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    1. make like a tree and leave

      by , 10-31-2014 at 11:08 PM
      I still feel rotten and spent the night on the settee...

      Non lucid - For some reason I was a teenager again, I knew that wasn't right but there you go. I was in a room with some old school pals, and I made two of them cry like babies. I said to the second one 'For God sake you're fourteen, no you're fifteen ...... erm how old are we just now?'

      Walking down the street In my home town with two guys.

      Me 'There used to be loads of sweet shops in Forfar'
      Pal 'No there didn't'
      Me 'Aye there was, there used to be four'
      Pal 'Fours not a lot'
      Me 'It is so'
      Pal 'Balls to that'

      and on it went.

      I was in Asda apparently. There was a way of getting aboot which involved sitting in a wee rollercoaster like contraption which would stop at various departments. The wifie in control would shout out left or right for the exit.

      that's it1
    2. Finn's Future Nightmare, Rocket ships growing from foam cutouts, old bullies try to take my computer

      by , 10-31-2014 at 09:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This was a very strange one. I was in what felt like a Wendy’s or McDonalds, save for the place was deserted, and it felt like it was closed. I was sitting in the corner along with a dream character who I did not recognize, but was a male.
      [Dream Logic] They showed me a box full of these cutouts that were made out these really tough foam. They were cut into radial snowflake like patterns and he told me about how they were ‘Grow your own spaceships’. All you had to do was add water and they would turn into a spaceship. [/Dream Logic]
      To be honest, the DC might have been Marcus, but I can’t remember. The dream was so blurry. This seems crazy even for something he would come up with.
      So I took two of them out of the box. We had a cup of water and we used these little eyedroppers to get them started. The foam starts to puff up, and sure enough metal paneling begins to emerge and build. Watching this thing self-assemble is strange. It is fascinating to watch. The assemble seems something like a transformer, and I eventually see a rocket engine assemble in the center.
      “Ya see that? That’s the kind of engine that will get you to Mars!”
      The dream carried on for a long time as the spaceship continued to grow, transform and change. For some reason my spaceship turned into a large dark green suitcase with rocket motors on the bottom, and lights on the inside. The DC told me that the foam cutout was faulty and that I would try with another one. I lost the dream around there.

      Something to do with being in a rather small room with a pool and a hot tub. For some reason all of the tiles are a rich forest green and there are high, narrow windows running along the top of the wall.

      I am with S. We are in my room together and there is a large wall-mounted flatscreen TV on the wall where the dresser should be. We are sitting on the end of my bed, wrapped in blankets and eating popcorn out of a huge bowl. S wants to watch an adventure time episode called 'Finn's Future Nightmare'
      The episode is supposed to center around Finn's future son who in the episode is this nightmarish monstrosity. There are a couple of blurry indistinguishable scenes that go on for a minute or two, then one of his shadow. It pans up to show a silhouette of the character. He is huge and brawny and has sword blades in the place of his hands.
      There are then some scenes of him terrorizing innocent candy people. For some reason they are in this really realistic setting. This is followed by a scene of adult Finn rushing at him with the Grass Sword and Jake who has morphed into a shield. Supposedly in this future of adventure time, Jake can change not only the shape of his body but the composition; so his shield transformation actually looks like a shield.
      His son steps out of the shadow. He looks like a little bit like the basic Finn (Save for muscles and sword hands) with the same outfit, and he has five or six of these pinwheel devices running up his shirt like buttons. They open and expand and fire energy out in different colors. Finn blocks them with the sword and he charges into melee range.
      Finn wakes up from his nightmare, and Jake asks him what he dreamed about. He says he doesn't want to talk about it.

      I am casually strolling along in the industrial park that is a few blocks from my house. The area has become a swamp and the factories are abandoned and flooded. It was some kind of post-apocalyptic future where my town had been destroyed and flooded, and the boardwalk had been built as a means for the new generation to walk around and explore what past towns and cities looked like.
      Also, for some reason in this dream, I was like 14 or 15 years old. (I was walking around in the body that I had when I was 14 or 15. Something to do with cloning me.)
      I had my computer with me. I approached a sitting area on the boardwalk and opened it up. I began typing up (in a word document) my dreams from earlier in the night when I was approached by a group of maybe six people. Some of them had vague resemblances to kids who used to bully me in middle school. One of them tried to grab at my computer, but I closed it.
      I then remembered that it was when I turned fifteen that I started taking self defense classes. I wondered if my skills were any good. I saw one of the bullies try to do a mock kick to make fun of that fact, but he fell over backwards.
      Another bully tried to grab my computer from my arms but I backed away. I leaped into the air and kicked him in the face. He fell over and I landed. A guy charged at me from the right and swung at me. I ducked. He then tried to uppercut me. I leaned back. Another guy came at me from the left. I kicked him in the gut and he fell over. The guy on my left swiped at me, and two more guys were coming in. I threw my computer up over me and caught it behind my back. I thought to myself how I should be careful doing stunts because I don't want my laptop to be broken or stolen.
      Even though I was holding my own in this fight, for some reason I decided to try to get these guys off of me.
      I yelled: "Police Officer!" and pointed behind them. All of the bullies looked where I pointed.
      There was nobody there.
      One of the bullies yelled "Oh, Sh*t!", and they all started running as if they were actually in trouble.
      Dream characters don't get much more stupid than that.
      But if that wasn't strange enough, I started running too. I can't remember why. I guess I figured that they might realize that there actually was no police officer and would try to chase me down. As I was running, I noticed that I was barefoot, and I seemed to be pushing off the ground with just my toes.
      I then noticed that the frequency of my steps was very low. I was taking one step every ten feet and the way I was bounding off the ground; I almost seemed to be floating.

      I became partially lucid, dropped my computer and started flying when the dream ended.
    3. Camp Time Fun / Let's Race

      by , 10-31-2014 at 05:34 PM (Casting Shadows)
      Dreams on October 29.

      First dream: I'm a part of a Christian camp and I'm in a cabin. My councilor (or at least the one who teaches me from the little book we get) is a young, black dude, probably in his late teens, who was very friendly. He sort of reminded me of a hippy. I had a giant magnifying glass and he wanted to see.

      But before that the heads of my cabin were putting us all in the little areas in the camp we needed to go to.

      Afterwards, one girl in my cabin said she got to talk to one of the pageant leaders.

      Second dream
      : I showed Ivory Coke songs and she liked them. I was talking to her--I think out loud--while I was walking to a convenient store. I seen her behind the glass door and she was looking pretty; I remember that her hair was straight. We were talking a bit and at some point she pulled the door open so I could come inside (I would have pulled it open anyway, but I don't think I wanted to--I think I wanted our interaction to be more poetic). Two Hispanics come up behind me and I offer to let them come through, but they move on to the next door and the mother said, "That's how you deal with people like that," referring to me.

      Then Mama, Daddy and I are in a car. Mama's knee is messed up and Daddy is angry. He has a sharp, plastic stick he uses to strike her with when he thinks we're about to crash. He sits in the middle of the front seats so he can be ??? something, I don't know. Though I am in the back, I am the one braking.

      We go speeding down the road, but I keep applying pressure on the brakes. Mama says that this way of driving is good, because it keeps her from going too fast because she is angry (mostly with Daddy, probably).

      Cars do come out and they are everywhere. It becomes difficult to dodge them and we wreck.

      We're back in the beginning, as if it's a video game. I suggest we do it again, and my parents seem as though their tension goes out and they are happy. This time when we get in I'm in the passenger's seat, though still the brake.

      (We drive in rural areas.)
    4. Tall Slender Shadow People/ Bus

      by , 10-31-2014 at 05:19 PM

      Dream 1

      I was inside the subway waiting to take the train. When I heard it I ran to take it and ended up in a room with people. But somehow the room was moving as if we were on a train. I found this peculiar until it completely changed into my living room. There was a little boy and girl and a African mom. The little girl wanted to sleep but couldn't cause her brother kept waking her up. The little boy said the mom drugged her so she would not fall asleep. Even though she did not sleep last night.

      I saw that the little boy was playing a new melee game and started playing with him.But than I noticed that the house was now like a mansion and I saw these tall slim shadows walking around like they lived there and were creatures trying to blend in with society. My parents tried talking to me but I told them I didn't have time to talk and ran off. Even though I was missing pants.

      When I went out the door there was a huge construction truck in front of the door and I tried lifting it to hear my brother say that he was inside trying to stop it from running into the house. He said it was my fault cause I didn't pay the rent. I hugged him, apologized than tried using the tissue to cover his bleeding head but he stopped me than left.

      Dream 2

      I forgot most of it but I'll try to remember. Hmmm....(/"- w-) I was at my house and my dad showed me an old picture of when we lived in the old house. I wanted to see more but my dad said I wasn't ready to see the rest. I was annoyed and left to my room where I saw my brother and his friend holding our old camera but the stand was longer than it should have been.

      When I left I somehow ended up on a bus and was listening to a guy talk to a girl about what they want for Christmas. I was going to leave but when I saw spiders on the floor and tried to run I got caught in a tangle of strings holding my foot. I asked for help and a little boy helped untangle the mess for me.

      I thanked him and out of no where other kids came telling me they were going to leave now. We all hugged each other goodbye and they left. After that I remember something else happening. I think I woke up in the dream on my bed and scratched my head to notice I could feel my brain.

    5. Dreaming Again After Major Brain Surgery

      by , 10-31-2014 at 02:38 PM
      After suffering an AVM (arteriovenous-malformation) and major cerebral bleed and
      eight hour craniotomy I read at a medical website
      that some patients with difficult histories like mine,
      or worse, sometimes do not have dreams while asleep any more.
      Actually they often do not remember any dreams, some
      do not have dreams and some have them but do not remember
      them. Of course, not having any dreams would be a big
      medical problem to begin with. This is how I remember
      the problem related to me.

      Recovering in the hospital, and at first back at home,
      I did not remember having any dreams and so I began to
      worry some. Then one night not long I think after returning
      home I dreamed and in it my wife and I went, by cab,(had no
      driver's license at first)to a co-worker's home and there
      was a party and there were computers set up in their family
      room as a computer class. The co-worker was a lady who
      gave computer classes, but of course not at home. In the dream her son was there and he graciously drove us home afterwards because as I said I could not yet drive. I was happy that I was finally dreaming again.

      When I returned to work a few weeks later I again met the
      co-worker who gave computer classes and one day I told her
      of my dream and all the details. Now, I didn't know her
      well and didn't even know if she was married or had any
      children. She told me after I related the dream that she
      did have a son and he was about the age that I dreamed he
      was. I was surprised.

      It wasn't a dream with a message or anything like that, but
      I remember it well even after 12 years. I was happy that
      I was dreaming, and today I seldom remember any whole dreams,
      but once in a while I remember a tiny part of one and so
      I know I am still dreaming.
    6. 30th October - Train Crash and Guns - Non Lucid

      by , 10-31-2014 at 10:59 AM
      Inside a large compound with one high sloped wooden bank, and building on two of the other sides. The other end just kept going so the compound must have been huge. I had a paintball gun in my hands and was in the middle of a game with one other person. Interesting to see how gravity effected the balls as they were fired. Even over short distance. On the opposite side to the sloped bank was a dilapidated building. Some old friends were leaning out of it shouting me to come up, saying they were building a swimming pool. Took the staircase on the right side of the building, expecting just to be able to walk right through, but it was split into two rooms, and the room I was trying to get through was JAM PACKED with mothers and their kids. I mean shoulder to shoulder mothers... no chance. Carried on up one more flight of stairs to see if I could get over the top but my path was blocked by large atlas maps rolled up in plastic tubes. I needed one for my bedroom in real lifeso I picked it up, but a child said 'No, they are the schools!'

      Ran back to the car park and jumped in a Jeep wrangler, speeding off down the jungle rally track that started at the end of the car park. Look over to my left and in the passenger seat is a young boy, and for some reason I know he is going to be there for the rest of the time. I slam my foot to the floor, and hurtle round the corners. It reminds me of temple run, and huge logs block the road at points. I don't slow down, just lean back and pull the steering wheel and the car jumps over. I miss judge a turn though and the car goes rolling into the forest. We manage to jump out before the car leaves the road though, and we watch it hurtle into the distance. (A few minutes later ill see an explosion in the distance and assume that was the car finally coming to rest)

      I look about to see what is around, and an old man is there with a long beard, standing in the middle of a rail way track that runs parallel to the jungle rally track. All three of us walk along it and eventually the trees die back and we are wandering through a large open plain. Suddenly I hear a huge horn and turn around to see a train bearing down on us. Its so close and so fast. Everything goes into slow motion and me and the old man dive sideways. I see the little boy just stood there. The train is about to hit him but I manage to grab his t shirt. It turns all elastic and just stretches, pulling him away much slower than it should. The train turns ad drives off the track. I look up and the driver waves as if to say 'hold on, Ill take it round the block'

      Watching the train just disregard the track and do a full circle on the grass was pretty impressive. It came back around and the driver said don'r worry about it. I got on the train and it was full of people what looked like they were heading to a fancy event. I guessed they were all together. The inside of the train was set out exactly like the inside of a coach. I walk out of the middle door into a courtyard. Everyone is stood around as if at a wedding reception. Walking through the crowd, a guy holds his fist up for me to bump it, but when I do, he grabs my hand, and wont let go. Then he does, I crack him the biggest back hand I can manage. (I don't know why) It makes a loud noise, everyone looks, and he starts crying. I big shout of 'Call the police!' goes up and I just leg it. I ran up past the church with my best mate and then up the the police station.

      There were tall narrow startcases up the the front desk of the police station and i started pouring out my story to the officer. There was a moody french couple what wouldnt say more than a few mumbles in my direction. I went back ooutside and there was a mob of people shouting for my. Loads of boys from the younger year of my old school with tennis balls, ready to punish me for hitting the guy. I stood up taller than all of them and roared like a lion, and they all ran away. I went back up to the front desk of the station but it had changed into a kitchen and the officer that i had been talking to was stood there making a slight variation of a kebab from Berlin (They are the best) There were three hand guns on the table in front of me and one of them had a large scope on it. I picked it up and looked through the scope. The image I saw was better than crystal clear. I have not seen anything that clear in a dream before. (Expectations)

      Put the gun down and went downstairs. There was a car parked outside that was full of water with a man sat submerged inside. as i got there the water had just dipped below his face and he looked upset. I kicked to door off and asked him if he was committing suicide. He said he was, so I dragged him out the car. He looked flustered and told me to leave him alone. He got into a van but I told him he was coming upstairs. He was having none of it and tried to drive off. I was having none of that, and pushed the back of the van. The whole thing spun into a wall. He reversed and I did the same thing. I then grabbed the back and just flipped the whole van onto it's side. (super human strength) He was so angry and started chasing me. I ran up the stairs into the police station and told the officer. He was watching TV at the time and stood up and aimed his gun at the top of the stairs. The fat guy came up, saw the gun and instantly vanished. And then the dream ended.

      Before Bed
      Blue light from the screen
      Lots of alcohol
      Nicotine for the first time in a couple of days
      Lots of water before bed

      Woke at 06:00 and went back into the dream 10 mins later then rose at 09:15

      -A few violent things in the dream which doesn't usually happen-
    7. 29th of october

      by , 10-31-2014 at 06:01 AM
      Dream 1:
      I am in some kind of a circus, and the trainer is explaining to the animal how they are going to get rich and popular. But the animal should stay on its place the whole time.

      Dream 2:
      Me and my friends are in a district full of alcoholics (what's up with me and alcoholics..?) My friends say something bad to them so they start chasing us. While running away one of my water bottles drops to the ground, and when I try to pick it up one of the chasers gets to me and makes me fall, but then he asks if I am a dancer, I answer that I once was (which is true). Then he proceeds to describing me what the abbreviation means.
    8. Back after a year. (28th october)

      by , 10-31-2014 at 05:55 AM
      Well here we go again trying to attain lucidity.

      I stopped trying almost exactly a year ago, so I will resume by putting down my dream journal entries for 28th October 2014!

      Dream 1:
      It was a temple like structure where my brother and somebody else lived. We were talking about knowledge and how I knew more things than Hakob (my brother).
      And then I am at the sea, following a battleship on a distance of a bout 150 meters, I am floating but I don't feel it, so I am more like a camera. The battleship is beaming the image of Bart simpson into the air using lasers.
      Now suddenly I was in the Simpsons' world behind Bart himself and couple of rugged kids. They were discussing how to miss their class,but the saw their teacher's car passing by, so they run to to hide. The teacher looked like a human shaped dinosaur
      Dream ends

      Dream 2:
      Me and my brother are in some shady part of the Moscow city. We drove there to see our uncle and aunt, and I am being a driving badass as always.
      After some maze like streets, we find the building. When inside the building, Hakob is no longer with me, he seemed to get lost before I even entered (in Moscow 95% of people live in 6-30 story tall buildings).
      Uncle with aunt left for some business, and I go over to the balcony to shout my brother's name in order to show him where I am. To my slight surprise there are several alcoholics that walk like zombies, that are coming towards the building.
      Dream ends

      Dream 3:
      The only words about this dream I do remember are: Royal siege of the castle.

      That it! I will make the October 29th entry now
    9. #43 - my 4th lucid dream

      by , 10-31-2014 at 03:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I decided the night before to relax and give lucid dreaming a break while I sorted out some stuff on my plate, I didn't want to overwhelm myself and kill my interest in lucid dreaming. Coincidentally I had my fourth lucid dream. I went to bed at about 2am, and I woke up 3ish hours later. I went toilet and had a drink of water from the tap, then went back to bed. As I was going back to sleep I decided I'd do some very short SSILD cycles, I did one cycle and then proceeded back to my usual day dreaming. Then 5 minutes later I did it again. I did this again another 5 minutes later, each time bringing myself back to an aware state of mind and not really with the intention of getting lucid. This probably is the reason why I got lucid.

      Dream 1 - Halloween
      I vaguely remember this dream, something about walking down the street, me and my friends go into a house and I decide I'd better go get some candy from the supermarket to give to kids that come for Halloween. I go outside and my friends are gone or something.

      Dream 2 - Graveyard Lucid Dream
      I was running around at night in a cemetery, being a rebel or something... The night passed by and I came back the following day, it's a nice and bright beautiful sunny day. I start free-running around the tombstones like Altair or something, jumping and climbing some huge grave pillars and stuff. I see a grave embedded in a wall of dirt about 2-3 metres tall, I run towards it planning on running up it and jumping on top of the ledge. I fail, and hang from the ledge lazily with one arm a few feet above the ground. I look at the tombstone in front of me now, it reads "102-312AD". This strikes as pretty weird. I let go of the ledge and land on the ground, I think to myself "Hmmm, is this a dream? Pffft.. It MUST be a dream, I'm in a friggin graveyard. But... is it?". I challenge myself to fly in order to test if it is a dream, and BOOM, I soar through the air like a pro, once again flying at the start of my lucid dream, like I've done in every single one I've ever had . I land on the ledge of a large 50m tall tomb. I had felt some strong tingling sensations from the wind as I was flying, I decide that it'd be a good idea to connect to the dream and stabilize as much as I can now that I'm lucid. I touch the wall of the tombstone, it's made from conglomerate rock. I notice the dream starts fading regardless of my attempts to stabilize, I start rubbing my hands together to stabilize, but the sensation is a bit dulled now. The dream fades away, but I can still feel the sensation of rubbing my hands together. I think to myself "I just need to open my eyes and see the dream world" but nope, I needed to lie still and do a DEILD if I wanted to regain the dream. Goofed. I screwed it up and lost the dream completely.

      I'm starting to understand how I should approach these situations a lot better now, after all it's only my 4th lucid, I'm not expecting myself to be an expert .
    10. Playing the guitar/ Alone in the dream

      by , 10-31-2014 at 01:25 AM

      Dream 1

      I was at a store looking to buy a snack but I didn't have enough money to buy anything. So I left with my brothers and a friend to walk to a friend's house. But we ended up in a room where a blonde lady was arguing with her fiance or something. I told her to cheer up but she said she just wanted to follow her dream in music. I took a guitar that was in a corner and tried to play a song from my head so she would feel better but she just got annoyed and left through the window. Someone went after her though and as I walked I ended up in a school. There were lots of kids around and I was in the mood to play the guitar again. I tried playing and singing and a guy told me I was good but than I heard music coming from a radio in the background and was embarrassed. I gave the guitar to the guy and said I really wanted to play the piano instead. I left after that and somehow I ended up running with a girl from a DC who was mad at us. I slid under a table in the place that looked like a mall and was able to get away but at the last moment the girl I was running with shot my tounge with something. I asked her why she would do such a thing than remember looking at a manga about what just happened in the dream.

      Dream 2

      I was thinking about taking a bus but ended up in a big empty place. I saw the star fox ship there and found a game about a robot in a bowl of water. Than I flew around and thought about shouting out in the dream to see if a DC would appear. After I shouted a little boy shouted "I have a fever!".When I looked around, in the distance I noticed there was a park and a boy was with his older brother walking up to me.

      Updated 10-31-2014 at 01:28 AM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Dream Character Asks How I Knew I was Dreaming

      by , 10-31-2014 at 12:26 AM
      I went to bed last night planning not to lucid dream because I was sick with the flu, and I wanted to sleep through the night to get some rest. This wasn't the case. I first had a lucid dream about fishing, followed by a real interesting second Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD), where the dream character said something totally unexpected. I will describe the second dream.

      I had a false awakening, where I woke up in bed, but I was actually dreaming. My room was full of people from work. There was an overhead projector with a Power Point presentation being given on crucial accountability. A course I've never taken, but plan too. I sat up in bed, in total confusion, wondering why all these people were in my room. I watch the presentation for a while, and then one of my co-workers started to comment on how nice my home was. Suddenly, my bedroom grew twice the size, and it truly was amazing. I knew instantly this was a dream (I should have figured it out earlier, lol). I find flying helps boost my lucidity, so I ran out my bedroom and jumped like Super Man over the 2nd storey foyer railing and flew around the living room and foyer area. As I was flying I looked at the co-worker, who had commented early about how nice my home was, and I said, “My house also has an anti-gravity device installed!” Below me, near the basement stairs, I could see this wrinkled old man standing there. I remembered my conviction to interact with dream characters, so I landed beside him.

      He looked at me, and his eyes were full of life. I asked him, “How are you doing!” He didn't answer my question, but said, “What were you writing on your hand in that dream?” In a recent lucid dream I had marked down a dream character’s cell phone number, but I was unsure how to reply to his question so I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He then said something totally unexpected, “How did you know you were dreaming?” I remembered from my previous dreams that dream characters generally get upset when you tell them I'm dreaming, so I said, “Hold on, I didn't say I was dreaming.” He then said to me, “Why were you flying?” I then told him, “Like I said when I was flying, I have an anti-gravity device installed in my house.” He then smiled and grew much younger, turned, and walked down into the basement. I floated along behind him. He turned his head, smiled, and said, “There’s no such thing as anti-gravity.” I replied by saying, “Yes there is, and a person like you (dream character) described to me how it works, and it made sense.” He then stop, and turned to face me with a questioned look. I figured, great, we can engage in some real interesting conversation! I got so excited, I woke up. I felt like I made some positive progress on how to interact with dream characters.
    12. The Market and the Komodo Dragon

      by , 10-30-2014 at 10:31 PM
      I`m in a large dimly lit cavernous marketplace which seems to be longer than it is wide. Stalls line the middle of the room and they are packed with trinkets and other items which seem quite useless. I examine some of the items stopping briefly to listen to a man selling a fancy salt pig. 100 post-d.050201.jpg I then realize that everybody in the market is not welcome there as the rest of the building is quite dangerous and no place for ordinary people. Heading back to the entrance way of the mall I see a door that nobody seems to be coming in and out of. I examine it and eventually open it and see that there is a small room inside and another door placed in a glass wall revealing a komodo dragon in a glass room being studied by many people in the surrounding rooms. The dragon suddenly smashes into the wall breaking the glass and begins terrorizing the market place. I run outside and find myself under a bridge. I believe I briefly became lucid I believe that I can fly as i jump into the air and the dream seems to fade to a light grey color.
    13. Robot in the beach / Paralyzed teen

      by , 10-30-2014 at 09:33 PM
      I went to bed just before midnight and woke a little before 6.

      Robot in the beach
      I'm watching two people on a rocky/pebbly beach. One is a youth of maybe eleven or twelve. The other is probably late teens. The youth is nervous about what they're about to do, reiterating that they just CAN'T damage his mom's house. The teen reassures him that everything will be fine. The youth looks over his shoulder at his mom's house a few hundred feet away. It's built of stone, and it's four stories tall. Now the teen has started to use some heavy machinery he brought. It's a giant pincer that he's using to dig and shape the strange rocky beach. I start to see it shape what I think is the top of a head, and I wonder if they're trying to carve a statue of the youth's mom. Now my perspective changes to right outside the house. His mom has felt something odd and comes out to see what's going on. Now she's aware of slight vibrations in the ground coming from the beach. She looks at the house to see how it's holding up, and now I can see that it's made of stones anywhere from a foot diameter all the way down to pebbles and dust. There's no mortar holding it together, so the vibrations are gradually shaking out the small stuff. She sighs and starts to head down to the beach. Now I'm looking at the boys again. By this time they've gotten down to the waist of the "statue" and I realize they're actually excavating an ancient robot. The work goes quickly and soon the whole robot is exposed. They're very excited, right up until it shoots a salvo of four rockets from its back towards the house. The youth gets an "uh-oh" look on his face.

      Paralyzed teen
      I'm watching a group of friends, all late teens. One of them is a boy who's always been very helpful, especially when it comes to computers. Something's happened, and he's been paralyzed in both arms from the mid-forearm down. His friends are very sad for him, and a couple of them hold his hands (though he can't feel their touch). They're outside somewhere. Now I see them in a room. He's talking about the keyboard and mouse he was able to get that he can use. It's slow and annoying, but it's better than nothing. They start talking about some rating about how much precision you need to use a given input device. His new weird mouse is rated a six. A normal good keyboard is rated a twenty, and the Apple PerfectTouch keyboard is rated a forty. Someone comments that the white Apple keyboard look a lot better than everything else.
    14. 88 miles an hour!

      by , 10-30-2014 at 08:57 PM
      I have bad cold..... (IRL)

      Anyway, I had a false wakening where I didn't RC coz I haven't been practising. I woke and looked at the clock it said 0500, I thought to myself, 'I may as well try a WILD' - then I drifted off. I then woke for real and looked at the clock and it said 0200 - this confused me for a moment!

      Fragment - In a busy shopping centre. There was a balcony leading outside at the top end. There was a blue Budgie flying in and out of the building. A woman standing next to me claimed ownership.

      That's it the noo!
    15. Short Dream

      by , 10-30-2014 at 08:45 PM
      I forgot the events that happened in the dream. The only thing I remember is what someone told me right before waking up: "sometimes people have to keep their distance and be "tough""
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