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    1. some dreams

      by , 08-20-2010 at 11:31 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Super WTF Dream

      Starts off... 3rd person view on a bus full of assassin women. Someone is there covertly and does something with a TV screen... there's a silhouette of woman's cleavage of the screen. It draws the attention of the women on the bus. The person behind the screen then kills all the women on the bus.

      now me and my brother are on the bus and are trying to drive it. We crash it near a mall. The bus shrinks and we are pushing it home. We go into the mall and go down an escalator. The bus is no longer with me. I walk by an area where someone is playing a piano. I recognize the tune and in the dream i know how to play a better version of the song than the one the person is playing.

      I crawl through a tiny route back to my home. When i get there someone says i forgot the bus. I crawl back through the tiny space. It's a winding tunnel i can barely fit through. There are electrical wires sticking out and it's painful to get past them.

      I Get back to the mall. The piano is now gone and the escalator is now an elevator. I get on the elevator to go up, but the button panel is a screen with guitar hero on it. I mess with the buttons trying to access the elevator controls but the guitar hero screen won't go away. Then my landlord and brother get on the elevator and complain why it won't go up. I keep playing with the guitar hero screen trying to get the elevator to go up but it won't do anything. I curse at it loudly.


      I'm with a couple by a pool of water. They keep telling me to dunk my head in the water. I do this and so do they.

      Week long trip

      Me, My brother, and someone else are in chilliwack. We are supposed to attend a funeral or something. but I don't remember going. I am forced to walk across BC to alberta.

      somehow I pick up a tiny mini cycle with a motor. I spend a while driving through the mountains. I come across a town to get gas but i meet people there and I'm invited to stay with them for a night. While at their house I count the money in my wallet and it seems i have enough to get gas.

      In the middle of the night I'm awakened by two people rioting outside. One person says that they are going to burn the house down. Then he says something about the people inside not having guides. I run through the rooms in the house trying to find another exit out. I fine a room with windows i can open. I don't gp through and go to the front door to negotiate with the rioters. I tell them that i do have guides and that they will protect me. One of the men says that i am free to go.

      I go into the garage and get my bike. I wheel it out to the front lawn when one of the rioters approaches me. He looks engraged and I can clearly see his face. He approaches me with intent to kill. But the man behind him tells the man I am free to go so stop trying to kill me. It occurs to me that the angry man is a dreamer and the man behind him is his dreamguide. His guide tries to stop him but the man won't listen. I pull out a kitchen knife and put it against the man's neck with the dull end. But i see it clearly cuts him... WTF. I tell him he should stop. i'm the one with the blade and he should let me go without a fight... i mean no harm to any of them. The guide agrees but the man then summons an exacto knife. My memory fades here.
    2. video game dream

      by , 08-19-2010 at 03:25 PM
      The first thing i remember was that an old friend from middle school was having a birthday party at his house. I showed up and the house was already packed with people, some of them i knew, some i didnt know. I said hi to to my friend then he showed me some gross ass pictures of himself nude on his computer. (wtf) After being tramatized i went back to the party danced around for a little bit, then my school dean made an ancoment that it was time for pizza. I was the third person out there and he also announced this. I ate three large slices then returned inside. i decided i know longer wanted to be at the party so me and the host of the part started walking on the streets accompinied by his cousisn. It was then that his cousin told me that my f riend had cancer so we needed to buy him a gift. WE walked down the street and passed by different bikes until my friend found the right one, he pointed to this chopper kind of bike that said $200. I jumped on the bike and rode off not thinking i was stealing. I rode around and my dream turned into grand theft auto. I saw one star at the top bottom right of my view and saw a squad car soon trailing after my chopper. I drove lke a mad my through houses and fences until i crashed into a creek and my body went soaring for hundres of feet. It was then that the star went away and my dream returned to normal. When i looked up from the ground i realized i was on a grassey hil in the middle of the forest. I walked up the hill and arrived at a skate park. I started trying to hit people off there board and take it, but just tony hawk 2 i remembered, you cant do this, so in the dream i couldnt do this. Later a police women showed up and said i have a place for you guys to skate thats much better, just ride down the hill and go through this tunnel and youl be there. She allowed everyone to do this except for me cause she said i caused all that damage on the motorcycle. The rest of the dream became fuzzy and i woke up
    3. Tuesday, August 17, 2010

      by , 08-17-2010 at 04:16 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      My dream recall continues to improve...what memories are there are in near-perfect detail, and I even remember more than one dream, although the second one was very short and came late in the morning.

      Dream 1: I was at a gathering of some sort in a large room. Even though it was fairly crowded, it didn't take me long to notice the huge canisters against one of the walls. I walked closer to them, and saw that they were filled with a green, transparent liquid, and a man was sitting Indian-style in the midst of it. He was skinny and totally hairless, plus his skin had taken on a sickly, pale green tone from being in the liquid so long. A tube ran from the back of his head to the bottom of the canister, where a bunch of machinery was.

      "What is this?" I muttered to myself.

      The man in the liquid opened his eyes and replied:

      "I'm being grown into a pickle."

      I didn't believe him at first. But there was another such canister next to this one, and the man inside it chimed in:

      "It's true."

      I ran to find someone who knew what was going on with the men in the canisters. The first person that came to mind was the guy that owned the place, so I talked to him first.

      "Excuse me," I began, "do you know what's going on with the men in the canisters back there?"

      "They're being grown into pickles, what else?" He replied, as if this were common knowledge. After a moment, he realized I still didn't understand. "You mean...you don't know how pickles are grown? No one ever told you?"

      "Told me what?"

      He started to walk over to the canisters as he spoke:

      "That all the other stories about how pickles are grown are just that--stories. Lies designed to cover up the truth that pickles are grown from humans in canisters like these. The machinery at the base runs the whole thing by connecting to the person inside through the tube at the back. The liquid is what causes the real transformation, though. The machines simply speed things up and make sure it all goes well. The process takes nearly fifty years to complete."

      I was shocked.

      "Why would people give up their lives for this?" I asked.

      "They believe it is a better form of existence." Came the simple reply.

      "How the heck is that a better form of existence? That must stink to have to sit down for fifty years straight."

      We had reached the canisters by now, and one of the men inside heard me say that, and I guess he agreed.

      "You're right!" He exclaimed. "Oh, to get to run again! I've been in here for 25 years...I can't take it any longer! Quick! Get me out!"

      The owner of the place protested.

      "You can't quit now!"

      I didn't listen. I grabbed a nearby crowbar and smashed the canister open. All the liquid poured out, which fried the machine and freed the man inside. He looked more alien than human, but he was alive, and not a pickle, which was good enough for him.

      "This can't go on." I told the owner.

      I left the building and marched straight to a political gathering. I pushed the speaker aside like he was nothing and took the podium for myself.

      "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to inform you of a conspiracy."

      As I spoke, the dream left first-person and was spectating fields of humans being grown into pickles. All stages of the transformation were visible; the ones that were nearly pickle-ized looked quite creepy.

      "It turns out that we have things backwards. Previously, in life as we once knew it, pickles were harvested, and humans were grown. However, I have seen the truth with my own eyes, and it is not that way. The truth is, that pickles are grown, and humans are being harvested--yes, humans are being harvested as pickles through a transformation chamber that is neither right nor pleasant. I would inform you..."

      I was knocked out by the cops, then.

      When I came back to, there was green transparent liquid all around me. I could feel a tube attached to the back of my head. When I reached out, I could feel glass only a couple feet away from me. And outside, I could see the owner of that building I began in. My skin was pale. My arms were woefully skinny. I knew exactly what they had put me in. I tried to break out, but couldn't...

      Then I woke up. It probably would have been a kind of creepy dream if the thing people were being turned into wasn't pickles

      Dream 2: There was a celebration going on in China that had achieved world-wide attention. It was a celebration of McDonald's anniversary, and it was completely led and organized by a 10-year old girl. I wasn't physically present, but I was seeing an interview with the kid on Discovery Channel. She explained to the news guy how she had organized everything and who was doing what and how it was possible, and then showed him the floats of the parade, the most prominent of which was a play on the chinese dragon where a whole bunch of people stand beneath it and walk around with it over their heads. Rather than a long dragon, it was a float that looked like a chain of hamburgers.

      Weird, right? Pickles as a dream sign, I mean. Hamburgers have pickles on them, and the first dream had pickles...so that seems to be the common element with my dreams last night. No idea why.
      memorable , non-lucid
    4. weird dream

      by , 08-17-2010 at 03:08 PM
      first thing i remember i was walking down the aisle of some church with a few of my friends going to sit down for mass. We sand a few songs when all the sudden shit started getting weird at the church. All the lights went dim and voices started bellowing from the walls. Natually, my friends and i left. When we got outside the church we were walking up this large dirt mountain for a reason i dont no. When we got to the top we looked at the beautiful view of the entiree world. When we had enough we played a game of tag and slid down the mountain on our behinds. when we got to the bottome two men were having an argument looking like they were about to fight, i was egging them on but one of the guys kept chickening out. I said fuck it lets go then i remeber waking up in my room.
      Tags: dumb, short, weird
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Thursday, August 12, 2010

      by , 08-12-2010 at 04:37 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, my crazy summer is finally over, and I have the time and motivation to get back into lucid dreaming. I'll be doing reality checks all day long and thinking up new goals to get me motivated, and hopefully they'll work out here real soon

      But of course one of the most important parts of all this is...my DJ! Gotta start recording those dreams again so I can get my recall back up...so without further ado, here is what little I remember of last nights dream.

      I was in California with a friend from real life that I presently only know through Skype. We spent a lot of time planning how to rebuild our website and add new features, and then we got down to actually building it...physically. We went into her room and cleared it out to make room for work. I began by setting a huge PC monitor in the middle of a long desk that ran from one end of the room to the other. I never connected a computer to the screen, or used a mouse or keyboard to navigate to the website on the monitor, but this didn't make me go lucid. I just kind of thought of what I wanted to have happen on the screen and it did.

      Once the website was called up, we started to build stuff on the desk all around the monitor. It was a bunch of random stuff...inhumanly big boots, picture frames, food, and even Legos! But as we built all around the monitor, the website was built on the screen. We were just about finished when there was a knock on the bedroom door. My friend opened it and her brother was waiting. He saw the desk covered with stuff and looked horrified.

      "What are you doing, sis? I need to sleep there. I'm dead tired!"

      He walked over and cleared the desk of all our work and handed me the monitor. Then he pulled a mattress out of nowhere, put it on the desk, and went to sleep on it.

      "Oh well." I said.

      We did some other weird stuff like that afterwords, but I can't really remember anything else in detail.
      Tags: weird
    6. Weird Linked Dreams

      by , 07-29-2010 at 02:33 PM
      I had what seemed like a chain of 3 or 4 dreams that all followed the same story. They are fragments and I cannot remember much of them but here they are:

      We were on vacation somewhere. It was me, tyler, mom, reid, blair, thomas, laura, and sam. I believe we were at the mall and we were looking around. Tom and Laura left to do something. I remember I got mad at them because I thought since it was MY family taking them on vacation, that it was rude to just leave and do their own thing. So they left and Blair went somewhere too, but she stayed in the mall. I was by myself. I remember I got a job at an Andy's Burgers for the time that we were down there on vacation. She gives me my schedule and tells me not to be late!

      Then the next thing I remember is that were all in the back of a truck and it's pouring down rain and dark. Reid makes a sharp turn and Blair gets thrown out of the truck. She lands on her feet and doesn't hit the ground. Her momentum carries her into a fast run. She stops and I jump out to see if shes okay. She has one little tiny scratch on her foot but shes crying and yelling. I get mad because shes making such a fuss over just a tiny little scratch. We get back in the truck, and Reid pulls away.

      The next thing I remember is that we were at some condo. It was a very nice condo and we all bring our bags inside. We all get our rooms and Reid said for us to make sure we stay in our rooms at night. After that, my mom and reid never show back up in the dream. The only other thing I remember about this part was that I wanted to get Sam alone. This must be a different day, because I remember making a big deal about finding my phone. I had lost it, and it had my work schedule on it and I was so scared I was gonna miss a day of work or be late because I didn't have it.

      The next thing I remember is that we are all out on a field in the middle of the woods. We were playing some sort of game with a ball and I believe it was soccer. The ball went to Thomas and he picked it up and threw it purposefully over my head so I had to go get it. This infuriated me so I got the ball and kicked it over into the woods and said he had to go get it. He refused to get the ball and just walked away.

      The next thing I remember is that it was all of us, and we were in a living room. This part is VERY weird. Theres about 20 people in the room and me and 4 other men get in front of everybody to put on some sort of show. We were all wearing cloaks and we kind of put our heads together with one man in the middle. We had are hands on our shoulders and kind of rotated around this middle man dancing and stuff. We were doing weird things and everyone was laughing. At the end I remember I was doing some sort of dance and everyone was amazed and thought it was very good. I remember at the end someone telling me we have to go find my phone so that I don't miss any days of work at my new job.

      1) I think I have a reason for the "linked dreams" and its because last night I was trying to DIELD and every time I'd wake up from one of these dreams, I'd immediately start thinking of it to try and go back into the dream and become lucid.

      2) I feel like so much more than this happened in the dream, I just can't quite remember it. Like I remember a whole lot more stuff happening, I just can't remember them.


      1) Tyler
      2) Blair
      3) Family
      Tags: blair, family, tyler, weird
    7. Monday, July 5, 2010

      by , 07-06-2010 at 03:32 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      I won't spend a lot of time on the first part of the dream, as it was pretty unimportant.

      Basically what happened was that several DC's were introduced into the story, but other than that, the beginning served no real purpose. I just went around with my friend (who I will call John) and did stuff pretty much like we'd do IRL.

      Where the important part begins is when we decided to stop by QuickTrip for something to drink. We were on our way in, when I saw a girl (whom I care about very much IRL, and will refer to as Jane) walking to her car further down the parking lot (it was a huge lot, nevermind we were just at a gas station). My mind raced.

      “Jane!” I thought. (Well, actually, I thought of her real name, but in case she happens to read this somehow, I'd rather not list it here). “Oh, she's too far away to hear me...I can't stop her to talk...if only I could run up to her and...”

      Then the non-reality of it all suddenly began to hit me. Just in time, I figured out that it was all just
      a dream!

      “...wait, then. I can run after her!”

      So that's exactly what I did. I abandoned John and forgot my drink so that it ceased to exist and I ran as fast as I could (which was pretty fast, being lucid). I was so eager not to miss Jane that I accidentally got to her truck even before she did. So I just waited there a moment.

      When Jane caught up, she seemed a bit surprised to see me there, but made no comment about my super-human speed.

      “What are you doing here?”

      I hadn't actually planned on answering a question like that, so for a moment no words came to me. I knew I couldn't tell her the truth that I was dreaming, though.

      “Oh...” I began, desperately fumbling for a way to put a positive spin on the situation. “Just...thought I'd open the door for you! Yeah...that's it.”

      I reached back and opened the door. Jane just stood there a moment and stared. Not fully sure what she was thinking, but I got the idea that she just didn't know how to respond to me going so far out of my way to do something nice for her.

      “Oh. Well...thanks,” said she.

      Then Jane started to get in, and I realized she was going to try to leave. This was a lucid dream! I couldn't let her go like that.

      “Uh, Jane?”

      “Yeah?” She hesitated on the step of her truck.

      "Come here."

      I reached over and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up off the truck and setting her back down on to the ground. She half-tried to resist at first, gently pushing back, but it was only because she was worried about the time.

      “I don't have time...I need to go.”

      “Need to go?” I replied. “There's nowhere you need to be more than here.”

      She smiled, and then put her arms around me as well, and leaned her head up against me. I remember thinking she seemed somewhat shorter in the dream than in real life, or I was taller, but whatever. I didn't let that bother me. What mattered was that Jane was there, and I was holding her in my arms.

      We stayed that way for a very long time. That was all I wanted. There was nothing else I needed to use my lucidity for more than that. She was totally worth it.

      Eventually she insisted that she really had to go, and I had to let her, then. Even if she wasn't physically present, I care about her too much to not respect her wishes. But, she assured me we'd see each other again soon and that we'd spend more time together.

      Then, an interesting thing happened. The girl from a few previous flying dreams (who is also from real life and will be referred to as Janet) came up to me and I could see in her eye that she remembered all of our flying times together. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jane watching to see what would happen. In Jane's presence, I reached out and hugged Janet, but not very closely and for a very brief time, as if to declare who I truly loved, and who was just a good friend.

      After that, Jane smiled and left,
      I lost lucidity, and the dream went to a weird thing where John had turned into this huge blob. At first all I could see was his head sticking out of the covers on his bed. Then, suddenly, the covers flew back, revealing that the rest of his body was just hundreds of pounds of blubber--no bones, no muscles. He wobbled out of bed and across the floor, and I could see little protrusions that served as 'arms' and 'legs', but they also had no bones, and there were no hands or feet, so they would have been useless anyway. Then he suddenly jumped into the air and twirled around, which caused physics to stretch him out and flatten a bit. John landed on the floor and turned into a rug, and then the dream ended.

      I swear I wasn't on drugs...but that last bit was REALLY weird.
      Tags: love, weird
      lucid , memorable
    8. Horrible and Weird - 19/6/10

      by , 06-19-2010 at 02:57 PM
      In an especially horrible dream, I was living with with my Dad in the mountains. He had a newly born baby with him, who at one pivotal point fell over when it was left by itself on the steps outside my grandmother's house, and hit its head quite seriously on the hard surfaces, effectively killing it, but it wasn’t discovered for some days, allowing for some decomposition. When we discovered the baby’s corpse it had transformed into a magical object that allowed us to fully control time and space, however sometimes it would also transform into a small sharp-toothed dog and chase us around.
    9. Basbeall Announcer

      by , 06-16-2010 at 04:21 PM
      I was standing in the middle of a baseball stadium. The place was packed and I was about to announce the player's names. But instead of giving me a sheet with the names on it, I h ad to do something else. They were handing me USB cords of different sizes and shapes and by looking at the cords, I had to say the player's names. Very weird. And it was hard. I couldn't do it. It was not embarrassing, and I was making a joke out of it to the audience. Then out of nowhere, Blair came and helped me get them all done.
      Tags: baseball, blair, weird
    10. April 30, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:39 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Weird Commercial:
      It was a commercial of some kind that involves kids. The first kid that came out from the left of a snowbank was wearing all black with a black hood and I think the eyes couldn’t be seen. Then I think they showed a pink version, for girls I presume and there was a small blond girl about 10 or so with her hair tied with 2 bowties and was smiling infront of the screen. The dream skips and I find myself looking through some weapons seeing what I have which included a chaingun and a sniper rifle(game versions). I then find myself behind a stone and planning to ambush some three people which in the dream were bad guys and were from a game. I have a chaingun which is from the game wolf3d(classic game) and the dream ends.

      Thoughts: Just plain odd
      Tags: commerical, weird
    11. Saturday, June 12, 2010

      by , 06-12-2010 at 03:18 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Again, no lucids to account for, but at least this time I got a couple dreams recalled, and I remember them clearer than most dreams lately. Glad to see the recall issue is heading back uphill!

      Dream 1: I and a few other people from my family had decided to change churches. We went to this one new place to see what it was like. It was...interesting. There were several very weird people there, and at first it seemed like I wouldn't fit in with that group at all, but then I started to meet up with people I could identify with better and my opinion about the place gradually changed.

      I sat through the Sunday School lesson, evaluating the teacher's perspectives/beliefs, and he seemed ok. Funny thing was, I didn't hear real words; the volume sounded close-up, but for some reason the guy's voice was muffled the entire time, to the point that he was completely unable to be understood IRL.

      The location of the first class was far away from the main service, so everyone had to freerun through Wal Mart to get there. When they saw some of my moves, I instantly gained the friendship of several others who had just started freerunning.

      The main auditorium was hardly less strange, though. There was a huge pile of books that formed a sort of staircase all around this one tall platform in the back of the black room that would be unreachable otherwise. Rather than sit a ways back on elevated platforms ourselves, so that we could see the preacher in front of us, everyone sat on one of these big books, and only those in the first couple of rows could actually see the guy who was speaking. I noticed, however, that there were some catwalks above us, so I got up, found my way around back, and came out on them to watch instead.

      Afterwards everyone gathered together and just talked more. The rest of my family thoroughly disliked the whole thing, but I was more positive about it. "Not everyone here may be for me," I told them, "but the ones who are for me can be those really close kinds of friends...unlike the church we just came from." That didn't really help them out any, but I didn't worry about it. I'd found my place, whether they liked it or not.

      Dream 2: I was talking with some random DC about my work schedule. I couldn't remember if I had the day off or not. I don't think he ever responded with any useful information...just slight nods as I spoke to show he was listening. I kept going on about it, trying to logically deduce whether or not I had the day off, and if not, what hours I'd be working. Finally, the DC grinned rather wickedly and just said: "Why don't you wake up and find out!"

      And of course I did wake up, then. Who needs alarms when you've got dream characters?
      Tags: weird
    12. ARCHIVE: Thursday, June 3, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 02:57 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      Once again, it's been far too long since I last put an entry in here. I'll try to start updating more frequently again, but...no promises

      I seem to have developed a weird mental block about lucid dreams. You may remember my post about how we can become unsuccessful with lucid dreams simply because we subconsciously believe them to be difficult. Since this realization, my amount of naturally-occurring lucid dreams has sky-rocketed to nearly 100% of all recent lucid dreams...but I haven't had as many lucid dreams what with not putting a lot of work into a particular method, so that percentage is really not so impressive as it may initially seem.

      The problem is, I'll find myself thinking with two minds in a dream. There's my 'dream mind' which is caught up with the bizarre events of the dream story, and there's my subconscious mind that clearly realizes I'm dreaming, but due to being asleep, illogically thinks: "Oh, I'm dreaming! Too bad this isn't a lucid dream..." often resulting in a dream where I have all the powers of lucidity and I understand that I cannot be hurt and things like that, but without really ever understanding why.

      It's starting to become quite annoying. If I could get myself to make the right conclusion at the moment I realize I'm non-lucid dreaming, I seriously could have multiple LDs every night without putting any more effort into it than simply reminding myself about it before I go to sleep!

      Anyway, I guess fixing that starts with maintaining good dream recall, so here's what I remember of last night's dream:

      I was in some party house, and I was preparing (you guessed it) a party. The interior of the place resembled my real house in layout, but everything about the rooms was vastly different. All the walls and many ceilings and floors were painted black, with brightly-colored symbols and images painted on top in random places. Under a black light, they looked quite cool.

      At first, everything was going smoothly. I got disco balls and club lights mounted, music started playing, food and drinks set out...and then at one moment, I slipped on a ladder and caught the palm of my right hand on a sharp point as I fell.

      When I looked at the damage, my entire palm had been split, and now my thumb and a large piece of skin from my hand were dangling loose, nearly to fall off at any moment. With my other hand, I tried to pull everything back together, but multiple attempts proved unsuccessful for one reason or another. My first try, I managed to get the skin lined up correctly, but I hadn't fit my thumb bones back into their place properly, so my actual thumb was hollow and the bones for it were being pinned down beneath the skin of my palm.

      I tried pulling the skin back then, which hurt like crazy, but I knew it had to be done, else I'd be without a functioning thumb. I slid the bones and muscles back inside the hollow skin of the thumb and then tried replacing the skin. For some reason I had difficulty lining it back up this time, and so it pulled too far, squishing my entire hand together into a shape much thinner than it should be.

      Finally, one of my friends arrived and saw the trouble. The solution we ended up with was that I would get the skin into place, and then hold it there while my friend wrapped tape around it to hold things together long enough for me to see a doctor. It seemed to work.

      "It's too bad this dream isn't a lucid dream." I said to myself.

      The party went on, but the pain in my hand increased, and eventually the tape wouldn't hold any more, giving me the same issue as before with my thumb potentially falling off. At one point, the pain grew so intense that I collapsed on the ground. That sure didn't help anything! I landed wrong, which made the bones and muscles in my thumb rip right through the skin, making things worse than ever before. I rolled over, writhing in pain, and grabbed my hand, now awake IRL.

      Strangely enough, it did hurt around my palm and thumb. Not sure why. But of course it wasn't cut open and about to fall off
      Tags: weird
    13. ARCHIVE: Monday, April 12, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 02:01 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      Well, I can't say I went lucid last night, but I'm not sure how I didn't.

      Dream 1: I found myself in a chair with a table circling around me. Past that, all was black. On the table was all sorts of weird food, mostly variations of a beehive-shaped substance with a popsicle stick coming out of the bottom. They were in all different colors, some transparent and gelatin-like, some solid-colored and firmer, like a cake or something. Oh, and some of the popsicle sticks were edible as well. Plus, every one of these weird things had trippy decorations on them, too. Swirled colored icing, big balls of some sort of candy stuck all over...and it all tasted awesome.

      "Haha all I've done in this dream is eat!" I found myself saying. "Can't wait to tell this one to the guys on dreamviews."

      I think I was kind of waking up as I said that, because I was fully awake immediately after, and that's the only explanation I can think for me accepting the fact that it was a dream without really being lucid.

      Dream 2: I was only spectating now, and there was a woman with a giant yellow squid in a hotel room. She said that since she had no children, the squid was like a son to her. I mean, she really loved the thing! Pretty much all she did all day long was talk to it and hold it (even though it was bigger than she was). From listening to her talk, apparently she was in a hotel just to get away from the people that mocked her about the yellow sea creature who somehow could survive without water.

      Eventually, the hotel caught wind of what exactly was being kept in one of their rooms, and they told the woman to leave or get rid of the squid. She burst into tears. Realizing she needed mental help, they instead forcibly removed the squid from her and tried to bring in a psychiatrist, but she beat the doctor until he fled, and then just cried on her bed.

      But then...the yellow squid found its way back into the room through the window! Of course the woman was suddenly happy again...and that's really all I remember.

      Call yourself a dream interpretation expert? Then what the heck is a yellow squid supposed to mean? My gosh...seriously.

      Dream 3: Spectating again, it was a thunder-storming night, and I saw a kitten sneaking into a closet and the door was magically closed on it.

      The next morning, the couple that lived in the house discovered the kitten and were very baffled by its presence there. They had two cats (who also spoke English in the dream) but they hated each other, so there seemed to be no way the kitten came from them.

      The female cat accused the male cat of rape while she was sleeping, which he denied. And next thing I know, while the people and the cats are arguing about all this, the dream 'camera' was being pulled back into a mouse hole and I saw two mice watching the argument and discussing what they thought happened.

      It was disturbing enough to everyone to get a full-scale investigation going. I can't remember most of what happened because the dream's plot was so complicated, but basically the mice were the only ones to get on the right track and figure out what happened. The people and the cats just got off on a confusing trail of miscommunication and false leads so that the whole thing seemed like a bigger deal than it was. And yet somehow through all of this the two cats started to like each other.

      But at the end, one of the mice came forth and declared that all the evidence pointed to the male cat having raped the female cat while they both were sleeping. "It's simple." The mouse explained. "He doesn't remember anything, and yet the genes of the kitten match up to the cats perfectly. He must have been sleepwalking when it happened, then!"

      Everyone sighed out of relief that the mystery had been solved and then everyone went to bed. Once the lights were out, the female cat asked the male cat, "Did you really do that to me?" After a pause, the male cat replied: "I don't know. Do you want to do it again to find out if anything feels familiar?"

      I kid you not, that's what the cat said. Scary to think that line originated in my mind I swear I don't think like that all the time!
      Tags: stupid, weird
    14. ARCHIVE: LiveInTheDream's Public Dream Journal

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:56 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      My dreams were quite short last night...I don't think I slept properly. Like I was waking up in the middle of REM. I remembered several dreams this way, but there wasn't much time to go lucid, and if I had, I couldn't have done anything much...

      Dream 1: I was part of the Heroes TV show, only it wasn't a show, it was real. It was the episode from not too long ago where Sylar wanted Matt Parkman to put a block in his mind so he wouldn't have his powers any more. Just like in the real episode, Matt refused.

      That's when I showed up, in Peter's place, only I was myself. I had empathic mimicry like Peter did in Season 1. I didn't feel confident with all my abilities, but I knew they were there and that I could use them with some work, so I volunteered instead of Matt.

      "I'll help you, Sylar. I don't know how to use these powers very well yet, but I can do my best."

      At first, Sylar refused. "This is a matter of messing with my mind; I'm not going to let someone who isn't familiar with their powers try it and just see how it goes."

      But no matter how hard he tried to get Matt to do the job, there was just no way Matt would give in. So eventually Sylar did let me try to go in his mind and 'disable' his powers. It took some work, but I did it, and so Sylar turned into a good guy.

      Which reminds me; I want to try to mind-read a DC in a lucid dream...that could be very interesting.

      Dream 2: I was sitting in a circle of chairs with other people from real life that I know. One of them was telling jokes she said she found off the internet. All of them rhymed really well, and were legitimately funny! One of them made me laugh so hard I fell over backwards in my chair and the shock of falling woke me up.

      Unfortunately, waking up that way didn't give me time to think about any of the jokes and write them down...but I know for sure that they really rhymed, and were really funny! And in waking life, I'm terrible with poetry and those kinds of jokes...talk about hidden potential.

      Dream 3: I was missing a dream sign. Frequently in my dreams I'm going on some sort of vacation with my extended family, which is exactly what I was doing in this one. We were looking for some place to stop and eat (which is also a common occurrence) and we found nothing, so we stopped at this one random school building and went inside. There were boxes on a table in there with a food inside that looked sort of like pizza.

      "Peregogies!" My brother in law exclaimed. "These things are awesome!"

      They did taste really good, and so I had quite a bit. But then my stomach started to feel sick. All of a sudden I stood up and shouted:

      "I HATE peregogies!"

      Everyone was shocked. They all started to yell back at me and tell me that I was crazy and ungrateful and I just tried to stand up straight with a dizziness that was setting on. Eventually I couldn't, and I fell down, throwing up on the floor.

      This was definitely one of those dreams I was relieved to wake up from. No, I didn't throw up in my bed; in fact, I feel totally fine. Whatever 'peregogies' (pronounced 'pare-uh-GOH-jeez') are, I know not to eat them again
      Tags: weird
    15. ARCHIVE: Wednesday, March 17, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:50 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      Dream recall wasn't the best last night...I remember a couple dreams that came late in the sleeping part of the morning, but the early dreams are totally lost on me, which isn't good because that's usually where my lucids are.

      But oh well, here's what I remember:

      Dream 1: I was running on a track and jumping hurdles, like in an olympic competition.

      Such a boring and pointless dream, IMO...I'm not a runner, and I don't have a desire to be, so why I would dream this is beyond me

      Dream 2: I was running (lots of running last night...that must mean something) from someone. I don't know who or why I had to run away, but I was. And I was in a suit and wearing a top-hat. A midget DC told me to hurry and follow him down a hole because it was the safest place, so I followed. Immediately I started to slip and slide and fall down the pit. Tt was too dark for me to see anything, but fortunately I was wearing infrared goggles all of a sudden, so I switched them on. (They really made things look like infrared goggles in real life do!) What I saw through the goggles was like a cave made out of membranes...at first I thought I was being swallowed by some huge alien, but then I slid down onto rocks and figured otherwise. I switched off the goggles because it seemed I was unable to stop my descent, and I honestly would rather not know where I was going, considering I'd probably be dead when I hit the bottom. The darkness caused me to lose my sense of direction, then. Down was up and left was right and...it was so confusing! And I was always sliding. Fast, but in a constantly changing direction. I turned the goggles back on a couple times just because I couldn't fight curiosity, but it didn't really help me reorient myself. It kind of made it worse to have a visual disorientation too, actually.

      Eventually I woke up from that, but I can't remember where. Another dumb dream, anyway. I wonder what's up with all the running, though...
      Tags: weird
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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