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    1. Land dwelling coy fish

      by , 09-30-2015 at 06:27 PM
      *Landing dwell coy fish chew feed off trees
      *Caves demons craved on stone rocks
      *Explain to old friends about my mothers condition, be compassionate please.
      *Tyler controls car with remote control causing it to crash

      Updated 10-05-2015 at 11:12 PM by 54557

    2. 30/09/2015

      by , 09-30-2015 at 04:28 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I woke up a lot last night and I was kinda anxious, so my dream is a bit of a mess. Also, I've been up for a few hours now, so I kinda forgot some stuff. I did dream about DV, so niiice.

      Anyway, I was at this weird place. It was like a fancy camp/cheap resort kinda place. I remember I kept going from one... small cottage to another, looking for a DV member (who doesn't exist in real life). I knew I had to find him cause he was wise and he'd help me.

      I finally found him and he was old and crazy. He kept saying I needed to get ready for the collapse of our society and that he wouldn't be around much longer cause he was gonna die. So he took me to his tiny cottage and he helped me pack some stuff and food. Then he made me take a shower.

      Note: I dream a lot about showers. I need to start doing RCs whenever I take one.

      When I came back from my shower, he was gone. I took my bag and I couldn't find him. Everybody was freaking out, so I finally got into a car. It was a regular car, but, somehow, there were MANY people there.

      Note: I dream a lot about cars/buses/planes/trains/subways/driving. I need to start doing RCs whenever I 'm on some type of transportation - ESPECIALLY driving.

      There was this traffic jam and we were on a very steep street. The other lane was empty, there were no cars coming our way. Two cars ahead of us, a woman got out and she looked at us. I knew she was gonna ask for our help because her (adult) son was in our car.

      I told him that I was sorry, but we couldn't help her and that the best thing he could do was go to the other lane and drive away. There were no cars coming, so it wouldn't be dangerous, we could use it.

      He did that and I woke up.
      Tags: rc warning
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. No dream memories #2 - 30/09/2015

      by , 09-30-2015 at 03:03 PM
      No dream memories.
    4. 300915: Abandoned classroom, an evil raygun, Chinese vendors.

      by , 09-30-2015 at 02:56 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I enter a large classroom in what seems like some kind of industrial hall. I enter from a small window to the right. The sun is bright and sunny, afternoon, perhaps morning? I look at the blackboard and the high ceiling, this is an impressive space, why has it been abandoned? I pull out my camera to take a picture, a great urban exploration pic. As I take the picture I hear someone coming, a janitor. I try to move fast to get out of there but I feel slow, like I'm moving through molasses. The janitor notices me and yells at me to get out. I shamefully comply.

      I walk through a hall, it has many floors, there are lathes and milling machines about. I see students walk by, I try to make my way silently as to not disturb anyone.

      Entering another hall I see a teacher of mine showing a machine to his class. It looks wooden and old. It is a ray gun for a space fighter. It runs on steam and evil energy from the pilot. When the pilot has evil thoughts it mixes with the steam to shoot of dark tentacles of bad energy. It's as if I see an 8-bit energy gauge with a pilot's picture to the right of it.

      The teacher gets in an argument with a student and as he's distracted pressure from the steam gathers inside the machine, it's going critical. I want to alert the teacher to this but the argument is getting pretty intense. I can't get a word in. I try to slowly walk away and position myself in a way that would minimize my exposure to an explosion, trying to get behind a corner. My teacher sees a Facebook update where another teacher tells him to lower the pressure already before there is an accident. Despite this, he continues to ignore the problem.

      I see my mom in the cafeteria, she is there for a union meeting. The room in a bit dark and shadowy. In a display case by the lunch line I see pieces of carrot cake, like ones I've seen in childhood. If only I had money to buy one.

      It's night time, I'm in a suburban center. Inside the shopping mall there are Chinese vendors selling things in small charts. I look at their wares. I see a middle-aged woman ask what's inside one of the large bags in one of the stalls. It is a pink bag of pecan marshmallows. I tell her they are good and she decides to buy them.

      Outside I somehow get onto a low-lying roof with my bike. I look at the walls and the poorly executed tags to my left, I look for a place to put mine. With no good place and too much exposure, I hop down with my bike.
    5. 9/30/15 - nd#5

      by , 09-30-2015 at 12:06 PM
      My mom was Lyn Toph (From Avatar: The Legend of Korra). She was having a dream where she was trying to fight someone. She was in a giant room shaped like a cross with a spiral staircase in the middle. There was a bunch of men dressed all in black with faces shrouded so you couldn't see them. She was swinging a black sword and with every swing a bright blue arc went with it. She kept swinging until finally everyone else was dead, then she woke up.

      She talked to her sister about the dream
      "It was the fifth night in a row. I don't like it, but I'm ready."
      "Are you sure" her sister asked?
      "Yes, I'm sure. I don't like it, but I"m sure."

      dream faded to a dream of myself
      I'm harry potter sitting in dumbledore's chamber. Instead of his desk, he had a long table with just me and him sat at one side. I could somehow see the lake on the grounds. Dumbledore asked me if I was ready to fly. He said he knew I had an affinity with planes and thought it'd suit me.
    6. #118 - teeth getting pulled/vampire who just woke up

      by , 09-30-2015 at 09:05 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream 1 - Teeth getting pulled
      I seem to be in a dark room strapped to a chair. A man is holding a drill to the left side of my cheek and starts drilling into my face and into my teeth. The pain is excruciating and realistic... Next he starts on my front teeth, all my teeth are being removed by having someone drill them out from their roots with a power tool. I keep thinking to myself hysterically that it isn't real, that it's all just a dream. I know it's a dream, because if it were real then it would hurt MORE than this. Nothing made sense, I knew I could wake myself up if I tried harder. I kept trying, over and over to will myself awake as I struggled against the constraints of the chair and the illusion of pain in my mind. I finally managed to wake up.

      Dream 2 - Vampire who just woke up
      I've just awoken from a long slumber as a vampire. My casket is special or something.. Which comes back as an important detail later. I'm a guest to huge feast, there is a master who is hosting it. I'm suspicious of everything for some reason, it's just weird I guess. I spot some large curtains blocking the entrance to a nearby room. The place I'm in is grandiose, the feast table is really long and the curtains are velvet red. I decide to ditch the feast and enter the room. One of the other guests, a woman, follows me. As she enters the room behind me she ties a black cloth over her face, then walks forward. In front of us is a silken red sheet draped over a large box of some sort. The woman approaches it (I seem to remember her having a black dress on) and removes the sheet in one sweeping move. It exposes the silver casket to which I was awakened from. (*Note: I think my face was on the casket for some reason*). It seems to shock the other guests, who apparently also followed us from the dining hall. I have some sudden flashbacks from hundreds of years ago to how vampires used to live compared to the extravagant luxury they were now accustomed to. Images like burning at the stage, being smashed over a wall and fighting epic battles. Random stuff like that.
      lucid , nightmare
    7. the sleepers

      by , 09-30-2015 at 08:46 AM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      This was a WBTB , dild and the hands trick.at first the dream was hazy so I looked at my hands to adjust clarity. I Appeared in the house there is clothes and household stuff everywhere it was a mess . I do remember walking through a couple doors but there were no doors leading in or out of that place. there was a window I went through the window breaking it in the process attempting to fly. . But I ended up landing painlessly on a patch of grass. I saw a house across the way. I went to fly on top of the house. But I don't remember what happened. then suddenly I ended up in a different house. there are people sleeping all over the floor in there and there was even a bed in the living room so i went on . I didn't bother anybody out there. I went to go check the other rooms. I saw two other people sleeping on two separate couches the blankets were pulled up over their head. so I tried to take off the blankets but another one appeared in its place . And then another one so I gave up easy and decided to go somewhere else. I went down a hallway on the right hand side of the room and on the left hand side was a door and went through. there were bunk beds in there but it was too dark to see anything else . so I went back out the hallway there was a room right across the way but I skipped it and went to the end of the hallway and went in the door on the right. I think there are bunk beds in there also I think there was people in there but I don't remember much of what happened in there. but I went back out that room into the hallway and went to the door I skipped. by then i was lucid it again there's a see-through sheet and a beaded door there was a light on in there and a lady sitting up on a bed she said to come in here now it sounded like she is trying to help me. but I paused and hesitated which is a bad thing to do in a lucid dream I fell right into a normal dream. I don't remember what happened except that I appeared in a van I was in the back there were two guys in front they were eating Rotten Tomatoes one of them said by the time they realize it it will be too late and they won't know where they are. I had the feeling they were not trying to help me and they were against me so I got out of the van. The guy in the passenger seat got out he had long nappy hair to his shoulders scruffy beard a white shirt and some jeans he kind of looked like a crackhead I tried to fly but I woke up. Oh well wish me luck next time.lol

      Updated 09-30-2015 at 08:54 AM by 61327

    8. double post pls delete it wont let me.

      by , 09-30-2015 at 08:45 AM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      This was a WBTB , dild and the hands trick.at first the dream was hazy so I looked at my hands to adjust clarity. I Appeared in the house there is clothes and household stuff everywhere it was a mess . I do remember walking through a couple doors but there were no doors leading in or out of that place. there was a window I went through the window breaking it in the process attempting to fly. . But I ended up landing painlessly on a patch of grass. I saw a house across the way. I went to fly on top of the house. But I don't remember what happened. then suddenly I ended up in a different house. there are people sleeping all over the floor in there and there was even a bed in the living room so i went on . I didn't bother anybody out there. I went to go check the other rooms. I saw two other people sleeping on two separate couches the blankets were pulled up over their head. so I tried to take off the blankets but another one appeared in its place . And then another one so I gave up easy and decided to go somewhere else. I went down a hallway on the right hand side of the room and on the left hand side was a door and went through. there were bunk beds in there but it was too dark to see anything else . so I went back out the hallway there was a room right across the way but I skipped it and went to the end of the hallway and went in the door on the right. I think there are bunk beds in there also I think there was people in there but I don't remember much of what happened in there. but I went back out that room into the hallway and went to the door I skipped. by then i was lucid it again there's a see-through sheet and a beaded door there was a light on in there and a lady sitting up on a bed she said to come in here now it sounded like she is trying to help me. but I paused and hesitated which is a bad thing to do in a lucid dream I fell right into a normal dream. I don't remember what happened except that I appeared in a van I was in the back there were two guys in front they were eating Rotten Tomatoes one of them said by the time they realize it it will be too late and they won't know where they are. I had the feeling they were not trying to help me and they were against me so I got out of the van. The guy in the passenger seat got out he had long nappy hair to his shoulders scruffy beard a white shirt and some jeans he kind of looked like a crackhead I tried to fly but I woke up. Oh well wish me luck next time.lol

      Updated 09-30-2015 at 08:55 AM by 61327

    9. 2015-09-30 tent, gun, firewood, parking lot/bus, parachuting, other moments

      by , 09-30-2015 at 08:31 AM
      +(f) in some room, there's a friend there, narrator/thinking about a gun that kills by silently (boiling the blood?), what if somebody comes by our window with that gun and shoots us while we sleep?

      + in my camping tent which suddenly collapses, something happened to the main lines. Friends offer to help. I realize I didn't stake the perimeter of the tent at all. The tent is on a raised rocky ledge so staking will be hard. Friend puts long metal stake on one of the corners

      + parking lot at night, cars are pulling in and out I'm trying to find a space? I'm trying to get out we're going somewhere other cars are pulling into and out of spot and are in my way. I wonder how I'm going to find my way (in a caravan of vehicles). I see on the main street that a large long tourist bus has arrived (it's going with us), I'm relieved, I'll just follow that bus even if it's slow, there are some other cars pulling to the curb that are in our group.

      + someone (wife?) says son S2 should take off his ring (?). I'm looking at our area, and I see that all of our firewood everywhere is smoldering, with coals, and burning in some places. Everywhere I look, our wood is catching fire. This is very dangerous we could all get burned out! Someone piled the wood on top of the stoves and it is getting to hot and catching fire. I look into one stove and the fire has almost gone out, I want to light it again, so I blow on to the embers to get it blazing again. DC comes up and we kiss deeply.

      + I'm in a (tram?) high up and have a sky-diving apparatus on. There's another guy and a girl instructor. She's giving bad instructions, I'm panicking because I don't know where any of the important controls are on the vest. She's saying "pull this thing" and I'm saying "where!? which one?" I imagine falling through the sky without knowing how to deploy my chute. She's telling us how to inflate cushioning areas on the vest (to help with landing I wonder?). Our tram approaches the ground and it's basically right at ground level and I think "well, should we just step out? What's so hard about this? Is this all there is to it?" I step out on to the ground and get my pants stuck on a low fence and get untangled. A woman guide says "OK, let's go exploring now! Make sure to take your precious gold jewelry along with you."

      + (f) I'm in some porch waiting for some items from the clerks. They're all young people, the girls are saying the guy should deal with me, they don't want to. I imagine I'm old and unattractive so that's why they're saying that .
      Inside a room like a dormitory with lots of beds laid out I see my cat(?) and then jump on to my bed and my cat jumps there too(?)

      + (f) walking on a sidewalk next to a line of middle-school students who are singing, I see and listen for a bit. I'm walking a little faster than they are. Up ahead are some more people including some girls who are standing around in a doorway.
    10. 30/9/2015

      by , 09-30-2015 at 07:12 AM
      Can only remember one dream this morning:

      At a large roundabout just like the one we used to use regularly in my home town when I was a child. I was driving wife and children in the car, in the wrong lane becasue I thought my wife had told me to go in it, then she got cross because I was in the wrong lane.
      Turned into a street and I left the family behind, can't remember why. I was then walking looking around for somewhere to park a chair (?) and loking at placed and working out if a chair would fit in. Then I was parking the car in a private space, and changed my mind and thought I would get caught, and drove out again. It was now a street full of shops. I went into a chocolate shop to buy a cake for my daughter. I ordered a very small one and was annoyed with myself for being so mean. Then I went to look for the family and was suddenly very tall and was wandering through crowds before I spotted them.
      Tags: children, wife
    11. Walking with a group of friends

      by , 09-30-2015 at 05:15 AM

      The dream started off with one of my brothers coworkers show me a picture of a girl who she was comparing herself to. I told her that she looked much better than the girl that she was comparing herself to. Then we all walked outside and to my surprise we were in my old neighborhood and my old house as a child.

      At this point I knew that I was dreaming. I had the idea of taking off flying showing everybody that I could fly because I knew that I was dreaming. I did that flying down a dark street all the way to the end which is smoothly landed and looked back to my surprise everyone was right behind me. We ended up in this back alley way which appeared to be very dark and spooky.

      I told everyone we shouldn't go in that direction and we should turn around. By this time it was daylight and these dogs ran up to us as if they were about to attack us. I climbed of the fence and threw something at them to make him go away. Then I realize that these dogs were just little puppies. I got down off of the fence and proceeded to pet the puppies enjoying their company.

      After doing this I walked back to the group and told them that I would be right back because I had to use the restroom. I woke up from a lucid dream actually having to use the restroom.
    12. September 26th 2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 10:29 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I go to a school called JMU in Virginia. I was on campus for this entire dream. The landscape and buildings were slightly different but in my mind I was at the same locations on campus that are in my real life. Of course I don't remember where the dream started, but the first memory I have is that I'm walking with four or five guys as they're following me down this path that has locker room buildings to the left and expanse on the right and in front of us. We walk up to a table where a person is sitting with a paper. He asks us to check in for camp so I look back at the guys and say this is my group and I'm the leader. In high school I did a youthgroup called Younglife so in the dream I'm their Younglife leader and we're at a camp that I've been to IRL. We go into a locker room building that's supposedly our cabin and I start to change my clothes because I remember what the next event is. I mean to change into gym shorts but instead I put on pajamas and curse myself for it. I walk down a hallway into another room which has someone on a bed and a girl on the ground playing with a laptop. The person on the bed tells me to play with the girl as I assume in my mind it's the game League of Legends.

      The dream turns to me waking up in a different locker room on my campus. I see that there's our football team and its coaches around a fire screaming. Then, a random player runs and jumps over the fire. Another one comes and jumps but lands in the fire, but he seems to not be feeling any pain though he's now on fire.

      Then I'm in this building that I think is a dining hall on my campus with my back up against a wall. There's a group of people around me and I see this girl that I've had a past with, let's call her Kristen, with another group of people. I start telling the story of the fire to the people around me but really I'm looking into Kristen's eyes and she's looking right back at me from across the room.

      It jumps to me walking out of one of the dorm buildings on my campus, this time everything is completely alike that of real life. I pass Kristen and she looks at me smiling and says "Grey Swanson" and I say "hello" to her as I keep walking. Then I see another girl that has a boyfriend irl but continues to try to lead me on, I go up to her and give her a hug where my arms go under hers and I press closely to her. I don't think I've had many kinds of these hugs ever. She hands me her phone and I'm looking at her snap story and it's of me first walking up from a different way with buildings that don't exist, then me hugging her, then me hugging her and looking at the camera and saying something. The dream skips to me riding a skateboard towards a building on campus passing people. I remember being very afraid of falling and embarrassing myself.

      Then, I was in my car with a friend named Grayson riding up to another place on campus but there was snow on the ground going up the hill so we couldn't make it. There was snow covering half of the road so I go around it then the road goes right up a very steep hill with snow at the top so it's blocked. I'm trying to turn my car around but it's getting stuck in the snow. There's a small place where it looks like someone turned around with a 3 point turn. Meanwhile, there's another story of this bomber going on simultaneously setting up mines to blow up the bridge (which was a hill) that we are on. We get the car turned around and it's sliding back down the hill. There's a piece of road missing so one of my brothers is there trying to figure out how to fix it.

      My mind thinks it's time to wake up so it creates this alarm. I'm lying in my bed listening to this music I've never heard before. It sounds sort of like an ancient hymn maybe from a long time ago, but I can't really describe it. I manage to get my dream arm over to the desk next to my bed to look at my phone as the music playing happens to have an album cover showing on my phone. It was white and brown of clouds with a blue background.

      Next, I was in another dream walking behind a friend on this massive hill that in my mind was the big hill next to where I live irl but instead it's a huge mountain expanse. We are walking sideways on the steep hill as I remark to whoever is in front of me that I'm afraid that I'm going to fall down the hill. We are grabbing tree branches as it starts to get steep but the trees are falling out of the ground. The owners of the house come out, 1 old guy and 2 old ladies. They start to yell and say that I have to pay for the trees but I'm already pissed off about that. He writes a check for 5,000 dollars but the notion is that I have to pay that so I laugh and grab the check and rip it up.

      The music part of my dream really interests me. I want to hear more music that I've never heard before.
    13. Fragments

      by , 09-29-2015 at 09:30 PM
      Walking through woods. Tall trees with peeling bark, silver birch.
      trying to find correct path.
      Creating new computer system by tracing actions, macro essential but the dream made it seem more interesting.

      funny how dreams can make even the most draft or boring things seem all important or even exciting ^^
    14. Groundhog Dream

      by , 09-29-2015 at 08:10 PM (Here be dragons)
      Didn't have a lot of time to write down my dream this morning, so not much detail for this one.

      I'm a man trapped in a decaying building, forced to loop through a senario I have no control on. I have to make the sadistic choice between leaving this place or freeing a woman chained to a wall, and each time I make a decision the dream loops and i'm back at the begining, looking for the woman in the endless rooms. I finally decide no to leave, but not to free her even and a black cat appear on a caged bed to stare at me.
    15. Counter Strike - 29/09/2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 08:06 PM
      The final dream scene that I had before awakening was about counter strike: global offensive. I was playing the arms race game mode on what seemed to be a hybrid between two maps, and I seemed to be quite successful in getting knife kills, to the point that I reached gold knife level and the "counter-terrorists win" announcement showed. I woke up shortly after.
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