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    1. The Water Slide Accident, Trapped In Darkness, Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis?, etc.

      by , 02-26-2012 at 09:42 PM
      I decided to try using aniracetam as a sleep aid last night, I'm not totally sure if it had an effect yet but my dreams did seem different than normal. I took 750 mg, maybe I'll try 1500 mg tonight. I did manage to remember a good few more dreams than normal, but I think that's mainly because I decided to stay in bed and keep falling asleep again for longer.

      #1 - The Water Slide Accident [Non-Lucid]

      I'm at some public pool working as part of some "water-raising" experiment. (Like literally... I think all we were trying to do was increase the water level in the pool. ) There was a gigantic rectangular tent at the top of a long water slide on one end of the pool, and I climbed up the slide (somehow) and into the tent. In it was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, a couple other random people (maybe other characters from The Big Bang Theory but it's hard to remember), and my middle school orchestra teacher. Sheldon was doing something to conduct the experiment, and we all stepped forward to look out the window to see if the water in the pool was rising, but we shifted too much weight in the tent and it started slipping down the slide and into the pool. It was completely closed in and we were all freaking out thinking we might get trapped inside of it and drown. We hit the water and I expected to die, but somehow I made it up and slowly I saw everyone else popping up out of the water as well, including Linkzelda41, actually as Link! (For those not game-savvy, the character in his avatar.) I made sure everyone was okay but noticed that my teacher had never come up, and when he finally did he wasn't breathing. I went over to him and we dragged him out of the water and I started doing CPR, though without the mouth-to-mouth, just the chest thing. (The dream switched to third-person around this time, too.) I did it for a long time but it wasn't working, and I started crying but I didn't stop doing it. But he finally gasped and woke up! When he did I gave him a big hug and wouldn't let go. The dream jumped forward to me being in the hospital and getting prescribed some random drugs for... something, I guess mental trauma? :T I don't know, but the dream ended at that point.

      #2 - Trapped In Darkness [Non-Lucid]

      I'm home alone watching a movie almost totally in the dark, and the darkness is starting to creep me out a bit. I read online (or maybe heard from someone, or something...) about how some secret FBI agent or some other government agent on a plane accidentally stabbed someone they were sitting next to by activating a lightsaber unwittingly in his bag because it was built with an on switch that was too easy to access because the designer was lazy. I also remember that the lightsaber was red, because I actually saw it happen in a third-person kind of way. This had revealed to the world that the US government had successfully created lightsabers, so I texted J (who's a big Star Wars fan) about it and then read something about how they were launching a new moon into the sky to make up for it. I looked out back through the glass doors and saw a plane in the sky, so then I went out front and saw a rocket (really tiny) launch off in one direction across the sky, and a HUGE, absolutely gigantic moon launch off in the other direction, but from the same source. It went behind the house so I went back in and to the back yard, and looked straight up in the sky and saw it there, still enormous. All of the stars in the sky were constantly scrolling across it like the night sky was just a huge spinning wheel, but that didn't really seem to bother me much. The darkness outside was getting really thick though and it was still scaring me, so I went back inside and walked into the bathroom. I tried to turn on the light switch, but it wouldn't work. () That made me even more freaked out, so I ran out into the living room just generally frightened and hoping my mom and dad would be home soon, but then I woke up.

      I'm never going to get better at doing RCs.

      #3 - Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis? [Non-Lucid]

      There's some presentation going on at my house in the den by some orchestra guy, with lots of orchestra teachers there sitting in rows of chairs, including my high school orchestra teacher. My friend J (the one I texted before) and his mom are also sitting way up at the front, right by the TV. The guy puts on a song and each of the teachers has a music sheet where they're supposed to be writing down the notes as they hear them, but almost none of them do, instead opting to wait until the end to just jot them all down, which I find pretty impressive at the time. After they all finished and walked away, I walked up to J and told him I thought I'd have some awesome news to tell him about lightsabers being real, but that turned out to be a dream. () He laughs, and we go out into the living room to hang out with some random girl and OpheliaBlue. We start watching a movie, and I can't remember what I was wearing but I just remember thinking of it as something really informal to the point that it would be embarrassing to be seen wearing it, and then the doorbell rang. I didn't want to answer it like that so I went into my bedroom to change, and that's when things got weird. My room was dark, and my fan was sticking out of the wall to the left of me when I walked in, but still running. My movements became incredibly jerky and snapped back as if I was in sleep paralysis with my eyes open, but honestly... I'm not sure if I actually was, or if I was just dreaming that I was. Part of the reason I think that is because I "realized" that I was in sleep paralysis, but I don't think I was really lucid about it, and I never realize it when I actually do wake up into it. I don't know though.... It was incredibly vivid, so maybe I was and I just realized it for half a second and then started hallucinating. Anyway, after the realization my vision switched to a third-person view from the perspective of the road in front of my house, looking up at a bunch of trees hanging over it (which aren't actually there). These trees were very mystically mechanical in their movements and had something that I call the "IMAX 3D" effect, which is something I get when I'm tripping really hard where everything is more detailed then anything in reality actually is. I started to wonder if I was on DXM, but then I started thinking that the doorbell ringing was probably just my parents coming home (since they were still gone from the previous dream, I guess) and I could've just answered it how I was. I saw that playing out in my mind's eye, but after that I woke up and noticed that my fan wasn't exactly in the same position in my view as it was when I thought I was in sleep paralysis, so... I just don't know.

      #4 - Testing A New MMO [DILD]

      I'm at my aunt and uncles' house. I don't remember much of the first part of the dream, but I end up going in the little kids room and slide across the floor in the weird way I do in dreams sometimes, and that warps me back to the front of the house. Some MMO has come out where you play the game in real life and you use these rifles that shoot green plasma bullets. I get one just to see how it is, and S ends up getting one too so he comes over to play it with me. We run around the house shooting at each other, and then I run back into the little kids room and end up doing the slide again. I say "Oh, this is a dream, isn't it?" and become lucid. Unfortunately, after this dream ended I didn't wake up enough to write it down, I fell back asleep and had some other non-lucid dream, and when I woke up again I tried to write down this one as quickly as possible but I still can't remember what happened after I became lucid, though something did happen. I also don't remember the other dream, either. Oh well....

      #5 - An Intense Argument [Non-Lucid]

      I get a hotel room for some reason with an old friend J (different J than before) and some guy who's just a random DC, but apparently a very close friend of mine. I'm trying to have a good time talking to both of them, but there seems to be a lot of tension between the two. (I know what this is based off of, it has to do with J. :T) They end up getting into a big argument and both strip naked to show their dominance. And then they start wrestling! One side of me is like, come on guys, don't do this, you're being childish.... :\ And the other side of me is like !!!! They break up the fight and the guy tells J to get out and not come back, so he does. I'm planning to go drop J off and come back to hang out with the guy, and I tell him it'll only take me about twenty minutes but he says he has to be at a football game in that same amount of time. So I say goodbye, and shake hands with his girlfriend (who just randomly appeared, and apparently I had just met) and hug him, and they left. J is texting me to hurry up, and I'm trying to switch from shoes to sandals for some reason but my socks are being illogically weird feeling and won't come off. Finally I just walk into the hallway, which is actually the music hall in my middle school (and the hotel room was where the orchestra room is) and I hear D's voice telling me we'll never make it in time because the middle school is right by the football game and the traffic will be terrible.

      #6 - The Secret Codes [Non-Lucid]

      This one shifts back and forth between first- and third-person a lot. I remember Hank from King Of The Hill talking to a group of kids about some (fictional) famous singer and guitarist's weird-sounding name and he corrects them on how to say it, and when they ask him how he knows he sighs and says "He told me." Somewhere in here there is a discussion about some gum or candy that you're supposed to chew if you're freaking out or having a bad trip. I remember that but not the visual of it. Then my dad and I are at a movie theater seeing some movie I can't remember anything about and it switched back to Hank, now in a flashback, walking around awkwardly at a concert or rave of some kind. He meets some young guy that turns out to be that musician who tells him how to say his name, then some weird "secret code" used in the gay community (I think specifically involving politics, which was definitely not real and very bizarre sounding, though I don't quite remember it). He walks off past John Redcorn who is on acid or something and freaking out, and he sees Hank but clearly isn't sure whether or not he's actually there and he says to himself "Where is that candy!?" Back at the theater, the movie's starting and my dad tells me more about the secret gay political codes claiming that the guy told him (I guess carried over from Hank) and I'm like "Uh-huh...." >_> Then back at the concert, John Redcorn is chewing on some of that bad trip candy and looks really happy, and he sees Hank again and they talk and he says he'll help Hank get out of there, because I guess he's lost somehow. Once again back at the theater, my dad is still going on and on more in-depth about these secret codes, and I'm like, seriously, I'm trying to watch the frickin' movie. >_____> And that was it lol.

      Whew, that took a while to type up! At least a I was able to recall a lot, though.
    2. DC Mod Practice, Reminiscing

      by , 02-24-2012 at 06:02 PM
      Well, I tried not taking my melatonin tonight in the hopes that my insomnia would come back forcing me to wake up tons of times all night and remember a ridiculous amount of dreams, but instead I slept just as well (almost even better) than normal and all it did was make my dreams less vivid. Oh well, I still became lucid, but I didn't get to use it as well as I would have hoped.... I'm actually becoming a little concerned about my DILDs, I'm afraid that they're starting to become less exciting to the point that I just don't even pay much attention to my lucidity, it's like I'm aware that I'm dreaming but I just let my non-lucid mind keep doing its thing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though, I'll give it a few more lucids to say for sure....

      #1 - DC Mod Practice [DILD]

      There was some very long and strange dream leading up to this point, but I only remember brief flashes of it. Part of it involved being in this gigantic building that was also several of my old friends' houses combined. I vaguely remember being in the part that was D's house, something involving E with a sword (a katana, I think) that magically spilled oil and they were mad that we'd have to clean it up, and J's family being pissed that they had to come home to check on us. Or something like that.... Anyway, eventually I went out the front of the building, which at some point turned into a school, so now I was in the school parking lot. I was with this guy A and this girl M who I went school with, and I guess I was giving them both a ride home (I very vaguely remember a conversation about it) so we were looking for my car. We went to the left side of the school (from the inside looking out) and passed through a garden of really psychedelic-looking flowers to a back part of the parking lot but didn't see it, so I went back around to the right side of the school to look there. While there, I actually saw myself in the distance with K, N, and I think O, and we were all standing by my car. I started walking over there but but by the time I got there it vanished. :T There's a point in my memory here that's fuzzy, and I think this is where I became lucid because I don't actually remember that part, I just remember being non-lucid and then suddenly being lucid. Like I said though, my lucidity level was very low so I didn't really think to try to work toward any of my goals. (Well, except the sex one, I guess. ) First I flew back to the front of the school, then started going up to random cars and opening doors and trying to modify the DCs. I went up to some ridiculously fat man (gotta be at least 500+ lbs) and said I was going to change him into a skinny girl. I grabbed his arm and he visually vanished but I could still feel him and I felt him changing into the girl, but then I got distracted and went to the next car. I tried another one hoping it wouldn't vanish, I saw a guy through a car window and opened the door expecting him to be female when I did, and it sort of worked but she was really blurry, I don't actually remember any features of her now. The next car I went to had a cute guy in it so I started trying to do something sexual. I honestly don't remember quite what it was though.... I think the dream was falling apart at this point. I do remember the guy just stared at me, and then I noticed a group of girls also in the back of the car with him, and thought briefly about the oddity that there were so many people in the back of this tiny car, but then I woke up.

      #2 - Reminiscing [Non-Lucid]

      I have very little memory of this one, except that for some reason I had to become a ball and roll down a long tunnel of dark patterened squares so that I ended up in some kiddie restaurant with a playground in it, where I ran into an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. We hugged and walked off and reminisced about one time we were in that restaurant smoking some really good cigarettes together, which never happened.
    3. This Is What Pikachu Is!, Did The Dream Change For You Too?

      by , 02-22-2012 at 06:49 PM
      #1 - This Is What Pikachu Is! [Non-Lucid]

      There was something going on in the dream up to this point, but this is where my memory picks up. I was standing outside and there was a kid disguised as Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! standing high up on a tree branch. I started talking to him and he asked me if I liked Yu-Gi-Oh! and I was saying I've been a fan before, and he transformed me into Kaiba and gave me a duel disk. I think part of me didn't believe this was actually happening, but I wanted to draw my hand so I closed my eyes to imagine the duel disk being there and did it, and I felt the cards between my fingers. I think closing my eyes is where things went wrong here. When I opened them again, I was myself and I was sitting on the ground dueling this kid with our cards just on the floor and no duel disks. This kid seemed so normal when I talked to him before, but now he was acting really childish and unstable, and he seemed to have an obsession with Pichu (the Pokémon). >.> He had a big Pichu doll and picked it up and ran into the corner of the room and embraced it in the fetal position. He started repeatedly yelling "This is what Pikachu is! This is what Pikachu is!!" I looked down and noticed that both his deck and the deck he gave me consisted almost entirely of Pokémon cards with a few Yu-Gi-Oh! cards here and there. I looked at my hand specifically, six cards. The first two were Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, of Pichu. And the last four were Pokémon cards, also of Pichu. -_- A guy, J, I used to know shows up to watch the duel and tells me that we're apparently at some after school event, and a girl I recognize but I can't remember where from goes over and tries to calm the kid down. And that was it.

      Fragment - There was something about Phantasy Star Online somewhere in here (third-person control as if I was the character), but I can't remember anything else about it.

      #2 - Did The Dream Change For You Too? [DILD]

      Outside some diner, my friends D, O, and I are getting into my car and it's being robbed by two men (and maybe a woman?) and we stop them, but they end up coming after me with knives but I kill them in self-defense... or at least, one of them. If there was a woman then I killed her too, but one of the men survived and got away. This part of the dream is really hazy and hard to remember. We get warped to some huge department store (it looks kind of like a Sam's Club) fused with a library (I interpret it as the library from a University close to where I live that some of my friends go to). An old friend, N, is there so O and I go sit down by him after noticing some really shady looking guys working at the store that I think may be connected to the robber who got away. Suddenly, a voice comes on on the overhead speakers calling me out specifically by reading a letter, but I didn't listen to it. I noticed that the call was coming from one of the shady guys using a walkie-talkie-like thing, and I went jumping up and down (like several feet ) around the isles to taunt him and make it really obvious that I know it's him. I go and sit down next to D (where O and N were a minute ago) and ask him what the letter said, but then a girl walks out from behind the shady guy and says it was her letter, and reads it again. She says that the robbers I killed (the man and woman) were her parents and now she's challenging me so she can get revenge. I say that it's them who attacked me and it's their own fault, but I won't deny her a fight. I walk up to the back wall with D and everyone vanishes on the way, and I stop to look at a bunch of purple posters on the back wall. There's a very strange perspective change, the posters vanish and suddenly things get really vivid. I had an unbelievably brief moment of lucidity here, and said "The dream just changed...." Then things got a little fuzzier and I turned to D and said "Did the dream change for you, too?" He stares at me with a really creepy smile, and I blast off toward the ceiling. I'm bouncing off all the walls at extreme speeds and there's a black line being drawn behind me to follow my path. I remember feeling like this line being drawn was expanding my consciousness to infinity and I assume that I'm on some drug now, but then I woke up.

      Updated 02-22-2012 at 10:52 PM by 50803

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    4. Return Of The Mall School, Hunted Down, Reconnecting With Old Friends

      by , 02-21-2012 at 06:35 PM
      Welp, I had two lucids last night! My recall was kind of crappy because of smoking weed during the day, which I'm definitely taking a break from again because it's negatively effecting my dreaming. :T But I did smoke calea too right before bed and that increased the vividness of what I do remember, so at least there's that. Before falling asleep, I started off the night with some meditation, and I tried to push the idea into my head that I would be lucid and that I was looking for Link, preferably at school. I'm not sure how much progress I made on the latter since there are a few dreams I can't remember at least. :\ But at least the former worked!

      #1 - Return Of The Mall School [Non-Lucid]

      This one starts out at a mall school, a thing I usually often get in dreams where gigantic malls are interpreted as schools (with individual stores as classrooms and stuff like that), but actually haven't had in quite a while now. I see this one annoying kid from high school walking around and want to avoid him so I go into the bathroom. While I'm there I think I have to pee, but I decide not to. I remember that I'm supposed to be leaving school with M so I walk out and see this girl L and another girl who's hazy in my memory talking about me. I suddenly start sliding on the floor, something which I've noticed I've been doing a lot lately in dreams, like I'll purposefully slide myself on the ground and ride the slide over some really long distance as if it's just some normal thing to do, and I even have good steering during it. So I do that and end up over at Barney from How I Met Your Mother, and I think I became Robin at this point. (And I just realized that we're in a mall, which is funny if you watch the show. ) We just start making jokes and walk out of the mall school and end up at my car, and we get in to drive off but then the dream starts fading and I wake up.

      #2 - Hunted Down [DILD]

      This one is rather bizarre. Though some of it seems almost first-person at times, I'm pretty sure the whole thing was actually third-person. So there are these two guys on a plane, and the plane crashes into a cloud (yes, a cloud) that turns out to actually be a mirror that was just floating and reflecting other clouds. Both guys jump out of the plane trying to hit the water below (they're flying over the ocean or something, but there are also lots of glaciers and the like, so maybe around Antarctica?). One of the guys hits the ice too hard though and doesn't make it. The other guy is swimming around in the freezing water and then someone comes down and is scouting for them, which makes the guy think that this was no accident and they were being hunted. So the guy starts acting like he's dead and just floating in the water, and he almost gets away with it but then the scout figures him out, so he jumps out of the water and starts running forward with the guy chasing after him with a gatling gun. Suddenly the scene changes back the mall school's food court, and the scout is firing like crazy but the guy easily dodges it all and people standing around are stunned. Then I think the dream started falling apart because I'm back at home, but still third-person but without anyone to see, my perspective is just quickly bouncing around my living room. I became lucid during this part, which was very odd. I remember thinking something about games in relation to what was going on... but unfortunately that's the least vivid part of the dream in my memory because after that I had a false awakening where I managed to write down every single part leading up to that, then woke up for real and had to write the first part down again out of fear I would forget it so the lucid part became really hazy.

      Must. Start. Doing. RCs.

      #3 - Reconnecting With Old Friends [DILD]

      This one is practically a fragment, but I did become lucid for it. I remember watching people playing video games in my house, and then I noticed that our old cat Karma was there. She disappeared (died most likely, she was really old) when I was in like second grade I think, and I really missed her. She also seemed younger than I ever saw her and maybe meshed with some properties of Miu, our most recent cat but who also disappeared around a year and a half ago. They really were similar in some ways and my mom frequently accidentally called her Karma. I really felt like they were both there again in this one dream cat and I became lucid when I felt their presence, so I just pet her for a minute and played around with her until something else grabbed my attention and I lost lucidity. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I really enjoyed this dream anyway.

      Fragment - Waiting to hang out with J but at my house, though I remember walking up the staircases at his apartment complex....

      So that's it for this night. I'm not going to smoke any weed today, so hopefully I'll remember more tonight!
    5. Parties And Dancing, Pointless Obstacles, Creepers Beware!, Lucid Within A Non-Lucid

      by , 02-16-2012 at 07:22 PM
      Two lucids AGAIN! Holy crap! This night was fairly bizarre as it was, but I think the last dream was the most interesting for me.

      #1 - Parties And Dancing [Non-Lucid]

      There's a family party going on at my house. Apparently I'm tormenting my cousin G and his brother P is supportive of it at first but not later. I don't remember much of that part of the dream, though. What I do remember is that I was wearing some completely ridiculous dress. Not ridiculous by look (I don't even really remember what colors it was or anything), just by... function. The entire time I was wearing it it was constantly shapeshifting itself and my body, I would look down and my boobs would alternatingly shrink or become pointy or slide around on my chest and stomach and the dress would randomly inflate and deflate and become really light and really heavy, at one point it basically felt like it would if I had a t-shirt on with a really thick pillow stuffed into the front, it was so awkward feeling. For some reason though, I also felt really confident in myself, like the dress looked really good on me or something. There was music playing and my aunt asked me to dance. We did for a bit and then I felt really good about myself so I went to the center of the room and did this dance that I came up with while tripping that I do when I'm alone that I feel is really cool to experience but I've always been too embarrassed to do it in front of anyone. Amazingly, I did the entire thing with my eyes closed AND was spinning a lot and when I finished and opened the scene still hadn't changed. It also made my other dream senses become much more apparent, which I thought was cool. Everyone was impressed at my dance, and I still felt embarrassed but in a good way. This is all happening in the den, and when I walk by the living room I see G still avoiding me. :T After that I walked into the kitchen, and maybe to the laundry room but I can't remember, but then I turned around and walked through the hallway behind the bar which somehow led outside into this beautiful garden (at the time I thought it as a park) with a few tables set up, and apparently my cousin A and her husband P (different P than before, but actually even the same name in real life) were having another family party as a follow-up to the one I was just at. Now I'm suddenly wearing some hard to remember white top and blue velour pants, I'm not sure what happened to the dress, but I actually am confused about it in the dream. I walk past a gazebo and see P sitting down with some random Asian guy at a table so I join them, but then A and other P told us that the Asian guy wasn't with us, so we felt embarrassed, and he looked at us weirdly and asked "Who are you...?" After that, I woke up.

      #2 - Pointless Obstacles [Non-Lucid]

      This one I was a little lazier about making note of so I don't have quite as much detail remembered, but I do remember that I was going to hang out with my friend K and I was wearing the same dress as before, only much more stable and unchanging. I was at his new apartment complex that he just moved in to and it was nighttime and snowing outside. Though one of the rooms of his apartment is apparently on the ground floor (it's not, it's on the top) and I can see through the window, I still start climbing the stairs up to get to the main entrance. Normally there's just a staircase to climb up, but this was like a legitimate obstacle course. And not just a regular one, I mean it had floating and moving panels and big gaps where you could fall through the floor into darkness, it was a like an intense video game map. I don't remember much of the first parts, but I had to work through several floors and finally I got to the top one. I climbed up a ladder to it and opened up a wooden hatch on the ceiling, and T, one of K's old roommates, was there in a sleeping bag in what looked kind of like a cross between a storage room and the inside of a pirate ship. >.> At this point I notice I'm somehow naked, but it doesn't bother me too much. I ask T if I can borrow one of his blankets, and he hands it to me and when I wrap it around myself it transforms into some really crazy anime outfit, and I go third-person and I have hot pink (but sort of almost red at time) hair with those gigantic anime/game character curls.

      I make my way across some giant obstacle field made of ice, and hear some girls in the corner having some random conversation that catches my attention for a second but then I finally make it to K's door. But he rejects me because it turns out he's busy hanging out with someone else. I turn around but end up slipping on the ice floor and end up falling into the blackness below the floating panels, and that carries me all the way down through the floors I'd made it beyond so far, finally ending with me hitting the ground with very little pain. :\

      #3 - Creepers Beware! [DILD]

      I'm back outside at K's apartment complex, and it's still nighttime but not snowing. I'm walking around waiting to do something, but then I remember it's in what can be considered a kind of shady area, and I'm afraid of getting mugged or worse by just standing around. >.< I start walking back to my car and on the way there a gang of guys who're loudly cracking jokes about something comes walking near me which makes me uneasy, but then I suddenly become lucid and the dream starts quickly ending. The dream is very visibly crumbling around me, my vision is narrowing down to a pinpoint with just blackness surrounding it and frequently the entire dream blurs and looks sort of like a big crystalline fractal image, but not an actual 3D scene or anything. I'm tired of becoming lucid and having dreams immediately end, so I start furiously rubbing my hands together. I also start repeatedly yelling "BECOME LUCID!" and "MORE VIVIDNESS!" and every time it actually works a bit, but the dream is still obviously hanging on to its very last breath of life. I figured I'm going to have to interact with the dream a bit more if I want to really save it, so I walk over to one of the creepers and start talking to him. I act all friendly and lull him into a false sense of security, then grab him by the shoulder and punch him in the crotch as hard as I can. I laugh as he falls, but as he does I see the dream go all crystally again and I'm afraid my efforts aren't working, though my full vision was returning. Next I grab him by the crotch, then blast off the ground with a sonic boom and fly us up right into the side wall of the nearest apartment building, where I position his head directly at it and smash him into it, still applying the force directly to his crotch to do so. There's an incredibly loud impact sound and the side of the building crumbles around his body a bit. I let myself fall back to the ground and am satisfied because the dream seems to have restabilized enough. I walk around and notice that it's daytime now, and there's still really nothing to do. :T But that's okay, I've already had my fun. I flew up to get a nicer view of the apartments from the sky, then the dream ended.

      #4 - Lucid Within A Non-Lucid [DILD within a Non-Lucid]

      This one I only have a short description of, but it was rather interesting. It starts with me in a class but this kid, J, who only went to the same school as me up until middle school. The first part may have been more of a transitional state or a hazy third-person part, because I honestly don't remember much of it at all, at least in any way that really makes sense in my mind, but it was about us fighting robots in class! After that there was some kind of boss, and J handed a magazine that was apparently it. I tried to figure out how a magazine could be commanding robots, and there was some kind of hint in one of the articles about there being a sensor of some kind hidden above the ceiling tiles in our classroom, but then we just kind of abandoned that plot and started waiting for class to end. I go sit down at my desk and get really tired, and fall asleep while waiting. Here's where things get strange! I lifted my head and I was still in the same classroom, but the people were acting weird and robotic (heh) rather than how they had been a second ago, and everything had a really foggy feeling to it. It was extremely trippy. I look around and think, wait, I just fell asleep in this class and now it's different and... wait, is this a dream? :O Yes, that's right... I became lucid based on clues that weren't true. And at the time, though it was a legitimate lucid and felt like one (rather than just dreaming about being lucid but not actually being), I still thought of the non-lucid dream as reality and where I was sleeping. The atmosphere of the lucid was extremely confusing, probably because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I was lucid but still very unaware of the situation. It honestly felt like I was the lowest level of lucidity I could possibly be. I decided to just waste time since I was waiting for class to end anyway, so I had everyone in the class start singing a song. The teacher even joined in happily. I wanted to go flying outside a bit after that started, and I saw it happening in my mind's eye but it wasn't really, and then everything got really hazy and I figured the dream was ending, so I woke back up... into the non-lucid dream. Obviously, I thought I was awake at that point so I lost lucidity. Not long after that though, I actually woke up. What a strange experience!
    6. Lucid

      by , 02-15-2012 at 09:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember discussing survival tactics with D and J. I was telling them the items I needed. It only boiled down to a handgun and and a knife. D was playing around with one and he dropped the clip on the ground. I started putting the bullets back in and I realized that they were all put in the wrong way.

      I'm at some event, and I see N there. I have the feeling that I'm dreaming, so i ask her if I am. she tells me no...but I don't believe her. I asked her for a kiss, and she said "okay just a little one". And I went in fora little tongue action. Still though...>I could just be awake....and crazy. So I headed outside, and there was this handicap ramp that zig-zaged outside. I jumped over them all and floated down. Yup....pretty sure it's a dream. I took off my shoes and wanted to destroy a rail. I walked into the second area (bunch of people here too...like a formal party or awards show or something) and asked a guy "hey didn't I leave skates in that locker". He looked up and said "what"? I was about to repeat myself, but when I looked back, I saw my skates were sitting in a now opened locker. I walked towards them and started putting them on. The front frames were a little broken, but I knew I could do without. Some other guy came up with his skates too. Man...it was gonna be crazy. Just then I started feeling really hot. I woke up because of it.
    7. Hijacked House Party, Crazy Food Fight, Exploring The New House

      by , 02-14-2012 at 07:02 PM
      I'm on a roll with lucids lately! This night turned out to be more interesting than I had anticipated. (Not that I suppose I ever expect certain things out of my dreams....) I smoked a bowl of wormwood before going to bed so I'm sure that helped, though it's hard to say because I've never used it before. But anyway, on with the dreams!

      #1 - Hijacked House Party

      The dream starts with my parents and I having moved into some enormous new house that looks like only extremely rich people could possibly live there. There was a good amount of time in-dream spent with me wandering around the house checking things out, but most of it I don't remember other than sliding around the floor in one room because it had a smooth wooden flooring (like a school gym or something?) and two gigantic TVs, one on each side. I saw my dad walking around in the room next to me and overheard that my mom was going somewhere and saw them go outside, so I went outside through the other door in the room I was in (there were two front doors right next to each other ) to say goodbye to her. After she drives off I walk back inside to find that there's a party going on with loads of people over. :O I walk around and go to one corner of the room where some people are talking about a new Pokémon game pre-release. There are a bunch of (imaginary) Pokémon games on the floor and I point out that the one they're talking about now being "pre"-released I've already had for a long time, as well as a bunch of these other games. They just brush me off and keep talking, and I pick up one of the games and pull a Game Boy Advance out of thin air and put it in. I believe it was at this point I became lucid, it's hard to remember exactly (but I'll get to that). I'm walking around the party watching the game load up and laughing because it's happening so terribly, it doesn't even remotely work correctly. Eventually I just drop the GBA out of my line of sight, never to be seen again, and start focusing on my surroundings. I tried to stabilize by looking at a table with an interesting oak pattern on it and touching it to see how real it felt. After that I started listening in on conversations and heard that the party was being thrown by this girl D who I went to high school with. I decide to shift the attention to myself so I change everyone's perception of me to D (I don't think there was any actual shapeshifting involved accept maybe some clothes switching, everyone just suddenly saw me as her) and they all started complimenting me on having such a great party. (This actually made me sad when I woke up because she died of a drug overdose not that long ago, but I didn't remember it in the dream.... ) After that I woke up.

      Or so I thought. I'm in bed in the middle of the night and I still have the perception that my house is the huge rich house we moved into, but my room seems otherwise normal. I open up my phone to start typing up notes about the dream but music keeps mysteriously turning on and getting louder each time so I have to get up and turn it off or it'll wake up my parents. Whenever I would get up I would notice there were a bunch of strange things and gadgets in my room that were not normally there, like a camera aimed directly at my bed. However, of course, it didn't clue me in to anything and I brushed it off. -.- Then I actually woke up, cursing myself for not doing RCs whenever I wake up, and almost entirely forgetting the dream. Luckily I managed to get it back, obviously, but it's still kind of faint in my memory.

      #2 - Crazy Food Fight

      This one I remember less of, just some key details. There was some kid trying to take over the world, we found him in a bank where we broke into a vault and discovered a restaurant in it. We sat down and started eating with him, but then it broke out into a food fight, then a fight where we were just throwing anything we could find, then half way down the line it turned into a third-person view of a really crazy Dragon Ball Z fight. The kid had both of his legs blown off, but he pressed some button that allowed him to escape and left Goku and Vegeta to train for several years while they awaited his return.

      I have no idea where that came from, I never watched Dragon Ball Z and I haven't even thought about it in at least months.

      #3 - Exploring The New House

      I'm back in the new house we moved into from the first dream and I'm exploring it some more. I remember this one sort of in snippets. First I in my parents' bedroom at night and my mom was sleeping, and we discovered that there was a family of teacup pigs that lived in that bedroom. They were so cute!! Next was during the day some time and we were having a close friends and family party. Still in my parents' bedroom, Hammond Druthers from How I Met Your Mother (Bryan Cranston! ) couldn't stop marveling at how amazing the bed was. I walked out into the kitchen and found a cat who was apparently left by the previous owner, Lady Gaga. (We're living in Lady Gaga's house!! ) The cat was fat but cuddly and loving, he didn't mind that I just held him for a long time. :3 In a rare case of me actually remembering other senses from non-lucid dreams, I can distinctly recall how fluffy he felt. Though it did disturb me a bit that we seemed to have left our old cats (one of whom is actually not with us anymore in real life) behind at our old house too. :\ I went and found my dad to talk to him about it and some kids kept following us everywhere and making it hard for us to have a private conversation, but we finally managed to ditch them. I don't remember what my dad said, but I think it revolved around us just leaving the cats behind. T-T Heartless! (Though I guess that's what Lady Gaga did, too. >_>) I went walking back out in the kitchen, which I'm pretty sure was a separate kitchen from before, and talked to some family members briefly before wandering down another new hallway. The kids from before followed me down there and tried to attack me! They had these Q-Tips that would apparently give you an ear infection if they were put inside your ear, and they were trying to use them on me. I managed to overpower them and stuck one inside both ears of the first kid and one of the second, then it became a third-person view of some kid named Crush, those two kids, and a couple other random kids. They were still in the hall but it became dark and trailed off into oblivion and apparently a portal to hell opened up. Everything went monochrome and the kids all started hanging on to these ancient-looking stone columns which had appeared on the walls of the hall to resist being pulled in. Demons were manifesting from the portal and reaching out toward them, but none of the kids seemed frightened except Crush. They all tried to get him to look at the demons and called him a scaredy cat when he wouldnt, but then finally one of the kids left to turn on the lights and it all disappeared. Next, the two kids who attacked me were sitting under a tent in front of an empty grave dug in sand on the beach of the jungle. Another kid with a tribal look and a heavy African accent emerged from the foliage and told them that they needed to get Crush and tell him to go to some area and do something (the details of which I've totally forgotten) so that he can complete his destiny. They begrudgingly agree to do it, but it seems like they may be plotting something against him because they clearly don't like him, and I think they blame him for the ear infection thing. After that I woke up.

      What is going on with my mind and this jungle?? I need to get lucid in it again and explore it more fully.
    8. Tiny Girl, Shifting Stairs

      by , 02-13-2012 at 06:07 PM
      Lucid again! I smoked a couple bowls of calea right before going to bed so that may have contributed a bit, at least in the vividness and detail of the dream. Actually, I know it did, I'm familiar with calea and for me it always creates what I'm now calling the "crowd effect", where my dreams tend to have at least some part that includes huge amounts of people for whatever reason. I'm not sure why that effect specifically happens, I guess it's just an easy way to add more detail to a situation lol.

      #1 - Tiny Girl

      There was something going on in the dream already before this, but I come in when I'm at my friend M's house (it's not actually her house, though) and I'm waiting for her to finish something so I decide to go swimming. Apparently, I'm a shapeshifter (still non-lucid at this point) and I turn myself into a little girl (not myself) for some reason. I already had my bathing suit on so I jumped in the pool and swam around briefly, but then it started raining so I got out and went inside the house, perfectly dry. I went down a staircase (apparently I was on the second floor despite having just come in from the back yard ) and walked past anderj101. And as I did he started chanting "tiny girl, tiny girl...." in a trance-like voice. After that I turned back into myself, and at the bottom of the stairs I found myself at some kind of party that took place in this huge building and spanned several floors. The building had one of the openings in the center where you can look over the railing and see the other floors above and below it, and there didn't seem to a end to either direction. I walked around and just talked to people for a bit, but I kept hearing people doing the "tiny girl" chant but each time I did that person would add an extra line to the end of whatever the previous person said. Eventually I found my cousin P and told him that G (his little brother) was crazy (he was one of the people chanting) and that I was afraid I might have accidentally started some cult or something.

      After that there was a total change in subject and I said to P "I bet I can jump over this railing and land two or three floors down and be perfectly fine." to which he disagreed, so I got ready to do it. I had a brief moment of "what the hell am I doing " but then I became lucid! I got an adrenaline rush and laughed to myself and ran forward and jumped. It was a long fall down the few floors, but I landed on one below and the impact felt like nothing at all, as if I had just jumped in place and was landing back on the ground, and everyone cheered when I made it. I walked off and noticed a cute girl standing there and made a move to kiss her, but she backed away and some people started laughing, so I shrugged it off and kept walking. I saw a counter with people behind it and immediately knew that they were selling movie tickets. I thought that might be an interesting avenue to explore so I walked up there and asked for two tickets for Pokémon. There were no movie names listed, I just chose that by default, and I'm not totally sure why I asked for two. Maybe I was losing lucidity lol. I was a little nervous that there wasn't enough keeping me lucid, so I told her to hurry up and got the tickets and kept walking. She told me to go "where the TVs are", but I walked around and didn't see any. I found a bunch of people standing around doors that looked like they led to lounge rooms where the movies were probably being held, but when I opened one and started walking through it the dream become extremely dim and fuzzy, so I backed out and abandoned that idea. The dream picked back up briefly, but as I was walking down a hallway trying to figure out what else to do, it fully faded and I woke up. Oh well, at least that's another lucid in a really short amount of time.

      #2 - Shifting Stairs

      I'm in school and after class gets out I end up talking to this girl I used to see from time to time named M (different from the previous dream). Eventually I ask her if she needs a ride home and she says yes, but then her little sister shows up, along with an enormous crowd of students. I go to get something out of my locker (a couple folders or something, once I pull them out and they drop out of my line of sight they're never seen again ) and get stuck in the crowd. One short girl is trying to reach above the lockers for something, and I stand on my toes to look up there and tell her there's nothing there but she keeps reaching. Another girl keeps opening my locker for some reason and looking in it all confused, until finally she says "Ooooh, that's YOUR locker!" and looks at me with an embarrassed smile. I smile back and walk off to catch up with M and her sister again. We're on the second floor so we walk to the staircase which is divided into two sections with a small median in between. We get there and turn around and I notice that the second set of steps actually leads back up to where we just were, they both lead to the same place. M's sister just walks up them like it's the normal thing to do, and I'm seriously perplexed. I turn to M to say something about it but hesitate, then look back and the stairs have corrected themselves. M walks down to meet up with her sister who's already down there now, and I go too but then they just leave without saying anything, and I feel kind of lonely. The next part of the dream I don't really want to say but it involves me thinking about some old friends that I don't really get to talk to anymore because of some stuff that made us not really friends anymore.... And then I even saw one of them walk by and it was really awkward. >_< I finally made it to my car and started driving off, then the dream ended.

      So the second one was kind of a downer. :T The first one was fun, though!
    9. My first Lucid Dream Feb 12, 2012

      by , 02-12-2012 at 03:49 PM
      I had my first Lucid Dream and I'm feeling about as high and giddy as I think it's possible to feel. I am not lying when I say I woke up at 6:00 in the morning and decided to write this at 6:20, I am shaking with excitement. The dream started out with me at school, in my calculus class. everyone in class was getting a bad grade. This wasn't the weird thing, just a few days ago everyone in my class did very badly, so I leave down these stairs which are very typical for me to walk down...However two things at this point are off, 1) There are two sets of stairs, I went down the ones I don't typically go down after this particular class. 2) One of my "larger" classmates was suddenly very skinny, I complimented him in my dream and he just said thanks, so I assumed both cases were just kinda odd. I'm down where people are eating lunch, which again is normal as my calculus class is before lunch, but then I see my old math teacher making out with a student who graduated last year, so at this point I am kind of freaking out, I run off to the exit of the school and something is REALLY off this time, the gravity, my movements, and everything seem weird. So I finally think "I haven't done a reality check in a while, even if it is real life, these were some really odd events I just saw". So I plug my nose with my hand and the first thing I notice is, my hand and nose are both numbed, next I notice I can still breath...Perfectly fine. So I think "maybe it's a mistake" and do some other RCs. I try to shove my hand through my other hand and that doesn't work ( maybe I have a firmer grasp {lol pun} on hand physics), but I still think that first test is weird and do the nose test again. I can still breath through it, so I decide that the next best course of action is to test the world and see if I can't change it with my mind. I look around and see this student next to me and put out my hand, in the shape of a gun (think spirit gun style) and pretend I shoot. The student I pointed it at went flying for miles. I mean he was launched like a rag doll, it was awesome. So suddenly I'm ultra excited and point my hand in the sky and start firing a whole lot like a cowboy. I decide "I should try to start some fires with my hand or have smexy tiems". So I start trying to cast fire but can't (I may be too excited at this point) and then try for sexy times (Again I can't) and then as I'm firing my magic hand cannon blasts at some random kite targets in the sky I wake up. I don't even care that i couldn't do some stuff, I launched a kid for miles with my bare hands and didn't even touch him. So this was by far one of the coolest dreams I have ever had. I started my dream journal and a lot of my dream techniques on the 30th of January. So I think I managed to do it in 2 weeks on the spot. I did this via DILD. I kept using the mantra "I will have a lucid dream tonight" as I went to bed. However I remembered dreams other than that one, so as far as time is concerned the lucid dream wasn't as impressive in length, but as I stated before, I had a LD so I don't even mind

      Updated 02-14-2012 at 09:45 PM by 53029

      lucid , memorable
    10. Lucid Sex Attempt #1, Hard Happies, Best Prison Ever (Part 1), Best Prison Ever (Part 2)

      by , 02-10-2012 at 06:13 PM
      Two more lucid dreams!! This was a pretty awesome night of dreams. I smoked some weed a few hours before going to bed and got a pretty happy, energetic high, and I think that carried over into my mood in the dreams, and I'm sure it made them a bit crazier too. The one downside is that it also made the feelings a little more fleeting when I woke up, but at least I still remember them.

      #1 - Lucid Sex Attempt #1

      The beginning of the dream is kind of hazy, but I remember being at school and I was a superhero or something, and I met a fan of superheroes. That was an important part of the beginning plot, but where my memory comes in is in a classroom when I suddenly become lucid. There was no stabilization required to make it last a little while, but I kind of wish I had so it'd be a little easier to remember. :T Oh well. I had tons of energy and got to remind myself of how awesome I am at my tried and trusted lucid power, flying. I zoomed around to different classrooms at supersonic speeds spouting nonsense at people because I just felt like acting insane (seriously, I had way too much energy ) I remember flying down a hallway in what I perceived to be the music class area of the school, and I pass a girl whose face I don't see, but I perceive her as Dianeva and I slow myself down and try to look back and see her but she's gone. Since I'm already back on my feet, I decide to walk into the classroom next to me which is in a pretty big open room like it's for Band class or something, but it just has normal tables with people sitting at them. I go up to the front of the room and yell "Who wants to have sex me!?" This one girl in the front row smiles at me so I think "Lol, sure." and leap over on to her. I'm getting ready to do something but then she starts fading away and the dream is becoming blurry. I say "Hell, I'm not wasting my time with you, I forgot that time is of the essence. Who ELSE wants to have sex!?" I look around and see a gigantic, buff, shirtless guy with dreadlocks standing in the back. I run over to him and rip off my clothes and he rips of his, and people gather around us to watch. Ahhh, he got it in and everything, and then RIGHT before he actually started the DREAM ENDED! Oh well, it was a good first attempt.

      HI - Quick hypnagogic stuff about being drunk with my aunt and still having tons of energy, then being at a hospital where the image suddenly dissolves in a really trippy way.

      #2 - Hard Happies

      This dream was kind of long as well, but I only remember it as one fleeting thing followed by haziness and then the ending. So first I was walking through an airport talking to this guy D about how the planes were all "down" but they were letting them fly again, and then suddenly there was a massive swarm of planes all coming right into the area around us in a way that if it were real life they would have all crashed into each other. Of course, I looked away and it was never mentioned again lol. Then blur.... Then my memory picks up with my having created some kind of department store/house fusion with someone, though I don't remember who. We had made a bunch of "virtual food" and there was a crowd of people there eating it. Suddenly I remember having flown waaaay over the area up into a jungle, of course. I watched a stream of water that looked like it had a raft coming down it, and at that point I became lucid and snapped back to the store/house. (it was mostly just a house now). I heard Minh and Kahn from King of the Hill arguing about getting some Japanese food, and I noticed that everyone in the house was eating some. That made me want to try to find some Chinese food to see how it tasted, so I went looking around the house and the first thing I found was this weird lump of meat that was solid and cold and sort of slimy. I decided against that and went back out to the table. Lily from How I Met Your Mother was one of the people there eating, and the asked me about the "hard happies", which are apparently a type of fruit. They were in slices exactly like orange slices, and they looked exactly like oranges only they were white except for the tip (the innermost part) which had rainbow blotches on it, mostly dominated by cyan, magenta, and yellow though. I picked one up and she said "Hard happy, happy hard. " Yes.... happy hard, I agree. (DCs are awesome. ) I start eating it and it's DELICIOUS! It's also making me super energized again with every bite, to the point that I'm frantically walking around the house like I'm on a load of speed. I finish and grab a regular orange slice next, which also tastes really good. I notice someone sitting down on the ground so I stop to talk to him and try to keep myself calm and centered so the dream won't end, but it does anyway. Oh well, it was fun.

      #3 - Best Prison Ever (Part 1)

      I have a hazy memory of being in some boat escape involving German kids, but we get caught out in the middle of the ocean by a bunch of prison ships or something and end up at this weird confinement camp. Apparently, I'm also some kind of cyborg and have been having memory problems, so where I come in next is after we've already been there for a while but my memory of everything that's happened since we got caught was erased from my mind so I had to relearn it all and meet everyone again. I'm sharing a three room suite with my friends J and S who were also caught with me, and I later find out that D (a different D from the last dream) is there as well. I say a suite because despite this being some kind of prison camp it's actually like the happiest place on Earth. One of the first things I do is smoke a cigarette with S and it tastes so unbelievably amazing, so smooth and refreshing, and makes me so exhilarated that I say "Holy crap, this is like weed in tobacco form, it's so great." We go to the food court and there's tons of free food and also a whole grocery store's worth of food that you can buy. I get introduced to everyone again and then go buy myself some black Gushers. When I go back and talk to everyone it turns out I don't even remember how we got caught correctly, and they're about to start explaining it to me but then I wake up. I honestly thought to myself right when I did that I almost wish I could go back, it seemed that awesome at the time. And now I especially can't wait until the day I remember to smoke a cigarette in a lucid.

      #4 - Best Prison Ever (Part 2)

      So back in the prison, I start to learn the way the building we're in works. The food court is on the floor above our rooms, and our rooms are on the main floor, but it's not the lowest floor. Each floor has different "rules", even things like weather are different for each. On the main one everything is normal, but it amazes me to find out that below us there's a floor that's totally covered in lava. :O I decided to trek down there through some sort of... well. (That's really the only way I can describe it.) While down there I discover it's really risky and almost don't make it back up, so I decide not to go down there anymore. Next day (I think?) it's snowing outside on the main floor and inside the well, so I want to take this opportunity to get a picture that has both snow and lava in it on my phone. I get right up to the edge of the well to get a good point of view, and some couple comes by and asks me what I'm doing. I tell them and the girlfriend gets all excited and jumps down there. I tried to stop her, but she ends up getting stuck down there and the dream changes to me watching some anime about this happening in third-person perspective. I don't remember much about it except that there was a fight when the boyfriend got mad at another character and that she made it out alright. It zooms out to me being in my house (but it's still registered as the prison) in my parents' bedroom with a bunch of other people who were all watching the anime. I say "Aw, I was kind of hoping one of them died." (A little morbid considering that it was my fault she jumped down there. >.>) I remember to look at my phone and see a picture of R2-D2 from Star Wars, when I had been pretty sure I got a picture of a snowman. Not that I remember that happening, either lol. So I put away my phone and notice that some more of my friends have shown up there. There are old game consoles and Gameboy games with Gamesharks in them spread out all over the bed, and we start discussing how the owners of the prison must have put them there so we can play any game we want and even however we want (normally or cheating). We can't stop thinking about how great this place is... and then the real mindfuck comes. I start to consider that the truth is that I'm dead and this is the afterlife, and that's why it's so amazing and all of my friends keep showing up. O.O Of course, it didn't even occur to me for a second that I might be dreaming. After that I looked at the consoles a little more, then woke up.

      So that was quite an interesting night. I'm so happy I got two more lucids, I think that was the first time I ever had two in one night!
    11. finally lucid

      by , 02-10-2012 at 03:43 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was driving around in Manhattan, and I was just trying to get out of the city so I can hit the interstate and head to my main destination. There were lots of turns on the interstate, and I lost control of my car. I entered a building...and I was trying to cook something in the oven, but the racks were messed up and I was trying to fix them. Next thing I remember was fighting a strong DC. I was mopping the floor with him. I ended up throwing him out of window and he landed in the pond near by. Search and Rescue was already out there, and i knew they were going to come in and try to arrest me.

      They tried putting cuffs on my wrists but one wouldn't even fit. I broke the other one, and then I broke the chains and showed it to them. Inside the chains were dead/ almost dead ants. Really weird. Anyway, I told them the next time we meet up that I'd hope we would be on the same team. I headed out of the building, jumped in the air, and rolled across the ground while closing my eyes. When I opened them I was in an entirely different scene. That was pretty cool. It looked like some abandoned amusement park. There were several dogs there, and I think they needed my help
    12. Back In The Jungle, Strange Decisions

      by , 02-09-2012 at 06:27 PM
      Woo! I had my best lucid yet. It was first one I ever had where I wasn't even bummed when it ended because I was satisfied by it lol. Unfortunately my memory of everything else from the night (and I know there was a lot) is totally gone, it picks up exactly where I started stabilizing. :/ Oh well, worth it!

      #1 - Back In The Jungle

      So, I'm back in the jungle/forest area. I vaguely remember becoming lucid and I'm pretty sure it was like it always has been for me lately, it just kind of happens without me going through a realization process and I feel like I just already knew it from that point on. I notice that the dream is starting to fade, so I start rubbing my hands together and continue to do so as I walk around and closely inspect the environment. And it worked! I was next to a little shack that couldn't possibly have held any more than bathrooms and had some cement floor with a wood covering extending out maybe ten or fifteen feet from it. Around that, it was all very foresty area, except for through some trees I could see down a hill and there were kids playing on a playground off in the distance. At first I just sat down in the grass I looked at the dirt and the grass and touched them to see how real it felt. It was all incredibly vivid, and I could've spent the entire dream looking at the ground. I thought about staring up at the sky but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that it was somewhat oddly textured and tinted and I had a creeping feeling that if I did the dream would end, so I decided against it. The foliage was so beautiful that it was hard to convince myself to actually do something, but eventually I got up and walked over to a VHS tape box that was left on the cement area. It looked like a mix between Star Wars and Spaceballs, and the text on it was vanishing as I was reading it but I managed to pick up on the fact that it was all nonsense. I saw a water bottle on the ground so I went and picked it up and took a drink - delicious. Afterward I spit on the ground because I had a lot of moisture in my mouth, then marveled at the fact that the dream was so vivid that I actually felt the need to spit. I wanted to go walking through the forest but didn't want to have to carry the water bottle. At first I was like but then, I realized I was in a lucid dream. I stuck the water bottle behind me where I couldn't see it and said "Put water away!" and dropped it. I could feel a weight behind me like it was still in my essence, but had physically disappeared. I walked for a minute then reached back and said "Grab water!" and clenched my hand to feel the water bottle suddenly there. I chuckled to myself, took a sip, and then put it away again. As I was walking into a deeper and darker area of trees, I saw a school bus drive out but didn't pay much attention to it, I was still amazed at all the plants. Suddenly, after a turn the area had turned into what looked like the back of a small store. Also, during the transition at the end of the trees I'm pretty sure I saw Erii's avatar come to life with all three cat heads staring intently at me. In the store area I laughed to myself some more because there were people moving around cardboard boxes and the boxes all had more nonsense written on them. After that, my vision quickly faded to white and I could tell the dream was ending, but I didn't really mind, I had my fun.

      #2 - Strange Decisions

      I was playing an online game and watching a new Pokémon movie in the den, a strange room of the house for me to be doing this in, but my dad kept distracting me so I moved it into his office, an even stranger room for me to be doing it in. That's it for that one.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    13. The Jurassic Park Induced Lucid...

      by , 02-07-2012 at 07:52 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      7th of February, 2012

      Another big one! Sorry they're so long- I just have to include everything for myself.

      I took a Galantamind pill at 8:30am and tried to get back to sleep but failed miserably.
      I went and lay on the couch and watched a bit of Jurassic Park and kept trying to doze off but the TV was keeping me awake and my brother kept disturbing me.

      Then I had a false awakening where I looked at a clock and it spontaneously occurred to me I was dreaming. I went into the hallway and heard noises from a nearby room. It was dark inside so I tried to turn a light on which obviously didn't work. "Duh!" I thought and casually left.

      At that point I found myself in a backyard and jumped onto the roof and was touching everything. The clothesline was higher than the roof which I thought was a pretty cool thing to randomly think up. I tried to fly a bit but couldn’t really control myself and landed in the back yard where I was rolling around with Nooks in clean clothes like a little kid.
      I could still hear the TV playing so I yelled to increase lucidity and Nooks said “okay! SHUT UP!” and woke me up.

      I attempted a DEILD while focussing on running and
      materialised outside a small block of apartment buildings surrounded by grass and trees. I was running still and realised that I needed to settle down and just sit and focus on relaxing for future endeavours, even if it did mean wasting this dream.

      I went looking for a nice place to sit but everywhere was a bit too... urban.

      I eventually settled on a little patch of grass near a tennis court. So I sat on down and just looked around at the sky and the dirt and my hands and the trees and the grass and the clouds and really focussed on my senses.
      Nooks, Courtney and Byron joined me and I began to feel myself swallowing in real life so I dove into the ground but rolled around in blackness and came back to the same spot. Didn’t wake up though, so I suppose it worked. I sat for a bit longer then dove again into the ground.

      SPLASH! I emerged from water in a bath with Nooks. Who had a Captain Planet mullet haircut. We had sexy bath times and then she started drowning and I was like “OH! I could have sex with her while she’s dead!” Then I realised that was really creepy and picked her up and took her into a bedroom instead. On our way, Jono came out with exactly the same haircut and I laughed.

      So I sat on the bed and thought I could still hear the TV invading my dreams and watched as the wall glowed in time with the sounds. I noticed that there were little green glowing arrows on the walls as well, but still got bored pretty quickly and went out a window onto a deck.
      It was night time and the decks were all interconnected. I had to ninja myself in and out of windows and over railings to get outside. While I was doing it, I was dictating out loud how I’d write it on DreamViews but I forgot on waking up.
      Outside, my vision was a bit blurry so I commanded lucidity and it helped. After some insignificant stuff it was day time and a bunch of cloaked people were around. We were standing on a huge raised platform made of dark redwood. There were benches and small doors around that I didn’t explore too fully. The people started getting restless so I thought I’d show them who’s boss and I Fus Ro Dah’d* a bunch of them.

      It was really funny and ineffective, like my brain couldn’t make it work so instead they just pretended it worked and jumped back making “ooh” noises. I got irked and made one guy fly up to the roof and attempted to make a fireball which sort of worked.
      After that, the Imperial March started playing and I felt tough so naturally they followed me.
      I went to a ledge and wanted adventure so I looked out over quite a serene bay. I saw an island and said “let’s go!” and flew to it.
      I landed at a little boat which quickly turned into a buoy which I sailed to the island.
      There, three identically dressed men were lying on top of each other in the sand. Wanting to just see what my dream could do, I pleasantly asked what they were up to. They replied they were trying to fix a telephone cable but had no mobile reception.

      “No worries!”
      I said I could help and lo and behold there was suddenly a giant pole on the island stretching upwards but all bendy. They began attaching bags to it for whatever reason and suddenly there was a highway over the island.
      Mitchell and Jono were now there smoking weed. He offered me and Nooks some and I said sure but it didn’t eventuate.

      “Wanna come over for breakfast?” Mitchell asked.

      “Nah thanks. I don’t need food here.”

      “Breakfast in bed then?” He continued.

      I smiled. “I am in bed!!”

      We walked about for a minute or two longer and then I moved my leg which
      woke me up in real life 15 seconds before my alarm went off.
      Which was weird, because in an earlier dream which I now forget I’d said “PHONE!” just before Nooks’ alarm went off as well.

      Oh. And by the way. I never went and watched Jurassic Park. That was all total false awakening.

      It’s a bit annoying in a way because due to that, the rest of the dreams seemed a bit light, like I was trying hard not to wake up. I realised later that if I’d just let myself wake, I would have in fact been in a far more stable dream instead.

      I do also hope I'm not becoming reliant on galantime to become lucid, though it does have a really good induction rate! I imagine if anything it's just helping me recognise signs... Hopefully.

      *one of my lucid goals. Skyrim is awesome.

    14. Fucking Hornets, Fickle Emotions, Third-Person Control

      by , 01-30-2012 at 06:01 PM
      Got another lucid this time! Short, but interesting. I got a little more abstract with my control of it, too. Other than that, a couple other interesting dreams as well. Not a bad night.

      #1 - Fucking Hornets

      I'm making some kind of video game with a lot of old friends (and a couple current), a guy I haven't seen since high school, and OpheliaBlue. Ophelia and the guy from high school are talking about adding some cinematic to the beginning of the game, so after we discuss how that would fit best they go off to start working on it. My friend O, still my current theory for who my dream guide is, starts talking about how we're going to do the opening credits, and he shows us what he has so far. I don't remember what they were, but I remember that they were pretty funny. But J gets all bitchy about the font size being too small, even though O hadn't actually tried to set it to what it would be in the game, he was just showing us the text. :T Oh yeah, also, we were doing all of this discussion in my bathroom, in front of the mirror lol. Possibly using the mirror as a screen to project things on, now that I think about it...? But anyway, J was standing kind of behind me, so when I turned around to listen to him talk I noticed that there was a gigantic map of the world behind him, one that was clearly not visible in the mirror. As he's talking, he pulls out a much smaller, handheld-sized, map and starts talking about some "red bee therapy" (which I take to mean red hornets) then comes and stands right behind me to try it out and says their are a bunch of the red hornets right behind the map, which he's holding up to my back. Hornets. Now, for those of you who don't know, I hate bugs. They're... soooo nasty. >_< But hornets especially, they're like my least favorite bug there is. So I'm freaked out at this point. I look down at the counter and see a pair of scissors, which I quickly grab, and say "J, get those things away from me right now, I'm not even kidding, I will fucking stab you." He backs off, but one of the hornets gets left behind my back (somehow... ) and I reach back there and feel it. I feel a sting and start running around freaking out, and I grab it and squeeze it to death, something I'd never do in real life but I was desperate , and I threw it down on a table and saw it dead, but then it CAME. BACK. TO LIFE. It's comically large and red with black stripes, and I grab a tissue box and start smashing it but even though it keeps getting nastier it never dies, and it's so gross it makes me feel like I have to puke, and I'm shaking. Then I woke up.

      Thank god.

      #2 - Fickle Emotions

      I'm in high school in an English class that I never actually had, but it's boring so I leave to go find a different class, then pay that teacher $100 (two separate payments of $50) to let me be in her class instead. She shakes my hand and says "A gentlemens' agreement!" (More How I Met Your Mother references from my subconscious. ) But, she turns out to be a hard ass to the point that the other kids in the class are "troubled", like there's a guy not far from me to the right smoking weed in the middle of class, and the girl I sat down next to on my left is single and pregnant (but not visibly). However I learn through the course of the class that she's actually just a really nice girl and pretty cool, and I develop a little bit of a crush on her. I start messing with the teacher to make her laugh, and we end up getting along really well and she's even starting to act like she has a bit of a crush on me too, and it's so obvious that some of the guys in the class are visibly jealous. Somewhere down the line the teacher turns into my old Chinese class teacher and someone says something about him which gets me distracted, after which the girl just never shows up or is even thought about again. Class is over so I get up and walk around the hallways which turn into an enormous and clearly very expensive and high-end mall, and I'm trying to find my locker but it's too hard to navigate, I even pass through a jail cell on the way. I woke up after I found my way out of that lol.

      #3 - Third-Person Control

      O and I went to a head shop or something, and we saw someone getting arrested in the parking lot, so we quickly got in my car and drove off. While I'm driving, I notice that the accelerator keeps getting stuck, so I'm slamming the breaks to make the car slow down, but eventually it just goes faster and faster and faster until the car pulls up off the ground and we blast into the sky. But I became lucid at this point! I started steering us around the city, as we were in a downtown area with lots of tall buildings so it was fun just zooming around in our rocket car. Before too long I notice that my vision is steadily narrowing down to a very small area and I'm afraid that the dream is going to end if it gets all the way down to a dot, so I consciously switch it to third-person perspective control, which still feels like first-person. (Kind of hard to explain.) It worked for a little bit, though! My full view of the city was restored, and I could see that the car actually had turned into a plane. I start flying off to the side of my vision so that my camera angle moves over and we transition from the city to a mountain range, and the sky starts turning dark blue, so in order to keep the dream changing (rather than ending) I kept up. I had the mountains be just dunes in the background with the sky being underwater, and I transformed the plane into a fish, and I just swam around in the water a little bit, but then I finally woke up. :/ Oh well, it was fun!

      So that's it for this entry. I'm definitely happy with the number of lucids I'm getting lately, even if they're brief.
    15. My Prince Charming

      by , 01-23-2012 at 04:23 PM
      Last night I had my sixth lucid since joining up here! I really need to start working on my recall so I can remember things like dialogue more exactly.

      So, I was back in my middle school again for some reason, it seems to pop up in a lot of my dreams lately. I was in my old English class with this one guy, J. (And other people I know too, but I don't really remember who they were.) J and I each finish our class assignments that I just remember were really frustrating to work out, but when we do we get up to go stand at the door until class ends. Our teacher seems really confused and then angry at us for doing it so early in class, even though we were pretty sure it was almost time to leave. I remember looking at the clock and just being confused by what time it was because it didn't really match up with anything. Anyway, she eventually caves and lets just the two of us go for "early lunch", as long as we come back later for some reason....

      We end up talking a bit as we walk through the halls back to our lockers, but then we have to go in different directions. The school suddenly has a gigantic spiral staircase that... well, it does have spiral staircases, but not like THIS. These things were enormous! It also suddenly grew in height quite a bit, and had full glass walls and through them you could see outside what looked kind of like an airport. At this point I spontaneously became lucid, and tons of other people who went to my middle school started walking all around me. (I guess class officially ended?) I started talking to a couple of people I hadn't seen in a long time just to see what they'd say (which I don't remember but I do recall that it was very strange ) and then some girl swoops in out of nowhere and picks me up! I just look over and see her face and think, what the hell... oh wait, I know what I can do with this! So, I turned her into a Prince Charming-type guy.

      Like this.

      (But more buff and even cuter. )

      So here carries me around while I'm squeezing his muscles and I keep talking to other people who all look up to me and treat me as the center of attention, basically like I'm a princess. Then Mr. Prince Charming starts talking about wanting to go somewhere more private and talk. Woah now. But then the dream starts fading! Fuck fuck fuck! I tried rubbing my hands together and making things happen and everything but it still ended and I woke up.

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