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    1. 15th Shared Dreaming Attempt - AnimusMessor179's Dream

      by , 08-08-2011 at 04:11 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Animus' Dream

      Just notes today. D:

      1) Phasing and TK through a tent city. I'm from a family of mages or psychics?

      2) Outside my old high school at night, kiss K. She doesn't really react.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. 8/7/11 Lucid! But Little Recall

      by , 08-08-2011 at 04:04 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      Just notes today. D:

      1) Phasing and TK through a tent city. I'm from a family of mages or psychics?

      2) Outside my old high school at night, kiss crush. She doesn't really react.

      Updated 08-28-2011 at 09:31 AM by 29474

      Tags: high school
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. 08/07/11

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:54 AM (Dreamscapes)
      Was about to do shrooms with some weird people when a fat kid bit my foot. I freaked out as a started running. He was chasing me. I started doing flips and running around. I knew it was a dream and would do fun things like change into mArio and do flips and change who was chasing me. I punched the guy in the face. It was super funny to me. I tried not to wake up but failed.
    4. Ticks and Seduction

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:22 AM (Sithis's Dream Archives)
      August 7th, 2011

      I have a hard time remembering things from tonight. Things seem a little vague, although I did have four distinct dreams. My sense of time sometimes gets messed up as far as when certain dreams took place. I think first I was home, and my aunt and cousin were here (again). My mom brought home chicken that she was cooking legs that she was cooking on huge racks hidden underneath the kitchen counter. She was eating one and I noticed it had an interesting color. Some of the meat was purple. I said to her "Mom, that meat is still pink" and she said "What? No it isn't." She looked directly at it and kept eating. Feeling grossed out, I went upstairs to see my computer screen at an awkward angle. It said "You've successfully called google" which was confusing. That was the equivalent of a skype call, but I hadn't been on my computer. I walked out and hear Chason say from my speakers "Oh! Sloan's not wearing any pants!" and it was quite true. I was in my underwear, but it wasn't the archetypal dream where I was horribly embarrassed because of it, I was actually somewhat proud of it because he admired my body. I moved my screen and saw my friends all at someone else's house, and for whatever reason, they all began to take their clothes off. I crossed my legs awkwardly to avoid it being apparent that I was somewhat excited at the sight of some of my attractive friends in less than what would be considered appropriate attire for company. I moved away after the clothes came back on, and tried to eat some of the chicken from downstairs. It was okay, and I ate around the undercooked parts, but I just wasn't hungry. My mom stormed in unexpectedly and took all of the uneaten legs.
      Next I remember being at a house with Roberta, who I have only met once on Samhain. She introduced me as a member of her coven, which I guess is true. Something happened and I ended up near a car with two other guys looking for someone. It was a misty morning, but it wasn't raining. The grass was just wet and the air had that very velvety wet feel to it. The house sat perched halfway off of a steep hill, not so steep that one would die if they fell, but it would certainly take you for a tumble. Nothing else about the dream is clear, or it may have ended there.
      Then I was in the woods, the cross country trails behind the school to be exact, and was sprinting around off the beaten path. I can't remember if I was going somewhere or just being a ninja. I realized shortly before I finished this that it was still tick season and I was likely crawling with them. I went to a nearby pond that was pretty shallow and swam around in it, trying to get the ticks off. I looked back and saw six or seven big ones floating where they had come from my body. Thoroughly grossed out, I got out of the pond.
      This next part is connected but separate. I went to Sean's house. He was very highly strung for some reason, almost a stereotypical vampire, ironically. I said "I don't mean this sexually, but can you check my scalp for ticks?" (I very much enjoy having my scalp and hair touched.) He didn't say anything, but pulled me over to him and whipped me around. He started to run his fingers through my hair and kiss my neck, and while I wasn't complaining, I had a fleeting memory of his boyfriend and what kind of drama this would cause if it didn't stop. As if by reading my mind, he stopped and whipped me around, but seemed irritated. This almost seems like passive dream-control I may have been exerting in my attempt to get lucid before bed. He said "This is going to hurt" and made an L shape with his right hand. He slammed it against the right side of my face, then the left side, and then the middle. I was afraid he was going to break my nose, but it only registered as a light slap. I was watching from a third person perspective. When I was back watching things from my own body, I went around his house, but I wasn't doing anything meaningful. Memories of exactly what are faint as this was close to my awakening. I was getting increasingly irritated with things he saying that were so holier-than-thou I was shocked, it wasn't like him. I finally woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Playing Video Games with my Nemesis

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:19 AM (Sithis's Dream Archives)
      I was in my own home, but it was quite larger than it actually is. David was over for some reason and we were on my computer upstairs. A large black man who seemed extremely dull and slow of wit was waddling around doing chores. He was morbidly obese. David went downstairs to play video games. I didn't want to tear his throat out and we were actually talking, so that was my first clue to do a reality check, though I didn't.. I went on Newgrounds, which was a small computer program encasing a forum. There was political stuff there, one tab beginning with an I that meant extremism. There were only three posts there, one called "Hey" and another said "another real teachers?" The computer was in this huge auditorium. I went to the living room, which was dimly lit and I got the impression someone else was watching us. David and I played Oblivion, with his character a modded Scamp that could use a sword, and me using a two-handed claymore. I asked what combat mod he was using, and he said something akin to "the green path" or something. I got him on the stairs which gave me the advantage, and I broke his sword, then decapitated him. Satisfied with my victory, I left. When I got upstairs I went into my mom's room and the black man waddled in with a huge armload of laundry. He put it down and began folding it to put it away. I said "Man, when I heard you coming...I thought you were coming to beat my ass." I have no idea why I said it. He smiled and said "I'm a lot stronger than him (David)" and I felt extremely stupid. I thought that he must have thought I was some annoying, naive, innocent little kid. When I caught a glimpse of myself smiling in a mirror, I just felt more dumb. I went into my room and woke up.
      Trying to LD a half hour after, I had a dream I was at the ice cream shop with Maddison and some friends. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. A black cop with a mustache asked about some officers, and we thought was talking to us, but he was talking to another cop. I felt a little anxious about that because I really don't like cops. I talked with someone while Maddison had an animated conversation with Will behind Pierces after.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Abduction From the Neighborhood Creep

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:16 AM (Sithis's Dream Archives)
      August 5th, 2011

      I was in my aunt's home. I ran away for reasons I can't remember, something about being discovered even though I was allowed to be there. Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian from the Fresh Prince came home (I had been watching it before I fell asleep to relax), and I had to leave even though I was Will (the cousin, so to speak). I ran out the back door, which led to Taylor's old backyard and seemed like his trailer, and got to the driveway. I failed the first time and everything just started over again. One of the cars was a blue SUV. When I finally got there, it was my aunt's driveway, and I ran around the streets for awhile. At this point I was myself again. It was nighttime. I found a run-down house with a girl outside and made friends with her. I don't recall anything I said or anything we did except for run around her yard.
      Next I was at the docks and ginger Josh was there. I was watching him, thinking how creepy he was. I ended up going to the docks for some reason and accidentally getting in a boat with him. I was now a middle-aged man. I was very concerned because he immediately sped away and I didn't want to get raped. His voice changed and he said something that made me trust him. I knew at once he was a secret agent. I said "Meko?" and he said "Yes, Neko." Neko was my codename.
      We came to a place where some form of leader was. I had to be searched before I could go in. I was viewing this from a third person perspective. I ended up placing my sleeves together with my hands inside because that was the safest way for them to be sure I wouldn't pull a weapon. As I approached my own vantage point, I woke up.
    7. Cultural Meldings and a Military Girl

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:14 AM (Sithis's Dream Archives)
      August 4th, 2011

      I had a dream Jessica and my Aunt Val were living somewhere and I wanted to take Smooches there, although I don't remember why. I had planned to stuff her in my backpack and bring her there. They showed up at my house and I went outside instead. Jess opened the door with this big smile. She stole Smooches from my backpack without me noticing and I called her a little rascal.
      When I went outside, I saw Kelsea throwing a football against a wall repeatedly. I screamed "Kelsea!" and ran over to hug her, but she didn't seem all that pleased to see me. She said "Oh, hi," and coldly took the hug without returning it. I said "What's wrong?" and she said "Nothing. I DO have to learn to throw, though." She was talking about the military. I told her that it was good to see her and she had a conniption.
      She started crying and being angry, not towards me, but about being in the military. I walked with her while she screamed about it, saying it wasn't her fault, and saying that it wasn't even her choice to go.
      We ended up walking down the second parking lot here in the apartments where it led to docks. We sat down and I held her while she cried. I felt very strong attraction to her, it may have even been love. I remember her saying "I'm sick of being in pain from my eyes to my toes!"
      Then I was a commando sort of thing, and Kelsea was still Kelsea. We were Japanese warriors and she laid down in a bed. Feeling bold, I laid down with her, and she unstrapped her shirt while we cuddled. She had pierced nipples for some reason. I was pretty proud of myself, and it was nice to be laying down next to her. We were worried about a government official or the police seeing us, so every time we'd hear something suspicious, I'd get out of bed. There were two false alarms and one time when a cop did pass, but he looked like a London 1950s cop.
      I ended up in the attic of an old house with some other commandos. There was a sense of camaraderie and I knew them all. The one fresh in my mind was a black guy, a pilot, who looked a little bit like the :O guy on that picture.
      Next thing I know, someone was attacking the house and town, so I run outside with them and see hordes of people running to this island submarine. It was far too large to actually submerge. People were afraid and nobody knew who exactly was attacking, and I was swept up in the frenzy. All I knew was that I had to get back to Kelsea no matter what. I started swinging this knife I had around and killed several people. Other people were fighting with each other indiscriminately. When I realized what I had done, I stopped fighting but didn't feel guilty or bad at all. I found Kelsea and saw that she was unconscious, so I picked her up and ran much faster than is humanly possible to the sub.
      She woke up when we got there, but I had to go fight the enemy that was coming. I got in this elevator that was a platform sinking into the ground, and Kelsea leaned over the edge to watch me go. She was crying. I blew her a kiss, but she looked away as I did and I don't think she saw it.
      I don't remember any of the fighting, but I remember being in a base, the basement of the base, trying to call her. I kept getting static. Eventually I got a message "You've reached 655-somethingsomething and a string of evil fishies!" I was very happy. Next we heard on the radio that the ship had been hit and was going under, and a reactor was going to explode.
      The crisis would take several hours, but there was no escape for the people onboard for some reason. I remember getting a sense of deja-vu, that I'd done this before (I think I've dreamed it before) but woke up before anything else happened.
      Other things I remember:
      Kissing her several times, one of them with me disconnecting early and it being awkward
      Her lips felt very strange, almost dry but not unpleasant either
      I had much stronger feelings for her in my dream than I do in real life
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Burning Lucid

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:11 AM (Sithis's Dream Archives)
      August 3rd, 2011

      Awoke in beige room. My skin was on fire, so I said out loud, "I want my skin to stop burning!" and it mostly stopped but still smoldered a bit. I rubbed my face to help me ground myself when I felt a slip. I opened a door into a hallway. There was nothing in there, but I walked through and tried to find things. The walls started bending so I rubbed my face to bring me back.
      I wanted to fight something, so I turned a corner and said "Big scary demon!" but nothing came out. A few seconds later I heard some noises and footsteps, and a monster came out. It was a large monster that was also skin colored. I fought it by tearing the pipe from behind a door and fighting him with it. Everything was moving sluggishly, but I was able to will everything to move a bit faster.
      Other monsters appeared behind me as I was fighting it, a Black Widow spider with the upper torso of a woman. I was knocked back and a message popped up that said "You are wasting your precious little time!"
      Next thing I knew I was in an operating room, but it was barren except for the operating table. There were doctors surrounding the table, all bent over and faceless. This is when I started to lose control. I wanted to try more control and possibly dream sex, so I first thought Maddison, and then switched to Jacob. In the upper right corner of my vision at all times were symbols implying surgical tools I could use, like a video game, although I had no interest in cutting anyone open.
      The nondescript humanoid that appeared before me was the size of a very small action figure, big enough to fit into my hand.
      I completely lost the dream and said "You're going to die by my tits..." and then woke up.
      Before this, although my sense of time makes it seem after or even during, I was in a room with a bunch of older girls after exploring a beach-front house a bit. In the dream, I was trying to sleep (much like real life) and everyone was bothering me (much like real life). Justin came over and sat on a couch I was trying to sleep on, so I got up and left. I walked into a room with a TV and something else on a desk, tripped and fell, and narrowly avoided it crushing me even though I got the sense that it was weightless. I went into another room and saw Tatiana sleeping on an oddly placed cot between a coffee table, couch and chair. I had said to Justin previously "This is Tatiana's mom's house, you know," and for some reason he found that amusing. I wondered where Kevin was. After this, I went back to lay down and Justin was gone. Where he'd been I smelled fart, quite strongly. I pulled the sleeping bag I was using in both real life and the dream over me when a bunch of older girls came in the room.
      They were all friends, even though most of them never spoke and I can't even remember their faces. Sable was telling them all a story when Katy came over and pushed me, but she was very strong, even though she was being playful. I got up, not caring about my previous insecurity, and as soon as I walked through a door got a blue Sims-like pop up message that said utter nonsense. There weren't even any whole words. I then became lucid.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 02/28/10

      by , 08-08-2011 at 02:04 AM
      02/28/10 (Non-lucid)


      1.The principle at my school decides to tear down the old school to build a new one. Shippuden Naruto & Sakura and Toshiro Hitsugaya were in charge of using the machine to tear the old school down. I came along and somehow locked them inside the machine and it malfunctioned destroing everything in it's way. Knowing the three of them were going to beat me up when they escaped I ran and hid in the bathroom. Then I noticed a hidden underground passege behind one of the toilets. I went down to find Ed,Edd,&Eddy playing on a PS3.Eddy says they hide here when the kids chase after them. After a while I heard Sakura yell out angrliy. We sent Ed to distract them while I escaped only to have him point out I was escaping. It is implied they beat the snot out of me.
    10. Sentis' book of brain induced illusions.

      by , 08-08-2011 at 01:44 AM
      My new online dream journal
    11. School Battle

      by , 08-08-2011 at 01:33 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a school. There are battles. Dinosaur-types of creatures. Using tail to smash things. There was a small yellow and black bus in front of me. I almost hit it, and found it's filled with school children. Grateful I missed it.

      I was with parents and their kids. Looks like high school kids. Talking cheesy stuff. Sis and mom were there. Sis talked on the mic, but still being her usual angry self.
    12. The worm

      by , 08-08-2011 at 12:52 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      So I had just come out of the mail pickup location in the town centre, and was walking around. It was a nice summer day. I was wearing shorts. I noticed that my knee had a white spot on it surrounded by scarred tissue. I looked closer, it was moving. I freaked out. I started handling the thing like popping a zit for some reason, and with that, a long one millimetre long worm was slowly coming out of the spot. Freaked out even more when it curled around my index finger, and I saw the small teeth the head of it had. I picked up a stick from the ground and wrapped it around that for now. The dream ended about halfway through the extraction process.
      Tags: gross, worm
    13. 15th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Burke's Dream

      by , 08-08-2011 at 12:09 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Burke's Dream

      (Didn't get lucid last night but i did have an interesting dream, though i was on vacation and forgot to bring a DJ so i forgot like the first hald )

      I was driving in a valley surrounded by two mountains but the grass was cut short and clean all the way to the bottom of the hills. I noticed the town i was driving through seemed deserted, no people, no animals, nothing. I pulled into a moderate sized house and looked inside. There was nobody there, and on the door was a note saying something about snakes. I noticed that there were signs about snakes everywhere. Apparently most, if not, all, of the town has been wiped out by these venemous snakes.

      I continued down the road and pulled into yet another house. I walked around the back and entered through the back door. I saw a man and what looked like his daughter sitting at the table. I walked up to him and asked him to tach me about forensics (lol?). He said yes, but only if i killed the snakes. So i agreed.

      I walked out and drove down to another neighborhood, but this one was extremely nice. I stopped on a slight hill and pulled up on the side of the road and noticed two skinny little things crawling on the ground which i figured were the snakes. I got out and grabbed a stick to try and catch the snake with. When i got close to them they seemed more like worms than snakes. They were very skinny (no more than a quarter of an inch thick) and only like a foot long.

      I walked up behind on and attempted to push it down with the stick, but i missed it by like 5 feet . Then the snakes turned at me and started chasing me! I back up as quick as i could toward the road but it seemed to always catch up to me. It was only like 1 foot long but i seemed to think it could reach like 5 feet. Once the snake was like 2 feet away from me it launched itself at me and I woke up .

      Updated 08-08-2011 at 12:13 AM by 26034

    14. Shared Dreaming attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 08-07-2011 at 11:59 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Non-attempt days and not related to Chichen-Itza, posting because of the seeming "ghost" and possible "bus" connection.

      Kumara's Dream
      08/04/2011 Thursday morning

      ***I remember dreaming in a dream, maybe lucid dreaming in a dream…

      Dream 1 – (early in the night I think) I was in “my grandmother’s room” (IWL never seen before). A bed was to my right. Something about having a blanket that I was holding all four corners of, and the “ghost” (was like an unseen force) had filled the blanket and was pulling me up, over the bed. I was fighting it to bring it back down and not get pulled away. I managed to do that, and was back on the bed…something about a small stack of books on the bed.

      I moved around maybe, and discovered that D was under the covers trying to sleep. I apologized or felt bad, that I had all that going on over him while he was in bed. There was more, that’s all I remember.

      Dream 2 – I was sitting on what I thought was a bus, seemed like Seattle, with rows of people in front, behind and to my right. A couple of guys were on my right, and I watched one of them pull a didgeridoo out of a cover, while inserting a cardboard tube (like a wrapping paper tube) into the center of it. I was wondering why he was doing that, and he cut and spread the bottom of the tube in the bottom of the didj. I thought that he was doing that so someone else could play and not get their spit all in his didj.

      One of them began playing, and a window like a puppet theater opened in front of us. “They” were putting on an “art” show for us on the bus. I wondered if we were moving, and if everyone was okay with just waiting on the bus and if anyone was concerned about being on time.

      I noticed at some point that the seats were now more like chairs, like the sort of egg-shaped melamine chairs with metal legs.

      The show was a couple of guys showing various things. At first I saw them show a couple of big mushrooms, that looked like paper mache. Then some crazy visuals, I remember in particular a big copier spinning around behind the guy, as some kind of filler until the rest of the show was ready.

      Someone said something like, “You don’t have your line ready yet?” and a woman scrambled to get her part of the show ready. Then I was behind the scenes, and whatever got plugged in, and there was something like a doctor’s examine table in front of me, and three women who were maybe not real, made of plastic-like stuff, somersaulted from and over the examine table and skipped off to my right. I think one was hot pink, one was cyan, and one was yellow.


      There was a "ghost" to my left, that was pulling on me and sucking me into it.
      I experienced the dream ghost as a feeling of powerlessness and uncomfortable tingling like when a funny bone gets hit.

      My dream dad was in the room (kind of like my dad, only much kinder, younger, healthier). Maybe we were talking.

      I was now turned toward the "ghost", and DD on my left. The ghost was sucking me in headfirst, and the feeling of paralysis was spreading from my upper body down, and I was rising off the floor "into" the ghost.

      My dream dad gently pulled me down and out and away from the ghost.


      I dreamed that a "ghost", an invisible being, was pressing on my belly. I was powerless and couldn't fight it off, it was annoying and painful and I couldn't do anything about it. I finally managed to turn over and the ghost started pressing me on the other side, and kind of batting me. I couldn't move, I couldn't swat at it, and it was annoying like a fly, in the way it was pressing on me and wouldn't leave me alone. I tried to yell at it, and had no voice.

      This went on for a while, until I managed to stand up and open a door and walk out. Up to that point, the scene was just like my room IWL, but the door in the dream was to the left of where my bedroom window is IWL, and there was a frame of a screen door. The ghost tried to keep me from opening the door, I went in and out of feeling powerless and paralyzed, and finally opened the door and stepped outside.

      I could feel the wind catch the ghost and it began to dissolve and float away with the wind. It tried to get back into the apartment and close the door, but I held the door firm and felt more of it that had been wrapped around me fall away and dissolve. I think my voice returned then, too. Then I woke up.

      After I woke up, I got up and moved around. My stomach hurt, so I put some hot water on the stove to make some ginger tea, then decided as a symbolic act of acting out my dream I would open my front door and step outside...I stepped outside for a few moments, then came back in and heard a loud POP! and the sound of breaking glass....I had turned the wrong burner on and exploded a pyrex dish left on the stove. It felt like a release of energy, related to releasing the ghost or something. I also realized if I hadn't gone to open the front door I would have been in the kitchen when the glass exploded, it was ALL OVER the kitchen.
    15. 15th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Windhover

      by , 08-07-2011 at 11:38 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Windhover's Dream

      bad recall again
      I was at the apartment. 2 dogs: regular sized bronze colored dog, small white dog they try to eat flowers I brought
      I threw flowers over the veranda and the dogs jumped out of porch
      they died