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    1. False Alarm

      by , 08-10-2010 at 07:35 PM
      I hear my alarm go off in my dream. Wake up for real and see that my alarm has not really gone off. Go back to sleep and dream that someone is ringing my door bell, then hear knocking on my door - twice. I wake up (nobody is at the door).
    2. Birthday Party

      by , 08-10-2010 at 07:33 PM
      I am at home in an apartment on a very high floor of a building. I am with my friend Adrienne. I suggest to her that we have a joint birthday party. She say she is not looking forward to this birthday and so can we make it on the day after.
    3. Tomatoes and flooding

      by , 08-10-2010 at 07:30 PM
      I am slicing tomatoes at the kitchen table. My husband just got up and asks me why I am up at 5:30am. I tell him that I am having problems with my lucid dreaming and have asked PercyLucid about it but have not had a reply from him yet as the computer is down (My computer was down in real life last night). He asks me why I am slicing tomatoes and I reply that it is because of my running. I tell him that Oprah uses tomatoes for running as well. I cover the tomatoes with plastic wrap and put in fridge.

      Next thing I know we are in the living room and the TV is on. (This is not my real home but looks something like a place I lived many years ago). We are at a dining table just outside an opening to the kitchen that looks like a patio door. I am talking to my husband and notice water all over the floor. He gets a mop but the more he mops the more the water increases. I insist that he keeps mopping. The phone rings and I go to a hallway to answer it. The person on the other end of the phone seems distraught. Tells me her name is Michelle Wot (Don't know her in real life but seem to know her in dream life). She needs help. I tell my husband to turn of the TV as I have to go and help Michelle.
    4. Dream Fragment.... and turning a nightmare into my fourth lucid!

      by , 08-10-2010 at 06:15 PM
      Fragment- all I remember is going to panda express and getting there organge chicken meal... when I got the meal it was filled with a bunch of junk like colslaw and everything i hate but i couldnt find the orange chicken.

      Nightmare to lucid
      I was walking home when i head a weadeater.... it was getting closer and closer so i looked behind me.... there was a very scary man getting close to me with it. I ran. He came at me and I hit him and got a knife and nearly killed him. I went into my house and heard the mans son saying he would come over and kill me. When he came over.... I ran from him and then just knew i was dreaming. the man disappeared and i was once again FULLY LUCID!
      I tried to fly again... I couldnt physically... so I imagined myself floating up and it worked. This gave me the idea to have an obe inside my lucid dream. I felt myself floating up and partial separation... but full separation didnt work. Then I made myself have a HUGE mansion.... I had an amazing pool.... the biggest id ever seen. I said I wanted Megan fox and a bunch of girls to come to the hottub with me... but nobody showed... Then I heard a girls voice... I looked up and it was megan fox walking torwards me. Then a big limo pulled up full of girls and the rest is history.
      I felt my dad and sister waking me up.... i tried to stay in the dream but i couldnt.... i woke up... to my dad telling me there was a crime down the street. I lost lucidity at this point. guess it was a false awakening. I cant remember a whole lot.... I just remember asking him if i could use my superpowers and being too scared to actually do it.

      These are a few fragments I cant figure out which dream they were in...

      I went to a themepark with my dad and rode a ride in which we had to get ourselves swiging and move our heads around to make the ride tilt at different angles
    5. My week and a half dream!?

      by , 08-10-2010 at 06:11 PM
      Although this wasnt lucid I just had the most amazing, vivid, detailed and long dream I have ever had. I thought all of this dream was real and was actually very dissipointed when I woke up Well The dream started off at my house, I was watching the news and there was this breakthrough in space flight. Where trips to the moon and back could easily be made in an hour safely every time. They looked exactly like the classic UFO and it turned out that every UFO we have ever seen was actually prototypes of these. But they government was so confident in their creation that they would select 1 person and 5 of his or her friends live in it for 3 weeks. 1 of my friends in my dream was a real friend, the rest idk where my mind came up with them. The first day we were all stunned by how cool this is and didn't even bother eating. And when I was going to sleep (yes I know I actually slept in a dream weird eh?) I tried sleeping in mid air cuz you know there was of course no gravity. Strangely awkward and uncomfortable. So I somehow got laying on a bed. It was weird because when laying on the beds it's like gravity would come back but only when on a bed. It felt like normal sleep but I didn't remember any of the dreams lol. My habits from waking life carried over including RC's. Everything I did supposedly proved I was awake. And all electronics worked as they were supposed to. I was texting on my phone, my psp was working fine. Nothing to prove I am dreaming. But basically this dream continued on for about a week and a half when it suddenly switched dreams and I woke up. I was extremely disappointed this morning. Realizing that a whole week and a half worth of a dream was fake.
    6. Fragments

      by , 08-10-2010 at 05:43 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)

      It's been too long since I'd last posted a dream, but lately I haven't been remembering any dreams. I think this is because I go to bed so late and don't allow myself to sleep very late to make up for it. I'm really trying to go to bed earlier so hopefully I can remember more. For now I guess I'll just post some fragments.

      My sister came home from her trip. I was sad because I had just finished the last piece of the rainbow cake(YES, me and Middy and Aubrey from DV all made a rainbow cake for a party in real life! It was yummy.) and I wanted her to try some.

      Also something about all my friends being in a huge shower, including me. I don't think we were actually showering, and we weren't naked or anything..

      Something about parking my car and then parking it again and again because I couldn't make up my mind.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Prison Break and Frozen House

      by , 08-10-2010 at 05:06 PM
      08/06/2010 -

      A group of 'bad guys' (juveniles/ teenagers in trouble possibly) and myself were locked up in a building. There was a small rectangular window, big enough for one person at a time to crawl through, which is what we did. Once outside, It was a lot like a prison yard - Plain, grass-covered lawn with large fences surrounding it. It was late afternoon, I think, and cloudy... kind of a dark grayish-brown sky.. very gloomy looking. I ran to the 15 ft fence and quickly scaled it and jumped down on the other side near a highway. The cars on the highway were going incredibly fast and I felt almost like Frogger trying to cross it, haha. Oh, and everyone else that was with me simply walked around the fence.. seeing as how it ended about five feet to the right of where I had climbed over it
      Once across the highway, the group and I came to a small wooden bridge with a guard (bouncer ) standing by it. He let us by with no problem. In the distance I saw a large Circus tent and knew that's where I was headed to.
      I'm in Kroger/My house and everything is VERY cold (AC was probably on fairly high in RL ). It was so cold, that everything had frozen with about three inches of ice covering all the surfaces. When I touched the ice I realized it was more like really old jello. I peeled off a slab of the jello from a counter top. The slab of jello came off no problem and held together perfectly... but then was actually a frozen towel..?? The frozen towel thawed instantly once I realized what it was, so I opened up an industrial sized freezer nearby and put it in there so it wouldn't thaw.
      After this I walked over to the AC controller and turned it off (it was broken and stuck on freezing temperatures). There were a few people with me, but they were no longer a group of "bad" kids. In fact, I think most of them were my friends, one of them in particular I remember to be a girl I had a crush on at my old high schoo,l named Danielle. At this point, they all left the room whilst I amused myself with a Gameboy I found on a small table. I played a Pokemon game for approx. 5 seconds, and then left the room to follow my friends into a bedroom. A girl in the group left the room to go shower and the rest of us, including Danielle, layed on a bed and watched T.V. The room was setup like a hotel room, btw.
      So, Danielle was irritated by a guy with her and ignored him to talk to me. We talked about Invisalign which I have and apparently she did too.
      The dream then skipped to an outdoor setting where we were all sitting in the stands in front of an abandoned stage ( looked like the Warped Tour stage setup I recently went to in Atlanta, GA ). Set up on the stage were 100's of small ceramic and glass figures, masks, vases, etc. that were were all throwing rocks at and breaking.. almost like a carnival game. I decided to get on stage in hopes of doing something to impress the crowd.. no idea what though. Instead, as soon as I stood up, a large man yelled at me to get down and threw a shoe at me. I had to walked a LONG way to get off the stage for some reason, and ended up having to walked through a large crowd of ethnic people who didn't like me. I found a person I knew in the crowd named Justin. I talked to him for a second and then was interrupted by a fat and somewhat blind guy who needed help finding a seat. I obliged and then the dream ended.
    8. WILD | Need Help

      by , 08-10-2010 at 04:49 PM
      So I have never done any sort of lucid dream and I am just getting into it. I keep failing at attaining lucidity by doing a DILD for the last few days so I decided to try a WILD. So what I tried was I went to bed at 12 am and set my alarm for 6:30 am, i woke up had a coke and some chocolate. I set another alarm for 7:30 am, once that alarm went off I went back in bed and lied on my back. I just relaxed and focused on my breathing as much as possible. I kept thinking I starting to vibrate but it was just my pulse getting stronger and stronger. I can literally feel that im not going into sleep paralysis for a long time when ive read only takes like 15 minutes. I get up and look at the clock and its been 45 minutes. I am now posting this in hope someone has some advise for me cause ive lost a little bit of lucid motivation. Any advice would help, thanks.
    9. Maximum Ride

      by , 08-10-2010 at 04:42 PM
      (( for part of this dream, I was lucid, but several other times I was about to wake up but somehow remained in the dream. So some parts I wasn't. ))

      I remembered there was this hospice that I was travelling to, with the youngest of our group, a 10-year-old-girl. The rest of my group was holding up in an abandoned masnion, which served as our home for the time being. I drove a very old teal car there, in order to better disguise ourselves. Upon reaching this hospice, I got us both out of the car and did a quick once-over of the building. I was going there to see an old lady who had been in charge of the project to turn us all into what we were today. I was about to go in when the girl I was with started to make a fuss.

      I told her it wasn't safe and she needed to stay out here - in case I had to make a quick getaway. Not to mention it'd be safer for her, if Erasers were present and planned to sneak up on her. The girl was throwing a fit, but after a stern comment, she soon quieted and agreed to my plan. That being taken care of, I turned around and entered the building.

      It was nice and furnished pleasantly, and didn't reek of heavy cleaning. I walked up to the receptionist and asked her where the lady was, and she smiled at me and directed me to her. She was currently eating lunch, but upon seeing me, she froze and a very cold glint entered her eye. Having lied to the receptionist about wanting to go see my "aunt", I looked at her, grinned cheekily, and said, "Why, hello, Auntie!"

      I despised this woman. I hated her with almost everything I had. She had not been kind in the least during my period of captivity. The receptionist left, and I began to demand answers about a black folder that contained sensitive information about us. She denied having it, and began to ask me questions about silly things that honestly made no sense. I realized she was trying to stall me after a few seconds, so I growled at her, whirled around, and quickly made my escape. There was a man who was trying to catch me, but I was too fast for him.

      Exiting on the side of the building, the girl was the first one to greet me. She was holding a huge black packet, and as I looked, I found she was grinning.

      "I found it! I found what we were looking for!"

      "Celebrate later, baby. We have to book it."

      And we did. I jumped into the driver's seat of the car and I took off, pealing rubber and making a hasty escape.

      Next thing I know, I'm standing on a street corner with the second youngest in my group, and I was on the verge of waking up. I vaguely remembered reading something about rubbing your hands together to stay lucid, so I did. And I stayed lucid. The girl was gesturing for me to run, to hurry, to follow her. I did, and together we sprinted down the sidewalk to our hideout.

      "Are you sure you're not being followed?" I asked her as we ran.

      "Yeah, yeah. I ran this street like, five times already!"

      "Then what's that noise, doofus?" I asked her, and we both stopped to listen to the rustling in the grass.

      It was Erasers. They were underground, gearing up to attack and following us. Worry swept over me - the second oldest in our group and the third youngest were still at the mansion. Were Erasers already there? Unknowing, we double-timed it to get there, and our wings sprang from our backsides and she launched into the air, making it into the second story.

      The scene we found was utter chaos. My flock was running everywhere, and Erasers were hunting us all. I tried to fight them, but I wasn't really in control of the situation. My second oldest - a boy - was. And the scary part was he was part Eraser. He was bird-boy and werewolf. And somehow, he managed to drive them off by using a chain.

      People had been present during this fight. People claiming to be my mom and dad. So my flock and I met them in the outside parking lot, and I remember we each had a word with them. Until it was my turn, and both of them turned around as I began to tearfully apologize for never coming back all of those years. They turned around after composing themselves, too, and asked why.

      I told them we all had wings.

      They didn't believe us, so I showed them. They weren't engineered to be on our backsides, but come out of our skin when we needed them. With concentration, we could make them emerge without danger or fear or strong emotions provoking them. My wings did, ripping right through the jacket I was wearing. I had beautiful white wings, and to demonstrate I could fly, me and the flock went through a joyride of the parking lot. My parents were delighted, and even invited us all to stay. Despite me warning them about the dangers of us, they persisted. We accepted.

      Our clothes were altered so they wouldn't be ripped to shreds when our wings decided to pop out. And next thing I know, we're driving along in a car to a beautiful lake side that got a lot of tourism. Lake Chelan, they called it. We got out and began to hike around it, until finally I decided to fly above the lake. I tried to fly several times, but my wings wouldn't come out. But finally, finally they did. I managed to get a little ways over the lake before I lost lucidity and I fell into the water with my flock, where we were all laughing over the awestruck faces of the people on the shore.
      lucid , memorable
    10. Quest for the dream guide- COMPLETE! (i hope)- 8-10-10

      by , 08-10-2010 at 04:40 PM (My Randomness)
      lol i cant believe i actually did it. it started in a regular DILD, i couldn't WILD this morning, i think it had to do with when i went to bed last night. anyway where i remember, it starts out in a house, theres an evil menace with me, i had thoughts about leaving the dream, but then i was like "nahh, and miss this?" so i grabbed a ruler and tried to turn it into a sword, didn't work. the evil dude summoned his minion, who just happened to be my neighbor lol. he came at me, i kicked him in the stomach really hard, he doubled over and i ran. i ran towards the door, thinking if i could get outside, i could fly away. i got outside, and flew upwards just as my neighbor tried to grab me. i flew up into a tree, and laughed at them because they couldnt get me. i then floated down a bit, and saw a girl in the next yard over, walking towards the yard i was in. she was blonde, somewhere near my age, maybe younger. she kinda looked like Annasophia Robb, but with wavy hair.
      Spoiler for my new dream guide!:

      i was like "ehh, wat the hell, ill ask her..." i floated down onto the bed of a truck under the tree. as she neared i said "hey are you my dream guide?". she was like "yea"...
      lol i was so happy, i was barely suspicious at all. i asked her, "ok then, tell me something that only you know about me...". she said i was gay lol. i was like "o well, i wont be gay in conscious life, im religious" (no offense to gay people, im baptist). she then jumped up on the bed of the truck with me. i said "hey can we go somewhere quieter so we can talk?" it was really loud, people were running around having fun. she was like "aww, i wanted to have a mud fight!". i said "we can have a HUGE mud fight some other time. you'll have to help me out with the whole lucid thing ok?". she agreed. she took my hand and said "ok just walk backwards..." so we did and jumped off of the truck and fell off the scene i was in, and landed in a different one. it was a quiet place, it had two levels, with a pond in the center of both levels. the floor and walls were beige, the entire area was enclosed in walls. here i drew a picture:
      Spoiler for a quiet place:

      we landed on the red square, i looked around and jumped down onto the green square (neither squares were in the dream, i just put them there for reference). i then asked her "so what can you do?" she then did this really cool looking Avatar move, with airbending, it was awesome. i think i then started to lose lucidity, everything started getting weird, talking about sex and marriage lol. thats all i remember. i finally found my dream guide! i just hope shes not a fake
      Tags: dream guide
      lucid , memorable
    11. Crazy movie scene?

      by , 08-10-2010 at 03:55 PM
      Babies crying
      Two guys go check
      one guy is Zach Galianankis

      other guy:
      What did you feed them?
      Garlic Bread and pizza?
      That's a cheat food.
      Not something they should eat.

      Common they are with me.
      You eat fancy or you starve.

      Other Guy: Oh geez. Maybe it's ok.

      Then it's me. I hold the baby and rock him.


      Updated 08-10-2010 at 10:12 PM by 33154

    12. Military school and Sylvester Stallones house

      by , 08-10-2010 at 03:50 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Seems like I wasn't interested in having any LD's last night with the amount of weird stuff happening

      Fragment: remember having an intimate dream with C (details are reserved for me)

      I remember a dream about being in a comic version of reality, possibly something to do with virtual reality? People had "powers" and it was set in Africa again. It was either in or had something to do with Rwanda and Burundi.

      My wife and I were praying for some guy who had a show jumping competition but he was blind? We were looking at the place where it was supposed to happen in a picture, I recognized the picture as being 2 places that I know. Suddenly we were in the place that the picture was travelling. C morphed into a bug but it was still her. We went to my primary school and it was military preparing students for civil war - like overthrowing the government. I was aware that I was at school without showering and was very self conscious and just wanted to shower. Also there was something about C putting part of my lunch in the staff fridge and I wanted it back. At break it was snowing and there was lots of ice. I went with L,Z and some random kid in there car until we stopped to play in the snow, we had a snow fight and then tried to build a snowman. We then went into Sylvester Stallones house, D was there and we were there to council him because they had lost a family member, I think it was his mom, his wife and son were there.... and that's all I remember

      Updated 08-10-2010 at 04:49 PM by 34248

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    13. kristen stewart?!?!?

      by , 08-10-2010 at 03:25 PM
      this is all a bit hazy as i'm posting it now after being awake for about three hours. I was out of the country, somewhere in south america. I remember climbing up a house and having a big fight with... kristen stewart?!?!? I remember the person i was fighting had a gun and i had to wrestle it away from him and eventually kill him. Thats all i remember from this first dream.

      I have a vague memory of a second dream where i was at school, but i don't remember the details.
    14. Mine and Blair's New Apartment

      by , 08-10-2010 at 03:10 PM
      It started off that I was in an upscale apartment complex. The inside was very modern-like and clean. However, the whole apartment was empty. Blair was with me, but she was using the bathroom. I wanted to sneak up on her and scare her when she came out, but she could see my shadow.

      When she came out, I showed her the apartment. We were both very happy because we were finally moving in together. We went outside to look at the balcony, and we decided to smoke a cigarette. The outside was very cool. It was like a dense, rainforest and the apartments kind of circled around it. There was a slight drizzling rain, and the air was very damp.

      So we started smoking a cigarette and we saw a dog in the neighbor's window. I dont remember what it looked like, but I rememebr it was very odd looking. It had kind of had a face like a human, and had a chin. Blair gave some it her cigarette and it smoked it. Then it began blowing smoke rings. It was amusing and Blair and I laughed about it. Thats all I remember.
      Tags: blair
    15. Nightmare, 4th day of Infinity.

      by , 08-10-2010 at 02:56 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      I dreamed that I was in some bigger, darker, version of my parents old house. This man and woman were there. And then it was a store, somehow. And they were shopping. I ask the person I'm working with if the two "had left yet". She says yes and I say: "Thank goodness," and as I say that I notice they are still here so I quickly change it to, "Because I needed to use the restroom." so as not to annoy them or make it seem like I'm badmouthing them. Anyways, I go back to use the bathroom and for some reason there's a woman with the guy that I wanted to leave and she's freaking me out. For some reason she's suffering from this "Alzheimer" like disease that can only be cured by this product called 'squid juice'. What it does is it (the disease) slowly makes you forget everything you love. I somehow gave it to her. Then Justin Long is somehow there and he's hunting me down and I'm trying to hide. He never catches/finds me. But I hear him saying that the 'squid juice' doesn't cure everyone. He pours some of it on his hand/face and worms start to bubble out of it and then he says, "It doesn't always get to what is inside.". And that's all I really remember.
      And then for some reason Leah and I are at this really run down looking movie theater. We're on our "honeymoon" (don't ask me how I know this) and we wanted to go see a movie. So we get our tickets and, at first, have a helluva time finding our movie room. Somehow we end up like a mile past our actual room before having to double back. We find it, room 13, and go in. Immediately I'm hit by the smell of must and decay. There is a woman wearing loose sweatpants, she's a big woman, and the first thing she says when we come in is: "Finally ya made it." So we go all the way into the room. The actual silver screen is nice but instead of cozy chairs there is a gigantic white bench/pyramid that is covered in kids. We make our way over there. The kids are yelling and loud. There is a man at the front of the room by the screen trying to calm them down. He can't. So he sends in a "band jockey". A band jockey is a guy that is in the band that entertains the kids between shows. I don't know how I know this. So he comes in and asks the kids to quiet down, they don't. He gets mad and leaves again. When he comes back, again, he's dressed in some bizarre "Bashir" costume. He has a big oily black mustache and a giant wig. The kids listen after laughing a little bit. And then we're somehow back in our "hotel room" and I remember trying my hardest to get out of the clothes I was wearing and to bag them up. The smell from the theater is clinging to them and it's making my dream self gag.
      I couldn't sleep well last night. I'm on my fourth day of the Infinity course (I'm at the point where I'm doing MILD and hand theory before going to bed and then waking up a few hours for the WBTB technique). But I kept waking up. I don't think I ever fell into a deep enough sleep to make the WBTB technique work. I tried listening to binaural beats while I was asleep but I think they kept me awake.

      Til next time.
      non-lucid , nightmare , side notes