non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my parent's house, sleeping on the couch. Some news on tv about a poisonous spider that has been spotted in exotic fruits, mostly bananas and might accidentally be brought home with the groceries. I am too sleepy to care about it, but my dad goes around the house removing cobwebs and killing harmless spiders just in case. I later wake up and I am with Riverstone instead. I am attacked by some poltergeist and pushed and pulled through the air like a rag doll. It's not hurting me and Riverstone finds it kinda funny, but I am getting sick of it. I force myself to reach the bathroom and look in the mirror, wishing the spirit to show in the mirror. It does and it is a young boy. Slowly I realize it is a young Riverstone, which I tell him, by yelling across the hallway. He does not believe me. I splash the boy with water and smile to tease him. He does not react, he just smiles back and go away, but first, out of spite, he shrinks my cat Yιti to a hand size. I feel he is actually afraid of being alone, so I tell him to come around to play, if he behaves. I then go to attend some workshop on how to renew some license on something. It's at some office place at post-working hours. Meeting is on the 2nd floor and there are signs pointing towards the direction to follow. Up there, some people are just hanging, others are already seated at tables, I chose a table to sit at and then some weird shit starts. It seems like this ain't their 1st meeting. Apparently they all know each other and some people complain about the teacher. She comes forward to apologize for something but it felt more like a public flogging. People get up from their seats and continue accusing her of many things, others hug each other in support and others seem to just ignore it all and keep on filling forms. I am sure that I got in the wrong group and I am stimming by kneading some colored silly putty I found around. One lady starts talking to me in french, asks me if I am autistic. I raise my eyes to her and she immediately steps back and apologizes saying I am not. I reply in french "No, but I actually am". And she seems confused, points out traits she doesn't spot on me. I explain it manifests differently for every autistic and that I have other traits. Then my french doesn't go so far and I end up speaking in english. Anyway, I've decided to leave, so I abruptly get up and leave. I reach the door and it is raining cats and dogs. A couple of people who are at the door smoking or getting some air, look at me like "well, you ain't goin' nowhere". But I step out in the rain anyway and look for my car keys as I head to my car, because I don't want to stay around these people anymore. I can't find my keys, so I freak out. Soaked wet, I sit at some garden bench and dive into my purse, which is absolutely empty except for the car key in a pocket. But then the key is broken at the top, I might insert it but probably can't turn it around to start the car. I think about having to go back to the building and try get some help. I am just coming from my mom's and about to pass under the highway overpass to enter the main road, when a gate falls down and closes in front of me, not allowing to do so. There are military all over and one by one they shut down all passages under the overpass, with enormous gates between the pillars, cutting people off. They say this is the most recent quarantining measures, and I imagine my mom freaking out when she finds out. They tell me it is just over the weekend, but it feels more definitive. Supposedly we can still travel freely to East, just not take the road to north and south, but I wonder how far East we can go until we find another blockade. I also wonder if I just walk South over the hills, if they have put any other barriers ahead or if I could come through. Zilla went to space on a research project, while pregnant and everything is just unbelievable. I go visit her in her lab when she is back to earth and my dad comes along and his only comment his "I still don't like her much, but I gotta hand it to her, she achieved the highest achievement possible" and I know he means "and what have you done?". And I feel such a loser, but I decide to ignore him and concentrate on my friend. I give her a big warm hug, feeling happy that she is ok and she goes on telling her adventures, which I relive as if I was actually there. They went on a ship like a huge space shuttle, which orbited the earth for just about a week and somehow had artificial gravity. Zilla had some claustrophobia at first, especially when first realizing "I am on a spaceship!". I see her seated to eat at the canteen with panoramic views to space and then going to bed, in a common room, with lower ceiling and also panoramic windows above head. Before I leave, she takes me to see the ship, which is now all broken after some accident on reentry (not on her mission, but right after hers). There are plans to recover it, but I wonder if it makes sense at all considering the damage. The middle section is crunched like an accordion. When I am about to leave, I watch a couple, she is arabic and muslim and wearing a niqab and he is an american in jeans. She is yelling at him that it makes no sense that he left her. She says he turned a muslim for her and then started demanding she wear a burqa, while he himself continues wearing jeans and shirts and shaves just like a normal westerner. He doesn't have any justification for it, just says he wants nothing with her anymore and that she has to follow him to some place, like a court or something. She on the other hand says she is also bringing a case to court against him, so she agrees joining him to whatever thing he is also concocting. I follow then and take a sneak peak to inside the room they entered and all I can see is a bunch of bearded muslim men sitting against the wall at the end of the room, quiet and watching. Then she leaves the place through a back door, clearly upset. Unfortunately, four of those men also go after her and they carry knifes in their hands. I follow them to try to save her, but they corner her in the back of some building and I don't see anyway to help her without also getting killed. I hide under a tarp and see she manages to go through a door to some other building. But it is some dead end and they surround her and stab her. I get out from under the tarp and run towards the main street, which is just at the end of a small perpendicular street. I bump into a policeman and drop a camera I supposedly was carrying, but I don't recall taking pics. Anyway, one of the 4 men spotted me and is coming towards the policeman. By the look of the cop and the way he seems to want to delay me and not protect me, I realize he is an accomplice, so I run to the middle of the road and into the crowd. I hear the cop telling the guy I have a camera and possibly have photos. I sneak behind some panels hiding some construction work and I am thinking whether I enter a shop behind it or go down a manhole on the ground that is open.
First dream I was in school, it was a cloudy afternoon. I was at a highest floor, close to additionally built cloakroom and some classrooms. I only saw clouds through the window. There was a wraith flying around the building, a vengeful spirit of some kind, which is an effect of a crime commited here. I wondered what kind of joke I can make to one of the classmates, and I decided to take his jacket and make up that he commited the crime. Then head teacher called everyone into a cloakroom. In the end I decided to leave the jacket be, not making that stupid joke. Second dream Cold, cloudy evening. I entered father's carpentry workshop and thought about playing a game I just got. It only took me a while to almost completely finish it. I saw only last scenes of that game - main heroes made an orgy on a beach with random women they met. One of them - a dark haired dude, took a date with a blonde woman next day. He was wearing a black suit and headed towards my father's carpentry workshop, where he met her. She was wearing a red dress. But it wasn't a date that he expected, she was an assasin that tried to kill him. She attacked, he got hit a few times and dodged rest of striked. Suddenly she just disappeared. He took a phone out of his pocket and called someone. To end the game, I had to run around my backyard, touching points in random places that were glowing blue. Third dream With other firefighters we drove out of our base, as emergency bell rand. I was standing on the ladder while we were driving. A woman that was in a team shouted to me "Don't fall of honey!", I thought that she felt something to me. I was watching the city while others were talking and joking. I told to one of firefighters "Looks like you weren't in Vegas yesterday!" and ponted at an easily seen border between cities. We stopped in an alley and took off our fire proof suits - we were all wearing black suits under them, as we were special agents. Then we entered a mansion of an IT specialist that helped us before. He was living there with his mother, she was upstairs and we couldn't see her. We went to a living room and I took a disk out of my pocket and said "We were unable to hack the securities placed upon it. Can you help us?" He was hesitating. Fourth dream I was in my house, sitting in a kitchen. It was before we painted it. We were sitting there with all my siblings, talking and playing cards. We talked about free time we had left, and we counted that we have ten days until we go back to school from holidays.
First dream I was in home, it was evening. I was in room with almost all of my sisters. One came back from working abroad in Switzerland. We all were doing something on laptops and PC's. Sisters were playing the Sims game, while I was doing something on sisters laptop. Suddenly my pal appeared and tried to kick me a few times, roundhouse kick like Chuck Norris. It had an old operating system. I took it to another room. My mother was sitting there, working on something. Then all my sisters appeared and started arguing. After they went away, I turned on an interesting game. It had camera from behind character and gameplay mechanics similar to heretic 2. I was a warrior chasing an evil warlock that kidnapped my daughter. I was climbing up a mountain. The scenery was quite beautiful, everything was really vivid. After climbing I ended up in ruins, but warlock teleported me to another plane where I had to fight with a giant. After I defeated him, a book with hints where I should look next appeared. But I was unable to read it, as warlock made the book slowly disappear and teleported me back to ruins. Second dream I was in fathers carpentry workshop. There was a fireplace set up in one of its corner. We were working on something, but had to check something in a shed near our garage. It was a dark evening, my brother that worked abroad was back. We tried to open the shed, but we couldn't. We took a drill and destroyed lock on the door. We didn't looked what was inside. I went back to workshop, father went to home. I looked at the fireplace, and thought "Screw it, it may burn the building as well." And went to home.
I was one of locators of a flat. I lived in a house on a 12th floor. One day people started to panick all around, and seal themselves in houses. I ran down to first floor, and asked what's going on, and heard that there is a dangerous vampire in our flat. I ran back to the 12th floor into my house, and looked around. It was a 60s style house, and someone already used all the furniture to seal itself in my bathroom. That person even took fridge with it. I thought that hiding is not a way, and decided that I should get to the rooftop, to have better chances of throwing the vampire out. I searched all around for a way to reach the rooftop, but the trapdoor was sealed. I turned around, and then I heard a strange noise. I turned back, and saw a young, bald man with a blonde woman in a jacuzzi. I immediately noticed that the man is a vampire. Upon noticing me, his skin turned grey, white hair grown quickly, eyes become glazed and claws started to grow. I had no chance of winning this battle, so I ran to nearby window and jumped out of the flat. Hovewer, the vampire chased me. I landed safely in front of my fathers carpentry workshop. The vampire burst through workshops roof and landed safely too. I didn't knew what to do. I ran into the workshop, and evaded all the vampires attacks. He punched, kicked, clawed, but I dodged all of his attacks, while avoiding to bump onto one of machines. Suddenly I saw a strange barrel. Thinking that there might be garlic inside, I threwn it at the vampire. The barrel broke, and a strange substance covered it entirely. It started to scream and moan horribly, his skin burning and falling dow, flesh rotting out and leaving only a pile of inanimate bones. Some of the substance spoilt on me, I wasn't hurt hovewer. It had a sweet taste and was similar to honey. I started to laugh - a single barrel of honey was enough to kill a powerfull vampire.
Backlog A lenghty ld though some parts are completely impossible to recall due chaining, continued sleep and overall dream idleness. Me and grandma plus some other DC are headed up this building with really weird stairs. It turns out that there is some workshop taking place. My awareness goes up for a moment and I realize this a dream and that I am about to visit a sort self-defence workshop. This sounds pretty cool and I wonder if I would be able to learn something. I get inside but lose lucidity as we are instructed to sit there and watch funny presentations about other people. My awareness finally goes up and stays that way. I waste a lot of time just walking and looking around, the surroundings change to this partially outdoors quite spacey area. Also, I make a little affirmation that will ld for as long as possible (not going to wake up). There is one very awesome thing that happens by itself. As I am looking around, it seems that it is raining, so while I am gently turning to the side and at that point either time or the water freezes in time /slows significantly. I am able to see each and every single raindrop suspended in the air in a sort of super slow (or suspended) motion and all of these raindrops are little round spheres of water that I can see in detail. It's so unexpected and amazing, I can't believe it. I think I need to take a second to look to the side and contemplate on what I have just seen. I make a big mental note about this. After some more exploring, I become concerned about me actually having to perform some tasks rather than doing nothing (good point, especially since I recall very little from that part). I remember I wanted to do the Toty drinking contest with Hercules and Dionysus. My ideal representative DC for Hercules would be the Rock, I try to summon him here and there but he doesn't show up. I am disappointed and continue with my general summon idea - guys in ancient type of clothes or topless muscular guys. A number of DCs appear and there is an older man with some ragged clothes that could look like Dionysus after he has been having too much fun. With some more effort, a topless DC with reasonable appearance and muscle comes near Dionysus and it's time for the drinking contest to begin. I go to the side of this house (in front of which we currently are) and get in the kitchen where there are a number of ancient jugs hopefully full of wine. I take quite a bit of time looking for the one that is large enough and also full, take a very ancient looking one and bring it to the guys. Dionysus drinks a bit of the liquid but he spits it out (I later think how my DCs are always trying to cheat), anyways I take the turn and drink a great deal of this weirdly tasting strong alcohol, even have some worries about dream swallowing waking me up. I manage to keep my concentration but as I pass the jug to Hercules, the dream thins out. Not really sure if I chained, the scene reappeared etc. It was a similar overall construct to the previous place but the guys and the wine are gone. I give it another try, summoning some more topless muscular guys. A few such DCs appear though with not as much muscle as desired and I mentally try to add more muscle. As these guys are now approaching me, I have a moment of apprehension about them actually turning hostile and what am I going to do in such case, but I manage to calm myself down before this manifests, thinking these guys are fine etc. The scene is pretty difficult to organize this time and I give it up, also being distracted by bf in one of the nearby rooms of the area. I go back to look for him but he is not there anymore. My memory is pretty bad but at some point the dream interrupts again. While I expect the dream to be over, I am surpised to find myself in the dream again. Somewhat similar overall long open area with transitioning parts. I contemplate whether I should wake myself as not to forget the details so far. But then I am still dreaming, so why wake up. I try to make a review of what has happened so far so I that I don't forget. Ok, what else could I do here, I try to recall some more tasks. The problem is I didn't consider more tasks for today and it is difficult to recall any from DV. Still I am convinced that if I think about it will be able to recall one more from the totys - the nemean lion. I recall the steps. There is a window separating the area where I am and the outside and as I try to phase through it I end up peel lifting the glass which turns into other light material. I end up in a place like a back yard where I try to summon the lion. Some really cool music shortly plays at this point (and also different music in prior parts of the dream, really good quality), it really fits the mood. I have some doubts about my summon working (it feels like one of those dreams), but tell myself not to give up and try to think about a lion instead of the casual summon technique. This works and soon a smaller than expected (large dog sized) male lion comes near. He is not too aggressive, but definitely wild. I grab him at the back of his neck (no lifting) and take him along with me, looking for the exibition place. I make mental notes about his size, how convenient the place is. We enter a large hall where it seems the contest will be taking place, though the participangs have not arrived yet. To save time, I summon a cat and take it along as well. It's a really stubborn cat so I have to constantly hold it too. I position the animals on small pillows? for the contestants that have self summoned here. The referees are here, a DC referee woman takes a look at the cat and a few more cats that have appeared on nearby pillows. She then proceeds to do an examination of my lion, saying something about his paws and posture and in approval finally hands us the price - a roll of paper with the winner certificate. I run out of attention, the dream thins out and I wake up.
Updated 05-02-2015 at 08:08 PM by 61764
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am invited to go down a wormhole and on the other side I find a "Wonderland" type of place. As I walk down a hallway, I encounter tiny doors, which open to tiny worlds or encounter strange living paintings that suck people into really dark places. At a gate I find some guards and some stalls with weapons and all kinds of acessories. We are to enter an RPG game and must "wear" the character of our choice. But the best weapons are gone, I look for a sabre and can't find any, nor long swords. All there's left are big knifes and whips. I grab the nicest looking big knife, a handbag and then I look at the shoes and instead of all the heavy boots, I go for the only pair of white vynil bowling shoes that match my black with white stripe outfit I am wearing. Inside the gates, is not like I expected. It's a complex world, with flying palaces and I end up in one. Everybody is dressed up like for a ball and I feel dislocated. On this palace it seems to be happening some kind of event with workshops and I find it all so odd. I decide to attend one workshop to see what's the topic and they are discussing the "Theory of Everything" and I hear them advancing the explanation for the link between quantum physics and general relativity. It has something to do with dark matter and I am wowed because it makes sense and appears to be so simple.
Date: August 24, 2013 Method: MILD & WBTB (hoping for a DILD or WILD) Total Hours of Sleep: ??? (Constantly waking up!) Dream I was at a workshop for something about Healthcare and Marketing. The owner had a student who was taken for granted regarding another company and all his money was stolen (so he didn't have much money to participate in the workshop). The person had asked me for help in retrieving his money, so I agreed to help him. The business had closed down and was right across the street from the workshop, so I went over and took a look around. The business reminded me of an old prison. To make a long boring NL dream short, I eventually got in trouble from the workshop owner because I wasn't interested in Healthcare or Marketing anymore. Fragment Something about badges, but I think this was somehow related to the first dream.
Date: May 13, 2013 Method: (MILD before bed) then WBTB & WILD Total Sleep Time: 8 broken hours (bedtime 12:30am-4:30am) WBTB (4:30am-4:40am), then slept from about 4:50am-7:00am (son woke me up to tell me he is going to school) then 7:10am-10:00am Category: Dream Fragment, & Non Lucid Dream Fragment #1: I was with someone selling several items like fish tanks, juke boxes, neon signs, snacks and drinks. My GOD son was their telling me that someone would not let him get something to drink and I got mad at them and mad them hand over the drinks. Dream Fragment #2 I was at some sort of workshop or could have even been a church with several people and I was listening to a teacher that I know (LC). I started to walk home and started seeing my neighborhood. Walking down the street were several animals. First I saw dogs with long leashes pulling them, but no one was on the other end of the leash pulling the dogs. It was like the people were invisble with the leash hanging in the air and the dogs were being pulled (possible dream sign?). Then, cows and maybe a bull started coming down the same street...then I got distracted by a clothesline ...I felt like something was wrong, but instead of becoming lucid, I just woke up. Note to self: 1) Not feeling well and I took some cold medicine, so I don't know if this had an effect on my dreams . 2) Don't give up, just be thankful that you're remembering something! .
DJ Log: September 27, 2011 8:00AM (USA Eastern) · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID · I am running around naked in a large metal fabrication workshop, searching for my clothes. I find my shoes near a loading dock in the front of the shop, then find my undies hanging in the ceiling beams. I look all over the place, but I can't find my socks, pants, or shirt.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was in some place like a workshop. There were one or two groups of people in the workshop. I may have belonged to one of the groups. But one of the groups had finished whatever they'd had to do. This group left the room. They walked through a long, ramped hallway, like in a hospital. They were now in a dark room at the end of the hallway. The room was like a bar, although it didn't seem to have anything in it. The people were all singing karaoke. I sat down in the workshop-room at some big working table. I was at the back end of the table. I really wanted to do some karaoke. I was getting restless. I had a pile of money in front of me. I realized that some people had left their money here. So I should give it back. President Obama was sitting on the right side of the table, near the front end. I gave the pile of money to Obama. I realized that the money was money that Congress had left on the table. They'd probably need it back. And President Obama would probably be able to give it to them. I walked away from President Obama. But, for some reason, I still had two $10 bills in my hand. So I turned back to Obama and dropped the $10 bills on the table. They lined up nicely, the bottom edge of one matching wih the top edge of the other. They also looked really nice and new. I knew that the $20 was some kind of "extra tax" that came with the money for Congress. The main pile of money was the pile that Congress got as a matter of course. The "extra tax" was tax that Congress received on this money. But President Obama told me to keep the extra $20. He said something like Congress hadn't really earned the stack of money in the first place, and they really wouldn't miss the tax money if it was missing. President Obama then asked me, "Well, why are you sticking around here? You can go, if you'd like. Don't you wanna go do karaoke with everybody else?" I said no. I knew the Fed was going to talk about something pretty soon. I felt like it would probably be a smart idea if I hung around here until the Fed got through talking about whatever they were going to talk about. I had partly said this to butter-up Obama and make him think I was smart. But I was also genuinely interested in what the Fed had to say. Dream #2 I was in a restaurant/bar. The restaurant had a weird shape, kind of an upside-down "L" shape, with the tall part of the "L" being really long and kind of narrow. The lighting for the whole place was a kind of neon-blue. But there were windows to the space outside of the bar, which looked like the inside of a mall and was lit normally. I had gotten a table to sit at. But I had been asked to stand up. I'd had to walk all the way to the end of the area I was in, i.e. to the "base" of the "L" shape. Now I was back at my seat. There was some other guy with me, an Asian man in maybe his late twenties, dressed in a business suit. We seemed to be co-workers or friends. We were about to sit down when another man asked if he could sit with us. He was also Asian and young. He was dressed in an all-black business suit. We didn't know the man, but we let him sit with us. The two men sat beside each other. They started talking with each other, as if they were familiar with each other. I understood that they had never met each other before, but that they "knew the game" well enough to talk with each other as if they were familiar with each other. I sat on the opposite side of the table, kind of awkwardly positioned in my seat against an empty seat, and messing around with stuff at the table, possibly a glass of water and some condiments or little appetizers or something. The men tried to include me in the conversation. They asked me something. I responded by giving some speech about the Fed, which I don't remember, other than the fact that it was about them not needing something and having some kind of disagreement with Congress. The Fed might have said that Congress didn't need something. Dream #3 I was in a big, nice living room in some wonderful apartment on a high-up floor in a big building. An old, white man with white hair sat on a couch. I may have sat down and stood up alternately. I had been interested in the old man's daughter. I wanted to marry the daughter. But the old man was sure that I only wanted to marry the daughter because I wanted to get at the old man's money. This wasn't true. There were elements of the dream before this point that proved, I reflected, that I really liked the girl. But I can't remember those parts of the dream.
This is my first entry, and my first time in any sense attempting to record a dream, having had one. It's only recently I began remembering my dreams, and only that because of a brief reading about lucid dreaming. I'll start backwards because it'll help me remember: The final segment was my mother revealing some information about the downfall of a friend of mine's family. In real life this friend of mine I saw last night at a party and he is headed off to the Cayman Islands to teach Cello - maybe that was why he was in my head. It was just an oblique about the success of this guy's older brother, who displayed great academic achievement, as opposed to some of the other siblings who were more along the lines of great musical achievement. He was already publishing articles as head boy at the private school he went to - before the family collapsed. I suppose all this provoked in me was an extra sense of sadness at all the potential some of these kids had, and the distruption their various life trajectories underwent, as they ended up having their home life and family taken out from underneath them, and the effects this has had on them. All this was being told me on the day before a set of exams I had to do, which stayed with to the point I was sitting on the dewed grass of a green that was familiar yet unfamiliar of a university which was similar yet different to the one I went to. Then interestingly came a focus to my own home. Which was unrecogniseable and yet familiar. It was labyrinthine, with loads of rooms I had never seen before and yet which seemed vaguely familiar. One which sticks in my head was a cored nursery which was the only room which looked unused but was being kept for that purpose for some peculiar reason. Maybe because my mother still hopes sooner or later a cousin on or somesuch will bring a child over. Then comes the basement, which seems to have been where I was. It seems to have been some kind of a workshop for me. It was full of wooden cutout figures that had painted faces; curiously grotesque and horrific yet comical and almost funny as well. It was darkly lit and mostly cement, with a cool, almost wet sense to the air. A backdoor to the basement opened out to a dry desert road going around the side of a mesa. On a layby slightly below this road I was building a very large gattling gun out of rather ineffectual materials. In some cases there was metal, bullets, cables, things which in themselves seemed to overheat and break far too quickly. Meanwhile some important structural parts of the machine were being done in cardboard, and I didn't see how strange that was. Anyway that's it in reverse order.
DJ Log: July 25, 2011 7:00AM (USA Eastern) Text color legend: NON-DREAM NOTES DREAM LUCID I am walking into a garage with a small workshop area off to the side. There are a couple of covered cars sitting in the garage, as well as many piles of parts. There is a large workbench in the back of the garage with disassembled engines on it. There is a motorcycle frame on a stand near the bench. In the corner of the garage is a doorway which leads into a smaller workshop area with a bench, a toolbox and some power tools on the bench. I walk into the workshop area and find a guy sitting on a stool at the bench. When I walk in, he looks at me and smiles as he is working on a carburetor. I ask his name, and he replies, I'm David. We talk for a bit about his Toyota trike. He explains to me all about how he is changing the V-6 engine out for a supercharged 4-cylinder with much more horsepower. While he is talking, we walk out into the garage area. I read the nameplate on the fender and it says something like Corado, but the letters look different every time I try to read it. The rear half looks like a dune buggy and the front looks like a Harley Davidson. When I go to sit down on a milk crate in the garage, I feel something uncomfortable in my back pocket. I reach back and pull a remote control out of my pocket. While looking at the remote, something seems a bit off. I look at David and say, I went to sleep with this remote in my pocket, so this means that this is a dream and I am lucid. I am puzzled by why I would have gone to sleep with a remote control in my pocket. Perhaps, in an attempt to produce a satisfactory reason why this would have happened, I was able to identify that I was dreaming. I immediately become lucid. David looks at me like I am crazy, and then walks back into the workshop area and sits down on a stool. I follow him to the workshop and say, This is a dream. Do you know what that means? He looks at me puzzled for a moment, and then says, Does this mean that you're going to kill me, then rape me? I reply, No, silly. We're going to make sweet, sweet love, right here on top of the toolbox. We begin kissing, and then fall backward onto the toolbox. The toolbox is not a very comfortable object to lean against, so we roll onto the floor and continue kissing. I grab a handful of his hair and pull him in even closer, and he does the same. We both melt into the floor in a full-on make out session. Without any warning, I wake up.
Heading home from work. Traffic camera flashes. I kept cursing in my head. Making my way to a car workshop nearby, I parked close to the open entrance. I see my old friend working there. I instantly walked to a toolbox finding a worklight on it(on the left of the entrance), like if I knew it was supposed to be there. Im starting to look for my EVAP leak (which my car has in real life) while my friend keeps telling me to calm down about the speed camera. At the car workshop there were many cars and workers, blue car lifted in the air to be welded from the bottom(on the right). Welding and putting the cars together. My friend was wearing yellow high-visibility t-shirt and blue pants. He sat on the driver's seat, left foot outside of the car The road where the camera flashed is a real road and the camera was at the right spot, the workshop is not real for my knowledge. I was doing 65kph on 50kph zone when camera flashed. The lights turned from green to red without showing the yellow at all. I drove the left lane, which was wrong lane if I was driving home. AC DC was playing in the car, "If you want blood".
i'm in my bed,... i realise i'm dreaming by doing the light switch reality check, when i become lucid, i jump out of my bed, and end up, in a workshop, i look around,... 'where am i?!', a group of gnomes come out and greet and welcome me, i look around, i examine my souroundings, trying to remain calm, i open some drawers and presses, and cupboards around the room, i find some items, like chocolate, ,money, string.,... then, i open a door, and practice reece jones's dream door technique, i attempt to summon a cat, i think, I summon a bike, then i try to summon a book, i summon, a bird. ????.. then.... a demon ... a black shadowy thing is at the back of the room, so then i dissapear, and wake up. ♥