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    1. NY Flood, Harpie TF and Dancing

      by , 02-17-2017 at 05:26 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      Feb 17, 2017

      Notes: Multiple dreams, non lucid. Nieces are over to visit. Massive Storm in New York. Harpie transformation. Dancing with new romantic interest

      1. My nieces are over to visit and they are driving me insane. And Alison just wants to go home. But there is a reason why my sis and nieces can't drive home tonight. There's a nasty storm outside and it's already flooding.

      2. Its night, it's storming and I'm driving. The streets are flooding and cars are driving cautiously, underneath a canopy of tall trees I haven't seen in years. I'm in Long Island NY. I give up driving through this downpour. Instead I transform into a harpie. I have some sort of adventure as a harpie, as this storm floods NY, but I don't remember it now.

      3. I'm at a social and I meet someone new. But he looks like a coworker I knew years ago, Q. He wants to dance with me and I'm totally ok with it. The dancing felt real, he spins me round and round several times. But I honestly don't remember any music. Later, I'm home, and I practice dancing in front of a mirror. Later still, I feel guilty for dancing with him. What would my friend R think? He would be so upset.

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Car lot

      by , 02-17-2017 at 05:05 PM
      Had a lucid dream this morning about being in a car lot.
    3. Woman's Water Basketball

      by , 02-17-2017 at 02:48 PM
      Asleep: 12:15
      WBTB: 5:30, 6:30, 7:47
      Awake: 8:30
      Dreams: 1
      Lucids: 0

      1. I walked to a gym with a pool in it. There I joined a woman's water basketball game? There was one other guy playing and he was on our team. While playing defense, I experienced that sluggish responsiveness that we all know in dreams but it did not tip off my awareness. I found it difficult to move my arms to block shots or steal passes. At the end of the game, somehow I got my phone wet. I wanted to take the battery out but I didn't have time so I set it on the ledge. Then after the game I won player of the game. The other guy who was playing won player of the month? and they had him give a speech. He stood up there silent for a while. I think I woke up before he gave the speech.

      I woke up several times knowing that I was just in a dream but any memory I had just evaporated instantly. Very frustrating.
    4. Luggage belt, work

      , 02-17-2017 at 01:11 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Bed 8:30pm - 3:20 am

      DREAM 1
      Few of us have some luggage going on a luggage belt, so we decide to follow it as not to lose it. We get on a belt. I'm not sure if it's safe, more likely not safe. I see a guy sitting in front of me, so I assume the belt tunnel is not gonna get too low. But I still almost lay down as not to have my head sticking out.

      There is a lady standing by the belt as we go by, kinda smiling understandably, so I'm reasonably sure it's gonna be safe. Even if the sign says there is a wrapping machine with some blades coming up.

      DREAM 2
      I'm in a warehouse. Someone is coming to visit so we suppose to clean it up. So someone takes some heavy equipment and pushes the whole isle over to the wall, so a new, clean isle got pulled in it's place. Done, haha.

      DREAM 3
      I'm sitting on top of some high box or cabinet. I'm all dirty, vaguely remembering that I had to escape through some muddy water or something.
      Tags: work
    5. The cave that wants to drown me

      by , 02-17-2017 at 12:08 PM
      (Went to bed at 4am which is actually earlier than the days prior. I should really stop that)
      (This dream was completely in english and I even used foot as a measurement even though I normally only use the metric system in real life and dont know anything about the imperial system at all)

      I was inside a limestone cave with 3 other people for unknown reasons. I was standing in front of a chasm with a rope which led down about 15 meters to another cave area with a very small "lake" (the lake was about 4x4 meters I'd say and very shallow so it wasnt really a lake at all).
      Above the rope there was a sign which read "Danger! Water extremely cold." which I thought made sense.
      The people I was with wanted to climb down and one of them (some girl though I dont know any of the people present) wants to swim in the lake. She either climbed down really fast or jumped (which would probably kill you) because suddenly she was in the water and telling us to get in because "its great in here" which I found strange at the time. At the point where I climbed down the rope everybody is already in the water and saying its great.
      I suddenly notice that the water is rising at a very quick pace (in the dream I said it already rose 2 feet in a few seconds) and shout at them to get out and back up the rope.

      The water is rising even faster now with us basically beeing carried upwards to the beginning of the rope by the water.
      Then I noticed something which truly shocked me, as a ceiling of water was coming down on us from atop. The water was not flushing down but rather it was as if gravity was turned around further above and the water was simply rising. After a few seconds there would be no more space to breath left and we all took a deep breath and prepared to try to swim out of the cave.

      At this point I was not really a part of the 4 people anymore as I was constantly switching around viewpoints while following different people at a time while I could even hear their thoughts. Mostly they didnt think they would be able to make it out the cave and where already pretty much out of air but in the end they managed to swim up to where the exit is through the curiously bright cave system.
      To get out of the cave you had to open a hatch which then led outside and in the end I was thinking what if when we open that hatch there still is even more water and it was all for nothing. What exactly happened I dont remember and the dream pretty much ended here.

      (I do not have a fear of water or anything related but it was pretty horrifying because it felt like a malavolent entity with unearthly power wanted to kill us)
      memorable , non-lucid
    6. 2017-02-17 truck "Thailand", credit cards at the indoor ski place, juice

      by , 02-17-2017 at 10:07 AM
      Ridiculously late to bed (4am almost). This is silly, stop it!

      + I'm sitting in the cabin of a very tall truck behind the wheel. I'm driving on a snowy road there is a large dip in the road ahead (like the one on GPB in B), I hit the brakes which makes me lurch forwards bending over the steering wheel which is at waist level. I'm coming up on some trees with branches crossing the road, there are more and more branches appearing and I'm getting concerned about hitting them, I don't think I can drive under them, and I hit the control that will lower the height of the trucks' cabin, it starts moving down but it may not be enough, I'm thinking s.l. "there sure are a lot of branches here in Thailand"...

      + I'm in an Indoor skiing facility that uses a slippery artificial surface so people can practice their skiing. Then I'm paying at the counter, I was prepared for needing either a passort and a card or (some other ID). Of course the girl at the counter asks for the ID that I did NOT have with me, I pull out all my credit cards and start looking through them, I can't find the one I'm looking for. Most of the m are dark, like black with bright electric blue highlights. Some of the cards still have the "new card" sticker on them and I peel it off of one. The girl says she (doesn't need the card?) and I answer I know but I still need to look through them.

      +(f) something outside a fence lines the yard and it steps down an incline.

      +(f) a girl (opponent?) is moving nearby, I'm trying to "shoot" her with a laser? She's moving across athletic fields in front of me. Narrator is talking about various kinds of juices and additions, the apple juice addition is a poor choice because the base juice is also from apple juice.
    7. One World Ends, Another Begins

      by , 02-17-2017 at 08:54 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I was not myself, I was a father with dark curly hair. My wife and two kids, daughter and son, had dark curly hair too. I had false memories, a lot of them. The world I was in ended. Apocalyptic event that wiped out almost everything. Before it happened, we escaped into another reality. A world with magical creatures and dangers that were all new to us. It wasn't a world were my family would be safe, so I tried to find my way back to a portal.

      To get back we needed a boat. We were in a flooded city. Like Manhattan with 10 meters of water on the streets. Frog-like men lived here. The surface was covered with water lilies and other such plants. After years of trying to survive there, I managed to put together a makeshift boat and led my family through a tunnel that I recall was the way to a portal. Several rapids and waterfalls later we passed through a gate leading out of this world.

      When I saw the smooth, green ground, hills in the distance and a mountain with a castle on top, more false memories came back to me. This used to be just a flat green surface, an artificial world with nothing in it. A pocket dimension that humans built. It was created as a safe haven for us, when the world was destroyed. Now it looked somewhat complete. I led my family to a small house nearby and we met a woman. She kindly let us stay in her home. Some food was prepared, beds made and my wife chatted with the lady. I kept asking what year it was, because clearly we had been gone a long time, since this world was now complete. She didn't tell me. I searched the house, the food items for best before dates etc. I found nothing.

      Sad and frustrated, I wanted answers. What happened to the survivors? What sort of state was the world in? I headed towards the door. Her front door didn't open into the pocket universe anymore, it led to the old world. It was night and a destroyed city opened up in front of me. Piles of rubble and monsters wandering around. The lady followed me outside and offered to guide me, if I insisted on exploring. She told me to stay away from the Gravity Wheels: big wheels rolling around on their own, made of human-like flesh.

      Another type of monster was in our path. Very Rick and Morty -style appearance: ugly, slug-like, dirty blue and spits green acid. I watched how one of them spit acid on another poor explorer and he melted instantly. The lady showed me how the monsters shrunk when you scared them. She ran at one yelling and the monster shrunk to the size of a cat. It was harmless like that. While running past them, I failed to scare one and I got sprayed with acid. I waited for it to melt me, but I was fine for some reason.

      We went into a tunnel and found a couple teenage girls doing drugs. I asked what year it was. One of them smiled and said "It's...six?" like it was obvious. "Six years after the end?" "Yeah." Alright. I was happy with that answer.

      This has been a recurring theme in my dreams: World ends and I'm forced to move on, survive and find my place in the world again. I actually really enjoy dreams like this, even when they are sad.
    8. Shower Imposers

      by , 02-17-2017 at 08:17 AM
      Morning of February 17, 2017. Friday.

      During water induction (my most consistent form of autosymbolism for dream state entry, as water is autosymbolism for sleep and the dynamics of the dream state), I find myself in the shower on the second floor of the King Street boarding house. I get the impression that I am still living in the L-shaped room at the end of the hall (though I have not lived there since the 1980s). A young version of Zsuzsanna (who has never been to America let alone King Street) is in my apartment at the end of the hall. The opaque sliding door of the shower is halfway open. Zsuzsanna walks around in my apartment. Curiously, both the south bathroom wall is missing as well as my apartment’s north wall, so the shower can be viewed directly from that apartment. (Missing walls as well as the ability to see through otherwise solid walls is a fairly common feature in my dreams and has been since early childhood. This is associated with the “mystery girl” of my dreams having lived in a house with missing exterior walls. This turned out to be true regardless of its high unlikelihood; that is, Zsuzsanna lived at one time as a child in an incomplete house with missing exterior walls in an area of New South Wales called Heaven.)

      I realize that I still have clothes on. This is very annoying and I take them off, but they are somehow on again later. I also notice a pair of tennis shoes near the end of the bathtub. These apparently belong to a very old man who comes in to get them and he soon leaves without speaking. While still showering, I begin to get more annoyed at having to remove my clothes more than once (but that does not trigger the realization I am dreaming).

      Somehow, several unfamiliar people end up in the shower with me (though of course there would not be enough room in reality), and I can barely move. This soon changes though, as part of the typical illogical sequencing of the dream state. I eventually notice that part of the east wall (directly beyond the end of the bathtub) is also not present. An older version of Zsuzsanna is making sounds of arousal but I can only see her from just above her knees and downward.

      The north wall (adjacent to the bathtub) also seems to not be present. There seems to be a mostly featureless room, but which may also be part of the same bathroom as there is a drain in the floor.

      Becoming annoyed in a dream at the realization that I am wearing clothes has occurred since childhood (not just with shower dreams or those where I am in bed, though my non-lucid dream self most often does not focus on whether I am dressed or not anyway). There are a number of reasons for this. One, the association with being embarrassed with the idea of “sleeping in my clothes”, which is proof of liminal dream state awareness (as why would my dream self associate with the idea I am sleeping unless I was somehow liminally aware I was in the dream state, even though with liminal dream control I do not even remember what a dream is). Two, this sometimes throws off my association with phasing through walls or flying up and out of a dream (only being aware that it is a dream in the last moments - though as if I subliminally knew the entire time). The idea I am wearing clothes occasionally interferes with my association with being incorporeal, or in some cases, even with a greater corporeal full-body flying ability. There are other reasons depending on the dream type. In the majority of my more vivid flying dreams (not always lucid) I am only in a bed sheet or cloak. Ultimately, it is natural to have dreams of not wearing clothes, as I do not sleep in my clothes. Wearing clothes in a dream is an unusual distortion caused by the lack of awareness of the self in unconsciousness and its actual physical status (unless one is dressed while sleeping, though the weight of a bed sheet probably causes this distortion in most cases).

      Regarding my dream’s cause and meaning, this is simply a typical form of RAS mediation and modulation as the waking alert factor, often activated by way of the preconscious and its personification and the sense of intrusion. As my dream self in non-lucidity is a fictitious entity, any perceived link to my conscious self identity in waking life in some levels of unconsciousness can potentially be viewed as an “intruder” (just as someone half-asleep might perceive an environmental sound, even a noise made by a family member, as liminal evidence of an “intruder”). This is one of those common factors of dreams of which many people cannot grasp at all.

      Updated 05-15-2018 at 06:20 AM by 1390

    9. Family business

      , 02-17-2017 at 01:42 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I remembered this later on.

      DREAM fragment:

      We are establishing a family business and they are deciding who from the outside will be part of it. I'm worried if I will be included and I ask them about it. I think the answer was "yes".
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. [16-02-2017: Nothing]

      by , 02-16-2017 at 10:27 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Couldn't recall anything again.
      side notes
    11. Cold River Acceptance

      by , 02-16-2017 at 04:29 PM
      I am jumping from a tall iron bridge into a clear, cold river. It is in the middle of winter. There are many other people swimming in the river. This is part of a school assignment and there are military personnel who are also involved. I hold my breath and dive deep down into the transparent water. I swim under water a great distance, watching the other swimmers as they kick their legs and doggy-paddle and tread water above me. The water is perfectly clear, like swimming in a pool of pure drinking water. When I finally surface, I let out, "Wow! This water is cold!" The water is very cold, yet it is most invigorating and wonderful. I am very happy to be in the water. I wonder how I am able to swim in water of this temperature; I normally would be quite reluctant to jump into a freezing river.

      I go from the river to an school office where suddenly I am standing before a black lady who looks like she is part of the adjunct staff. She asks if me I'd like some coffee. Looking over some paperwork, she says I did great, and then shows me my schedule. Every Monday and Tuesday I will have to meet a woman named "Nancy" (this is an actual lady I know from WL, one of my old customers) at a restaurant to go over my progress. These meetings with Nancy are mandatory. It slowly becomes clear to me that I am at an interview in which I am being considered for acceptance at this school. The black woman tells me she still has seven more applicants to interview. Recall fades. Dreamt 1/22/2017
    12. Car Wreck and a (semi?) Lucid!

      by , 02-16-2017 at 02:56 PM

      Asleep: 12:00
      WBTB: 5:30, sometime before 8:00, 8:00
      Awake: 8:16
      Dreams: 1 + a small fragment
      Lucids: 1

      1. I am woken up at 5:30 by T's work alarm. I feel myself "come up" out of a dream and all I can grab hold of/remember is this: Man speaking: "I encourage you to seek validation..."

      2. I am leaving a food/smoothie shop with 3 friends. Myself and 3 others get in a car. At first, Ryan is driving. But then it turns out Gabe is driving. Both are friends of mine from college. The parking spot that we are in is small and there must be cars close behind us. Gabe pulls out and has to pull forward again to try to turn out of the space. He has a small car, and he gets VERY close to the car in front of us. We all tell him he's going to hit the other car but he tries to pull even closer and ends up hitting the car. I thought he was going to drive off but he parks and walks inside. He comes out with several pink slips of paper and makes us get out and write down what possessions we have in our pockets for when the police come to write up a report? I decide this is taking too long and decide to call an uber. I try to look up where I'm going and I remember an uber is going to be 75 cents, but I don't remember where I was going. I think it was a zoo but not 100%. I thought about how I had to get home soon so I could "go back to sleep because it was almost time to wake up". (Note, the night before I had no recall so recall was on my mind)

      3. The start of this dream is fragmented in memory. I remember one of my co-workers talking with someone although not in a work context. They are both stationed by computers at a desk. He is talking to the other person about sharing information with his own mother? (Memory blank) I dreamed I was lying bed, experiencing sleep paralysis. And somehow, I'm communicating with this co-worker and the other person. They help people have lucid dreams? In my dream I experienced sleep paralysis and told them as much. Then I laid back down and experienced SP again. This time, I tried to "raise my dream hand" to do a nose pinch RC. I thought I was raising my "waking hand". But, I was able to breathe through my plugged nose! I became lucid! At this point, I forgot all about my co-worker. I was my normal bed room. It was bright like there was light being let in through the window. I remember thinking it would be bad if I thought I was lucid dreaming and tried to jump out of a window only for it to be real so I did another nose-plug RC and looked at my hands. The nose RC worked again and my hands were translucent up to the fingertips. I stayed calm and checked out my surroundings. The room was realistic and detailed. After a moment, I woke up.

      My last two lucid moments ended the second I became lucid. This time, I remained in the dream for a little while. It was a dream about dreaming, but I believe I actually became lucid because when I woke up there was no "pause of consciousness" and I was very conscious of having just been in a lucid dream. The funny thing is, my alarm went off at 8. I debated just getting up but I decided to go back to sleep because I wanted to recall at least 1 more dream. And I woke up at 8:16 having just had a lucid dream!
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. 2/16/17-Dream of Memory with Dad

      by , 02-16-2017 at 11:49 AM
      This was different for me. This was me watching from above and it was my dad and I when I got my first (very old clunker) car and my dad helped me sand and fill the holes in my car before painting it. That was a very exciting memory for me, only this made it feel more important since my father passed away a few years later and this memory was from over 35 years ago. He was showing me how to test the air, check the oil, etc. I was watching and very happy that I appreciated every moment the way I should have. I was so very proud of that old car and it looked so beautiful in royal blue. My dad was also very proud of the car. I think that is my favorite memory of childhood.
    14. 2017-02-16 girl trying to breathe fire, titan attack, pens, food, extinguisher toilet, ambulance

      by , 02-16-2017 at 08:24 AM
      Crazy late to bed again, binge watched "The OA" from start to finish yesterday. Looks like some day residue in the dreams from that. Have to stop doing that. Woke with recall of what felt like one dream with a lot of scenes in it, about 6hrs. Maybe try BTS but it's pretty late in the day already.

      These scenes all seem to take place in a single location, in/around some house:

      + There is a girl pacing the (2nd floor?) hallways of some house and she's trying to breathe fire like a dragon. She's taking big breaths and expelling them out with dramatic gestures and loud hissing sounds, leaning her head and back far forwards while doing so. I and some other guy are following her around, I'm sure if she just keeps doing this she'll actually breathe fire, but I never see any fire appear. Then I see a burning/smoldering spot on the floor, and I and this other guy are running to get a fire extinguisher. I want to find the extinguisher first. I'm going to get a "<something, some term>" which is a super-soaker (kids play water rifle)-like plunger and fill it with water at the reservoirs of water built into the ground. I open the reservoir on the right but I see stuff floating in there and I think someone has used it for a toilet and that it's poop in there so I close the lid and flush it. I open the lid to the left reservoir, then I go back to the right one, stick the device in there and pull back the plunger to draw up the water. I walk over to the fire and push the plunger to put out the fire. I expect to see a strong stream of water but instead I get a wide-angled spray of fine mist. Also some chunks of what looks like gray cooked ground meat land on the floor, and I hope it's not poop.

      My work colleague (ChDo of "3d") has taken my collection of colorful felt pens and mixed them in with his own. I'm taking my pens back. I'm sifting through the large pile of pens and picking mine out and taking them. Mine are the slender ones with the long white covering tips with handles colored the same as the ink color of the pen. I take back several different-colored ones, the colors are like light pastel. I'm then standing at a (white board?) with a tangled pile of white children's slot and tab sculpture discs all stuck together, it's a fairly large pile.

      I'm standing outside and there are 3 ambulances being loaded (with kids?). There is one regular bus and two official ambulances. One of the ambulances loses traction on the ice and the back wheels slide out in an arc, then the whole thing slowly starts tipping and falls onto its left side. I'm shouting "NO!" and run over to open the doors and help the kids out. I tell them to be calm while this is happening. I think the non-ambulance bus was the best one. Something about an animal or thing on a fence nearby?

      I notice there are 4-6 titan-sized massive giants dressed in sleek black armor coming to attack us.

      Walking through the upper floor and a guy I "recognize" [FALSE] as a (former enemy?) someone who shouldn't be here is coming back in for some reason.

      Standing by the edge of a pool with food, there is a tray of food I see down on the bottom of the pool about 10 feet deep by the edge, it was put there for storage? I dive down to get it but wonder about if it's spoiled, thinking the cool temperature of the water may have preserved it.
    15. Latin American girl, house and bulldozer

      , 02-16-2017 at 04:41 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night, bed at 6:50am

      I took 3x 15 mg (6%) L-dopa at time of bed

      Had lots of dreams, but I had that for the last week or so. So can't tell it was because of L-dopa.

      DREAM at 9:03pm
      Something about group called Dreamers Against Trump.

      DREAM 11pm
      Paying for photo ops
      Driving heavy truck

      DREAM 3:15am
      I'm in a basement of a 1-2 story house. Looking out the small window with 2 kids, boy and a girl. There is some work being done outside. A bulldozer is pushing ground near the house and somehow he pushes a huge pile of dirt too close to the house. It makes the corner buckle and shift and a metal bars above the window come down. Just before it did, I yelled at the kids to get out. It I didn't, they would have been killed.

      I'm outside yelling at the operator what the heck did he do, being so careless.

      Then I'm on a street in Latin America, sitting in the middle of the road in a residential neighborhood. People walking around, kids playing and sitting around. I figure if I want to be friends with them, I should attempt to get to know them and talk. So I ask a girl sitting near me what's her name. Julia, she says. And she cuddles with me. (my grandma just passed away and her name is Julia).