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    1. Tree

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:01 PM
      Last few nights...

      I dreamed about a tree.

      It was a huge tree with black bark and sprawling, twisted limbs... if anybody has seen a Live Oak, it was sort of like that, but much bigger. I know there is something wrong with it.

      It is outside of the fence. The fence is wooden and rickety. It encloses something, but I'm not sure what. It's always dark, always night. The world feels very "small", like the entire world just surrounds the tree and the fence but doesn't spread very far beyond them. I am trying to somehow stop the evil I know is infecting the tree's roots.

      Some sort of burrowing creature is inside of the fence, digging through the soft loamy earth. It's like a brown, short-haired dog sized ferret thing that can talk. Its tunnel reaches the "evil" roots. Once they are exposed, the evil is able to spread inside of the fence. It was an accident, the creature was just trying to create a "home" burrow. It apologizes and says it will make its home elsewhere.

      I have to attend a class. My homework isn't done because I've been spending all of my time and energy trying to contain the evil. The teacher knows this, and fudges my grade. I feel like my classmates resent me because of it. I'm overstretched, though. The class is for a cello-like instrument. Not only is my instrument damaged, but in order to make a passing grade, I still have to play some songs for an exam, and they're too difficult for me because I haven't had time to practice. I feel overwhelmed and depressed.


      I have vague recollections of a nightmare. There is some sort of evil stitched-together zombie child. It's gray. It's stitched to a man's hip. I am trying to protect some other (living) children to it but it keeps "absorbing" large, bloody chunks of them and the whole situation is horrifying. I wake up but am still sort of half-asleep and the feeling of horror lingers until I fall back asleep.
    2. my cover list; girl in church; ferret; two books; peeing a lot; friends audition; aeon

      by , 07-30-2011 at 01:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had quit my job. But now I had come back. I was in "my office," which was mostly grey, with dim, greyish fluorescent light. My seat was a cubicle off to the right from a long hallway.

      I was coming in for the day at the same time as another man. The man had dark, red-brown skin. He had frizzy, red-black hair pulled back in a ponytail. He wore a dark blue dress shirt and dakr grey slacks. The man and I spoke casually for a moment. The man had a gentle, slightly high-pitched voice, with a flattish, American accent. He seemed really nice.

      The man went into the office across from my cubicle. I figured that he was going to be my boss. I was trying to think of all the ways I could help him. After all, I knew all about this office, and apparently, today was only the man's first day.

      I didn't sit in my seat. I also didn't turn my computer on. I'm pretty sure I just stood up, shuffling through papers, trying to figure out things like what kind of data I needed to get for the man.

      The man and I were then heading down the hallway beyond my cubicle. This hallway was featureless and empty. We ended up in the office of the head of my department, DR. DR sat at his desk, which was kind of cluttered. DR had already given the man instructions. The man had left.

      I stood beside DR and just to his left, as if I were going to look at something on his computer screen. DR turned a little bit and then relaxedly turned his head a bit more so he could see me. His eyes looked kind of sleepy, and it looked more like he expected me to ask him something, rather than that he had a plan for me.

      I asked DR, "Is there a cover list you'd like me to start out with?" This, I assume, meant a list of companies for which DR would like me to gather data. Usually my boss would be the one to discuss this kind of list with DR. I'd be the one to pull the data.

      But DR said that he did have a list for me. He pulled out a piece of paper that looked very much like an electronic Excel spreadsheet with marker or thick pencil scrawlings in the cells. He told me to get started on this list.

      I was ready to get started on the names, and I was even trying to plan out how to put together some financial models for the companies on the list. But I was also surprised. I hadn't quite known I would be asking for a list. And I didn't know DR would just give me one.

      I knew this meant that I had been "promoted" to the position my boss had. That would mean I'd be on an equal level with the man I'd walked into the office with this morning.

      I was now back at my cubicle for a brief moment. I was considering what kind of work I needed to get started on.

      But then I was out walking on a sidewalk, going up a steep hill in a residential area. It was a clear sunny day, and I was walking under the shade of trees with thick canopies. I had my phone to my ear and I was listening to a conversation between my boss and our HR person, LS.

      LS was talking about what a good job I was doing in my new position, and what a good fit I was for the job. My boss got mad and he yelled, "Of course he is! I've been telling you people that all this time! But nobody ever listened to me!"

      Dream #2

      I was sitting at church, probably near the front. The place was so crowded that all I could see were people. Everybody seemed older, and everybody was dressed up. A shaft of bright, white light from a high-up window lit the area around me.

      I turned my head to the right and looked down. In an aisle (that had only been temporarily formed?) a little girl came walking toward me, possibly coming away from an older woman. The little girl had frizzy, curly, light brown hair. The may have worn a tank-top like smock and slacks.

      The little girl seemed to want to sit with me, so I lifted her up and sat her onto my lap. I sat forward, apparently to listen to the rest of the sermon. But I was mostly thinking of how happy I was to have the little girl sitting on my lap.

      Dream #3

      I was walking on a sidewalk somewhere. A black and white ferret ran up from behind me, passing me on my left side. It ran up to my mom.

      I said something to my mom like, "Wow, I see what you mean, after all! Ferrets are really nice!"

      Dream #4

      I was out in some kind of barren landscape, less like a desert, more like a natural area that had just been plowed over for a construction project. I stood just before some short hill or mound of brown soil, possibly with clumps of grass or vegetation growing on it. It was a sunny and pale day.

      I was planning to go out on some kind of trip. I had two books with me, but I could only take one. Both books were paperbacks. One books was a regular sci-fi book, possibly from an older author, like Arthur C. Clarke or Isaac Asimov.

      The other was called "The Joy of Sex." But it wasn't The Joy of Sex. Instead, it was some kind of semi-sci-fi novel mixed with porn. But the porn segments were supposed to be very well-described, like for educational purposes, to teach people how to have good sex. The book itself was a Penguin Classics paperback, and on its cover it had that French painting of the two girls in bed, with the one girl between the other's legs.

      I felt a little grossed out at the thought of reading all the sex descriptions in the book, so I decided to take the regular sci-fi book with me on my trip. After that, I felt a little guilty. Hadn't I always felt like I wasn't that great at sex? Didn't I always feel like I should learn how to be better. The "Joy of Sex" novel could have taught me how to be good. But I had decided not to take it.

      Dream #5

      I was in some dark bathroom, peeing. I just kept peeing and peeing. Eventually I started peeing all over the toilet seat and floor. Apparently this was some public bathroom. I started to pity the guy who'd have to use the toilet after me. I was really messing it up! But I had no intention of cleaning it.

      Dream #6

      A young man, who looked really familiar to me as some kind of movie or TV star, sat before the big desk of some TV executive. The executive sat behind his desk. The office was pretty big, very nice, and dimly lit.

      The young man had just auditioned for the role of Joey in the TV show Friends. But he didn't make it. The executive, who really liked the guy, had to break the news to the guy. This whole scene in the executive's office appeared as if it had been filmed, and filmed for an episode of Friends, like a kind of "History of Friends" episode.

      I knew that it wouldn't matter that the guy didn't get to play the role of Joey. The guy looked very familiar to me (even though I can't place him now -- he looked like a mix between Joey and Ross, with stubble), and I knew that he would end up as a cast member in another successful TV show or movie.

      The young man now stood up at the left side of the executive's desk. The executive stood before the young man. He was gradually, obliquely telling the young man how he hadn't made the cut.

      Finally, in some weird display of sympathy, and to show the young man that the executive liked him, the executive lifted up his head and smiled. Apparently the executive had been wearing a baseball cap the whole time, because his face was revealed from under the bill. The man was apparently famous, and this strange reveal was meant more for the sake of the filming.

      The executive was tall, kind of thin, balding, and maybe in his late 40s or early 50s. He reminded me of a famous TV person, but I couldn't place him. In another way, he kind of reminded me of Ron Howard.

      The youn man was now going to a restaurant to meet his friends. There were two men who sat waiting at a small, circular table for the young man. Both the men were older than the young man. They were tall, skinny, and they had kind of frizzy, blonde hair, like Art Garfunkel.

      Before the young man came into the restaurant, the two men had actually been holding hands over the table, like they were lovers. But when they saw the young man come into the restaurant, they quickly let go of each other, as if to hide the fact of their being lovers from the young man.

      The young man hugged the two men and then sat down at the table. He was wearing a pale, pink shirt and a brown, cowboy-style vest. He threw his hands up in the air and said, "Well, I didn't make it! I was close, but I didn't make it!"

      The young man had apparently had two parts to his audition. The first part had just been him playing the role of Joey. He had done better at that part than everybody except the guy who had actually gotten the role. But the second part was some kind of test, maybe even a written test. The young man was now explaining to the two men that the executive had explained to him that he had only gotten a 70 on that test.

      The young man said something like, "A 70! Can you believe it? A 70! That's all I got!"

      Dream #7

      No vision. Just words. Something like: "Aeon -- aeon in the mind. The mind in man."
    3. Fleeing From a Bear and Hunting in the Arctic

      by , 07-02-2011 at 06:41 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Is there some sort of connection between summer and really insane dreams? Being chased and escaping long-haired bears simply by running away, hunting as a bird, and shopping for pokemon cards hanging on a tall sheet of ice, all in one dream. A long one, too!

      I was in my subconscious' rendition of the arctic. This place wasn't as flat and barren as you see in photos; instead, it was relatively bumpy with hills and miniature cliffs all over the place. Strangely, there was a very high ceiling surrounding everything too, just floating in the sky - there were no walls; you could see arctic scenery for miles if you looked, but the ceiling still made everything relatively dim because it blocked out the sun. And you couldn't tell where the ceiling started and ended.

      There were a few thicker logs strewn around, all of them acting as ramps to get to higher vantage points. One of them had branches that were much more twisted and stronger than they should've been, almost as thick as the log itself. The whole place felt deliberately set up and it almost reminded me of a museum diorama, but to my dream self, it still looked very real.

      Within this setting, I was standing around and talking to my sister and one of my friends. I can't remember the subject matter, but I had essentially stolen something from my friend, and they didn't know I was the person who stole it. I was trying to keep them from discovering that. This conversation lasted a few minutes. We were in a sort of alcove, surrounded by walls of ice about 7 feet tall. There were a few large logs that were angled against the walls, which provided escape routes if we wanted to leave the alcove. I broke away from the group and started to walk toward one of the logs, hoping to climb it out of the alcove. However, as I reached the base of the log, I came face-to-face with a large brown bear. The bear was big, probably eight or nine feet tall if it stood on all fours and it had especially long fur, twice the length of a normal bear's fur. It bared its teeth at me and opened its mouth, roaring in my face. I turned and booked it towards the other log, running up it and stopping when I got to the top. I looked back down and saw the brown bear coming up the log quickly, a speed that would only be possible if it were just skimming over the surface and not actually making contact with the wood.

      Forgetting about the two people who were still in the alcove, I turned and ran away from the bear, hoping I'd lose it. Somehow, I outran it. Still running, I took a right turn, veering behind a big ice shelf. As I turned the corner of this shelf, I slowed down to a walk. The bizarre "ceiling" that I described earlier disappeared, and it was now lighter outside; it was definitely daytime because the sky was blue and I could see the sun. The snow was pretty close to a pure white, maybe with a tint of blue.

      As I walked, I thought, 'I have to start a new life here, because I can't go back'. I started looking for something to eat.

      Eventually, I came across a small group of evergreen trees. There were a few brown sticks and twigs growing out of the ground around them, too. Some of them combined to form other, tinier trees. Between two of these trees, I saw a small ferret, mostly white with tiny black eyes and grey ears. It was probably twelve inches long, and not quite as pudgy as a regular ferret. It was sniffing along the ground, moving as if in slow motion, but twitching and acting like a regular ferret all the same. I knew I would need to eat it.

      Somewhere during this, I assumed the form of a bird. I leaped at the ferret in slow motion, and I saw one of my feet reaching out in front of me, in an attempt to grab it. The foot was dark grey, and it had four toes with black talons. I ended up passing right over top of the ferret, missing it, and landing on the ice in front of it. I spun around to see where the ferret was, but it wasn't there anymore, even though it should have been. Instead, I heard it "chirp" behind me.

      The dream skipped a bit, and then I was a person again. I was at the base of a snowy hill, digging a small hole in the snow with my right hand, using my fingernails to scrape the slushy ice out. The final hole looked extremely neat and slick, not at all like I'd dug it up using my hand; it was more like someone had taken a cylinder, shoved into the snow, and pulled out a snow sample. Then I snuck to the top of the hill, crouching down a bit, and hung around there for a while. I'm not sure what happened directly after this, but after what I "knew" was some chunk of time, I returned to the hole and found a small, square-shaped steak right outside of the hole. I had "caught" the ferret.

      I ate it, but I can't remember how or what it tasted like.

      After eating, I started to walk back to where I'd ran from the brown bear, past the ice shelf. Now, however, I "knew" that there were Pokemon cards on the shelf. There were seven or eight small metal nails pinned evenly in two rows; hanging from them were cards in realistic plastic sleeves (not the reflective kind, just clear). A few of the cards were big, around the size of the cover of a small novel. I spotted these ones immediately and knew they were fake.

      The dream ended.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:26 AM by 28408

    4. Dark, Damp, first two hours of sleep

      by , 02-09-2011 at 01:16 PM (DC's Dream Journal)
      Something about people who work in a fast food place are not allowed to wear jewelry or make-up. Well duh that sounds like every fast food joint D;

      I'm in a house where it's dark and there are odd pictures that are 3D I put my hand into one and grab a rusted metal rod and when I try to pull it out it starts sucking me into the picture (it might have been a painting I dunno) it starts to rain.

      Some evil guy trapped us underwater, a giant turtle is attacking us we try to use our shindan to kill it but we cant find an opening (tegami bachi instead of insects)

      I'm walking through a tunnel and At the end is an opening , a man says I don't have to build my own home someone can build It for me. I think I go back inside the tunnel and there is a spring inside where an old ferret trains me but only only wanted some ford because I was hungry. I go out again and the ferret transformed into a limo and I go off with my family :/
    5. Ferret Resurrection

      by , 04-07-1984 at 10:38 AM
      Morning of April 7, 1984. Saturday.

      A female classmate and neighbor (and validated precognitive wife-to-be “stand-in” or resolved personal archetype) who is slightly younger than me, Brenda W, is trying to resurrect her dead pet ferret by placing various old silver coins, including foreign coins, in the ground near trees (including between extensions of roots). It actually seems to work and she is happy. I see her near a shopfront late at night and she acknowledges me happily. This is set possibly in Milwaukee, Wisconsin even though I knew her to only live in Florida. No one else seems to be around in most scenes except perhaps in the background. The storefront seems to be easterly of my dream-self’s perspective. As a somewhat vaguely implied back story scene, a local preacher (possibly Connell of Florida) talks about the Resurrection of Jesus, which Brenda is supposed to widely promote in a special “travel brochure”(?) which also relates to some sort of ambiguous business that loosely reminds me of the lemonade-stand-like psychiatrist booth run by Lucy in the “Peanuts” comic strip. Something goes wrong with the machine (which seems to be in or near a grocery store checkout) and instead of printing “The Resurrection of Jesus”, it prints “The Erection of Sausages” which Brenda laughs at hysterically.

      Update June 20, 2015: After all this time, I see it is likely a play on “hot dog stand” regarding the primary school Adam and Eve gag. (”Eve, in being the first vendor, made Adam’s Hot Dog Stand”.) As much meticulous dream journalism as I had done continuously since early childhood, some fairly obvious layers, explanations (hidden meanings), and metaphorical plays did not become clearer until years later, even after studying the content numerous times.

      In an old recurring childhood theme I have written much on even as a young child (and in fact even atypically acted out with friends at school who unfortunately changed the theme into being zombie-related, albeit creatively), in the first (prototype) dream, “The Dead One”, Brenda W seemed to have been resurrected into a normal life again, but ran from me in the city streets and remained unapproachable. There was also the “Wild Weasel” dream - but which was seemingly resolved to be a Tasmanian devil in the final versions. I believe there is a connection to my general unexplained path concerning the “mystery girl”. This dream seems to be some sort of offbeat comedic composite of both childhood dreams. The ferret likely represents the maturing male stage in this case (with a possible link to the emerging cicada nymph concept regarding my marriage, as my wife collected cicada shells as a child and made miniature cemeteries complete with miniature wooden crosses, not knowing yet that they were only exoskeletons - also impersonally related to “seven-year-itch” and “seven-year-locust”, including the business cycle meaning - terms I have only heard and do not “get” at all - but then, most of mainstream humanity and their beliefs make no sense to me). It is not quite anniversary precognition, as it is off by a couple days concerning my marriage ten years later (though apparently there was a version on the ninth, though not as clear).
      Tags: coins, ferret