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    1. 9th / 10th October 2010- Fragments

      by , 10-10-2010 at 09:40 AM
      (I only remember fragments)

      In a supermarket with a boy with curly red hair.
      Putting up posters of him.
      Him being very happy.
      Something happened to him, he died or left or something.
    2. Blurred

      by , 10-10-2010 at 06:31 AM (AnthonyMo's New Dream Journal)
      I wake up in the morning, not remembering much, So I decide to lay still and try to give myself sleep paralysis or something.. eventualy everything goes silent I wake up.. but do it again... and again.. and eventually a picture comes into play... I see, Im lying down in my bathtub.. looking to the left of me, The dream is a bit grey, and a tiny bit blurry, But I see the tub is filling with water... RAPIDLY. I tell myself "Screw this, I dont want to have another drowning nightmare." I shake myself rapidly to remove the numbness from my body BTW THIS was the most advanced Sleep paralysis I had... all other times I didnt even have a dream. And after about 3 seconds of struggling I wake up... I try to sleep again but I figure oh well...
    3. Asuka's twinner

      by , 10-10-2010 at 03:24 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      My guides were showing me what relation I have to the woman who for now I'll call "M". Who appears to be a good candidate for the waking life version of Asuka. They show me the number 44. each four represents the four pronged nagual. We serve as an energetic unit. Again, we can combine our talents to accomplish tasks. Thought nothing is set in stone for right now. We will be given a choice later to decide for ourselves what this really means and how we may use it. for right now my future period consists of letting go of certain hangups i have from the past. This will be necessary for me if I am to continue along the path I am on.

      Box sets

      I am in my room looking at my collection of Maison ikkoku box sets. I currently have 7 box sets but the eighth is missing because That box set is currently out of print. I get closer and decide to watch an episode. But as I near the box sets they change. I pull one out and it reads "Asuka: dream chronicles the Anime series!" I put it down and notice and eighth set appears. It's the final set of the series and on the cover is an anime picture of M as a giant juggling Myself, Nomad, Raven, Shawna, Data, my dream dogs. M has an amused grin on her face.Romano is in the background as a black lab scratching fleas off himself. This is a parody picture of the cover of one of the maison ikkoku box sets.

      Stop that

      I'm at a dream version of Tracks pub. sipping a beer pondering my recent turn of events. "is this really happening... ... is the really real... ...what does this mean... ... how will it turn out exactly..." I sip some more and notice bob marley on the jukebox is singing the lyric, "...every little thing, is gonna be alright"
      "Thanks bob" I mutter. Tupac is rapping on the tv screen about how life is just a dream. Pretty soon I'm lost in my chaotic train of thoughts again. Then the numbers 333 start circling around my head, confirming my thoughts. They turn into flies and fly around my head more buzzing "333,333,333" at me.
      "ahhh buzz off." I said. I look down in my beer and see M's face in the bottle end. "what the..." I say as she purses her lips which become a portal and suck me into the bottle.

      Nomad the big bad friendly vampire

      I emerge from the portal in some dark room. There's a door slightly open so I peer through. In the next room I see M surrounded by vampires. Nomad is there too in his vampire form.
      "there's nothing to be afraid of deary!" Nomad says, "I'm a big bad, but friendly vampire." He morphs into a mexican vampire witha big mustache and fedora hat. He has shakers and salsa music begins playing. He dances around going "friendly vampire cha cha cha! Friendly vampire cha cha cha!" I giggle a bit. M is still surrounded by menacing vampires, she's stimbling around the room holding onto various objects trying to get away. Nomad uses the music as a spell and mind controls all the vampires, they all start dancing and dance right through a portal to somewhere.
      Nomad cuts his wrist, and morphs into vampire Ben Stiller. "No one makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody! except me of course!" Then nomad starts sucking on his wrist. blood is getting all over his face and he wipes his face off with his hands. "always wanted to do that in a dream".
      I can see M in the corner cowering at the site. I put my head in my palm.
      "Nomad," I roar jumping through the door as a werewolf. "What are you doing? She's terrified stop that." His eyes slowly fill with blackness, he seems slightly aware and pushes the blackness away as if on reflex.
      "Sorry," he says. I just have to know if she's the real deal.
      "Well ok, Remember when we rescued asuka from the Reptilian alien that was inhabiting Lujan? Weren't you there when walms ate the reptilian, and asuka was so grossed out that she threw up?"
      "oh yeah," Well isn't M's reaction here similar?
      "I have to know for sure!" he said morphing into a dark demon. A dark aura emerged that he could no longer contain. He ws drunk with rage.
      "All this waking life shit is killing my dreams, and now she comes along. and look at her, already in distress. AEONA!" he roared at her. "ARE YOU IN THERE? You better not being trying to lead Mosh astray again."
      "That's not Aeona." I said. "Trust me I would know." M fainted from the dream but left a silhouette of her dream body which turned cartoonish.
      "I knew it." Nomad said and walked toward M. I shot astral tentacles out of my hand which wrapped around nomad likea web. I thrased him around the room. Now he was a jaguar cub yelping. i looked into the web. He looked like and innocent jaguar cub. then a dark aura emerged from him and tried to attack me. I opened a portal to the healing glen and through the jaguar cub through.

      I sighed and noticed a beer bottle in my hand. I went to take a sip. M, who was still there, Shot a spider silk from her hand and snatched the botle away from me.
      "STOP THAT" she yelled. She was angry, her background changed to a garden at night time with gargoyles. She grew 20ft tall and towered over me. She was like a dark witch.
      "OMG," I said, "It's her shadow self."

      M's shadow self

      She had a large baton shaped like a tennis racket in her hand. "HUHUHUHUHUHUH!" she roared. I was just staring. "Now listen here mister! You're going to cut that drinking shit out right here and now. My waking self has spent years living with alcoholism. Don't bug her about that too much, don't overwhelm her with too much negativity."
      "o. ok." I said meekly.
      "Sick and tired of that shit. GOT IT" She raise the racket above her head like she was going to smush me, she had a sick grin that was evil and loving... she was drunk with power and pissed off. Asuka emerged froma portal.
      "I told that damn Walms to leave the snake alone... grr. and where did you run off to... WTF?" She said as she saw M staring down at both of us. "Is that who I think it is?" asuka asked. I managed to nod. "Don't worry, i'll handle it." Asuka winked and then licked my face. She flew into M and merged with her. M roared and shrunk back down to normal. Asuka then de-merged from M.
      "You found her!" asuka then said to me and M. "Well it's about time. My poor Mosh hasn't had any action from anybody in the entire year I've known him. That's three and a half years my time, do you have any idea what I went through?"
      M just stared and said . "I'm serious, cut the drinking out."
      "Right stupid." Asuka. "I've been trying to tell you for months about that but you just didn't listen."
      "I tried," i said, "I kept asking but it just wasn't getting through."
      "We'll smarten up and cut it out." asuka said. both her and M summoned tennis rackets with no nets and put them over my head. Asuka stopped. but M was having trouble getting the racket off. it was stuck onmy head. I felt my head being crushed i began to struggle. M seemed to find it amusing. Asuka dematerialized the tennis racket and flatly told M, "Be careful when doing that. He's very sensitive to mean jokes like that."
      "yeah," I said trying to orient myself into the dream better. "I used to think asuka hated me with jokes like that."
      "Mochi doesn't mind the odd fun joke. But I've learned not to overdo it aftera year or so. That would cause him accidental nightmares, and quite a few times got mad at me when he woke up. Being silly is fine, just don't overdo it in dreams." Asuka then hugged me. I felt disoriented.
      "I need a vending machine." I said for some reason and then woke up.

      Updated 10-10-2010 at 03:26 AM by 6012

    4. My closet is now a projection screen television.

      by , 10-10-2010 at 12:59 AM (Robo's Dreams)
      I really need to stop being lazy and start posting my dreams here again, I had a dry, no-dream spell and I got lazy. Anyway!

      I was laying in my bed, I was really hot, but I was too tired to do anything about it. I looked over to my closet, It was a projection screen television about the size of two and a half doors. On the screen there was a picture of a bird of prey soaring in the sky, the picture had some static fuzzing around, but not too badly I got up and grabbed the remote that I somehow knew was right next to me and flipped the channel a few times. Same thing on every channel. I pressed the guide button, there was one channel that didn't have the bird of prey, G4. it was reviewing some romance/drama Japanese anime game/movie, I wasn't interested. I flipped through a few more channels and realized that I was missing a large portion of the list, not that I ever watch most of it, I thought about how it was pointless to have so many channels and not watch any of them, but the thought passed.

      there was more, I think the rest had something to do with the corner of my bed, but when I try to recall it, all I can think about is a fuzzy memory about a doll head, but it doesn't feel right, I'm probably thinking about it too hard and my mind is making things up.

      Updated 10-10-2010 at 04:44 AM by 27940

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. I Really Am Sorry

      by , 10-09-2010 at 11:37 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      This is a dream that is important to me because it reminds me of how much of a jerk I was and maybe still am and how much remorse and regret I feel for past mistakes.

      I was my old school playing field. It was different; there was a large gate where there was not one before. I was walking through the gate and B was there. I was eager to talk to her but she strangled me with a bicycle chain. It was cutting in to my neck slightly.

      B is a girl I used to be friends with and had a massive crush on. I haven’t seen her in years and we parted on bad terms because I was a complete asshole. Anyway...

      I was then sitting at a large table, still sore from the chain. My neck was red and bleeding slightly. I was really upset but I still wanted to go and find B and apologise to her for what happened in the past. Also at the table were some old school friends. I looked around and saw that we were in a big hall and that there were lots of tables with people sitting around them. It was loud; people were chatting and joking around with each other.

      I noticed that I recognised pretty much everyone in the room. There were people that I knew well and people that I barely knew. It was sort of like everyone I had ever met was in one big room for some kind of event.

      I mentioned to my friends that I wanted to go and find B. For some reason they didn’t want to let me go. They dared me to make out with a girl sitting at a table nearby us. I recognised her, but she was someone I barely even knew. She was pretty ugly and I had no desire to make out with her, but I got the feeling that it was the only way my friends were going to let me go off and find B which I really felt I needed to do. They called the girl over and she came and sat on my lap. We made out but she was a bad kisser, although for some reason I had a hard-on.

      Finally I was free to look for B. The next thing I knew I was sitting at a table across from her. She was wearing a black suit jacket and a red low cut top. She was just staring at me sternly. I felt really bad about what I had done in the past and felt so desperate for her to forgive me. I was struggling to explain to her how sorry I was about everything. She just kept staring at me. I continued to apologise but she didn’t react.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Three days of dreaming

      by , 10-09-2010 at 09:34 PM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      From 10/6
      Dream 1: Flea Market/Operatic Theme Park
      (I am using first names of my friends because there are so many people in this dream that it would be really confusing)
      I was at some sort of mixture between a flea market and a corn field in an abandoned empty lot. I was sitting in one of the rows waiting for the guests of an unknown friend's party to arrive. It was about noon. The first people there with me were my friends Madison, Evan, and this girl I met twice Bella. There was also some other girl who was friends with Bella that doesn't really exist. Then my friend Adam walked up and everyone jumped up and started rubbing his hair because he got a new haircut. Bella and I got really annoyed with waiting so we went back to her house. It looked more like a purple hotel room. The made up girl was also with us. We were talking for a while when both of them said, "It's time you went to the bathroom and took your hair down for the party" (my hair had been in a bun). I went to the bathroom and took my hair down and it wasn't at all poofy like it usually is when it has been up for a while. I went back into the purple room and they asked where the party was going to actually occur. I looked at my phone and I had texts from my friends Hannah and Helen. They were both telling me that the birthday girl wanted to eat at this really gross and tiny hamburger place right near our school. I told Bella and the other girl that I refused to eat there. I texted Hannah and Helen back saying that I was going to find a good sushi restaurant near school so we could eat there instead. I left the hotel and started walking. I walked past our school and somehow ended up on a different street that runs in the same direction on the other side of town, even though I didn't ever turn. I looked ahead and I saw this big arch/bridge over the street. I walked through and I was at a zoo. My friend Anna was looking at the penguins. I continued walking and there was a giant rollercoaster going over me. My friend Daisy was also standing under the rollercoaster, but she was filming in my direction with a video camera. I started skipping towards her. Daisy's best friend Willa was hiding behind Daisy and started singing a high opera note.

      Dream 2: Dessert Research Lab
      I was some sort of waitress at this restaurant. All of the walls were covered in window, and it was in some sort of big city. Everything on the inside of the restaurant was white, and there were flowers everywhere. I walked up to one table full of elderly people. I was trying to show my boss something. I then announced, "Donuts for old people!" They were eating these weird donuts on sticks.

      I have three fragments. I remembered a lot more detail but the second I got up to write them down I barely remembered them.
      Dream 1: Scandal
      I was at some sort of villa and this boy Jacob wanted pictures from Japan. I was offering him pictures from my trip but he really didn't want them. He kept saying that he needed some kind of scandal.
      Dream 2: Dr. Liar
      Someone was pretending to be a doctor, I'm not exactly sure what else happened.
      Dream 3: Twin Liars
      My friend and her twin brother were both lying to me about something, I don't remember what.

      Dream 1: Slightly surreal
      I was at school but I didn't have class. It was last period and my friend Anna was in dance class and she was supposed to take me to a party after school. I was getting really impatient so I decided to take her car and drive myself to the party early. Not only was it weird because I was just taking her car, but I have never driven in my life (and I hadn't in the dream either). When I got to the party Anna was there. We decided we would go to a park in the woods that Anna said she loved to go to when she was little. It was in the woods. We were standing in a dry riverbed. There was a slide into the riverbed and then a slide down the hill (the hollywood hills) into the San Fernando Valley. We went up to the double sided slide and one of the people at the party decided to slide into the river. I started telling them not to because we had just been standing at the base of the slide and there was no water so they'd crash into the ground. They went down the slide and landed in a pool of water. The rest of the party decided to take the slide into the valley.
    7. 0/1 Fri: Another Long Dream

      by , 10-09-2010 at 08:57 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm having some marathon REM cycles lately. Today, no supplements or unusual food but I drank some caffeine late in the day that kept me up late.

      Ectoplasm Game
      1038: D. I have the vague sense that this was really long, but my recall isn't great. I'm in a house with my mother and sister. But the house is unfamiliar. We are talking in the kitchen. The sink is full of dirty dishes. My sister is leaving tomorrow? Water is important for some reason.

      Then I sit in the living room and play a video game. It's like Prince of Persia where I'm running and jumping along walls. The character looks more like Aladdin though. Sometimes it seems I am playing the game, other times I am in the game. I am leading around a princess, trying to escape a castle. All around, there is bluish gooey substances called ectoplasm. If you touch the ectoplasm, you'll become a ghost. I think it's blue because it's absorbed all the water. So as we are escaping, we also have to reverse the magic and save all the water.

      But it's an inevitable part of the game that the main character will become a ghost. So there's one scene where I jump and can't avoid the ectoplasm. When I do, a retail box of the video game opens and there are souvenir water jugs inside.

      I no longer have my Civic and instead drive a pickup truck.

      Updated 10-10-2010 at 07:36 PM by 35793

      Tags: car, chase, family, game, trap, water
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 2 brief lucids from this week

      by , 10-09-2010 at 08:42 PM
      6/10/10ish i was standing in a park with a group of people when some larger than life characters flew over making me question the reality and realise it was a dream. i also had to ask myself if these people flying past were actually other people dreaming and visiting my dream because they just looked like they were extremely comfortable and experience at dreaming. they were essentially flying together stacked on top. the guy on the bottom had a kind of shamanic tribal clothing amd headgear thing going on and was doing most of the flying. there was a second bloke lying on his back who i dint get a good look at because i immediately looked past him to the woman on top who was white haired but really young looking and beautiful and just curled up half asleep with a grin on her face, on top of the second guy. she was dressed in a white robe type thing.

      09/10/10 wbtb and then started kind of dreaming that i was looking through my closed eyes at the light imagery and gradually making it brighter and try to pull myself into it. moments later found myself in a dream which was fairly non descript exept for a couple of female dc's. tried not to get distracted while i just tried to settle myself into the dream, trying to think of the most worthwhile thing to do. eventually they crossed my path and i got a bit distracted contemplating the moralities of seducing dream characters and kind of faded out while still trying to stabalise
    9. WTF (Short but very disturbing) Warning"GROSS"

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:56 PM
      Starts out there was a man standing there and someone pulled on his arm and it ripped of. I could see hundreds of maggots inside his arm and his open shoulder. After a minute he got up off the ground and ran towards a DC who was wielding a fishing rod. The DC swung the rod at the attackers head and the hook from the rod stuck in his head. His entire face and scalp got ripped off leaving his maggoty brains open. The rod for some reason was able to suck the brains and maggots through the rod and right into the DC's mouth. His head started to expand as it filled up with a vomitish looking soquid until finally his entire head exploded all over the place.The end.wtf

      (i had a feeling of puking while in the dream to give you an idea of how "f"ed this dream was)
    10. Fragment - "3 Hot Women"

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:41 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a well-lit restaurant, sitting at a booth. The seats and backings were made of smooth, polished wood, while the booth tables were rectangular like real ones, with picnic-patterned covers on top. I was looking at a menu; it was pale yellow in color, and laminated. The text was pale red, and probably around 17pt, large for a menu.

      There were only a few menu options with no pictures, and then, in even larger text, was an option that said "3 Hot Women", priced at $129.99. No thanks.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:40 AM by 28408

      Tags: menu, restaurant
    11. Hmmm

      by , 10-09-2010 at 06:27 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Nothing. I'm in a dry spell since Thursday evening. hope it will pass soon
    12. Dream highschool again

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:46 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Wow I just remembered a whole long dream I had! I was at a new school! I think I've been here before. I remember all the other kids were being rowdy and stuff in the hallway and suddenly they were all in their classes when the bell rang. I was wonderin around the hallways aimlessly lost.

      There was a very distinct feeling throughout the whole dream, but I don't know what the feeling is. I saw some classrooms and decided to go into one. All the students turned to look at me and I backed out as it wasn't my classroom.

      I found my classroom, and saw some people from my old (real life) school there. One said to me "This teacher used to teach at our old school!" And apparently this teacher was very nice. There was a lot of detail and more to remember, but it's gone from me.
      Tags: lost, school
    13. 8th / 9th October 2010

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:30 PM
      1) I am in an assembly held by my deputy-headteacher. He says "Now, I'm not trying to spoil your day, but I have to tell you about how many people had unprotected *** or stabbed each other last year," he points out, "But it has got to stop. I'm sure this year will be much better." we all leave to go to our tutor groups.
      When we get there, my form tutor says to me, "Unfortunately ********, you have a very bad case of stabbing (I was stabbed in reality with a pen) With a person like your old best friend (there she is AGAIN!). People with that condition cannot be stopped. You cannot do anything to restrain them. You can only watch the sharp and heavy object sail towards your face..." I see a club coming to bash me.

      2) I am watching a cinema-type screen. It says the names of various countries and their flags come rolling across. I notice that they all look like Sweden's flag. I think that this is strange and miss an obvious lucid chance. The film ends. I and the person who is standing next to me (my English teacher?) are led to a room where there are horses. I have a beautiful white one called snow. We tack up and are led to a stadium (a shop) where there are lots of jumps. Each jump has a flag next to them. I jump Japan and Denmark but Snow then sees cows and sheep being led around and bolts at a fast gallop. I am barely able to stay on, but when I see she is headed for the meat stall, I jump off; keeping hold of the reins and whip her back mid-jump. The man who runs the stall shakes his fist angrily at me. I try again, with exactly the same scenario again.
      Tags: horse, stab, sweden
    14. Just some fragments

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:07 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      I had a late night last night and wasn't concentrating properly when I was falling asleep, so I can only remember fragments.

      [1] My parents and I are having a conversation with somebody. The subject of an internship I once had comes up, and my mom describes it as “the anti-job” and goes on to explain why. [Which is, in fact, a rather apt description.]

      [2] I'm in a room that looks like my bedroom, except the furniture is all in the wrong places. [doesn't count as an FA because I don't actually remember waking up]
      Tags: family, house #3
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. No more!

      by , 10-09-2010 at 03:59 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I'm just kidding, I do want more. Gimme more, gimme more! I slept for a very long time last night, and I had many dreams. I even figured out what I'm doing in the morning, and I'm actually incubating a dream without knowing it! I will tell you more about it further down.

      Night: Party
      I'm sitting at a table at a big party and I'm talking to a girl who looks very much alike my girlfriend's friend. Let's call her Emo. Emo and I are having a very long and interesting conversation and after ten minutes or so, she picks up her handbag and heads for the bathroom. I'm left by the table and I finally got time to think. "Omg I didn't tell her I've got a girlfriend!" I think for myself and I start feeling bad. She comes back and I tell her that I've got a girlfriend. "Oh that's ok, I'm not interested in you anyway" she tells me. I know she's lying. "Yeah right, well I would have taken you if I didn't have one" I tell her and walk away. I walk up to Monica who's standing just a few meters away and I hug her. We start talking.

      I wake up and it's 10.00. My mind starts wandering and instead of seeing things, I imagine I see them. I use to do this when I'm supposed to write a dream down but I'm too lazy to do it. I then end up thinking of doing it but somehow it gets so real that I think I am actually doing it.
      Monica goes to the bathroom and comes back to bed and I write down a dream. My dad and I are having a conversation about a song. "It's so awesome!" he tells me. Apparently he has just discovered it.

      10.00: Fragment
      *I'm reading a comic book. It's genre is action and something about a tank of some sort.

      I wake up again and I realise that I've incubated a dream involuntarily. I decide to try it out and I think of the desert and how awesome it is. I try to imagine there being a huge palace there and I spend several minutes exploring the place.

      11.00: G the crybaby
      I'm at my friend G's house with my other friend Felix. He's been really lazy the last few days and he's in bed. "Come on you lazy fatass!" I tell him and he starts crying! I get really mad and I walk up their stairs, talking about how friends say stuff like that and don't mean it. Felix follows and G's dad is sitting in the stairs, talking to us about respect or something like that. It's almost as if he's asking questions than making statements and I decide not to listen to him. We're about to go down the stairs with our snowboards when I realise it's no use. We walk down again and enter the room G's in. Felix removes all his clothes except his underwear and lie next to him. "Omg not so close you homo" G starts whining and pushes Felix off the bed. "But I got alot on my mind at the moment..." Felix complains and I ask him what it is. "Well Becci mostly..."

      11.00: Measuring stuff
      I'm holding out my arms and a girl is walking around me, measuring. Suddenly she takes off all of her clothes and she's completely naked! I look at Monica and I can see she's blushing. The girl continues her work and she's now shaking for some reason. I can see blonde hair going up from her stomach to her chest on her otherwise perfect, tanned body.

      12.00: Snowboarding
      I'm at a skiing resort with my friends. "This slope looks too easy" I tell them and we take a watch at the map for a better slope. Suddenly we're in the slope and I'm on my snowboard. I have to dodge some kids in the end but it doesn't feel right. I look down and I see that my strappings are fucked up.

      12.45: Winter
      It's freezing cold outside of my parent's new house. I'm standing next to a large field filled with waist-deep snow. I can see an excavator and I walk up to it. Instead of Snusknicke from work, I see my cousin Micke. He has to struggle to keep his eyes open and I ask him if it's harder working than being in school. "Yeah... I'm constantly tired now" he tells me and I decide to climb high up. While being up there, my brother Martin comes up and starts shaking the thing. "Cut it out! I'm dizzy all of a sudden" I tell him and I can't remember having any breakfast. It's a sunny day with a blue sky and it's all very nice from up where I'm at. I try to get down and after a few tries I'm on the ground.

      I leave the excavator and walk inside the house. I'm greeted by my dad and I tell him my feet are really cold. I remove my shoes and I can see that they're whiter than normal. Plus I can barely feel them. My mom is watching TV and I walk over to her. I notice it's something about Lucid Dreaming. "See? I told you. Awesome isn't it?" I ask her and she agrees with me. My dad shows me his arm which has a huge half-healed scar on it. It's the shape of a dogbite and I ask him what happened. He explains to me that their dog Igor was fighting another dog, and he came inbetween them. He re-creates the scenario in slow motion by using his hands, pretending they're a pair of jaws slowly closing in on his arm.

      12.45: Russian nightclub
      I'm in Russia and I'm looking for a nightclub. A guy tells me where the best club in town is, and I go there. It must have been illegal since I couldn't see any sign. I can see a guy standing in a hallway infront of a white door and I walk up to him and ask him where the club is. He walks past me and out on the street, disappearing. I knock at the door and a huge Russian opens right away. He's got blood-shot eyes and is atleast 2.5 meters tall. He asks me something in Russian and I agree. I'm let into this club filled with anabolic guys and I don't feel safe at all.

      The dream gets really weird and it's like I'm watching a movie instead of being there. But a Chinese guy comes rushing in, there to rescue me! He screams while running down the hall and jumps up in the air, trying to do a fly-kick. The Russian starts running towards him and I expect them to crash into eachother right away. The Chinese guy is still in the air though, and he has to round a corner. He does it and crashes into the Russian, all while being airborn.

      They start fighting eachother. The Chinese picks up a sandbag and holds it to his chest. Then pushes the Russian into a fence. Blood gets everywhere but the Russian won't give up without a fight! He pushes the Chinese against a fence on the other side, but it's not as effective. The Chinese does the same again and this time, the Russian gets half imbedded into the fence. He dies instantly.

      12.45: Fragment
      *I'm watching a guy and a girl. The guy is halfway buried in snow and the girl has a leash in her hand, with the guy attached to it. He starts yelling while going even further down. "Hmm that's a nice magic trick" I think as I watch the girl laughing.

      Amount of sleep: 12½ Hours

      Food before bed: 100mg B6, 2 omega-3 pills.

      That's it! Awesome night. I woke up with a headache at 12.45, so I couldn't sleep more. I'm gonna try DEILD'ing more often and also to incubate dreams while waking up. As I've done it pretty often before, it shouldn't be too hard. It's just that it's hard to focus on something you want, without getting all excited.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: snowboard
      non-lucid , dream fragment