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    1. Potion of forbidden knowledge

      by , 12-28-2017 at 09:38 PM
      28 Dec

      My awareness spikes in the middle of the dream, making me pay more attention to the surroundings. I am certain this is a dream and happy about it.

      It takes a bit to recall my totm intentions and in the meantime I decide to improvize and go bananas with dream control. I start a massive onslaught on the dream environment, initially tking all sorts of objects in sight and later doing impromptu room modifications. It seems to come quite naturally although I am not too sure what precisely am I trying to accomplish. The technique is look straight ahead and modify with thoughts the door and everything behind it, and once changed, bring it back to its original version. <possibly subconsciously trying to integrate a version of the portal from Dr Strange>

      Once I have calmed down a bit, I finally recall I wanted to do task of the month. There was a familiar DC running around so I ask him to bring to me the potion of forbidden knowledge. He gives me a light blue medieval type of bottle and I drink the small amount of liquid it contains. Nothing happens for a while, which leaves me slightly disappointed as I was preparing for some sort of false memory revelation to take place.

      I still feel quite euphoric being in the dream and I recall how you can actually use dreams to improve yourself, including physically <quote below>. At this stage I am very enthusiastic and totally determined to use the dream to influence my appearances and get more muscular. Quite conveniently a mirror appears right ahead, so I look at myself as I try to flex my stomach muscles. As if this isn't enough to get me in good shape, I decide to do some crunches and get on the floor.

      I also imagine myself doing crunches every time I have a lucid dream, as a part of a new fitness routine. I do around 10 crunches with great ease. The movements are really light and pleasant, but this seems to exhaust my concentration and the dream soon ends.

      Quote Originally Posted by Harvard Business Review

      If I dream about doing crunches, will I develop killer abs?

      Yes and no: You won’t really get a six-pack just by dreaming, but research shows that envisioning yourself doing exercises can make specific muscles stronger, so you should get a stronger belly than if you didn’t dream about crunches. In general, if you want to improve in waking life, dreams are the perfect place to do it. 
    2. The Void/TheBlackness (or a black cat?) [lUCID]

      by , 10-24-2015 at 06:42 AM
      Another lucid last night. Went in and out of full and semi lucidity, but maintained a thread of awareness throughout.

      I became lucid while looking in a mirror in a hallway. That is a common thing for me. Mirrors always induce lucidity. They're one of the absolutely fool-proof things for me. The mirror turned out to be in the hallway of one of my home bases, so I started off with the advantage that I was already at least partially anchored. I don't really remember, I think the mirror was near the door to the outside, because I believe that's the door that I opened later on. I should have paid more attention.

      Anyway, I immediately tested my suspicion that I was dreaming by attempting to push my arm through the surface of the mirror. There was slight resistance on the surface, and then my arm sank in. The mirror looked like quicksilver as I pushed my arm through it.

      Satisfied with the knowledge that I was dreaming, I spent a while playing with my appearance and examining myself in the mirror. I eventually managed to turn myself into more of a caricature of myself than my actual appearance, which I found very entertaining. While I was playing around with my eyes - moving them around, changing the size and shape, etc - I could hear my brother's voice narrating in the background that he at least liked this current character design better than the last (implying that he really didn't like either). I waved it off and kept playing around.

      I was really satisfied by my handiwork because I had trouble with this before. I then spent a little bit more time dressing myself up as a sort of elven-looking sorcerer. Just as fun as cosplay, and several hundred dollars cheaper!

      After spending some time tweaking my heroic cloak/cape thing (I settled on something asymmetrical and held up on one side by a nice brooch that I own in real life), I decided to meet up with some friends at a tavern.

      I opened the door to go outside, and The Blackness happened. Some people call it The Void. Instead of the outdoors or the tavern that I wanted, everything beyond the door was pitch black. I stepped through the door into The Blackness, hoping it would dissipate. Instead, it enveloped me, and everything went dark. I tried vividly imagining my hands and moving them around in front of me. I briefly saw them appear before they faded back into the darkness. Waving them around some more didn't make them reappear.

      I decided to try something I have never tried before. Instead of trying to make it go away, I would condense The Darkness into a form where it could no longer impede me.

      I held out my hands and tried drawing it into a form in my hands. It didn't work, possibly because I was unable to see my hands.

      I then put my hands behind my back and focused on trying to summon it that way. I felt fur and a small warm body. The Darkness disappeared as it was channeled into the form of a cat.

      I brought the cat around to the front. It was skinny, with soft shiny black fur and gold eyes. I petted it and set it on the ground, and it ran off.

      Now I could see, through the open door, not blackness but the brightly lit inside of the tavern. It had polished wooden floors and brightly burning candles and torches.

      I rushed to the booth everybody was sitting in and scooted in. The booths were tall, made of dark stained wood, and seats were made of leather. While we were waiting for our server, I lost the thread of lucidity and the dream faded.

      I don't really remember the rest of what I dreamed about that night.


      I'm pleased that I finally solved a long-standing problem and completed a successful completely-controlled scene change. I've felt so stupid about struggling with these basic things after even several years and the ability to WILD with regular success. I'm looking forward to honing my skills further, as this has been a serious road-block for me.

      One thing I can say is that my ability to maintain dream stability and my thread of awareness has gotten SIGNIFICANTLY better.
    3. Open Up Shop

      by , 08-30-2015 at 05:15 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #467 - DILD - 2:25AM

      I am standing before a group of celebrities in something resembling Hollywood Squares TV show. I am asking them to volunteer to star in my movie, but I am being super secretive about the movie and they are all skeptical. Brad Pitt seems the most interested and I walk up some stairs to meet him and talk. As Brad Pitt is talking there is some visual where I use a scalpel to cut the outline of his face out of the dream reality. I hand Brad Pitt some cash for being interested and he hands me double the amount. I tell him that I said I would pay, but he says he doesn't need the money and wants to donate to my movie. I accept the money. We have some more conversation.

      I am now in a crappy theater with old black and white movie sections. The screen is like a touch screen waiting for me to make a section. Behind me is a pathetic group of people in small bleachers. I asked there were the newer movies are but no one seems to know. My daughter is with me and she is just as annoyed as I am.

      I am now opening some strange store or shop with my wife. I notice the dream scene has changed and I become lucid. I know I am dreaming, but I am still caught up in the scenario. I go through our routine and turn on an check lots of machines. I am trying really hard to remember what I am supposed to do. I worry about waking up and think I will find an object to use to stabilize. I lose most of my visuals and have to concentrate to get the dream back.

      The dream comes back, but I think that I have to start the dream over to get my lucidity back. I walk around trying to stabilize, but nothing seems to work. I decide I need to WILD to get things going again. I tell my wife to keep doing what she is doing and I will be right back. I close my eyes and fall backwards. There is fear of hitting the floor and some strong falling sensation, but I trust that it won't hurt. I concentrate then open my eyes.

      I am now at a higher level of lucidity, but not by much. I stand up and continue whatever I was doing before. A lot of random flipping of switches and whatnot. I find a clip board and remember a survey I never completed in waking life. For some reason I feel the need to do this in a dream. I write my name and date and then look over questions. I realize I can't see shit and am happy that its mostly filled out. I see a large blank spot and, for fun, decide to write "I am dreaming." I write slowly and deliberately forcing the letters to form and be stable. I get mostly done when my wife comes next to me and hits my writing arm. I am slightly annoy and say, "Babe. Don't do that." I wake up realize my wife is actually touching my arm.
    4. The Lotus Pond DILDx2

      by , 05-17-2013 at 06:02 PM
      Date: 15 May

      Pre bed: 400 mg valerian, 100b B6

      Total sleep time: 7hrs

      Impressions and Recall: There was my usual for B6 sense of aggression seeping through parts of the dream. After waking up from the lucid (after 5 hrs of sleep), I decided to take key notes and review as not to wake myself up. I got pretty excited and the internal dialogue turned on full power, resulting in about an hour of insomnia. After that I fell into deeper more unconscious type of sleep with a decreased recall capability. I had another lucid from which I remember only a part, I continued sleeping after it was over and had an non-ld.

      Fragment1: Some kind of posts on DV that had to do with PennyRoyal.

      Fragment2: At home, my parents have gone somewhere and I am in my room cooking some strange pancake/calzone thing that looks and tastes delicious. I have to leave some for my grandma.

      Dream3 DILD TOTY attempt: I am in a room which feels familiar, three women are sitting around the table, and I am cleaning up as if after a meal. One of the women has some tempting white green chocolate cookies, I am secretly planning on having a few after the women are gone. Another female DC comes in and starts behaving really aggressively. She demands all the attention, looks me in the eye with hatred and begins complaining to one of the women in the room. I have the feeling that they will start a fight with each other, so get out of there fast. Her hostility feels kind of fake, and at this point the memory of the B6 effect for me reaches my subcon on a subtle level.

      I find myself on the stairs of a building and lots of aggressive gangster type boys are all around me. One of them is particularly evil, feels dangerous. I become lucid on a distracted level, realizing this is a dream, but unable to do anything about the guy. I am trying to move away but it is really crowded on the stairs, I think somebody pushed me, and I end up in a niche on the wall. The wall is not really wall but something liquid that sucks me in. As I move forward in this thing, I achieve a better clarity of mind and am fully lucid and in control. There is a single task that I feel the urge to do now, go to Angel Falls. I remember CL’s advice to try to feel the floor, so I move my fingers, touching the empty space and feeling small grains of sand and pebbles. The dream idea was to be on top of Angel Falls, but in the water, so in addition to my feeling the floor, I begin to make swimming movements with my hands. The wall is already liquid and it is like a white pinkish sinking sand made of rubber-like substance. The whole world has disappeared and it is just me and the wall and I feel a closer to the void, afraid that the dream would destabilize and disconnect. I am swimming forward and nothing happens for a while, but I decide to keep on swimming. At some point the whole environment changes and I find myself looking at a flower, submerged in water.

      I look at the dark purple flower and marvel its beauty, noticing every petal in detail. I look around, and see that I am in the middle of a pond/lake that stretches as far as my eyes can see. At the same time, mixed with this image I find myself in my old room, where all this is taking place. I focus on the surface of the pond which looks like a silver mirror reflecting the clouds. I then notice that this pond is covered or rather slowly begins to cover itself with lotus flowers. Bright yellow and magenta lotus flowers are everywhere I move my eyes to look. I feel happiness upon witnessing this beautiful sight. The dream is extremely vivid and stable. Needless to say, I am somewhat distracted by this, but keep gliding on the surface of the pond in the direction of Angel Falls. This doesn’t work too well, I am still within the confines of my room, looking through some glass that distorts the view from outside, which is the view from my room with strange rainbow-like effects. A bit like looking out during a bus ride. It looks like my room wins the battle between the two layers of images, gaining more detail.

      Soon the water level in the room goes down and with it my lucidity. I struggle to restore the water level with intent, but non-lucid already. I manage to briefly do so, but then I see the floor and the water is retreating. There is also mud everywhere, the furniture is falling apart. I become concerned about the state of my old room and wonder how to clean everything. [end of memory]

      After the dream ended, I had a brief awakening, noting to myself about the lucid, but then fell asleep again. I heard some kind of bell-like sound, I guess a type of HI, that actually woke me up. After reviewing the dream I had 1 hour of insomnia. Then - deeper sleep and less memorable sleep.

      Fragment4: Having to share the bed with relatives, I preferred sleeping on the ground.

      Fragment5: Some more beds, family friends.

      Dream6 DILD: I am in my hometown, in a familiar park and am lucid. I see a few dogs around, mostly small ones and larger one (no idea what breed) captures my attention. I keep looking at it and feel my emotions reflected in the dog. I observe it a for a while, the dream is stable, I am happy. By simply looking around, I unconsciously summon more dogs of different smaller breeds. I find this cool. [end of memory]

      Fragment7: I see and talk to a politician I don’t like.

      Updated 05-17-2013 at 06:09 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , task of the year
    5. finally lucid

      by , 02-10-2012 at 03:43 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was driving around in Manhattan, and I was just trying to get out of the city so I can hit the interstate and head to my main destination. There were lots of turns on the interstate, and I lost control of my car. I entered a building...and I was trying to cook something in the oven, but the racks were messed up and I was trying to fix them. Next thing I remember was fighting a strong DC. I was mopping the floor with him. I ended up throwing him out of window and he landed in the pond near by. Search and Rescue was already out there, and i knew they were going to come in and try to arrest me.

      They tried putting cuffs on my wrists but one wouldn't even fit. I broke the other one, and then I broke the chains and showed it to them. Inside the chains were dead/ almost dead ants. Really weird. Anyway, I told them the next time we meet up that I'd hope we would be on the same team. I headed out of the building, jumped in the air, and rolled across the ground while closing my eyes. When I opened them I was in an entirely different scene. That was pretty cool. It looked like some abandoned amusement park. There were several dogs there, and I think they needed my help
    6. guess i got lucid last night

      by , 07-14-2011 at 12:10 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at a best buy, and I had a PS3 controller in my hand. It was a remote for this hologram that walked around the store. The guy was about 5 foot, and it was pretty fun.......recall is jacked up so.......

      I'm pulling swords out of thin air, specifically clouds buster sword. I did a scene change by laying in the grass face first, and melting through the ground. The next scene I saw two samurai looking guys who were unarmed. Of course they wanted to fight, and they were laughing at the huge weapon I had. I threw it away, and tried to pull out another....didn't work. I tried again, and I pulled out this deep black sword with japanese writing written down it. (it looked similar to Aurons) I don't remember much else other than fighting them bare handed....