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    1. 22 Oct: Meeting Nighthawk at a party and we get down to business

      by , 10-22-2022 at 08:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Meeting Nighthawk at some party at a friends' place. We end up alone in a room and when I am sure no one is coming and the ice isn't breaking, I approach him and decidedly show him my desire to kiss him. He resists, saying he can't or mustn't, but I insist. He clearly wants it to, but he claims that if he caves in, his desire will become violent and uncontrollable and it won't be possible to turn around. I say I don't care, so we start kissing and unzipping our pants and we... fuck. It is very detailed and graphic, like at some point we talk about how deep he is in and I say he could be more. So, NSFW content... Then some nosy kid enters the room accidentally and sees us. We ask him not to say a word to anyone and he swears he won't, but we know he is going right away to tell everyone and soon a bunch of people will barge in this room, so we quickly zip our pants back and we run out of the room to avoid that embarassment.
    2. Desire = Mindfulness

      by , 05-09-2016 at 02:02 PM
      I am with my dream guide, my actual dream guide in his actual form. The room is dark and he is giving a talk to about 30 people. I am about 4 steps away from him sitting on the floor. He is looking for feedback when I immediately express my gratitude to him for what he has shown me. There is such a close intimate connection where I feel he is right beside me listening within me. I express that although I have picked up a bit that he has so patience to deal with how far removed I am from the truth. I feel his love and him saying that it is what he wants to do. I am requesting to be freed of some more of my troubles.

      I have this small pack of smarties. They are very sweet ones and small and are in a hard plastic container a bit like Tic Tacs but bigger. These smarties were present in my previous dream and have some significance. My dream guide had changed his form into another kind of dream guide who focuses more on clearing negative actions. I offered some of the smarties to him and he accepts them but I know he does not really like them but he says he will eat them for me and tell me what they communicate to him.

      I am on a walk in the countryside. It is very open with not much scenery. I am walking quickly with a big stick that almost looks like a crutch. I look like I am on a mission and yes actually I want to sit down to eat my food and email my friend. I see two guys ahead. One guy looks Asian if not Tibetan. They are laughing at how restless I am and how quickly I am walking. I joke to them saying I am rushing so I can sit down and see a picture of my love. Then the Tibetan young man (tall, slim, sallow skin, short black hair) says in this incredibly clear communication that: "Sex does not have a purpose. It is not real. There is nothing to be gained from it. It is like a dream. It is not really there" Then he hands me a note explaining more. There were four lines but I only read the first one before I woke up but I did see the other 3 but am not 100% sure of their content:
      1. The only reason we are in this world is to have sex (the urge to procreate)
      2. Sex is not real it has no purpose.
      3. ....
      4. ....
    3. dreams bits and pieces 11-22/23-2015

      by , 11-23-2015 at 05:04 PM
      Just woke up from a dream - I'm not sure of the setting in which the dream takes place--meaning, it's nowhere I recognize in real life. I remember before this scene took place, I was looking for a bank in the dream, and I stumbled upon this little building. It kind of reminds me of a cottage/gazebo type building--but it's a bank, because I stoop down to use this ATM that's in this room, and the ATM kind of looks like a little safe. Anyway, the next part I remember is there is this man there, and I'm totally in love with him--but he doesn't know it. He's someone I've been into for a long time, I think, but we've always just been friends/acquaintances. Also, I'm not sure he's single--or maybe he wasn't single, but is going through a separation or something? I'm not quite sure-it's something kind of confusing. So I'm in this place, and he is there, and this other woman is there, too, and I know her--I think she's a friend of mine, or maybe she's my sister? I can't remember, it's very cloudy/vague. But the thing is, is that he and her have a history, I think--and things are complicated. They are talking about stuff, and I'm not sure what's going on, but at some point I realize that they're talking about having a baby together--like, they've decided they're going to work things out, and they're going to go try having a baby right away. I'm so crushed to hear this, and I can't stop myself from saying something. All of a sudden I pipe up, and I'm like, "WAIT, no!" And I'm really upset and saying that she can't get pregnant, don't have a baby, etc. I also say something about the man getting skinny--not sure what I say or what that's supposed to mean, but it's relevant in a minute.
      So the friend/lady leaves, but the man is still there, and he's exasperated with me, and kind of upset, and asks me what's going on--what's wrong with me, why would I intervene and not want them to have a baby, why would I make the friend upset, etc. I'm in tears, and I tell him, "I CAN'T tell you! You won't understand, I just CAN'T tell you!" And I so much want for him to love ME, I don't understand why he loves her and not me--it hurts so much. I'm so afraid that if I tell him why, then he will hate me. Then, he softens some, because he sees how upset I am--and I must open up and tell him some of what's going on, because he responds to me as if I did (I just don't remember exactly what I told him in the dream--somehow that part got skipped). So then, he tells me that he thinks I'm a beautiful, amazing woman. He says that my laughter, how I love to laugh, my sense of humor, is such a positive and great quality in me, that it (helps) makes me a great catch. Then he says something that surprises me--he tells me that on their wedding day (he & the friend), he was really drunk, and was thinking about how beautiful/sexy his wife's sister(s?) were, and the whole premise/what he's communicating to me is that if he didn't end up with my friend/sister, then he would have been interested in me. I'm really pleasantly surprised and feel so good to hear that, because I assumed he just pretty much didn't know I exist. Oh and this man, in the dream, looks like Josh Duhamel (which, he is handsome IRL, of course, but I've never had a thing for him or anything bc he seems like a douche, lol). Oh and in his talking to me, the guy also mentions, kind of jokingly, that he is NOT skinny, and he's not going to get skinny (he isn't fat, but he's muscular and has a really amazing body). I'm embarrassed at that comment I'd made earlier, and say I wasn't serious--I don't think he's skinny, and in fact, he's gorgeous. That's the scene that was taking place right when I woke up.
    4. choose a meal, {3 guys}, (where is a vase?)

      by , 10-17-2013 at 05:15 AM
      at a restaurant, or at a political meeting that had a restaurant's menu. i was looking at the menu, with my mom. i was trying to decide what to get. there was a pork thing that looked ok, kind of like pork fajitas. but something about it wasn't perfect. the pork looked really plain and boring. there was a sandwich on a huge loaf of bread, it looked gross cause it had too much bread. and it came with this weird rice patty that didnt look good...plus that would be too much starchy in one meal. i asked my mom if there were more choices on the other isle.

      i found old pictures, and was going thru. they took a couple seconds of movement. it was some fancy film my mom had gotten me once. i decided i really liked it, and since technologty could handle it these days, i'd get it more often. there were pictures of old guys i used to date. or jessica did. 3 guys, all 3 pretty decent cute. i went into the memory, and got the 2 cutest so we could hook up or kiss or something. they seemed to be remembering me, a little playing uninterested, but they came with me.

      at this political thing with my mom and other people. a lady gets a bouquet. she asks where she should put it, should it be displayed in a certain way for the event's benefit? no, the flowers are just for her own personal use in whatever way she would like, the event has enough
      bouquets of its own. so she is happy, and tries to find a vase to keep them in. i look with her. there are two vases. one looks much to big and wide. so i pick the other one. she wants to keep the flowers private for herself. wheni put them in the vase, part of the boquet gets smushed in the sides because the side flowers are too short and go too deep into the vase so the glass covers them. i'm disappointed, and know she must not be satisfied with that. i think maybe the wide one would be better, even if it is too big, at least the wideness wouldnt smush the flowers. but i think the boquet might already be somewhat damaged, so it wont even be as pretty as it was. the side flowers were pretty delicate

      just got home from moms, back at my house. barely got any sleep. stayed up all night reading about dreams and lucid dreaming, wanting to do that.

      dreamt about my mom, political event and food because my mom is really invovled in politics right now and always going to events for it, and food because i am on a new diet with my brother that is low carb/starch/sugar. the flowers were like when i volunteer at the farmer's market and bill gives us a boquet of flowers as a thank you to take home with us.
      i dont know why i dreamt of the boys or photos. maybe because i was looking at photos on my computer last night, and i wouldnt mind some male companionship. amanda did just send an email saying how she thinks i really do want sex and a man, just am not focusing on it right now.

      what this dream could mean: i want to fulfill my desires, i want to make the right choices, but sometimes the choice doesn't even seem to be 'on the menu' or available, so i just have to settle for something that won't be too bad. i'm learning what i want and what things i like and starting to make decisions about how i want my life to be and how i want to spend my time. (like recording my dreams again and doing dream work and trying to lucid dream etc) i have a desire to help people and i think i am recieving a good thing, nice insights, great talent, opportunities etc, but i dont have the right "container" for them, to support the life i desire, maybe not living in the right place, dont have the right community, or enough energy, etc....need to find the right container because i feel like the delicate beauty in my life is being spoiled and not seen.
    5. frags for the day

      by , 03-05-2013 at 02:48 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Some guy was tearing up my car trying to show me what happens when an accident is caused. He was trying to show me that what I did caused the damage, but it was actually him doing it. At some point he couldn't even break the wheel like he wanted to, and I was just sitting there thinking "I didn't do crap to my car, you better fix this".

      I had another where I was in some medical class. Everyone was talking about oral and pharyngeal airways. Some reason I was wrong, and I felt like I wasn't ready. I left class, and came home. I saw two pairs of old shoes out in my yard. I was going to wash them and wear them the next day.
      Tags: class, desire, shoes
    6. Probably shouldn't go out

      by , 10-23-2012 at 12:56 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at a night club...refusing drinks. All of a sudden some guy walks in, and flashes a badge. Everyone freezes. I don't know if this guy is looking for me or what, but I'm not going to step outside. All of a sudden everyone starts raising their hands. I raised mine, and lost all of my balance....I was wobbiling around, and I eventually got it together.

      J and I are leaving the club when he gets in some argument with two girls. They keep talking crap like they're going to fight him or something. It's getting on my nerves, but it's not worth it. I stay out of it, and tell him to get in the car. we drove around in Desire a bit, and got out....I had almost forgotten about them, when someone blocked our car off from the back. Some random guys stepped out, and then the same two girls came out. Then this big corn fed white guy with blonde hair stepped out. He looked kinda like dog the bounty hunter, except bigger. Everyone yelling again, and J, blonde dude, and one of the girls pull out guns. It's like a Mexican standoff. WTF....they start calming down, but one of the girls is like "he's cool". Eventually we do some making up, and trade weapons. I think I ended up with a knife from the blonde dude, and he ended up with J's gun, and J ended up with his gun, etc etc.....
      Tags: club, desire
    7. vegeta red stairs

      by , 10-09-2012 at 09:20 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at burger king, and the girl at the window is into me....I mean a lot. She's blonde and cute, but I don't think it's HER. She's telling that she wants me to come to a wedding that she's going to be at. I wasn't sure if she was getting married, or if she just wanted me to crash it and show up.

      I'm at some building....I'm not sure if I'm in the military, but this building has a long set of stairs with a modest decline, and I see people walking up and down it. I started heading down when I saw a couple of people running on all fours down it. (music was playing, but I can't remember the song for the life of me) I got on all fours and started running after thing. We tackled each other and dodged people a long the way. One guy tried to tackle me, and I grabbed his face, stopping him from planting it into the red stairs. Finally we got to the bottom, and I was thinking about going back up. I asked one of the guys if he was with it, and he said yeah....we spent the rest of the dream catching our breath.

      The Sayian Prince

      I'm on some unknown planet that was an Earth colony that got hit by some attack. I was with maybe two or three others. We were talking to colonists about what attacked, and they were complaining about food shortages and what not, and I really wasn't trying to hear all that. I asked A if she got any soil samples and she said that the soil had trace beta radiation, but it was otherwise fine. I got tired of talking to these people. There was a droid moving about probably about 3 feet tall, maroon and black with red eyes. I asked what it's purpose was, and they said it was sent to bring more supplies. I told them it was silly that they'd trust a robot to bring supplies. In fact, it seemed like there wasn't a need for it at all.

      I wanted some action. I flew outside and started searching around for damages or any signs of attack, and this strange planet started looking more like my back yard (my dreams tend to gravitate back to home when I start waking up). There were fields of cabbages and the sky had a green hue to it. I started surveying the land, and A and the other people were giving me reports on the climate and all that jazz...and I was just thinking of a way turn on all of them.....I mean I was Vegeta and all.
    8. Nick In Bed

      by , 02-21-2011 at 01:47 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 12/7/10
      Type: Fragment - Non Lucid
      I was in the living room in our apartment, possibly sitting in a chair or standing outside of the bedroom door. Looking in, I saw Nick (my boyfriend who is currently now here with me) lying in bed, the head of the bed was up against the wall closest to the neighbor. Nick was looking back at me, we stared at each other, but weren't in the same room, like we could see but not touch one another. We were distanced.

      Objective Context:
      Spoke minimally to him on the phone the previous night, I'm missing him very much and it feels like time isn't going by fast enough. I'm getting ready for some stressful weeks ahead at work.

      Age of Dream Ego: 26
      Dream Setting:
      At home, comfortable and relaxed. It's my place of solace, my sanctuary away from stress and military.

      Neutral, happiness, distance, separation but closeness, love and warmth, desire and need.
      He is close in my heart by talking on the phone and our love, but he is still distant and far away by the fact that we were separated by a single room, like we could move, but only see each other, not touch and feel.