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    1. My Subconscious Basically Tells Me To Get My Life Together

      by , 12-13-2017 at 05:21 PM (Journals From The Void)
      My school does a career presentation on space. However, the presentation is actually just a three minute YouTube video that I’d supposedly previously seen in (third?) grade, so I do not pay any attention to the video. My princip comes up and scolds me rather harshly about this.

      Later, I see a claw machine at the entrance to the school. “Clever bastards,” I said. They had made he claw machine so that you could only view it through one place, preventing me from judging the location of the claw if I were to choose to play.

      My science teacher and I go outside. It’s raining. I stick my tongue out, and it begins to genuinely sting as though it were beginning to freeze.

      I say something to my science teacher, and and run to the entrance of the school, open laptop in hand. It gets wet, and the frame begins to bend.

      I wake up.

      ************************************************** ***********

      This dream, though unspectacular, was interesting to me for a variety of reasons.

      1) The dream basically called me out on my laziness.
      2) It was a rather logically set story
      3) I actually felt pain, which is the first time I’ve ever actually used any sense other than sight and sound in a nonlucid dream.
      Tags: pain
    2. Shorncliffe Pier Romance

      by , 12-13-2017 at 11:51 AM
      Morning of December 13, 2017. Wednesday.

      My beautiful wife Zsuzsanna and I are sitting together on a wooden bench at the end of the Shorncliffe Pier (formerly known as Sandgate Pier), looking northeast towards the ocean’s horizon. The time of day is uncertain, but it seems to be late morning in the final stage of my dream.

      We are under the shelter at a later point, undressed, and being intimate. My semi-lucidity (partial awareness of being in the dream state) results in a lack of concern about several unknown members of the public, both male and female, being present, but not paying that much attention to us.

      Later, we are closer to the shoreline (now about ten feet out on the pier). I observe what I first assume to be six North Korean males (perhaps in their thirties), waist-deep in the water. As they are walking towards the beach, they are guiding, in pallbearer formation, a damaged half-submerged wooden boat; a shellback dinghy; with a visible jagged hole in the side facing us. I am somewhat wary of their presence, but only for a short time. They gaze at us as if very annoyed.

      Looking back again, I come to realize (though this was an actual transformation, not a presumed error in my original discernment) that they are Australian SES (State Emergency Service) volunteers. They are not looking in our direction now and their emotions seem informally neutral.

      The water is lower, revealing a number of large stones. Zsuzsanna goes to look for some plastic toys between them that are still muddy from the storm (emergent real-life association, unrelated to my dream’s backstory), and to wash them, and I slowly realize we are now in our house, though our porch is erroneously perceived as being a rock pool (ambiguously perceived as being indoors and outdoors at the same time). I then wake.

      • Dream self mode: Corporeal with enhanced physicality
      • Conscious self identity: Viable (although we have not been to Shorncliffe in real life in years), although perceiving myself as perhaps 30 rather than 56
      • Induction symbolism: Water as symbolizing sleep
      • Induction buffer: Shorncliffe Pier over ocean
      • Dream state indicators: Being undressed and fully intimate in public (first-level dream sign, based on the subliminal awareness of being in the dream state, though I am semi-lucid here)
      • RAS mediation symbol: Presumed North Koreans, seemingly defeated but presumed unpredictable
      • Vestibular system symbol: Outer edge of Shorncliffe Pier
      • Preconscious symbol: (Personified) Presumed North Koreans (precursory; transmuted by way of semi-lucidity in acknowledgment of waking being a biological necessity; preconscious does not initiate conflict when dream self recognizes or triggers waking symbolism or circadian rhythms factors)
      • Emergent consciousness symbol: Boat leaving water
      • Interconsciousness symbol: Australian SES workers
      • Exit symbolism: Half-submerged boat being carried from ocean (illusory physicality “leaving” dream state)
      • Waking transition symbolism: (Liminal transmutation) North Koreans to Australian SES workers
      • Waking symbolism type: Water Lowering Waking Symbolism (WLWS); getting closer to the shore over time also symbolizes waking and circadian rhythms factors
      • Additional personal notes: Our (present) porch as symbolizing the waking space is ambiguously combined with WLWS.

    3. Dream - Chaotic Canberra Camp

      by , 12-13-2017 at 10:16 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 13 DEC - 2017

      Dream No. 241 - Chaotic Canberra Camp

      In this dream, it was a whole group of Killester girls as well as some Camelot students on a camp to Canberra. It showed the bedroom I was in, in this unknown complex. I said to myself that I wanted to try and get to the room on the other side as there was something special about it. That room was connected to the back of my room, so I could always see it, I just couldn't get to it. CF was one of the girls in my room and so I was talking to her about things. I then stepped in the corridors to try and find a way to the desired room.

      As I was walking, I saw Killester girls from a mix of year levels, including WB. I wanted to talk to WB and so tried to go up to her. Before I could reach her, she started sniggering at me to her friend OL and actually flew away. I started chasing after her as I had meaningful intentions to talk to her but she obviously didn't know that. She kept it as a game and led me on a wild goose chase so far that it ended up all the back at the local track in Mulgrave, Victoria. Still, she kept disregarding me and flying away, so much so that we had made a whole revolution back to the hotel in Canberra. It was at that hotel that I caught up to her and stopped her... She said nothing and only had this look on her face like she was pretending to listen.

      I knew she was still being ignorant, so I shrugged my shoulders at her, gave up, and then drooped away. I found some rear exit to some patio at the hotel. When I came out onto the patio, I saw an entrance to that room I wanted to go into earlier. I entered that room feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction. I came to the realisation that my brother was staying in this room. After talking to my brother for a while, the scene changed.

      It was now solely Camelot students in this scene. It was back in grade 4 but the age groups of the students were as they are in 2017. We were due to return from Canberra and so were getting checked in at the airport by the teachers. Although there were three classes, Miss De. was doing all the check-ins and the other two teachers didn't seem to exist in the dream at all.

      Apparently we were going to be marked out of 30 for this Canberra trip and we would lose 7 marks automatically if we did not take this medicine she was giving out. I didn't want to take it and thought to myself “What a stupid trick. What kind of school gives out compulsory medicine on the spot?”. Still, 7 marks was a lot to lose and so I took the rose coloured tablet from her and walked around with it for a while.

      I was standing in this archway when JS comes up behind me and asks what I'm doing. I told him I was trying to see what ingredients went into this medicine. I then look at a side-wall in the passage of the archway and white computerised text appears, telling me the proportion of ingredients in the tablet. My mind finally made up that the medicine was safe to take and so I tell JS, “I've decided to take this silly thing”. I then put the tablet in my mouth and chewed on it, feeling the contents crumble and dissolve. In the meantime, JS had walked off and so I was on my own again.

      I went back to the centre of the bottom part of the airport where Miss De. was waiting for everyone. She said to the students that normally they would take the stairs to get to the plane but this time, we had to take the lift because we were taking off right from the very top of the airport. As soon as I heard the word “lift”, I started freaking out. There were three lifts in total, so the group was split up into three to go up in equal numbers.

      I approached Mrs. W, telling her what was wrong and for someone to help me in while I would have my eyes closed in there. She said to approach one group and the students in there. I did just that but every time I tried to utter a word, someone would start talking to their friends over the top of me. I got frustrated and so I just stood there right in front of them with my arms folded over, tapping my foot on the ground multiple times.

      I eventually tried again and went to JS in the group but this time, I didn't have the confidence to start speaking. Mrs. W then appeared right behind me and said something like “Oh I'm gonna tell them now”. She then moved over slightly to JS's ear and whispered the word “elevator”. That made JS look confused and then he looked at me, prompting me to say what I wanted to say. I couldn't get out of it now... I finally ended up telling him.

      When I had finished, everyone else had seemed to disappear and it was just me and him. It was a glass lift and so the dream was showing my position from the outside, looking into it through the glass. JS was casually holding my hand and I actually had my eyes open. The dream ended there.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    4. Log 957 - Sky Highway Zone and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 12-13-2017 at 03:10 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 12 December 2017

      Got several things to note, including a few LDs. If my memory were up to par, I would have had a lot of other things as well.

      Dream 1 - Behind the Wheel - A Street Racer's Autobiography

      The visuals were a bit dim. I watching a Youtube video on the humorous self-documentary of an Asian immigrant street racer. This was mostly monologue to the footage of his driving around in various highways. There was talk of his fascination of the sport, his struggles in getting recognition from (less-than-reputable) US sponsors, and his immigration to one of the southern states. He then comments, "And that's when I stumbled upon another problem: most of the roads here are shit." Then appeared clips of his local highway, the road long worn. In fact, there were long spans in the road to which he easily could scoop up loosened tarmac like sand.

      Not much else occurred before the dream ended.

      Scrap Group 1
      Something about The Evil Within 2. That secret agent lady (only watched a few videos, so the names haven't stuck) is in a talk show, where she reveals the reason for her defecton from the evil organization. Apparrently, her mother got cancer at some point, after which the two developed a much closer bond. This made the agent realize how far gone her morals have deteriorated during her tenure.

      Dream 2 - Sky Highway Zone

      Scene 1 - I'll Celebrate Some Other Time
      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was a guest in an unknown home, participating in festivities.

      Later, I begin feeling exhausted, enough so that I barged into the nearest bedroom for rest. But, numerous interruptions kept me from sleeping. This starts with my brother in law speaking about certain issues with his supposed father. An impossible occurrence, I knew, but besides getting suspicious, I didn't do anything.

      The last of these disruptions involved my cousin Wyatt (who appeared in his teens) along with one of his friends supposed friends, a kid I've never seen before. The two quickly make nuisances of themselves, conversing loudly while sitting on the mattress to watch a nearby TV. It was only when one of them almost kicked me off the bed that they'd acknowledged my presence. I resigned to dropping in the floor, certainly the more comfortable place to sleep at the time.

      Per chance, I began a WILD attempt, beginning with meditation, as usual. Cue rapid transition.

      Scene 2 - Tired Drive Awareness
      The visuals were very dim. I was driving an SUV around a forest highway during the dead of night. Several family members were in the back seats. I looked up at the stars, noticing how quickly they revolved. Was I going too fast? I then identified how fatigued I was, far too much to drive safely. That's when I remembered the previous occurrences, and realized the dream. Suddenly, the surroundings changed, appearing as a hypnotic, striped array in tunnel view. Things began fading. So, I felt out the vehicle's ceiling. Then, to the tune of Sky Sanctuary Zone from Sonic and Knuckles, I forced a warp.

      Scene 3 - Mode Change!
      The visuals were brighter. I was still driving a vehicle, only now, the road before me was spiraling sideways within the clouds of a blue sky. Despite the path set, the vehicle itself kept a forward trajectory, gliding off-road when necessary. Still lucid, thanks to the above song anchoring such.

      I thought of tasks to do, and recalled the powered armor TOTM. Before starting, I phased off the moving vehicle. From there, I uttered "Change Mode!" in a thick Japanese accent. Concurrently, I willed a third-person view to see myself get armored, though I only appeared as mostly a blur. I did at least witness my skin taking on a white, ceramic plated form. Furthermore, Egg Reverie from Sonic Mania replaced the previous song.

      Back to first-person, from which I immediately took flight. I moved around my limbs, noticing a natural, unrestricted motion of such. I soon identified cold air subtly blowing all over me from within the armor, and the unusual illusion of spaciousness that brought, if only compared to how tightly the suit clung onto me.

      It seemed the view from my right eye was dulled. But, I realized this was because of a scanning interface, so noted by markers being placed over various vehicles passing below me. This made me curious on weaponry. I tried finding a good target, but everything I found was moving too fast, not to mention unjustifiable to engage. After a minute of waiting, I decided to just blast the air. A green laser immediately shot from my right palm, puncturing holes through the clouds. It streamed for a quite a while, though I dared not aim at anything substantial.

      Things quickly destabilized afterwards, and the dream collapsed.

      Scrap Group 1
      Many, many dreamlets, a few of which had transitioned to dreams, though all but the one below are forgotten.

      Dream 3 - Burning Phoenix

      The visuals were blurred. I was scrounging around in the kitchen. Noticed my brothers and nephew watching the TV intently. On screen was an episode of Steven Universe. There was an ongoing high-speed chase, during which several characters were bouncing around in the back of a van (Greg's van, probably).

      I then gained awareness. To rid distraction from the program, I hovered up in a wreath of flames, then blazed through and away from the living room (like so; I even yelled out the move's name)There was some noticeable delay at first, which was corrected about halfway through the maneuver.

      I got distracted by random thoughts after that, and can't recall anything else.

      Updated 12-13-2017 at 03:41 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , task of the month