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    1. Wildman's Journal

      by , 07-09-2011 at 09:02 AM
      MILD last night, no real lucid dreams but good for dream recall!

      Date: July 7th, 2011
      Length: 4 minutes

      The dream began at my old high school. I was a floor above the cafeteria, anxious about meeting someone I've known for a long time but never actually met in person. Finally I decided to go downstairs, realizing that I could recognize him but he probably wouldn't recognize me. There was a big crowd of people, and I think I did see him but kind of avoided him.

      I kept going down a nearby corridor, and for some reason the dream was now supposed to be an adaptation of the movie Apocalypse Now (which I've never actually seen, though I've read Heart of Darkness). I was in army uniform, and I had a black guy as my sort of partner. We ended up in a sort of bog-like rice paddy area, knee-deep in muddy water.

      There was something disturbing about the water -- it was very dark and almost had a life of it's own. Its depth was unpredictable, so you would occasionally mis-step and find yourself underwater. At some point, someone mentioned that the water contained the 7 deadly sins, or something like that... I think the idea was that every time you went underwater you became more corrupted, or something.

      Anyways, things just kept getting creepier. We arrived at a long, dark, tunnel and had to wade through it, half drowning on our way through, pulling each other out when we sunk down into the water. We arrived in a sort of sewer system and finally found an exit. It was a nearly pitch black room, with a a large metallic grate/door. We opened it, but when we tried to close it after going through it seemed to lock itself -- this really scared us, as it seemed like the door had a life of its own, the smaller parts moving of their own volition. I don't recall much after that.

      I also had a dream where I was outside, and I talked to my mom for a while. I then realized there was something I had to do, and I was maybe a tiny bit lucid, because I decided to fly to where I wanted to go. For a few moments it had that sort of "feeling" that I usually get when lucid/flying. I took off, and my altitude was pretty erratic, but I really enjoyed the flight and the scenery. There was a lake surrounded by small hills near where I took off which was particularly nice and that I made a conscious effort to remember.

      Once I got the place I was supposed to go, I think the dream ended... however it feels "tied" to this next dream (maybe it came right after, or the building I landed near was the academy in that dream)

      Date: July 7th, 2011
      Length: 3 minutes

      I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard, apparently, and I'm inside some sort of academy building, here to give a speech for some sort of commemoration/anniversary. The director of the academy greets me and discusses the speech. He hands me a paper, and I realize that he has completely censored and modified my draft of the speech that I gave him (and, which I somehow remembered my dad had helped me with) -- reducing it from 10 to 2-3 pages and basically changing everything I was going to say. I'm outraged by this, so we argue for a while and I basically establish that I'm going to say what I please.

      I go to the podium and unpack some stuff I was carrying in preparation for my speech. A few people arrive in the room and take their seats, but overall the audience is quite small -- the director is very disappointed, because he hoped my presence would attract more people. As I look through my notes, I realize that all I have is the censored version of my speech, nowhere do I have the original draft. I panic, because I don't have any of the speech memorized or even know what it was actually about. I try to stall for time, but eventually we've been waiting around for about 50 minutes and the director is losing patience, so I'm forced to begin.

      Extremely uncomfortable and unsure what to say, I kind of just babble for a few moments, then walk towards the director and get into a theatrical confrontation with him about censorship and things like that. The dream gets very strange at this point, as we start fighting (both physically and by talking) but sort of both understand that we're doing it for show and as part of the speech. My surroundings kind of morph as we act out different "scenes," all intended to deliver a certain message to the audience. In the end I think they really appreciated the whole show.

      I also had some dream involving my brothers and one of their coworkers, and I think fishing?
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. alien abduction

      by , 07-09-2011 at 08:40 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I wake up, and stretch. I am not at home. I am at home. I am in my bedchamber in the Temple of Nothing, ON THE GREEN MOON. Holy shit. Calm down. I snuggle closer to my lovers. I casually get up, like I do this all the time. I do do this all the time. WHAT THE HELL? I do? I do. Right. I walk to the “bathroom” more of a bath house, and look in the mirror. Yeah... I have a lion-man face. Stripes and spots dance across my face.
      I drink some water from an ornate fountain. I see a swirling vortex portal in the floor, and I shit dark energy into it, and laugh. Man I feel good! I fly up through a hole in the pyramid, and summon a rainstorm, and shower in it. I lick the rain and purr. Angelina teleports next to me, and pets me. She has two big cat guardians which rub up against me.
      Uh... what the fuck?
      An alien grey ship appears out of a portal to another dimension. Every entity inside it feels as godly as Vegeta. The Greys shoot pure astral tentacles out through the sides of their ship, and hook into my chakras. My fur falls off and my body turns grey. My eyes become huge and black. Angelina launches her white tigers at the ship, but I call them off. Angelina is confused.
      “I’ll be fine!” I wave, and disappear into the wormhole. I am terrified, yet fascinated. I teleport on to their ship.
      It is all chromed and smooth on the inside.
      “You missed your last two reports, brother. Now we must open you up.”
      They freeze me, and a strange cyborg machine wheels in, and opens up my abdomen as if it’s all robotic. It is all robotic.
      “What you are seeing is your brain trying to make sense of the raw data encased in your dream body. You have no guts or robotic parts here, only energy.”
      I remember now... I just feel... weak...
      I go into semi-consciousness, fading in and out.
      I wake up screaming in the Healing Glen.
      The Greys are standing all around me, along with the Frost Giant.
      “You told me they were benign,” he says, leaning on a staff. Wait, why is he- why does he look greyish?”
      I wake up for real on their spacecraft. I am strapped to a table. Goddamnit. This is the physical plane, isn’t it? Yes. No goddamned powers. Fucking wakeworld bullshit. How the fuck do I get out of here. I just- I inhale, and the restraints pop off my chest. I somehow have this intense chi... I feel it, right behind my eyeballs. I focus heat on my wrist restraints, and begin to weaken them with increasing heat. I focus a total vibration to make the heat reflect about an eigth of an inch above my skin so I don’t get burned.
      I grow into a great red demon, and become Hellboy suddenly. Okay, maybe this is a dream? But, it looks so real. Fuck it, I am going to kick some alien ass. I storm down the hallway, smashing shit.
      “I want to know what the fuck is going on, assholes!” I roar. Alarms go off. They run down the hall and shoot some type of sound frequency which knocks out my nervous system, and I collapse instantly. “goddamm you ath holth... “ I drool. Then a tall female one communicates with me telepathically.
      Listen, brother, we gave you the Christ gene of Compassion, which is something our species does not understand. We find it fascinating. Every once in a while, a Grey is created that is more individualistic and what you would call, ‘caring.” This Captain whose genes were bonded to yours was of that type. We have been doing experiments with your people, mixing our genes, for we are dying out due to our “lack of compassion,” as you would call it. Of course, we do not look at it like that. We realize we are the most intelligent species on our planet. So, we genetically engineered ourselves to be even more and more intelligent. We crafted our bodies to prolong our lives, and to induce whatever brainwave state we wish at any time. We gave ourselves the ability to turn on and off different hormones. Some people became addicted to their hormones, and they died off. The ones who survived usually do not use a lot of their hormones. We have become very powerful. We mathematically, precisely, recrafted our planet exactly how we wanted it to be. We took the best genes we could from everything for our species. Maybe because of this “selfish” endeavor, we lost the ability to care for other species, only looking at them for the genetic potential. We destroyed our planet with our genetic engineering, but by that time we had the ability to make portable planetoids, spaceships out of asteroids. We live in the Asteroid Belt, well some of us. We, as you call, the Greys, are a very Diverse race. Each asteroid, planetoid, ship, has its own culture. We are many Hive Minds. As descendants of insects, we see death as nothing. We just discard the bodies after taking what we can for genes. It becomes soil, food for our plants.”
      “You eat?”
      “Sometimes. We don’t eat the way you do, we absorb food. You have a lot of questions.”
      “Is this a dream?”
      “Why don’t you do a reality check?”
      I do a nose RC. It works at first, then I cough. I can’t do it. I look at my hands. I have great red demon hands.
      ‘You can shapeshift in the physical plane in this Dimension, brother.”
      “What the fuck? Where am I?”
      The alien starts saying a bunch of numbers. I say that means nothing. Then, I am shown a bunch of star maps, our solar system, then, we skip to another arm of the galaxy through a wormhole, and I am shown an earth very similar to ours. I realize I am inside part of the Moon, looking out of a window or crater. I feel so disoriented, I vomit. Nanobots appear out of the floor, and spray some type of enzymatic gel over the vomit which immediately breaks it down, and it vaporizes into the air with a puff that smells like strange flowers. Then, a tiny robot appears, and vaccuums up the remains: a tiny pile of dust.
      “Thank you for the compost, Brother,” the alien says matter-of-factly. “We pulled you into this physical dimension through the Dream Plane, because it’s easier to simply incarnate your dream body into a temporary physical blank rather that risk damaging the only physical body you have in your Home Dimension.”
      “You are blowing my mind.”
      “Would you like a tissue?”
      “Uh,” I laugh. “Wait, is that a joke?”
      “Yes,” I feel the alien wryly grin. “I have been working on this “humor” for about two centuries, and I have made some progress, however small.”
      “I sense you have been fed a lot of bullshit by the gods of lies. Yes, that happens. If you want to understand us, first we must be able to have some kind of mutual understanding, some type of real communication. In your value system, you believe “love,” or “compassion” to be the most valuable thing. But, why do you always kill each other? The only time we kill each other is if another person is dying, has lost their mind, is old, or if the person feels their existence is unnecessary. So, when we kill others of our kind, it’s a deliberate culling process. But, this idea of killing for, “love” love of another person, or of tribe, or nation, seems to us, contradictory. You people are very primitive in your technology, but your race is very adaptable, genetically, being the mutts of the galaxy. Also, your immune systems have resistances to many intergalactic bacteria. The war we have been fighting against the microverse has exhausted our species to the point of death. We have mastered ourselves. We returned to our planet, and cared for it with mathematical precision, helping things to evolve quickly, but, in our meddling, we upset the balance of nature. Again, many of us had to leave and live on asteroids for centuries while we let our planet lie fallow.
      “And when we returned, a Hive Mind with quadrillions upon quadrillions of creatures had invaded our planet: a bacteria. This bacteria is a gene-eater. It absorbs genes of its host to disguise itself as it infects the entire being. It is being controlled by a sentient mind even more powerful than ours due to its longetivity. It is 100 million times older than Our Mind. Therefore, we look to you, dear human, as our Experiment, and Savior. We would like to appear as the Compassionate Ones that we are supposed to be, but for that, we need some human genes from a creature that does not want to kill other humans. We will insert these genes back into ourselves in order to become more human, and in order to understand your people more."
      For some reason, at that moment I did not feel human at all. I felt like an ancient creature, tired, wise, and patient. “I offer you my genes in exchange for yours, my Sister,” I hear myself saying. I feel like I am creeping myself out.
      I am led down a hall... and the dream changes. Is my perception altering? A stone wall... sandstones in a castle... or pyramid... a pyramid. We descend down steps in robes. The aliens are wearing white robes, and my big red demon self a black and white one with gold birds on it. I am led to a large room shaped like an inverted ziggurat. There is a woman tied to a large stone slab. She is also gagged. She doesn’t seem to struggle. There are other humans around her, tying her knots loosely. The bow when they see us, then panic and run away. The aliens chant, then leave us. I undo the ropes, then I realize they are tied to nothing. She giggles, and wraps her arms around me, kissing me. We make love in the depths of the pyramid by torchlight. Suddenly we are back on the alien ship. We are two Grey aliens. “Did we just have sex?” I say to the female alien.
      “Of a type.” She shows me how our tongues come out, and sex cells are passed through small holes in the tongue. “My eggs are almost ready. I feel them,” she smiles. A handful of eggs like frog eggs come out of a hole in her belly. She shows them to me, then leaves the room. I follow her to an incubation area. She puts the eggs in a drawer, and slides the drawer shut.
      “What happens to our eggs?”
      “They grow.”
      “But, our children?”
      “There is no ‘our’ children, only Children.”
      “What did I just do?”
      “Gene exchange. Now you will morph.”
      “Yes, your physical body, your genes of your body on your home planet is going to morph because of the code we implanted in your mind. This code will alter your mind and brain to change your code to be more enhanced. You psionics and compassion will increase. This will inevitably bring more hardship into your life.”
      “You are welcome. From these lessons, should you learn from them, you will gain wisdom required to be one of Us.”
      “What do you mean?”
      “Please be patient. You are on a Mission, Captain. Your alien Christ genes are here to show the world love. We need you to be compassionate on us, or we will die. We need this to adapt to a changing universe. We will train you as you progress. Do not tell anyone about these visits that we have.”
      “Why not? I am going to do it.”
      “Fine. You have, free will, Half-Breed, but I will warn you that most people will think you are crazy for revealing any of this.”
      “It doesn’t matter, this is just a dream.”
      “I’m real,” she says and slaps my face.
      I slap my own face. OW! I do a nose pinch... doesn’t work.. .goddammit.
      “Go home,” she says, and grabs my face, kissing it.
      I wake up in the Temple of Nothing, a tiger-man kissing a pillow.
      Tags: delta
      lucid , memorable
    3. Dream #6

      by , 07-09-2011 at 07:57 AM
      Had yet another dream about school last night. Since I've graduated from school I've told myself to always ask myself if I'm dreaming whenever I'm at school, since it's 99% likely to be the case. Sadly I didn't do it this time.

      I don't remember a ton from this dream. Just that I wanted to leave class early because I was done with all my work, and Nancy Grace was my teacher lol. She wouldn't let me leave which had me pissed off. Next thing you know I'm in another classroom with 3 or 4 people in it sitting down, one of which was this dude I knew from college. We had these little notepads on them with, I think, the Google logo on it and we were supposed to write something about air. So I just sat there trying to think up things to say about air, and that's when I woke up.

      But I must remember, if I'm at school then it's a dream! Major dream sign there! And I tend to dream about school a lot for some reason...
    4. Surprise butt sex? ^_^

      by , 07-09-2011 at 06:37 AM (Have a look...into my subconscious mess)
      I think I had improve again my dream recall since I didn't drunk again coke before night. But still those aren't the results I'm working for...
      I should really work on having more vivid dreams. I sometimes have the most vivid dreams and sometimes I have some dreams that make me vomit.
      Anyways...here's the dream:

      DREAM 1: I was in a dark forest and I was screaming out loud: "SURPRISE, SURPRISE BUTT SEX! SURPRISE, SURPRISE BUTT SEX!!" and I was keep saying that the whole dream.
      DREAM 2: I was in the living room watching TV. I found a new remote for our TV and tried to control it with that remote. I tried this already in another dream, so I was 100% sure I will fail, but still I wanted to try it out. Maybe this time it would work.
      After I tried to control it, the TV started freaking out, moving channels randomly and showing green numbers all over the screen.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Breaking The Masquerade [Night of June 18-19]

      by , 07-09-2011 at 06:08 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. This dream is from the night of June 18-19, and it's one of the most fascinating lucids I've had yet.]

      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm shopping at the old Toys 'R Us that we used to go to when I was a kid. [In real life, it's been closed for several years.] I've driven up there all the way from my current town, by myself, and I told my parents where I was going before I left. I've come there just to get the purple hippo stuffed animal that I saw advertised. I find it, go to a checkout stand, swipe my credit card through the card reader sitting on the floor near one of the checkouts, and then walk to the other side of the line of checkouts and get in line to check out. There's quite a long line, but it's moving fairly quickly because there are a lot of checkouts open, and all the checkers are calling people over from that one line. The line is in a rectangular, dark, warehouse-like space in the front of the store, separated from the store proper by high, dark gray metal shelf racks that reach all the way to the high ceiling. When it comes my turn to check out, the checker waves me through when I show her my toy and the receipt that was printed out of the credit card reader.

      I exit the store and get into my car
      [our current, brown Honda]. I examine my purple hippo. It's smaller and narrower than the teddy bear I already have [in real life], and therefore not as good a shape for use as an arm pillow, but still, it's kinda cute. I can feel that it has a plastic cup built into its nose, so that its nose holds its conical shape. I set it down on the floor of the passenger seat, start the car up, and drive out of the parking lot via the ramp behind and to the right of the store.

      This ramp forces me to turn right, putting me onto a one-way street. “This is why my parents never went out this way,” I say to myself. I end up driving through a neat, clean, inviting-looking urban downtown area, with lots of modern, glass buildings, concrete parking structures, and trees on the sidewalks.

      [The dream shifts.] I'm walking the darkened halls of a big, old apartment building whose halls form a continuous square. Stuff involving Muppets, a bird named Gloria, and an alarm clock happens. [This was another elaborate and plotty dream, but I don't really remember the details anymore. I don't particularly care, though, because the next part is the really awesome part.]

      [The dream shifts again.] I'm out on the town, in the same cool, modern downtown I was driving around earlier, only now I'm on foot. While walking across a plaza, I see several of my friends from [$SocialClub] [an organization I belong to in real life]. I recognize that I've been in this downtown before, and am very happy to be here. Somewhere around this point, I become lucid. [As usual, I don't remember precisely at what moment I did so. It may have been that recognition that I'd been there before that triggered lucidity, but I'm not sure.] I also pass by my friends from [$Class], who are on their way to class. I think of going with them, but choose to go off by myself and explore instead.

      I end up on a particular street corner where there is a restaurant with a live band playing inside. I enter the restaurant to listen to the band. The restaurant is named “Café Debussy.”
      [ :gape: Whoa. That is so awesome. That's the name of the cafe where Cobb gives Ariadne her first lesson in shared dreaming in Inception. That is just so cool that I have my own version of it. I may have realized the significance of this name at that moment, or it may not have been until after I woke up, I'm not sure.]

      While I'm in the restaurant, I meet and get into a conversation with a female dream character, who asks me who I am. I say the same kinds of things I would say when meeting someone for the first time in real life: that I live and work nearby, what I do, that I'm a member of [$SocialClub]. When I finish, she looks at me with an expression that shows that she's disappointed in me, and that she can see right through the baloney I'm giving her. “Who are you, really?” she asks.

      I sigh and start telling her the truth.

      “I'm from another world, that's not like yours,” I say. “I only come to visit here when I'm dreaming.” I stop myself short of saying that I'm dreaming all this that's around us.

      As I speak, we start rising up off the ground. I'm either flying us up or causing a tower to grow up from the ground under us.
      [I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was more likely the latter, because] I'm making the buildings all around us grow taller or shorter, or change shape, just by thinking about it. I'm doing this because I want to show my companion the city from up high.

      “Because I'm dreaming, I can control the situation, like this,” I say. “It's fun.”
      [I say a bit more that I don't remember now, and then] I end by sighing again, then saying, “So, here I am, your dreamer.” I extend my hand to shake hands with her.

      She takes it.
      [Surprisingly,] The female DC reacts to what I've just told her with happiness and excitement. She leads me purposefully off in a direction across the city, apparently intending to tell others about what she has learned and introduce them to me. As we go, I realize that in all the time we've been talking, I haven't told her my name, so I say to her, “My name is [$RealFirstName].” I deliberately use the nickname by which I'm known to family and friends in real life, rather than my official, legal name, because I don't want the Fae to know my true name, because that will give them power over me. [Seriously, that's what I thought during the dream. I would never set any store by such an idea in real life.] She doesn't reply, though.

      [She didn't introduce me to anyone, though. The next thing I remember,] The female DC and I have walked out to a metal, industrial-looking bridge, from which we're watching the sunset over the cityscape. I ask her, “What's your name?”

      “Darla,” she says.

      I shake my head and correct her: “No, that's the name of my friend who looks like you. What's your name?” Although she looks like one of my real-life friends, I'm interested in her identity as a separate individual.

      From the way she hesitates for at least 15 seconds, going “Hmmmm...” several times while looking all around her at our surroundings, it's clear that she's never thought of herself as having an individual name separate from that of her real-life counterpart before. Finally, she looks over at the setting sun and says, “Umbra.”
      [She pronounces it “OOM-brah;” it means “shadow” in Latin. Hmmm. Very interesting.]

      [Fragment.] Something involving roller coasters that look like snakes.

      [False awakening.] I'm comparing notes with my mom about whether or not we just had the same dream about snakes.

      [Different dream.] I'm on a ride that has foam seats with over-the-shoulder restraints. The seats are suspended high up in the air from an overhead track in a large building. I've somehow managed to board the ride so that I'm perched in between two seats, rather than fully seated in one of them. While the train of seats I'm on is moving to its destination, I manage to maneuver myself into one of the seats and get the restraints into place.

      My train of seats arrives at its destination: directly above a gigantic aquarium tank. That's when I realize what the purpose of this ride is: to allow visitors a chance to be submerged in the tank for several minutes on end. I realize that I was supposed to bring a snorkel or scuba gear with me on this ride, but I didn't, and there's no way to get out of the restraints before I get dunked in the tank. I'm only mildly concerned about this, though.

      I hold my breath and the seats descend, submerging me and everyone else several feet underwater. As soon as the seats have stopped descending, I start swimming upward, taking my seat and my restraints with me
      [I think; I'm not sure]. The moment I break the surface of the water, I found myself awake. I immediately kicked myself for not realizing that I was dreaming and subsequently recalling that I can breathe underwater in dreams.

      Updated 07-27-2011 at 05:49 AM by 37356 (messed up on a color tag)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    6. Death and Theme Park Rides (Night of June 12-15)

      by , 07-09-2011 at 05:59 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the nights of June 12-13 and 14-15, 2011.]

      Night of June 12-13

      There is a murder investigation taking place in a house that looks a lot like my grandparents' house. I am directly involved, and the investigation is highly elaborate and has a detailed plot, with lots of dialog. [Of course, I can't remember any of the specifics now.] Partway through, the dream morphs from live-action into a Tim Burton stop-motion movie featuring the Grim Reaper, who “kills” me. I somehow know I'm not really dead, though. I fall over backwards from the force of the scythe-blow and land in a sling, suspended from a moving, overhead track; it's part of a theme park ride. The ride takes me through “heaven” and ends with me exchanging salutes with Weird Al, who is standing in for Jesus on the ride.

      Night of June 14-15

      [Bizarre, Disneyland-related dreams FTW! This time,] I'm with a vivacious traveling companion, and we have time-traveled to the year 2011. [Whether backward or forward, I do not know.] We wonder how we know what year it is, until we come up with the obvious answer: “Because that's the year we set the time machine for?”

      The entrance to the new version of Star Tours is in a rotating building with revolving doors.
      [This dream was in anticipation of the upcoming weekend; I was planning to go to Disneyland to ride the new Star Tours the following Sunday, June 19th, and I did.] Inside, there is a loading/staging area for the ride with circular staging zones.

      “Abilene!” I say to a 1-year-old girl who is in the staging area with me. “You know you can't be on the end
      [of the row of seats]!” I take her spot in the staging area, making her and the other little kids move over along the row, toward the outside of the circle.
    7. The Bank-Restaurant (Night of June 11)

      by , 07-09-2011 at 05:54 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. This dream is from the night of June 10-11, 2011.]

      I'm in the car with my mom. We're driving along dirt roads, checking our location against photos we have of landmarks along the way. We're on our way to JJ's party. [This dream was in anticipation of what I was going to do that evening – exactly the same thing, only without the photos or my mom.]

      I'm in the parking lot outside the old Pomona First Federal branch in Ontario. It's a sunny day. I'm picking up many coins (quarters, dimes, and pennies) from the parking lot. I think, It's a bank, so it makes sense that there would be coins in the parking lot. Some real-life friends of mine [I think they may have been T and G, but I'm not sure] walk past me. There are many other people there.

      I enter the building. The entryway is a high-ceilinged, airy room with tall windows and a grand, sweeping staircase. There is a freestanding sign at the bottom of the stairs saying that the Joy Laow
      [I think] room, the meeting room at the top of the stairs, is available for rent for meetings.

      I go further into the building. The main part of the building is a large, long, rectangular, carpeted room with a high ceiling. It is a Marie Callender's restaurant. There is another part of the restaurant floor with a lower ceiling. This area has a small stage, where a loud rock band is playing. My family is sitting around a table near the stage, next to the sound-mixing board, which is sitting on another table. I join them at their table. P. orders another Pepsi from our server, and I order a glass of water. Shortly after I arrive at the table, the band takes a break. I'm relieved that I won't have their music blasting my ears out throughout dinner.

      I wander off from the table and through the large, carpeted room. There's a lot of empty space in it for a restaurant seating area; there are only a few rectangular tables, arranged in a line. I enter a train-station-like lobby area off to one side of the room, where I see an ad
      [?] for the Scott Pilgrim video game, in mirror image. I know RD wants to play it. I see a group of people there discussing video games, and I join in.
    8. Lucid Dreaming

      by , 07-09-2011 at 05:19 AM
      Every night, I have a lucid dream. Every night, I control what happens in my dreams. I don't know how I can do it every night, I just can. I don't know if it's normal, but then again, I don't think anything about me is "normal". Hmmm....
    9. Armor and the destruction of lies

      by , 07-09-2011 at 05:13 AM (salty)
      I stand in a field surrounded by pine trees
      I create armor around myself
      My arms are wrapped in snakes
      The snakes come out my hands
      Snakes come out my feet
      My armor
      The front has a blue energy shield
      the rest is mostly made of metal
      I have a cape
      It changes colors as it ripples in the wind
      My helmet has a visor that allows me to see things in energy form
      I create a portal above
      I fly into the wormhole
      I obliterate demons with my sword
      I suck their bits of energy into portals
      I destroy more demons ahead of me
      With an arrow from my bow which explodes
      I through bombs which ejct from the side of my armor
      I fly through their bits of ripped up energy
      It sticks to my armor
      My armor pulses blue energy
      The bits detach
      I exit the wormhole
      I am floating above the dark side of the mushroom planet
      the continents glow blue and purple
      I fly to a giant mushroom which I can seee from space
      I create a huge drill that come from my armor
      I drill through the stem
      Blue glowing sap oozes from out which I suck into my suite
      I shoot it out creating a web which turns into a perfect circle portal
      Its a mirror
      I look at myself in it
      I stick my hand through
      Wind rips my hand
      I go through
      The intense heat of hell does not burn me through my armor
      I walk through flames and eventually reach the city of hell
      I fly to the temple of satan
      Its more like a church
      Inside their are rows of benchs
      Corpses hang from ropes at both sides
      The floor is covered in puddles of blood
      I walk to the upside down cross at the front
      This is everything which wants me to have demons
      I focus my intent on making it explode
      it resists
      there is a whitsh orange red light with black specks but its still in the shape of an upside down cross
      I take my sword and cut through the middle
      It explodes
      I am thrown back against the door of the temple
      A vortex of white oragish red is ripping apart everyhting in the temple
      The intensity wake me up
    10. Mishmash

      by , 07-09-2011 at 05:11 AM (redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy)
      Ahhhhh, getting lazy again. Can't let that happen.

      ~Parallax, the villain from Green Lantern, was in my school. I went in to get rid of him... But he was destroying the gym, so I left him alone. Later, he had left the school and I was blasting him with Green-Lantern-ring-power-blast thingies. He informed me that he had changed his name to Elmo.

      ~Lucid; out in a big, hilly, grassy area with two friends. We're in some kind of real-life video game. There's a radar that constantly floats in the corner of my vision, showing where my friends--or enemies, in this case, I guess--are located. We each have different guns that don't actually shoot, but just send out some kind of laser signal or something. The game starts, and instantly we're spread out across the map. I'm at the top of a hill and can see someone at the bottom. Before I can get them, they 'shoot' me and I respawn somewhere else. It goes on like this for a while until I suddenly get transported to a training course because apparently I really suck. "This is my dream, why do I keep dying!?" I shout. Three masked people jump out and start shooting at me, and I blast them away in a fury with a machine gun.

      ~More I'll put tomorrow, don't have time now.
    11. 7/8/11 First Try with Binaural Beats

      by , 07-09-2011 at 04:29 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      11:15-7:15 Beats till 11:45

      1) I wake up near when I have to actually get out of bed. I slip back to sleep, and dream I'm at a fancy dinner. LUCID. I look for my girlfriend, see an old crush of mine. Move on and start grabbing food. Think through how a conversation with her would go.

      2) No recall...

      3) No recall...

      Updated 07-20-2011 at 04:54 PM by 29474

      Tags: fancy dinner
    12. Universe

      by , 07-09-2011 at 03:54 AM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

      4; Katy, battle donut gun road... Second Earth that appeared flyng into the atmosphere, controlling it's rotation, ribbon fluttering around earth with a dense rune description across it.

      Updated 05-20-2012 at 12:55 AM by 25261

      Tags: earth, flight, katy
      lucid , memorable
    13. Fragment - I Didn't Study!

      by , 07-09-2011 at 03:49 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Last night was filled with different fragments, and nothing else. Maybe I should stop going to bed at 4:00 AM.

      I was at school, standing in the restroom. The room was about thirty by fifteen feet, with paler, turquoise laminate flooring that had a bunch of little bumps for texture - it's a slightly better-than-average looking room. There was an open doorway, with no door, on one of the longer walls. Next to this doorway was a basic cream, rectangular countertop with sharp edges, going to the end of the wall. The counter had three white sinks. Above it was one long mirror, divided into three even segments that were directly touching each other. On the other long wall, there were five or six cubicles that were smoothly painted this color. They were all closed.

      The lighting wasn't coming from harsh, bright white fluorescent lights. The atmosphere of the room was fairly dim; the lighting was steady but probably only a bit more than half the brightness caused by fluorescent bulbs.

      I was standing in front of the sink on the right, the closest one to the entrance. To my left, in front of the other two sinks were two of my friends; I can't remember who they were exactly, though. The only thing regarding these two people that I distinctly remember is that one of them was wearing a pullover, maroon-colored hoodie. I was in the bathroom with them because we had fifteen minutes before our AP Chemistry test, and I was just totally freaking out because of this.

      Turning towards my friends, I said rather nervously, "I didn't study at all!"

      One of them replied, "well, that's too bad..." and trailed off. Both of them left the restroom and left me there.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 06:05 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Wtf

      by , 07-09-2011 at 03:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Drug molecular structure.

      I was in a dark room with a couple people. Someone asked me if I wanted to try shrooms. I said okay and they handed me a purple ball... I guess those were the shrooms. We came to a table wher we were contsructing molecules. We were trying to construct the DMT molecule with these tiny spherical building blocks.

      My unborn daughter?

      I'm in a cloudy area with a giant golden gate. A white man approches me. "What is this place? Am i dead? Is this Heaven?"

      "No, you're not dead. I'm saint peter there's someone here who wants to talk with you."

      I realize Sam's guide is behind me. A 12 year old girl approaches me. She looks like a cross between me and Sam. "Daddy Daddy," she says. "When can I come to earth?" she asks.

      "I don't know. it's all up to your mother now. She's stuck in an unwanted marriage where it could be violent for her to escape. Plus she needs a visa and a passport not to mention loads of cash... that could take months... even over a year. But so far she's shown no willingness or strength to change her situation..."

      Sam's guide starts crying. The daughter looks sad. I turn away from them and wake up.
    15. preparation to travel to the light

      by , 07-09-2011 at 02:00 AM
      im in my living room and see a space station looking neabula thing on tv and it like a news report beacuse there talking about peaple going there for reserch and some guy that doesent have as much money as the other guy trying to go there so he going to go ina helecopter were a space suit and im thinking that could work in spave beacuse he will have a space suit and the helecopter could get him there but i did t know if it would work in space so im worry they would get radiation poisoning the neabula/space station thing glows real bright in space like the center of the milky way
      dream fragment