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    1. January 29, 2012 Scattered fragments

      by , 01-30-2012 at 01:28 AM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      Multiple fragments
      Non-lucid: I'm next to a lake with some people, I don't know them. In the sky is some type of stealth fighter. I don't know how I know, but I know that someone I know (and dislike very much) is piloting the fighter. I figure it is some sort of test flight. The fighter drops something and then falls out of the sky. It lags back and forth as if time were skipping beats.
      dream fragment
    2. January 18, 2012 WILD attempt; pleasent dream

      by , 01-18-2012 at 12:26 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      WILD attempt #5
      Awake: I look over to my alarm clock. 3:30 A.M?! I was supposed to be awake at 1:00 A.M. I roll on my back, I'm not wide awake, but I'm not groggy either, maybe I should try a WILD anyway. I do. I turn on my NatureSpace app, I put it on infinite ocean, and lie on my side.
      HH and HJ: The first sign that I'm getting somewhere are the hypnic jerks. I get these around my legs, and a couple times on my back. I lie for awhile longer. My thoughts dwell a little but never enough to get me out of it. After awhile something happens that has never happened before. I see these white rings suddenly fly towards me, they're very blurred, like the green lights in my previous HH, but they also give me a light headed feeling. It's as if I'm flying through them. These go away and I don't feel anything except the occasional jerk. I'm still without the numbness and heaviness i get in my legs and arms. I think I need to relax more and meditate less.
      Awake: After 33 minutes I call it a quits and go to non-lucid sleep.

      Some kind of Paradise
      Non-Lucid: I'm walking on a stone road. With me are Natasha (friend) and Charlie (Not so much my friend), there may have been someone else but I paid them no attention. It's an absolutely beautiful summer day out, but where we are I don't know. It's some Skyrim-esque terrain, lot's of mountains, but no snow. Just perfect, my dreamland. We come across a small house, and would you believe, it's that god damn Russian/gypsy lady again! Only a glimpse, and I'm not 100% sure it is here, but I think it is. (I sure hope she isn't my dream sign). Next to a house is a huge change in the path. 90 degrees to be exact, no problem though. We climb up it without a sinch, except for me at the top. Charlie offers me his hand to help me up (in real life I would get over the ridge easily but in the dream I was struggling) I reach for it but he doesn't give it to me. Natasha doesn't notice, and after a minute he helps me up. It's a beautiful sight up here, To our left is a small bay, to our right, mountains and plains and ahead, ocean. There's one lone sailboat in the bay, and the water is calm. My subconscious decides it wants charlie gone, he's out of the dream. Me Natasha, and this other guy (I believe to be Natasha/Charlies friend Connor, nice guy) lie down. I crack a joke, they laugh, and she come up with some witty response. For some reason (Maybe we were called by someone) we get up and hop off the little cliff we're on and walk back the way we came. I wish this dream could have lasted longer, but that's where it ends.

      Look out below!
      Non-Lucid: I'm in the passenger seat. It's night time and the driver is speeding down a street in the city. "He is driving like a nut" I think to myself. Ahead is a highway entrance, the driver hits the side of it (those large cinder barriers are on the side) and we fly off into the sky. It's like some kind of physics bug from GTA. I ask him what happening to his car. No response. I repeat myself. Still no response. We land in the river. The guy finally says he will call emergency services. I panic and ask what river this is. Is there a waterfall in it? He says yes, oh man, we're screwed, game over man. Then this natural river suddenly transforms into some kind of theme park river. I jump onto the side where there are wooden boards holind up some images for people on the other side to see. I climb down to the end of the ride, my friend and the police are waiting for me. The dream ends.

      Persuasive Monsters
      Non-lucid: I'm in a library. I'm taking some kind of lesson, it must be with computers because we all have laptops. The guy sitting in front of me is Connor (Different Connor, I've gotten into physical fights with this one in the past). He turns around and says something, I get angry and retort. One thing leads to another and we are both steaming, both ready to throw the first punch. The teacher, a balding guy with a soul patch, asks me to move. I go to a booth in the corner, there are some other girls there. Little did I know that these girls are vampires! They throw me some pitch about how great it is to be a vampire, and all of the cool things you can do. Time zooms forward, I'm in a hallway. Two of the vampire girls are there along with a normal human. It's some induction ceremony, all you have to do it chew a jawbreaker sized piece of gum and a smoked chocolate doughnut (My Subconscious is a weirdo). The human girls put the gum in her mouth to reveal grotesque, black teeth with huge fangs. Halfway through the doughnut I remember that I don't want to be a vampire. The two vampire girls go off about a guy who once didn't finish the ceremony like me, and that now he cries blood everyday. At this point my alarm goes off (thank god)

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 05:18 AM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. January 17, 2012 Detention

      by , 01-17-2012 at 12:26 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      After failing my WILD and getting some tips from Forceez, I tried to get some sleep. I had one dream, vivid and long too.

      Non-Lucid: It's night in my high school. I'm going to my locker and realize I'm shirtless. I see some article of clothing lying in front of my locker, obviously must be my shirt. I pick it up, play around with it, they are red gym shorts. Time rewinds, I'm walking to my locker again. My brother is there, along with a bag of dirty clothes and a bag of dirty towels. (these are here because our washing machine is currently broken in real life) I pick up the bag of dirty towels but we're stopped by a bald man, he's taking us to a classroom that has a TV in it. We sit down, there's another person in the room but I down give them any thought. I ask him why he brought us here. He says he is on the police force, and that he is holding us here to show us what our crimes are doing (even though I haven't committed any of these crimes). The video plays, and I take the role of one of the people in the TV.
      It's night, I'm manning a gun on some sort of armored car. I think we are in Mexico, most likely tracking down drug cartels. The car in front of the one I'm in shoots into the windows of the buildings we are driving next to. Blood splats onto the windows. This continues for a short time until I find myself somewhere unknown.
      I'm no longer in the video, I'm in an abandoned house. I walk outside. (This area seems to be reoccurring, either that or I've visited this area in this one dream more than once and forgot) There's no grass here, in front of me is a pit (man made, more like a moat) beyond this is the town I know. A voice speaks to me, of a girl I know, she says "Truman can see it every time, crazy right?". I instantly know what she's talking about. On the far right of the pit is a barely visible staircase hidden by a bush and half buried. I run up it.
      I'm now behind a shed the shed has an opening in the back large enough to squeeze through. I do just that. I'm no in a little undeveloped area.
      Teleport again, I am in a shop. I realize I have to get back to that classroom or the officer is going to be pissed. I run out, it's raining, as I'm crossing the street (four way intersection) every single car stops. The rain stops falling too, and instead just floats where it was. I'm now running in slow motion, this is extremely frustrating for dream me. In front of me I see a Russian/gypsy woman crossing in front of me. She is speaking in gibberish and seems to be cussing at me (that was actually pretty creepy for me).
      Teleport again, I'm at the school. It's daytime now, but I don't care, I need to get to that classroom. But my friends will stop me, I have to avoid them. I go behind a large dumpster (that isn't there in real life) and as I'm about to make a run for is, two friends of mine (we'll call them John and Rachel) suddenly pop up in front of me. "HEYY JENOS! WHAT UP?!" they're smiling like the actors from the Truman Show. I shout at the top of my lungs "Get out of my way, I need to get inside!!" I run inside. The dream ends here and enters into another one.

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:32 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. January 16, 2012 Diseased?

      by , 01-16-2012 at 02:39 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      I tried to do MILD last night but no luck, and my alarm didn't go off to do WILD for some reason. So I'm still trying to get there

      Some kind of disease
      Non-Lucid: I'm lying somewhere but I don't know where. Maybe it is a hospital, maybe the cafeteria again. Earlier in the dream I was attempting to do something, but I don't remember what. I have these yellow Bubo like things all over my body, and one massive one on my stomach. I'm just lying there and then I'm woken up. (In real life).

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:33 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. January 15, 2012 Pursuit in Italy

      by , 01-15-2012 at 05:34 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      This dream happened a few months ago, but I wanted to write it down because it's my most vividly remembered dream so far. And also quite interesting.

      Non-lucid: Don't ask me how i know it was Italy, I just knew. I am sitting in a car in an alleyway. It's really bright out, in fact, there are no shadows at all. The car takes off full speed, the person in front driving through what looks like a market-place. The local DC's are getting angry with the reckless driving, but most ignore it. Next thing I know I'm standing in the center of town with a good friend of mine. We seen a man on a horse with a sword and bolt. The man on the horse, who's wearing black robes and whose face I don't remember (I think he was a representation of "The man in black" from Stephen Kings "The Dark Tower" which I am currently reading), hacks at my friends head. She's dead, I begin to run over to her, but then turn and run the other way as I realize the the man is now coming after me. Sure enough, I'm stabbed right in the back of the head. I fall stomach to the ground, and this is where the dream get's weird.
      I start rising out of my body, spiraling upwards as the man rides away. Now I'm in some giant, blueish cube. Before I go any further, I'd like to point out that I am an atheist. In this cube, there are many floating, clear platforms with people climbing up them, some sort of "stairway to heaven" I guess. I huge man, and I mean absolutely massive, speaks to me. My best guess is that he was a representation of God, because I constantly find myself questioning my own beliefs. He tells me that I can either go back to earth and spend eternity as a spirit there, or I can spend eternity in the cube. I choose Earth because, hey, at least there's things to watch there. The dream ends immediately after I choose earth, and I wake up.

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:33 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. January 15, 2012 Fragment and WILD attempt

      by , 01-15-2012 at 02:39 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      Lost dream
      Non-Lucid: I was somewhere outdoors. I don't remember what I was doing, who I was with (if anyone) or why.
      Awake: I wake up and lose the memory of the dream after attempting the second WILD.

      WILD attempt #1
      Awake: Wake up from my alarm, get out of bed and walk to my door. As I open it I remember it isn't a school day and remember why I woke up so early on a Sunday. Go back to bed but fall asleep.

      In the Cafeteria
      Non-Lucid: I was in my high schools cafeteria looking through a pamphlet, or maybe a year book. I came across an odd group that was named something along the lines of "school year-book porn". I thought this was odd, but continued in non-lucidity. After talking to some people (I don't remember this part of the dream but I feel like I know it happened) I woke up.

      WILD Attempt #2
      Awake: I wake up around 8 A.M. and it's fairly bright out but it shouldn't matter much, my window is small. I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. I count every breath I take.
      Hypnotic Hallucinations?: First sign of HH I start seeing green strips of light going across my left eye (don't ask me how I know, I just know it was only my left one). My arms and legs go numb and feel heavy. Now the green strips turn into large green rings that quickly shrink, only one visible at a time, all appear and shrink in the same spot. There is a bubbling sound, like after you flush a toilet, it goes on for awhile but I don't know if it was real or part of the hallucinations. I feel something in my hand, it feels like someone is rolling a spherical object in it. My heart rate quickens and I remember to take deep breaths, it won't work if I get excited. The rings stop and turn into little balls coming from the right and falling eventually (still green, still one at a time) I start seeing a white glare coming from the bottom, but I think it was just my eyes opening a bit. After this goes on for a bit the rings come back and I can feel just how heavy my arms and legs are.
      Awake: Everything except the numbness goes away and I decide that either I'm in a dream or I've failed. I open my eyes and count my fingers. Eleven... recount... ten. I try to push one hand through the other, no dice. Pinch my nose and breathe, nothing. But at least I got to HH, maybe I was just too awake.

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:34 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    7. Zombies.

      by , 01-05-2012 at 05:18 AM
      I dream about zombies a lot. Although this was a while ago, this is my most vivid dream.

      I am in downtown, in a coffee shop. There are people all around me talking, browsing the internet, doing what people generally do in coffee shops.
      Suddenly, there is no one. I am completely alone in a place that was just moments ago teeming with life. Outside, there are signs of people having been there not long ago. A discarded newspaper on the ground. Parked cars lining the streets. But I am alone out here.
      And then I am not.
      As soon as the first one appears, I seem to notice them all. At first they don't see me. But when they do, I know I am in terrible danger. As they charge towards me, I run towards the one place I can think of to find solace: home.
      Of course, in dream world, it takes but a thought of a place to get you there. I rush inside my house, thinking that the danger is possibly over, as I left downtown far behind me. The house is apparently empty, but I am wary. I rush into the back bathroom, as it is the closest room in the house without windows. Just as I am about to close the door, I hear footsteps. My father appears in the kitchen.
      "Dad?" I call out timidly. He looks over at me, and I feel a rush of relief. I open the door a bit wider.
      Then his eyes widen, and he begins to run towards me.
      "No," I choke. When he's nearly reached the door, I slam it shut. I sink down against the door, sobbing, with my dad--not really my dad--pounding on the other side.

      And that is where I woke up. As you can imagine, I freaked the fuck out. This is probably my most vivid memory from any dream I've ever had.
    8. The pain from a needle

      , 01-01-2012 at 11:47 AM (PRo's journey to the lucid light)
      Before I go to bed I do a breathing exercise where I draw white light into my bones. I can feel the energie very well and as I fall asleep I awake from a pain in my right side.

      I move my body a little but one's more a pain (stronger) let me show whats going on. I see my body full with yellow and blue light and there where the pain is a little lightpoint which moves straight into me. I try to wipe the pain away with my hands, but I have difficult to move then. The pain and county from the needles get stronger and stronger - finally I roll my body to the left and awake.

      I remember that I have in past many short nightmares immediately after fallen asleep when I do strong energie-exercises before. I should this statement integrate into my daily dream-exercises .
    9. Hummus and Weed

      by , 12-21-2011 at 10:41 PM

      Went to bed late and didn't really get a good nights/morning sleep. oops.

      I'm eating hummus and pita bread outside at a restaurant with my family. The waitress is loud and over friendly. She is sitting at our table and eating our food. Back at home I smoke a joint with my brothers and watch Family Guy. That is pretty much it.
    10. Flushed Away?

      by , 12-17-2011 at 04:50 PM
      Dream 1 12/17/11 ream:
      So, I have the weirdest dreams. Like this first one: I had recently watched the movie Flushed Away. So, that somehow worked its way into my subconscious and made me have the following dream. I was in the sewer, and I was tiny. Like, mouse tiny. Almost as if I was in the movie. There was a city, again, JUST LIKE the one in the movie. We were all having fun when this gigantic human came around and flooded our city with nacho cheese. (weird, huh?) Forcing us to obey him. Then all of a sudden, the scene changes. Now I'm human again and Ike the only one in the sewer, save for my mom. I'm asking her to put my spawn point on this one ledge next to the wall, so I don't have to swim there. She moves it, I thank her, then she walks off. The scene then changes back as I'm a mouse again, hiding behind the human who is now an evil dictator. I'm now on the ledge where my mom put me, so I start to move to the left WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN my mom wakes me up...
    11. An Old Friend... Plane Crash

      by , 12-17-2011 at 03:19 PM (Pickle's Nightly Subconscious Activities Recorded in a Journal)
      I moved to New Zealand from Scotland a few years ago. Thoughts about old friends come up every now and again, but I only went to Primary School with them. Now, to set the scene. I'll try and simplify, as explaining would take some time. In my town there is an annual event. At this event there are many groups doing different things, and a group I am involved with take turns with a similar group each year doing the same thing. Please tell me if you don't understand. Onto the dream.

      It starts, when I am walking home from school, when who do I see but my good old friend Scott. Now Scott is here for the event, as it is one year in the future and he, who lives in Scotland and probably has no idea of the group and event I'm affiliated with, is with the second group taking their turn running their part of the event. Odd, I know.

      We go into town, I don't remember details but I remember reminiscing about Primary School, and me asking about other friends in Scotland. He eventually arrives at, what seems to be a location in many of my dreams that doesn't exist in my current home town, a large church on a small hill, surrounded by old brick/metal bar fencing/barrier, with a large metal gate at one side. I follow him inside, at this point he seems to be ignoring me, concentrating on being inside the church, where I've since not been allowed. I tried getting his attention, to no avail. We end up in this room, where there are other adult men I don't recognize. They all look at me like I've done something very wrong. Scott looks at me, and says "Bye Andrew"... it fades, but I end up back in the middle of town.

      I'm feeling sad about what happened, but then completely out of the blue, behind some small buildings which you would easily see a plane over, appears from as if underground a plane pulling up hard. It's close, and HUGE. I start running. I watch the plane. It's barely off the ground, pointing straight up, and slowing down from it's initial pull up. It drops slowly, the world is quiet, and lands on the buildings it came from. Screaming is heard. I'm still running but I still see the cloud of smoke covering everything and coming out from the impact zone, so no wreckage is visible. This, since it came from nowhere, gave me a fright and I awoke myself.

      I'm going to discuss some thoughts I had about this in a new thread, thanks for reading.
    12. Portugese holiday

      by , 12-15-2011 at 06:27 PM

      I am in Portugal on holiday. I am playing in an old shack, and we are playing dodgeball. I can't see who is throwing the balls.
      I am walking outside, up onto a roof where I glance out over a vast lake and lean on the railings. My friend Aimee comes up to me, holding a fish in her fingers by its tail. We talk about Portugal, a lively conversation. We watch as people swim up a water treadmill catching koi. Aimee says its a Japanese tradition.

      I ask my dad if I can try, but he says no because it is our last night on holiday.
      I talk with my dad about how the fair and lake was open at night even though the workers went home. In the distance there are twinkling lights, most probably lights of a nearby town.

      I an at an airport. Dad mentions something about me and my friend Skye watching a movie about T-rexes. He says that my little sister can't, so she has to go make posters and colouring pages of dogs. She is about to go off with a little posh girl, coated in fur and with voluminous blonde hair. She has an English accent, and looks snooty and rich.
    13. Family, motel,hooters and tornadoes

      by , 12-14-2011 at 05:44 PM
      This is the first time in almost four nights without a recall.

      The scene I was in was dark and gloomy outside. The clouds where bumpy, this reminds me of another dream which I will record after this. I remember going to see my aunt and she was making plans. When she was explaining I kept getting this view of these bones below the sea of a giant monster. No flesh just bones here and there. There ended up being a tornado threat and the clouds started to spin. No actual tornado formed though.

      Our family got a big get together and we where driving down town and passed a hooters restraint. Someone made a joke about them of some sort. When we actually got to the motel we all had to pick our rooms. My mom said I had to choose another one because there was a cat in there. I went to the actual room and there was a black cat. Next door was little willy wonka (the movie staring johnny deep and those flash backs) With his Dad standing there looking and smiling.

      Then when my aunt was talking about the map again, I remember actually going into the water and there was a cartoon sea serpent. He was blue and looked very much much like a dragon. He was sleeping and there where two feathers. One he was holding and the other was on the sea bed floor. I picked the one off the sea floor. Each time I tried to grab the other one he would try to wake up. I had to wait until he fell asleep completely and dropped the feather. I grabbed it and the dream was over and I woke up.

      (Bonus: When I went to check my email and got some spam about hootersvile.info. I found that weird considering how I just dreamed about hooters.)
    14. Love at first sight?

      by , 12-07-2011 at 06:25 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I am at school/College what ever, I am minding my own business enjoying my self while this girl introduced her self to me. She wanted to be friends with me and I sworn I have known her from some where. She had blonde hair, hazel eyes. She looked really beautiful. She was a nice person and she was really down to earth. She wanted to exchange our emails so she could chat with me online so we could get to know each other better, I couldn't see her mail because the letters looked blurry. She said shes been wanting to talk to me for awhile now because she was shy to talk to me. She asked me if she could hang out with me sometimes and I said sure, She went to class and I said she sounds like a really nice girl, I felt really happy in the dream Then the dream ended.
    15. The Black Mirror/Another Demension

      by , 12-07-2011 at 06:16 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I am being at this weird house. I am with a bunch of guys. They had a mirror that looked black. I really didn't like the feeling of the mirror, Suddenly the mirror split in pieces. It scattered into another dimension. The pieces some how went through my right leg and my leg was the portal. I was wondering why was my leg a freaking portal? Then the guys told me we have to go and collect those black pieces of the glass of the mirror before something bad happens.

      Then they told me I am a portal and they had to go through my leg. So they did. And they dragged me along with me. I ended up in front of a white house that looked old. Not really old but just old, It was like I was in another dimension. The atmosphere seemed great. Everything was realistic, it was extremely vivid. I turned around and saw a mirror. It looked like I saw an old lady looking out through her curtains. Then suddenly I ran into Chuck Norris, He appeared right in front of me before my eyes when I turned around. I could feel the ground and felt the air.

      He was telling me stuff about this place and this dimension. He told me there is a witch that lives in that house. She uses white magick for helping others, This place is paradise. I was wondering what I can do in a strange neighbor hood like this, It was really quiet. I really wish I could explore it. Then the dream ended.
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