decided to do it in the wilderness. I went through some offices carrying Shaniqua and my Ruger 10/22. Suddenly, I had 2 more rifles and people started looking at me weird and talking shit so I talked shit back. I took some stairs to the basement where I took a transport platform back to the parking lot. I had Shaniqua in the pocket of my jacket and all the rifles in my hand. I saw a cop and it noticed me so I evaded it. My dream ended when I was walking back to my car. In my other dream, I dreamt that I was looking at a counter top made of Masonry. Someone was explaining that they could cut it and make it into a gun. He made it into a pump action shotgun and it reminded me of Counter Strike.