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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Try this number DEILD

      by , 02-20-2018 at 11:40 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am in a non lucid dream, playing basketball with people I do not know. We play for a good awhile and then something that resulted in a school assembly happen. I did not know what was happening but it seem like people were celebrating for the students. I drop the basketball and decided to get in line with the rest of them. One guy talk about his son and how he was almost involved in a murder but now has change his life around.

      I didn't really understand anything around me, but I had this intense desire to continue playing basketball and this was ruining it. I eventually woke up out of it and could see only black. My eyes were closed and I decided I was a bit tired to get up so I let them stay that way. Before I knew it I was in a dream again when I opened my eyes. My front door was slightly opened, suggesting that someone must've been inside.

      I could then hear my mother voice and realize that she is an my apartment talking with my father. This can't be happening, I knew I had to be dreaming and woke up soon after.
    2. 2-17 to 2-18, final dream phone in water nightmare

      by , 02-18-2018 at 11:14 PM
      Here are dreams from 2018-02-17 to 2018-02-18.

      First dream. There is a teacher trying to get me to do something which I don't want to do. I don't comply. I am standing in the hallway near my high school gym locker room. Another kid there gets a sandwich from my Dad. I take the sandwich from the kid, saying, "He can't have this food! It belongs to my family!" And I walk out. We are headed to the bus. My Dad is getting on the bus, too. An older woman in the front seat of the bus calls me faulty. I am angry at her and I spit on her. There is this military guy who has come to keep an eye on me because I am "unruly". I sit in a school bus seat on the outside. My friends J R and S H are in the middle and window parts of the seat. I am telling them how it is better I sit with them than sit alone and have some military person sit with me who is on my case. A military guy is sitting behind us. He starts trying to trick me into admitting to things I didn't do. I catch his game and start saying how I would never do such things. He is falsely accusing me. I am talking to J R and S H about how when I use caffeine, my sentences go up on the page. I am writing words in an exponential function shaped line. Then I write a lower case a and there are many words or sentences all branching off of it. I think this is where I woke up from. Earlier in the dream, I remembered there being something to do with Pokemon, vaguely.

      There were a few hours when I couldn't sleep. I didn't put on any lights, not even my phone screen or look at a clock. I eventually fell back to sleep and had some dreams. They aren't in perfect order but I will do the best I can.

      There were some dreams of some kids on this island thing I forgot most of.

      There was one scene where there was this tan couple saying things to each other. The woman was saying her husband is away. Then the "dream screen" showed this guy in a river in a boat. He had some red sort of armor on and an inverted triangle shaped red helmet thing. Then some more guys like that appeared in boats. Then the couple was spooning.

      In another part I was in a room of where I lived in college. There were dogs and cats in the room with me. I started to notice all of these greenish slugs crawling around. Then the pets were freaking out and I got the sense it was from the slugs. I looked at the ground and saw all these slug spots on the ground. I opened the door and all the pets ran out as fast as they could. I slowly followed them down to room 15. K W and his girlfriend were there. The pets seemed happy with them and they seemed happy to see the pets. They looked directly at me when I walked in with big smiles.

      In another scene I was in my room. The context was that I had this expensive almond oil in these bottle things. There was a guy who was my assistant. He was putting oil on house hold objects and clothing, which in the context of the dream was his job. But I told him he was using too much oil, and that he should re use the oil or use it more sparingly. He gave me a funny look.

      In another scene I had a lot of pink bubble gum in my mouth. I was trying to hide it from people or something. I blew a huge bubble and it floated me into my Nana's laundry room.

      In another scene I was at the local arboretum. There were 6 guys ahead of me wearing dark clothes and walking slow. I wanted to walk faster so I went around them. In a place where there is normally a lot of trees, there were no trees at all, so I was able to cut from trail to trail. I ran accross it. I wondered why there were no trees there but came up with some explanation and didn't see it was a dream. I was writing on my phone after that in my Fii Write app. I was using white font but as I scrolled through I had this cursive blue writing at the bottom.

      In another part there was a woman giving me a pass word to something online. Her name was Clare or Claudia or something like that. She gave me a pass word to write down but I didn't get it right. Then she copy pasted a new pass word into my computer that was more complex or randomized letters and numbers. I was wondering why she was giving up her pass word, or if she just gave everyone her pass word.

      There was a part where I was driving by my local elementary school. I saw a baby out the window and the baby gave me this look that seemed like the baby wanted me to go over there. So I did. Then I was watching two young kids, myself as a child and my sister as a child, playing games. They were doing some tug of war thing. I remember thinking that the children were happy to be able to just be able to play and eat snacks. Then there was something with a bath kind of with the same dream scene in a way. I was peeing on the drain of the shower floor. There was some bubble bath. I remember the bath turning blue and orange. The whole time I heard my aunt saying how she wanted to cook meat balls, and offering me meat balls. I got out of the bath and saw my hair covering my whole face. It looked funny to me. Then I was brushing my hair with a wide tooth comb and thinking if I wanted my aunt's pasta with meatballs. I was thinking about what kind of processed foods might be in the meatballs and decided not to have any.

      In another part of the dream I was in my bed but my dream bed. there was this hanging shelf hanging off my wall with stuff on it. Something about it not being mine or being about to fall. I was looking at my computer monitor. It kept lighting up as these windows on the bottom task bar would emit a diamond shaped thing. Orange colored. I wanted to turn it off but it wouldn't go off. I could get the diamond shapes to stop. Heard people talking.

      In the last dream scene, I am at the local arboretum again. It is a sunny day. I am walking along toward what they call turtle island. I am walking over a small isthmus type thing, but I don't know the word that is for an isthmus in fresh water scenarios. Land bridge? Anyway, in waking life, it is a narrow strip of land accross a pond to get to the other side. But in the dream it was a wooden bridge. The arboretum has wooden slat bridges across other parts of the pond or streams. In the back of the arboretum, there are old wooden bridges with one slat missing here and there. Well, in the dream, a wooden bridge was where the land bridge is, and it had a slat missing. So I was walking through there with my phone and then I dropped my phone. It slid in slow motion accross the whole bridge and into the stream through the slat. The stream there is very shallow. I dove after it and got to my knees, reaching my hand down into the mud. I could feel my phone in my hand and then the mud and the water. I thought it was hopeless anyway but I was going to do my best to rescue it. I really started to panic. I thought it was waking life. I started to be like, "This has to be a dream. Please let this be a dream." It was like my worst night mare and I was so sure it was waking life. I just thought saying it must be a dream was like a coping mechanism for my phone breaking. All the thoughts about all the stuff I would lose and how I couldn't afford a new phone right now crossed through my mind. Then I was so surprised when I slowly woke up in my physical bed. That was the first dream where I have ever deliberately woken myself up without even knowing it was a dream. I woke up like, wow, I wish I had just done a finger palm test first.

      So there are all my dream memories from last night.

      Updated 02-19-2018 at 12:22 AM by 94557

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    3. orange creme sunset

      by , 02-16-2018 at 02:14 PM
      it was very cold the breeze was a deep chain of being crucified in the wilderness I felt as if I been here before or the place same like a familiar setting I start running as I was running the cold pressure got more intense I was frozen in a staring photo as I try to open my eyes I see a pinch black sunset arise from the clouds into a orange crème as the orange took control of the sky I see a pinch dull of blue getting ready to take the sky over as the creamy orange was settling in
    4. crucified computer boy

      by , 02-16-2018 at 03:39 AM
      I'm staring at a blinding white light trying to type words as the ink of black stain the white pre scene I get engulf in words that are meaningless if they have no purpose the intent of the dream fades as I'm staring upon the glass I close my eyes and start typing words in my dreams as I'm dreaming I cant understand anything that goes on I jus see a floating of words trying to memorize the event that never happen I try to write more yet its just black ink staining the ominous white color as the black ink stains the white I see myself transforming in letters of gesture I only have when my eyes are closed
    5. keep waking up in a dark alley

      by , 02-16-2018 at 03:27 AM
      this is a crucifixion dream I keep getting crucified in a dark alley when I'm laying in my bed
      I woke up seeing 3 fire spot that I had to stomp out when I try to stomp them out a fourth fire started then fading out after that I woke up in my bed
    6. Prophecy

      by , 02-12-2018 at 11:23 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am lying in my bed as I woke up from a dream and find my cousin sitting beside me. I am confused but glad to see her here. She explains she took an expensive flight and that she could only be here for one day. I told her I was feeling tired and that we could talk after I wake up. I go back to bed in the dream and when I woke up I notice she was gone. I go in to my closet and notice everything is completely upside down. I then check the living room and notice everything was darker than usual.

      I then wake up from my dream again and found myself lying in bed. I assume that all things that just happen must've been all in my head. I get up and check in to my closet and found everything was the same as I had dreamed of it. All the items were completely upside down and I beginning questioning my reality. I know my cousin is a troll but would she go this far? And how could she change everything in such a short time? My room look completely girly and unorthodox.

      That's when I became lucid and realize this must be a dream right now. But then I woke up again, in the same spot on my bed. I was awake still however and decided to figure out if this was a dream again or was I really awake now. I see now I have two front door's for my room. This came off as a dream sign and then I open the closet and notice it was still girly. I wake up again, and this time I really did believe I was awake in waking life.

      Getting up out of bed felt realistic and my closet didn't look as weird. But when I went in to the bathroom I notice I was wearing a hat and that my mirror was in the wrong place attach to the wall. I take my hat off and notice the back part of my hair has been completely cut off. I begin to panic as I remember my cousin saying she would do that to me in my sleep. I begin running around in disbelief and finally woke up for real.
    7. Dreams - Snacks At A Ransom Price

      by , 02-11-2018 at 03:37 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 11 FEB - 2018

      Dream No. 281 - Snacks At A Ransom Price

      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was driving towards the area of Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre. Just as I was passing the Shell petrol station, I noticed that there was a problem with the way that other people on the roads were driving. In Australia, the laws are that you drive on the left side of the road but everyone was driving on the right side of the road, so I thought they would smash into my car. Thank goodness that actually didn't happen, rather, the cars went to the correct side of the road to overtake me but then they went back to the wrong side.

      As I was driving into the entrance of the Shopping Centre, I saw AD on the footpath but I forgot what she was doing specifically. I continued to drive into the carpark and the area was a lot different in comparison to real life. I soon realised what I was doing and that I was supposed to meet my mum in the shops later on in the dream; but for now, I just drove around the carpark, exploring it a bit. There were heaps of escalator and lift entrances, I parked near one of them. Looking on one of the shopping centre maps placed in the carpark, I saw a Kmart and realised that the shopping complex was a lot bigger than in real life.

      Behind the lift entrance, there was actually a convenience store in the underground carpark! I went into the convenience store which has heaps of food supplies compared to what would be in a normal petrol station. I decided to get a couple of snacks and so I went to the all the shelves to have a look around. I finally decided on some flavoured water as well as a double chocolate bar pack with a bonus Ferrero Rocher.

      When I got to the counter, I was shocked to hear the lady say that all these items came to a cost of $1,294.00. I didn't agree with the pricing and so I told her it was too expensive. There was some young Asian man next to me at the counter that was supporting the lady's methods. I wasn't happy and I said that they were charging a ridiculous amount. The man finally gave up and said that they would charge me $888.88 instead.

      I still wasn't happy, and to prove the ridiculous pricing to them, I went over to the shelves to check the marked prices for myself. I came back and I told them, “The water is $5.90, the chocolate pack is $4.39, therefore that should actually be coming down to $10.29. Now because of your stupidity I would be tempted to give you nothing, but because I am a good samaritan, I will give you the $10.30”. I reached into my bag and pulled out a 10 dollar note, putting it onto the counter when I then opened my purse and got out a 10 and 20 cent coin to make up 30 cents. The dream then changed scenes.

      For the last scene of the dream, I was at this random house; the house was unknown as shown from the outside. When it came to the inside of the house though, I was in my bedroom which appeared exactly the same as it is in real life. It's day time (probably the morning) when I am in bed and Murray, Sly 4 appearance, is lying down with me. He told me to get closer to him for a hug. So I slid slightly closer and he locked me into a lengthy, tight hug. This lasted until I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 02-11-2018 at 07:11 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. 2-9 to 2-10 dreams (2 LD's, first nose pinch breathe, told my mom I loved her in an LD)

      by , 02-10-2018 at 04:38 PM
      I had some trouble falling asleep right away. I noticed that when I switched from mouth breathing to nose breathing, it was easier to relax.

      Round 1 of dreams.
      "Accidental O B E / my sister's knife."

      So I was having this dream of playing some video game. It was a racing game or something. I also remember a visual of a grey photo with Pokemon on it that said S E on the bottom left. I somehow calculated that this meant it was from serebii.net. It was ripped on the top left. There were other photos or magazine cut outs near by. My sister was also playing. I wanted to stop the game and go to bed but she wanted to finish the game. I was in my bed in my room at my previous house. I was laying down in bed with a woman, just to go to sleep, nothing really romantic in this dream. She had a knife at the head of the bed, down on the floor. It was like the red knife we use in the kitchen. Like a silver knife with a red handle. Something about the name of a teacher from my high school, Ms. H.

      The knife was apparently for her to be able to stab me in case I woke her up or something like that. I decided she might accidentally grab it and stab me in her sleep, so I tried to move it to a table near my bed. While I was up from bed doing this, she got up and covered my face. I noticed that i could still breathe, which in hindsight was due to the same reason nose pinched breathing works in a dream. She was holding me down and I couldn't move. I tried to fight her. Then I think I woke up a little or something and the dream repeated, ending with her holding me down again. I don't know if it repeated in full but I think I remember playing the video game thing twice and then her holding me down trying to kill me, twice. I actually realized it was a dream and I should be able to sort of stop her from trying to kill me. I tried to push her away (gently) using telekinesis, and it didn't seem to work. I remember feeling kind of overpowered. I woke up in the heaviest and most paralyzed sleep paralysis I have ever been in before. I couldn't even breathe or move and it was so weird. I panicked and started to try to fight it, just as I was fighting it within the dream. I thought of relaxing like I had heard of from many lucid dreamers who had sleep paralysis but the fight response was too much. I was totally panicked and this became almost like a nightmare. Also, sleep paralysis within an hour or two of going to sleep at night was the last thing I expected. I felt total dread. Dread is a great word for the feeling I felt.

      I really thought I would have a terrifying night terror if I stayed still, and I wanted to avert that. I thought my eye cover had slipped off and I could see things in my room dimly illuminated with white light. In hindsight, that wasn't my physical room, it was like an astral overlay of my physical room which i was seeing, or just a dream room that was close to my physical room. I remember touching my non physical eyes with my non physical hands thinking it was physical to check if the eye cover had fallen off.

      I struggled with all my might to get my physical body to move. I thought I felt my physical body get up out of bed and go toward the window behind my bed. It turned out it was my non physical body, but I didn't know that at the time. That's why I called it an accidental O B E. I don't know whether to call it my astral body or my dream body. At any rate, I pushed against the window to see if I would fly out. The window was solid. The curtains were not drawn the same as they are in waking life though, but I didn't notice at the time. I could feel the cold glass window. I could also see out the glass a bit, just some rendering of street lights and house lights and maybe stars or moon. Now that I was up, I was thinking that I must have only slept very briefly. But I would just journal about it and then go back to sleep.

      So I looked for my dream journal setup and my dream journal chair. The lights in the room sort of went on on their own without me noticing. My dream journal chair was in a different place, but I didn't notice the discrepancy. I started to gather my thoughts and get ready to dream journal.

      Then I woke up in my physical bed in semi sleep paralysis and thought through the experience. I think I also heard some exit and re entry noises, now that I think about it.

      Once I was in my physical bed for sure, my fear was pretty much gone. After forming a clear mental image of the dream, I tried to see if another dream or O B E would begin if I stayed perfectly still. I told myself that even if a night terror came right up to my face, I would just relax.

      It kind of scared me that I went out of body and kind of abandoned my body in fear. That has never happened before. But I thought it was cool because I have never had an O B E like that before where a non physical body literally separates from the physical body into the persons bedroom. Of course it would happen to me accidentally, not when I try hard!

      Round 2 of dreams.
      "Just Fragments".

      I dozed back off a lot on these even as I thought them through so some memory was lost. But I must have needed the sleep.

      There was a part with my cousin and my aunt. My aunt was saying something, sitting near a door.

      There was a guy who looked like someone from the gym I used to go to, saying how he did one thing per minute. He was sort of hanging off the edge of his bed, saying how dream recall was so easy. He had one hundred percent dream recall and if everyone else would only do it his way, they could have it too. But no one would listen to him. He was on one of the beds of a bunk bed. The bed was on the left side of the "dream screen" and he was facing towards the right.

      There was this part where I was going through old stuff. I saw a picture of a picture of my Dad in a white polo shirt. I kind of wondered why someone took a picture of a picture but I tried to give it to him anyway. There was an old white sneaker that looked kind of droopy. I was holding it up by its navy blue laces. My Dad was saying how he didn't want us to ruin the shoe. It was like his old pair of shoes, but he had it in case his new pair of shoes broke or something.

      I remembered more after waking up from them, but fell back asleep. There were definitely more parts I forgot. Later on, I remembered one part about a four versus four pokemon battle, or like a double double battle. I wrote more about this during the dream journal entry in which I remembered it.

      I only got up because I needed to pee very much. Otherwise I would have kept sleeping.

      Round 3 of dreams.

      I am not sure if I remembered parts of last dream I thought I had forgotten as the beginning of this dream, but I will put them here.

      My Dad and I were moving into a new place to live. Somehow Homestar Runner was involved. There were two vines I wanted to replant. (I dream a lot about planting plants since I started growing some house plants) So then I started a fire in the fire place. I got the feeling that I was only supposed to put one log, because it was burning a lot. It was really just glowing red, there really wasn't fire. But I think it felt too hot or something in the dream. (Maybe my blanket was on too high?)

      There were cigarette butts on the floor. There was an implanted context in my dreaming mind that my Dad had been a smoker, and now he was smoking in this new house. The dream context was that he had smoked all along and just hid it from me. (I have a major aversion to smokers and cigarette smoke in waking life and if my Dad started smoking it would really be tough since I live with him). There were also some latin american guys who were going to help us with stuff. I think I remember remembering more of this at some point but I forgot. It was a pretty complex scene.

      Now this part I am sure is from this "round" of dreams.

      My Aunt B and Aunt C were having some conversation about some life topics. Then I was sitting around with other people at the marble table in my Nana's room from when I was a kid but it was taller. There was a woman I was interested in at the door to my Nana's room. My Aunt was joining us at the table and I kind of felt weird about her joining us all. Probably because there weren't any other of my relatives there so it was kind of like "mixing worlds".

      Then there was a class my cousin was in, like a Health class. I was there, sort of auditing the class from the side, to keep an eye on her. She didn't know I was there. The teacher was talking to her and some other guys in the class. She was saying that they should always have a good grasp of how to use "feelings words". At any given time they should be able to think of some feelings words and use those. (Good advice for me!) Then the teacher gave some examples of using feelings words that I forgot. My cousin saw me and expressed her surprise that I was there. I told her, yeah, I am just following the class or something. (I guess this is because my younger cousin is away at school now and maybe I hope she is only having good influences during her time there.) I may have had a skate board or been riding a skate board during this time.

      I forgot some other parts of the dream that would have been here.

      Then there were these long balance bars or metal rod type of things standing up against the walls. My friend Chris from grade school was there. I was moving the metal rods but I think I wasn't supposed to. I think I was examining the physics of them, but not even in a pre lucid way. Just as a thing I was doing in the dream.

      This next part is kind of hard to explain. I climbed up this jungle gym type of thing and I was falling off the side. The physics were a little different from waking life, but I didn't notice. Then I was in the middle of the thing, kind of in a square? I think i did something they didn't want me to. then another guy, someone like my friend Jeff T or Pat S, scolded me. I felt upset about that. I think I exited the square part going down a slide type of thing. It was kind of vague but that is the most accurate I can be about it.

      Then there was a part about how my friend Chris has somehow wronged me or taken my money. So I was taking his money and then running away. (This might reflect a gripe I have with the grocery store because it seems that one of every three or four apples I get is rotten on the inside lately, and I want them to give me free apples to make up for it, but I don't keep the rotten apples to prove it to them) .

      So then I was sort of running through a school. I was running through the hall way and thought the home economics room would be the safest place. I could feel I was being chased. It wasn't that much fear but just a mild chase feeling.

      When I got into that room, I felt safer. There was a 50 dollar bill and a 20 dollar bill on a counter top. I remember looking at the money and it looked like waking life money to me. I thought of taking it and putting it in my wallet but I decided not to. Then I was sitting at this other table and trying to write on some paper. I was totally non lucid, but I think I was trying to journal what had happened so far, which is cool. Writing in the dream didn't work like it does in waking life. I was using a pencil on lined paper. Then some stuff happened in the room that I looked around at. I looked back down and there was more writing on the paper than there was before I looked away. I wasn't doing a dream state check, that was just what happened in the dream. Then, the paper became graph paper. I was trying to write an uppercase "I" to start a sentence but it was coming out all funny. I thought of using the lines on the graph paper to sort of trace the shape of the letter but it wasn't working that way, either.

      My friend Pat was sitting to my right. He wasn't talking to me. It was like he was mad at me from what happened before, but not scolding me or anything. Just sort of waiting for me to talk to him or being in my company but silently. It was kind of comforting of a feeling, like we were still friends, just kind of at odds a little, one waiting for the other to break the ice.

      Rather than bring up our past squabbles, he tried to help me with writing. It still didn't work, but that was nice. Then at the left end of the long table we were at, some girls sat down and some guys joined them too. One I think was Tom from my high school. I didn't recognize the others. There was a T V monitor at the end of the table showing a video of a girl. (Note to self #3*)
      The girl from the video was actually sitting to the right of the video, showing it to everyone. That group of guys and girls was not really part of my group but just using the empty table space. There was another girl to her left and then maybe two guys accross from them, on my side of the table. I remember in the dream, thinking, wow, she is showing a video of herself. That is so weird to see a video of a person who is right next to the screen.

      Then apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger was coming through the room. He was understood to be the president in the context of this dream. He didn't look much like Arnold Schwarzenegger, he had a different kind of face, but his body was tremendous. Not really like a V taper but instead it was like his whole body was really wide and really tall, from shoulders to waist to feet. He was wearing some kind of black suit. He had some body guards with him who were a bit smaller, but also kind of tall.

      I was sitting there trying not to look too busy so that in case the president wanted to talk to me, I would seem to be available. I thought the president would want to talk to me about something, such as asking my advice for what to do about the world.

      The guys and girls next to us were talking about taking showers soon. I realized that I better get in there before they take up all the showers. I grabbed whatever towel I could find. It turned out to be my friend Pat or Jeff's towel, but by the time I realized that, I was already in the room with the showers. There was another towel hanging on the door. I felt bad for taking my friends towel but didn't want to go all the way back there to return it. I considered using another one of the towels in the showering room but those probably belonged to other people, too. I think I used my towel to hide a bunch of clothes covered in poop earlier in the dream... LOL.

      Then I realized I had to take a dump. So I went in the shower and hoped there would be time that I would have the place to myself before that other group of people got to the bathroom. I squatted down all the way and started to poop in the floor of the shower. I figured it would all wash down the drain! LOL. Then I looked toward the door and I saw my reflection. it was funny because it was moving out of sync with my own movements of my "dream body". I noticed this in the dream but it didn't come as a dream sign, it just seemed kind of funny to me. So as I squatted there, I kind of played with this out of sync reflection. Then I figured I was done pooping and looked down. The floor was brown where I had been squatting over but there wasn't poop, just brown spots. I forgot to wash it down into the drain, whatever it was. I knew the group of people who sat at our table could have come in at any time and I really didn't want the embarassment of them finding out I had pooped there. Then my friend came in for his towel and I told him sorry i accidentally took his. I hadn't used it yet, or really even showered. I guess the dream changed after that and I forgot I was going to shower. In fact, the whole room changed into like a combination of a library and a kitchen.

      There was this one part where I was walking through a library. An Indian fellow I knew from college was saying how planks (the abdominal exercise) didn't matter. I was saying that they weren't a major muscle group so that made sense. Then I realized they are a core exercise and the core is a major muscle group. Then, I told him that. There were book shelves around. I think I spoke to him from the other side of a 4 or 5 foot book shelf.

      Then I had all of my stuff in a big plastic storage bin. It was a see through plastic bin. In that bin were a bunch of smaller see through bins. It wasn't really all of my stuff, but just in the context of the dream, it was thought to be all of my stuff. I had everything I needed except a tooth brush case. My friend George F was there and he heard of my predicament. He was telling me about some tooth brush cases he had as well as two bottles of different kinds of green tooth brush cleaning liquids. One said 50 gallons of galantamine on it, and it was a dark green color. It was known as green apple. I think the other was a brighter green. This one was like a dark aqua green.

      Earlier in the dream, I forgot exactly where, I was trying to hide a bunch of my clothes that were covered in poop. I had them in a pile and really didn't want people to find out I had poop on my clothes. I was trying to jam them under a table of some sort and cover them with a towel or other clean article of clothing. I was kind of panicking about hiding them.

      I woke up on my left hand side. I felt dissappointed at first because I couldn't think of any of the dreams. I thought it was going to be a night of grogginess and no dream recall. But then, one by one, things started coming to mind. Once I felt I had thought of as much as I could, I got up to write. I had shoulder pain from laying on my side, so I had to roll over before I could recollect all the memories. But I actually found a way to sleep on my side without as much weight on my shoulder that I am trying and it is helping not have as much shoulder pain when I wake up, which should mitigate this problem.

      Round 4 of dreams.
      "First time doing nose pinch breathe test".

      Before this round of dreams, I did my "workout back to bed" method where I use my exercise bike and stretch a little before laying back down. It usually helps me become lucid for some reason. I laid back down on my left side and had difficulty positioning my body at first but eventually I got to sleep.

      I forgot a lot of the earlier parts of this dream.

      Then I remember seeing a guy I knew named Jesse talking to the "dream screen". He used to give me advice and was even kind of a mentor, and he was saying some of the kind of advice he used to give me. I forgot anything more specific than that. Then it showed him saying that he had a red minivan. Then, the dream screen showed him sort of ghost riding the red minivan into an alley way. It was like a red jeep or mini van thing.

      Then the "dream video" showed this kind of tricycle thing a kid was riding and it would zip accross the screen. There was a kid riding the tricycle. It may have been pink at one point. When it zipped accross the screen, it was more white and black. It looked like a funny MS Paint image moving accross a video taken by a video camera, like a way of editing the video. Like clip art super imposed on a regular video.

      Then there were more parts I forgot. Try as I may, I couldn't remember them. So I don't know how I got from one part to the next, but the next part I remember, I was lucidly aware it was a dream.

      I was telling a kid at a computer that I was willing to help him with fixing something on the computer. He was at a cubicle and there were more cubicles in the room. I forgot who the person at the computer was, or what the computer problem was, but I know I felt sort of honor bound to follow through with helping fix his problem. The computer problem was probably that it was a dream and computers in dreams are different sometimes!

      Anyway I decided to stop doing that and fly away, telling myself I would get back to it later. I knew it was a dream. I flew over to a tree.

      I was on the second branch of the tree and decided I wanted to climb the whole tree, because that would be cool in a dream. Then once I did that, I told myself, I would go finish helping that guy with his computer troubles.

      I don't remember what else happened there. I might have climbed the tree or finished helping the guy but I don't remember! I guess some lucid stuff happened but then maybe I forgot it was a dream or maybe I still knew it was a dream. But here is what I remember next.

      I was with some girls in the mall, or just watching them talk from a distance. There was something to do with food, maybe I was eating, or they were. A blonde girl seemed to be the center of everyone's attention. (Note to self #4*) I wasn't really comfortable with what they were talking about and I tried to stay away. I also had the idea of protecting my younger cousin or sister from what they were talking about.

      Then I was on a computer. There was some kind of music playing. I knew it was a dream but I didn't want anyone to overhear the audio that was playing. It may have been kind of awkward to listen to. It was as though the mall scene became a video I was watching, then I was sitting outside the screen watching it there, only now I could see it was just on a screen within the dream, not the actual scene I was actually in within the dream. So I closed that window to make my computer stop playing it. Down by the download bar, there were three files that said lira.pdf. L I R A dot P D F. There was also a file I didn't catch the name of in between them. Then, a Beyonce type of song played and I wanted to close whatever window that was coming from. I couldn't close it or stop the music so I went to put the computer to sleep. I don't know if I lost lucidity temporarily or what happened in terms of lucidity but I know for sure I was lucid within a few moments of this. So I tried to open the computer's "start" menu to put it to sleep, but the start menu had no words in it. It was all blank. So I thought I would just do a manual shut down, and I pressed the manual shut down button. I was afraid I would lose all my windows and files, which is why I think I might have had a temporary gap in lucidity during this part. I could understand being lucid and wanting to stop the sound so i could continue the dream. But i can't see being concerned about saving files if I knew it was a dream and not my waking life computer. (Next time I am in a dream and some music or sound is playing that I want to shut off, I might actually try to just listen to it. Maybe it would have a message for me! It is kind of habitual for me to want to shut it off but I don't think the dream is playing it just to annoy me)

      When I stepped back from the computer, I saw I was at a desk similar to my desk in waking life, with two big blinders on either side I made from dresser drawers. The room lights were on. I was actually in my bedroom from the last house I lived in, not this one, but didn't catch that until I had woken up. I thought it might be a dream, and I tried putting my right finger through my left palm. No luck. It didn't go through! Sometimes my "dream body" is too "solid" or something. But then, I tried a little more, and I saw it come out the other side a little. For me, the finger didn't really go through all the way this time. It just made a dent on the other side of my left hand that wouldn't have happened in waking life. It kind of hurt, like it usually does. Does that hurt anyone else?

      So that was enough for me to know I was in a dream. I looked around the room and saw a desk with stuff on it on the side of the room to my right. So I had two desks in that room on different walls. I felt kind of panicked for some reason, maybe because I could sense the dream was about to end? I decided to keep playing around with the finger palm test and see what I could observe from just continuing to do that over again. This might have been when I tried to remember the topic of the year or month but maybe that was a different time.

      then I thought of the nose pinch breathing test and decided to give it a go. I had never tried it before in a dream. I was already lucidly aware but just wanted to see what really happened. So I put my right hand up to that nostril, then my left hand up to the other, and I basically pressed the nostrils. Now, if my finger could pass through my hand, how do my fingers be solid enough to press my nostrils shut? But I guess it does that. It felt like I was pressing my nostrils closed, but that I could breathe at the same time. I think I sat in my swiveling desk chair and closed my dream eyes to just sort of meditate by breathing with my nostrils pinched. I could feel the dream chair swiveling as I did it and I thought I would get a bonus spinning effect to increase stability in addition to getting the dream state check really thoroughly. It felt cool to breathe in and out deeply. I also thought of rubbing my hands. It is funny how my mind jumps to the next thing so quickly even when I am lucidly aware.

      (It reminds me of how I am when I try to meditate. Okay, let's sit down to meditate. *Starts to breathe in* Oh , wait, let me go do this or that. *Gets up and does that*. My mind sort of jumps away and I follow it. So maybe practicing meditation in a lucid dream will help me meditate better in waking life, which I used to be much better at. )

      I heard some really nice instrumental music playing and I thought another dream would begin to begin. But I woke up in my physical bed. I maintained the deep breathing as I thought through the dreams.

      I felt I had only a limited memory of the dream, and some parts that definitely felt memorable at the time just weren't coming to my mind. I was so relieved when at least that red mini van part came to mind. That one surprised me because it was a while after I felt like I had already got everything. I thought if I stayed still, I could have a wake initiated lucid dream while still remembering that past one. But I couldn't stay still, too much energy, so i got up to write.

      I thought that lucid dream was really memorable because it was my first time nose pinch breathing. Also, I breathed in and out fully within a dream, which was one of the beginner tasks. I sort of did it with that task in mind, which was helpful.

      Round 5 of dreams.

      I got up from these dreams without any memory. Actually, I stayed still, but couldn't remember anything. At first, I had some memory perhaps of some Latino or African American people. There was this one word or phrase in my mind that seemed like it would stick in my memory. But as soon as I got up to use the bathroom, it was like it was snatched away.

      I remembered a part of the dreams, I think from round two, of a double double Pokemon battle. So, it was like a quadruple battle. There were four Pokemon circle thingies and two Pokemon in each, two on one side, two on the other. One was about to use a water move or a thunder move that would affect all 7 other Pokemon on the field. I was like, I didn't know they had quadruple battles now. I don't rememember the Pokemon who were there. I remember it was like your standard video game battle screen with the Pokemon on the bottom left and top right, and stats on top left and bottom right. That was pretty cool to remember something all the way back from my second round of dreams. I had thought of it then, I am sure, in a brief period of waking, but fallen back asleep.

      So then I fell asleep on my right side again. It was already light out, but I did my best to ignore that. With a pillow under the right side of my torso, I didn't get that pinched nerve in my right shoulder, which enabled me to stay still long enough to sleep again.

      Round 6 of dreams. .

      First dream I remember, I wasn't even sure if it was a dream, or just my conscious imagination. But I think it was a dream. I was on the road perpendicular to the road I live on, and I had a female dog with me. The leash she was on had infinite length and she ran to the neighbor's fence, trying to go under it or something. I figured there was a dog she was friendly with there. I woke up from that kind of surprised it was just a dream. I was trying to think if female dogs behave that way.

      Then, I had a dream I forgot. I think this was my first one in this series where I had this false awakening but became lucid within it. However, I don't remember the specifics.

      Next, I had a dream that was kind of personal, so I will just make a note to self #1* about that. But I didn't realize it was a dream until after.

      Then, I had another false awakening thing. I think that I had a few more false awakenings in here that I just couldn't remember. I kept dreaming of getting up out of bed and then realizing it was a dream. They seemed like they would last forever. I think my sister was in one. There may have been one with a dark haired or black haired girl.

      The parts I start to remember clearly start here. I had another thing where I thought I had gotten up in waking life but it turned out it was just a dream. I might have done the finger palm test here and it poked through just a tiny bit. I remember there were a bunch of televisions all around me, playing different stuff. I wanted to calm down and avoid being overstimulated by them so it wouldn't wake me up. I knew it was a dream. Then I was in this blue locker room thing with lots of aisles. I was kind of chilling out, trying not to adrenalize or do anything too extreme. Then, I looked to the end of the locker room, and I just thought I would like to rocket myself to the very end of it. So I flew there as fast as I could and stopped. I flew by some people going that way. I decided I would fly back after that, so I jumped up, exhaled really hard, and tried to fly. but I could only fly very slowly, making this funny whoopie cushion noise with my mouth. On my left, I saw a beautiful blonde haired girl at some kind of cubicle with some lights shining on her face. I flew by her though. Someone I flew directly over gave me a funny look. I woke up.

      I think there were a little more parts I forgot.

      Then, I remember this part outside of a store. I wasn't lucid yet I don't think. I was dream chaining so some dreams in the dream chain, i was automatically lucid. And some dreams in the dream chain, I had to wait to get a DILD. This was one where I had to wait to get a DILD.

      In this one I found myself outside a store, listening to two kids talk. Their Dad was this guy Eric I used to see more often. He smoked cigarettes, which I usually don't think is good. The kids were saying how he really isn't capable of being too much of a bully, but he is not capable of being too sensitive, either. They sounded kind of sad. They were saying how he made a lot of money on a Youtube video contract. I guess Eric was more on my mind because I have been passing by his house more often on my walks to the grocery store.

      As I was listening to the kids talk, I think I noticed I might be dreaming again. I don't know exactly how I noticed that, but I started to run. It was a beautiful day with a blue sky and all of the buildings were neon orange, neon green or neon yellow. I decided just to go for a run in the dream, which was lots of fun. There was this interesting lightly colored stone statue in the middle of the town that had something written on it in a stone carving. I kind of did a double take to try to read it, but didn't feel capable of stopping long. I don't remember what it was now but it gave me the feeling of some reading on someone's grave stone. That was when I realized that I felt like I was going against the grain of the dream. So I stopped and asked the "awareness behind the dream", "hey, what is your will for me now?" I kind of wanted to go more with the flow of the dream, but I didn't feel like I could get into the flow of the dream. So I kept running up this hill, noticing the neon pastel yellows, oranges and lime greens of the many buildings. To my right , I saw what looked like a prison with bars in front of it. There were men in dark blue uniforms out front I thought could be police officers. I was scared that they would stop me and take me into dream prison but I was able to run right by. There seemed to be some other dream figures being incarcerated.

      Then, I sort of woke up from that, but somehow I maintained the feeling of running. This was really interesting. I maintained the feeling of my body running while the "dream screen" showed me these green binary ones and zeroes on a black background. There was also some white shiny lining behind the binary code. I continued to feel my body run and look at this binary code, knowing my physical body was laying still in my physical bed. At some point, it started to scare me, like it might go on forever, and my soul would be stuck there? So I willed my body out of bed, not knowing that I was willing my astral or dream body out of bed, like I did by accident earlier in the night.

      Then, I was laying in my bed on my right side again, like the way I had fallen asleep. I thought it was my physical bed. I heard some audio playing. There were actually two recordings going at once. One, I figured I could have left on when I went to sleep, even though upon reflecting now I know I did not have any audio on when I went to sleep this time. This was one of the first times I had a false awakening that started laying on my side in bed, but I actually noticed it was a false awakening. So that is a big sign of progress.

      I sort of rolled over to my front and saw two ipods, a blue one and a bigger old fashioned black one. I un plugged the blue one, and now I only heard the second audio. It wasn't coming from the black i Pod. I wasn't lucid yet. I walked along the side of my bed there and found the other audio was coming from this radio thing in the wall. It had a knob that I dialed to the off position. It was kind of a red knob, poking out of my closet. The dream state indicators were beginning to pile up but I wasn't lucidly aware yet.

      Then, I saw all these stickers on the wall near the left hand side of my door. My wall was a mix of orange and pink and I knew those stickers weren't there in waking life, so I became lucid. Yay! I thought to myself that I am just in a really long chain of false awakenings and this is so fun. I felt like it would go on forever!

      I think the radio came back on, or I never fully turned it off. I turned it off again, but I had the feeling that turning it off was "my will" where as maybe the "dream intelligence" wanted me to just stop and listen to it. I heard some of the words but I don't remember them.

      There was one part, which was either in this dream or earlier, where I realized the dream chain was going on so long that I would like to stop and recollect the events, while remaining in the dream. Perhaps try to jot down some dream journaling within the dream or otherwise think back through it. (One of my biggest dream intentions is to ask the dream itself for an increase in dream recall, or to help me remember the dream in 100% detail. And I will promise the dream to write out every bit and piece of the dream that comes to mind. But I didn't do that this time.) I find that in dreams, I have a hard time staying still long enough to really do something like that which requires me to sort of sit and focus.

      Also, this may have been earlier, or maybe it was in this one. I remember a yellow green thing and a sky blue rectangle thing. I remember wondering what I could think of to do, and not being able to think of much. (Note to self #2*)

      So I felt that I needed to go pee, which would make sense by now, having been dreaming for what felt like so long. There was this black toilet kind of thing that appeared when I turned in one direction. I almost went, then thought, maybe I could just wait until i get up. I was afraid to wet the bed, and I didn't need to go very much. (I have actually peed in lucid dreams and not peed in real life though)

      So then, I was realizing I really want to do something cool. But I couldn't think of anything. I found a wall mirror that was about shoulder width, one of those 3 to 5 foor tall by one to 1.5 foot wide ones. And I talked to myself in it. My eyes got kind of slanty and it looked cool, but other than that, it looked like me. I was telling myself, come on, Charles, we gotta think of something we really wanted to do! I think I remembered to ask the dream what its will for me was again but I am not sure. I remember realizing that I wanted to help someone in a dream, which is really good for me to remember. I walked in to one room kind of thinking that but I didn't officially ask the dream. But the dream must have read my mind and made it happen. Then, I heard my sister in another room. At first it was oriented like the house I live in now. But then, it was kind of a different kind of house I had never been in. I actually heard my Mom's voice calling to me. So I went to where I heard her calling from. It was this room that had a door to it on either side, as if it was between two hallways.

      There was a big bed in the middle and to the left of that bed, she was doing art on an easel. I had entered from the right hand side of the room. She was painting, drawing or coloring some kind of orange and yellow butterfly. I immediately remembered my other L D from a few days ago where my Mom was being really nice to me, and I wanted to compliment her on her art, but my dream mouth was too full of dream food! So I was so excited to have another chance.

      I immediately went, something like, "Mom, your art is so beautiful!" She seemed surprised. I think she was just asking me for help with something minor around the house or something. But I flew accross the bed, still lucidly aware, and gave her a big hug. I said something like, "I love you, Mom!" Apparently I didnt have a shirt on, even though I think I did in the mirror before. Apparently I was sweaty, too, and my Mom was like, you're all sweaty. L O L! She was wearing some kind of knitted sweater. I told her I would wash it for her so no worries. She started saying how she needed help with organizing her art awards. Then, I woke up in my physical bed.

      That was SO AWESOME. That was definitely one my best L D's ever so far. I remembered a really positive and wholesome intention. I think listening to 3 to 4 hours of Robert Waggoner interviews from You Tube gave me a lot of inspiration for how cool of a thing can happen in a dream.

      As I was dreaming, I was aware that I was sleeping in much later than usual, but luckily, I had no prior arrangements. My schedule in my waking life is pretty flexible. So this dream chain was a huge, huge bonus, because I already had a nap the day before and a full nights sleep.

      I stayed perfectly still upon awaking that last time, thinking through it. I actually thought if I stayed still long enough, I might have more dreams, or an O B E. I remembered as much as I possibly could, and even felt some sleep paralysis kick in.

      What my body will do is either stay still and go to sleep, or if it doesn't want to sleep, it will stretch out like a big lion, flexing every muscle, with a big yawn. When that happens, I usually assume I am done sleeping for now. I definitely am very satisfied with this experience and I feel great right now, even with having forgot certain parts of the dream.

      I remember waking up between earlier dream segments, thinking about them, and thinking I was formulating a memory. but then a new dream would begin. So, I guess I didn't consciously form and store the memory solidly enough.

      In dream chaining, I look at those dreams I forget kind of like a gamble. I might remember them, but I might forget them. Either way, I will go deeper into the dream chain, and maybe have more dream experiences that I will remember, so it is kind of worth it to keep dream chaining, in my current analysis.

      I feel really happy now. I think it would be nice to tell people I care about that I love them in more dreams. The thing about this is, in waking life, there are usually barriers to how much love I can express towards someone I care about. Like it will feel weird to express that much love. But in a dream, the same barriers aren't present, so I can fully express my love for someone I care about. If it was actually a shared dream with my Mom, where perhaps she was not lucidly aware it was a dream, but I was, she might not remember it, but she would definitely have an inner sense of happiness from that, too.

      At some point, I also remembered to think of the task of the month and year. I am pretty sure I remembered to think of it.
    9. Dreams from night of 2-7 to 2-8 (at least 2 LDs)

      by , 02-08-2018 at 02:09 PM
      Here are the dreams from last night. The non lucid parts are written in black. I highlighted the lucid parts in lime green this time. There were also some parts that were really pre lucid but not exactly lucid, so I only highlighted the ones I was certain were lucid.

      Round 1 and 2 of dreams
      Here are dreams. This is the second time I have woken up. Unfortunately, the first time I woke up, I did not write down the dream fragments I remembered. I thought to myself that they were so few, that I would definitely rmemeber them next time I woke uo. This was not the case, and now I am kind of sad that they are gone.

      I had difficulty falling asleep the first time of the night, but the second time I went back to sleep (after needing the bathroom) I fell asleep easier.

      From this second round of dreams, the first thing I remember is having to go somewhere with my Dad. I didn't want to go. It had to do with where I went to college.

      Then, there was a part at AB's house where it was around 6 A M. I wanted to ask my cousin something but AC said it was too early for her. she wasn't really up yet.

      There was something about my sister arranging a daily spanking routine with my Dad. I was horrified by this. I am against the spanking of children. The concept of spanking came up in my life recently and so I see that this has some carryover to day time.

      This dream was very vivid and eventful, but I remembered only a little. The next part was that I was sitting near some water and there were two girls to my right. It was like the shore of an ocean or big body of salt water. there was some surf washing up. One girl to my right had no shirt on the second time I looked at her. I didn't get too engaged in that aspect of the dream. But I forgot what we were all doing by the water. Maybe eating ice cream? I was going to go out to the water at first but then I saw those two sitting there and decided to sit with them.

      There was a part where I had this foldable griddle and was cooking eggs or other food for people. there was a lot of food in this dream. I was cooking a big rectangular pizza and I considered slicing open the crust and turning the whole thing into a breakfast pizza with bacon, maple syrup and eggs, and i guess cheese. I thought everyone would really enjoy this.

      There was a family there that was like my previous neighbors. There was a girl from there who I was seeming to get to know better. We were sitting together by ourselves. I did not get along well with these neighbors. I remember seeing a guy who looked like her brother but wasn't quite her brother, so I figured he was her cousin or something. Then another guy came over and seemed to draw her back over to their family table. I felt kind of bad about this because I liked her. In waking life, I did not get along well with her.

      Then there was a thing about this plant or ornament thing that could be designed to stay in a certain shape. So I put one of the limbs into a square and I did this to impress people or win the girl back. There was a whole concept of how the plant or ornament could be programmed to go in a certain shape, without changing it manually. I was then looking through the shelves beneath it for a manual of some sort. Instead, I found a questionnaire packet about some different topics, one of which was kind of surprising.(Note to self #1*)

      I felt like I was supposed to fill it out, but didn't want to. There might have been something to do with math homework. Then, A B walked by and sung that I was a beautiful helper. I felt good about that.

      So then I was walking back through and there were all these kids. Someone said something about how we all have to get these kids on the bus before 10 A M so we don't get billed for having kids at this location. The floors were all slippery and it was a big mess. Then I walked further one way and a latin american fellow was eating raw chicken. i thought, man, he must be hungry, but I didn't think that was good for you. Oh, well, maybe he can digest it. Then, a woman's voice was asking if the kids have trouble being on benefits or people pick on them because of being on benefits. Then, I walked by this huge pile of cooked sweet potatoes. but they were moldy. I got excited because I love roasted yams. But I opened one and it had lots of green and white mold.

      So, that was all of these dreams. Unfortunately, I forgot a lot of parts that were interesting. What happened was, once I woke up from that second round of dreams and sleep, I stayed perfectly still and attempted to think of what I dreamed about. But, for some reason, it took a minute or two for anything to come to mind. That seems weird because it was such a vivid dream. I guess I was just groggier or in a deeper phase of sleep and hopefully, the next rounds of sleep and dreams gives me more dream recall.

      Round 3 of dreams

      I didn't have too much trouble falling asleep. These dreams turned out to be a dream chain kind of thing with two fairly long lucid dreams back to back after the first dream. I forgot a lot of the dreams unfortunately, even though I stayed perfectly still and immediately thought of what i had dreamed upon awakening physically in my bed. Well, here is what I remember.

      There was a scene where I was on the phone with my friend Lesa. I forgot what we were talking about. One part was that I have healed a lot from circumcision trauma because I am not as angry, even though I still oppose it. I just oppose it more calmly, which is healthier for me at the time. I was pouring soap from a body soap bottle into something else. It was like a blue tube of gel, unlike the real body soap, which isn't as solid. My Mom had taken the toilet down stairs for cleaning it, which made perfect sense to me at the time. There was some dream context that I could have cleaned the walls behind the toilet and the floor while she was down there but I didn't really want to. I didn't know I was dreaming yet. In the bath tub to the left of the toilet place, there were all of these blue fish tank pebble types of things. I figured they were some kind of cleaning salts and would dissolve.

      I forgot the rest of this dream, but there was more to it. What happened was, I woke up and thought about it. I remember remembering a good deal of it, but the next thing I knew, I was asleep again, and in another dream.

      In this dream, I had woken up in a car. I was in a parking lot and it was daylight. I didn't know I was dreaming right away, but I started to have the notion that it could be a dream. A girl pulled up in a car next to me. It was Victoria from high school and I got out of my car, to not be anti social. At the time, i was trying to dream journal in my car, which often happens as this is kind of a false awakening I get from thinking I have woken up to dream journal when i was intending to last time I was awake. I was worried about forgetting my dreams. Then, I was on the passenger side of my car, trying to write my dream journal in blue gel on the windshield. I realized this wouldn't work the best, and tried to get my phone to work as a dream journal. Then, another guy was there talking to Victoria, and I had the sense they both wanted me to go away. I looked in some compartment on the side of my car. As I was standing with Victoria and the guy, I was still stressing about writing my dream journal. then I realized i was in another dream. I was like seventy five percent sure of it, but didn't do any dream state checks yet.

      Next, in this dream, I was in some kind of a school hallway or building. I remember it being bright with lots of white tiles and white walls and stuff like that. There was some kind of class going on or something. There were some women around. I decided to check if it was indeed a dream. I tried a finger palm test a few times, hoping to be discreet. It didn't go through, but the hunch that I was dreaming still didn't go away. I was thinking, I know this is a dream, I just need to prove it to myself. I remember looking out some window perhaps into a field. I also remember there was some rectangle in the wall that I pulled myself up to look into and it was this crawl space thing, with upside down cieling tiles as the floor. This seemed unusual to me. I don't know if this counts as a totally lucid dream or if I was just pre lucid the whole time. More happened in this dream, but I don't remember it now, and you will see why in the next dream. I am not sure if I had more lucidity later in this part of the dream chain or not. But I did wake up and try to remember as much as possible of this part of the dream chain before the next began. As far as dream chains go, this one had 3 long segments, instead of my usual 6 to 12 short segments when I have dream chains.

      Another dream began after a while of thinking through the previous two. This time, I knew it was a dream sooner, almost immediately. I forgot the first parts of this dream. I remember some kind of underground rock concert, a scene I feel I have dreamed of before. I felt somewhat excluded perhaps. Then I was in this parking garage walking perhaps to my car. There was a thought in my mind about how a certain belief system (Note to self #2*) seems dark but is more about integration than actually becoming evil. There were cars parked to my right, and I walked or flew alongside them. I sensed someone coming and I hid behind them. I had the feeling I was in a part of the dream I wasn't allowed. As I hid behind one car, I saw a car pull out of one of the spaces ahead and to my left, from between other cars. the unusual thing was, it was a limosine, but it pulled out of a car space just the size of a regular sedan, which had nothing past it but a wall. Well, I already knew it was a dream.

      Then, I was flying around this lobby a bit. I had a sense I should really lay low around here. I saw someone working in a glass booth and flew through the glass both, but I think I was also invisible. I tried going down through the floor to see the underground concert thing again, but the dream told me I couldn't go through the floor this time. So, I let go of needing to do that.

      Next thing I knew, I was in some class. Then, a girl I know, either Lauren or Julia, was walking down the steps ahead of me. She dropped a bunch of mini reeses cups on the steps and I made sure to step over them. She told me it didn't matter if I stepped on them, they had already hit the floor, so she couldn't eat them. I said, well, that may be so, but I don't want them on my shoe. I figured she would go buy some new ones in wrappers, but she had taken them from some bulk pack. I don't know how they kept in her pocket. I might have temporarily forgot it was a dream around this part, or faded in and out of awareness of that. The dream was really long, much longer than my memory of it shows. I was thinking to myself that I didn't know that girl had an eating problem.

      Then, a guy I never met was shaking my hand and giving me some kind of compliment or advice. In the context of the dream, I thought of him as a guy from my fraternity, but now that I look back, I didn't actually know him. he was somewhat big of a guy with grey hair.

      Then there was a part with two young girls in a cage, holding burgers on strings. A guy about 20 years old walked by and oogled at the burgers, then kept walking. As he did this, I felt tremendous fear, like he was a dinosaur and going to eat the girls.

      Then there was a part with two teenage boys bringing a slightly younger teenage girl somewhere. They were outdoors and there was a fence nearby. It was still daytime. I felt fear that they were going to molest the girl. At this point, I felt like I was following along invisibly, and I knew I was dreaming again, if I had lose awareness at one point. Now, I had a sense that I was more passively being shown this scene, like a T V show, as opposed to actively engaged in it. As in, I didn't really have a dream body. I was just a floating awareness, unable even to control my own floating. but I was aware of my actual condition being a dream. So, I just followed the kids, thinking that I might at some point materialize with a dream body and rescue the girl if need be.

      I remember somewhere along the course of these dreams, thinking to myself, well, this is just pointless. This is such a long dream, I will never remember all of it. I don't even see the point of this dream, anyway. I should just wake myself up. but then I remembered a rule I made with myself, that I was sort of honor bound to stay in the dream as long as I could. Even if I didn't want to stay, I had to do my best to stay in the dream as long as I could. So, I decided I wouldn't wake myself up.

      Next thing I knew, I was seeing a young teenage boy saying something. Then, credits rolled. The scene zoomed out and showed I had been watching this all on a T V. Suddenly, I knew I was in the living room of a cabin that it felt like I had been in earlier in the dream. I wish I remembered this all more clearly. A guy walked by with a dog and out a door to my right. The door had mainly glass, but then some wooden slat kind of things. I can't think of the name for this kind of door but it is a pretty normal door. With brown wood. There was a couch to the right of that door. As the guy left, I tried to tell him I thought my life purpose was to materialize and save that girl, but now I found out it was just a T V show. The guy didn't seem to care. I felt all alone for a moment. I wondered if I was supposed to commit suicide within this dream because I felt so empty and useless all of a sudden. I thought if there would be a dream gun somewhere. I knew that suicide within a dream would not kill me because I have read about how dying in dreams doesn't actually kill the person. So it was more symbolic or something. I couldn't think of anything else to do.

      Then, I felt empowered by the thought that I could just turn off the T V. All along, I could have just realized it was a T V show, grabbed the remote, and turned the power off. then, i could have done something else. So, the remote was right to the left of the T V and I picked it up. I forgot what hand. The power button was very clearly on the top right of the remote, and I pressed it. The T V went off for a split second, but popped back on. I was not surprised. That happens in dreams a lot, I turn off electronics or radios and they pop back on and I have to keep unplugging them from here or there. so I was expecting that. I pressed power off again and it went off again.

      Just then, someone came in with two dogs. They looked dark at first, and I felt scared. But then I saw that she was a beautiful dark skinned woman in a dark coat and hat with dark hair. She was 4 and a half to 5 feet tall if I could guess. One of her dogs had these shiny black spots of fur on an otherwise not shiny brown coat of fur. That was the dog to my right. The other dog was to my left. She started to comment on how we needed to have sex immediately. I was like, woah, cool. I was totally aware it was a dream. She began to undress very slowly. I wanted to rush her to undress, but I tried to just breathe. I could see her body and she was just getting her pants off. She was saying something about how she should have just stayed with a guy like me (Note to self #3*) all along and not gone for those other guys. Now, she was back, and she wasn't going to leave again, she said. I started to be aware for the first time in this dream that I was losing stability. This is part of why I wanted her to hurry up. I was getting anxious or too excited, but I was able to keep some level of cool, enough to extend the dream the amount I did. I started to tell her that I was losing stability and I needed her help to stay in the dream, and my level of panic about waking up kind of rose. At first, I felt like I might be able to stay in the dream and enjoy the next scene which might have ensued, but then, i felt myself waking up physically in my bed.
      (Note to self #4*)

      Then I was awake physically in my bed. Because I woke up straight from that scene, I was able to begin remembering the dreams right away. I couldn't remember as much as I would have wanted to. I wrote the dream out in full though and now I can go back to bed.

      Round 4 of dreams. .

      I fell back asleep without much trouble, on my left side. I had a dream and woke up, unable to remember even a little of it. I was still very groggy, and felt myself soon drifting to sleep again, so I just let it happen.

      I was in another dream that I don't remember a lot of the beginning of. My sister was there. Two other girls were there. I think I remember having a bad feeling but I am not quite sure. There may have been something with my college fraternity.

      Then I was having a conflict with a guy, I think. Maybe a conflict with my Dad. I think he wanted help carrying something to the back yard or something like that. Maybe he had some kind of a vacuum.

      Oh, snap, now I remember what happened. Someone else was up in my room with me and we had a drug like D M T. It was either actual D M T or I was just pretending it was. I haven't smoked weed or drank in over 4 years in waking life, by the grace of the goodness gracious. But i took this test tube or lab beaker kind of thing and put the drug in there and somehow vaporized it from that. I remember inhaling every last bit of vapor and feeling like, oh, crap, why did I do that? Even if I am only pretending, I really shouldn't be dabbling with drugs. I kind of started to feel funny. I think I looked in the mirror but I don't remember what I saw. Now that I remember that, it makes sense why I was so relieved when I found out next that it was just a dream.

      When I was downstairs, I got the idea to try putting my finger through my palm. It was a vivid dream already and it felt like waking life. But, I gave it a try and to my surprise, it poked through a little. I felt more like I was in waking life, and nothing would happen. So it was interesting for it to really go through to the other side. I wanted to show someone but then I didn't. I still didn't quite understand what it meant that it was a dream. I felt like I was still in waking life, but that something was just a little different. I went to look out the front door, which looked like it does in waking life. Then, I realized it was a dream, so that meant I could do more fun stuff or something. I saw a sugar cookie shaped like an easter bunny chocolate bar thing and grabbed that and started to eat it. it was delicious. My Mom was there and she was being really nurturing. Then, I wanted more food, but it felt like the other food was still stuck in my mouth, and I couldn't fully swallow it. Anyway, I went in the fridge, and there was a pile of food boxes. On top was a really well made birthday cake that said Mommy on it. this makes sense because my sister was just telling me how she decorated a cake for my Mom for her birthday, which was a few days ago. I thought of digging right into the cake, but decided not to, because even though it was a dream, it seemed too important to mess with. So I put the cake to the side. The next box was a circle of turkey and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread, and I dug right into those. I still felt like I should leave some for everyone else, even if I was in a dream. As I ate, I felt like I couldn't eat fast enough. The food in the dream tasted so delicious. Then, there was a jar of Mustard to my right. I gobbed some of that on the sandwiches and ate that, and it was delicious, too. My Mom came by and asked me if I was going to put some Kevin on my food. I knew that Kevin was the word for Mayo but I don't know how those words got criss crossed. There was a small jar of Mayo near the mustard that I didn't have any of yet. Then, my Mom was saying more nice things to me as I ate. That was a really nice wish fulfilling dream. I told my Mom that I want to eat something I really want to eat! She said, I know, me too. (Note to self #5*) Then, I noticed my Mom's art was everywhere. I thought that I would really like to compliment her on her wonderful art. I could see shadows cast by her easels. I wanted to have the chance to tell her how great her art was, before the dream ended, but my mouth was so full. (Note to self #6*) I thought I would be able to enjoy some more food, and then I would get the chance to compliment my Mom on her art, which would probably be very fulfilling in a dream.
      Then, I woke up physically in my bed, with my mouth still moving, still tasting the sandwiches from the dream.

      It took me a moment to even think of the dreams. I don't know why my dream recall isn't the best tonight. I feel I dreamed a lot, but remembered so little. I hope I can sleep and dream once more, because I feel a bit like I had less dreams than usual. But it might be the case that I have had all the sleep my body will take, and it is morning. Usually I can't sleep past sun rise. But I will try to sleep again and see what happens.

      I am definitely happy about this L D because I like dream food. From the moment I thought of food, I was thinking of the food in our cabinets in waking life. Also, I eat very strict in waking life, never any cookies or even bread, for years straight now, and so eating things like this in a dream is a real treat. I eat this way in waking life more due to food allergies than anything else, and because I have a history with certain types of food triggering binges. Which, in the dream, I did feel like I was on a food binge, but because I knew it was a dream, I just enjoyed it. In waking life, being on a food binge like that would be pretty scary. So, I am grateful I am not on a food binge in waking life.

      Well, I didn't get back to sleep. I tried, but could tell the sun had risen without even looking, and I got up. So, now its time for the day.
    10. Log 1007 - Neo Civil War

      by , 02-01-2018 at 12:19 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 31 January 2018

      Gonna try keep my New Year's promise. Anyway, I don't have much to note today.

      Don't have as much to note as I'd like...

      Dream 1 - Neo Civil War

      The visuals were a bit blurred. This occurred in an alternate timeline. After the horrors of WWII, the nations of the world unilaterally adopted extreme Luddist and isolotionist policies. This results in both technological stagnation, and grave regression in civil and human rights. Half the US, for instance, had gone back to using slave labor. Cue another Civil War in the 60's. I was given the role of a New Union Army officer and spy. In my latest solo infiltration of a Neo-Confederate base, I discover their hoarding and developing rocket launchers. To sabotage their efforts, I fire one such weapon into their warehouse, destroying their stockpile. But, my escape goes sour, and I'm captured. The rebels then promptly execute me by hanging. As painful and intense a death as it was, I was... oddly unphased. I don't know why, but, even beyond the disruption I caused, I felt as if I had the last laugh.

      That cat then woke me up.

      Scrap Group 1
      Vague memories of repeated dreams. Something of warping around and focusing on something?
      non-lucid , false awakening
    11. Dream - A Comforting Conversation & Disasters Galore

      by , 01-31-2018 at 11:19 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 31 JAN - 2018

      Dream No. 273 - Separated Sections

      Dream 273 A - A Comforting Conversation
      This was the first dream of the night I had. The scene played like a false awakening, taking place in my bedroom just as the sun was rising. I was under the covers of my own bed, burrowed in right next to Murray in his Sly 4 appearance. In this dream, he was already awake and started talking to me; so I wiggled my way up slightly and pulled myself back to be able to see him. He said something like “Hey it's okay, we're gonna get her back”, straight away knowing that he was referring to Dreamy WB. He said some more stuff as well but I forgot his exact words; we spoke for a short while.

      We then heard footsteps in the distance and I knew they belonged to my grandma. I quickly told Murray what was going on as well as him making a small comment. When my grandma was just about to come in the doorway, Murray quickly pulled the covers over our heads and brought me back to his body with a tight hug, although he still remained awake. I just enjoyed the sensation until the next dream came. My grandma started to fiddle with the sheets to fix them for me but never pulled them off. The dream transitioned when I was alone again with Murray for a few seconds.

      Dream 273 B - Disasters Galore
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at my current house and my mum and grandma were expecting to be busy for the whole day. I was out in the local area doing something but I forgot what exactly. When I got off Haverbrack Drive and onto Police road, there was this big white bus just sitting there on the corner. After examining it for a bit, this lady popped up out of the seat and gave me this evil grin through the rear-view mirror.

      The bus then started up, revving it's motors and reversing. I thought to move out of the way so the bus could take its course but I did not know that the driver had different ideas. The bus started reversing towards me really fast and I could now tell that the lady had her sights set on running me over. As I prepare to run back down Haverbrack Drive, I am screaming for Dreamy WB while also watching the distance between me and the bus. Dreamy WB never came but I did reach home without being run down.

      Back at home, I found out what my mum was going to be doing. Her and my grandma had to be at the airport for a certain time to pick up my deceased grandfather (alive in the dream). My mum was stressing out big time saying that she had to do all these things, really demanding house chores. This scene played for a while but I have forgotten every single detail of it.

      The next scene played in the house but it was in an area that doesn't exist in real life. I was in the driveway when I caught sight of a mini fire in one of the upper rooms. I said to myself that I had to go up there before the fire got any bigger to see if I could rescue some of my toys and other belongings. The fire had stopped shortly after and I didn't move and rather thought nothing off it.

      Next, this internet service provider truck came into our driveway and rammed into a wall of the garage. The driver had hit a power cable which caused another fire in the same upper room. I got furious and muttered something under my breath; something like, “No wonder you stupid idiots are always cutting out the internet... Because you always run into cables and surge the power!”. This time I did enter the room but it was empty, with no objects in there. The fire grew bigger and there seemed to be no means of escape. I was absolutely scared and went into calling for Dreamy WB again, once again with no success.

      Eventually the flames actually died down and so I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out of that room. I walked into some other random area that didn't look like my house at all and there were all these pictures on the wall. All these pictures appeared to be of the real life WB who did have a distorted appearance in the dream. What disturbed me the most was that she had all these piercings on her face, including multiple rings on her ears, nose and lips! I examined those pictures thoroughly and I thought to myself, “You have really mucked up in life...”.

      The dream scene then transitioned to me being at a random Coles store with my brother. We were looking at the shelves with all the Easter supplies on them. We were looking for these particular caramel eggs but some lady told us why they weren't there... I forgot what was said exactly. I remember that my brother and I weren't very happy and we mentioned something about my mum; then we left the store.

      The next scene took place in the carpark of this random shopping complex. The only way to reach the next area was to take the lift which I was having none of. For the third time in this dream, I put in every single string of effort to get Dreamy WB on the scene. My mum was pressuring me to go into the lift but I told her “Wait, I've just got to do something”. I didn't care who was near me, I just kept calling, like a broken record, “Dreamy WB!”. I walked back and forth, up and down the ramps, into the grassed area... Everywhere!

      Eventually, these transparent, ghost-like figures appeared and started floating around me. The first one I saw was just a random looking girl. I knew this wasn't Dreamy WB and I said “Hang on a minute, I don't want dream guide no. 33, I want dream guide no. 1!”. That's when Dreamy WB flew up to me and was hovering just above my head at the side. I knew it was her as I recognised that special, calming energy.

      Although transparent, her energy made it feel like she was physically touching me at some points. She spread an arm out and I leaned on it as she gently nudged me into the lift. As the lift shut, she continued to hover close to me and smile as she now had the one arm hugging me. The dream ended there.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 01-31-2018 at 01:06 PM by 93119

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. boring dreams, super short lucid.

      by , 01-24-2018 at 11:34 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Too Dark

      FA, in a strange room, Rc, by checking how light everything feels.The room is too dark I feel like I'm losing the dream. I find a spot on the floor lit by the window moonlight and place my hand there to incorperate more sense and maybe try time dilation. But before I do anything the dream fades. I feel my hand reaching out again before I lose the dream.


      Not lucid but I was walking with a group of people when it's sunny outside. I proppeled myself in the air and started floating down the street instead of walking. was lucid briefly but forget what happens after.


      I was on a youtube channel about urban exploration. Found myself outside somewhere. I was opening a door into a tunnel for urban explorers to get through??? This dream makes no sense.


      Long dream about watching a movie about friends i had from highschool. It wasn't very interesting. Something about my friend making a video game map and naming islands after his friends. I had my name by an island.
    13. Universe control Darkness Space partical form

      by , 01-23-2018 at 04:05 AM
      closing my eyes I can see stars when I'm not outside I become lucid the lucidity of the darkness becomes an intent light flickering and shimmering around my very being

      as I'm lucid I can still see the darkness the darkness lucidity and the light lucidity was a lot different the shape of my dream become that of a blinding light space starts forming as star particle's over and over am I my own galaxy am I alien or human who has this power to control space and time I think to myself as I'm becoming lucid the darkness flicker the light once again I fall into a deep sleep I still know my eyes are closed yet I'm in a world where I see thing more vibrant then when I'm awake the universe becomes destroyed as a simple blink I can destroy galaxies and space with a mere gesture yet when I destroy the universe more galaxies and space form every time I close my eyes
    14. Log 996 - Black Market Manor and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 01-21-2018 at 03:31 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 20 January 2018

      Got some things to note today, including two DILDs. There were a bunch of dreamlets too, but I've

      Dream 1 - The Marvel/Capcom Dream Alliance

      The visuals were quite dim. This took place within a poorly lit office building at night-time. A chaotic battle was occurring between a joint force of Marvel and Capcom heroes (Iron-Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, the Hulk, Ryu, Megaman X, and Chun-li confirmed) against the menacing Ultron. The villain was overpowering his opponents. In a bold maneuver, Iron-Man, Cap, Ryu, and X held off the rogue robot to stall him. In the meantime, Hulk stood back, covering while Chun-Li departed elsewhere. Eventually, Hawkeye fired off an EMP arrow at Ultron, who easily caught it within a forcefield. "Is that the best you can do?", gloats Ultron. Hawkeye smirks. That's when a barrage of missiles strikes Ultron at his flank. He turns, and sees the side of an attack chopper, Bat-Man logos painted all over, and Chun-Li within the passenger cabin. With Ultron's concentration lapsed, the forcefield went down, and, upon the arrow exploding, so too did he.

      I manifest, and followed the group down some hallways. We then stop at a darkened, empty garage or storage area. Inside, three people were seated on the floor. One was a figure I couldn't discern (or had forgotten). The other two were rather plain looking twin women, dark skinned, and both with ponytails. Without any prompt, the other heroes and I gather around with them. Then, the enigma started a conversation about meditation and dreaming, and asked for the girls on their progress. One of them claimed to have made great strides in her meditation practices. The other had reportedly mastered inducing lucid dreams. And yet, she seemed hesitant of such, and even expressed worry about her outlook in the future. "She fears it's the 'end of an era', so to speak.", I blurted out. The girl suddenly wept. This caused an outburst from others, a mix of consolatory remarks, and of arguing over how to take my own statement. Such commotion went on for a while, until the dream ended.

      Dream 2 - Black Market Manor

      Scene 1 - Phase Floor Hazard
      The visuals were dim. I was wandering around the unlit hallways of the building above. Seems it had been completely vacated. When I stepped into a large room, I suddenly phased through the floor. Transition.

      Scene 2 - Arms Deal
      The visuals were clearer. I was outside the lot of a mansion, a place located in the middle of a tropical wilderness, daylight peeking through the canopy of trees. The building showed obvious signs of decades-long wear. Previously abandoned, it served as the den for hooligans and other squatters.

      I wander away into the forest, only to turn back. I then approached the leader of the group, a mid-twenty-something year old guy with a shaved haircut and goatee, to make a deal., to make a deal. He lead me inside to the ruined, graffiti-laden manor's "lobby". From his backpack, he pulled out a bag of finely ground hash. Wasn't at all interested in that. What I wanted was weapons. I "knew" that this guy, though not an arms vendor himself, was connected enough with the black market to acquire such.

      He pulled out a notebook, and we began working out a contract. I used the pseudonym titled after a Goetic demon, cycling through a few names, as some were already taken. Anyway, I requested modded SMGs. He seemed confused, stating that machine guns would be a more optimal choice. Some chica from the streets, presumably the guy's girlfriend, then arrived. The two bicker over details of the current negotiations for a while before turning their attention back to me. In the end, I settled for 2 silenced SMGs, and one machine gun, all very reasonably priced at several thousand dollars. I also asked about combat armor, but they seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. I then gushed on for a while about my favorite firearms. This quickly bored the two, so I just took my leave.

      Back outside, I made my way down faded dirt path through the forest. I'd false memories of having an interesting conversation with a fellow there not too long ago. So, I hurried along, thinking I might be able to catch up with him. Along the way, I noticed something familiar about pathway, as if it were a crude facsimile of my neighborhood. Curious, I flew up, and headed the direction where my home would be. This soon granted lucidity. I continued towards my "home", getting my head brushed under huge tree leaves along the way. Things start destabilizing. I desperately rubbed my hands, but couldn't keep from getting sucked into the void. I continued falling for about a minute before the dream ended.

      Dream 3 - Trivial Near Nightmare

      Dreamlet transitioned to dream. The visuals were dim and a bit blurred. I was lounging around at home during night time. Soon, I noticed my brother, Jay, going around and asking the others various trivia questions. He approached me with such, something about biology, I think, which I got wrong. He annoyed me with further drivel, during which I got lucid. But, I caught myself having paranoid thoughts about my brother, a sign that a nightmare might occur. Just to be safe, I impaled him with my hand, causing him to fade into inky vapor, all while he eerily continued his quiz otherwise undisturbed.

      I started hand rubbing, only to warp in bed. Noticing that it was still dark outside kept me lucid. Unfortunately, I had trouble moving. Concerns with such caused me to lose the dream quickly.

      Updated 01-21-2018 at 03:51 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    15. Superfortress

      by , 01-20-2018 at 09:57 PM
      What a good way to start the year: A lucid dream and a false awakening―all in one night!


      A very loud WWII bomber flies overhead, towing a smaller aircraft behind it. The bomber grows in size (or comes closer). I see that it is a B-29. Then it becomes a six-engine B-36 Peacemaker. One or two of the propellers are feathered. Suddenly I notice that the aircraft is flying backwards. Perhaps this confusion is due to the fact that the real B-36's engines were mounted on the back of the wing? (This one's were not.) At any rate, the idea of a plane flying backwards jars me into lucidity. But I am unable to do anything with my newfound conscious state because I wake up immediately. Or is it a false awakening? Because I sleep again and dream a false awakening in which I am writing my lucid dream in my bedside dream journal--with two very large L's in the margin, denoting lucidity.

      Updated 01-20-2018 at 10:16 PM by 92227

      lucid , false awakening
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