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    1. 290915: Eat a mouse, squash some berries, enter a memory?

      by , 09-29-2015 at 05:11 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I see my sister, she is coming back home on a plane with her girlfriend. Back at my mom's house, I see a friend who recently had a kid, asks me if I want to come over.

      At a pizzeria, try to eat a pizza. It tastes so bad I can only eat one slice, unlike me to leave even bad food uneaten. I see a person I haven't seen in a long while there, she got really fat.

      Outside, I see a white mouse running through the courtyard. I grab it and eat it. Can't really swallow it, its carcass is between my gums, stuck and it tastes really bad. I try to spit it out but its stuck in there good. I try to do it inconspicuously, I'm spitting up a dead mouse after all. It comes out in pieces, some more recognizable than others.

      I see a library/ welding hall. Inside there is a place where you can smash your berries into juice, it's like a giant wooden vice. I squash my berries, but it gets messy, get juice everywhere.

      At a friend's house, it's a grey evening, he has a Playstation 3. I ask if he's ever played Child of Eden. He hasn't, says he'll try it out sometime.

      It's as if I enter a memory, I see a group of my friends but they are much younger, before I ever even knew them. One of them still has his distinctive beard, even though he's just a kid. We are at the top of a giant waterslide, they tell me to look down. I feel excited that they are letting me into their group.
    2. Going to work

      by , 09-29-2015 at 03:34 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I decided to leave the country, and drive to Switzerland, to work at Kobelt Chicory, where my older sister works. I packed my stuff and entered a bus. The journey was long, and I appeared on the spot in the evening. The boss told me to go to sleep at his house until they give me my own room in the worker flat. I went to bed.

      I woke up some time later, about three days later. During that time I worked all the time, and got assigned a room close to my sisters house. I visited her one day.
    3. 2015-09-29 lots of short dreams, busy night!

      by , 09-29-2015 at 11:14 AM
      +(f?) lightsaber on off, waving around, button cover falls off, still works but have to push harder, it's inconvenient without the button cover. The blade is a bright blue color.

      + giving superman flying take-off lessons: fly low over grass, then "pull up" suddenly into the sky. Barrel rolls preferred to avoiding obstacles over simply weaving around them -- give demonstration but a huge buffalo latches on to me and hinders my movement

      + driving to Reno: turn right, speed limit sign, signs look different in Nevada, you have to really keep your eye out for them, they're sort of small and square and blue-colored. I remember the speed trap approaching Reno and drive slowly. The road starts out as a very winding two-lane road [more windy than I recall] it soon becomes a high rocky path that I'm walking on (no road any more), then I find myself standing in a depression (formed by the feet of all the people who stood her previously) on two huge high abutting boulders, look at ground for best path down, it's to the left, jump down but go right, fall head-first put out arm, it'll probably break

      + entering room with renowned (movie directors/publishers?) and friend, everyones seated around a table for a meeting. We go to my friend's place at the table, he says I should have a place at the table, friend says I can find a place, there are name cards at the places, he's looking next to him, but I see my name on a card across the table from my friend [reading upside down!], I'm a bit surprised they know me and put a place for me.

      + in car, detour intersection, busses all turning right, I go straight, then walking. Guy wants to go to Azerbaijan, I point the way along the detour route. I try to say "detour" in <foreign language> [but in waking retrospect used the incorrect word that sounds similar to the correct not]. The guy starts following us and I think about telling him again the correct route but don't.

      + observing (elderly?) people stranded on steep tall cliff trying to climb/jump down, they're trying to slide slowly down vertically by digging their shoes into the hillside, a man is going to jump, is he close enough to the ground so he won't get hurt? He jumps and lands on his back against another rock, but he seems OK. Then DO flying over the scene the people on the cliff are talking about the woman who killed someone. She seems to be lying face down as if drowned in a rocky tide pool by the edge of the ocean, but she moves and says something.

      + getting into bed, there are tons of thick comforters at the foot of the bed piled up, I get in around the foot. I see a slow-moving large black mouse appear on top of the pile of comforters, it starts to walk around on top of the pile. I think there's lots of hiding places inside that pile. I shove it on to the floor, it moves slowly and doesn't avoid me. Then I see several large rats on the floor. I freak out and call for my wife, we put one into a cage, some discussion about these rodents.

      +(f) in swimming pool, I find/am looking for shoes?
    4. 29/9/2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 07:24 AM
      I was at a football ground. It was covered and quite run down but there was a large crowd in the stadium but I was walking around the side of the pitch. I notice that it was covered by a large concrete roof and thought how tatty it all looked and noticed a lot of dust everywhere. The game had started.
      Then I was at the other side of the pitch and a very important guest arrived in a big black car and he got out, he was dressed all in white and was obviously a very rich sultan, and a trolley of food was brought along. He turned around and talked to me and I though that I shouldn't really be there.

      I can't remember any more dreams. I woke 3 times with the totem sound. No false awakenings or sleep paralysis last night.
      Tags: football
    5. Flying over a beautiful lake

      by , 09-29-2015 at 12:31 AM
      I became lucid and immediately thought about flying just to to enjoy the sensation of it. So I took off flying with in this lake area over a bunch of houses. It seemed that the Sun was setting at the time in the sky was beautiful. I enjoyed this very much.

      I was at some sort of a party when I realize that I was dreaming. I got the idea of trying to impress my dream characters showing them that I could fly and I had the special powers.
    6. Stale Breakfast DILD

      by , 09-29-2015 at 12:09 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in a cabin with two other people I haven't met. The guy with a jacket was telling the girl with unusual hair if she was going to switch bodies with me. I told him we've already done that before. She then sends me in to the body of a taller man wearing a light blue dress shirt with khaki pants with a low cut. As him I was washing my hands and got out to try finding my family. I soon met up with my brother and mom, I began questioning about stuff I suspected for some time but can no longer remember what these things were.

      Soon the girl with unusual hair began telepathically communicating with me, telling me I don't have enough time. I got zap out of the body and black out. A dream began to appear where I found myself walking in the living room. It was dark since no lights were on, I sat near a couch where I found my old beaten up shoes lying around. I starting placing them on to my feet which is odd since I was grew out of them a long time ago. I then tied my shoes and heard the door beginning to knock.

      I figure it must be another criminal trying to rob the place. I get up and head to my father room, my father tells me he is going in to the kitchen. I went to the bathroom and sat down on to the soaked floor waiting for some loud noise to hit me. That's when I look up at the bathroom and realize half of the door was missing. I felt like I've been in this situation before I thought. Murky sounds started echoing from the living room. I got up from the floor and did an RC to confirm whether I was in a dream.

      The air went right through the nose plug and fully confirm to me that I am dreaming. I kept getting the feeling that something was awaiting me out in the living room, so I went near the curtains and jump at them with the immediate intention of phasing through it. I could feel my legs touching the grass outside but my upper body wouldn't get out. Soon the curtain began hurling my body back in to the house. I could feel how physical my grip was on the curtain to force myself to stay on the ground.

      However somehow this curtain is still sending me back with each second. The voice were getting louder so I needed to use some dream control quick. I began to yell no and got desperate and tried thinking of being on a beach or a park. However it wasn't working so I began trying to force myself to wake up but still nothing, this all felt too physical as my body was almost fully back in to the house. I got angry and manage to overpower the curtain and landed on the grass outside.

      It was night and I started trying to walk but my legs felt strain from how much pressure the curtains had. I soon notice that there is something on my back, I tried to scratch it off but it wasn't coming off. I look and saw that I had piece of the curtain still attach to me. The pieces began to form in to a body size disk. Why wont it come off I wonder, not long after that it started to hurtle me up in the air. While up there I began to feel pencil pricking pain all over my chest and back.

      This continue till the sky turn bright day and after a couple of spins I landed down to a building. I could feel the pressure leave my back it was finally off. I appear to have crash at a park with a bunch of people riding bikes. I started thinking what are the best ways to wake myself up. I decided to lean near a building store and focus on the sound of all the riders bike racing down on the concrete. It sounded so distracting, I then focus on finding some sensation of my body lying on the bed. That's when I manage to wake myself up. Lucidity time: 6 minutes
    7. Short note on taste

      by , 09-28-2015 at 10:58 PM
      Generally food while lucid tastes pretty bland for me, but tonight's managed to produce realistic raspberry, lemon, and salt flavors. That hadn't been a particular goal; but I wound up in a kitchen with bite-sized pastries and salted nuts around and was trying to figure out what they tasted like, thinking about how poor my sense of taste tends to be in lucid dreams, and then found the flavors became stronger when I had another. I thought of it as needing to train the tongue, or the mental sense of a tongue anyway.
      Tags: food, taste
    8. Backlogging a few dreams.

      by , 09-28-2015 at 10:56 PM

      Dream 1:
      I was applying for a softball league. The application for the league looked like a character creation screen where I was choosing all the players I wanted on my team. The background was green with white bordering and lettering. I was choosing my team and I wanted this one kid. He looked about 6'3, was bald and had a pretty scrunched up face. The one attribute I remember about him is that he could throw a ball up to 900 meters. (Yeah, I love dreams where that seems like "Oh, ok. whatever. no big deal.")
      There was a person that I couldn't see but I knew he looked pretty bulky and had a black handlebar mustache that didn't want me to have this person, and instead suggested J. (Initials stand for people I know in real life.) I felt pretty sad but I understood. He asked me what my qualifications were for being on a team, and I had a flashback where I was playing ice hockey. (A sport, like most sports, that I've never played nor watched so bear with me if I say something about it that's totally laughable.) The ice in the rink was light blue, but the entire room was warm. I was wearing a uniform that looked like a long-sleeved football uniform, my jersey was white with two red stripes near my elbow. I had a last name on the front of it, but I can't remember what it was except that it wasn't mine. I had the puck, and I was skating down the rink towards the goal. I said to the guy with the mustache that "I wasn't great but I really pulled myself together for the team." and the dream faded.

      Dream 2:

      I was in an experiment to understand an unseen, very powerful entity. I was in a meeting with a bunch of people when a man was picked up and smashed on the desk whereupon he ..... exploded gorily. No one could see anything except for the man and they start freaking out. I calm everyone down and try to make contact with the entity.

      There is a TV monitor in front of the room showing boxes that label salary and item. We are all sitting at what looks like those seats that are attached to the car-racing arcade games. We are trying to figure out what the entity wants, and everytime someone goes up and puts something into one of the boxes they are killed in the same manner as the first man. Finally a woman goes up and taps each box, but leaves it blank. When she does, nothing happens and we all understand. The entity is killing people to let us know that he doesn't want anything. The woman who put nothing into the box, a black woman with short black hair wearing a pink sweater, says "how about a show of hands" suggesting to the entity to make us raise our hands if it disagrees instead of killing us. Her head spins almost 180 degrees immediately and her neck snaps and the door flies open. We sense the entity leave and a man runs into the room. He tells us about a stopped train and gives us a box that we all can tell is a puzzle. We all exit the room after I say "Wherever the people are is where that thing will be.".
      As we're running, I am jumping from tree to tree, because for some reason I don't want to touch the ground. As I grab a vine, it stretches and I almost touch the water that I was jumping over. When we get to the train, there is an old man out front. He talks like a 20 year old, but he has gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He actually looks a lot like John Hurt. We ask him if anyone could solve our puzzle box and he tells us "Well, I sure can't but Lin Yang probably can. (Not a person I know in real life.)
      We enter the train , which has a real entryway with concrete stones outside in what looks like a plaza from any Mario game ever. as I walk in there are people that are crowding the halls and the compartments. I see two people I know when I walk in and greet both of them. We ask someone where Lin Yang is and start walking to the back of the train. As we walk we pass another person I know who looks very scared in a compartment.
      A tall guy with almost an afro of curly dark red hair says that he can solve our box in under an hour. As he takes the box, I see that it's bigger than I thought. About a 2 feet cube with all the edges and corners raised from the rest of the box by about six inches. It's covered in strange markings.


      I was staying home alone when my grandmother came over. My 5 year old brother G was at her house because they had a pool and he wanted to swim. I was trying to walk past her in the hallway to get to my room.
      "Where's your brother," she asked?
      "At my grandma's" I responded.
      "So basically he wanted to stay and play with his friends?" she said back.
      "Yeah, pretty much" I said even though I knew he was alone at her house.
    9. Mars station - the forge, Reactor core coolant error

      by , 09-28-2015 at 10:39 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was on the planet Mars. A space station was built on it's surface, with the most modern technology currently available. Something strange have happened there, and a red fog was covering all the tight corridors. I was walking inside some dark tunnels, trying to find my way around that strange place. I heard two persons wandering these tunnels, and even saw them once too. It was a scientist and a technician, they were talking about some kind of massacre happening in the station.

      I finally found my way from tunnels, which were in the lower sector, to the surface dome. In the middle of the dome there was a huge pool of lava, and there were some building on the sides. In the middle of the pool there was a powerful demon, though I somewhat can't recall it. It shot missiles of red energy at me, which were hard to avoid. An idea came to me - building a forge, to create armor protecting me from these missiles.

      After a while of wandering in the dark, I heard a speaker voice "Reactor core coolant error!". Blue emergency lights turned on in the tunnels, and I heard machinery turning on - the coolant reached hyperactivity, and started to freeze all the space station. I thought to myself "I should be invincible now." and so I was invincible, and I have gained abillity to phase through walls and objects.

      I watched as the ice slowly covered walls of the tunnels, and walked there for a while. Then I floated up to the dome - the lava was still present, but demon was nowhere to be found. I ripped some tiles from the floor, getting to lava underneath them, and started to build a lava powered forge.
    10. No dream memories #1 - 28/09/2015

      by , 09-28-2015 at 09:46 PM
      No dream memories for the night.
    11. Epic long LD with DEILDS+rescues and first Portal made and walked trough and morphing in front of me

      by , 09-28-2015 at 08:54 PM
      wow what a night. i think my longest LD so far. awesome new dreamcontrol level.

      wake up after 4h and WBTB after about 50-60min (not intended but needed so long to write my dreams down + toilet) i used SSILD again. it works like a sharm and i really like the technique how it feels and how it helps me to fall asleep again even if i felt a little bit to awake and pumped. if i would say up my mantras MILD style or try a wild i wouldnt have fall asleep that good i think.

      dont remember the nonlucid dream before the Lucid because it was too long
      I get lucid and am in a building. phase thru the wall fall outside on the street. do a long noseplug with deep breathing (thank you ~Dreamer~).
      First task is to summon a Angel. i picture one behind me. dont work. i imagine there is a point in the sky that gets bigger and will be an angel. i see the point but no angel. i keep going. try to summon Nightfeather dont work neither but other people appear that now stand around me. nevermind second goal: making a portal with a portalgun. i expect one to be in my backpack and even describe a woman what i want to get out of my backpack and how it looks like (i am for a portalgun rick and morty style). i take of my backpack and look insight but nothing more insight than some tape... so a old woman passes us. i stop her and say to her that i think my portal gun is in her bag. she wants to look insight but somehow she gets pissed and dont want me to look in it. she tries to walk away but i raise her with TK and turn her around. she pisses around so i think fuck that, next goal: look into a mirror and talk to yourself. i go into a floor with some shops that are all closed. i expect a mirror to be behind me, turn around and yes there is one but way to small. i look at it and start to wipe with my hands to make it bigger. it starts morphing but a litte clumsy the frame gets bigger but totally crooked and not how i like it. i stop because i dont see that this will get better and bigger like i would like it. a guy passes me and i turn to him and ask him if the mirror behind be now got bigger. he negates it and i ask him if he knows where i find a bigger one. i follow him and find a mirror behind a shop window. i phase thru and take the mirror wit TK to me. i now am searching for a good place where i can put the mirror so i can see myself as a whole but just cant find a good place (damn dreamlogic^^)
      i notice the dream fading and start rubbing a pillar. it feels rough wet and sandy. i swap somehow and am in a dark wet dungeon or something?
      memory gap

      DEILD i think a short NLD part

      i cross a street. a car is driving fast. i try to stop it with TK it dont work but he stops anyway because he dont want to drive over me. because i move so slow he starts driving again and i earn a angry look. i remember that i want to make a portal. so i search a wall that is straight and have some space for a portal. but i just cant find a suitable place. i want to do it on a white car i see but when i approach it i see its a normal car and have a lobsided back. so what do? ah just do it on the ground i think. i move with my hands and i even hear a sound (something like the TP sound in Diablo i think) but there is no portal but some red glowing symbols on the ground. unfortunately under the white car... so i use TK again to lift the car and put it away so i can see the whole symbols on the ground. i got some audience now that watches what i do. i try again and the location of the symbols changes. now i try to "open up" with a gesture the circle. after some time a little hole originates and i see a bright light. i feel really happy and now i just rip the hole bigger with a guesture. this part fees way more simpler. i jump in and i feel and see crazy shit like a little bit in stargate but the wormhole is not blueish but it looks like distorted and twisted surroundings. i get spit out out and i think i landed at the same place or maybe not far away. memory gap/maybe short NLD

      i am getting out of a building (in the same street i know) and i investigate something with somebody? a car wants to flee or drive away i stop and lift it again with TK. memory gap

      i am in a hut and phase through the wall outside. i want to have some sexytime now and move to another hut and expect there to be a nice woman. and there i find a black goodlooking woman. i move to her and open up my pants and sit right next to her. she is a little bit complain that i cant do that and we are in public but i just kiss her. she starts to like it and i knead her naked nippels. it feels realistic and good. we think about to go somewhere else. short memory gap

      i move down the same street and see some more huts. infront of some of them there are some dead animals like rabbits and pheasants hanging around to dry or to smoke. [Played Skyrim yesterday ] i wonder a bit but keep on moving. a friend of mine is calling and asks me where i am. i dont know exactly and she tells me to take the bus home. i think about it and tell her " while saying that i try to phase through a wall what is not working. "but if this is a dream it shouldnt matter where i go because i would wake up anyway. on the other hand i could do that because i am not lucid anymore anyway..." i see the bus she wants me to take. in the background i see a huge amusement park. i tell her "damn if i would new that this is here i would have been there a long time" i look at my hand shortly. she tells me to take the bus again. now he is near me. i look on my hand again and count mindful my fingers and count seven. i am lucid again and tell her "yea i take the bus" replace the phone. I breath again a long time through my plugged nose to ground myself again and fly over there and in a pretty height. i see a big rollercoaster that i want to ride. i fly straight downwards and i feel again a very strong gut feeling so need to stop the nosedive i do this like two or three times until i am at the ground. i look around and see that its night, there are no visitors and everything is turned of. damn i think and want to make it day. i turn around and look at the horizon and imagine it to get there a little bit lighter and it happens. i see a little bit of the sun and from there on it is easy again i rip the sun up in the air in that of a speed that some stars wasnt fast enough and are still up there. never mind i think they dont bother me at least it is bright now. i look down again and its snowing now. i think about to change the weather too but ahh who cares its not cold and the machines should work anyway. i start flying and searching for the entrance to the rollercoaster. i fly by some attractions but nothing that interest me. i look up to see the rollercoaster and find it. i fly low near the ground and fly right trough a car and a tube up where i think is the entrance. i see the seats and pick one. there are the safetystraps and i try to find out the mechanism. i fly next to it and put the straps down. damn now i dont sit inside... i let it pass me. the next seat is taken by some DC i want to take the one after him. i fly there but somehow tumble a bit and do some swimming moves to come near the seats that are moving in the air the whole time. i sit in and know now that the safetystraps go down by themselves when its time to. i look to the front on the passanger before me and i see how he gets nearly shaken of his seat as a little teaser before the ride. i am happy like a little child and singing "i am still lucid and that for some long time now yuppyduppydoo..." i get accelerated fast in my seat and take a turn. memory gap

      dont know if the following part was after the rest or in between. forgot to write it down and just remembered:

      i am outside at a parking lot. i want to try another portal with the intention to teleport home. i start some gestures and the symbols apear at the ground again. there are two old women standing next to me looking what i do. with some effort a little portal apears again and i stretch it with a guesture. one grandmother tells the other to go away not that she falls insight. i intent to land at home and jump in. (i think i didnt set or visualise the intent enough it was more like a home?! jump) i land in the void, everything black, no effects like before. i hear some voices (of the grannies?) and i say something. and wake up five minutes before my alarm clock.

      i´ve fallen more than one time into the void but just didnt care waited for some seconds in the dark, didnt move and a new dream formed. this was awesome because normally i would just wake up, move and thats it. once i even thought: "oh dark... damn just wait....nothing happens damn its over...oh wait picture aaaaand there you are dream"
      --> therefor i used for the first time while going first to bed "i wont move after waking up" because i just yesterday read a thread about DEILD, so nice it worked that fast
      i think i was like for an hour lucid with some lost fragments and some short NLD moments but overall gained lucidity over and over again and had a lot of fun! i had a super mood this day because of this awesome night!

      Updated 09-28-2015 at 09:48 PM by 87116

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    12. 2015-09-28 just some frags

      by , 09-28-2015 at 07:51 PM
      +(f) observing a pool game, one guy only does well when (a pig sits on him?) he slams a shot into the corner pocket which violently rocks around in the pocket before falling

      +(f) in an assembly line and I'm excited that the big hunks of sliced salmon have shown up, I'm running around talking to someone trying to get the line moving

      +(f) something about jumping on a high podium with a bear
    13. Is this the real life, is this just a WILD?

      by , 09-28-2015 at 07:24 PM (Here be dragons)
      *Suppress irresistible want to sing all the song, including chorus*

      Last night was insomnia night. Around five in the morning I decided that I could try to WILD, because I have very good decision skill around five in the morning and Eli was sleeping. I thought about a movie I've seen some time ago, Only Lovers Left Alive and how it would be neat to see the house of one of the hero, Adam. I fluffed up my pillow and lay down again, seeing his cluttered doorway in my mind's eye.

      In what seem to be a flawless transition, I walk in. The walls are as I remember, dark and covered with artworks. They's stuff litteraly everywhere, pilled up high and precariously, things that would make a antiquarian go mad with envy. The corridor is already small, and all this stuff make it cramped and claustrophobic. I keep going and end up in the living room which is as cluttered and full that the rest. Adam is here, sitting on his red plushy sofa. He look as unkempt as usual, in a long dressing gown open on a black washed-out T-shirt and coton pants. I conjure up my tablet behind my back and crouch in from of him to show it too him, with a app mimicking some musical instruments, including a bass and a piano. He isn't very convinced and brush the touch screen with his fingertips, playing a couple of music notes from the virtual piano and briginf up the virtual bass.
      I wake up.

      That was a lot of fun. I had a art time keeping my lucidity tho.

      Updated 09-28-2015 at 10:11 PM by 88858

    14. A pee ...no :s

      by , 09-28-2015 at 05:39 PM
      D1 - (Dream fragment) Living in a half built house unable to get up the stairs to rooms on top floor. Banisters block way.
      D2 - Powerless.
      In large house with sprawling corridors all on ground floor. Main corridor running round length of house.
      Bursting for a pee. Find toilet but there is some kind of self cleaning system in action which means when I go to sit down...there is a fountain of water erupting from seat itself...soaking me :/
      Then while i'm tring to work out how it works someone looks in at me through the window some blond haired girl. Give me a break!
      The controls involve 3 sets of switches and I just about figure it out when someone barges into the toilet and I get fed up and leave, they want a bath.
      As I run around the corridor to find another bathroom I see someone I think is my son and go to hug him. He is all bones with a shoulder blade like a knife jutting out of him.
      I move on to next bathroom which is taken. It has a glass door how chiche

      Interestingly I awake with a tight pain in my chest region
    15. 280915: A fog covers the blood moon.

      by , 09-28-2015 at 04:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I set an alarm to look at the blood moon. Falling asleep after hitting snooze, I see a dream of myself in my family's old apartment. It looks like the sun is pretty much out. A crazy fog covers everything, I won't see anything. I feel an odd tinge of relief. Behind me on the sofa a guy I know who said he was going to take pictures of the eclipse is lying down. I tell him that he didn't miss a thing.

      Waking up, the dark sky is covered in clouds. I couldn't see the eclipse at all.
      Tags: moon
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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