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    1. Jish

      by , 09-11-2011 at 12:05 PM
      Okay so this is my dreamjournal, i'll post my other couple of posts in here so I can record where I am upto
    2. Festival, hunted.

      by , 09-11-2011 at 11:52 AM
      I meet up with Joe, Josh and soph appears to come along too.
      We walk off into a forest where there is suppose to be some mini-festival. We lay down on the floor, belly down. And watch whats happening.

      Soph grabs my hand and i dont like it, i let her hold it as i know otherwise she'll never shut up. She even says something like "you know how if someone grabs your hand, you'll at least curl a finger round, well he didn't even do that to me, he just let me hold his".

      whatever we were watching ends, but we seem to have lost josh and some other people that were near us. We exit the woods and a car pulls up, Faye comes running out the car and hugs me, we say hello etc. Soph invites me to go back to her house and i make an excuse and say i just wanna go home and chill.

      Suddenly i am lost in the woods , by myself. I come across josh and the others, they've been on the run for some time and tell me to follow them. We are by a small river, the sun is blazing and its really hot. I find a small stash of equipment. I loot it like you would in a game and can instantly tell that some weapons are better than others, some are blue (blue always = good) There's a couple of semi-automatic rifles, a p-90 and a weird taser type thing, Josh grabs the taser and runs around tasering people. I get tasered and its not THAT bad. I start to laugh as josh chases frenchy around with it, i can see the panic in frenchy's eyes ( he hates electric shocks) and hes running around.

      Suddenly everyone stops after we hear a huge roar. I ask what it is and josh tells me to drop everything i dont need. we cross the river.
      After some time in the woods we come to a building. we walk through the door and into a room with objects and furniture scattered about the floor, there is a doorway leading to a bridge, with 4 people standing on it, looking straight ahead, they are all completely naked 2 male, 2 female. Out there everything looks new, brilliantly made and shiny. Its clear we have to cross the bridge but i dont think these four people will let us. Somebody reads out some text "you must find the chalice to gain passage across the bridge, and to home." I walk across the room to a book case. "this has to be it right?" I look up and the 4 people are now staring at me, with blank expressions on there face. I hand the chalice over to a guy i barely know..... They stare at him instead now. One of the girls with us is starting to get scared, the guy with the chalice tells her to calm down. He'll go first. I am standing to the far right of the room, next to the wall, there are some steps that lead up, if i turn right once im up them, id walk through the door onto the bridge. I watch as the guy walks onto the bridge with the chalice. For some reason he begins to dance, we shout at him but he does not reply. The 4 people smile.... And walk a place closer to the door. They also switch places i start to chuckle to myself as the guy nearest the door has a pretty small penis. I say "OI! i bet you feel well bad standing next to that guy, your nob is TINY!!" and start to laugh. someone screams at me and tells me this isn't the time for jokes... "its the perfect time for jokes, besides, they're not moving and we all need to calm down and think straight. Look, its tiny." everyone giggles and the tension has been cut. Someone else picks up the chalice, and instead of moving one more place towards us, they single-file march through the door and into the room. Everyone panics and disperses in different directions, i stay calm and as soon as the last one as moved through the door i bolt up the stairs through the door and over the bridge. I notice a girl holding some sort of staff come running out of a building way ahead of me, i guess that is where i need to go, but can't let her catch me. the girl says "ill get him" She seems my age and very athletic. I jump up onto a sort of Divider to confuse her. I run to the end of this, jump down, I hear her running behind me. I jump up onto another divider that has a huge bush all the way along it, i need to get to the other side so i start looking for weak points in the bush, i dont find any so go to the end grab the bush, jump and hurl myself round. I am on top another divider here, i see the room i need to get to.

      I start to sprint across the divider, i hear the woman say "and what will you do when you land, itll hurt" - i jump up quite high, i remember what she said and worry a little, then think, "no this wont hurt at all" i land one one foot and sprint into the room. And wake up.
    3. 11

      by , 09-11-2011 at 11:47 AM (Blue, blue windows behind the stars.)
      I was walking down the staircase in my apartment with a friend. At the end of the stairs, in front of the main gate, we stopped and just stood there, observing. A small number of random people came up from the basement and just proceeded up the stairs.
      A Nazi, a medieval soldier and a doctor came up the stairs, among others.
      One person came up to us and told us some trivial fact about Led Zeppelin that I can not remember.

      The end.

      Updated 12-16-2011 at 12:57 AM by 30852

    4. 30th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-11-2011 at 11:16 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dreams

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      11-09-11 I wake up in my bed and have a feeling I am dreaming. I am having trouble opening my right eye. I ask the dream for more vision which it gives me. I am about to just fly through the window as normal, but decide to take a bit of time stabilising the dream this time.

      I do this by grabbing hold of the curtain by the window and really looking at my plants in the window. I normally only have one plant in the window and it looks smaller in the dream than it does in waking life. Besides engaging touch and vision I also try and smell my plants, though without success, however when I do this one of the plants transform right in front of me, which I consider a bit odd as normally I can't really make transformations of objects all that well, but hey it wasn't intentional.

      After some time of doing all of this I sit myself down in the window and notice the weather is grey and drizzling. I think to myself that it is pretty much as it was in waking life. I feel like I am getting ill in waking life and the cold and wind from dream environment is uncomfortable for me so I sit and spend a bit of time altering the chilling sensations so I can still feel them, but without the “cold” feeling attached.

      I fly upwards and encounter an Asian woman hanging in the air along with some laundry out for drying. I am about to just fly past her, but decide to interact a bit, considering the possibility that this may not be a DC. I ask her name, which is really weird and I semi-hate myself for not remembering, and tell her “That is a weird name”, to which she replies “Not as weird as yours!” “Oh yeah, what is my name?” I ask “Stefan Vamt” she replies and I have to concede “Yeah, that is a weird name”.

      Note: First time a DC has given me a name completely different to my own.

      I have been flying around her a bit in order to keep off the ground, at one point I did try just hovering, which went fine, so I don't know why I have been flying around. In any case I get sent spinning into circles, which I at first try to stop.

      “You know what, Spinning, not a bad idea, lets try” So I spin and it nearly crashes the dream and I abort mid way (I think). However I get slung off to one side onto a building my vision faded from the dream completely, but I manage to grab hold of the edge of the roof and start crawling onto the roof until I can feel the roof top (it is a pointy roof) and I start making my way towards the gable.

      When I get to the gable I start getting flashes of the building and more specifically the small water pools at the ground. I decide to try and relax a bit while keeping my sense of touch in the dream. Soon enough the dream stabilises and I take off into flight towards the building across the gap. I decide to just take it easy and observe what the dream presents.

      When I think this the yellow brick wall becomes enriched with detail and I start ascending (not in a spiritual sense). I can't help the expectation that pops into my head as I am going upwards “El Castillo is going to be at the top of the building” which to my joy it is.

      I make my way towards the pyramid that this time actually looks like the actual thing. There are ceremonial artefacts (if you can call crafted objects in a dream artefacts as they aren't necessarily man made), like pottery and such at the top level next to the temple building atop the pyramid.

      I shout out “Fellow dreamers!”, but again my voice seem to be blurry and the words come out slower than normal and at this point I give up on trying to light the beacon, but instead go exploring.

      I turn around and see constructions similar to my first visit. There are columns and archways all over the place and the jungle floor is scattered with smaller buildings all made in something that looks like sandstone.

      The amazing thing is that these buildings doesn't seem intrusive as the foliage is allowed to grow freely, even more astonishing is the sense of living it provides to the city. A perfect integration of architecture and nature, where one adds beauty to the other in a synergistic fashion.

      I look down and spot a large figure and recognise it as one of the feline figures I saw in my first visit here and decide to go and introduce myself. When I get down there it turns out to be a somewhat different figure, as essentially this is a big grey/white cat. It is however a few heads taller than me, has quite the...ehhh.. big bones, is bipedal and dressed in clothing that seems foreign to the city I am in.

      It comes over to me and greets me, it knows about me from the first time I was here as I apparently made quite a gossip. I grab it's out stretched paw.

      I wake up.

      I am in a shop where a couple of my old friends are running it. Furthermore they have an area out back where there are houses and other shops. I walk out into the back and and start talking with the older brother, who doesn't actually look like what I remember and he is wearing overalls.

      I ask him if the entire back housing is theirs as well and he looks around and indicate that not only the houses, but all the shops around the rectangular yard belong to them as well.

      Impressive I think to myself, even that shop up on the corner I once visited is theirs. I walk back into the shop and watch the youngest of the brothers handle a purchase, he seems little more than a baby now and has grown considerably younger.

      I walk out the shop and down the street that transforms into a hallway by first turning into a tunnel type thing. I notice one of the gates on the right hand side is open and know that this is where they keep the Tyrannosaurus, so I can't help but always looking back towards that gate and expect a T Rex come running out, I am close to my room anyway.

      Notes: I finaly understand the term semi-lucid now as this is exactly what I was, I knew I was dreaming sort of, I just hadn't “awoken” yet.

      I open the door to my room on the left hand side and expect a Veloci Raptor (look at my extensive Jurassic Park knowledge of ancient reptiles!) to attack me, even if it does I will just punch it in its face.

      As I walk through my vision starts to fade and I am questioning if I am dreaming
      , but then I notice that my bass is standing upright against one of the sofa's and I know it to be lying on the floor, more specifically I know it to be lying on the floor between the window (where I am trying to go) and me.

      I stabilise by breathing and calming down and gradually my visual sphere of perception is filled out with my room. Along with that I notice that there are quite a lot of tall trees outside in the garden that wouldn't normally be there. I notice that the weather is very similar to the last dream.

      Before I fly out the window I expect El Castillo to be on my right hand side and start flying through the window. But I end up face against the glass and have to break it in order to get through. I fly upwards and to the right and there is something that looks like the pyramid but isn't quite that.

      My flight is terrible and I end up slamming into a yellow building and have to climb up the roof. But strangely I decide to fuck worrying about my lack of control, which seems to strengthen it gradually as the dream progress.

      From the roof of the yellow building I look across at yet another yellow building and run towards it and leap taking off into flight (which is back to normal now). In the top flat on the corner of the building there is a television set running and I think “Great, gonna port there through TV!” which I try, but am unsuccessful.

      I think I just end up on the other side of the building and as I look up there are again loads of buildings that look like El Castillo, but isn't. So I decide to just give up and start flying down the street. The city reminds me of a mixture between Barcelona and a Moroccan city.

      Colours and buildings shaped like that. But the streets are modern and wide and there is plenty of life and activity in the restaurants and bars in the one I am in.

      Like this.

      I notice my mum sitting at a bar that is facing the streets wearing a cowboy hat. I carry on down the street and decides to chill a bit. What was the TotM? something about elements and walking on water. Well no water for me to walk on here, but plenty of wine glasses filled with it.

      I sit down and reach my hand out towards a glass of water and make it boil and bubble. I intend to grab it out of the glass and hold it in the air, but someone talks to me from the back before I get a chance of exercising more control.

      The voice makes me think I don't have much time left, which is weird and I don't even turn around to see who it was. I continue down and find a candle on one of the tables. I start pulling the fire towards me and the flame lengthens towards my hand.

      Lame I think and carry on and find two candles on a table with a stranger sat next to it. I first pull rather hard mentally which extinguish one of the candles. I try again fairly hard, but with a bit more of a gentle build-up of force until the little flame leaps from the candle and into my hand where it continue to burn for a couple of seconds until I wake up.

      Fragments: Sleeping at Kaiser's place.

      Picking up some old winning tickets from my grandmother who is deceased.

      Flying around observing things without a body (non-lucid).
    5. 30th shared dreaming attempt - It'sMEE's dream

      by , 09-11-2011 at 11:00 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      It'sMEE's Dream

      I am at home, looking out of the window. It's a dull day, rather boring, and for some reason I wish there was a storm or something. Later, a really strong wind starts blowing. It's like a blizzard, only it's raining instead of snowing. The wind seems to be grey-blue and is very very noisy. Things are blowing about in the wind, such as dustbins and branches. As suddenly as the wind began, it stopped. The sky is dark blue. I go outside because there is a loud noise. The next door neighbour and my dad are at the side of our house with a small cat which has apparently been blown about by the wind. I feel bad because for some reason, I feel like the storm was my fault. We take the cat inside and look after it.
      "Did you see that wind?" I ask.
      "Yeah, it was really strange." my mum replies. "It came on so suddenly."
      My dad is still outside. "What the-?!" I hear him say. I look out the front door. My dad has a truck (which is supposed to be his) but it's piled high with black dustbins.
      "Didn't you see the wind? That's where these bins came from." I say. When I'm back inside, I'm thinking this is too good to be true (I don't know why I think it's good) so I do an RC, which is what I do whenever something strange, good, bad or interesting happens but I'm not expecting it to be a dream AT ALL. So when I find that it is, I'm shocked. The first thing I ALWAYS want to do when I find out I'm dreaming is fly somewhere. I fly right out of the front door and it's daytime now. I fly past my living room window, which I think was probably a mistake because all of my family are sitting in there. I decide that a good way to go places is to fly right up into space and then fly back down some where else, but when I try to fly up, I feel like something is dragging me back down. My little sister hannah comes out of the house and tries to get me to come back in. I keep flying up, ignoring her, and I sit down on something high up. When hannah has left, I jump back down and I'm annoyed to find that I'm only a few metres off the ground. I return home, reminding myself to try again later. I go to my room and shut the door carefully behind me. I remember that I'm supposed to go to Chichen-Itza and look at the door. I tell myself that when I open the door, the pyramid will be there. But it's not. I go to the computer room. Both of my sisters are there playing something on the computer and listening to music on my phone. I take my phone and go back to my room. I drop the phone on my bed, and determined to get to Chichen-Itza, I go into the bathroom and stare at the closed blind. There is a yellowish light creeping in from behind the blind, and I'm sure it's light from near Chichen-Itza, but then I get distracted by something and go downstairs. It's lunch time. I decide I'm going to eat lunch and then find a better way to get to Chichen-Itza. Whilst eating lunch, I keep whispering 'I'm dreaming' so that I don't forget. I don't really need to eat lunch, so I leave half way through eating. I go to the side of my house and fly up to the roof. I was going to walk along the roof, but I see my older sister with some random boy. I watch from the edge of the roof. A girl appears at my side. She's been in one of my dreams before, I think even the one I had last night, and she has big purple hair, a kind of white-ish purple.
      "Hello." She whispers.
      "Hey." I whisper back. "I'm trying to get to a pyramid... do you know how to get there?"
      "Sure, follow me..." We go down to where the garage is supposed to be beside our house. The doors are covered in large 'M's and on each M, there is a small hole. The girl squeezes through one hole and I follow. We're in a dark room decorated with pastel coloured shapes.
      "This is the sugar room." There are lots of people in here. There is a woman in a suit. One minute later, the room has been destroyed. The girl pulls me out of the room and we end up on a cool, dark pier. There is a light salty breeze and the girl points to something I haven't seen. There is a massive pyramid on the beach. I'm not sure if this is the right pyramid, but it's the closest I'm going to get to it. Two of the sides are in shadow and are blue, whereas the other two sides are lit and are yellow.
      "Thanks." I say, but the girl has dissapeared. I go to the pyramid and look around. I have the feeling that there should be two people here, but there aren't. I am annoyed.
      Something happens, I'm not sure what, And suddenly the steps on the sides of the pyramid are covered in people. I am standing on one of the lit sides. Then I wake up.
    6. Rainbow Mountain, old friend, boxing

      by , 09-11-2011 at 09:46 AM (Sehnsucht)
      I am a little child, and my father, my brother and me are climbing a mountain. My father looks like Doug from King of Queens, and my brother looks like Stewie from Malcom in the middle. So we are climbing the mountain, racing who will be first. It is evening, the sun is getting red. The mountain only has green grassland. We arrive at the top, it gets harder and harder to climb. Now, the grass is rainbow-colored, and on top of the mountain is a rainbow colored tree. I get up there first, and touch the tree. "Look at this coloring, there has to be gold under this tree!" But my father says "Leave it alone, let's go down again." I and my brother run down, my brother seems to really have fun.

      Fuck this, my most common dream sign, and I don't get it. If I want to climb heights, or get into something really bad, a mysterious force stop me, and it gets harder and harder. I wonder if this is common.

      I am at an elementary school at night. I look at the door from one class, and the teacher's names are written on it. Somehow I think that those are my old elementary teachers, and get away from that class. There are some delinquents around, throwing fireworks around. I spot a little child which looks like someone I know, and try to talk to him.

      "Hey little one, do you happen to have a big brother called ML?"

      "Yea, how do you know?"

      "I know your brother from military, but sadly, after we dropped out, we didn't have contact with eacah other. Can you tell me where you live?"

      "...No, you are a stranger."

      "Ah, that's right. Then how about this, I will give you my telephone number, and when you get home, you tell your brother to call me, ok?2


      He takes out a gameboy, and tells me to dictate the number. We fail a quite a number of times, but in the end, it worked out.

      I am surprised I got the number right in the end, and am mad that such a common dreamsign didn't strike me as odd.

      I am at my old neighborhood, with my brother, a friend from military, and two guys I know from highschool. They are practicing boxing, and encourage me to do it too. I try it, first against a big guy from high school. I shake my fist around, and he laughs. He shows me the place on the head which I should aim for, at the side of the head behind the eye. I try it out, and strike him exactly there. He gets pissed, but is dizzy now, and can't win anymore. I fight the other highschool guy too, and the one from the military doesn't even want to, because he is scared of me. Then I am up against my brother. He is practicing boxing (in real life), so he should be strong. I can see it in his face and stance; the other ones were nervous and irritated, but my brother stands firm and is focused. I get to hit him a few times, but his endurance is far higher than mine. I rub my eyes, and suddenly my vision drops to the ground. I stagger around, my eyes are fixed to the ground and not under my control. I drop down, stand up again, wondering what'S going on. I remember that I had this before, my eyes in real life are opened. I try to close them, and spin around, but nothing helps, I wake up.
    7. Rescue me! I am Khal Drogo!

      by , 09-11-2011 at 09:26 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)
      [COLOR="lightblue"]Middlestate (I change this to hypnagogic, because that what it is)[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]This morning I woke up and remembered a dream, but I told myself let's test if I can skip to note this dream and still remember it.
      I didn't... I went back to sleep and had this dream.


      [COLOR="blue"]I were on a big balcony, that was made of stone. In some kind of caslte I think. Then the teenage king from Game of thrones "Lannister..." open the big door and sais something to me. I thought about this weird experience, although I wasn't lucid I was very aware of my body and choices. It almost felt like I was controling my movement, but I didn't know that I was dreaming. Weird state, because what is tricking me to believe that this was real? It was the same feeling you have when you watch a movie. You are somehow involved in it. Although this time I was controling my actions.
      Then I hear someone climbng on the steep mounatin next to the balcony. I look down and see a whole group of soldiers.
      "We are here to rescue you" they said. The one who was first grabbed my hand and all of them lose their grip and they formed a chain, like you see in movies when people almost fall down from a height. The guy below that person who held my hand held in his ankle and so on, you get the picture. When all were up they gave me climbing equipment and we climbed to the side of the castle and then down, to the grass. "Down with the king!" they yelled. Then they started to burn down houses in the village, and I shouted "Stop! What the hell are you doing?"


      The dream transformed into the wild people from the same serie and I was now transformed into Khal Drogo!
      I think I associated harrassing villages with that. Now I wanted to do backflips! I ran and did a backflip to impress everyone, but on the landing I bit my lip. Everybody was chocked, although I hadn't noticed it myself until I saw their eyes direction.
      I got chocked, then I woke up. Cool dream thought[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]It felt like my dream was that vivid because I am used to the dreamy feeling. But it can just have been a coincidence, and it's weird that I didn't become lucid.[/COLOR]

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:03 AM by 49122

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is paperdoll's art awesome or what!!!-khal-drogo-16_160470325.jpg   Is paperdoll's art awesome or what!!!-lannister-joffrey-1x0_595.jpg  
    8. Keratin Teeth

      by , 09-11-2011 at 07:48 AM
      I was unhappy with my teeth and believed that they had grown too long and rough so I naturally cut them as I would have done with nails under the same circumstances but I found the effect undesirable after doing one. The discovery was that we are not meant to cut our teeth. I was then discussing teeth with an expert who was telling me that not many people actually know that we have enamel on the grinding surfaces of our teeth as well. He wondered who the enamel on these surfaces belonged to. He also told me about a link between intelligence and bad teeth but I believed none of it a tore down his argument at every stage.
      Tags: teeth
    9. Indian Rail

      by , 09-11-2011 at 07:41 AM
      11 Sep 2011

      We were on holiday in India and we had just arrived in a small town on a train. The train was horrible in the sense that there was no security and it was dirty and a little crowded. After arriving, we became more like native Indians than tourists. We were new to the area but living like locals. There were these special electric lanterns which cycled through three different levels of brightness. The dullest was barely enough to illuminate the ground in front of you, the middle level was bright enough to see and be seen but would not blind anyone and the brightest could illuminate everything to the horizon. I decided that I wanted to go for a walk and mum insured that she accompany me since this land was new and dangerous. My brother and father ended up coming along also. It was night time and we elected the middle brightness level. We left the village and climbed a hill to a low ridge along which ran the main road through the area. There were few cars on the road. Having crossed this road a field opened up before us. We knew that somewhere in the field was the railway line on which we had come in. We walked out into the field and came to the line. There was nothing on it so we crossed. We came to a second line and found a man stuck in the rails but left him there to die because we did not want to get caught up in his business. We continued and crossed three more lines. The was a train in the distance on the first but we crossed anyway as we had plenty of time. The second had a train much closer but I judged that we had plenty of time at the speed it was traveling so I crossed but my family waited for it to pass. The third was much closer again and I would have been hit and died if I had tripped but I still risked it and survived. There were many more but I do not remember specifics. All I know is that the trains were either packed full, dirty and old or completely empty, clean and new.
      Tags: holiday, india, trains
    10. Barbra Streisand Assimilates Words

      by , 09-11-2011 at 07:34 AM
      11 Sep 2011

      All I remember is that I had to assimilate a word in order to understand someone and describe them. I am working to bring more details back. The assimilation of a word comes from a Barbra Streisand film which I watched before going to bed (The Owl and the Pussycat). In fact the whole concept of the dream seems to stem from this film.
    11. Over Curvature of Space Time in L Block

      by , 09-11-2011 at 07:27 AM
      10 Sep 2011

      I was standing talking to the G Block group who were occupying our territory for some reason. They got angry and tried to stop me from leaving but my anger was so much that not only did I beat up M.T. who was trying to hold me is a sleeper hold, but I also stole a packet of pretzels and, having asserted my dominance, they let me keep it so I ate a few and then threw it back to them. On leaving the back fields I entered L Block from the Eastern end and became aware of something called the 'red blue zone'. There had previously been a 'red zone' and a 'blue zone' in the school and they had been exciting. Little did I know that I was already tangled up in it. I looked down corridors, into class rooms and stair wells and noticed various red and blue lights. The internal layout was all wrong. There was some incorrect and dangerous space time curvature going on and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. I came across year nine kids all wearing blue vests and holding guns. They fired at a few other year nine kids in red vests who fell. I saw Mrs T (music) come round a corner. She looked exhausted and told them to stop firing. Some of the girls had already complained that the game was evil and reminded them of what was going on in South Africa. Anyway I tried to talk to Mrs T but she told me to get out of there as quickly as I could. The blue and red light everywhere was starting to creep me out a little and I would have obliged only I now knew that the way was blocked, or rather twisted in such a way that all paths lead back to the same place or became unreasonable dead ends. Having told her that I could not get out she looked dismayed. She and the year nines had been stuck down here for a while and they did not have long left to get out. We searched every path but they kept changing and we drew a blank. There was no way out. Then it dawned upon me. We were trying to go up to get out of this underground maze but perhaps if we wanted to go up, the best path to choose would be down. We picked a downward staircase at random though Mrs T had little hope. We descended into another chamber and another chamber again and found that we could go no lower but there was a ladder in the middle of the room leading up. We looked up and there was daylight. We climbed the ladder and found our way out into the lawn between K and L blocks. I asked Mrs T to tell me everything she knew about the 'red blue zone' and she obliged. She knew everything about it except what had gone wrong, after all, she designed it... It was a maze which she had built in the school. She had used a special space time curve to make the passages confusing. The purpose was to run a team based laser skirmish type game for the year nines. What she could not figure was why the curvature kept changing such that noone could escape since the layout changed with the curvature and could not be fully explored. I asked if there was any harm in just leaving it the way it was but she said that the curvature was programmed to fade in twenty minutes and that anyone or anything left in the zone would simply be zapped out of existence. Given enough time it would be theoretically possible to map the curvature itself and predict an escape route in four dimensions but we did not have time so I began to think laterally. I asked Mrs T if she was certain that she had designed it and she said that she was. I urged her to to reconsider as it was often difficult to be sure that you had not been influenced by someone or something else but she again claimed her own guilt so I took a different tack. I asked when she had first come up with the idea and she referenced a day not very long ago. This gave me suspicions as to how quickly the technology had been developed so I asked at what point did she design the curvature and she answered that she had come up with it on the same day. My opinion was that she was either an idiot savant or she had been influenced by someone or something which had already worked it all out. I quickly modelled what I believed the curvature to be on some electromagnetic curvature modelling thing and asked her if it was correct. She was surprised and asked how I knew. I replied "lucky guess". Two problems existed with the curve I had mapped in wire like mesh things in my hands. The first problem was that the curve was identical to the natural curvatue of of time space within her brain on the day she designed it. This meant that the whole system was linked to a time before it had been designed and caused a paradox. It could not exist. The other problem was a more practical problem. The curvature of time was far too strong for the curvature of space given. The result of this was an ever changing maze of school passages. Still having just under twenty minutes to save the vast majority of year nine, Mrs T determined to reenter the zone and try to rescue them. I urged her not to, the chances of her escaping again were next to impossible but she had a duty of care so I told her to take a long string and tie it around something outside the zone such that on unwinding it would mark a path back to the entry. I hoped that this would work. I also advised her to use the method of heading down to the deepest point in an emergency though who could tell if this logic still applied. I went down into the zone with her, just a few steps and all of the claustrophobic fear returned to me instantly. I had just gone around a corner, out of sight of the entry to let her through a second door. I was supposed to hold it open for some reason though the string would have done a reasonable job of this itself. I was terrified that the zone would trick me again and that the door just out of sight around the corner which was supposed to lead to the exit would lead me somewhere else deep in the zone. I walked around the corner and back into the daylight of the school. I had started to realise that it was only a dream but that I should not wake up as these people might need my help. I was still taking it too seriously to become properly lucid but if someone had asked me if I was dreaming I would have said 'yes' most probably. I think this was because I was beginning to wake up. I woke up and that was that.
    12. Lucid in the park

      by , 09-11-2011 at 06:26 AM
      I’m in the back yard of my father’s home, and it is now adjacent to a large oval. I have some memories of both the army being nearby, and wanting to become a werewolf.

      It is still light outside, and I’m angry about this, because this guy is going to turn me into a werewolf, and I have to wait until it is dark. I’m really keen to become a werewolf, and I remember that it was almost a full moon last night, and that tonight will be the perfect opportunity.

      Whilst I’m waiting, I am at the oval across the road, and for some reason, with no RC’s to make sure, I become lucid. After a brief moment of fist pumping and shouting that I’m dreaming I realise that being lucid could ruin my chances of becoming a werewolf (evidently I’m pretty excited about the werewolf thing) so I decide I shouldn’t do anything that would jeopardise this, and take it easy on the teleporting and DBZ antics.

      What I do decide to do is to make a sword, as it seems like a sensible thing to do if the army should arrive. After a while of just looking at my hand, and expecting there to be a samurai sword materializing any second, I realized it wasn’t doing me any good and tried something else. I stuck out my hand, and grabbed the top bar of the fence, pretending I was holding the hilt of the sword, and that when I lifted my hand into vision, it would indeed be there. So much for that. As I lifted my hand, it was empty, and the fence was still there.

      The realistic feel of the fence had reminded me to stabilize however, and as I rubbed the fence and grass for a while I was once more reminded of the werewolf transformation, so taking a side-road back to the house, I became confused.

      Arriving in some kind of bazaar with high bare rock walls surrounding the stalls, I was joined by my ‘studies of religion’ class, and our teacher (we are presently learning about Buddhism, so it wasn’t too far of a stretch for us to take a tour of the ancient markets) and we continued through.

      After this, we flew (swimming in the air, and unable to get any real speed) to some kind of doctor’s (perhaps a dentist) for something organised by the school. Next door was a charity store, so I went in searching for things to use for my whisky still. From here the dream grows vague, and fades away. All I remember is something about looking through school photos of my friends on a computer.

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:35 PM by 48673

      Tags: bazaar, werewolf
    13. Weird Lucid...9/10/11(Early Morning)

      by , 09-11-2011 at 05:51 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      NOTE: Please regard my guessed date for my last entry. It was somewhere more around 9/5 not 9/2. Also, I have almost no clue what the chronological order of this dream was. I woke up, and kept falling back to sleep after it, so my recalled on it is a little jacked. I'm also going to start doing what Puffin(I think it's Puffin) does. I'll use a scale to show how lucid, and how vivid my dream was. This will give you, my good readers, a better feel of what the dream was like. Here's the scale:

      0-Was not a lucid dream period.
      1-Very weak lucidity. Almost no control.
      2-Having too many lucid downsides. Can't control well.
      3-Moderate control. Too lost though.
      4-Good control. Able to clearly think, and do.
      5-Perfect control. Remember all tasks, no fails, etc.

      0-I can remember every detail of the dream.
      1-I can recall all the important things, and some details.
      2-I remember few details, but all the important things.
      3-Can't recall very well, some important factors though.
      4-Major events and details are too vivid, can't recall.
      5-Can't recall anything but tiny unimportant details.

      LUCIDITY: 2
      VIVIDNESS: 4

      I was being head-locked by a tall African-American man, after I tried to defend my Dad. He'd taken pictures at a crime scene, so we could report it to the Police. The man saw my Dad, and got ready to lash out and hit him. I stopped his fist, and the man put me in a head lock. My Dad couldn't do anything for me now. This guy was far too strong for him. So, I now unleash a small wave of ki, and break away from the guy. He gets to come and hit me. I get in a fighting stance.
      "Taekwondo!" I say(Kinda pointless). I now start to beat the living hell out of the thug and my Dad comes in for the finish. I jump up onto a building by us. People are trying to break into the building, but can't seem to take down the wall. So, I use the Kamehameha on the wall, and it goes down.
      That's all I remember.
    14. Forgotten Lucid...(Date is Guessed)9/2/11

      by , 09-11-2011 at 05:29 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I remember having a lucid. I have no recall of it anymore, because I'm a dumbass and didn't type it up when I should've.
    15. (Night -019)

      by , 09-11-2011 at 03:38 AM (∞ The Rabbit Hole)
      Player's Game
      I was in some sort of game with members called the players. Every player had different powers and a cell phone from the organization. I had been involved in some incident with one of the players who ended up dying and giving me his phone. Through a twist in the rules I had to become a player in his place. He was a good guy and had been working to win the game for a good cause and was a large target because of his powers. I had inherited his powers and since I was new and had no idea what was really going on all of the other players were trying to get me. Players received relevant news on their phone via the organization and so they all knew. I could feel that there were some who weren't coming after me and preferred to sit in the shadows while others were coming. I was in New York and the first player I noticed was a creepy guy in a long red leather trench coat with thinning scraggly hair. He kept a furrowed brow and was coming straight for me, I knew he knew what he was doing so I grabbed the phone and burst out of the apartment. Another player who was coming to get me was outside and I ran across a stone bridge over the street to escape him. The two players who were coming after me came across each other and went in to some show down while I grabbed a bag that the red trench coat guy had dropped when dodging an attack from the other player. It had four other cell phones in it. The cell phones were tokens of the players you had eliminated. So I took the bag and ran, I started trying to think of what to do next with all of these phones and what exactly my powers were.

      Genius Heritage
      I was in some kind of old largish building, like a church? There were stunning stained glass windows that let in beams of light, illuminating areas here and there. Nice evening tint to the air and little bits of dust floating int he sun beam from the windows. The stained glass windows had depictions of a family history, and the walls were covered with photos and paintings of all sorts of people, each with lines going to and from other people. There was some old man explaining to me how this was our family heritage and that everyone in the family was destined to do great things/be geniuses. While he explained I looked at the photos and sensed the stories and personalities of the people in them, as well as what kind of things they did. There were people who had wrote famous books, or started schools and chose a smaller life. While on a darker wall resided few pictures of those who had wanted power and had done horrible things to get it. The lines to and from people showed their relation to each other and who was friends with who, and who tried to stop each other. There were cool twins who were nice, and some dark haired guy who had ended up killing a lot of people, the twins worked to stop him. This was my introduction to the family, and from here on out great things would be expected of me and my story would be carved out on the walls.

      Cool Parking Lot
      With DvR, he was driving and we were trying to find a place to park in some city on the east coast (Boston?). We went in to some parking lot and there weren't many spots left so I told him that we better look elsewhere. Then he turned to me and asked if I had ever seen one of these parking lots before, when I said no he got excited and was like, 'okay watch this'. All of a sudden we were on the roof and there were other cars all parked there as well as on where the ground was. Then he drove to some ledge and space rotated again and then we were on some other surface, and again, and again. The parking garage could rotate and orient space wherever it wanted and multiple parking spots and walls and roofs could exist in the same place, but you could 'rotate' space and reach them. It made no sense but was really cool.

      [+]In some sort of paintball elimination challenge with DvR

      [+]Some interpretive African American dance. Lady ended up with no top on. I was pretty shocked but other people nodded and accepted the dance as artsy etc. talking about how it represented the destitute African women who you see on the discovery channel breast feeding.

      [+]At asian friend's house, his family was into kinky sexual stuff but he was normal. I tryed to act normal but his mom started doing weird stuff and I was like, "uuuuh, dude? Is your mom ok?" He said yeah and I helped him move his stuff out of the house to get ready for his dorm.

      [+]Dad, little sister and I are rescuing Ichigo (from bleach) from some guy who had kidnapped him to some trailer park. We pull up in the car and my Dad pulls out a shotgun and hold the sketchy redneck looking guy at gunpoint while my little sister and I run inside to grab Ichigo.

      [+]I was with some friends from next door. We were setting of on some journey where we would leave with absolutely nothing but the clothes on our back and go on adventures. I had my black raincoat on.