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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Fair Game

      by , 11-22-2010 at 08:23 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Method: DILD
      Recall: average
      Lucid Ability:6
      Vividness: Average
      Dream Length:LONG

      It's late at night, and I'm in the back seat of a Jeep. Stephanie is driving, and all of a sudden, she just jumps out and runs off. The car is still coasting down the road, and I navigate to the front of it by navigating on the outside. When I get tot he front seat, I past by sets of cops, and theres a scene change.

      I was sitting down at a place wearing an orange football jersey with the number three on it. Some DC came up to me, and complimented it, and then shut it down in the same sentence. I started thinking about the jeep incident, and was telling myself that it's obvious that it was a dream because of the way the cops showed up out of no where. I started thinking about this scene change, and realized that I was still dreaming.

      I started walking and found myself in a carnival of sorts. There were tons of DC's and all of them were treating me like a superstar. I bumped into J and he seemed more like an actual person than a DC. He was just waiting on me to talk about how we're actually dreaming, and cut me short. We continued walking and I saw a guitar and played a riff on it for a second, and the sound just resonated everywhere for about 10 seconds, and I saw a drum set that I wan't to get on, but by the time I got there there was another DC on it.

      J started talking about how hungry he was, and I told him he should just think about eating something, or just wake up (really he seemed pretty sentient). We arrived at a table, and there was a cuban sandwich on it, and I said, "there you go". I told him that I would summon something, and turned around and thought about a hamburger. I could hear him in the background saying "oh man, it's there...whatever", like he knew I was showing off. I turned around and saw it in it's fast food wrapper. When I unrapped it, it turned out to be an empanada. I broke it open a little bit and saw that it had angel hair in there as well....and then of course, everything faded.
    2. I'm back, but not voluntarily

      by , 11-22-2010 at 05:07 PM
      So I have been out of lucid dreaming for a while. Mainly because I had to wake up so early every day, studying medicine is not something you can do in your spare time.
      The strangest thing happened to me yesterday
      It was 3 'o clock at night, I was extremely tired because I couldnt sleep. I was laying there, very still. I was thinking about general stuff, I was exhausted and ready to fall asleep. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a WILD, and that happened. The minute I felt my body vibrate I was thinking " No I dont want this, I stopped doing this forever" but my body wouldnt wake up. I felt hands pulling me up and I touched the ceiling
      I opened my eyes and I was floating in my room and I saw a girl with long black hair floating in front of me and I grabbed her hand. Immediatly I was pulled back on my bed. I was lucid, but I couldn't move. I felt bodies floating next to me and I tried to grab them but they were too fast. When I tried to get up I felt hands on my shoulder, neck and my hair. The only thing I was thinking of, was " How can I wake up, I have to wake up" I tried to pinch myself, but "they" wouldn't let me. After a big struggle with them I managed to poke myself in my eye ( that really hurts btw) and I woke up in the same position. I was hyperventilating and everything, it was really a nightmare

      Lucid dreaming was always very easy for me, sometimes I think to myself I should train myself I could do so much with this gift. But on the other hand I'm very scared that I 'm going to dream things like this

      What shall I do, I don't know..
    3. Dream Journal: Lucid Dream #2!, Fragments, 2 FAs, WILD, TV Shows

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:59 PM
      Dream 1-- DILD! *Dreamsign: HSfriend* Task of the Month

      YES!! I finally had my second lucid dream after trying to induce lucids for over a week now! I'm so psyched because even though I'm officially attempting to achieve lucidity through the WILD technique, I'm managing to recognize my dream signs while in the dream state! This is really encouraging because these dreamsigns recur so much, and are so common that if I can really start consistently seeing them as such then I should be lucid almost all the time! Also, I think it helped that I was thinking about the task of the month as a something to do after I became lucid because I completed it as soon as I became lucid!

      The dream starts off with me walking down this open field at night with no one around me. I am walking on grass, and I can see a bunch of stuff in the distance, but I have this feeling like I know exactly where I am going. I keep walking for about a minute and eventually find myself sitting on a porch with Dean, William and an old man. I look over at Dean and he is lying down on some stairs, and I think that's typical for Dean, who would normally come over to my house and just sleep on my couch.

      Will, the old man and I are talking about some important topic I can't specifically recall right now. Suddenly there is this loud noise to the right and it's this truck that is trying to back into it's logical space. It's making a lot of noise and it has to go through a long, drawn out procedure of getting through this tiny space in order to park. It pulls forward, and shifts positions and goes back. It's hard to explain but the entire process takes about 2 minutes to complete. After it's done I l walk over and see that the truck has compacted to the size of a normal car, and I think that is really weird how it all happened.

      When I go back to talk to Will, I recognize him as an HSfriend (friend from high school) and immediately I become lucid! I tell him that I am lucid and that I have full control over my dream and I can do whatever I want right now. He sits and just looks at me silently. I then tell him that I have always looked up to him and that I think he is really cool. He says "whoa." I don't know what else to say so I walk past him and find another of my high school friends, Sean. He walks up to me and says "I love you, man" and gives me a big hug. I say "I love you too dude, thank you." When we are hugging, I close my eyes and things go black, which causes me to start to lose lucidity. I remember that I can spin around, so I start to spin but my brain sort of comes back into my body and I can feel my body spinning in a dream while my body is remaining still on the bed. It feels really weird because I have the sensation that I'm spinning in the bed while I'm not moving at all.

      Dream 2-- PassObs Degrassi

      So I'm watching an episode of Degrassi, and everything seems to be going according to the Degrassi-esque drama, but I'm passobs the whole time. I'm just the camera watching all the action, and there is a line of thoughts that follow as the scene progresses. After about 30 seconds, the characters all change and the storyline becomes something really weird.

      In every episode of Degrassi there are usually multiple stories that progress in segments and the show will switch from one story to another constantly. In one of my stories, Abed from the show Community thinks that he is gay so he is going into a doctor's office to check. For most of my dream he is waiting in the waiting room looking around nervously. The last Abed scene, a doctor in the form of Chevy Chase (who is also in Community) comes out and tells Abed that his results are ready. There is a close up of his face looking worried, and then a far-away shot of him following the doctor through these two glass doors.

      In another story, there are these two people who are apparently cheating on their girlfriend/boyfriend with eachother. In one scene they are having sex and it looks like the scene from fight club where it's really blurry and slowed down. You can't really tell what's going on but you know they are having sex and one scene will kind of mold into the other. I see her totally naked and I have this thought like 'I don't think they can show boobs on this show' but that doesn't stop the dream. The boobs and the woman's body morph into the guys face and suddenly they are in a different sexual position. It's hard to explain, but I remember paying attention to how the bodies morphed and how her boobs became his nose. It was really interesting to watch and observe.

      In the last story, I was actually involved, but I can't remember it that well. I am running down a long corridor with black and white checkers on a marble floor beneath me. The corridor is rather narrow and I can see that it gets smaller up ahead. I am running and at first it doesn't seem like I'm making progress, but somehow I imagine that there are people in the opening, which makes me complete the journey really fast. I guess I took my mind off the corridor situation, which made it a non-issue. When I reach the opening there are HSfriends again, but I don't go lucid this time. We all talk for a while about a problem going on in the house we are in. It's really dramatic and we all have to search for something, but it's too blurry at this point.

      Dream Fragment 1-- BC Movie

      I just got home from Boston where I was watching the Yale/Harvard football game and visiting my friend at BU. While at BU I was thinking about how I went over to BC during my college tours and had to compare the two campuses.

      In my dream, I am walking on concrete in no specific path, but once again I have this feeling like I know where I am going. It's raining/drizzling but I don't have the feeling like I am getting wet or that I am cold at all. I walk into this building and there are students sitting in chairs facing a TV screen. Also, there is a woman who is standing behind a podium and looking out at all of us. she is obviously a representative for the college. All the kids sitting are watching a movie, and I decide to remain standing behind all of the chairs. I adopt a wide stance and I remember thinking about how wide my stance was and naming it "solid." I physically tried to avoid watching what was on the TV because I didn't want to get sucked in. This is what I do in real life now. I don't watch TV and I don't watch movies because they drag me into the PassObs state so well. I try to RC all the time now when I am typing up my dream journal because I will realize that I am not even paying attention to the noise of the keyboard or the feeling of sitting in the chair!!

      Suddenly, I am talking to H. Huffines because he was one person that I wanted to visit while at BU who I never got a chance to see. I was thinking about him in real life. His dad also talks to me, but I don't remember to go lucid. I can't remember the dialogue, but it was nothing special.

      False Awakening 1-- Pam offers me a Job

      My alarm clock goes off at 5am to remind me to WILD. I remember that I am supposed to WILD and so I remain still and fall back asleep. I have a False Awakening in my bed and I turn to my side to see my mom's friend Pam on my laptop with glasses on. She is looking through e-mails or something and starts talking to me without looking at me. She tells me about this job opportunity she has as an actor's apprentice. I would follow him around and do his dirty work and get him shows and all of this stuff. The whole time I'm in passobs just not really "there." I don't look around, I have a lot of thoughts just swarming through my mind and I don't say anything. I wake up.

      False Awakening 2-- Lawyer in my Den

      This dream is scattered and happens directly after the first false awakening. I am a lawyer and I'm representing this client who I think is disabled. I don't specifically remember the facts of the case or why I am trying it, but I do remember looking through this light blue notebook filled to the brim with papers with all sorts of legal words. It's just passage after passage of what the client is saying, what the law is and other arguments. I try to read over these very carefully, and I actually start to get a photographic memory of what all the contents are as I'm flipping through the book! At first, I'm reading this outside. I'm in a chair and I'm leaning back with the notebook in my lap. there are about 6-7 pages that I read front and back. This clues me in to the whole case and what is going on.

      Suddenly, without warning, I sit up and I am in this large comfy couch that we have in our downstairs den, which is a living room basically. I am talking to a client who is sitting in a chair at a table that is correctly placed in the layout of my den, and he isn't looking at me. He is looking to the left according to how I am looking at him, but it's straightforward for him. He is white, stocky, grey haired, and he looks rather sad, he had a light blue sweater on. We start talking about the case and I basically ask him a list of questions that I feel would apply to this case. The more questions I ask, however, the more I become passobs because I analyze the question I am asking, I analyze his answer, and I'm in my head about what to say or do next.

      First, we start talking about the complaint and the laws surrounding the issue. He tries to direct me to pages where he addressed certain concerns Im brining up, but as Iflip through the pages I realize that all of the text is blurry and jumbled (a new dreamsign) so I stop trying to look. I just converse with him directly about the issue and begin asking him surprisingly poignant questions that I had never heard myself ask before. Things like "Do you admire his situation? Would you trade your life for his?" After this question there was a long silence. I stopped to think about what I just said, and I was really analyzing his face to gauge his reaction. He didn't say anything and I prompted him to speak, but he, in a whispering voice, said "I don't know."

      Dream Fragment 2--

      I'm on a Balcony alone. I'm looking down at all the clothes I am wearing and find myself getting really self-critical. I realize that I haven't shaved in four or five days and I start thinking about how unattractive that must look, and how stupid I am for not just getting it done. I start taking off my pants and realize that I have three pairs of pants on. The outer layer is a blue pair of sweatpants that says "Harvard" down the left leg. Underneath these pants I have my gym shorts, which I wore to sleep tonight. And underneath that I have some under armour to keep me warm. Interestingly, this mocks the amount of pants I was wearing around for the past two days in order to stay warm in the 30 degree Boston weather.
    4. Dragon Incident

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:55 PM
      I realised i was dreaming, well, because i did an RC.

      I Instantly Transport to Mt. Markzhou to train my dragon sage abilities. I go to the dragon lord and ask if he can teach me new stuff so i won't have to practice the other techniques anymore, as they are becoming boring to practice, as i am pretty good at them. He replies that while i am good at those techniques, i am not good enough, so i have to train more. After what seems like 15 minutes, i return an demonstrate my abilities. He then proceeds to agree to teach me new stuff and he teaches me a new technique. I go practice the technique for almost an hour. Then i decide to go visit some of my shared dreaming friends. After that i decide i might as well visit Vivaldi before he comes to me. We have a nice talk, and the dream ends.
    5. Surroundings control

      by , 11-22-2010 at 03:09 PM
    6. Lucid Dream #24

      by , 11-22-2010 at 11:24 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Sec.

      I told my friend that I would go into a hot chicks house across the street from our house. So I went over there and lied in her bed with her. She looked at me. She was Asian. So then we started having sex, then I woke up. The End.
      Tags: asian, kaleb, sex
      lucid , memorable
    7. Visiting my old Home

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:46 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I am walking down a street, and realize it is one that intersects the street that I lived on when I was little. I look down the street to where my old house was. It is dark, and the road looks a little creepy. I think to myself that it is odd I used to live on such a creepy street. However, there are streetlights (there weren't really in real life) that light up patches on the sidewalk. My old house is within the light of one of these, so I think maybe it wasn't that creepy.

      I look to my right. There is a big house there (on the corner of the intersection). This house belonged to one of our neighbors, named Bob. I just dreamed about his house the other night, so I am reminded of this dream. I think to myself "why do I dream about this place so much?" Then I think how strange it is that I am here so often. Like this very moment, for example. "Maybe I'm dreaming now," I think. But then I think "nah, I'm not." However, I remember that I've blown it off too many times lately, which is one reason I have not had as many lucid experiences. So, I do a sort of RC by imagining that it is a dream. Once I let myself think that it is a dream I realize "I am dreaming!"

      Having not been lucid for a few months, I get a little excited. I think about what to do, and remeber a post on the forum about travelling in dreams. One poster had mentioned closing your eyes and imagining yourself somewhere (I forgot that others had cautioned against this for novice lucid dreamers). I close my eyes and think about a place I like to go on vacations during the summer. I try to imagine the sounds and smells, but as I do so everything blacks out, and I loose lucidity.
    8. 1/3 Sat: 50th LD, Playing Cards, Work, Pizza

      by , 11-22-2010 at 01:21 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Record my 50th LD this night. I think my actual count is off by a few but it's close enough. So yay me!

      Playing Cards
      In the desert, maybe in the wild west like Red Dead Redemption. I am with a friend around a campfire and there's also another DC. He's a middle-aged man. In the dream I recall thinking he looked like a well-known actor but I can't recall who. We start playing cards. My friend and I play a few rounds of Texas Hold 'Em. Then the third man is dealer and he deals out a hand of 7-Card Stud, which my friend and I don't really like. Then we play a different game where we are dealt out a lot of cards, like a whole deck. I ask it he dealt too many. Recall fades.

      Sex DEILD Chain
      Method DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      Recall is a bit hazy. DEILD from a previous dream that I don't recall. I enter the dream in an FA, looking through my sleep mask at my bedside clock. I try to move my limbs but it either wakes me up or triggers an FA. So I lay patiently without moving, just waiting and staring at the clock. I begin to become sleepy and close my eyes which triggers yet another FA.

      Now I'm in a different bed and the stability of the dream is better. It's a very large bed and there is a huge pile of laundry on it, almost up to the ceiling. I'm laying on one corner of the bed. I roll out of bed and put on my glasses. The dream becomes clearer and more vivid. I walk out of the bedroom. Outside, the hallway is an open balcony overlooking the entryway and living room of the house below. I don't recognize this house at all.

      Confused and disoriented, I encounter an attractive girl who I don't recognize. I grab her and we do the business. The dream destabilizes and I wake. I DEILD back into a similar scene with a different attractive and anonymous girl. I lead her back to the bedroom with the bed covered with laundry and proceed. This cycle repeats 3-4 times, connected by a mix of FAs and DEILDs. Mostly I just recall that the sex was great.

      Work and Pizza
      I'm at work, which is surprisingly rare in my dreams. I sitting in one of the pens instead of my real office. I recognize many real coworkers sitting near me. CG is walking back and forth between me and LM, because LM and I don't get along. CG is calling him "Steel" for some reason. Anyway, I'm begin especially sarcastic and disruptive.

      I walk to the kitchen where I see one box of pizza so I take a slice and return to my desk. Moments later, I return to the kitchen just as a pizza delivery man is dropping off another pizza box. This happens a few times, with a delivery man dropping off a single pizza just as I am there to take a slice.
    9. Serial Killer (First Lucid)

      by , 11-22-2010 at 12:29 AM
      This guy, named Scrapper, was building a kind of oversized hut. He had about 10 people helping him. As ther would finish their jobs he would kill them. He shot one guy off a ladder with a nail gun. He shot another gut with a shotgun. There was a section missing in the ceiling. We were in the attic. The guy walked with a limp and always carried a screwdriver. He kept making comments about he would never be without it. He used this screwdriver as a very useful tool. We tried to lock him out the hut and he used it to pick the lock. He had some hind of map to some kind of complex in Africa. He made some woman figure out how to arrange the map. She had to paste a white section onto a black sheet using a special type of glue. She applied the glue to the sheet and stuck it to the floor, rendering the map useless. The man became furious and stabbed her with the screwdriver. I tried to run. I ran to the room next to where I was and it was my grandpaw's old kitchen from his house that he last lived in five years ago. I ran outside and the backyard was his too. I jumped over the fence on the far side of the house to go back to the front and run down the road. Whenever I jumped the fence I realised that I was dreaming, but got excited and woke up. This was the first time that I can recall becoming Lucid.
      nightmare , lucid , non-lucid
    10. Camping nightmare

      by , 11-21-2010 at 10:40 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Nightmare Dream sign
      For me to remember, dreams are #067300, and lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1. Nightmares are dark red, #8b0000, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      Not a dream about camping, a dream while I was camping.

      Driving nightmare
      I was being driven home from school by my Dad. I was in the passenger seat. The road was weird. Strange signs that don't exist in real life, such as two arrows pointing diagonally upward into each other on a yellow diamond, were on the road. The road had a lot of lanes, too many lines, and more exits than usual. There were no other cars, but I didn't notice.

      We kept driving. The whole road was different from the real route to home, but I didn't realize.
      Suddenly my Dad took a very sharp wrong turn. I could just feel it was the wrong direction. What the heck? I asked him, "Hey, what's going on?" and he replied with a sinister smile and a finger to his mouth, "Shh..." He didn't turn his head towards me, he just turned his eyes. This can't be real... wait, I'm dreaming!

      I was now semi lucid. I realized in a dream like this I would have no hope of having fun, and it would only get worse, so I just quit. With an almost bored face I told my dad, "Seriously?". I shut my eyes. Whenever I want to leave a dream, I close my eyes and the dream fades. I can still hear things though...

      My Dad gets furious at me. "Stuart... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

      The dream fades without waking me up.

      Normally my Dad is really nice. I bet that's how I realized it was a dream. I'm glad I realized it was a nightmare and destroyed the dream before it got worse and woke me up in fear. I would have woken up in the middle of the night in a tent with nowhere to go and I'd be unable to get back to sleep.
      Tags: dad, driving
      lucid , nightmare
    11. Random Little Adventures

      by , 11-21-2010 at 07:32 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      My friend and I had decided to race buses. I think she beat me, but her bus needed some heavy work if it was going to work again. We parked our buses in my driveway. She got out and went inside while I hung in my bus, cleaning up some stuff.

      I heard growling, and looked out the back window. Behind my bus, there was a wolf and a bear attacking each other. Wow! The wolf was winning. After the wolf finished off the bear, it stalked around the bus. It could see me and wanted something else to fight.

      I ducked onto the floor to try to avoid being seen. It clawed at the windows and wasn't giving up. Something made me think to wonder if I was dreaming. I don't remember if I did a reality check or not, but I was pretty sure that I was dreaming.

      I jumped out of the bus and the wolf and I engaged in combat. The wolf didn't stand a chance, he was finished within the minute.

      I wondered what I would do in this lucid. I needed to learn to teleport. Should I snap my fingers and will myself somewhere else or close my eyes and spin, or should I zoom into a picture? I thought about that for a minute, and decided to try each option.

      I can't snap my fingers IRL. So, maybe that attempt was already doomed for failure because it didn't transfer well into the dream. I realized that I really didn't have a specific place in mind that I wanted to go to. Could I just ask my subconscious to create a random place? I sort of liked the scenery here. Bright blue open skies, warm, and in my backyard. I wasn't sure where else I would chose to go.

      I was going to try the spinning technique when I remembered what happened last time, a few years back. I had been lucid and decided to do a spinning teleport. Once I arrived at my destination, I forgot to stop spinning and open my eyes and I ran into a pole. It was fail. At least it had worked though.

      The last technique that I was going to try was where you zoom into a picture. I felt the urge to pee. I willed myself not to, knowing that it would just be a waste of time and it was only sensation in RL transferring over. I found a dried up leaf on the ground and examined it carefully. It was a dark red color and had many striations on it. Looking deeper, I could even see the cells! The striations reminded me of mountains, which is where I decided that I would teleport to. I tried to focus my vision into engulfing the picture, but I was failing.

      "Hi Steff!" I heard Joe behind me. Oh no, not another ninja Joe to fight off ! I turned around, and saw that he was holding a dobak. He wasn't in karate, so I asked him why.

      "They are holding a scary movie marathon!" He exclaimed.

      "Oh, that's cool."

      "Yeah I'll just leave you to your flying and stuff," He responded.

      "Do you want a ride?" I asked him. I was getting a little bored, and fancied some exploration.

      "Sure!" He took my hand and we flew to the dojang. Once we got there we went inside and saw that they had set up a large couch in the hallway. To the side of the couch there was a horror flick on the TV screen. The movie was about some kind of intense gore. It looked like a giant caterpillar was being brutally murdered. I decided I probably shouldn't watch this while lucid as it might influence my dream negatively again lol.

      I went upstairs where it was dark. I decided it would look cool if I made my fingers look like bright neon glowsticks. The glow looked like a slowly spreading disease on my fingertips. It was hard to force the glow to encompass all of my fingers, but I got really close. Still sorta bored, I decided to try and walk through a wall. I had never been much good at it. I faced the wall and slowly walked through. At first it felt like passing a hard barrier, but it gave away as soon as I got past it. As I walked through the wall, I fell down 2 stories on to the ground. Oops, I forgot that I was upstairs.

      I was now sitting back on the grass in my backyard, and everything was sunny again. There was a gazebo in the middle of the yard. I wondered if it had any significance.

      I went inside the house and decided to summon Retribution. He appeared, but looked like the Chrysler Building. I willed him away and summoned a new version of him. We had epic sex but he disappeared shortly after. Ugh, guys these days.

      Bored and alone, I decided to play the piano. I wondered if I could subconsciously remember songs that I learned years and years ago. I put my hands on the keyboard and tried to play The Entertainer. I knew that my dream could easily reproduce the sounds and fool me into thinking that I had got it down, so I payed more attention to the motions that my hands were making. It didn't feel right, and thus the sound was strange.
    12. I got lucid! (And fought zombies!)

      by , 11-21-2010 at 06:22 PM
      I got Lucid -
      It was odd, I felt that something was wrong, and I was just standing in my dark house. Then I looked down at my hand and it had 8+ fingers on it! Then I heard Queen Zukin say that being Lucid was knowing you are dreaming. I decided to have some fun.

      My dog was looking eagerly at me, I looked at it and it turned into some sort of flying flying creature and flew away. Then I thought "I certainly could use a weapon" And before I knew it I was holding a Kar98K. So now I had a weapon, and I was lucid. What should I do? What about fight zombies? As soon as I thought that I was on some sort of sandy beach looking past dead trees to a full moon, and just them a wolf howl filled the air. I fell back into the eye of the dream as the game began...

      It began in some sort of greenhouse. Me and 3-4 friends were holding out against zombies. (I had the Kar98K FTW) Wave after wave of zombies were coming at us, and inbetween every round we could enter some sort of chamber outside of the greenhouse to get money. But if we entered too late, we would be released into the wave of zombies, which I did twice. Then all of a sudden I was alone, and fighting a giant zombie with a flaming head. I kept diving out of his way and shooting him, but he wouldn't die! Then he disappeared and I saw in the corner the words "CONNECTION LOST - ATTEMPTING TO RECONNECT" Then someone said "Where is he? I need to know where he is." and I could choose responses, and I chose "No An'ika, He's nowhere" (No idea what An'ika means)

      Pretty sure I had some sort of dream with Queen Zukin. Can't really remember it.
      lucid , memorable
    13. 11/20/2010 - "I Am Batman"

      by , 11-21-2010 at 04:08 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "I Am Batman"

      As you might have guessed, I was Batman, in this dream.
      The first thing I remember was sneaking across a dark road, at night, out in the middle of nowhere. There was a large compound, surrounded by a fence, on the other side of this road, and I knew that it was the hideout of a gang of thugs. (I have to start noticing these criminal HQs as dream signs. They have been showing up a lot, lately.) Hoping over the fence, I came upon a parking area, moving swiftly between the cars and keeping my head down, trying to stay to the shadows. There were apparently hundreds of people here, though, and some of them were still coming and going. I could not help being caught in a few headlights, while moving from place to place, but no one who saw me really seemed alarmed - at least, at first. One of the cars sped passed me, missing me by inches. Tracking it with my eyes, I saw the car turn around and come back to make a second attempt to hit me. Again, I dodged at the last second, slinging my fist out and smashing it through the driver's side window, punching the guy in the face. Having shattered his face with the heavy blow, I reached in and grabbed the man, interrogating him and getting information about the people inside.

      I was now in the base. It was basically a slum within a large, industrial building; drugs; goons; women; small, ratty apartments; etc. I knew that I was vastly out-numbered, though, so I relied mainly on stealth. Even though the compound was pretty well-lit, and I didn't have many shadows to work with, I used any nooks and crannies I could find, to stay hidden as I moved from room to room. I had the infamous utility belt, with a seemingly endless array of non-lethal weapons, which I used to subdue key criminals and gather information. One of these detainees was a monk of some sort. He was the one that gave me the most information about the organization, and revealed it to be - at its core - some type of cult. He took me to a room where, on a stone wall, I saw something written in what looked like blood. It said something about the coming return of Quetzalcoatl, and that being the whole reason for the cult's existence. It was around here, that I realized I was dreaming. I was still in the Batsuit, and it felt amazing. Enjoying the scenario way too much, I hid the monk in a bathroom, but I couldn't find a pair of cuffs or anything, on my belt (surprisingly), to lock him down. Since I knew I was dreaming, I tried to create a pair, between the man's arm and a steel bar. I could almost see it flicker into solidity, but it just would not make that transition into a tangible object.

      Not really wanting to waste too much time on it, I just left the man unchained, and went on about my search for more information. I continued slinking through the hallways, like only Batman could, and it was so much more than just doing an 'impression' of him. I felt like I was him, yet still very conscious of the fact that I wasn't. Interesting feeling, and I was enjoying every minute of it. I came upon a room with two thugs inside, and felt like I could use a quick scrap. They were both sitting in chairs, near each other. I could tell that one of them was much bigger than the other. Knowing that there were two of them, I decided to rush them and take them by surprise. I burst into the room (which wasn't much bigger than the three of us), and sucker punched the smaller guy, laying him out, slumped down into the chair. Immediately, I turned to the left, about to attack the other guy, before he got out of his chair. But that's when I noticed how big this guy was. He hadn't even flinched. He just sat there, within my arm's reach, glaring at me. Slowly, calmly, he stood up. This dude was some 7 feet tall, and like 300lbs of muscle. I felt like a kid, compared to him. And I could tell, by his demeanor, that he and I were on the same page.

      Unfortunately, I don't remember too much of our fight. Just a myriad of punches and dodges. I do remember, at one point, he hit me with a punch to the gut that would have crippled a rhinoceros. I actually felt the armored padding in the suit soften the blow - even though, before that point, I hadn't really thought about how thick it was. (I love that the subconscious just fills in these little details, on its own. Always amazes me.) By this time, I was just having the time of my life, being Batman. I was taunting one of the goons and even threw on an imitation of his voice, from Batman: the Animated Series (which is about my favorite incarnation of Batman), and I actually surprised myself at how much I sounded like him. Can't remember what I said, though. Also, while navigating the maze of hallways, I was just kind of "creating" which weapons I would need, from my utility belt. Anything that fit my situation, at the time, I would find. This part of the dream seemed like it lasted a good little while, but I can only recall certain, blurry, flashes of images.

      Finally, I made it to the quarters of the compound's leader. He was a young, Spanish dude that kind of reminded me of that crazy muhfucka Peoples Hernandez, from the Shaft movie. It was just he and I, standing in a service area, surrounded by steel pipes and concrete - metal grates and steps. I actually saw something of a HUD come up, in my field of view, as if this were a boss fight in some video game. There was a reticle "on-screen", that showed stats and everything, as we fought. It was an awesome hand-to-hand fight, but I don't really remember too many of the details of it.

      (Also, THIS has been my desktop, for the past few weeks, so I'm not surprised about having another Batman dream. Haha.)

      Updated 11-24-2010 at 07:15 AM by 2450

    14. Meeting Dream Guide?

      by , 11-21-2010 at 09:26 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid-Dream

      I was in my house, around the living room. I suddenly became lucid. I remembered that I wanted to meet my dream guide. There was a door behind me. I told myself that when I turned around my dream guide would be there. I turn around. I don't see anyone. I walk into the doorway. And somebody pops out! Its a woman a little taller than me in a green dress. Her hair was bright brown. The dress went down too the floor and was 3 different shades of green, brightest green on top, darkest on bottom. She had a polished stick in her hand. I got the impression that it was a wand. I don't know why but I wanted to try that trick that you do to see if what your looking at is an actual living thing or just a projection. I pointed my pinky at her. I was about to say "show me your energy! But I couldn't open my mouth! "Follow me" she said. I walked with her down a long white hallway trying to open my mouth. I was getting really thirsty. We enter a big room with a very tall ceiling. Its really empty except for a bunch of notebooks hanging from the cieling with very long string. They were spaced apart evenly. At this point the dream was really blurry. But she told me to write down what I've seen on one of the notebooks. In other words. She told me to write my dreams while in the dream. I was confused about that but I started writing on the notebook. The dream faded. I can't remember what I wrote.
      Tags: dream guide
      lucid , memorable
    15. 11/19 Lucid

      by , 11-21-2010 at 08:03 AM
      I don't remember much of what happened here, but I'll relate what I can. I had long LD which lasted 30 mins or so. In this dream I had a FA, and caught it with a RC. This sparked my initial lucidity. I had been reading Madmonkey's journal the night before, and decided to try some of the things he talked about. I tried to make a ball of electricity. It didn't work out too well. I then tried to shoot electric bolts out of my fingers, that worked a lot better. I began shooting at DC's, though I don't remember why. Somewhere later in the dream I decided to look at my hands. I had seven fingers lol. I didn't even need to count the fingers, I just knew instantly that I had seven. At some point, I had another FA, which I also caught, and continued wreaking havoc with my cool dream powers . I also tried to use Mzzkc's Archetype control. This worked out pretty well, I used his example and pulled out a calculator and adjusted the brightness of the dream. Then I pulled out the board which I had decided a month or so ago would control the main aspects of the dream control, clarity, and length. I cranked up the control and clarity, and the dream instantly became clear, not blurry. Also somewhere along in there, I tried to stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together and feeling my jeans. I don't remember very much of this dream because I was exhausted when I woke up and went back to sleep instead of writing it down. I am super excited about it and will try and wild tonight. I'll make sure I go through all the stabilization stuff before I try to do anything fun. Tonight I'm going to shoot fireballs.

      Updated 12-17-2010 at 06:05 AM by 37849 (Didn't categorize dream, wanted to be able to sort by lucids)

      lucid , memorable