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    1. 8-7-2011

      by , 08-07-2011 at 10:06 PM
      Allen, leo, and I lived in a giant white house that was like a wharehouse. Some parts of it were indoors and some were out. We had a giant gym with a huge basketball court. Allen had many friends that were at the basketball court with him. Allen looked short next to his monster sized friends which is strange since he is 6'5. His friends were all at least 7 ft tall with huge hands and fat heads. They all demanded that I start making them sandwiches but I was overwhelmed and not sure we had enough supplies to feed all these beast. I was happy to see allen though so excited to play basketball with his new friends. I began to explore the giant house. Leo came up to me and told me dina was in the house somewhere. I was excited that she had arrived and I wanted to find her. I began to crawl through a maze of chairs stacked on top of eachother. I finally made it to what seemed to he a massive garage filled with random shit. Sure enough dina was there. She brought along with her was a pet cat. I was so happy that we could now have a cat in the family. I stated hugging the cat and making small talk with dina. Then I noticed olga there. She too decided to move in. She brought with her a TON of random shit forge house like a white dinner table with all different colored chairs and home made chair cushions. They looked like an old lady made them but I thought it was sweet of her and I thanked her.
    2. 8-6-2011

      by , 08-07-2011 at 10:05 PM
      Me, allen, and leo, and some made up dream characters were sitting in a white living room. We could see outside that their were christians going door to door singing and spreading the word of christ. We obviously wanted nothing to do with it. I ran to the door and tried to lock it. The christians got there before me. They put their hands in the door way and started to walk inside. I told them to leave and they started to sing about how I need to be a christian and I was super annoyed. I sat and talked to them for a bit, much of the conversation I forgot. Finally they agreed to leave. I told them to have a nice day spreading christ love and they laughed. I dead bolted the door as they left.

      *memory laps* me and allen are in my car, im driving. The road is windy and there are huge green trees close to the road. The forest is dense on either side of me. I think allen and I are having a mild argument.

      *memory laps* I am looking out the window at the shop. There is a tiny house across the street. Todd claims its his new house. I keep wanting a better look at it but my vision is slightly blurred. I decide to walk outside to get a closer look and I watch it get bulldozed down.

      *memory laps* I am looking in the mirror at myself. I open my mouth. My teeth all look like black pearls. They are shiny and glowing slightly. I was really upset. Why had my teeth gone black? I though that I should bleach them asap and I wondered if other people would notice them
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Multiverse traveling.

      by , 08-07-2011 at 09:38 PM
      "It may not have been a lucid dream. But damn it was fun."

      My dream more less started out with me hanging around in the bottom end of some local mall and I was in a waiting room with a group of people (don't know what, but who cares). I was at the But End Of Space bored out of my mind, So I flip out my iPod and start surfin' through songs, when I notice a yellow sticky note on the ground. It has a phone number on it. So without even thinking I begin entering this phone number in my iPod (sure why not, I knew something was wrong but I went along with it :/) and as soon as press enter, wham, everything starts going all weird as hell warped & distorted, and then next thing I know I'm in a grocery store! Not even a moment goes by before I realize that I have just traveled to a different universe/ moment in time. So what do I do while I'm here? Only one thought went through my mind at that moment in time: "LET THE TROLLING BEGIN!" *queue Trololo* Apparently I was invisible in the universe but I didn't care I was about to cause massive havoc to the store. To name a few, I was throwing food at people, stealing peoples carts and making crazy announcements with the store speakerphone (I believe I even started singing trololo at one point.) (to further get an idea of what I did, check out this guide of 50 fun things to do in a store here). While in the midst of my trolling I noticed in the produce section right between some radishes another sticky note. This one had another phone number on it (the first four digits I remember being 4189). I quickly whip out the iPod, enter the numbers, and press the enter button. Next thing I know, I'm back in my own house & it's night time. I grab myself a drink & relax a little before i decide to go back for one more round of trolling. I do just that, have some fun and then I call it a night. I head home and go to sleep...only to wake up. It may not have been a lucid dream, but damn it was fun. It still felt pretty vivid and at moments I found myself questioning certain things in the dream aspect.
    4. Angry Reality Check

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:47 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-21-11
      Length: 3 Minutes
      Vividness: 6/10

      I was walking along a snow covered path with the Mexican guy with long hair from my P.E. class. He was talking about how he had a group of people sitting at a table, and he saw one of them do a reality check. He said that he walked over to him and asked him if he was dreaming. He told me that the guy said he gets angry whenever he does a reality check.
      At this point, the guy I'm walking with begins to run towards a little shack not too far away. I start running as well.
      "He gets angry?" I asked.
      And he kind of laughs and says yes. The guy in my P.E. class walks into the shack and grabs some tissues. He brings it to his face and says, "I love it when the bogies run down my face".
      This weirds me out a little, but I make nothing of it. We walk out the other side of the shack and walk around a corner where a bunch of Mexican girls are standing. They looked at me kind of weird, as though I don't belong, and then I woke up.

    5. (Aug 6- Aug 7) HVAC Shark Squad! NOLD DF

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:43 PM
      I tried telling myself i would have a vivid dream, and that I would become lucid. Well I did have a vivid dream, which was very unusual...

      HVAC Shark Squad:
      So I'm coming out of my car in a gas station, I see my coworkers; Scotty, Christy?? and some man i can't recall. They're all wearing the same shirt, which is a orangy, tangerine color, with a sharks mouth wide open, and on the shirt it has the year, and HVAC written. Christy says to Scotty "Why did you just blink?" and Scotty is attempting to give a detailed reason, and i'm thinking "I blinked because i would have to blink?" (this may have been a test question to see if you could join the squad) then i woke up.

      I also recall a dream involving my mom...and it was down pouring outside.

      Dream Signs: Seeing my coworkers out of work
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. The Weird Restaurant in China

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:42 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-19-11
      Length: 1 Day
      Vividness: 6/10

      I was at some museum in China and when I came out of the exit, I hugged some random old lady. She looked at me weird and said "I don't even know you", then walked away.
      My mom, my sisters, and I drove back home and my mom was trying to be slutty with some clothes she bought 0.o
      We drove to some pizzeria place and ate some dinner, everyone but me left. Everything became a Zork style gameplay, where I had to type in commands. I picked up some cooking stuff and read something. It said there was a robber at GameStop. I knew it was close by, so I took a shortcut up through a back alley way.
      There was a pipe I couldn't walk up, so I climbed like a badass. I believe it was covered in ice as well.
      I got to one point and saw the robber coming the opposite direction. I knew he was going to try to rob the restaurant. I was going to use the command "fight ___ with ___".
      My dream slipped to this guy who looked exactly like Davis, and he was talking about video games. He was driving in a car, way too fast, and other people were in there too. The dream ended.

    7. fragment 05-18-11

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:33 PM (I Have a Problem)
      My friend Cheryl wrote my other friend Jeremie a love note.
      Tags: friend, love, writing
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. fragment 05-16-11

      by , 08-07-2011 at 08:32 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Marin using my shaver for her arm hair.
    9. 15th shared dreaming attempt every987's dream

      by , 08-07-2011 at 07:54 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      every987 dream

      I'm at my school. It's the start of the year. The group of us in enhanced classes have to live at the school. The first day starts off and all of our scheduals are different then their supposed to be. Were confused but the day passes. That night when we all meet in the giant room we share we talk about what's happening. In the morning were awoken by a strange women telling us to get on a bus. We do and were taken to a massive pool. She tells us to swim laps and that we need to be at our peak physically as well as mentally. We start to swim lengths trying to catch up to a blonde who is a swimmer. Someone hits me and I go underwater. The boy grabs me and helps me up. I tell him I'm fine. Once we swim the number of lengths they tell us to, we start to talk bout being ticklish. Everyone know's I have one spot that affects me but they don't know where. The blonde boy gets it on the first guess and goes straight for my stomach. We fight in the water and have fun. We get taken back to our room at the school. We find out that the woman is from some organization who wants to kill everyone but us. As were drying off I talk to chantal a girl I've never spoken to at school. I discover we have more in common than I thought and we get a long well. We dry off and change into our uniforms for the day. I'm missing my school kilt. I go to english class where a cute guy starts to talk to everyone. I sit there and work. This isn't the class I'm supposed to be in. When it's get's to fourth period we decide to go to guidance and get it fixed. The teachers are all having a huge meeting and ignore us. There talking about who gets a promotion. When I go to gym the pool looks different. I realize that the group that took us away earlier are going to attack here and take the pool. I back out of the room and run off to get the others in the group. We watch as an alien ship breaks in through the window and attacks everyone. We recognize the women from before. My dream recall stop after here.

      Updated 08-07-2011 at 11:22 PM by 26034

    10. 15h shared dreaming attempt - ReachingfortheDream's dream

      by , 08-07-2011 at 07:49 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      ReachingfortheDream's dream

      I was sitting on a couch in this random room. My sister was there with two other random guys, and we were all watching TV. The room was quite big, had beige and sandy colored walls, and lots of big windows with white panes and shutters. It was quite luxurious. It seemed to be daytime as the sunlight was glowing through the window.

      There was this random guy on my right side, he seemed to be a bit of a gino. He had his hair done up, gold chains, was wearing a tanktop, and was buff and tanned and whatnot. I thought he looked like an asshole. He kept trying to hit on me. At some point he was touching my arm, another time my hair, another time grabbing my hand. I remember getting up and doing something, and then going back to sit on the couch between the two guys. That guy took my hair and wrapped it around his arm. I was pretty creeped out. Then it ended.
    11. A Case of Copyright Infringement (Someone stole mah musik!!)

      by , 08-07-2011 at 07:05 PM
      To explain before i dig into this particular dream, here are some variables that inspired it:

      -I've recently been working together with two of my friends to assemble an electronica group (one with DJ experience, one with rock band experience, and I, the guy with hip-hop experience), and we've made considerable headway, with a few songs nearly finished! Its a very exciting project for me, and I plan on rocking peoples face off with it!

      -Last night, I spent the night with my friends going clubbing, as a friend celebration for my recent birthday! Was an awesome time!



      I found myself in a nightclub, hanging out with a number of my friends. How the building was set up, I was lingering in the bar area, which was a long room stretching north to south, with the bar lining the long end on the west. There was an exit to the south, but there was also a doorway at the upper end of the west wall past the bar leading into the dance floor and concert hall. The stage took up the northern 3rd of the room, while everyone else were located within the lower 2/3rds, which was the dancefloor. ... I was sitting at a barstool, with a drink in my hand, talking to a cute girl, enjoying myself,... along with music playing in the background,... when I hear the music change...

      ... into something extremely familiar!

      I gaze over and realize what just started playing, and a look of pure confusion took my expression. I immediately set my drink down, and brushed past people in approach of the dancefloor. I look on stage and notice two guys, both in white logo'd shirts and caps, one of them wearing a pair of stunner shades, plugging away at synthesizers, a DJ turntable set, and a laptop. The entire time, I have this look of pure distress, knowing that the music they were playing was mine! ... I ended up going to several people, some friends, some not, and yelling to them through the loud music that that wasn't their music! They stole mine and my friends music! ... On top of that, the main song they played was an unfinished song, which the liars on-stage apparently decided to re-arrange and finish,... so not only did they steal my music, but they CHANGED it.

      I end up confronting them after their set, first acting like a fan giving props to them, and THEN going right to the throat by telling them "Y'know. That music sounds pretty damn familiar. Know why? Cause thats MY music! ... Yeah! ... So you best stop what you're doing right now before shit gets ugly!"

      They retorted back at me, saying things like "We changed it man! Its ours!", and "Nobody knows who you are? Who's gonna care?". At one point, one of them looked to their counterpart, and started saying "What do you think man? Is this music going to sell or what?" ... the other one saying ... "Yeah man! This track is bangin'! We're going to make some mad sales with this sound!"

      The rest of the dream seemed to be me, trying to think through exactly WHEN they could have stolen the music from us. It seemed to make NO sense, since none of our music was mixed down to MP3 or was anywhere outside the confines of my own computer. And so I really could do nothing but ride the confusion right on into waking.


      I wonder if there was some message to take from this dream. Perhaps paranoia of a really bad, but unlikely scenario? Perhaps a re-enforcement of how great I think our music is thus far? ... (Unfortunately, since we IRL have nothing ready for public ears, it may be hard for you to paint the image correctly without an example.)
    12. 15th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 08-07-2011 at 07:04 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's dream

      I was driving home from work, and chichen-itza popped into my head, I became lucid and realized i had to drive to chichen-itza to meet up with fellow dream sharers, so i got home, packed the car full of stuff and started driving, i got to a small cafe/bar and grill/ hotel type place with multiple separate cabins that were miniature chichen-itzas! on the top of each mini itza, the stairs on each side of the mini itzas led to a deck typer porch with chairs and a table. behind the mini itzas just over the tree tops i could see the actual chichen-itza, i decided to go inside the bar/cafe place and see if anyone else had arrized before me. i walked up to the bar and saw a blonde middle aged lady behind the bar and i asked if any fellow dream sharers had arrived before me... she said not today yet, they were all here yesterday! she asked if i wanted a drink or a beer and a pyramid for the night..i said, sure, i can go to itza in the morning, what kind of beer do you have? she started naming well known ones, in the middle of her list she said "montrose lager" i ordered one of those (i used to live on a street called montrose ave) so i thought it was kind of cool it had a beer named after it! she said shed tally my cabin/beer tab bill and bring it out to me..i said ok and walked over to a table in the cafe area right across from the bar..there was no one there except a large owl sitting on a perch in the corner...watching me intently..i nodded to it and said "Mancon?" and the owl nodded back! i said "guess she forgot about you becuase you're in disquise eh?" and the owl shrugged at me... i sat down and started drinking my montrose lager, and started having second thoughts about staying the night...i realized i had bills to pay out of next weeks paycheck and i couldnt afford to stay the night, so i was going to go straight to the pyramid to see if anyone was there then drive home....seeing as i live in northern Az it would be quite a drive each way! anyway, i walked to the bar after finishing my beer and told the lady i had changed my mind, i really couldnt stay the night but i was going to the pyramid to see if froends were there then home......she then told me the beer was $17.50! i choked and gave her a piece of my mind!!! words unfit to reprint! after i was done with my rage she walked into the back room and a guy, i guess her husband walked out of the back room and handed me my credit card back, which i dont remember handing anyone in the first place, and an ipad type device with a stylus hanging from the corner of it on a string...in real life my dream journal has a pen hanging on a string attached to the corner...hmmm.... i looked at the screen and he was trying to charge me for a weeks stay and cases of beer...i took the styuls and cancelled everything and told him in a shout, if i see anything on my card when i get home my lawyer will own this place! i threw the ipad thingy through the open door to the back room behind the bar and started to storm out..as i was walking away he grabbed a shotgun and cycled it, and started pacing back and forth behind the bar..just as i got halfway through the outside door, his dog ranup to me and leaned against my leg, it was a medium sized fluffy black dog...i bent down and petted it briefly and remembered my dog was waiting in the car for me...i said "gotta get to the pyramid silly!" then i woke up...
      lucid , memorable
    13. Lazy

      by , 08-07-2011 at 06:40 PM
      I was walking Joey at the school, and I wandered near the woods area. I saw this other dog there that looked just like Joey. She walked over and smelled Joey, and a childhood friend walked over saying, there's my dog. I asked if she was a jindo, and she was.
      I also remember going into this brothel, where they all just shoot guns and guess train to kill people. I remember being there in another dream when I was younger, but they didnt accept me. When I was there I got to the bottom and said I'm just trying to find a way out, but they girl there said, hey I remember you, you're not allowed!
      dream fragment
    14. School, Bending, Balloons

      by , 08-07-2011 at 06:29 PM

      I was in my middle school with my Bestfriend and we only went back there because we wanted to say hi to our old teachers. It was five minute before school started and my bestfriend had told me we should leave becuase school is starting. I had said "Go ahead without me I'm going to say hi to Mr.Mcdannald" and she had said ok. So I walk into my old teachers room and I give him daps then I start walking out the door when two deans try stopping me, but of course I easily got past them. As I'm running out of school I see like 5 or 6 kids jumping super high and running super fast, so I thought to myself can I do that? Next thing I know I'm running super fast and finally catch up to my bestfriend, I see she's walking with some stranger and then the whole dream switches to where its dark outside and my bestfriend, the stranger, and I are sitting on top of some wooden thing. This stranger hands my bestfriend one of those bronnies with tabacco in it and i was like "Alex dont eat that".
      Stranger: "No go ahead and eat it"
      Me: "Dont eat it!"
      Stranger: "Come one live alittle"
      Me: " She's not gonna eat it"
      I turn around and she's eating it and I was like "W.T.F."
      Me: "Fine alex if you want to listen to some stranger instead of your bestfriend then have fun bye!!"
      So I hop down the wooden box we are on and walk down a street and take a right, as im walking down that street some random kid firebends a blast of fire at me. I ended up earthbending and killed him so thats when I thought others would come so I started to sneak around then I saw someone coming my way about 50 yards away from me so instead of fighting him I run from him. Not because I was scared becuase I had just realized I left my bestfriend with a total stranger who could be in danger! As I'm running back to her this earthbender tries to stop me, but no one gets in between me and my bestfriend so I get the earth from under him to shot him right out into space. Right after that I ran full speed back to where she was when I arrived she wasnt there anymore "Oh no where is she!" was the last thing I said before my dream switched.
      I was in a green field with like four other people and we were all holding ballons that could lift us into the sky even thought they were the size of normal ballons. So I think I was trying to show off with two ballons in my hand one was blue and one was yellow so then I was going really fast towards the DC's and I was about 20 feet in the air. But then like the whole dream froze including me, like in the end of a movie how everything stops as if its a picture, then I woke up.

      Lucid- No
      Vividness- 6
    15. Maynard againn

      by , 08-07-2011 at 06:28 PM
      I was sitting around with some friends, the place was strange, reminded me of a huge boardgame but we were all sitting around and talking. I barely remember the conversation, except that at the time it seemed fairly real. It's not very often I can just carry on a conversation in a dream and some of it make sense. Although, I don't remember what was said, I know I said something about how I feel when I listen to music. Then a couple of dream scenes later, I'm standing next to this radio and a new Puscifer song comes on, I assumed it was new, I had never heard it. It sounded pretty crazy, but I got into it and started to dance. That's when Maynard showed up, he saw me dancing and smiled at me. Then he came up to me and started doing this weird grind move on my leg. I joked about it later with him, something about not expecting him to come up and hump my leg.

      Gahh, I know I have a slight obsession with Maynard, though, I'd prefer to use the word "fascination." I'm not screaming to fuck him or anything, I just would probably have a heart attack if I could just smoke a joint with this man. Anyway, I don't understand why he's been appearing in my dreams lately, not that I'm complaining, it's just I haven't really been listening to much of anything MJK lately. It's strange how our subconscious brings these images up, if only I had done a mantra last night. Oh well. I'm a happy dreamer lately.