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    1. A Happy Reunion and An Intrusion

      by , 08-16-2011 at 05:18 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in an airport I think. I saw Chris walking by, and we met eyes. We both couldn't stop staring at one another. I didn't think he was going to want to talk to me or see me, but he came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. I felt the old, familiar feeling of my arms wrapping around him, but not all the way because he's big. I was so, so happy to be in that moment! It was a beautiful feeling.

      More things happened, I walked somewhere with him and talked to some other people, but I can't remember any more details. The main thing I recall is the feeling of hugging him and the happiness it brought me.


      I was sitting on the couch in my living room at my house in my hometown. I looked to my left towards the entrance to the room, and saw my friend Jase and some of his friends standing there. More of them started to come into the room. Jase was apparently having some sort of get together with his friends at my house. I felt a little irked, because he never asked me if it was ok for him to do that.

      Then, I was sitting on the other side of the couch. Jase and his buddies were all in the living room. I remember Jase sitting on one of the chairs with someone else. Jase saw me and said
      "Krista!" He then gave me a big hug.
      On the other side of the couch sat my mom. I leaned over to her, pointed to Jase and whispered
      "See that guy? He's my communist friend. He didn't ask if it was ok for him to do this."
      My mom then started to talk to Jase and ask him questions. The one that I remember was
      "Do you still keep up with your journal?" (journal=blog in this context). She said something about reading his journal.

      Then, I saw something on the TV. It was some sort of indie political movie.
      "Typical," I thought to myself.

      Then, I looked at the coffee table, and there was a Scrabble board on it. It was totally full of letters; there were no empty spaces. I started to mess with the letters, taking some of them off the board, and then figured I should ask Jase if his friends and he were done with the game. I asked, and he said yes. As I asked, I noticed that I kept sniffling and my throat was sore. It was like I was coming down with a bad cold.

      I then started to play with the letters on the coffee table. I was, for some reason, trying to spell the word "FULL". I couldn't find two L's. I thought I had at first, but realized I had two U's instead. I thought about using a blank tile in place of an L, but then thought that was silly, since I had all the letters right in front of me. I finally spelled it. The tiles looked something like this:

      [ ] [ ] [U] [ ] [ ]

      I then was in or playing some sort of video game where it was like I was in space trying to jump onto a swinging platform, and I kept falling because my timing was wrong. When I finally made it, I had to talk to some woman and show her a key. I showed it to her, and it looked like this ceramic knife my mom bought in waking life. She took the sheath off of the knife, which looked like a ceramic key now, and said that it was the wrong thing. She gave it back and I re-sheathed it.

      Updated 08-16-2011 at 05:32 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Write Your Name!

      by , 08-16-2011 at 04:12 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was in some sort of large building, similar to a mall. There were quite a few people around and I, along with several other people, were standing around a kiosk of sorts. Apparently we had signed up for a race, in which we had to write our names using various creative ways. The first one was using a code, but was in the what seemed like a store right next to us.

      we all ran inside and noticed there were a bunch of trees. Not small trees like you might see in a landscaping project, but huge, full grown trees over 60 feet high. Some of which were turned over on their side. We started to climb up one of them and, at the top, were various letters and buttons. We had to spell out our name using the buttons, but it was in code. We were each given the translation of the code before, so I pulled it out of my pocket. I set it on the ground right next to me and started to press the buttons in accordance with the code. Instead of spelling out my name, i spelled out "herp mah derp"
      (Thanks IRC ) Apparently I passed and was able to move on, but the person in front of me, who looked eerily familiar, had spelled out Izaya. That was it! He was a character from an anime I had been recently watching.

      Unfortunately, this didn't get me lucid, but the dream went on. We kept climbing the trees and eventually got to a group of them that were hanging outside the store. There were a few pine trees and platforms right below them. I instinctively tore off several branches, enough to spell my name. I was in front so I figured I was all set and could win this no problem. I walked up to a ver elongated branch that overhang the entire hallway of this mall. I figured that we had to spell our name by throwing the branched across the hallway and onto a sticky board on the other side.

      I threw the first branch and it stuck to the wall just fine. I figured that would be one line in the B. I threw another, but it didn't stick. Then i noticed that izaya guy was right next to me, and threw a branch himself. It stuck, but he changed it somehow, to show "I <3" and then a window. Apparently he loves windows? I figured that just spelling "I" wasn't good enough to win so i kept going, but now matter how many, how hard, or how soft i threw the branches, they would not stick. Izaya just sat there laughing at me, and it was then that
      I woke up.
    3. No dream, but experimenting with SP.

      by , 08-16-2011 at 04:00 PM
      Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been as active in the DV community as of late, I was (and still kind of am) going through a bit of a dry spell so I am focusing on meditation and WILD technique.

      So this isn't really a dream entry but some stuff I thought would be cool to get down about my experimentation with sleep paralysis. For the past couple of weeks I've been allowing my body to go numb and enter into sleep paralysis while keeping my mind awake. I have been doing this successfully by laying flat on my back on my bed and allowing my body just to get taken by the feeling of the paralysis. I haven't been able to fall asleep in this state however. I mean its good for experimentation but sucks when I can't go to sleep. I don't usually sleep lying on my back so my mind doesn't want to go to bed when I do this.

      At first I just would lie there and let my mind wonder and let my body just slip into SP. I would feel like I was in that roller coaster ride "The Gravatron." (where you are pinned to the wall and can't move) I was pinned to my bed and it almost felt like my bed had flipped over and I was stuck to it as if it were the ceiling. I would be hanging over a bottomless pit. I would do this nightly. Eventually it wouldn't take hardly any time at all for me to get into SP.

      Last night I had sort of a break through of sorts. I have been researching into occult practices, and I had read of a practice that if you meditate while laying down, and you place a crystal in each hand, and one on your chakra point on your forehead (your third eye) you would "charge" or enhance your psychic ability. I tried such a method last night. I even had a particular crystal that is supposed to help with dream vividness and recall. I placed this one on my third eye.

      The SP felt like normal at first, my limps going numb and everything. But I started to feel a weight press down right on my rib cage and my stomach. Then I felt a weight on my head, ( I could actually feel my head sink into my rather firm pillow). I didn't think anything of it til something just kicked in. I am not sure what it was or what it means but I was just lying there thinking about random thoughts (I.e. what I have to do before work the next day..etc) Then all those thoughts went silent, in fact ALL of my thoughts were cut off and my mind was completely clear. And it was like my thoughts were cut off mid sentence. Right after my mind just cut off my thoughts I immediately began to hear a low "hum" or more like I could hear a vibration. A few seconds after this started a high pitched ring was layered over top of the vibration. I had no control over this and I couldn't really think of anything else, it was like all my brain wanted to do was listen to this hum.

      I opened my eyes and could see the air swirl in spirals above me. And that's when the ride started.....my body began to feel like it was stuck to the bed again, only this time it felt like I was never going to move again and I felt like my entire bed was rotating and spinning while I was strapped down. The crystals felt very warm and almost hot in my hands. The crystals almost rolled out of my hands (or at least it felt like this while my bed was spinning) and I had to enclose my fingers around them to keep them in place.

      I think this went on for a good half hour to 45 min before I snapped back to this plane, put the crystals away, and went to bed.
    4. long night.

      by , 08-16-2011 at 03:26 PM
      Went to bed at 5 am put alarm at 10 am. I woke up naturally on 8 am. Still tired, headache and i didn't recall a thing. Then i did nomad's trance recall and i remembered fragments from this lucid dream i just had. :O

      Dream #1

      I recall myself doing very short mantras last night. And visualizing practice. I kind of recall doing a reality check in my dream while riding a bike. Took me about 2 minutes to determin if i was actually dreaming or not. I went flying. At first i fell like i was gonna fall but then i just remembered to float instead of fly and it worked. I flew around little houses . I remember being on the ground again and prowling around looking for stuff to do. I climbed over a wall into a backyard and as i was doing that i was thinking if sex would really be the same in a dream. The last thing i remember is that there was a naked girl with tiny titties sitting across of me. She gave me instructions on what to do. She said, touch my right boob like this and say Yes. If you touch my left boob like this you have to say No. And you have to say it like this ; Noooooooooooooo.
      I touched her left boob and said Noooooooo. And i woke up. i think.

      Went back to bed after a shower. fragments again.
      Dream #2

      I was riding my bike and i ran into my friend's dad Hassan who was also riding a bike. He told me "It's about time you get a job already. You can come work at my place we need you there." I said "now? I'm just headed to school right now i can't go with you."
      He hesitated and said well it's up to you but we could really use you. I said fine. Nevermind school let's go. I was still contemplating in my mind if i really wanted to do this cus he does have a big restaurant now and they almost only serve meat products. Not sure if i'm up for frying them all day.
      Anyway i joined him and the next thing i recall is riding my bike coming from the restaurant's direction towards school. I thought i was with Hassan riding besides me but when i'm thinking of this scene i remember a really big and broad black man riding besides me. Possibly with sunglasses.
      There was something really cool about this guy and when i was riding on the Boschdijk there where youth's from school walking around the sidewalks and i saw a lot of people looking at him in awe.

      I remember fragments of being at school once. Taking a seat in the middle of the class. Alone.
      I was at home and i was telling my mom about my dream with Hassan. I said that he got a job for me. Even tho i only dreamed it im pretty sure he really wants me to work there.

      Then i remember going into class again. We where outside going into a Bus. Our classroom was located in a bus. (not 100% sure.. but i think so, atleast something like a bus) I went to sit next to Inge. One seat behind where i sat last time. Atleast i thought i was going to sit next to her cus then i realized i sat next to another girl and Inge was sitting next to her.
    5. August 16 Bending Fire

      by , 08-16-2011 at 03:16 PM (Dreams of Hash)
      I go lucid in my bros room when something happens with my cat to make it obvious, i get really excited and start running around the house frantically. When i calm myself down i take a good moment to stabilize the dream, rubbing my hands together and controlling my breathing, everything feels really stable and looks good, like waking life, my pinky and ring finger look quite unnatural and sometimes nonexistant, i also rem seeing a random stranger in my house but i just ignored them.

      I quickly try and think of my goals, i actually have a really hard time remembering them in this dream but i finally remember i am supposed to use super powers. I go outside to try to fly, I start flapping my arms like wings and jumping in the air like an idiot, it doesnt work despite trying for quite a lot of dream time, for a moment i was hesitant to act so silly outside but a few more reality checks gave me the confidence.

      After trying for a while i hear someone call me, they say hey. I turn to my right and in my yard is this dude i used to know from high school soccer, frank. He has no legs and is sitting down in the grass with a collection bowl for money. He tells me that to get it to work i have to go visit Arsenal, in england. I had no idea what he meant but i just said ok, when i did i rem seeing a bunch of dudes in arsenal jerseys in my minds eye, when i stop seeing them i am back in my house, while in my house i can hear a song by rishloo playing, cant rem which one but i was jamming to it in the dream.

      I am excited and making a lot of noise, my bro yells at me from his room, i tell him were dreaming, hes no longer upset but starts asking me if i rem dreams like this every night. I told him my recall has been bad lately and not every night. I head into the living room and decide to try and play with some guns. I go get my airsof gun out of the garage and try to imagine its real, i point and shoot it at the back of my house but nothing.

      Next i go into my living room and try to grow dragon wings to fly with, doesnt work no matter how hard i imagine. I rem my bro, who is sitting on the couch now, said i just need to try harder and had some other shapeshifting tips. At this point i decide to try pyrokenesis. When i get the idea i grab a lighter from my pocket, its blue, i light it, i move my hand over and around the flame and then take my hand away from the flame, a flame follows my hand and then goes out. I try again, this time i get a nice flame in my hand and throw a fireball across the room, at my bro who is now sitting on the couch, the firebally was pretty small but when it hit it flared up. It hit his shirt and had no effect on him or the shirt. I continue to bend the fire for a bit.

      I cant rem what but here something causes me to close my eyes and i quickly lose the dream, i think to myself, ok lets just wake up so we can write this down. I focus on waking up and not going into another dream, this starts a quite long

      I remember waking up and its already past 10
      ( i have to do something at 10 today) I am with jessica and we are getting ready to go. Shes telling me about her dreamss and i tell her i had a pretty nice lucid one, i especially mention the succsesful firebend. We are sitting in my living room eating some weird wraps with red tortillas. I keep trying to find a way to write down my lucid dream in the fa. At one point i was gonna write it on some napkins but finally i tell jessica im gonna go get my computer to write it down. I think i may have one other fa after this before finally waking up. Still remembered the lucid quite well though.
      lucid , false awakening
    6. Too many LD's this month

      by , 08-16-2011 at 03:15 PM
      I was outside gathering lettuce for ma. As I went inside, I became lucid inside the kitchen. I tried my best to calm down and observe my surroundings as I attempted dream control. I was looking around and saw fruit on the kitchen island. I walked over to the door leading to the basement and yelled out "I want to go to the forest of Denn!", then I opened the door, and nothing happened. I think I got pissed off that it didn't work, so I walked outside and decided to go through the back woods area. It got really dark over there. I remember seeing police car patrolling this miniparking lot. Lucidity was getting hard to control by now. I walked in the dark area when the policeman left. Another car drove in, and I *MADE the car come out, and a guy say I'm going to rape you, and I said that's fine. Not getting into detail.*I think lucidity was lost after this. But I ended up in this guys house or something with all of his friends. They were doing weird things, like playing duck-duck-goose or something. I was sitting at the corner, just observing the other people fiddling with this thing on the wall. I got bored so I got on the guys computer to finish something, but I saw he was updating Elder Scrolls. Then I decided, eh why not and played the game. I was then IN the game and I had to pick out who I wanted to be (never played It before) but it did look like WoW. I saw a skeleton looking class, the slutty blood elves, etc. I picked the female skeleton. I walkee over to the guy, I guess his account. Everyone was waiting for something. I guess for the tutorial. We began walking someway. This was really weird, because after the tut, I don't remember it, we sat down in this auditorium and the guy next to me said, how come were not clapping. Then a minute later I began clapping and everyone else did. Then something infront of us started and it was this weird animation of a spider, i guess a cartoon spider, rolling up this one famous cartoon. Spongebob or something. Later on I was with Emma Watson and I was Daniel Radcliffe. The red head was there too. We were watching the captain of the other team (still in Oblivion) was getting competetive. We all sat down and watched. The scene looked like a pirate ship, and the guy was wearing a red trench coat. I told Emma to ask him if he killed Voldemort. Something like that. The bleachers then moved and they were going to do a play on Harry Potter. Emma moved up and got a clear view of it, right infront of me. I stayed and listened to the eoementary choir, and oh god they were terrible.
    7. Sing me a Song (task of the month)

      by , 08-16-2011 at 02:57 PM

      I don't know if this is the beginning of the dream, but it's the earliest part of the dream that I can remember. Right away, I know that I am dreaming and that my goal was to complete the basic task of the month before trying to find my dream guide. I am in my room (which is actually messy this time, unlike last time. Much more accurate). I want to go somewhere else, and try to fly, but for some reason am having difficulty. I'm not able to simply start flying, like I usually am, so I decide to go to my "back up" method, which a dream character taught me when I was 5 or 6: I have to throw myself at the ground, and not be afraid of hitting it. (Kind of like that Douglas Adams quote, but I learned this long before I ever read it)It sort of works, but I get stuck hovering a few inches off my floor, and can't really move. I stand up, and try simply jumping. I hover in the air, and have to make some swimming motions to get going, but finally I'm able to fly like normal, and fly through the window. While I'm flying, I remember I need to anchor the dream, so look around at the detail of the shingles on the roof underneath my window, and then at the grass and the trees, rub my hands together, and - because it's so quiet - start singing, until everything feels significantly solid. Rather than trying to go anywhere else, I land in the back yard, where my cat is running around, and take a moment to appreciate the detail - everything is laid out exactly as it is in real life, and when I look down, I can see the detail of every blade of grass (though this isn't quite accurate because our "grass" is actually mostly weeds). I remember the task of the month, and shout

      "I need a Dream Character!"

      No one appears in front of me, so I turn around (a little too fast) and the whole dream crumbles away. Everything is almost black, but I know I'm still dreaming, because I still feel like I'm standing, and I can't feel my real body, so I start singing and rubbing my hands together until things start coming back, and then walking around in a circle, feeling the grass on my feet, until everything is nicely solid again. My cat runs by, and I reach down to pet him, then start walking farther towards the back of my yard. I turn my head, and see a guy with a giant electric lawn mower cutting my neighbour's lawn.

      "Hey, you!"

      He stops the lawn mower as I run over and hop the fence.

      "Sing me a song."

      He looks kind of confused for a minute (and I notice that he kind of looks like Bruce Willis, but not quite), and then..."

      "Um, okay... what would you like to hear? Classical? Rock?"

      "Sing me your very favourite song."

      He gives a huge smile "Okay!" and launches into some kind of jazz song that I don't recognize, but sounds like it must be a real song I had heard somewhere.

      I wonder why my brain came up with that one, since I don't really like the style, and start looking around, wondering how long he's going to be singing, because I really don't want to be here forever.

      A few seconds after I think that, he stops and says, "I only want to do one verse."

      He goes back to his gardening, and I start trying to mess around and make rocks levitate, because in the lucid I had a couple nights before, I was able to make things fly around. But it won't work, no matter how hard I try, and suddenly the dream is gone.

      I catch myself before I start to move, and lie perfectly still. I keep telling myself "I want to find my dream guide" and try to pick someplace that I want to go so I can imagine myself there, and hopefully enter my dream there, but I can't think of anything, and start drifting in and out of hallucinations and dreams.

      Finally, one solidifies, and again, I already know that I'm dreaming. I'm in some kind of military base, with either cement or metal walls, ceiling, and floor. Only the emergency lighting is on, so everything is kind of yellow. I start wondering around, and doors open for me as I approach them. The place seems to be completely deserted. I start anchoring the dream by touching the walls, the floor, rubbing my hands together, rubbing my legs. I put my ear to a wall to try and hear anything, but it is quiet, so I start singing a little bit again.

      I go through another door, to an intersection of a few hallways, and see a DC doing something at an electrical panel, and think "good, I need to get a DC to sing to me," and start to approach him, but then remember I've already done that, and now I'm trying to find my Dream Guide. I turn around, on my left there is a single orange door, and directly in front of my is a double orange door. I put my hands on the door knobs and say,

      "My dream guide is going to be on the other side of these doors."

      I open them, expecting to see the tall, freckled, curly-haired red-head who I saw once and thought might have been my dream guide (though never managed to confirm it because she disappeared too quickly) but don't see anything. It is very dark, so I walk through the doors, and see another set of orange doors - open - a few feet away, and walk through them into a large room with a low ceiling and dim lighting.

      Halfway across the room, I see an asian girl who seems to be standing on stilts.

      "Are you my dream guide?"

      She nods, and starts walking across the room to stand in the corner opposite me, but on the same side as the door. As she is walking, I realize she isn't on stilts, but has abnormally long legs - she was wearing light-coloured knee-high socks that just made it look like she was on stilts.


      She nods, "Yes."

      I start to walk towards her, and almost immediately the dream disappears.

      Once again, I lie perfectly still and picture the room I had just been in, trying to get back to it, but just drift in and out of non-lucids for a while before my alarm goes off, and I finally get frustrated and give up.
    8. The library visit

      by , 08-16-2011 at 02:00 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was in a gray library looking for books. Meh, all i was doing was looking for books

      Soon i heard a frantic voice calling my name repeatedly very loudly. I then woke up.
    9. The Gray Spider

      by , 08-16-2011 at 01:56 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was watching a spider walk around. It was gray and had furrylegs. It wtas about the size of the palm of y hand. It was on my bed. I was just looking at it crawl around.

      I had another dream about a spider but i dont remember it
    10. [LUCID] The Adjustment Bureau

      by , 08-16-2011 at 11:54 AM (The Lion Within)
      I was in a classroom, being taught a lesson, I presume.

      I stood up straight away, realizing that this is a dream, I don't know how I realized. I just stood up and thought 'this is a dream.' I walked over to a door, my class seemed not to have a problem with it. I remembered that I could 'change dream scenes' or as I called it, teleporting. I went through many doors, teleporting to different places, but wandering to the next door without exploring my surroundings. I regret that now, I could have discovered more 'lucid powers.'

      I come to another door, which is the last door I went through, and the only place I could remember. I decided I wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower, not a random place like I have done before. I ended up not directly under the Eiffel Tower, like I had planned. But with the Eiffel Tower a few blocks away, and me next to a river, coming out of a warehouse door, with some French lads opposite me. They taunted me, but I just ignored them and was about to go towards the Eiffel Tower, when...

      My mum woke me up, by getting out of bed and making noise. All I had is a brief recollection of this lucid, which I have patched together and made this story out of.

      I called this 'The Adjustment Bureau' because if anyone has seen the film, they travel through doors to different places, much like changing a scene, or rather dream scene, in my case.

      Updated 08-16-2011 at 11:57 AM by 48818

    11. 8/16/11 Almost No Recall

      by , 08-16-2011 at 09:24 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) Dream of my crush.
      Tags: crush
    12. Totm :)

      by , 08-16-2011 at 08:34 AM
      I DID IT- for the first time
      OK the dream started in my house where I was having a party with all my friends. I go into my bathroom to do something and end up acidentally drrinking shampoo instead of beer I am then in a weird clinically clean white place and still not lucid. I start talking to a young boy who is walking beside me and he tells me he put the shampoo into my dream on purpose to make me lucid- and him telling me this does make me lucid! He also tells me there are dream characters who want to keep me trappeed in my mind and I see them leaving. One is a pinched looking woman and I cannot remember what the other looked like. The kid tells me that I can leave my mind now, and shows me a door leading to outside, which is a quaint village. I step out the door, but decide to change my mind and try to teleport somewhere else. The kid closes the door and I focus on the inside of a volcano (no particular reason) but I can still see through the windows and when the doors open nothing has changed. I try again, looking away from the window and when it opens it is a indian restaurant with a fountain with lights in the middle, the candles illuminating the areas that I had imagined to be glowing lava. I walked through, around the fountain and saw loads of plates of food, which reminds me that I want to eat something in my dream. I decide to teleport somewhere else where there is simpler tasting food. as I walk up the stairs I consider the simplest solution, MacDonalds, where I could get some chips. suddenly, all the DC's behind me start singing the macdonalds song (which really irritates me) Without realising I have compleated the TOTM I turn around and glare at them. I say to one of my friends, 'I will have to think of something a bit more original now'. Irritated by my friends I try to teleport by myself by ripping a potal in the fabric of reality, but before I can I wake up.

      This was a dream full of firsts for me, teleportation (on my private dream tasks), TOTM (even if it was unintentionall) and the boy who told me he was trying to release me from my mind- I'm not sure what I think of dream guides, but...I guess I will have to see if I see him again. I think that he was a younger version of me, maybe from a time when I was less cynical
    13. Ejecting Cable Car

      by , 08-16-2011 at 08:31 AM
      This dream was like an animated adventure film. It was a lot like logorama. I repeatedly told myself I wanted to have a dream like lograma.

      Everything is kushti I'm walking with characters from Regular Show and I'm Mordecai. We're in New York and getting into a cable car. For some reason the cable car has an eject unit on the side. I'm not lucid at this point but it is wierd.

      Something happens and then we get off at the cable car station. There is an evil cat and he wants to take over the world by throwing people out of cable cars. Me,Rigby and some white bird go back to foil his evil plan we went into the car and fought him. We then ejected him but it wasn't over. I was lucid now but the story was too good so I forgot about controlling the dream. Rigby mostly saved the day by throwing himself at the cat.

      We foiled his plan by capturing him and taking him to the station (I think).
    14. An old town Pt 2.

      by , 08-16-2011 at 07:59 AM

      I do a reality check and i'm at the same town as i was in my last dream.i touch the wall and want to run on it lol , but i look at the sky , it has a few clouds , i focus on the clouds and it becomes very vivid , then i see tall mountains with snowy peaks in the distance .I see the wall again and want to run on it to get on the top of the building.The dream ends.
    15. An old town

      by , 08-16-2011 at 07:53 AM

      I do a reality check and i look around.I'm one step in my fathers car,which is parked in a parking lot .I see a town in a distance and my dream starts to fade out , but i start spinning around and i'm back again.This time the town is not too far away, so i start walking towards it.I start jumping high and there is a tree, which has red berries on it.I run , jump and run my hand through thick layer of small branches , they had spikes on them..It actually hurt.I want to run faster and in a second i'm near the town.I stand by a church and want to try to fly, i just jump and stay in the air , i have little control of it.I want to find a celebrity in this town , first one that comes in my mind is Emma Watson lol , i know i need to imagine her standing somewhere or something , i see a little girl coming and telling me something and i ignore her.I go inside big , but old house , something like an old post office.I go into a hall and my dream ends.