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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Big scare with an ending reward (two lucids, one non lucid and one Astral Projection)

      by , 11-25-2010 at 05:00 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Big scare with an ending reward (Non-lucid)


      Two dreams.

      One one, I turned lucid twice and Astral Projected once.


      I was in the beach with some friends. The sun was bright and I was going to take a swim. Suddenly, I turned lucid with no reason. I started to look around and realized the dream was fuzzy. Instead of taking off and flying as usual, I decided to say, "Clarity Now" I said that a couple of times, but only the second time worked somehow. I wanted to fly as I am used to do so to make sure I prevent premature awakening. I was flying over downtown and I decided to land once my dream was stable.

      I recalled that if I allowed myself to fall on my back on a lucid dream and I focused on Astral Projection I could project. I decided to give it a shot. I jumped on my back and focused on Astral Projection.

      I started to fall in a pit surrounded by lava. I saw the dream in third person for a few seconds. I could feel the burn in my skin. Suddenly, I was like in a maze. There was lava on the roof and the walls were made of lava. There was an efrit on my back and a demon in front of me.
      The efrit was all red, he had fire on his head and his hands. He had a very evil looking and a very weird face. The demon was light brown and it had like hair all around. He had very big horns but his face did not looked as evil.
      I though that for some reason I projected to a low vibrational realm. They escorted me to some place. I was very afraid of the efrit for some reason, however, he left.

      I was now in a big hall with some steps on my back. I was in front of the demon.

      I decided to do a reality check as I started to wonder why the hell I was there. I had six fingers in my hand. I realized I failed to Astral Project and I falled into a non lucid dream. I felt better, however, I was still a little afraid of the efrit. I decided to torture the demon before the efrit returned. I tried to open a void in the wall, but I could not. I told the demon, "You, fucking demon. You better open a portal for me or I will destroy you. This is my dream so you better open me a portal to leave this place." The demon approached the wall and I saw like a small void opening. I placed my hand on the void but all I felt was the hard wall. I told the demon, "You better open the portal at once!" The demon started to freak out. He was afraid of me.

      I saw the steps and realized that I could attempt to Astral Project again. The dream quality and the lucidity was superior, so I knew it would work. I focused on Astral Projection and jumped on my back.

      I was suddenly in my room. Floating on the top of my bed. I was a little nervous from the efrit dream. I could see my body in bed next to my wife. I did a reality check and it did not fail. i could read and everything looked normal. I wanted to get away from my body before it called me back.

      I floated around my room and walked through the closed door. I want to point out that I have never being able to do that on a lucid dream (and I am natural) I always smash into smithereens walls and doors or I bounce back like would happen in waking.

      I floated over my living room and I decided to leave home. I floated through the wall and I exited. I was floating through my neighborhood and felt very free. I could float and move just with my thoughts (vs a dream that I have to make some effort to fly) I had no worries, just endless calm. I started to think in White light for protection to raise my Astral vibrations. I felt my astral body with even more energy. I kept floating and moving when I felt my wife moving in bed. I experienced double consciousness and I was back in my body. The return to my body was instantaneous and comfortable. Usually, I am confused when I wake from a lucid dream, but not from Astral Projection. My wife was still moving in bed when I was back in my body.
      I waited a few minutes in bed. I was exiting trance and I needed to ground myself
      Tags: astral, ifrit, lava, scare
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Hogwarts

      by , 11-25-2010 at 12:35 AM
      I was in a building that was apparently Hogwarts, and after walking around the halls, I noticed I didn't have anything I was supposed to have to start school. I went up to some lady and told her I didn't have my wand, and she told me to get my parents to bring it to me. I mentioned that my parents were muggles, and they couldn't bring it to me. She told me I had to go get a new one, so I began walking over to a store, kind of gas station like, with another girl. I realised I was dreaming and looked over to her and told her. I then flew straight up and decided to stop walking while I was lucid and flew through trees, but had quite a tough time flying through a ceiling. It didn't last very long, the lucid dream, but it was the second time I flew in a lucid dream. I just like flying around and laughing at everyone still walking. I'll probably try to make the next one last a bit longer. After that, I went into another dream. This one wasn't a lucid dream, but oh well. I had a car and don't remember where I was going with it, but some guy kept trying to get in and take his family with him. I just drove away. Exciting.
      non-lucid , lucid
    3. (11/24/10) - An interesting aquaintance, collapsing dream worlds, and a great adventure!

      by , 11-24-2010 at 10:53 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Ok, so I just woke up, and I think I finally discovered the perfect time for me to do a WBTB. Before, I was doing them at 5:20, because it had worked a couple times and gotten me great lucids, but the problem was, I often would just remain awake in my bed at that point rather than fall back asleep. It was just too late in the morning. So last night, I tried going to bed an hour earlier and getting up for WBTB at 4:00. Same amount of sleep beforehand, but it was still so early that I would fall back asleep easily.

      Before I get around to those dreams, though, I want to mention something that happened at the beginning of the night. Now, when I first began to lucid dream, I would always see this eye staring at me when I'd close my eyes. I'm not sure when that stopped, but I just realized as I was going to bed that I hadn't seen it in a long while. So I closed my eyes and began to look for it. It didn't take long for it to appear. But what was weird this time was that it didn't stay just an eye forever. Pretty soon, it took on a 3D feel to it, and an entire face appeared around it.

      "I am your dream guide. You have been looking for me."

      Then the eyelashes on the first eye I'd seen began to grow longer and longer until they became almost plant-like vines extending out and encompassing me. Then the DG said:

      "Embrace eternity!"

      And all went black.

      Then at 4:00 I woke up, went to the bathroom, and, as I said, fell back asleep easily. A bit too easily, perhaps. I had only started my mental preparation to get me ready to RC and recognize when I was dreaming when I fell asleep!

      Dream 1: I was in a very rainy world. It looked as if it had been raining for quite some time, since there were floods everywhere. The only reason my house wasn't flooded was because I was living with several DC's in a house that was high up on a platform, just off to the side of an electrical tower.

      Nowhere to go...pretty boring right? Well, it was, but then things started to get interesting. All of my DC friends and I were standing below the highest part of the tower where it was dry and we could see for miles, when we suddenly heard this deafening, sickening creak. It came from the structure we were standing on. And then...



      We all looked in horror as to our left, a smaller tower that was connected to the main one fell down right on top of our little house! The house was not professionally made; it was just a bunch of plywood, really. The thing was totally smashed, and as if that weren't enough, the cord tied on to the top of fallen tower got enough of a tug (I guess it was caught on something under the water below) to pull it--and much of the house's remains--over the edge and out into the flood.

      "That's...not good." Said one DC.

      "We'll...we'll be ok." Another said, hopefully.

      He spoke too soon. Another smaller tower in front of us snapped and splashed into the ocean next as well.

      "We have to get out of here." I said. When they all looked at me with blank stares, I explained what I meant. "With those two towers taken down, there won't be any electrical charge running through the main power line up at the top of this station. We can ride it across to the next safe area, but we have to hurry! It won't be long before this whole place comes down, now."

      We ascended for the top, I in the lead. Gathering up all my courage, I jumped, grabbed hold of the wire, and began flying through the rain on the high-speed zip-line. Then lightning flashed...

      And I woke up. Even though it hadn't been lucid, the realism was simply incredible. All the rain hitting my face as I rode the zip-line, the sounds and sights of the smaller towers breaking...every detail was so accurate, and there were a LOT of details in this one, particularly with physics. So now I'm pretty confident that I've found when to lucid dream.

      This knowledge in mind though, and it still being very early morning, I went back to sleep almost immediately, and the dream continued:

      My DC friends and I had made our way to a kingdom which had also seen its share of damage (debris was everywhere), but at least it wasn't flooding...or raining at all, for that matter. In fact, the place was rather dry and desolate. We walked into the castle and explained our situation to the king, who was more than sympathetic.

      "You may have noticed," he said, "that our own fair home has seen its last days. We've suffered many attacks from the ghouls, and I fear we must move to another location. The King of the West has agreed to take us in among his people, but we'll have no support in the transition. Join us if you wish, but be wary: it is a dangerous road that we travel."

      "I don't think we have much of a choice." I said, as the unspoken leader of my little group.

      Suddenly, a bit of one of the stained-glass windows that lined the border of the castle walls shattered in, as if a rock had been thrown through it. Only pure white light shone through behind it. I could hear ghoul war-cries off in the distance. Soon, other holes started to appear in the shattering windows.

      "What's going on!?" I asked the king.

      "The dream is collapsing!" He said. "What you see beyond is the great void. You never created anything beyond this castle!"

      Something clicked, then.

      "Wait, you mean all this is my dream?" I asked.

      "Yes!" The king pleaded. "Only you can change it! Only you can save us from this oncoming battle!"

      Empowered by this thought, I marched straight up the stairs to the balcony, where I could see out the windows clearly. Then I held up a hand and ran it across my vision, intending to fill in each window that my hand passed with the proper scenery behind it. It worked. What was left of the windows stopped breaking, and behind them, off in the distance, I could see the silhouette of the other buildings in the kingdom. They too were broken down as badly as the castle, it seemed.

      "What shall we do now?" I asked the king, knowing full well what he'd say.

      "We must defend ourselves from the ghouls! Quick! I have swords and armor."

      Suddenly every one of us was wearing a suit of armor and holding a sword. Being lucid, the armor didn't weigh me down or make me less agile. It was mostly for looks, honestly, since I couldn't be harmed anyway. We all then ran out of the castle, swords blazing, and began attacking the ghouls as they ran up to us. There were hundreds of the miserable, scrawny, gray things, but we took them all out, and not too cleanly, either. I jumped and flipped all over the place, first using just my own sword, but later using a second sword I spontaneously created. I hacked off the heads of the creatures, often multiple in a single swing. Before long, the battle was over.

      Unfortunately, something about that battle had caused my mind to lose sight of the fact that it was a dream, and I returned to being non-lucid.

      The king had been wounded in the battle, so everyone decided it was high time to leave for this other kingdom that was going to take in all the people. We put the king on a sort of bed that could be carried, and then started out on our trek.

      I can't remember how, but somewhere along the way I got separated from the rest of the people, and as I tried to find my own way back to the path we'd been following, I came across Gollum, and asked him to lead me where I needed to go (even though I wasn't lucid at this point, something in me still knew I couldn't get hurt, so I wasn't afraid of Gollum attacking me or anything).

      "This way!" Gollum said, leading me into another broken down castle. "We must follow the path of the Gol-Keep, yes we must."

      "The Gol-Keep?" I asked.

      "Yes! Yes! The Gol-Keep! This way!"

      False memory told me the Gol-Keep had a reputation of being the most evil place in existence. Sounded scary...which sounded fun. Gollum lead me into a tunnel that had been dug through the old castle. It wasn't very scary, though. I was disappointed.

      "This isn't so scary after all." I said. "Isn't there something better?"

      "This tunnel avoids the worst." Explained Gollum. "We don't wants to go through the other tunnel!"

      "Take me there."

      He did, but then let me go in alone. This other tunnel was totally dark, wet, and the home of a thousand creepy voices all around me. I could hear movement and occasionally feel a hand brush up against me, but I just kept walking, enjoying my invincibility in the midst of something that usually would have freaked me out.

      I made it through the tunnel quickly and came out right behind the rest of the people as they entered the second kingdom. The king had died en route, so they were looking for a new leader to represent them to the King of the West. When they discovered that I had survived going through the Gol-Keep, and without any fear, I was chosen.

      When we met before the King of the West, however, he was less convinced about me.

      "We must have a duel to prove your worthiness." He said. "If you succeed, I will grant you continued rulership over these people beneath my rule alone, and a place to stay in my kingdom. If you fail to best me, however, then I fear I must turn you all away."

      "I'm ready." I said.

      The king fetched his sword and gave me choice of my own weapon. I settled on four swords, two in each hand, and then the sparring began. We went back and forth for quite some time, but no one really gained on the other. Eventually, I flipped two of the swords around and held them backhanded, so I was essentially wielding two double-bladed swords at once. This was indeed too much for the king, and I quickly knocked his sword from his hand.

      I woke up right about then.

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    4. Public Library by the River

      by , 11-24-2010 at 06:50 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm standing just outside the window of a cream-colored building, looking up and into the building through the window. There is a sort of rectangular tower or column inside the building, wide enough for the name of the building to be displayed at the top in tall, narrow, bright teal letters made of molded metal. [The font is Times New Roman, or something like it.] I'm controlling what letters appear there by typing on a keyboard. First, I type “Walgreens Bookstore.” Then, my mom is standing next to me and rebukes me gently, telling me to put in the real name of the building. I backspace over what I've typed, and the teal letters disappear. I then type the real name of the building, “Public Library.”

      Once again, I realize easily and naturally that I'm dreaming. Saying something like “Wait” to my mom, I turn away from the window and look to my left, intending to go and explore. The sidewalk I'm standing on outside the public library runs right along the edge of a river, which has more sidewalks and buildings all along both sides. The dream only lasts a couple of seconds before fading, though.

      I'm lying on a mattress on a floor somewhere. There are blankets covering me, and my dad is bending down closely over me, as if to tuck me in. I'm breathing hard, and it feels like I'm being smothered. I start to panic, but then I think, It's okay. It's just a memory. I can't breathe because I have a stuffy nose in reality. [Which I don't, by the way, but it seemed logical at the time. Also, that must have been either a false memory or one from when I was really little.]

      Dreamskip. I'm still on the mattress on the floor, but my dad is gone and the blankets aren't over my head. I'm in between two raised platforms [loft beds, maybe?] with shelves built into the sides, and there are all kinds of toys and books and stuff all over them. Someone says something about being in seminary. [I don't really remember this part.]

      I find myself looking up at a white stucco ceiling high above me. Thinking I've woken up, I try to DEILD back in, and succeed. [LOL, I just performed a DEILD within a false awakening! Awesome!]

      I'm back on the mattress on the floor again. This time, I reach out from the mattress to feel the carpet beneath it. It's brown and semi-shaggy, the kind we have in our current house. I'm not fully immersed or engaged in the dream, though, and it only lasts a few seconds.

      When I woke up for real, I remembered and remarked aloud: “This house doesn't have stucco ceilings! All its ceilings are flat!” Only then did I realize that that had been a false awakening.

      Side notes:
      I really like that brown carpet. I've noticed that in my dreams, any indoor space where I'm residing usually has that kind of carpet, even if it's not my current house. I think the reason I'm so attached to it, and therefore, the reason it shows up so much in my dreams, is because I helped pick out the carpet for this house, unlike at either of the other two houses.

      Also, that public library is so going into my current NaNoWriMo novel. Most of it is set in a dream world version of Louisville, where I lived once and which is by a river.

      Updated 11-24-2010 at 07:45 PM by 37356 (adding more detail)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes
    5. Giants, School, Wal-Mart, Roaches, Car Making Noises, Gas station

      by , 11-24-2010 at 04:23 PM
      Me and either four or two other people were being held captive by two giants. I can't really recall how many other people but the numbers four and two stand out for some reason. The place where we were was on some house on top of a large, jagged hill. There was a single road that lead to it and there were cliffs on all the other sides. It was nighttime in the dream. The giants were cyclops. There were planning on eating us. We were in a simple room, which had floors and walls that were similar to an old castle's. I remember something about a glass buble/dome. I overheard the giants talking and they said something in the nature of us not being normal.

      School Weirdness

      There was something making noise upstairs before I went to school, we checked all the cabinets and drawers that aren't really in my parents' room. I think my room was also being haunted. I thought I was missing Coach Riley's class everyday, but then I realized that I had that class last year and was through with it . I kept forgetting school stuff. I apparently kept missing or not receiving assignments and knowing nothing about them. I was going to school at the freshman campus instead of the main. One of my friends apparently had a stalker that made voodoo dolls of him and sold them on the internet. She was from Japan. All of this came across my mind at lunch, I don't remember anything else about school. After lunch I went home. There were alot of rats under our house, but I could see them, it was like x-ray vision. We set up sticky traps all around the hole they used to get under it.


      I was in Wal-Mart with a couple of friends. KV was there checking out at the register. I acted like I was cutting infront of her and the cashier yelled at me, but KV and I just laughed about it. After I paid for my stuff I continued to walk around. DD, my friend from when we were little, kept following me around. I went to the fish section. In the fish section I helped out some lady. She was very thankful and gave me $20. I can't remember what it was that I did, but I think it was originally intended as a joke.

      Roaches (Fragment)

      There were alot of roaches in my room. I remember spraying chemicals to try and kill them. In my dream there was a MythBusters episode on where they set up little devices that were the size of a dime, but square. The roaches would walk over these and be burned alive. I tried to get some of these for my room, but couldn't find any.

      Car Noises

      My mom and I were in the car. We were in a parking garage. My mom was driving. It was night time. I was eating a Snickers Bar. The car wouldn't start, but it was making clown noises. The car was off, but its headlights came on. The strange noises caused me to become lucid. I couldn't hold it.

      Gas Station

      We went to the gas station. I don't know who was driving but I was in the passenger seat. I put change in the gas pump, which was on the driver's side. The vehicle was a kind of truck, it was burnt red on the top half of the truck and a white or a silver color on the bottom half. I told the driver to move it our a little. I took the nozzle off the pump and the machine said "Out of Order". I woke up after that.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. lazy

      by , 11-24-2010 at 06:15 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      WILD and two random dreams...one about vampires, and one about being a ghostbuster...feeling lazy today.
    7. 1/2 Mon: Two Short Ones

      by , 11-23-2010 at 10:44 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      P vs D
      I'm in a video game. It's a futuristic shooter. I'm just wandering through a spaceship when I come upon two teams fighting a match. One team has the clan tag P, the other D. P makes me think of Protoss, and for some reason I think D means Terran. The players where space suits like the marines in Starcraft. D's suits are blue, P is red. They aren't shooting each other though. They are playing a sport where you throw a ball, a bit like basketball but more like water polo without water (which, interestingly, is nothing like the game we call polo, but I digress). The glowing blue ball is in the hands of a player from the D team. The game is stopped and the two sides are arguing about something. Something about one team being rude. Then something about old forums posts for a clan called 3DM which later turned into D.

      The Girl in the Window
      Method DILD (false awakening), DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      Short lucid here. Still got sex on the brain lately. Don't recall before, but start with a false awakening. I quickly realize I am not in my own room so I become lucid. I seem to be in a hotel room. The bed is near the window which is unshaded. It's sunny and bright outside. I look out the window. I figure I am on about the third or fourth floor. The window overlooks a swimming pool area which is surrounded by more hotel rooms on all sides. Down one floor and to the right, I see in through the window of another guest's room. It's an attractive young woman wearing just a towel. She sees me, we make eye contact. She smiles.

      I step out through my window and directly to her balcony, all the way across the pool courtyard. It's as if the scene through my window is just a flat painting and I violate the fake 3D perspective and just step the short distance in 2D space. Does that make sense? Anyway, I somehow unrealistically get to the girl's room. Once I am in, things return to be more realistic. She is laying on a bed, still wearing just a white towel. She is brunette and nicely tanned. She smiles at me seductively. There's another bed in the room and another girl who I don't really pay attention to. I flirt with the girl in the towel:

      Me: I'm the guy from the window.
      Her: (laugh) I'm the girl from the window.
      Me: Did you just get out of the shower?
      Her: (nods, she stands up, walks behind me, takes my hand and starts to lead me away)
      Me: (now aware of the other girl) Your roommate won't mind?

      Then I wake.
      Damn it. I DEILD back. I'm in the same room, but the towel girl is gone. The other girl is still here. The towel girl had left my field of vision while I was looking at the other girl, so I guess this kinda makes sense. The second girl is blonde and pale, quite the opposite of the other girl. She walks to me and says nervously: "I'm not as good at this as she is", referring to the other girl who seems gone for good. We start to have sex but I'm still thinking what happened to the first girl. Dream fades. I try to DEILD again but no success.

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 10:48 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    8. 21 Nov: Long journey through bizarre realms

      by , 11-23-2010 at 09:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:20 GMT

      Suicide/homicide attempt
      I’m an observer of a suicide/homicide attempt. Some rich kid who owns a fancy 5-star caravan is on his room inside the caravan. A friend couple is there on the living room and he closes the door trapping them and then also closes himself in the room. He had previously put the exhaustion pipe pumping the fumes inside the caravan. His friends are calling for him, asking him to please not do that or at least let them out, but he couldn’t care less. Then I enter the scene, materializing in the room where these 2 are, trying to help them. There are windows, but they are very tiny. Impossible to escape through the, but at least it helps clear the air and they can hold on longer until help comes. My cat also appears, like hovering around and I wonder why.

      Family nonsense
      At my grandma home, on living room with my cousin Cris watching TV. I feel I have already watched this exact same TV show in this room but with my cousin Rui instead. My mom appears and I go to the bedroom. From there I see my dad sitting on a street bench on the other side of the street. He sees me and gets up, making a sign that he will come in. I go warn my mom, but in the end he never comes. I go back to the bedroom and I’m almost totally asleep when I wake up to the buzzing sound of a wasp. I get out of the room gently but then there are a bunch of them and they escape the bedroom and are about to attack my family members. I then am forced to kill them, but it kills me to do it.
      Then I go outside and there’s a beach. There’s a cliff with a waterfall and the Gilmore Girls are there (again). Lorelai looks very melancholic, like waiting for her love and I feel a totally absurd feeling that I am like the real life incarnation of her (?) [although I’m not even like her....]

      2:30 GMT

      Ugly weirdo dream I prefer not to share

      3:40 GMT

      Japanese nonsense
      I’m visiting Japan with my BF.We’re on some kind of super-speedy panoramic view bus. We go through mountain roads, we see the beautiful hills and the tree colours. I try to take pictures but I ran out of battery. We arrive at some green valley with cows grazing and a few bulls. One of them is on the loose and behaving like crazy. I didn’t feel too scared, instead I tried to calm him down with good vibes.
      Later we’re on a karaoke restaurant and we sing Charlotte Gainsbourg. There’s a girl there trying to impress her co-workers, I notice she has amazingly white teeth, I think she whitened to cause an impression.

      5:00 GMT

      Break and enter
      With mom, we’re back on that restaurant. She says she wants to investigate something. We pass by a shop with screens playing the X-files and for a moment we both become Mulder and Scully. On the restaurant she takes me to the toilet and I must keep flushing to make noise while she is trying to break into something I guess. But someone comes and we’re kicked out. On passing at the reception, some girl is messing up with the cashier over some receipt.
      We walk around the city and it gets night and she decides to try to break in again in the dark. But the problem is the restaurant at night transforms into a bar, so there’s people in there again. We’re at the entrance deciding what to do, I read a poster on the wall, when some guy starts beating some other guy violently on the street. We watch hidden but the violence is just brutal – the guy being beaten is left with no bone intact! His face is unrecognizable and his body just a mass of unarticulated bloody meat. But he is still alive. It’s too unbearable to watch and I wake up.

      Long journey through bizarre realms
      With mom shopping on a huge 2nd hand warehouse. Also has an organic food section and after clothes we go there. I am delighted choosing among a variety of cookies only 5EUR/kg, but she pressures me, saying it’s time to go, that we’re late for something. I delay a lot, but I finally agree to leave and then we’re almost running. I realise I can actually run high-speed but only later I realise my mom was left behind, cause she couldn’t keep up.
      Outside I pass by a group of young people, where I spot Vera. I don’t really want to talk to her right now, so I try to pass unnoticed. But then decide to wait for my mom on some seat on a bench structure (like those in sportsfields for the audience). I am there when a guy I knew from school and who just appeared recently a lot in my dreams, just drops by and says hi. The girls, including Vera are with him – so they spotted me... I push him away, because he is a playboy who enjoys flirting with me, just to tease me and I find that annoying. In front of the benches there was a railroad, but now there is a river and I jump into the water. He comes after me, but then I remember to fly away and I leave him behind.
      I keep going forward, not really with a goal and I pass by a strange dark corridor, like an underpass, but it actually has tiny windows and I see it’s on ground level. People go through it like ghosts. I keep flying and moving fast, because this place is a bit unpleasant. The corridor does not end but instead transforms into a canal and people just try as hard as possible to swim out of there, but the current is pushing them back and they keep swimming and swimming, never getting out of there. There are even waves, keeping people just struggling against the current and sometimes drowning just to come above the water again and again. I cannot help to think this looks like some hell realm. At first I was also in the water like them, but unlike other people I manage to fight the current and lastly I fly out of the water and manage to get to some platform that leads to exit, I hope. I encounter a button on the wall and a door. I open the door and it’s just some storage room, but then push the button, a green light turns on and when I open the door, then it leads to a dark garage or barnyard-like place. A few people managed to follow me and as we are crossing this place, we see weird animals guarding the doors, the windows and there’s a door to some other smaller division which seems to keep locked some vicious animal which is trying to get out and attack us. We feel we need to get out of there quickly and I manage to find a very small breach on the right wall. The only problem is that from there it’s a long fall to the floor outside, right in the middle of some enclosure with more weird looking animals. For me it’s ok, cause I can fly so I go and try to find a way for people to follow me. I don’t know what I do, but I manage to save a large group of people and once they are outside and safe in a very sunny large open space, they celebrate. They make a hippie caravan and paint it with rainbows and dance and sing all the way to their next... life?
      I don’t know now what to do, but I see a road. As I follow this road, I reach a place I recognize from another dream I had before, but now I’m coming from South and the other time I was coming from North.
      I become lucid. It’s the scenario from a dream I escaped some gangsters trying to kill me on a boat. It’s that road with some amazing flowered bushes hanging over from very high above. I fly to admire and smell this beautiful flowers and get to the top of this cliff. Up there I decide this place is fabulous to do my lucid meditation. But as soon as I sit, I wake up.

      9:00 GMT
    9. Dry spell ended.

      by , 11-23-2010 at 09:28 PM
      Jeeze a loo. Quite the LD dry spell.

      Anyway, it was a straight up DILD. Falling asleep while dreaming is becoming a fairly common way for me to become lucid.

      Getting down to brass tacks. I was basically trying to fall asleep in an alternate version of my current living room. The TV is on (It wasn't in real life.) and I'm trying all sorts of positions to fall asleep. Eventually I put on some kind of potato sack over my head. I fall asleep then. Things fade in and I'm looking at some kinda crystal ball, things are tinted blue. I grab at it, but it's too far away. I try again and use it as an anchor, feeling it and using it to calm me down. I briefly think about how soon i might wake up since I became lucid, but I let that thought drift away. I move over to a stove (Again, things are still pretty blue.) and feel it. It's quite cold. The whole area looks quite familiar, and i comment aloud to myself that it does. Despite the fact that it looks only vaguely like some place I've been. So I walk over to a table with a bottle of soda and try a sip, it's remarkably realistic and tastes like root beer. (Even though it looked like Pepsi Blue.)

      This parts a little hazy. I'm in an area that looks a lot like the living room of my previous house. I see a few creatures in a fenced area, they're quite small. One of them is a skeleton riding a spider from minecraft (Despite the fact I've never even SEEN one in minecraft...). I walk by an end table with a lamp. There are minecraftian pack-llamas near it, I comment how cool they look. I start to walk outside, passing my dad sleeping in his room in my previous home.

      I head out the door, which is exactly like the front door of my current home, and close the door behind me. I'm on the deck of my old house, with a nearby landmark kind of making an amalgam of the two. I think about trying to fly now that I'm outside. So I jump, and naturally, gravity is low. I don't pursue it beyond that. As I look around, everything goes really foggy and a tornado bolts past me on the right. It doesn't destroy anything though and things clear up. Soon after, a gust of wind picks me up and carries me around a bit, I'm pretty surprised by it and begin thinking about my subconscious. The wind sets me down near a dry looking bush and it seems I'm in a park, despite not having gone anywhere.

      I look out in the distance and see a girl walking through the grass towards me. I know it's my subconscious, and I call out to it. We meet up and I thank it.

      She looks at me and says "Sometimes when I sleepwalk, it fallows me home. Did that happen to you?"

      I reply "I don't know yet..." and I wake up.

      Bah, Elly wakes me up EVERYTIME we meet. But I'm pretty sure it was responsible for making me lucid this time. *Grumble grumble* I sure hope i figure this out eventually. But despite the fact it wakes me up every time I summon it, I'm not gonna stop doing it! >:C
    10. 20 Nov: Travel to Morocco

      by , 11-23-2010 at 08:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:00 GMT

      Black holes
      Just recall vivid image of strange black-holes (although very colourful) in the sky, sucking up cars and buildings and maybe people, but not me.

      3:20 GMT

      Trip to Morocco
      Zilla calls and says she got those tickets for that trip to Morocco she invited me to before. But it is this afternoon, at 17h30, so we need to go to the airport right away. I have no time to pack my bag and just go take the bus to the airport. I meet her on the bus and I tell her I rush up and had no time to even bring underwear or toothbrush, so I hope at least we’ll have time at the airport for some shopping. But then I realise I haven’t even brought my wallet, no money or cards.
      I call my BF and we meet him at some bus stop further ahead, where he is coming out of his work. I ask him to borrow me his credit card and then we head to another bus or something to keep going to the airport.
      I ask my friend about duration of the trip and she tells me we leave on this afternoon (Thursday) and we’ll be back on Saturday, so a short trip. I had warned mymomthis could happen but then I remember my dad has no clue and I decide maybe it’s better not even tell him, he won’t even notice my absence for just a few days.

      Lorelai and Luke
      I’m Lorelai Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls series (it’s playing on TV here now) and I’m with Luke in my home. We’re about to go out, not even on a date, just to do something, but I ask if he wants to shower first. He asks me “With you?” and I’m totally surprised but loving the idea so I think “Hell, yeah!”. Then we are undressing in the bathroom and he is hot and we are on to a very hot shower and even hotter sex.

      6:10 GMT

      Travel to Morocco part 2
      Again on my way to the airport with Zilla. We took a cab for the last part of the way. We’re very late and we run out of the taxi as soon as it stops. As we enter the airport a series of obstacles “happen”, like the sliding glass door transforms into a brick wall right in front of my eyes. Zilla is freaking out, but I suddenly get really calm and tell her “who cares, it’s just a dream!”.
      I turn back and the taxi is no longer a taxi but a car-shaped retro-illuminated screen on the floor. Some people are looking at it, not knowing what it is. I say maybe it can be used as a portal and encourage them to jump on it. A guy jumps and goes through it. Then a couple is discussing it amazed but not brave enough to do the same. Then a really cute tiny dog appears and jumps on it, I guess trying to follow his owner who left him behind? The poor doggie jumps again and nothing. He starts to bark and I feel sorry for the little fella. I pick him up and decide to take him along with me. I have no clue where the other guy went, but at least the doggie won’t be alone. And he is cute and I decide it will be fun to have a “lucid” pet with me. I jump thinking about going to the moon, but once again i fail, because after the freefall sensation I just wake up.

      8:00 GMT
    11. The best wild I've had, 25-30 minutes

      by , 11-23-2010 at 06:33 PM
      I woke up at about 2.00 am, fell back asleep and became lucid. The dream stated on moon. I had dreamed about something attacking me, there was a bruise in my arm and a gaping wound in the middle of it. In another dream that night my friend told me he has been attacked likewise many times before. He told me to contact the attacker in the next LD I'd have. So this is what I first did. I call out to whatever had attacked me.
      "Why are you attacking me?", I demand. I feel something contacting me, but it doesn't answer.
      "Why are you attacking me?". I get an answer of some kind. An image shows me a molecule (me) and something (a 3D cross-section of a throat, I think) around it. The molecule is stuck in the throat, not getting down to be digested. So it was all an accident. This answer satisfies me.
      Now, what to do? Hey, theres a space shuttle over there, I'll go in it. There are two women in the shuttle. It sets off. The shuttle is about 5 meters long. Soon the view changes into 3D, showing me going to WC, the two women standing outside the door. An unknown voice says:
      "There are two women and a man in the shuttle, what to do? We go to the control room. Another of the women asks the other:
      "Hey, could you show me that one porn video?"
      "I really don't have any time for dream sex, I have things to do!", I think. A friends of mine comes into the room, recommending the other woman an imaginary porn site. The view changes to the site. There's no porn in it. When I'm deciding whether to have sex or do something more important, the dream begins to fade and I wake up.
      Tags: dream sex
      lucid , memorable
    12. Aquatica

      by , 11-23-2010 at 04:49 PM
      I was at a friends house, which was somewhere in the country, sort of in the middle of nowhere...though the area wasn't deserted. They lived in a rural suburb of some sort...but the houses were built on cliffs and were old and crumbling. As we drove up to the house, we had to wind our way around a cliff face and I looking up and saw all these magnificent old houses in various styles of architecture: gothic, rococo, art nouveau...and it looked as though they would fall apart at any minute. As though they had been battered by years of sand and wind raking against the cliff faces. I remember putting my hands up over my head to avoid getting hit with anything that might fall.

      Once we reached the top however the land changed very much and became more flat, like the countryside. I remember being inside this friends house when everything just started flooding. The water was pouring in...it was clear, bright water...and I went outside and saw rivers of this gorgeous water flowing over all the land. We lost our footing and got swept up in the current. The water was flowing like a river over the roads, and it was several feet deep, as though some invisible barriers were keeping the water in the road.

      Once I hit the current I realized I was dreaming...and swam like a dolphin moving quickly with the water, through the streets...as they curved downwards, and went under bridges and railroad crossings. There were lots of other people in the water too, and they were sort of floating along like it was a lazy river.

      Then I noticed something dark in the water...it was coming after me. But what was it? It could swim faster than I could. I kept watching it, just thinking to myself that I could fly away if I had to. Then I remember that I have had trouble flying out of water with strong currents, and that I would sometimes get pulled back into the water. So before the dark thing got closer, I willed myself to float up and out of the water. It worked, though my feet were still skimming the surface and the dark had come out of the water now, it looked like a man. I turned my head toward the sky and flew away...waking up shortly after.

      I enjoyed the dream so much that I decided not to move a muscle upon waking, and used the dream re-entry technique (or as I call it, instinct, which is what most "techniques" on this site basically are). I immediately entered a new dream...or wait...was it the same dream. I was back at the friends house, but the flood water was gone. What remained however was an enormous swimming pool, full of crystal clear water. The landscape looked like the american south west, I guess, not having been there. But it was sort of a rocky desert.

      My sister was relaxing in the pool. Suddenly it was as though we were on vacation. She turned around and gasped...and I did the same...as we looked at one end of the swimming pool we saw that the waters flowed down a very steep slope and into, what appeared to be...a cenote...way down below. A cenote is an underground cave or sinkhole full of water (we went snorkeling in these before in mexico) The sun was shining on the water and rocks down below and suddenly the waters of the caribbean were beckoning me forth and I dove down into the cenote.

      I think I woke up shortly after. I again tried to reenter the dream, and I believe it worked, but I don't think I was lucid, or I forget what happened. After that I had a few nonlucids.

      I wish I could remember more. But I do remember how incredibly happy I felt swimming around all night...I love water.
    13. 11/22/2010 - "Undergroundwater"

      by , 11-23-2010 at 07:24 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was in a small, snow-covered town. The town was very close-knit, and everybody was friends with everybody else. Many of us were playing a huge game of manhunt (Thanks to Sam and Lisa, for bringing that up!), and some people were even burying themselves in the snow, for hiding places. I remember one of my female friends changing clothes and trying to blend in with those pedestrians who weren't playing. I don't remember much of the game, itself, besides digging through the snow and tryin to find some of the people hiding within it.

      At one point, though, a bunch of us ended up falling into what seemed like some sort of mine/tomb, deep underground. It was a huge chamber, with story-telling drawings and other enigmatic patterns on the walls. We spent a while exploring this chasm, joined by many other townsfolk, who had followed us down below. After some time of poking around the chamber, someone pressed a 'button' that activated some sort of mechanism. The floor beneath us began rumbling. Fire jetted upward, like geysers, from all points around the area. The fire spouts gave way to small explosions, which were soon too much to withstand. We all ran off of the rectangular floor area, fleeing the basin and up to higher ground, looking down at the spectacle below us. The ground opened up; black stone cracking down the middle and splitting apart to swallow the flames. Beneath a few feet of stone lay a crystalline pool of water. It was, easily, half the size of a football field, and took up most of the chamber. The slabs of stone flooring peeled away and locked into place, out of sight, leaving us all to stare, in awe, at this huge pool that had opened before us.

      This was just too weird. The 'tomb.' The huge, underground pool. The spectacularly explosive 'booby trap.' The realization just hit me, as we were all standing there, gawking in apprehensive awe. I was dreaming. It was the only logical explanation. As soon as I became lucid, my excitement rang out through the chasm. I yelled out to everyone - knowing that they were all stricken with fear - that "THIS IS A DREAM!! IT'S NOT REAL!!" I seemed to have been more reminding myself of the fact, than actually trying to get a point across, to these dream characters. But they all took it as just as much a relief as I did.

      I led the charge, and we all ran down the steps toward the enormous pool, jumping into the water with no further anxiety about what might have come from the explosive chain reaction we'd just witnessed. It instantly turned into an enormous pool party - our dozens of party-goers secluded away within this cavern of ice and stone. Even though the pool seemed to be just a hole in the earth, it was clearly marked with the paintings of a regulation swimming pool, as if just swimming in it was the main reason for it being there.

      While in the water, I was showing the DC's some "lucid tricks." I focused on my own body, and lifted myself out of the water with telekinesis, hovering just a few inches over the surface. Everyone looked on, in wonder, while I floated above the water. I felt really heavy, and wasn't sure that I could keep myself hovering, the way that I was, so I decided to get a little more control of the situation. I released my telekinetic hold on myself, dropping into the water and sinking down to the floor of the 15-or-so-feet-deep pool. Once my feet touched the ground, I pushed off as hard as I could, bursting up through the surface of the water and soaring up to the ceiling - some 30+ feet above. I slapped my hands against the warm stone ceiling and pushed myself back down into the water below. There were a few other people in the crowd copying me, flying up and out of the water, touching the ceiling and splashing back down, afterward.

      After some playing around, I got out of the water and walked around the area. Everyone was having a great time. I saw that some of the characters had gotten into some vampiric hedonism; slumped in a corner with blood streaming down their faces, obviously having fed on each other just because it was something to pass the time. (I would call that random, if not for the vampire dream I had, the other night.) They all looked completely drunk. I just walked passed them and continued on, taking in the sight of my surroundings. One of the girls in the group called me over to her, asking me if I wanted to go back to her place for some "one on one lucid fun." I just kind of smiled at her and waved her off, not wanting to waste this lucid on sex - though the thought crossed my mind.

      Much more time had passed, and I began to realize that I'd probably be waking up soon. By this time, my lucidity began waning. Even though I still knew I was dreaming, I was thinking of these dream characters more as sentient beings. I called an assembly together, and made a small speech, simply conceding to the possibility that these could all be conscious entities within my dream. I told them all to "remember the dream", because we would soon be waking up, and our memories of this moment would be fading quickly. I told them to go back over the events of the dream, in their minds. I told them to remember the game of manhunt, and falling into the mine, etc. - basically recounting all of the events in the dream. Above all else, I knew that I would be waking up soon, so I wanted to just go ahead and end it. Not really wanting to leave everyone else, I gathered a group of them in the center of the chamber, and we all lowered our heads. When I was sure I had enough of the dream's details to carry over into waking life, I put all of my energy into waking up, and pulled my eyes open.

      Dream (Fragment) Two:
      I was at my old house, in Canterbury. A pizza woman - and what I can only describe as her bodyguard - walked into the house, with a large stack of pizza boxes. They said that they had "like 1000 pizzas here, for free, if [we] wanted them." She also told us that the only catch was that the crust was like 2 months old. I wasn't very comfortable with this, but someone (I believe it was MW) said that he'd be more than happy to take them.

      Later, we were hanging out, outside my house, with a bunch of people - some of which, I think, were from the previous dream. My daughter was with us, and she kept wanting to fall asleep on the ground, and kept rolling around in the spot of oil in the garage. After a while, my mom came home, and - for some reason - she hung most of my artwork upon the wall, in the house; just various, loose sheets of paper tacked to the wall, all over the living room.

      Don't remember anything after that.

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 07:48 AM by 2450

      lucid , dream fragment
    14. November Transformation: 20 Riddles To Solve

      by , 11-23-2010 at 06:49 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 14, 2010

      Synopsis: Two very interesting dreams. In the first I am told I have 20 riddles to solve. In the next, I transform, play around, and find a nightmare deep in the lowest levels of the staircase.

      20 Riddles To Solve
      I am in a dark misty place. It kind of reminds me of a movie scene from England. A DC tells me that I have 20 riddles and puzzles to solve, all regarding names. He tells me uncovering these riddles will span over several dreams. So I should take notes and repeat as often as possible what I discover so I remember my progress.

      I take out a flip book "Good idea!" and I start taking notes. This dream felt very long. I seemed to travel a lot in this misty place. And I talked a lot to, to so many DCs but I barely remember any of our conversations.

      All I remember was I solved the first riddle in that dream. And the name, a dream views member. But I don't remember who the name was! But I had a sense that this was a dream views member that I haven't really spoken with, but I should.

      Later on we are all watching TV. Wasting our time, I suddenly realize....was my time wasted? Here I am reviewing and going over these notes again and again. And for what? Lucid, I finally realize I can't take any of these notes with me! I'm gonna forget everything!

      I yell at the DC "Why did you make me spend an entire dream writing so many notes. Are you intentionally trying to waste my time?"

      He doesn't answer me. And I don't like his aura now, its obscured. Not dark as in evil. But dark as in, he isn't who I thought he was. The whole dream becomes obscured and fades away.

      The Dark Drumming
      I'm having a light adventure dream in a strange abstract city. But my friend disappears when I become lucid, represented by an inanimate toy in my hand. Oh well. Lucid, I transform into a lizard. And then even tinier, and tinier and tinier.

      I wasn't easy at first. I had to find a small bush, and imagine the twig was as wide as a tree. It worked! And my point of view flies up the twig, now the size of a tree. And I crawl over the fence.

      This simple stupid thing is something I've wanted to do for a year now. It's been a long time since I've been able to alter my size perception.

      I crawl away and under a door. It leads to an industrial staircase. I become my human self again and wonder what's down below. I vaguely remember my friend from earlier fearing this place. It's all dusty and gritty looking. And I can hear what sounds like construction down below, a constant banging. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      I thought that maybe watching the construction men do their thing would be fun. So I climb two flights down.

      But as I get closer, I realize the sound I'm hearing resembles nothing like construction. No. Bang. Bang. BANG. BANG. The sound gets closer. Larger! Overwhelming! They're footsteps!

      As the footsteps climb up the stairs, the staircase gets darker and darker. Fear takes over me. The sound is like drumming.

      I race back up. But its so dark I can't see the door I came in from. So I have to run several more floors, with that noise approaching me, coming closer. Finally there's enough light coming from the door that I can see it. I rush out the door into the building.

      I don't understand. The sound. That sound is still coming closer to me. I can hear it down the hall now. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      I find a group of emos who were probably up to no good. But I'll take vandalizing emos over this demon. They take a corner and almost leave my field of vision. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      Wait! Don't leave me!

      I beg them "Something is after me. I'm scared. Can I go with you?"

      They look at me making a funny expression . Probably because I'm way to colorful for their taste. "Ok, you can join us." Disdainfully.

      I'm so happy to be in their company. They head to the basement. Which does worry me that were going down instead of UP. We relax in a room with a lot of chairs.

      Suddenly the leader of the emo gang levitates a chair with telekinesis, and flings it at the wall. No one looks surprised, except me.

      "You have powers like the character Tetsuo!" I say

      "I hate Tetsuo! He's such a. . fucking. . emo!" Lol. Okay. I'm not even going to bother starting an argument with the poor confused man.

      I stand up and feel inspired to show off my dream skills. Suddenly were wall showing off our powers to each other, trying to prove were more awesome than the next person!

      Bang. Bang. Bang.

      We were so busy being silly I didn't even notice this whole time that we were next to a staircase. "It's him! The demon! We have to go!"

      "No" Says the leader "We'll beat the shit out of him together."

      We stand in front of the staircase. Bang. Bang. Bang. The staircase progressively gets darker. Darker. As if all the light is being swallowed. I'm scared! I'm terrified!


      The leader uses his telekinesis to hurl random objects at it. I gave it my best!

      I couldn't tell you if we defeated the monster. I always wake up during the battle. It felt like it was working though. If anything, just because I was in their company.

      But the sound still gives me shivers

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:56 AM by 6004

      lucid , nightmare
    15. November Transformation: Eat It!

      by , 11-23-2010 at 06:07 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 12, 2010

      Synopsis: I eat my transformation, yep

      Eat It!
      I put my brand new shiny rain boots on and go for a walk, even though it aint raining. It's a beautiful day outside and for the first time ever, the neighborhood is actually alive. Kids are playing and the folks are bbq-ing.

      I meant to go home, but I was having so much fun walking I totally lost track of time, and next thing you know the sun is going down.

      In the back of my mind I can hear my mom lecturing me how dangerous it is for a female to be walking all by herself in the dark. What could I do? I know! I'll transform!

      I become a gargoyle like being and run around suburbia with no aim or cause. My family are walking around in a public garden lit by way too many lights. I hide in the bushes from them because I don't want to go home yet. I'm having way too much fun!

      At some point I get this crazy idea that I should eat my transformation. So I grab my lion like tail, and eat it. Next I grab my wings, and eat them. Next I grab my clawed hand and eat that. Everything was very tasty and sweet. I had this idea if I consumed my transformation, transforming again would be easier.

      Once I was done eating my transformation I was back to my regular me. I rejoined my family and woke up.

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:56 AM by 6004

      Tags: transform