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    1. (July 8, 2014) highway ride and work the next day

      by , 07-08-2014 at 02:45 PM
      July 8, 2014


      The first few parts of this are hazy but I was outside somewhere in a lawn with a few things such as my iPhone dock, my fenix PD32UE flashlight, my knife, and a few other things. It was at night again and the only light came from street light. I was in a neighborhood that was a bit urbanized so the houses had some lawn space but not much. I was in the front yard of a house near the street on the corner of the property with all of my stuff in the grass. I dont know why i was there but I called someone to get picked up. So i started to pick up a few things. A bunny ran by me and i looked around for it with my flashlight but could not find it. Before i got picked up i decided i wanted to run into town and come back, not sure why, maybe just to see if i could. So a truck pulled up alongside the property along the grass and i started to put things on the back seat. i rode on the truck that came to pick me up and it drove into a city where i was waiting a bit to jump out from the passenger door but it was taking a while because every red light it was going to, turned green before we got to it. Eventually it slowed in traffic and I jumped out and landed on the road next to the guard rail that was over water and jumped over to the other side before the cars came racing down the road. I saw an old 50's cop car out on the road in the sea of modern cars. Weird but i guess i did not question it. I started to walk back towards where I started. Trying to hold all of my things from falling too. I don't know why i decided to bring everything with me but i did. Some one on the road told me i should hold them differently or something but i cant remember. They used someone else who was apparently walking over the same spot i was as an example to how my stuff should be and it was some random person holding an iPad with a case and thought this is dumb and kept doing what i was doing.

      I was later at my friend Jacobs house where i was helping his dad with a landscaping project. It was getting dark and over cast. His house was different than usual, the upstairs garage that usually was not used was open and had lots of tools and tables like table saws, and there was not much clutter. It looked like a brand new garage that had dry wall done but not painted yet. The house was in a L shape too. Looking straight at the front door from the street the long side of the house faces me and the street and on the right quarter of the house it went back into the back yard like an L. i went out back along the left of the house and there was mostly grass and decorative cut stone wall holding up dirt. Jacobs dad told me to level the dirt and cut some if the concrete foundation doing it and showed how he wanted it done. Went to grab a saw but i woke up.

      I think i woke up because my back was getting sore in the position i was laying in

      Unknown time below

      I picked up one more fragment of a dream but its just it. I was looking for a clean shirt to wear out of my suitcase that was in the back of my dads truck, and i found another dodge shirt like the one i got all dirty from wood staining except this one was nice and clean.
    2. (July 6, 2014) short lived highway stop

      by , 07-06-2014 at 02:51 PM
      Jul 6,2014

      Another night of bad recall ugh. Couldn't remember a full dream, just one image of the whole night, till i made myself go back to bed in the morning, then i had a dream.

      I was in a parking lot that looked to be next to a highway. I was facing out in the distance, where it looked like flat grassland as far as i could see, behind me was a light orange fence and when i turned around to look that way there was a roller coaster of some sort. It had red tracks and grey supports.My brother got there, grabbed a chair and joined me. then a some girl asking where the towels were for some reason. Someone came over and started talking to me about how i got there so early but still didnt know what i was there for so i went along with it. I then walked over to a locker room (seen this on a few times in other dreams) and there were some people talking and one person passed out on the floor. It was decently big, and was made up of dark green 1x1 tiles on the floor and walls. Before i could leave someone woke me up.

      Updated 07-06-2014 at 02:58 PM by 62947

      Tags: bad recall, dream
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Exploring a lucid dream

      by , 07-03-2014 at 03:29 AM
      I entered a lucid dream using the WBTB method. I left my body after the sleep paralysis, and gazed outside my bedroom window. I could see red roses jutting out from my neighbours house and wild yellow flowers. They were very vibrant and sort of swishy looking like someone had painted them. I heard a voice tell me "this is all yours. This is your painting." Which exhilarated me way too much, and the dream started to fade. I started to spin. As my vision faded to white I imagined a grey fountain and let my dreaming mind fill in the rest. I was planted in a hell-ish looking place. The ground was red and looked like lava, the fountain completely empty and covered in ancient scribblings of some forgotten language. It was in the middle of the lava room. An old man walked towards me dressed in tattered brown clothes with a hood on. I told him, "Take me to meet your friends!" He took my hand. As we started to fly together, the dream scene melted into a deep forest. We flew past blurry trees (due to the insanely fast flying this guy was doing) and we ened up standing in front of a ginormous tree in a small clearing. There was a very long ladder leading up to a door (the entrance of the tree) The forest was illuminated by glowing blue light coming from absolutely no where, and it was absolutely breath taking! The tree was so saturated! A dark oreo brown with rich florescent blue leaves sprouting from the top, enough so that there was no sky to be seen. We entered the tree. The room was small width wise, but went on for ages horizontally. One wall was covered completely in doors, all set in top of each other going up the wall. Like you had to fly up to each door. There were roughly 6 people in there, a lot for a room so small, but it felt very cozy and warm. The inside bark walls were very smooth and almost shiny, and much lighter than the outside bark. It was a glowing golden color with lines of light brown streaking it. There were bunk beds on the floor and some jutting out from the walls, and book cases sunken into the walls. I told the man who brought me there "thank you for showing me this place" he said nothing back and disappeared through one of the doors. I sat down on one of the bunk beds with a kid in glasses, a button up white shirt and black dress pants. I asked him "do you know you are in my dream?" He gave me a weird look and replied, "of course" I then asked him "are you okay with it?" He looked confused. He said "I need to get back" and then the dream suddenly faded, I tried to spin but I ened up waking up! Wrote down every detail I could remeber in my dream journal, and kept the images alive throughout my day. I wonder if the guy with the glasses in my dream was me, saying I needed to wake up "get back". I definitely overslept! Got 10 hours last night, top notch.
    4. Receding abyss

      by , 06-29-2014 at 11:14 AM
      Not to long ago, I had a dream where I woke up ever twenty minuets. I was in a huge warehouse and the perimeter was all blocked off and I had no clue what to do. The setting was night and every time the sun rose I woke up then I fell back to sleep and this happened about five times. And I mind you, every time I start the dream, Im sitting in a latter well. every time I fell back to sleep I went into the same dream. After the first dream I realized I was dreaming and I started to notice more and more detail to things, so much that I notice things would change, things would be moved things would be missing. I then put to conclusion that I had an objective in order to finish the dream. I tryed escaping and i Instantly get attacked by massive amounts of bugs and giant roach mutants. The next dream i waited it out until sun rise and I woke up and I fall asleep and started all over. The last dream I looked up and climb up the latter well I would always start in and I finally get on top of the roof, and as I look around EVERYTHING was to to rubble burning, smoking, and falling apart. A post apocalyptic setting, i realize it was the end of the world and It was infested with torment death decay and hopelessness. while i investigate the roof i saw ac units, ventilation and dead pidgins. i then stumble on a dull black box with a tiny button in the middle, glowing a green ora, not knowing what it was I pressed it, nothing, I expected everything to blow up, and be completely white and I would wake up and continue my day, I shrugged and I said," okay,well that might not be it.", so I was bored but lucid and knowingly wondering through my dream, I investigated a little and I caught it from my peripherals, from all corners of the horizon I saw a racing void of black until suddenly I couldn't see anything and in that instance that I fell into the abyss of eternal NOTHING, which felt like an eternity of questioning and self thought, filled with anxiety and despair, I wake up. With only to amuent, I wake up to realize I'm late to work.
    5. Little Girl, Escalator machine setting and the Dream Invader

      by , 06-20-2014 at 04:25 PM
      * I don't recall the non lucid parts so i didn't write it down.

      1st Dream
      I was in a apartment I don know trying to get iced cubes for my drink. I opened the fridge and tried to get it out but the cube tray fell from my hands and ended up touching the bloody meat in the fridge. I emptied the cube try and poured new water in it than closed the fridge. After that I appeared in a school with my mom and younger brother. I looked at my mom and said I was dreaming and that its possible that we could be sharing a dream. I'm always open minded about it even though I know it can't be true. She was like okay and just went with it. I saw a little girl from the tickling feet dream and said she looked like a mix of these young girls i use to know but the dream character was more younger looking. I told my mom that the girl dc was a character i enjoyed and I like being in the dream with them. I hugged the girl than left to the auditorium where my brother was with a group of people. They were about to take photos. The little girl held my hand and we sat next to each other near my father. My father told me to get in the picture and I was like just for the fun of it I'm going to yell that this is a dream. I did yell it out but than the little girl covered my mouth and whispered to me to be quiet. One of those people could have jumped me after i started yelling that. I was like oh...I forgot. Everyone started leaving and i started to yell if anyone wanted to be my fighting buddy just in case i ran into some trouble. No no one volunteered though. The little girl shrank so i carried her outside the auditorium. I left outside and saw my brother waiting outside in the rain with a black umbrella. I was like aw man...its raining. He wasn't covering me with the umbrella and just said lets go home. I told him to cover me with it and i woke up.

      2nd Dream
      I was in a house with a few people. I don't remember if I know them or not but we were all hanging out and they were about to leave. I was going to stay with a guy who I thought was Eye but I don't think he was. Cause he didn't have his appearance but I ended up appearing at my house after a while and there was a group of people taking pizza out of the toaster and from the plates. I took one but i saw others getting two so I was like heyyyyy. Than I was like whatever because there was no more to go around. I left the place and ended up in a park where i saw a old friend from middle school. He was talking to others about how he got a blond girl pregnant when he didn't mean to. The other guy kept asking why and i was like if you keep asking him why your going to make him go crazy. Than I noticed the ground was up and it felt like I was going to fall down. I tried to get myself comfortable enough so i can trick my mind. I jumped down I think and was walking in a building where there were machines that looked like escalators. AS I walked something invisible came up to me and started tapping me in between my neck and shoulder. I thought they were trying to annoy me by tickling me. I grabbed the person's finger and said i was going to break it if they don't leave me alone. The person ran again and i noticed that the person looked like a old lady. I lost her and noticed my nephew and another little boy fall into the escalator machine. I grabbed both of them and pulled them up. I knew it was a dream but i don't like those violent scenes and decided to save them. I appeared home with my nephew told my sister to check her son cause he fell in the machine. She checked and we saw his head was dented. She said it was going to be hard to show his father this and I woke up.

      3rd Dream
      In the last dream I was in a house with my cousin. We were talking and something was odd so I said I would call her dream friend Shrunt. I said hi and he asked who I was. I told him who i was and that i wanted him to come. As I was walking I appeared in my yard. There was a really really tall boy and my mom there. Something happened there and i left and appeared in the streets again. I saw people flying on gates and being blown by a strong wind. It reminded me of my other dream where the ground was facing up. I was waiting for the person causing the strong wind as i was told by a dream character and someone came out. I tried to grab or punch them but it didn't work. I don't really remember this part of the dream so i might have missed a lot. I recall we ended up in the escalator place again and as i was chasing the person i got stuck in a machine. My legs were getting crushed but it didn't hurt cause i knew it was a dream. My legs came out just fine as i kept going up.I was imagining myself as a person with the ability to go through things like a ghost. I got up just fine and confronted the person causing the chaos. I asked if they were in the other dream with the escalators and i think he confirmed it. He said he didn't know I uploaded youtube videos and showed a video of my character from my original story kissing another character of mine.[That does not appear on my youtube videos though xD lol] I was surprised and thought about how weird the kissing looked too. I said how did you know that I uploaded youtube videos. Than i thought about how its not that hard to figure what my youtube is since this is a dream world from my mind. I asked him if he wanted to meet my dream guide. He said " yeah, who wouldn't want to meet a dream guide if their destroying the person's dream world". [ I really just wanted to see him spar with Eye]I grabbed his arm and started walking with him. I took a phone and he said he would call for me. He typed a few numbers and gave it to me. I said no that wont work and he gave me a are you stupid face and so did other dream characters next to him. I guess it could work but when i answered it there was a girl and she said Eye was around but talking to someone. I was like oh than i heard a sound like the world just paused and woke up.I don't know if the guy was real or not but I found it a cool dream nonetheless. I also need to be more confident with my dream abilities. I couldn't even catch up to the guy. : P I'm pretty good at defending myself though.
      Tags: dream, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Looking for a dream guide

      by , 06-19-2014 at 03:21 PM
      Had a dream I tried to call my dream guide with a remote control. I kept getting a voice operater saying to leave a message. I got mad cause I felt something scary would pop up so I screamed for Eye. A invisible person came into the room massaging my feet. I got mad and was about to beat the thing up cause it reminded me of the scary dream I had with the invisible being. The invisible person hugged me from behind like the bear hug thing adults do to kids who are mad and chaotic. I calmed down a bit than we was teleported to another room. The invisible thing picked me up and said "why don't we go to the backyard". He put me down than changed into my dog max. I moved a bit and he pushed me into the door. I think I scared him a bit but he scared me too so I said " Listen! I believe in Jehovah and Jesus so don't even try to pull something out there!". I opened the door and we went into the yard. I got scared if I looked to the left I would see a tombstone or dead body so I kept walking and was going to climb the fence than ditch the dog. He said there was nobody outside and it did look empty but I just started climbing the fence. But than I felt this weak feeling in the dream, fell down and woke up
      I really need to stop being scared. :/
      Tags: dream, lucid
    7. My Dream Terms

      by , 06-06-2014 at 04:23 AM
      As I have continued to journal my dreams in more vivid detail I have come up with a few dream terms that I may use to describe recurring elements in my dream. This was simply for the sake of brevity so that I won't have to describe the same thing every damn time Since this is the first page of my electronic dream journal I will go ahead and post this first. It seems appropriate.

      Since I am doing this I may as well ask: Does anyone else do this?

      Note: These definitions are based on my experiences with dreams and mine alone.

      Any non hostile dream figure.

      A familiar is a projection who is allied with the dreamer and/or is highly important in helping the dreamer’s progression in some way. The familiar will typically stick with the dreamer for a good portion of the dream. The dreamer and the familiar do not necessarily have to like each other as long as the familiar works with the dreamer. Once a familiar is encountered s/he may be encountered again in a later dream. In such a scenario the familiar may (and probably will) recognize the dreamer and vice-versa. I suppose you could say “once a familiar always a familiar.”

      A hostile is a standard enemy that the dreamer may face in a dream. Hostiles are set on working against the dreamer in some way. Gunmen, Zombies, or anything of the like would be considered a hostile. This one is pretty self explanatory.

      Heavy Hitter

      A heavy hitter is basically a hostile that is very much harder to take on, abscond from, or kill. They are the ones that cause the dreamer a great deal of trouble and pose a pretty nice challenge in a conflict. This could be a giant monster, an extremely powerful sorceress, a powerful super-villain, or simply another person who would pose a considerable challenge against the dreamer. The dreamer may spend a good amount of time dealing with a heavy hitter and it will usually leave a lasting impression on the dreamer after awakening.

      A siren is one of the more dangerous types of projections that I have encountered yet. The modus operandi of a siren is very similar to that of a witch from “Left 4 Dead.” They walk around posing as normal denizens and may even begin to attach himself to the dreamer as a familiar. They may smile, laugh, and even exchange pleasantries. But once a siren is triggered s/he will reveal his/her true colors. In reality sirens are very feral, highly sadistic, and hell bent on killing the dreamer. Sirens are agile and considerably strong. Despite their feral ferocity, sirens are capable of using weapons such as knives and firearms making them that much more of a challenge. They can also take the form of animals. A siren’s physical appearance does not change once s/he is triggered. He still maintains the appearance of a normal denizen (typically a human). I have never been able to kill a siren.

      A boss is a projection whom the dreamer is almost exclusively intent on hunting down, either to capture or to kill. A great deal of the dream is focused on this task. In normal cases with me a boss is the primary source of most problems and hostiles that I am faced with and any and all conflicts will be resolved once this particular projection is out of the picture. The boss does not necessarily have to do any fighting; I have spent entire dreams just chasing bosses down because they could not match me.

      An aperture is a random opening that leads the dreamer to (what seem like) completely random spots. For example: a closet door that takes one from his bedroom out to an open field or a classroom door that leads from the classroom out to the edge of space would be considered an aperture. Denizens and Hostiles alike seem to be aware of these apertures and use them just as I do.

      Updated 06-06-2014 at 05:48 AM by 69528

    8. Semi Lucid/ Pool Race competition

      by , 06-03-2014 at 05:53 PM
      I remember being outside with a few girls. A lady was mad at me for some reason. I ran away from her into a building. I went with someone into a elevator. The elevator stopped moving though. The person used his mind to move us to safety because apparently there was a energy ball somewhere around the elevator that we couldn't touch. We got out safe but there were certain things trying to fight us. I arrived home after that and everyone was eating cinnamon cake. I took one and was gonna get milk but woke up in the dream. It was still dark though. There was a mini person on my bed saying to help him build something. There was also a toy under my pillow still in its case. But i said i was too tired and tried going to sleep in the dream.

      In my next dream I remember being in a room downstairs. I walked to the backyard using a ladder than saw a lady there. She asked me why i didn't have a boyfriend. I said cause I don't need one or didn't meet the guy i wanted to be with yet. Than i went back inside and tried to lay on the bed. But i hear a loud gun shot outside and arguing and ran. I ran to another room in the house where i could see bo bo bo bo bo bo[A character from an anime] reading something on my bed. I was hungry in the dream so I ate the icecream sandwich on the bed. bo bo bo bo bo bo said he was waiting for my dad to bring dinner. He didn't want to spoil it with sweets. I left the room to see if my dad was home but appeared in this place where there were famous people and other people with lyrics on a paper. Everyone was singing and i wanted to join in but had no idea what they were singing. I saw my younger bro in front of me and asked him if i could see his paper. He said no, so i just took a paper i found to the side. But the lyrics were so small that I just tried to sing along what i thought they were gonna sing. After that i saw a anime girl arguing with a guy in this anime place setting in japan. She was screaming at him cause he broke the wall.Than I was in a place[not animated] where there were lots of people from all over the world watching their kids in a competition. I was teamed up with my younger bro. We were in a ginormous pool racing to get to the end. During the competition my bro pushed a Chinese boy and he got mad. I also found swords in the pool. I took them out and led my bro and other safely out the pool. I told my uncle about the swords and he said he'll deal with the problem. I than went to apologize to the chinese boy who was standing next to his brother. I told him my brother didn't see him and it was a mistake. I also stuttered a bit cause i was nervous. I had gum in my mouth and i felt something pulling me towards the boy. The boy and his brother said they wouldn't forgive so I said "Fine!" than left. Everyone was with their family's eating really good/ expensive food. I sat in a table with where my step sister and her family was eating. I saw my father there too. The salad looked really good cause it had berries and nuts in it. After I ate a bit i woke up.

      Updated 06-03-2014 at 06:25 PM by 67570

      Tags: dream, semi lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Zombie Apocalypse

      by , 05-29-2014 at 06:14 PM
      I just woke up and need to copy everything I did down before it escapes my mind. So the structuring might be a tad off from how you should normally write but bear with me and read it if you want, it was definitely an experience

      5 of us found a complex, almost like a school. It was night out, it was dark inside with just a few red hazard lights going off. I was trying to be quiet but some were arguing and being loud along the way. At one point we were in some kind of lobby, discussing our plan. I was looking around the hallways at this point because this place looked safe, I thought we should stay so I was peeking through the glass on some of the doors and could’ve sworn I saw someone looking back at me but would hide as soon as I looked. How strange it was. I told the group but they said I was hallucinating. We ended up hearing zombies ahead of us and coming through hallways, tons of them. We somehow made our way out the back, after we had killed many on the way (I was wielding 2 sharpened crowbars, they worked nicely) , and into the streets where barbed-wire fencing was placed like a maze. We all split up here, in the street. 3 of them went over the fence on their way, the other 2, me and my brother, made our way back into the complex. We were running and panting trying to find a secure room because we heard something coming, almost like some electrical buzzing. We were running down the same hallway that led us out of there before and we looked right and saw a room with a couple lights on. We enter it and lock the door behind. The lights were actually LEDs from camera monitoring systems, like someone had been watching us the entire time we were in there. We also found food, a working sink with soap, and I found Gatorade under the sink. My brother decides to take a nap, he needed it. I notice a woman in a yellow shirt on some kind of scooter coming down the hallway and I see her blurry figure through the glass. I tried nudging my brother to wake up but he’s a deep sleeper. She opens the door and we just stare at each other for a second. “Who are you?” she asked me. I replied, “I’m Kyle, who are you?” She then said, “I’m Kyle.” I then told her Kyle is a good name and began telling my story to her until she led me out of the room back into the hallway where she told me what was really going on. All of a sudden, a couple people run into the room and said they needed to go on a run. With my brother still inside, the room is actually an ambulance, the hallway actually a loading area, and it takes off into the zombie-infested streets, but the woman, Kyle, told me everything should be okay. So I walked by myself down the hall and ran across a barricade of zombies blocking my path. I literally had to jump/run across it because it was just a messy pile of bloodied zombie parts with the hands still trying to grab at you. When I made my way over the pile, I saw a huge amount of water flooding into the hallway from a room with blood mixed in it. I continued that way and watched and listened as some kind of pump was sucking it all back inside the room. I turn the corner and my jaw dropped. It was a makeshift laundry mat where people living in this complex were taking off their clothes and giving it to the people who were working the laundry. I stumbled in and watched as men and women were stripping down and waiting for their clothes to be washed. It was definitely an interesting sight. I was actually kind of nervous and had my mind taken off the zombie apocalypse for a minute because of all the women. I left the room and ran into an old friend where we then made our way into some cafeteria and they fed me. I met the guy behind the earlier, electrical buzzing noise and he showed me it was actually a tiny helicopter with a camera attached, and he flew it around the room. He said they had to be careful and watch what our group did to make sure we were good people. We told our stories, laughed, for the first time in a long time, and the dream ended.
    10. Instant Lucidity and Guides? (/O w 0)

      by , 05-27-2014 at 05:04 PM
      I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep at 6am. But I got lucid as soon as i entered the dream. I was on my bed and decided to go outside because the house was empty and the quiet surrounding was kind of creeping me out. I got outside the house and saw the world was filled with trees and the ground was covered in bright grass and orange colored leaves. It was really pretty so i went out to explore it. But suddenly a anime guy with a gun appeared and tried to shoot me. I ran calling for help and he cornered me in a house. Eye came out and stopped the guy from killing me but he disappeared quickly. I decided to leave that place and found my dad in the street. We were walking to a party but he pointed to a sign that showed the people changed it from 12 to 1 to 3pm. But out of no where I lost my clothes and covered myself with a curtain i found. There were other girls too. They were naked and one was kissing this guy in a bathroom stall. I thought she was kissing someone i knew so i told them to stop. But when I opened the stall they disappeared. My nephew than appeared and i told him this was a dream. He was just playing around but i told him to follow me cause we were going to go on a lucid dream adventure. We ran,appeared on the stairs of my house and kept running to the door entrance but when i opened it my nephew disappeared and there was a fat girl with a white mask, small blue lights around her and in the corner of both my eyes i could see creepy black creatures smiling. The girl looked like a spirit. She started to speak to me but i couldn't hear anything she was saying. It was so low so I told her to speak up but she just kept talking and talking about something. I than got a little scared so i told her I believe in Jehovah. I think she said "oh you believe in" than kept on talking. It was annoying but i woke up after a little bit.

      In my second dream I appeared in a random place in front of a entrance to a huge basement. There was a dark skinned lady who i met in my other dream about the ointment in the basement. She seemed really nice and welcoming as she was preparing for a party in the basement. I had a feeling she was going to tell me something about someone I knew though. I asked her is this about [insert name here]. She said yes. I than asked her if he was evil and she said yes. She told me to come down because she wanted to show me something. I was scared I was going to get bad news. I walked into a room with her that took us into a hospital. I told her I was scared but she reassured me it was going to be okay. We walked into a room and there were fat people being checked by a female doctor. The lady guide told me to sit down so i did. She said If I kept talking to this guy my skin will get paler, I'll gain more weight and stress in my life.Like the people who were old and fat in the room. She even showed me a patients arm there who was really light. I told her ok and saw she had a chicken in a black plastic case. I was like Ooo~ chicken~ Than took it and bit it. But it was really nasty cause the meat was like a squishy ball of fat, so i spit it out. Than we left the room together. I saw the cookie monster a few other people there. I was going to get some chips but i decided to wash my hands first. I started to wash my hands but i woke up.
      Tags: dream, guide, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    11. (:w:) A really good sandwhich

      by , 05-22-2014 at 06:02 PM
      All I remember is being in a city at night with a group of people. We were walking together trying to get somewhere without being spotted. I saw lots of garbage around and it was kind of scary. We sat down somewhere and this boy took out sliced ham and put it on a table in front of me. He took it with his hands and gave it to me. I was like no thankyou cause he touched it with his dirty hands. XD Than he was like sorry and took a piece of the paper and put it into a sandwhich. I took the sandwhich and we started to walk again. I took a bite of the sandwhich and started crying. Trying to hold back my tears. For some reason I was crying cause I was really happy that I had a friend who made me a sandwhich. Someone in the back was asking why I was crying. But I didn't say why. Than we had to go through a hole in a purple wall but for some reason I felt like jumping over the wall. I think a bad guy spotted me but I didn't think anything bad would come from it. After walking further i think I lost the group. I don't recall what happened after that. I probably woke up after taking a few more steps.
      Tags: dream, lucid
    12. To meet one who isn't known.

      by , 05-21-2014 at 03:11 AM
      I walk into a baseball park, walking next to a beautiful huskey, unleashed, that isn't mine, and I didn't know the name of. We walk to the back of the fields, the dog sniffing around and such, then it looked up in the direction of some woodlands behind the fields. A strange black goat, with flesh hanging off in spots, and with no eyes, comes sprinting past out of the woods. It passes us quickly, then collapses at the closest sidewalk to us. There was no blood around the animal, and nothing chasing it. And even stranger, the goat didn't look as if the wounds were inflicted on it. They seemed to be.. a part of it. The husky walks off, paying no attention to the animal. I examine it a little more though. Then in the next instant there is a boy next to me that I didn't know either. I had never seen his face before. He never gave a name, and said nothing at first. After glancing at the carcas, he told me to watch out for something, but I didn't catch what he told me to look out for. It seemed my dream wouldn't let me hear it, because when he repeated it a little more urgently, I still could not understand.
      I called the dog over using a name that I didn't know, and couldn't hear. Like the boy, I couldn't hear or think the name I called out to.
      The dog ran over to me, and just as he neared me, and man in a car pulled up alongside the sidewalk, a rifle in hand. He said nothing as he drove past, only looked at me and the boy, but I got the feeling if pure terror.
      I ran away, with the dog and boy in tow. I called out the boys name, and again could not understand the name I had called, and told him to run faster.

      And that was were it ended. But fast forward four and a half years, I have the same exact dream again. This time, I knew the names of the boy and the dog. I could call them out in the dream. The boy, I met in my second half of freshmen year, highschool, and he turned out to be my boyfriend in my sophomore year, Sam.

      I have yet to tell him of my dreams, and we are still together to this day.

      As for the dog, it turned out to be the boys dog (Sam's dog), Chaga.
      (Pronounced: Cha-Sha)

      The goat and the man are still a mystery to me. As well as what Sam was trying to warn me about. That is still not clear.

      I'm not sure if I should let Sam know about my dream, or not. I have no idea if it has any significance. But when I had the dream, I did not know him then, and had never seen him before. We lived in different states altogether.

      The reason I didn't recognise him from my dream the instant I met him was because somehow I had forgotten about the dream completely until I had it again a few days ago. Then I woke up and remembered everything.

      Is there anything anyone can explain to me? Maybe why I dreamed about someone I met four and a half years later? Or maybe the significance of it if at all?
    13. Zombies and More Lucidity! (^ w ^)

      by , 05-20-2014 at 03:58 PM
      I don't remember everything about my first dream. But I remember talking with a guy about how soft his green and black blanket on his bed was and about how stupid the girls are on Television now while I was watching T.V. with him. After that I recall walking in a broken city. Where the broken houses were red and blue bricks. There was a boy walking by and said no matter how much you want to climb the houses, you won't be able to. I than picked up a picture of a man and his wife i found on the floor. After that I ended up in my house. My mom left cause she had a headache and was going to a hospital with a lady whose eyes were almost out of her sockets. I went into the house and there was a girl with a painted face that looked like her make up was all crazy. After seeing her I became lucid and started to taunt her. Saying we were in a dream and she said no were not in a surprised way. Than scary music came out and suddenly i was at a island where there were girl models. A man was trying to kill a girl secretly by poisoning her brain. But the detective caught him and he was going to be arrested. I woke up after that I think.
      In my second dream I was playing a new Mario Kart game on the 3ds. After I won my bro came with his friend into the room and asked why there was no hamburger left. I said I don't know why and than the game switched by itself to animal crossing. There was a Japanese person on the screen named something but my brother's friend called the person Aria. My brother was mad at me and Aria was supposedly telling my brother to calm down, that it wasn't my fault; Which made my brother leave. My brother's friend left too and that's when i was pulled into a city. I became lucid at that time and spoke out more lucidity and more stabilization. Everything got brighter and more concrete in a way. I was happy but than i saw everyone was rushing to leave somewhere and suddenly the city, including myself got sucked into this portal dimension thing and i appeared in a small white hall. To my left was outside at night and to my right was the inside of a building. But not like an apartment entrance with stairs. It was wide and narrow in places with doors all around. Also,I saw a cute little dog to my left and a little girl to my right. I got scared something would come after me so I yelled for Eye. Something attacked me and the girl disappeared. The dog became sad and was going to cry because he thought i was dead but i wasn't. No one was coming so I got up and went inside the building. But suddenly i felt the dream shift a bit again.
      But I didn't let that bother me. I walked in and to my surprise there were zombies all around. I ran with some people around to try not to get bit by the zombies. But eventually the goods guys became zombies and were trying to get me. But I flipped a table and ran past them. I was thinking If I could get anyone of my friends into the dream. But I knew they had to be awake by now. But when a zombie man stopped me I was like wait! Before you turn me to a zombie. Can I get one request? Can I call a friend? The zombie man was fine with it so i ran to a receptionist and asked her if she could call someone for me into the dream. As I was thinking of who to call the zombies were all like casual people, going about their business. I couldn't remember my friends names in the dream or anyone who i could call so i was like who can i call? Than the lady was like that scissor guy. I was like no...Than a zombie girl came up behind me and started to stutter. She was surprised I wasnt a zombie yet. I told her to be quiet because i get to call a friend first. I eventually told the lady a person to call into the dream. I picked up a paper and saw a paragraph with La Li Lu La La Ti Da at the end. Like it was suppose to be some funny ending of someone singing as if nothing bad happened. Than I woke up after 3 sec's passed.

      Updated 05-20-2014 at 04:00 PM by 67570

      Tags: dream, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Flying And Weird Situations

      by , 05-17-2014 at 04:58 PM
      I can't remember the first part of my dream but when it was half way over i was in a huge park with my dad. We saw a painting on the wall and were given a task to paint clouds. He had to paint the first layer and i had to paint the second. After we finished I appeared in a school auditorium. I was talking to people than walked and tripped. I fell and landed with my feet in the air and my head in the mud. I got up to wash my hair with water. As I was walking a guy told me i had to stay in the building. I got this scared feeling he wanted me dead and his boss was about to walk in with a weapon or something so i ran. He yelled out to me to stop. But I flew out through the roof. I was in a city like place where there were shops close together. I was flying really high till i began to lose my vision. Than I think i fell down and was pulled into a area that looked like a war video game. I saw a boy in a camouflage suit who took out his gun to shoot me. I ran behind a nearby tree and hid. But than i saw this man who looked like he was in his 40s or 50s so i moved to the right of the tree. The boy who was going to shoot me saw me and was about to shoot. But i grabbed another boy near me and yelled at him not to shoot because i had his partner. The boy than took out a grenade and threw it at me but i used my power barrier i made with my hands to reflect it back at him. Than the older man kicked the grenade on the floor under me and the boy but i made it go back at him and it blew up on the older man. He was like It was not his fault cause his hand sleeve withered. I was like I think your using the wrong word. Cause I thought his arm blew off. Than I woke up.
      My second dream was short. I appeared in a wide open sky
      place. I was flying and saw a small castle. Kind of looked like it was in three parts. I thought it was pretty cool though. I wanted to land on it but i was starting to fly higher and higher and was afraid i would go into space so i did my best to fly down. I flew down than in a circle around the castle in the sky. But than suddenly there was a blue and red flying air ship in front of me. It shot missiles at me. I deflected and dodged some but i think i ended up being destroyed. I than appeared in a cramp room. There was a little girl with short brown hair with a doll. I told the dc this is a dream and asked her if she knows what dream views is. She said whats that? than the dream was starting to fade. I tried to stabilize it but the girl disappeared, my vision got blurry and than i woke up.
      Tags: dream, lucid
    15. The Dream I Had Last Night

      by , 05-17-2014 at 12:57 AM
      I had a dream I was in a big house at night and someone tryed to kill me by throwing a knife at me. I guess its cause to them I broke in their house. However, I blew away the knife because I knew it was a dream. Than I woke up.In my next dream I think I was in a school. I made someone drop their papers by mistake and they got mad at me. I think the person wanted to kill me so I ran. I suddenly appeared in this place with a huge rocket ship. A animal crossing character was there and said abcdef. I left weirded out by the place and saw a guy. He had butterfly's flying in a pile in front of him. As if it was a butterfly campfire. He told me this is the place where those who God forgive and are given a second chance come to. Than he said we have to eat the butterfly's to survive. Something about a earthquake too and than I woke up. In my third dream I was in a shoping mall. There were people buying clothes, looking around but than suddenly a boy who worked there started arguing with his friend. Than they both took out a sword and started fighting near me. I was like guys...stop...guys...while trying not to get hit by the sword. But I got cut by the sword and my arm started bleeding. I flew away from the scene and found a man who asked me for help. He wanted a good shirt. I chose one for him but he said he didn't like it. I kept looking till my sister told me she was leaving and went in a cramped elevator in the wall. I tryed to fit in but couldn't so I left. After that I did a few other things and ended up in a car with my bro. We got out and a few boys started to laugh at me. I was mad but kept on walking. In the street I saw a man walking his
      dog on the street. Than I kept walking and saw a older man on the street. I got scared of him for no reason...and ran into a house. There I found parakeets on top of the dresser. It fell down but I was OK. I was talking to some girls about my parakeets I found and how one looked sick cause I found him outside. Than I woke up.
      Tags: dream
      lucid , non-lucid
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