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      by , 12-17-2022 at 08:25 PM
      Still having problems with recall, even though I am dreaming quite a bit. A few slightly lucid spots, here and there. Last night I dreamed of finding two dead songbirds. As I carried them outside a large raven appeared and looked at the songbirds then looked at me. I explained that I did not kill them, I just found them. Not sure of the meaning of this. There was no fear, no negative feelings. Also, on a side note, the Reverse Blinking technique is working wonderfully well to get me to sleep. I will continue to work on this.
    2. Who uses the door anyway?

      by , 12-17-2022 at 04:40 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I am somewhere like a dorm room, which I seem to share with around three other people. The beds are really low, maybe just mattresses on the floor, and we’re sitting on them, listening to a woman in some kind of position of authority who’s speaking to us. She takes a feather comforter from somewhere and hands it to me to replace my current one. My bedding is all extremely tangled and twisted - I’ve slept badly. I tell her that it wouldn’t be that difficult to untangle it, but she still wants to give me the new one, so I take it and set the old one at the front of the bed. She then leaves.

      My old friend Ona, who seems to be one of my roommates, is trying to tell me something now, but she’s wearing something over her mouth sort of like an underwater breathing apparatus, so I have trouble understanding her at first. Eventually, with the help of one of the others, I understand that she’s saying something about a concert she saw me play in yesterday – also something about how she had previously been familiar with only one of the composers whose pieces were played there.

      This next part may or may not be part of the same dream – there were definitely parts after that one that I forgot, anyway. But I’m in a restaurant now. It’s a large, bright space, lit mainly by daylight streaming through full-length glass windows, but a little crowded – all the tables seem to be filled, and there isn’t much space to move between them. Saimi passes by the table where I’m sitting and makes some kind of signal to me with her hand. This somehow clues me into the fact that I’m dreaming.

      I get up and follow her out to the balcony to talk. As I pass through the glass window, I can feel some sensations from it, especially the dividing metal bars, which is unusual and a little surprising – possibly it has something to do with the overall level of realism seeming especially high this time. Saimi watches, pauses for a second, and then opens a glass door and walks out. I jokingly say that I haven’t used a door in a dream for years now.

      We jump down from the balcony and walk around while we decide what to do. It’s now clear that the restaurant is located on a college campus – one that’s dream-familiar to me from at least one dream I know I’ve recorded. Saimi says that before meeting up with me, she was waiting for my Aunt O so that they could see something together. She seems to want me to guess, so I do. A play? No. A movie? Also no. Apparently, it’s something like episodes from a TV series being screened somewhere on campus. She still wants to do this now, while lucid. I don’t think this sounds like a very good idea – looking at a screen for any considerable length of time seems like a pretty good way of losing lucidity to me. It could be interesting to see if my aunt shows up, though, and to talk with her, so I agree to wait with her. Since they agreed to meet in the restaurant, we head back there, flying back up to the balcony and going back where we started.

      I figure I should probably do something to keep engaged with the dream. This doesn’t strike me as a very interesting situation to work with initially. I wonder, though: what if I try to read these people’s minds? I look around the room, getting a read of the atmosphere – just in a way one might in waking life. How should I do this? I focus on one woman sitting at a table near me, trying to access her mindstate. What happens is that the dream imagery itself seems to transform so that now I’m seeing her in something like a large version of a baby’s high chair, chewing a mouthful of food with evident displeasure. So the form of the dream changed to reflect my intention, rather than my experiencing her thoughts as some kind of verbal overlay – fascinating.

      I wake up soon after, but quickly fall asleep again and find myself in the same setting, this time with my cat Ronnie. I’m trying to tie something around one of his paws, but soon I remember that I’m dreaming. I wake up again before I can do much of anything.

    3. Winter Competition 12.13.2022-12.15.2022

      by , 12-16-2022 at 10:48 PM
      Catching up a bit here.


      Some Fragments:

      (1) Crossing the street at my current University. I think that the light has changed so that I can cross, and lots of students are doing so. As we walk across the street, a car comes along at a fairly high rate of speed and goes through the intersection. “Nice stop!” I yell sarcastically. One of the students says to me “dude, he had a green light” (or something like that). I look up at the lights, and sure enough the light is green. I thought for sure it was red when I looked at it before. I wonder how this could be. Why did I think the light was red when it was actually green?

      (2) One of my colleagues is testing a new machine. Kind of like a rocket, but it only goes for a couple of yards before hitting a wall and crash landing. She gets into this thing and rides it a couple of times. It is kind of the routine – she gets into the rocket, blasts off, crashes, and gets hurt. People rush to tear open the rocket and get her out. This time, she does her crash land thing, and I rush forward before anyone else to get her out. I find myself more attracted to her than usual in this dream.

      (3) At a hotel, much like a place we used to visit when I was a teenager. Dad is there. He says something about going to the “Frog Pub” or “Frog Bar”, or “Frog’s Nest” or something like that. This is a bar/café located above the swimming pool.


      Hotel Brutale

      This starts almost like watching a movie. I see some people outside in a place that would remind you of an old American Western movie. They are dressed in denim-type clothes, looking like their working on a ranch or something. The scene here is kind of like the opening scene to the Follyfoot TV show. The focus shifts to three people, which I think at first are men and women (which causes me annoyance in the dream) but then it turns out to just be women (which is less annoying to me). There are men around too though (it seems better to me that they are in separate groups – more authentic or something). This seems to be some kind of inn or bar, or bed/breakfast type place out west. Maybe a ranch.

      Another guy shows up. He is being chased by someone. It appears that he had been staying at another hotel, and while he was there he ran into some trouble. Actually, he wasn’t even sure if he was the one in trouble. Someone else had been staying at the hotel with the same name. A Bounty Hunter type guy showed up looking for one of them. So this guy just decided to go on the run. Anyway, he ends up at this current ranch/hotel place. But he finds out that this Bounty Hunter is going to come to the hotel at some point.

      There are some things going on out back, I think. I’m trying to convince the guy not to wait around and take chances with the bounty hunter. He doesn’t want to leave though.

      Then a big long car drives up. It’s like a long brown convertible, but more like the length of a limousine. There are two women in the backseat (or the second or third row of seats). They are large – tall and strongly built. One, or both, is blonde. They are fairly attractive, actually, though quite intimidating. They are either bodyguards, or there are other bodyguards in the car. In the front passenger’s seat sits the Bounty Hunter. He is playing some music on the radio – soft, low, with an older country/western vibe to it. The sort of music that a self-confident bounty hunter type might play as his background music. The Bounty Hunter is sitting in the passenger’s seat, but leaning across and turning the steering wheel. It’s like he thinks he should be the passenger, but is acting as his own chauffer. He even does some odd thing with his door when he gets out as though he were opening the door for himself.

      The two large women get out, and I see how large the Bounty Hunter is. He is probably at least 7 feet tall, maybe 8 feet. Strongly built, like the women. I think he’s wearing some kind of long, dark coat. He looks at the guy who had been running and makes some remark about having seen him at the other hotel. Then he goes in and talks to the ranch/hotel owner.

      Back to the guy that thinks he might be running from the Bounty Hunter. I don’t quite remember what happened, but somehow he starts fighting. I think he’s joined by at least one other person. Something about a tower, knocking the tower over. Then he jumps into a car and starts running into people. He drives around to the front of the place and runs into a man carrying a camera or survey equipment, or something. He really gets violent. He narrates “I saw a man on his way to the blood bank. I extracted a donation.” He runs over this guy and green blood is smeared in a big trail behind the car. The guy is killed.

      At some point, the original owners of the ranch/hotel decide to leave, I think. This other guy, and his buddies, take over. By now, it seems that their focus has been to take over this ranch all along. They had a plan to turn it into a jungle themed hotel. It almost seems that this guy’s obsession with the jungle theme was so strong that making this place into the jungle themed hotel was his main reason for taking over. I think there is some disagreement between him and his companions though. I think there was also something about the hotel being in an exceptionally desirable location, because it was close to a bunch of stores (there was a scene with a strip of stores, almost in wild west town fashion but they are more like modern shopping plaza stores.

      By the end, the hotel has become a fight club. This whole thing might even have been a movie called “The Fight Club”. The man who had originally been on the run is big and muscular, and is in a ring fighting with another guy. Large, muscular men fill the stands around. I still don’t like the fact that they were so violent and took over the hotel, but at least it wasn’t just some greedy guy murdering people. In other words, these guys are kind of savage and brutal, and you might have expected this sort of behavior from them.

      Kayaking Adventure

      Kayaking down a river. I think I’m trying to recreate a famous journey – quite possibly from the Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Rings). It is a nice location. Peaceful and beautiful. But whoever is in charge of the area – the park service or something – has decided to put up speakers along the sides of the river and play music for visitors. They are playing some annoying country music. It kind of throws off the atmosphere, and I’m not too happy about it.

      At some point I think the river goes underground. There is a housing development, or some kind of urbanization, for which they have covered part of the river. I pull out the kayak and make my way to where I can get back to the river. Now I’m driving. I come across a small road/path to my left, but it isn’t connected to the road where I am and I don’t know if it’s supposed to be for driving on or if it’s a walking trail. Anyway, I eventually find a parking lot next to the water, and what appears to be a boat ramp. By now it’s raining pretty heavily. But I’m there for an adventure, and I don’t really mind the rain.


      Looking through a church photo album. As we flip the pages, it seems like the people in the pictures are laying in beds. The further we go in the album, the more the beds start to resemble coffins. Then it turns out that they are coffins. Then the people are dead, and instead of looking at pictures we seem to be looking at corpses in open coffins (this is not very creepy in the dream – it’s more like visiting a cemetery). The corpses become older and older, until we are looking at a skeleton(s). Above one of the skeletons there are some words written, including the word “haunted”, possibly repeated multiple times. One of the skeletons has some object laying on it, which has lights in it. Another skeleton has something similar, shaped like a flower pot (unless this is the same skeleton). The flower pot is vibrating. It was originally held in place by something, but whatever this was holding it in place is broken and the pot is moving around and looks like it’s going to fall off of the coffin. Somebody is with me, and while I hold the pot in place I ask them to get me some zip ties. I try to zip tie this thing in place, but the zip ties break. In the dream, zip ties are also called something like “Indestructibles”. I comment on how these aren’t very indestructible...

      ...The coffins are in a basement, and there is something about wondering if plants will grow here. But there are a line of windows nearby, so there might still be plenty of light...

      Fragments, so far:

      (1) Some AI program – like a chatbot/artificial personality AI companion. I think I’m choosing one. There is at least one program that is a female and has a nice voice. I’m kind of leaning toward choosing this one. There is something about lewd imagery though, and I don’t know about this.

      (2) Sitting on a couch, next to my Mom or Dad, I think. They’re on a couch behind mine, and I’m playing some rock music on my laptop and doing something at the same time, like typing the lyrics. Then I think that maybe I don’t want to be playing the music so loud (or at all) next to them.

      (3) People sitting in empty Little Caesar’s pizza boxes.

      (4) At my former workplace (a hospital pharmacy). I am filling orders, and one of my former coworkers is checking them. I wasn’t sure if she was a pharmacist in the dream, and if she had the authority to check my work. This is one of those cases where I’m hoping that I have overcome my OCD enough to be able to do this work efficiently.

      (5) Something about millennials having difficulty pronouncing certain words, or certain combinations of words.


      Took about 0.75mg of melatonin to help me sleep. Was awake until at least 1:00am, possibly past 1:30. Around this time I took 4mg of galantamine. Awake by 9:00 or so. I think most, or all of the following occurred in the last hour of sleep, kind of dozing before I was expecting my alarm to go off. It might also be related to note that I have been cutting back on caffeine, with one extra cup of tea this evening while out with some friends.

      Space tribe, ring, woman, watery trouble

      Some planet, I think. There is a native tribe. One of the tribesmen has a tattoo on his chest. He is standing so that he is seen in profile, and the tattoo looks like a big V shape in parallel lines. Someone is talking with the chief. Apparently the tribe wants to get control of a piece of land or a moon or planet, or something. This is a big issue with the tribe. At one point, the tribesman with the tattoo turns to face us and what looked like a bunch of lines from the side turns out to be words. The tattoo refers to the tribe’s desire to possess the piece of property and is simply the phrase: “I want iiiiiiiit!!”

      There is a woman with a ring. This seems to be a movie or TV show, perhaps, or perhaps I was vaguely aware that it was a dream. Anyway, I reach out and take ring somehow. It seems to be made of red gemstone, with some other bits to it. When I take it into my world though, it kind of falls into fragments. I think to myself at some point that this is, or might be, Dreamstone. That’s a possibility, although I thought Dreamstone was blue. I put it on a stand next to where I am laying.

      There is some hero-type guy. He comes across a big pit, which somehow fills with water. Now it looks like a big underground swimming pool. He has some discussion with the woman, and picks her up and throws her into the flooded area. It seems like he had some reason for doing this, but she is not familiar with swimming and sinks to the bottom of the pit. She appears to be in a lot of distress, and either I or the man jump in to save her. It occurs to me, however, that these people were living in a place with no oxygen but could breathe just fine. She is probably just pretending to drown. But while we are on our way to rescue her, hands reach out from a flooded stairwell and grab her, pulling her downwards. It seems that the hands belong to another woman – or possibly this woman herself. The woman is different somehow, it’s like she can project herself into separate places, so that the woman we had been dealing with was actually a projection of the woman that then reached out and grabbed her. Anyway, we’re trying to keep her from being pulled down into the stairwell, but not succeeding. We also will be running out of air soon, since we have to hold our breath to swim down there.

      The no fish era

      We are watching a film clip of a reconstruction of that past called the “no fish era”. This is supposed to be a time before fish, and it looks like water with a bunch of mold growing in it. The camera is moving underwater, following some swimming creatures that look like fish to me. Someone tells me that they aren’t really fish yet, but some proto-fish called “cichlids” (which is a bit ironic since cichlids are a type of fish in waking life). We follow a school of these, and then come across a really big one. Something about these “fish” is that they look like they are living skeletons. As we look at this big one, I think it become a big boat. But it’s also a living organism, about the size of a parking garage. It has developed a strategy to protect other fish. What happens is that birds try to attack the fish. But they fly into the boat/fish instead. This kills at least some of them. Meanwhile, other birds get trapped there, which become a target for the bigger birds, acting somewhat like bait. We see one animal (kind of looking like a dog, but might be a bird) taking care of another bird/dog thing.

      I’m on this boat/fish with another guy. There are puddles of water around. He keeps pushing dirty water with his hand, and remarks on how he shouldn’t be doing so. Something about people throwing up, possibly causing these puddles. Then I notice people around that are seasick and vomiting.

      Halloween Party (Lucid)

      I am walking around a dormitory in a shark suit. At first I just have the suit kind of draped over me, not really wearing it, but then I see some other people dressed in fish and/or shark suits. I think this is kind of funny, so I try to put on my shark suit more properly. It appears that there is some kind of Halloween party going on. There are different areas set up with different activities. In one area, it looks like there are a bunch of things for sale, like a junk store. One room has been arranged into a fake pagan temple, and someone comes along mentioning that they were “kissing” someone in there. As I look at the junk store items, I suspect that I’m dreaming. I do a nose pinch, and after some patience I eventually find that I can breathe and become lucid. Things are fairly stable, though a bit difficult to remember now. My cousin comes along, and I try to get him to help me. We walk together, and I pick up something and carry it. It’s as though I’m helping him do something, to keep myself oriented. As we walk and talk, I explain some of my difficulty to him, and as I do so things stabilize. We go down to an elevator, and walk inside. Since elevators are a dream sign, I think to myself that I should do a reality check. But I already know I’m dreaming, so I wonder to myself if there is much point in doing a reality check when I encounter a dream sign in a lucid dream. As the door opens up, I remember that I should be trying to score some points. I try to summon Sensei as the door opens. It doesn’t work. Instead, we are entering a really nice looking hotel-like place. Or maybe a spaceship. It has a kind of Jules Verne/Nautilus vibe. Wooden walls, and such. But then I think that I should try to find the dream base library, and in trying to change things I lose the dream. Things fade to the point where I can just see a bit of the hotel/ship thing. I maintain focus on this, but don’t remember what happened after that. I remember at some point either thinking to myself or dreaming that I was telling someone that I should have just explored the dream as it was because it looked pretty nice.

      Parallel world, asking DC for advice, out with a bang (lucid)

      There is a portal into another universe. It is quite small, and involved opening a little door behind which is the portal. We look in, but don’t see anything beyond a kind of haze or screen. I stick something into it to feel around. It feels semi-solid in there, like a big mass of gritty gelatin. It seems unsafe to go in there, since we don’t even know if we could breathe. We close the (small) door and open it again, and this time we can see inside. There is a black and white tile floor, and a sign on the back of the wall that says “Speakeasy”. This time we go inside. Even though the door is tiny, we find that we can just “enter” through it by trying to do so. When we get inside, we find that we are now very small ourselves. The furniture nearby is big compared to us. Someone (the proprietor?) comes to greet us. He seems large too, or maybe small, but somehow is close in size to the furniture (or maybe he’s close to our size? I don’t remember exactly what was happening here). We ask him how we get out, and he says “back the way you came”, opening the door to show us. But when he opens the door, it just leads out into a hallway, as though the portal were in a different dimension and the coordinates of the room are part of a different system. Are we trapped? But the man kind of laughs, this apparently being kind of a joke. You can get back to our universe from here, he explains. If we go out the door we came in and go to the left, it is a quicker way but “there are guns”. If we go out the door and go to the right, it is a longer but a safer route.

      Somewhere along the way I become lucid again. I look around, and see rows of junk store stuff for sale. Some of it is red, like it’s Valentine’s Day themed. Looking back to the bar, a door opens in hallway behind the bar, and a guy steps out. He looks like Sorrell Booke (the guy who played Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazzard), but wearing a dress and a wig. I think this is pretty funny, so I point him out to someone with me and turn away laughing. There also seems to be another person, possibly a woman, who is now bald. I think Booke’s wig came from her, which is why she’s now missing her hair.

      I see a guy with a bunch of straws in his mouth. Remembering the competition again, I ask him for advice.

      “Can you give me some advice?”

      His reply started something like this: “Don’t rob a bank when you feel like you want to be connected to the world,” but continued on for some time. It’s one of those things where at first it felt like I was making him say words, but after the first bit he seemed to be talking on his own. I follow him out a door, and then I think about asking him to tell me a short story. I don’t remember if this happened though. I might have decided that that would take too much time. At some point we’re being ushered out of the room by someone, who is helping us escape unnoticed. People are supposed to wear brown fedoras to blend in, which I am already doing.

      We go down some stairs. These are leading into a large, open area, kind of like a mall. I remember that my third task of the three tasks was to put my hand through something solid. Even though I realize that these had to be done in order and I hadn’t done #2 yet (advanced flying) I see if I could easily put my hand through the wall anyway. I try pushing against it, but my hand doesn’t go through. I feel tile though – the wall is covered with those small mosaic-like tiles (greenish in color, I think). Then I go down the steps.

      I’m in the bigger, mall-like area now. I think that I should try the advanced flying – my plan has been to fly to the moon. I climb a low wall to give myself a boost. As I look up, I see that I’m in a place with a fairly high roof, and possibly a couple of stories. I might be in an open part, which goes straight up to the roof, but I think there are several pieces of architecture in my way. Anyway, I try to fly but am not having great success.

      As I continue along, there are some people off to my left taking about having a choice of wearing a clown suit or pastor suit. The general idea is that neither would be fun, since the pastor has to do things like get made fun of. There is a weird thing going on with the back of people’s scalps being clipped to things. Looks painful. I keep going upstairs, and come across a small room. Here I find an interesting control. It looks like it has something to do with missiles, or space, or something. Like someone had been working on an advance school project? To my right is a strange lever. Since it’s a dream I decide to play with it, even though I don’t know what it will do. There is a roaring noise, like it has launched something. I think it’s a missile at first, aimed down at the ground just outside. However, it turns out that it is a rocket ship. I have just started the engines, I think. “This is my ticket to the moon!” I think, remembering something in the tasks about using an object to fly (although I’m not sure that a rocket ship would count, now that I’m awake). The control I’m working with is a kind of remote control. I launch the rocket into the air, hoping that the dream mechanics will make me associate myself with the rocket enough that I will follow it. My viewpoint does seem to follow the rocket as it goes, while I still maintain control of the lever. I have to work a lot to keep it angled up into the air and going straight. I also seem to be having trouble making a lot of progress. Eventually it crashes, and I try to fly on my own.


      (1) Looking at the clock and resetting the alarm

      Updated 12-17-2022 at 04:46 AM by 97618

    4. 12/15/22 - plate fight / dorm room shuffle / sleigh chase

      by , 12-16-2022 at 01:43 PM
      I was in my Grandmother's (passed away) apartment with my mom and my brother. me and my brother got angry with eachother (can't remember why) and he began to throw sliverware, plates, and glass at me. My mom looked very sad about this.


      My uncle (passed away), my two cousins and my brother (and I) were heading to the airport. One of us remembered we had to pick something up from our dorm room (we all went to the same college in this dream). Uncle drove us to the school, but my brother didn't have an ID card to get inside the building. I told him that he could use mine since I didn't need anything, but then remembered that i probably should get another pair of shoes. He didn't want to give me back the ID, so i used a red mascot bear hand with an ID at the palm as my fake ID. The building was a harsh fatalist concrete structure, though the surroundings were almost tropical. We waited in line to get inside, and the security person thought my fake was strange but too strange to be an attempt to get in with a fake ID. I got through and went to the 'blue' elevator. The elevator layout was confusing since each elevator would only take you to certain rooms. Me and my family got split up here. I got in the blue elevator, and it moved up and sideways like in a manufacturing plant. below me was an open concrete part of the building with students walking around. Two of them turned to look at me which i recognized as my cousins in the dream, but looked more like 2 children I know.


      (vaguely aware this is a dream. felt like a daydream)
      An ugly old man was on a giant terra cotta roof tile using it as a sleigh to ride on a path also made of giant terra cotta roof tiles (3rd person POV). He was being chased (i forgot by what) by somebody also riding a roof tile, and was chasing a girl also riding a roof tile. the path forked and slanted upwards toward the sky. the girl went to the left and the old man followed, but the person chasing the old man went to the right.
    5. 2022-12-16 rest night, scene with dog on street and young man with large robot hands

      by , 12-16-2022 at 10:23 AM
      Bed time super late, ~01:00
      OOB 08:48
      2 mag threo caps, 200mg l-theanine, 1 sour cherry cap
      fitbit says 1h42m deep, 59m REM

      awake at 7 or 8?

      + outside on street, see former dog B [deceased], then walk past him again, I think he may be dead, but then I see that he is trembling and his eyes are darting around at high speed, I think he's in severe distress and needs to be put to sleep. I want to call wife L to have her come and help. I'm concerned though that this will upset her. There is a parallel story about a police agency searching for a criminal gang, and a truck that I'm using that has been used by the criminals. I do not want to be associated with the criminals, so I want to call my wife L and then destroy a business card that I'm carrying, to rip it up so the police can't associate me with the criminals. The phone number involves the digits "1" and "3", I push the buttons on a push-tone phone.
      [not sure it different scene or different dream]
      Walking outside on street, walk past two young guys talking boisterously. One of them has replaced his hands/arms with robotic arms with huge robotic hands that are like pincers or a bulldozer digging head. They are heavy and dangerous, I do not want to get hit by those. I think he pushes me with them they are very strong. I wonder about how his brain and nervous system was interfaced with these attachments, so that all he needs to do is to think what he wants to do and they respond. (I also think that this is a sort of depressing thing to replace human arms with machine arms?)
    6. Couple of Fragments

      by , 12-15-2022 at 09:25 PM
      Very little dream recall. Just a couple of vague memories of dream fragments:

      * A vague impression of maybe searching for a DC (some kind of mission?), possibly seeing boxy almost cubic houses. I think there were quite bright colours, red.

      * I remember being in some kind of a street. I think I saw a large view of a traffic light. I don't think it looked real.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 2022-12-15 comp night #14 last night: LUCIDD #279, #280

      by , 12-15-2022 at 10:54 AM
      + [f] moving through dark rooms, there is a locked door

      + with people who are rebranding a famous piece of music to be performed under a different stage name at B university, I see the tickets/banner for the concert, it is very clear, black and white lettering. I'm drilling someone with questions about how a musical group treats people. I want to know how they treat the members of the 2nd violin section [I don't play violin!], before I consider joining the group. I get upset that they are not addressing my questions [DS!!!], so I keep repeating them and getting more intense and angry.

      + with sis P and BIL M at the piano, P is giving advice on how to play a particularly tricky part of a piece, it involved reaching up under one's crotch and playing the notes that way, she also showed an approximate way of playing it, by reaching in to the piano and plucking the strings directly. I make the observation that "a piano is just a horizontal harp with keys"

      8mg galantamine, 600mg AlphaGPC, can't fall asleep for like 3-4 hours

      + at P & M's house, she is holding her baby [FALSE, no baby] in her arms, it takes a massive loud crap, I guess this means the diaper needs to be changed. I walk around her looking at her and I see some vague light beige "poop" has spilled out of the diapers onto her arm. I ask "anything I can do to help?" Someone answers, "No, P&M need to deal with this themselves".
      Walking around the house, I feel *really tired*. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to drive myself home. I wonder what time it is, I find a clock, it is only around 7pm, I'm going to have to figure out how to last the rest of the evening until the end.
      In the kitchen, I wonder if everybody likes the coleslaw I made, I ask them, I see dishes on a table with remnants of various salad dishes.

      + [LUCIDD #279, DILD] I'm in a large open area, sitting on a white table, I look around behind me and see my bag/wallet there, I think oh man I left those there, I hope nobody stole my money. I try to open my wallet to look inside, expecting it to be empty, but someone can't open it. Then I'm in the middle of a bunch of beds (it's a furniture store apparently), a huge wide open area, there's a woman there, I get lucid and come to her and we make out for a bit then the dream fades

      + I'm lying in bed in "my house" [FALSE], I look around, I'm confused, I see the dark brown/grey wood paneling on the walls [FALSE] I don't remember how I got home. I think about ordering some professional "companionship" and wonder how I'd pay: with credit cards?

      + [LUCIDD #280, DILD] Awake in a bed in a different house, I feel constricted by my clothing, like I really can't move, I sit up and try taking it off, look around, see that it's both a room in a house, yet it's open and in the distance I see a city skyline in bright daylight, get lucid, and despite the difficulty I'm having moving and the really tired/stuffy feeling in my head, like it's filled with cotton, I say "well might as well explore" and stand up and move to my right, which is towards a raised area which seems to be an office area and a kitchen. I catch a glimpse of movement there and think this is my "wife", and I "know" her name is "Vicki." "Vicki, here I am," I call out, "and I'm <ready for frisky time>", I get to the kitchen and look around but there's nobody there. Continuing to the right I enter a sort of utility closet/hallway area with a black door and a doorknob, I open the door and enter the garage. The visuals are really hazy, I have the impression of large white fluffy/fuzzy things, like several large cars parked next to each other all covered in snow [but I don't recognize it as snow]". Nobody there, still want to get frisky with "Vicki," so I go through another door which I think is a shortcut back into the living area where I started. Back in the living area, I look around and catch another glimpse of movement around a corner, move there and see "Vicki." She turns to face me, she is up against a desk or cabinet. I come up close and look into her face, at first her features are caucasian and really pretty, medium long brown hair, and I tell her "You're gorgeous!" Then as I study her face it begins to rapidly morph, like my mind is rifling rapid-fire through a series of remembered faces, her face changes many times within a few seconds, mostly to variants of young Asian women, sometimes to abstract things like a mask shape. "OK, If you're Asian, that means that you'll have <a particular anatomical feature>, pull down her pants to confirm this [not super clear], and begin some frisky time activity. In a second or two the dream fades.
    8. Log 2783 - Ogress Battle Awareness

      by , 12-14-2022 at 11:54 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 14 December 2022

      Got fragments and a DILD today.

      Scrap Group 1
      At a mall's parking garage. For some reason, I punch through a wall that I thought lead into a maintenance closet. Instead, this unsealed a secret chamber filled with mummies. I conflated all this with Minecraft for some reason.

      Dreamlet to dream. I was in some desert wasteland. I get attacked by some type of magical foe (a witch/evil priest?). I zoom to avoid their attacks. Then, I fly up sky high, and dive down to deliver a mach punch. It missed, but the result created a massive shockwave, leaving behind a great crater. I repeated this maneuver a few more times. The sensation got too (frighteningly) intense to just be a pre-dream state, but I was too caught up in the moment to realize.

      At work.1 Some guy was being a loud-mouthed asshole. I got incensed, enough so that I marched up to him and winded for a punch. Suddenly, that guy morphed into my brother. I got really confused, but only thought to walk away.

      Dream 1 - Ogress Battle Awareness

      Dreamlet to dream. The visuals were blurred. I was trekking up a dusty mountain during daytime. I got bored, and tried imagining an opponent to fight. Just then, a huge figure clambers up from the valley below. This was a semi-nude ogress, a fat, frumpy woman with dark stringy hair and mottled, sun damage skin, standing about 60ft in height. Her appearance fizzled and warped before settling on a more permanent form. Feeling the vibrations of her footsteps convinced me this was a full dream.

      Soon, the scowling, crooked-teethed giantess made blatant her intent to eat me. Good enough justification to fight back. Taking the initiative, I fly past then circle around her, avoiding her wide swipes with ease. She eventually lost track of me during the melee. As she bumbled around, I wind a good distance behind her, then deliver a rocket-speed aerial tackle on the back of her left knee. The troll-woman's stance faltered, though she didn't quite fall over. I rush with some rapid flying kicks on her backside, but this was resisted completely.

      My opponent soon regained her footing. Growling in rage, she gave chase. So I glided away, keeping well away from arm's reach, though I couldn't really shake her off. So, taking the offensive again, I arced back to deliver a flying elbow at her knee. I continued pummeling her joint, and before long, the giant hag fell over prone. Landing beneath her, I winded up for a skyward upper. But, before I could finish off the monster, the dream deteriorated.

      Updated 12-15-2022 at 03:02 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid
    9. Winter Comp Night 12: Gray Supersolider

      by , 12-14-2022 at 10:43 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment 1: I was in my old hometown, making my way up and down along a boardwalk that ran over a wetland area. I think I was on my bike. It was summertime, warm with green leaves on the trees.

      Dream 1: I am driving around, somewhat confused and disoriented. It is a large event like a music festival or airshow but the dream scene later changes to my university. I am driving when a large SUV gets into an accident and catches on fire. A police car has pulled over next to the burning SUV and the officer is holding a submachine gun. I must have been mildly lucid because the scene was rather horrific but I wasn't particularly moved by it. The guy in the drivers seat ejects out, like a jet fighter ejection seat. He is missing both arms and both legs and is covered in burning oil and his flesh is literally melting off. Another dream character (also burning and with flesh melting off but has all of his limbs.) He is panicking, running around screaming and trying to put out the fires on his body. The police officer with the submachine gun starts yelling at the guy with his limbs to help the other dream character get out of the seat to save his life. The limbed burning dream character just keeps panicking and screaming in pain. I begin to question the scene, wondering why the police officer doesnt help the limbless DC in the chair who isn't screaming but their eyes look at me. I had some layer zero lucidity because I remembered that I could reset this situation and prevent it from happening.

      Dream 2: I am a super soldier who has undergone cybernetic and genetic enhancements. I wear a suit of powered armor which looks like something out of Halo though it is bulkier and dark gray in coloration with a narrow sapphire blue visor and a big scary looking forked railgun for a weapon. At some point I am shown what I look like without armor to where I have numerous connection ports and scars over a heavily muscular body that looked somewhat androgynous. No reproductive parts, just a "waste removal port". The body had wide hips like a female but no breasts which made the upper body look male, especially with the heavy musculature. The details of my augmentations, armor and weapons are heavily elaborated on but I do not recall them now.

      I am standing in a plaza in what looks like a fairly normal town along with three other super soldiers. Two of us to each side of a president or military general who is announcing that aliens are invading earth and we are being deployed to fight them.

      I am shown a visual of the alien ships. They have several classes of varying design but share some basic features with a long, spindly hully with lots of complicated details, a medium sized warp drive ring and three or four large radiator sails that glow orange near the rear. The alien ships begin launching hundreds of missiles at earth, nukes or antimatter or something that makes a very big explosion.

      The dream then changes to me being outside a partially destroyed city. Most everyone is dead due to having been on the periphery of the blast, but my armor and genetic augmentations left me relatively unharmed. I find two children who managed to avert everything other than minor injuries and are mourning all the dead people. I then get informed through my radio that another missile is coming to finish the job and I need to save as many people as I can.

      I grab two children, carrying one over each shoulder and run into a building that looks mostly intact. I try to comfort them to little effect both are crying and pounding on my shoulders. Inside the building is laid out like a large shopping mall. Its lights are on and it looks utterly undamaged. Every store is a japanese noodle bar of some kind. There are hundreds of them arranged vertically and horizontally. All of them are closed. I am still frantically trying to find a bunker before the missile hits. I then see that behind the closed garage door type cage thing used to prevent theft there is a door that gives access to the building basement. I intuitively remember that connects to a bunker. Being a supersoldier I simply rip the cage-gate-thingy open with only a little effort.

      A security guard shows up. He looks like paul blart and even rides a segway and reprimands me for being here after hours and trying to steal from a store. I try to explain there is a ten-teraton antimatter missile going to hit the city any minute and we need to get deep underground ASAP. I decide to ignore him because he's either dense or has seriously been living under a rock.

      The nuke falls and I die. In the afterlife Marcus appears to me. He explains that the afterlife exists in quantum superposition like schrodinger's cat. It only materializes when one observes it and it becomes whatever they perceive it to be.

      Updated 12-16-2022 at 02:19 AM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. First Lucid of the Competition!

      by , 12-14-2022 at 06:57 PM
      Finally got a lucid this night. It was somewhat interesting. I was in a mansion with a bunch of breaking bad characters like Walt, Jesse, and Mike. There was a memorial for some person who owned the mansion, and we all payed our respects. However, the oddness of the situation got me lucid (I used MILD this night). So I decided to get out of the mansion. But something happened. I had gotten a feeling of freedom. and the dream became as vivid as possible. I decided that if I was gonna save my cat (A story element in my PR) I should do it in style. So, I asked Mike for a gun and he gave me a pistol. Heavy thing. I then used dream control to summon a bunch of parts like iron, circuit boards, etc and place them together, then just waited for it to turn into this huge weapon. Looked like a machine gun mixed with a bomb. I was carrying it out of the mansion, however at this point the dream ended. Was still kinda fun to make the thing, and it could be a good plot point in future lucids.
      lucid , memorable
    11. 12/14/22 - candy fight / boss fight / boat death

      by , 12-14-2022 at 06:29 PM

      Im in a grocery store hiding and ducking behind shelves. Im dodging candy bullets from the opposite side while trying to sneak in a few shots at my opponents with my own candy bullets. At one point I shoot at an opponent but the small chocolate candies don't reach him. My team gets mad at me for giving the other team ammo by shooting so much and missing, since now they can just pick up my candies off the floor and shoot us with them.

      ... dont remember the transition ...

      Im below a set of stairs on a cliff and I leave a pink flower on a cranny as a symbol to somebody Im waiting for.


      i have to get past this guy by beating him in a video game. The game has the style and characters of kingdom hearts but is more like a american ninja warrior game where you jump between platforms. at the end of each platform is a '>>>' speed powerup. After this guy, i had to beat another boss ut this time the game i had to play was a boss fight (again like KH). I lost and then had to write something in korean '음국' (not a real word- maybe food land, music land, negative land, yin land). the guy is getting annoyed that im taking so long to write it. There are now a bunch of people in the space with us including a guy i met in physics class and my husband. all of us are on white bean bags except the boss. i start to fall asleep but I keep my left eye half open. people check if im asleep yet or not. Im awake and I ask my husband if he feels better yet. he says no. I tell him it will be ok since im almost done with school.

      ...thinking about what to do about school...

      im in an hotel room with my mom. I see a large steam boat out the window coming out of the sky and going to crash into us. At first it looks like its going to miss, but then the boat flips and hits us with its side.
    12. Best lucid yet!

      by , 12-14-2022 at 04:06 PM
      I checked my hands as I somehow realized it was a dream and used this to make sure. My hands were missing the top parts so I knew. I was in my room but different and I knew I was in the USA the first thing I did was stabilize as the dream felt blurry even though I know it's expectations this helped to make the dream more vivid and stable. I rubbed my hands together and licked the wall. Then I went to my desk to try and find something to eat. The only thing I could find was a sticker. I said fuck it and ate the sticker it tasted how I expected it to but the dream felt stabilized somewhat. I wanted to leave my room but I was naked so I went and put on some trousers/pants and didn't care about a shirt. I tried to leave through my window by opening it but the opening was too small and I couldn't fit so I just broke the window and started running outside. It looked like I was in california or florida as there was a bunch of palm trees and the sun was shining brightly. Some guy on a skate board came by me and said "Just using this to ride home dude" and waved at me. I ran down the street and saw a bunch of people and the youtuber ludwig there I came up to them and they were sitting on the porch of this house. I decided fuck it and started punching them I punched two guys who were equally confused and started chasing me. I climbed on the top of the house and then as I saw one them coming to me the dream ended.

      This is the most fun lucid I've had so far I never knew I would progress this fast but I'm happy. I still haven't flown or done any of the things I really want to do yet but just this experience is enough motivation.
      lucid , memorable
    13. Ferry Dream *SUPER REALISTIC*

      by , 12-14-2022 at 01:00 PM
      The weather was unforgiving, the rain made everything slippery and lightning blinded my eyes. I was on a ferry sailing to an unknown destination hoping to not get swept into the sea.
      On the ferry there was a test? of some sorts you had to catch a fish and you could get let on the ferry. I was allowed on the ferry and chose to sit in the highest point. As I was enjoying the view of fog and rain, I notice someone I follow on Instagram is there too. They are to the left of the viewpoint holding onto a banister. To the right of me are two of my friends. I'm holding onto the ground as I sit in case I fall into the ocean from the slippy floor. I try to go to the front of the ship to get a better view as we are arriving soon. My friends call me back and I oblige and sit next to them, We talk about stuff I don't remember.
      The ship arrives and I come up with a strategy to get off without slipping and dying. Also I don't remember if it was a ferry or a really big yacht. I follow some guy with a suit holding onto the banister on the top area I'm in. He goes back behind the ship to these stairs that lead somewhere. I come across the most sketchy stairs ever made. The stairs are cramped and made of plastic and glass and its like thin platforms with massive drops in between. I didn't want to drop my phone down or myself down. As I make my way up the stairs my feet get stuck in between the gaps, I have to pull them out roughly but not too roughly else I break the stairs. About half way up I drop my phone down the stairs, It is never to be seen again. It landed on the hull and slid down it into the ocean. I make it to some captain quarters type area with soft cushioned seats. There is also a control panel with a steering wheel and a bunch of buttons to press, I mess around with that for a bit but It has no effect on the ship . After that area you climb a ladder and shimmy across the side of the ship like a worse rock climbing wall. After that hell, I finally make it onto the main deck. I remember having to pass another test and also some protests on the ship and then the dream ending around there probably.
    14. Lucid Getting Out of a Physics Class

      by , 12-14-2022 at 12:24 PM
      As I lay down to sleep last night my thoughts very quickly degenerated into nonsense sentences which is often my experience of hypnagogia.

      In the morning I had a LUCID DREAM!

      I was upstairs in the physics classroom and I was trying to make my way out of it. Trying to leave the room went on for quite some time [from what I can remember]. There were lots of male pupils I didn't recognise, so I was probably in the wrong class. They looked a year or so younger than me. I feel like they may have looked a bit similar to one another although not quite clones. I was more concerned with getting out of the room, presumably to my next lesson.

      The classroom seemed to have lots of exits all around and the other pupils were moving backwards and forwards around the classroom in lots of lines in different directions, around the desks and to the various exits. It was a slightly unnatural pattern of movement. I remember this had the result of delaying my access to the exits. At one point I think I saw out of a window or doorway from the physics classroom and could see that it was high up overlooking a large hall with a light wooden floor which might have been a large sports hall or assembly hall.

      As I slowly made my way out of the classroom around the other pupils, for some bizarre reason I kept repeating a phrase out loud in French, "Je suis [...something I can't remember]" [It would be nice if I was saying that I am dreaming, but that wasn't it.] I have a feeling I might've been trying to weird out the other pupils or somehow assert myself to help me get out of the room. That's the only thing I can remember about the end of the phrase, a vague impression that I was saying something a little odd about myself.

      The next thing I remember is that I was coming out of the classroom or had just stepped out of it and I was either trying to think of the way out of the building or possibly an indistinct DC might have been asking me about it - if they were there at all, they were very faintly defined so maybe I was just talking to myself [in my head?]. I saw steps that seemed to go out onto a small felt covered roof and I think there was a bright light greyish sky. I don't think I actually went out there. I may have been looking through a glass door - those details weren't clear.

      At this point I remember confidently thinking to myself that I DO know the way out of this building, that it's down these (wide, darkly coloured) steps. I don't remember the exact thought process that I had now - I may not have thought many or any words to myself at all but I very quickly seemed to attain LUCIDITY [I expect I just subconsciously remembered that this building recurs in a lot of dreams about school and moving down steps to the front of a building at the school seems to be a big DREAM SIGN in itself - it happens a lot. School itself is one of my biggest DREAM SIGNS, so is losing my school timetable, my timetable being incomplete or confusing, not having the right books, and not being able to find my way around, or classrooms and other parts of buildings moving around. In this case I'd certainly been struggling to find my way around but it seemed to be the moment that I did find the way onto those steps that brought on the possibility of lucidity].

      I decided to do a REALITY CHECK as I was walking down the stairs. I held my nose and tried to breathe through it, a little unsure how well that might work I think, but it worked instantly. I must've held it for less than a second and just the momentary feeling of being able to breathe was enough for me. I was LUCID! I felt pretty happy. I probably smiled though I wasn't aware of it, just aware of the burst of happiness for a moment. At this point I thought to myself that this was the second time I had become lucid in this dream - that I had been lucid quite a bit earlier in the dream, so I reflected to myself that I must've lost lucidity earlier on [The thing is I don't recall the earlier parts of this dream at all and when I woke up I had severe doubts that I actually had been lucid an extra time earlier on - it's just as likely or more likely that it was a false memory, maybe created by the dream].

      I instinctively knew at this point that I needed to focus on keeping the dream going. This time I didn't try and do my usual effort of trying to focus on the details or spin around. I just said to myself that I would stay in the dream because I hadn't got a lot of time [as in, I needed to continue it now as there were things to be done and maybe wouldn't be time later, or something a bit like that - as I reflect on it now it wasn't the most logical thought process but it did calm down the initial joy and excitement I had felt, though I was probably still a bit excited at this point] and I began rushing down the stairs more quickly towards the glassy doorway and windows that led out of the front of the building.

      The dream then kind of blurred out I think. I think I remained calm [which is a big improvement on my usual self-defeating disappointment and apprehension of thinking "I'm going to wake up"
      - it will be great to move past that and not do that in future] but as I tried to observe the dream scenery now there was absolutely nothing there. It was just black and empty. I remembered a suggestion I read on dreamviews and shouted "MORE VIVID" and something else which might've been "MORE LUCIDITY" [technically probably not what I wanted to have given I was waking up, but hey, I was trying]. I can't remember if any more imagery came into my head at all at this point. If it did it would likely have been a consciously induced daydream image in my mind's eye rather than any continuation of the dream. I was awake now. I did try and remain still and try to go back to sleep for a short while but it didn't work.

      I was quite happy to just wake up and work on my dream recall of my first LUCID DREAM in about five months or more! It's also the first time I've done the nose-holding RC in a dream and quite possibly the first time I've done a confirmatory REALITY CHECK rather than my more usual detective work to gain initial lucidity.

      Updated 12-14-2022 at 02:07 PM by 99564

    15. 2022-12-14 comp night #13

      by , 12-14-2022 at 10:59 AM
      bedtime 2022-12-14 00:45
      final waking & OOB 08:45

      very decent dreaming night, good variety through the night and fairly good recall. Short bit of lucid-like control (spiderman web-slinging) at the end but not counted as lucid. final dream upsetting but still vivid and interesting.

      Long awake period starting around 06:00. LONG, probably 1-2 hours at least. finally made it back to sleep and had a series of fragments/short scenes


      + [f] in a kitchen, we're cooking something, I'm wondering if we have enough flavor packs to cook what we want to, or if I'll have to go to the store to buy more

      + [f] standing in the rain looking down a tree-lined long, straight, dirt road

      + [f] lying in bed with wife E, TV is on beyond foot of bed, I have a control, there is something going on with the volume? I'm on right side, I lean over and take E in my arms and say "I loooooove youuuuu!"

      + in a (work?) bathroom, large, multi-chambered room with high, tiled walls, pathways leading between the chambers, I put my plate of food with (chicken nuggets and tater tots?) down on the counter, I go to another chamber and want to get back and can't find my way there for a while, I do get there eventually and the tater tots are gone, there is a man there and he comments something?

      + in a work cafeteria line, with a girl, the cafeteria counter extends for a long distance straight in front of me, on my left, I'm thinking that the girl I'm with will have the beef, there are large cuts of beef and all sorts of meat with a worker stationed there behind the counter to slice and serve it.

      + in car outside old PTL home, kids party, I'm taking pictures from a hidden location inside my car, my wife E is outside the car to the left. I get out of the car to my right, I'm trying to move the pictures to a hidden location before I'm seen, I don't make it in time, my wife walks by me but doesn't look at what I'm doing

      + I'm at the pool with my young kids. They're in the water. I particularly see S2. There is a large crowd of people at the gate waiting to get in to the pool area, on the other side of the pool from where I'm standing something is blocking them so they can't get in.

      LONG BTS, but success!

      + I'm a guest in a house, my dog's fur is all over my clothing and getting on the carpet/blanket , won't invite me back be, vacuum it up, yellow balloon stuck in vacuum, plug in to vacuum module, but no bag so dust bubbles out making a mess, the guys there say "Hi, <my name>"

      + sitting on ground on blue mat in group people all around, waiting for some talk/presentation to start. My feet are out in front of me, bent at the knee. Two young guys (mid-late teen) sit down right at my feet and begin playing a game. They totally ignore me and don't care about impinging on my space. The one on the left is leaning his arm on my leg, and I'm trying to reposition my feet so that they're not sitting right on top of them. After a while of me moving my feet, the guy on the right looks and me and says "What's your problem?" I get mad and retort "I was here first! You came and sat down right on top of me!"

      + [DO view] two small airplanes nearly collide in mid-air, they land, they avoided collision by adjusting their wings, both have wing structures where about 1-2 foot length of the tip of the wing can fold back onto the larger wing, reducing the wingspan. I think this means (when the tips are folded back and the wings are shorter) that the plane weight can't be supported as well. The pilots have landed on a hill overlooking a large flat area below with buildings and hangars, and they are planning a stunt where they take off/glide straight down the hill, perform a loop-de-loop then land and park inside the hangar.

      + actress recites long speech in scene being filmed (in a library? multi-level), then the main actor enters and misses his mark, the director cuts the scene and talks to the man about where he's supposed to stand, then he praises the actress saying it was an ideal performance. I look around and see a level below the current level that we're standing on.

      [Long final dream follows with multiple scenes, remembered transitions mostly]

      + need charger for my flip phone, it's in my bag but I've left my bag somewhere
      see room with desks arranged in it
      trying to call wife L, phone doesn't work right, resets after a short time if you don't dial the full number, try to call her on speed dial she must be there
      Finally get a call to go through but a man answers it, I'm upset at this, he's like a photographer and my wife is partaking in a work bonus where she gets
      to do do a photoshoot. The man is irritated and quickly hangs up on me.
      standing at food table, my belongings are spread out all over the table, blocking other peoples' access to the table, one guy comes from the right and wants to get at the food, I'm trying to gather up my things getting them out of the way, there are so many things to gather up. I do clear some space and see the food: they are open-faced sandwiches, mostly just bread with cheese on top, like croissants or just slices of bread with shredded parmesan on top.
      I open up a back door and it leads outside to a deserted parking area, I hear Mexican music playing and think of getting some tacos somewhere.
      I enter a convenience store, I think I'm here in CA so I might as well get tacos or some corn tortillas. I see some tortillas stacked (not packaged) high on a shelf above eye level. I look at them, they're not all that appetizing but look mostly OK, I walk around to the other side of the shelf and see ready-made small burritos. Further inside the store there are a lot of people standing in line to order their lunch. The line looks too long (it must be the lunch hour) so I decide to leave and go somewhere else. At the exit a manger woman is sitting at a register, there is a turnstyle exit that only lets out one person at a time as a security measure. There are two buttons there and only one of them opens the turnstyle, people get hung up on that. My turn comes and I press the right button along the right wall, it is the wrong one, then I press the left button and it works.
      I'm out side and flying along a freeway, it is night-time: very dark twilight [DS], there are no cars on the freeway, I have a feeling that it is 1am, how did it get so late so suddenly? I think it may now be too late to call my wife. It being so late explains why there are no cars on the freeway (I'm fllying along the right shoulder). I have a very dirty large white sponge in my hands, and I want to throw it away, but I think, "Hey, this is CA, there will be a garbage can along soon" so I hold on to it to wait for a garbage can, I look along the road scanning for one but don't see one and forget about the sponge. I take a right off of the freeway and am flying high in the sky. It is still dark. I fly past a floating platform where a couple of (police?) security cameras are mounted. I want to call my wife, I'm not sure of the time, I think I will get the accurate time if I land and take out my iphone. I also think that I need to go to her apartment, but realize I don't know the way, how could I have forgotten it? I sort of get an idea but it's not clear. I see some buildings nearby and decide to land on a roof to call her. As I approach the buildings I fly up and gain a lot of altitude unwillingly, I want to land, so I decide to do a "spiderman web pull" where I shoot the webs from my hand and then do a sharp pulling movement, I do this and I fly quickly right towards the roof and land.

      I call my wife and I get through to her. She's upset. She says "I found what you had in (your report/presentation?) on your hard drive, it's DISGUSTING, and I found other things, (if I tell you what they are?) you WON'T be happy". I'm shocked, she's broken up with me, I'm just standing there with my mouth open in shock, and I slowly wake up in this very upset state, I'm lying in bed on my right side with my mouth open.
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