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    1. Lions and unfair art contests

      by , 10-10-2010 at 09:23 PM
      1. Concerns the story of a lion who inherits leadership of the pride from his father, learns songs about roses from an old book, feels sorry for every antelope he eats, and must constantly stay ahead of his twin brother's attempts to usurp his position.

      2. Concerns an art contest where the theme word was "snuggle". My entry was disqualified for depicting a girl/girl relationship, and everyone else's entries were also disqualified for equally silly reasons (shiny chins, Pokemon, stuff like that). There was a database of DQ'ed entries that could be sorted by reason for disqualification.
      Tags: femslash, lions
    2. Sunday Naps (1)

      by , 10-10-2010 at 08:23 PM
      So I'm on a skateboard type thing with a Gps looking music player. its telling me where to go so i follow it. I end up in a highspeed chase like the music overcame me. This is from previously playing Robot Unicorn Attack. Cause the more points you collect the faster you go. Eventually I was hardly hanging on by my seatbelt going 120mph on a close highway. My body was slung back and forth in traffic and it felt so real!!!

      In another short dream, I was running from the cops in the mall cause i was carrying alcohol. This is because on my way home last night I was carrying an alcoholic beverage and didnt want to get caught with it.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. another lucid

      by , 10-10-2010 at 08:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Waking up

      I wake up in bed. I'm in a large white bedroom with a large window overlooking the sea. It's bright in the dream but there seems to be no definable source of it. Next to me is a woman. She seems really familiar, she's also waking up and smiles at me.
      I go, "huh. what? what is this place where am I?" or something. The woman shushes me. She smiles. I say "I thought weren't going to..." She cuts me off and tells me it's not time to get up yet. She says something about this place we are in exists out of space time. This is the past present and future she tells me. I'm confused. She tells me to just sleep, and that it's going to be ok. i lay my head back down to sleep. The woman is fiddling with a piece of my hair and humming softly as I fall asleep.

      town wtf.

      i'm walking along a street in Olds when some guy in a van drives by. I recognize him, he tells me it's time to go to work.
      I hope in the vehicle and now it's a white car with no roof. There are 3 others in the car that I know. I recognize one as Gino. We drive on the highway towards disbury. When we arrive in Dids the car stops at some farmer's market. I begin questioning why I'm in the car. What work am I supposed to do? Why a farmer's market.

      missing time

      I'm in a large truck being driven by Sho. We are in didsbury still and heading towards the old run down fourplex condo's that bears the nickname "chicken coops". Sho keeps telling me that we have to arrive here and leave before the police come. Apperently he's making a drug run and decided to drag me into it unwillingly.

      We turn into the coops and I tell him that I'm not interested in doing any illegal favors for him, so just let me out please. He says ok and Drives on the lawn. i jump out of his truck which is now a big garbage disposal truck. I am standing on the lawn and see another truck run and hit sho's truck. He ges out of the trucka nd starts running. The other truck chases hima nd runs people down. Sho finds a dead end wall and the truck runs over him. His body isn't crumpled, but the truck keeps rolling back and forth over his body. I am mortified. I hear sirens nearby. Soon an ambulance crew arrives and tries to aid all the people that got run over. The have large scissors and are severing off useless body limbs from the people. sho is clearly dead. I get sicka nd run into one of the fourplexes.

      when i arrive in the fourplex I realize I am at an apartment of some kind. I try to fly to confirm I'm dreaming. I only manage to jump and float a bit. I do the Nose pinch RC, but can't breathe. I'm still positive i'm dreaming, I try to think how I got here. I remember the ride to the town, the farmer's market, and the thing with Sho. But I can't remember waking up from my house. so i must be dreaming.
      I look around my scene a bit. Every time I blink the stairs I am looking at alters. At one point it looks impossible and i feel myself losing the dream.

      I wind up non lucid. Somehow I get into my dad's truck and we start driving towards Olds again. He tells me I should work on my long weekend since we have 3 new houses to coat. i think he's lying because I don't remember us starting any new houses.

      pre dream hypnagogia.

      bunch of mini lucid flashes of seeing my hands, and then some of me holding various objects.

      what is the question?

      I am on facebook chatting with M. I can't remember the conversation much. Our convo boxes are on the left hand side of the page instead of the right. I get an answer to a question that I forgot I asked. I even forgot the question. all I know is that i clearly saw her answer as "Yes." not expecting that, I woke up suddenly.
    4. 1/5 Sat: Hangover Dreams

      by , 10-10-2010 at 07:36 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Enjoyed a lot of alcohol the evening before, so no recall for the first several hours. Then I had some REM rebound and recalled these short dreams. In bed for a total of 12 hours.

      Chelsea Clinton Playing Lacrosse
      0527: C. I have to write a report on Chelsea Clinton. I am looking at the wikipedia page, but I am upset because someone deliberately removed all the images. Later I realize that it's just a written essay and I don't need images. Then I'm watching a women's lacrosse game on TV and Chelsea is the star of one of the teams. Her team is up 7-2 and she gets taken out to rest. The other team scores two quick goals to make in 7-4. I think I'm watching with my father.

      GTA in SAV, Hangover
      0630: D. I'm stealing cars and escaping cops in SAV, like Grand Theft Auto. Not much recall.

      False awakening that I totally missed. I'm in my own bedroom and I'm still drunk (day residue). Everything is really weird, but I account for it as drunk stuff I did last night. I'm under the bed comforter but not under the sheets. I get up. I'm wearing a heavy jacket and a pair of swim trunks. My bedroom door is wide open. The water in the bathtub is running. I walk into my closet to change. I see something in the corner of my eye to my right. I think maybe it's my own reflection in a mirror. I move, but it doesn't which freaks me out. Turns out to be Dave who was hiding in my closet.

      Comedy Show, Wrong Page
      0808: D. I'm at a Dane Cook show in New York. In the first part, he's in front of a small crowd. Then as part of the big opening, this small section of seats separates and moves down into a large theater. Dane Cook continues with his act but it's like a classroom and everyone is following along with books and notes. I don't know what page we're supposed to be on and I panic. There's a girl sitting to my left and one in front of me. I guess we are in a group. They are upset with me and trying to get me to the right page. As I flip through the book, it becomes my dream journal. This happens a few times. Now Dane wants someone to read aloud from the book. We are at the far right of the theater and there is a microphone nearby. The girl to my left is supposed to read but she has lost the page too. I am embarrassed.

      Touch Football, Libido
      0921 D. I'm with a group of people. I sense they are friends but I don't recognize anyone in particular. We are in a convenience store, goofing off. Running through the aisles and knocking things off the shelves. The employees are upset. Then we divide into two teams to play football (day residue) in the middle of the store. I'm on a team of another guy and a girl. The other team is 4 guys. I don't think that's fair.

      We have the ball first. Me and the other guy on my team alternate as quarterback. We basically ignore the girl and just pass to each other. The first time I catch the ball, I turn and see the other team running toward me. I think, wait, we said touch football, right? Not tackle, I hope? It's touch football and no one gets hurt. My team is successfully driving down the "field". The endzone is the freezers at the end of the store. I get the ball, run to the freezers, open the door, and place the ball inside among the frozen pizzas and ice cream. We win!

      At some point I become lucid. I'm still in the convenience store but no longer in the group of friends. I have no control and the dream is not very vivid. I just know that I'm dreaming and there's no consequences for whatever I do. So my libido takes the lead. Naturally, I look around for the nearest woman and tear her clothes off. She looks to be in her thirties but I'm not bothered. Her underwear turns out to be some rather scandalous light purple lingerie. I move in and kiss her but this narrows my field of vision. I close my eyes and the dream fades away.

      Lucid Supermarket, Libido
      1021: C. I'm in my car, driving at night. I'm hungry and stop at a supermarket to get something to eat. The supermarket claims to specialize in lucid dreaming. I think at one point the store is called Lucida Monica Market. Then later it is La Lucida Market. But it's in Culver City (day residue), not Santa Monica. Inside it looks like a typical supermarket. I search up and down the aisles for something to eat but nothing seems appetizing. There are quite a few DCs browsing the aisles and also way too many DCs behind the counters working. It seems like they are all staring at me, waiting for me to ask for help. I feel a bit paranoid and shy.

      Then I come to the aisle that is supposedly for lucid dreaming. The signs above mark the sections with various lucid dreaming topics. The one I remember is "Expectations". But the items in this section are just a bunch of mirrors, knick-knacks, and craft supplies. I struggle to see exactly how this is relevant to lucid dreaming.

      Once again, I'm bored and my mind turns to sex but I'm not lucid as in the previous dream. I scan around me for the nearest woman. Like the food, nothing seems particular appetizing, so I continue to wander for a woman. Before long, the dream fades.
    5. When u die...

      by , 10-10-2010 at 07:06 PM (Images In The Night)
      Had a couple of non-vivid lucids and one kinda vivid one last night. I was going to wild, but i was too tired. Anyway, heres what i remember.


      I'm in the mountains. Its snowing lightly, and the ground is already covered in snow. I'm doing some tricks for a cameraman on a skateboard. My dad is also there. After a few seconds of photos, the ground starts to break up into x's. Like an x would appear and the snow would reform over it. It happened for a while and i didn't care too much, until it started to melt the mountain. People were being dragged down the mountain, and pieces of ice were cracking apart and falling into oblivion.

      I start to run up the hill to get away from the parts that are melting, but i end up being dragged down. I gain control of myself on the way down and am able to jump over certain areas that are being destroyed. I see people falling into them going into oblivion. My dad says to jump over them at the right time. I then miss the next one and fall into it. I try to get moving back to the top, but the top seals itself and snow falls in on me. I accept my fate, and make peace with it. I can't breathe for a second, and am expecting to die. Then a screen comes up infront of me that has an infinite marker. I press it.

      I wake up in a tool shop looking place. Not a professional one, but more like a hobby shop. I hear a lawnmower outside. I walk around some looking at shelves. On them are dead bugs. For some reason the thought comes to mind that my dad was trying to resurrect me by testing out how on animals. I hear the mower again and am happy that he revived me from the dead. Makes me feel like he loved me alot. The dream ends, and i'm happy.
      This dream was at like 10:00 am after i kept waking up and going to sleep. That happens a-lot to me.

      rest of dreams

      In a fight with an old friend.

      My mom killing people to go to a place sponsored by mcdonalds.
      Tags: die, snow
    6. the climb and slide

      by , 10-10-2010 at 06:45 PM (limitless' limits)
      So i have failed to post a longer dream in between my last posts and this one. but i am without my DJ book atm so im using this for it's purpose right now.

      its kinda a jumbled mess because i woke up and typed it into my memos on my shitty phone.

      the first thing i remembered was :

      i was in this big dark room with tables around and there were a few people around, but i only took notice to one DC. he was about 17 maybe, and had short blond hair and dark eyes and was really pale(now that i think about it, looked like ninja). he wasnt wearing a shirt, and he was running around in the dark, sneaking up on me and giggling. it was creepy, but apparently i liked it. i took a moment to sit on one of the tables a little further away from everyone else and "touch myself". That didnt last long or finalize its self, so i tried to chase the boy down, to see if i could ask him what he was doing. Then i noticed a room with light so i went into it. I was determined to find a mug, i think i wanted tea... but when i found the mug i heard a familiar voice. It was my first fashion teacher from highschool, so i went to go talk to her. I dont remember the conversation but my friend from college was there all of a sudden and my highschool teacher was talking to my friend like they were remembering times together. It was nice, then i woke up without waking totally from the dream.

      I was now in a mall with my mom and aunt and uncle, but they were teenagers.. and i was trying to convince my uncle that he was to fall in love with my aunt, not my mom. That was odd, i woke up, and fell back asleep to another dream.

      I was running through the streets, with a crowd in a big city, probably toronto, and i could sense a panic in everyone else. the more we ran the more people showed up and the more anxiety bubbled up. so i branched off and ran to the top of a building, i dont remember being inside it, but when i got to the roof i could see what everyone was panicking about. there was a giant boy, with dark hair and annggerr, as tall as the sky scrapers and he was only 4 buildings over. so i spotted this huge intricate structure that i knew i had to climb to be safe. out of no where i had a guide DC who i knew irl in grade 7(almost 8 years ago) who helped me climb. when i got high up through the twisted bars i saw a platform and i saw my mom.. i yelled at her not to follow me, that i'd be fine and she should go back down. (forgetting that where i was heading was safety, and that means i just sent her back into danger) so i turned a corner on the platform and found a big water slide. there were three slide tunnel options and i was scared. i jumped into the left one and screamed for dear life all the way down. i can vividly remember going through the tube flipping on my stomach and back, it hurt and i was soo afraid. i landed at the bottom with an odd feeling of calm.

      i found myself walking through grass near some houses, and i found the boy again from the dark room. he was standing still and silent, with his eyes shut. i walked up and gave him a kiss. waited for his reaction, and kissed him again when he looked at me.

      i woke up, had another pointless dream but after recalling this, i couldnt remember the last short one.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. Another FA and a family trip

      by , 10-10-2010 at 05:26 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in Florida, driving my little car to a neighborhood where there's a shopping center I want to go to, only to discover that it's been torn out, leaving empty lots and abandoned buildings. Some thoughtful people have already come to the area and put up posters encouraging others not to allow the area to become a “trash park.” The posters feature the URL to the website for this campaign, which is dontgointolimbo.com. [LOL! I'm not sure whether this is more amusing or disturbing.] I park my car next to a curb and get out. There are two women standing in the street, talking about what happened. I look at my phone and see that it's 6:40 P.M. That means I still have 20 minutes, so I decide to just walk over to the store I'd been intending to go to. [ARGH. I've been practicing checking my phone twice every time I want to know the time, but it's a relatively new habit, so I guess it isn't ingrained deeply enough in my subconscious yet.]

      My mom comes into my room to wake me up. She tells me that P. [my younger sister] has gotten sentimental and has invited us all to come and meet her for a day at the beach in some town with a funny name, so I should pack and get ready for one. I think, Okay, I can miss church this once. The other St. Francis anthem isn't that hard. [My third night with that little cardboard-square bracelet brought about another completely convincing false awakening – this one even more convincing than the last, because this time, my awareness within the dream of what day of the week it was and what song I would be missing out on if I missed church matched up with reality exactly.]

      Woke up for real. Thought to myself, Oh. I guess I'm going to church after all. I wasn't angry about the FA at all this time; I just took it in stride. Took some notes, then went back to bed. The next dream I had followed on directly from the previous one.

      I'm driving in the car with my family, through a city. I look up from something I'm using to occupy myself (book or magazine, maybe) and ask, “Where in Gonk's name are we?” My mom answers with the same funny town name she mentioned before. It's nighttime, and we drive through a residential neighborhood on a cliff overlooking the ocean. We pass a succession of three street signs that read “Ruruoni,” “B-Ruruoni,” and “C-Ruruoni.” There's one big apartment house with a bunch of letter-shaped mylar helium balloons on the roof, spelling out “SOS SHOTS” [as in, the alcoholic kind]. There is a wild party with lots of alcohol going on there. P. wants to go to the party and spend the night in that building, but our parents won't let her, so we're having a family fight.

      We're on the top floor of some kind of big, public building with lots of glass walls and a long staircase going down into the rest of the building. P. says to all of us, “Meet you at the bottom,” and starts going down the stairs.

      [What's the deal? It's like my subconscious went, “Here, have a big family fight – it's been a while since you've had one in reality.” That kind of sucks. :-( ]

      Updated 10-11-2010 at 12:40 AM by 37356 (smiley fail)

      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Templar wants my password.

      by , 10-10-2010 at 05:19 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I woke up with the feeling I wasn't supposed to remember this...
      well I did, so tough luck.

      (All of this happened so quickly I'm not 100% sure if it's in the right order...)

      There was a man in front of me in business attire, I wanted to say the word, "Templar" when I saw him, I'm not sure if I did or not though. He asked me what the password was, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about.

      I noticed the presence of someone behind me, a seemingly friendly presence that made me think "Ally" I also noticed the area around me was Grey and full of fog, kind of like the animus from Assassins creed without all of the floating symbols.

      The guy that made me want to say Templar mentally assaulted me (for not telling him my password?), I don't remember what it felt like as of waking up, but whatever it was, it made me clutch my head and double over.

      -Happened at roughly the same time as above-

      I am looking at my yahoo mail login, the fields are blank, and I can't remember my password, or what I changed it to.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 10-10-2010 at 04:31 PM
      Experiences in an Unfamiliar Bed (Note)


      There is a theory that sleeping in an unfamiliar bed or location brings a lighter level of sleep. Ie, one is closer to wakefullness (maybe an evolutionary thing- unfamiliar places could be dangerous, gotta keep alert), so lucid dreams come easier. I've recently moved into university accommodation , so I've had the perfect opportunity to test this theory.

      Is it true then? After a few weeks of experience, I can confirm that the answer is: Maybe. I've been having a few more lucid dreams than normal, but this could be attributed to many things, such as my sleeping pattern (or lack thereof) or the many REM-rebound WILDs that seem to come automatically with a hangover.

      With regard to WILDs, they are becoming more and more easy. Afternoon naps are the ticket. Lie-ins too. Anyway, I haven't actually been recording any dreams lately, so all I have are short synopses.
      side notes
    10. MarthaM Dream Journal 2.0

      by , 10-10-2010 at 04:30 PM (Martha M Dream Journal 2.0)
      Sunday Morning
      before 7:00
      Towards the end of the dream I became aware of my dream status.

      I have had a series of dreams lately about tapeworms culminating in the big one last night/this morning.

      In the dream I am working for a family as a nanny(?) There are some areas of the house I am not allowed to go and some family members I am not to talk with even though they are children. There is a huge conspiricy going on where the children and some adults are infested with tapeworms for the purpose of harvesting.

      Not sure what is harvested. Anyway, one day there is wedding in the family and as a result I gain access to some of the forbidden area of the house and those family members. I am told that I am not to talk to them but they make a point of talking to me and showing me the tapeworms and exposing the conspiricy.

      So I had to find a way to contact the police and get these 'enslaved' family members to safety. This involves an overflowing bathtub, being exposed to the tapeworms, run ins with the head of the conspiricy and dealing with infested children.

      For the most part I wake up being very curious what the tapeworms represent.
    11. Lucid Dream #16

      by , 10-10-2010 at 04:21 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 5/10
      Length: ~2 Min.

      So I went upstairs and fell asleep next to some girls that were talking, then I saw this girl that had words next to her. Then she jumped into the screen and disappeared. Then a card flew in front of me and it had her bending over and it was very cartoon like. Then some guy came up and stuck his hand up her ass multiple times, then so hard that he went through it and somehow joined hands. Someone yelled out like "Pussy strangle" or something. The End.
    12. Grandma Died

      by , 10-10-2010 at 02:20 PM
      Hi. I am new to this site. This is my first dream post here.

      I was on the phone with either my mother or my aunt. My mom/aunt told me that my grandmother had died.

      I felt bad that I hadn't been able to get back home to see my grandmother before she died. But it had happened so quickly, as such a surprise.

      My mom/aunt told me that my grandmother had said something very nice about me before she died. I felt awful, thinking that I hadn't done enough to show my love for someone who loved me so much.

      I may have started crying a lot.
    13. Mmbop

      by , 10-10-2010 at 01:28 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Mmmbop. I had a few dreams last night after some heavy duty drinking. I recalled all three of them as soon as I woke up, which was cool. If I would have slept for an hour or two more, I would probably have had a few more. Still better than nothing!

      11.00: Huge bathroom
      I'm at my friend G's parents house. We enter their huge bathroom and it's awesome! The walls are covered in brownish tiles and there are like eight showers and a sauna. I admire the thing and talk to his mom for a while. I notice a bag of shrimp on a bench in the middle of the whole thing and I pick it up. I remember it being mine which I left there two days ago. They still look fresh but they're redder than they should've been.

      11.00: Drugs class
      I'm with Monica and we enter a classroom. We don't belong there but decide to see how long we can stay without getting caught. We each take a seat at a bench and look at the paper infront of us. I can see it's about drugs and different kinds of medicines. "Holy shit this is hard... I'll fail this test right away" I think and I look around. Monica doesn't look very happy either and a teacher enter the classroom. He doesn't notice us and he starts talking about drugs.

      11.00: Fragment
      *I'm talking to someone about how long it takes to take the bus all the way to my hometown. It will take like 1½ hours.

      Amount of sleep: 7 hours

      Food before bed: Beer

      That's it. I'm thinking of experimenting with my sleeping cycles. Waking up after 4½ hours of sleep, then 6, 7½, 9 and 10½. And even then perhaps incubate a desert after each waking?

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Kissing and bombing...

      by , 10-10-2010 at 12:01 PM
      Kissing and bombing... (Non-lucid)
      10/10/10 (hehe)

      First Dream:
      I am in the center of Athens. I am with a guy and a girl. Suddenly we see on a tv, that this guy is a child-raper... So we run into a cafe and there are many children, who obviously know about him and start screaming! We panic and run ouside again. So we are trying to find a safe place. The roads are full of cops. The cops are short and fat police-women... We are scared of them though. :p So we sit in a quiet road. The dream changes. The guy and the girl change with two friends of mine. A. and J.! The place changes too. We are in a bar or maybe a party in a house, i don't know. We are sitting with two girls we don't know and chat, maybe flirt a little. I remember their names. It was Vassiliki or Angeliki and Thalia. So i am chatting with Ang. and J. is chatting with T. I don't remember what A. was doing. Anyway, at some point i see J. kissing Ang. and they leave towards a room (wonder why..??). I sit there with T. We stopped talking. Suddenly we look at each other, and we both lean (pretty fast) towards each other to kiss... But we miss... xD hahahaha Then i said: "Ok, aim my mouth" and I laughed. She laughed kinda shy. In the end i just grabbed her head cause she just couldn't do it... We kissed for a while, then i woke up.

      Second Dream:
      I am in my car (dream sign, i didn't notice) driving pretty fast, considering the road i am in. Suddenly i see a sign in the middle of the road. I avoid hitting it and try to remember what that sign means. Then i see an electricity pillar standing in the middle of the road. The is no way avoiding that. So i hit the break, and pull the hand break (really smart -.-). The car turns 90 degrees and stopps in front of the pillar. There are many cars that do the same thing and many others that crash on cars behind me. Next thing i remember, we are (the drivers) in a room with policemen. They say we shouldn't pass that sign. One of them asks me if i had drank any alcohol. I say: "Just a beer". (Yesterday I drank two vodkas and a beer. I remembered that in the dream, but i chose to say only about the beer! ) The cop says : "Yeah, we 'll see...". :p After a while i suddenly see nazi soldiers outside the building fighting with cops, shooting, breaking things and there is panic. I grab my ID, keys, cellphone and run outside. I try to find my car. I press the button to unlock the car, so i can hear where it is. I find it, get in and leave fast! Next thing i remember is being in the center of the city and hearing that a nuke bomb by nazis will hit the city. I start running around in panic. And BOOM. I wake up (second false awakening) hearing that i lost my right eye and right leg. I open my eyes. (My right eye felt like it was stuck exactly like it felt in my first lucid. You can read about it in my DJ.) I am really worried and think: "I really hope this is a dream". I am so worried that i don't care for a reality check. I just open my eyes and wake up. With a huge feeling of relief that i could still see, i sleep again.

      I saw another dream, where i was in a fast-food restaurant. They made some really strange type of burgers, but i don't remember very well.
    15. Night of 10/09 - My dreams are back! :D ...

      by , 10-10-2010 at 11:52 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I finally manage it to get back my dreams after 3 days. They are just fragments but it's better than nothing.

      1. I'm in some dark house, there is an exorcist and an other DC. I have some kind of a mission i don't remember. The exorcist is reading something in latin, I have to repeat it and the DC explains me before each sentence what they mean. By repeating his sentences, I feel some kind of really evil power, I felt really uncomfortable. There remains one sentence to say, but the exorcist and the DC stop. They are terrified by that what they were reading. The exorcist says: "To stop him, you have to go down to hell for at least 3 months!" But I don't care and say: "Let's do this!"

      I wanted to add that I'm atheist and don't believe in those concepts of hell and so on. I really missed an opportunity to become lucid

      2. I go to university and I have a long (4m), metallic bar, which is at the same time a saw. I have it to cut my apple when their is the next break. I lay it under the seats. Next to me is seat with a sign, that this seat is only for disabled person. A not-disabled person sits down. The teacher is angry about that and he has to leave. In the meantime, the teacher holds an audition about different disease, which affect the nervous systems.

      Updated 10-11-2010 at 12:54 PM by 27488

      Tags: illogical