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    1. September 26th 2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 10:29 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I go to a school called JMU in Virginia. I was on campus for this entire dream. The landscape and buildings were slightly different but in my mind I was at the same locations on campus that are in my real life. Of course I don't remember where the dream started, but the first memory I have is that I'm walking with four or five guys as they're following me down this path that has locker room buildings to the left and expanse on the right and in front of us. We walk up to a table where a person is sitting with a paper. He asks us to check in for camp so I look back at the guys and say this is my group and I'm the leader. In high school I did a youthgroup called Younglife so in the dream I'm their Younglife leader and we're at a camp that I've been to IRL. We go into a locker room building that's supposedly our cabin and I start to change my clothes because I remember what the next event is. I mean to change into gym shorts but instead I put on pajamas and curse myself for it. I walk down a hallway into another room which has someone on a bed and a girl on the ground playing with a laptop. The person on the bed tells me to play with the girl as I assume in my mind it's the game League of Legends.

      The dream turns to me waking up in a different locker room on my campus. I see that there's our football team and its coaches around a fire screaming. Then, a random player runs and jumps over the fire. Another one comes and jumps but lands in the fire, but he seems to not be feeling any pain though he's now on fire.

      Then I'm in this building that I think is a dining hall on my campus with my back up against a wall. There's a group of people around me and I see this girl that I've had a past with, let's call her Kristen, with another group of people. I start telling the story of the fire to the people around me but really I'm looking into Kristen's eyes and she's looking right back at me from across the room.

      It jumps to me walking out of one of the dorm buildings on my campus, this time everything is completely alike that of real life. I pass Kristen and she looks at me smiling and says "Grey Swanson" and I say "hello" to her as I keep walking. Then I see another girl that has a boyfriend irl but continues to try to lead me on, I go up to her and give her a hug where my arms go under hers and I press closely to her. I don't think I've had many kinds of these hugs ever. She hands me her phone and I'm looking at her snap story and it's of me first walking up from a different way with buildings that don't exist, then me hugging her, then me hugging her and looking at the camera and saying something. The dream skips to me riding a skateboard towards a building on campus passing people. I remember being very afraid of falling and embarrassing myself.

      Then, I was in my car with a friend named Grayson riding up to another place on campus but there was snow on the ground going up the hill so we couldn't make it. There was snow covering half of the road so I go around it then the road goes right up a very steep hill with snow at the top so it's blocked. I'm trying to turn my car around but it's getting stuck in the snow. There's a small place where it looks like someone turned around with a 3 point turn. Meanwhile, there's another story of this bomber going on simultaneously setting up mines to blow up the bridge (which was a hill) that we are on. We get the car turned around and it's sliding back down the hill. There's a piece of road missing so one of my brothers is there trying to figure out how to fix it.

      My mind thinks it's time to wake up so it creates this alarm. I'm lying in my bed listening to this music I've never heard before. It sounds sort of like an ancient hymn maybe from a long time ago, but I can't really describe it. I manage to get my dream arm over to the desk next to my bed to look at my phone as the music playing happens to have an album cover showing on my phone. It was white and brown of clouds with a blue background.

      Next, I was in another dream walking behind a friend on this massive hill that in my mind was the big hill next to where I live irl but instead it's a huge mountain expanse. We are walking sideways on the steep hill as I remark to whoever is in front of me that I'm afraid that I'm going to fall down the hill. We are grabbing tree branches as it starts to get steep but the trees are falling out of the ground. The owners of the house come out, 1 old guy and 2 old ladies. They start to yell and say that I have to pay for the trees but I'm already pissed off about that. He writes a check for 5,000 dollars but the notion is that I have to pay that so I laugh and grab the check and rip it up.

      The music part of my dream really interests me. I want to hear more music that I've never heard before.
    2. Fragments

      by , 09-29-2015 at 09:30 PM
      Walking through woods. Tall trees with peeling bark, silver birch.
      trying to find correct path.
      Creating new computer system by tracing actions, macro essential but the dream made it seem more interesting.

      funny how dreams can make even the most draft or boring things seem all important or even exciting ^^
    3. Groundhog Dream

      by , 09-29-2015 at 08:10 PM (Here be dragons)
      Didn't have a lot of time to write down my dream this morning, so not much detail for this one.

      I'm a man trapped in a decaying building, forced to loop through a senario I have no control on. I have to make the sadistic choice between leaving this place or freeing a woman chained to a wall, and each time I make a decision the dream loops and i'm back at the begining, looking for the woman in the endless rooms. I finally decide no to leave, but not to free her even and a black cat appear on a caged bed to stare at me.
    4. Counter Strike - 29/09/2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 08:06 PM
      The final dream scene that I had before awakening was about counter strike: global offensive. I was playing the arms race game mode on what seemed to be a hybrid between two maps, and I seemed to be quite successful in getting knife kills, to the point that I reached gold knife level and the "counter-terrorists win" announcement showed. I woke up shortly after.
    5. 290915: Eat a mouse, squash some berries, enter a memory?

      by , 09-29-2015 at 05:11 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I see my sister, she is coming back home on a plane with her girlfriend. Back at my mom's house, I see a friend who recently had a kid, asks me if I want to come over.

      At a pizzeria, try to eat a pizza. It tastes so bad I can only eat one slice, unlike me to leave even bad food uneaten. I see a person I haven't seen in a long while there, she got really fat.

      Outside, I see a white mouse running through the courtyard. I grab it and eat it. Can't really swallow it, its carcass is between my gums, stuck and it tastes really bad. I try to spit it out but its stuck in there good. I try to do it inconspicuously, I'm spitting up a dead mouse after all. It comes out in pieces, some more recognizable than others.

      I see a library/ welding hall. Inside there is a place where you can smash your berries into juice, it's like a giant wooden vice. I squash my berries, but it gets messy, get juice everywhere.

      At a friend's house, it's a grey evening, he has a Playstation 3. I ask if he's ever played Child of Eden. He hasn't, says he'll try it out sometime.

      It's as if I enter a memory, I see a group of my friends but they are much younger, before I ever even knew them. One of them still has his distinctive beard, even though he's just a kid. We are at the top of a giant waterslide, they tell me to look down. I feel excited that they are letting me into their group.
    6. Going to work

      by , 09-29-2015 at 03:34 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I decided to leave the country, and drive to Switzerland, to work at Kobelt Chicory, where my older sister works. I packed my stuff and entered a bus. The journey was long, and I appeared on the spot in the evening. The boss told me to go to sleep at his house until they give me my own room in the worker flat. I went to bed.

      I woke up some time later, about three days later. During that time I worked all the time, and got assigned a room close to my sisters house. I visited her one day.
    7. 2015-09-29 lots of short dreams, busy night!

      by , 09-29-2015 at 11:14 AM
      +(f?) lightsaber on off, waving around, button cover falls off, still works but have to push harder, it's inconvenient without the button cover. The blade is a bright blue color.

      + giving superman flying take-off lessons: fly low over grass, then "pull up" suddenly into the sky. Barrel rolls preferred to avoiding obstacles over simply weaving around them -- give demonstration but a huge buffalo latches on to me and hinders my movement

      + driving to Reno: turn right, speed limit sign, signs look different in Nevada, you have to really keep your eye out for them, they're sort of small and square and blue-colored. I remember the speed trap approaching Reno and drive slowly. The road starts out as a very winding two-lane road [more windy than I recall] it soon becomes a high rocky path that I'm walking on (no road any more), then I find myself standing in a depression (formed by the feet of all the people who stood her previously) on two huge high abutting boulders, look at ground for best path down, it's to the left, jump down but go right, fall head-first put out arm, it'll probably break

      + entering room with renowned (movie directors/publishers?) and friend, everyones seated around a table for a meeting. We go to my friend's place at the table, he says I should have a place at the table, friend says I can find a place, there are name cards at the places, he's looking next to him, but I see my name on a card across the table from my friend [reading upside down!], I'm a bit surprised they know me and put a place for me.

      + in car, detour intersection, busses all turning right, I go straight, then walking. Guy wants to go to Azerbaijan, I point the way along the detour route. I try to say "detour" in <foreign language> [but in waking retrospect used the incorrect word that sounds similar to the correct not]. The guy starts following us and I think about telling him again the correct route but don't.

      + observing (elderly?) people stranded on steep tall cliff trying to climb/jump down, they're trying to slide slowly down vertically by digging their shoes into the hillside, a man is going to jump, is he close enough to the ground so he won't get hurt? He jumps and lands on his back against another rock, but he seems OK. Then DO flying over the scene the people on the cliff are talking about the woman who killed someone. She seems to be lying face down as if drowned in a rocky tide pool by the edge of the ocean, but she moves and says something.

      + getting into bed, there are tons of thick comforters at the foot of the bed piled up, I get in around the foot. I see a slow-moving large black mouse appear on top of the pile of comforters, it starts to walk around on top of the pile. I think there's lots of hiding places inside that pile. I shove it on to the floor, it moves slowly and doesn't avoid me. Then I see several large rats on the floor. I freak out and call for my wife, we put one into a cage, some discussion about these rodents.

      +(f) in swimming pool, I find/am looking for shoes?
    8. 29/9/2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 07:24 AM
      I was at a football ground. It was covered and quite run down but there was a large crowd in the stadium but I was walking around the side of the pitch. I notice that it was covered by a large concrete roof and thought how tatty it all looked and noticed a lot of dust everywhere. The game had started.
      Then I was at the other side of the pitch and a very important guest arrived in a big black car and he got out, he was dressed all in white and was obviously a very rich sultan, and a trolley of food was brought along. He turned around and talked to me and I though that I shouldn't really be there.

      I can't remember any more dreams. I woke 3 times with the totem sound. No false awakenings or sleep paralysis last night.
      Tags: football
    9. Flying over a beautiful lake

      by , 09-29-2015 at 12:31 AM
      I became lucid and immediately thought about flying just to to enjoy the sensation of it. So I took off flying with in this lake area over a bunch of houses. It seemed that the Sun was setting at the time in the sky was beautiful. I enjoyed this very much.

      I was at some sort of a party when I realize that I was dreaming. I got the idea of trying to impress my dream characters showing them that I could fly and I had the special powers.
    10. Stale Breakfast DILD

      by , 09-29-2015 at 12:09 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in a cabin with two other people I haven't met. The guy with a jacket was telling the girl with unusual hair if she was going to switch bodies with me. I told him we've already done that before. She then sends me in to the body of a taller man wearing a light blue dress shirt with khaki pants with a low cut. As him I was washing my hands and got out to try finding my family. I soon met up with my brother and mom, I began questioning about stuff I suspected for some time but can no longer remember what these things were.

      Soon the girl with unusual hair began telepathically communicating with me, telling me I don't have enough time. I got zap out of the body and black out. A dream began to appear where I found myself walking in the living room. It was dark since no lights were on, I sat near a couch where I found my old beaten up shoes lying around. I starting placing them on to my feet which is odd since I was grew out of them a long time ago. I then tied my shoes and heard the door beginning to knock.

      I figure it must be another criminal trying to rob the place. I get up and head to my father room, my father tells me he is going in to the kitchen. I went to the bathroom and sat down on to the soaked floor waiting for some loud noise to hit me. That's when I look up at the bathroom and realize half of the door was missing. I felt like I've been in this situation before I thought. Murky sounds started echoing from the living room. I got up from the floor and did an RC to confirm whether I was in a dream.

      The air went right through the nose plug and fully confirm to me that I am dreaming. I kept getting the feeling that something was awaiting me out in the living room, so I went near the curtains and jump at them with the immediate intention of phasing through it. I could feel my legs touching the grass outside but my upper body wouldn't get out. Soon the curtain began hurling my body back in to the house. I could feel how physical my grip was on the curtain to force myself to stay on the ground.

      However somehow this curtain is still sending me back with each second. The voice were getting louder so I needed to use some dream control quick. I began to yell no and got desperate and tried thinking of being on a beach or a park. However it wasn't working so I began trying to force myself to wake up but still nothing, this all felt too physical as my body was almost fully back in to the house. I got angry and manage to overpower the curtain and landed on the grass outside.

      It was night and I started trying to walk but my legs felt strain from how much pressure the curtains had. I soon notice that there is something on my back, I tried to scratch it off but it wasn't coming off. I look and saw that I had piece of the curtain still attach to me. The pieces began to form in to a body size disk. Why wont it come off I wonder, not long after that it started to hurtle me up in the air. While up there I began to feel pencil pricking pain all over my chest and back.

      This continue till the sky turn bright day and after a couple of spins I landed down to a building. I could feel the pressure leave my back it was finally off. I appear to have crash at a park with a bunch of people riding bikes. I started thinking what are the best ways to wake myself up. I decided to lean near a building store and focus on the sound of all the riders bike racing down on the concrete. It sounded so distracting, I then focus on finding some sensation of my body lying on the bed. That's when I manage to wake myself up. Lucidity time: 6 minutes