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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Lucid Again, and a Realistic Nightmare FA - September 3

      , 09-03-2018 at 09:21 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 3 2018

      Woke 3:35. In a fight with parents and grandpa about cooking or setting up something (possibly speed-reading). Daylight outside, long tables (possibly crawfish boil).

      Woke 5:05. Long fragment in a stadium, receiving some sort of business presentation from coworker. After it's over, I'm picking up my laptop bag and I stand out of the way for a coworker and an unnamed DC, who say that they have a "merge request in the morning". The presenter (another coworker) is kicking us out.

      Awoke directly from FA nightmare. My dog barked and I could tell instantly that it was serious, not just him barking at another dog. The door to the bedroom is thrown open and the midget from Twin Peaks season 3 entered with a small gun. He approached the bed, not looking directly at me or anyone, just at the wall behind us. He said something vague and I tried to lean up in bed asking something to the extent of "What do you want?". As I tried to move, and in some sense solve the problem, my vision blurred and the dream started to fade. He was wearing a blue shirt with the pattern of "I (heart) N Y" but the letters were "? (eye symbol) T Y" in white. The room's layout was completely realistic and accurate unlike other false awakenings. I woke up and said "holy shit" aloud. Very scary experience, but very vivid -- would have been invaluable if I could have gotten lucid and converted it.

      Before that, I was in my childhood home, on the phone with my manager about something that needed to get done. The screen was black with red nubmbers and dial-screen graphics, and an orbiting globe outline. The call got dropped. I was worrying about this with my parents but they seemed to think it would all work out (it was nighttime). My sister was in my room on my computer, looking for the first book in a series my fiance is currently reading. I suggested that she can just read my fiance's copy rather than buy it herself. I end up also giving her a japanese manga volume and another poorly translated japanese book, I remember the engrish being hilarious in-dream. After this, I went to the kitchen (all of the lights were out). I was trying to write down my dreams in ink on the wood floors. In the back of my mind I knew this was a terrible idea and that my dad would be furious, but in the moment I wasn't worried about it. There were some drops of water on the floor and it was smearing the ink, so I started wiping it up, making the smearing even worse. I was also worried about cockroaches.

      After the ink, I found myself in a distinct dream scene. I was on the ground looking up at the side of a cliff maybe 4 or 5 stories high. There was a good bit of dirt caked on and I thought to myself how nice it would look if I could get the dirt off. I grabbed a wedge-shaped piece of reddish slate and scraped as much dirt as I could off and stepped back, and noticed how nice the geometric patterns were. I remember the thought-phrase "cliff face". When I looked again, one of the rock formations sort of looked like a nose, and the one below looked like a mouth! When I started examining the rest of the cliff, the whole thing was taken up by face structures (abstract and Easter Islandish). The ground went from being solid dirt and rock, to having some cracks in which curved red boards were shoved and prying the cracks apart. In the cracks were green cylindrical vegetables (I thought of okra or fat asparagus stalks). As I moved forward towards the cliff, I noticed a mesh oyster bag of sea urchins, which were moving around each other in the bag, sort of like you expect spike balls to in a metroidvania or platformer. This was a really vivid and overall nice and creative dream that's simple but feels profoundly peaceful, the kind of nonlucid you generally want to have. So of course this scene transitioned directly to the nightmare FA.

      I woke again at 8:59. My fiance was in trouble. We were in some sort of college sign-up, car buying, or other related scenario. There were DCs everywhere, and specifically several DCs with deep blue eyes and short hair meant her harm in an insidious way (they were outwardly friendly). I became more and more adversarial over the course of the dream, eventually hitting them and throwing things at them. We moved from the student union/indoor car lot into a side hallway which transitions to a long house with lots of corridors and small rooms arranged in pretty much a straight-shot, but almost labyrinthine at the same time. I was thinking somehow they were hypnotizing her, and she was getting more and more bruises on her arms and abdomen. Eventually I get in exaggerated physical fights with them and I somehow manage to get 2-4 of them to defect to my side as allies and stow her away under a sliding hole in the kitchen (sort of a drain hole in the floor, like you see in restaurant kitchens). She escaped succesfully.

      I'm unknowingly in an FA but think I'm fully awake. I am having the "transparent eyelids" effect, and I'm looking around my bedroom at the closet door, but it's the wooden closet door from my childhood home. I'm etching a human face in it with my mind.

      After this, I'm in my childhood home and members of my family as well as random DCs are dressed in "starship troopers armor" -- white and blue, and white and red. It was a long and in-depth dream, but I don't remember much of it. I finally escaped the fray and sat back on my bed, but then my father entered my room with his gun held high, and I remember thinking "oh good, you'll just be my bodyguard". When I thought this (non-lucidly), he changed his course of action from running forward to attack me to climbing in bed next to me with his rifle held out (think Fullmetal Jacket "This is my rifle"). I got up from bed* and started walking towards the hallway. Almost instantly I became lucid! I didn't say "I'm dreaming!" or do any RCs or stabilization unfortunately. I walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, and it was daylight outside, maybe early morning. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror, seeing a girl in a dress instead of myself. In this moment, I started to think of the "bad guys" in the starship troopers armor and then banished the thought from my mind, knowing that if I thought of them I would encounter or summon them. So instead I took advantage of the situation -- although I was seeing the girl in the mirror, I felt my dream body as my own physical body. So I turned away from the mirror and decided that I would become the girl in the mirror. I turned back around and I was!
      Spoiler for nudity:
      inspected my face further in the mirror -- my face was sort of ugly and homely**, and as mirrors in dreams usually do, my face shifted quite a bit. I leaned in further to inspect myself and kissed the mirror (it was cold). I then leaned back out and decided to try my "Clear sight. Clear sound. Clear touch. Grounded. Calm, confident. I can stay here as long as I want." stabilization phrase. However, as soon as touched my thumb and forefinger, I accidentally said "Clear mind" first!
      It rejected me from the dream instantly. As I began to feel my waking body, I realized my thumb and forefinger were touching here too; maybe this triggered the waking?

      I laid awake for quite a while after that, as I had already slept more than usual for the night, and for the whole weekend basically. I was also still excited about the lucid and hoping to drop back into it. Eventually I went back to sleep and had some more non lucids. In the first, I was with my fiance in a rest area/cabin in the woods. In the next, I felt as though I dropped into the dream as a visualization from waking, but it's possible I was only visualizing from an FA. I was imagining tall waves, and how my body bobbed up and down in them. It felt incredibly nice and peaceful. I was at a beach, and my sister was standing on a board of some kind zipping up a life jacket. I think my fiance was bobbing up and down in the water too. When I looked at the shore, I couldn't quite see the sand but I could see tall buildings above the waves, which I identified to be my apartment buildings from WL. A distinct black shape was swimming towards me, and I thought it might be a shoe or a fish (I thought it could be a dangerous fish but dismissed the thought instantly). After another waking, I had a final dream of being in a wood panneled shop with an old woman who was offering the shop to me (inheritance?). Her wares were laid out on a long wooden table, which after looking away and looking back turned out to be a giant Knorr pasta packet. I believe this all happened in 3rd person.

      *I think getting out of beds in nonlucids is a lucidity/awareness trigger -- will have to investigate how to encourage this).
      **This is actually the second time I've transformed my body into a woman's in a mirror while lucid, but for some reason I always turn into butterfaces. Also not sure why I keep doing this. Why, lucid mind, why?

      Updated 09-03-2018 at 09:38 PM by 95458 (color)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Ludic in a strange city with monster citizens looking for K as usual lol

      by , 09-03-2018 at 02:12 PM
      I woke up in the back of an SUV. I noticed there was another girl beside me, and I had no clue how either of us got there. I looked outside and noticed that it was early pre-dawn, the sun wasn't quite up yet but it was light enough to see and it was quite foggy. I could see the buildings of a big city very close, and wondered how in the world I got so far from home and in the position I was now in. I asked myself if I could see those building so clearly from my home town, and logically realized that no, I could not. Then I see that one of the buildings is actually upside down, it's hanging from the sky instead of rising up from the ground. I'm dreaming!

      I open the SUV and disregard the other woman, she's just a dream character, and not in any danger. Looking around I am in the middle of a very busy city street, but not a big city with big buildings, a small city with only one and two story buildings. I decide that because I am finally lucid for the first time in months, I need to go find K. I start walking down the street to my right. I notice the people I am walking past all look like monsters, there's a girl with medusa hair, a ghost, and some zombies. I am not afraid though. I stand as straight as I can and picture myself in a fantasy game style tattered leather dress with a dagger by my side and light leather armor. I figure if everyone else looks like monsters I might as well look like a hero for my dream. A guy who looks like a young slender man waves at me and I politely say hello but keep walking towards what looks like a cinema.

      Everyone else walking the direction I am is going in there, but I can hear screams coming from inside as I get closer. I know there is something scary in there, something so scary it is scaring even the monsters around me. I stop and consider if I should go in or not. If I encounter something scary, K might come save like he used to do for my nightmare. Then again, it's been a very long time since he's had to save me from a nightmare. He may not show up and I may scare myself awake. I decide not to risk cutting the lucid dream short and turn back towards the SUV.

      I see a glass jar candle on a ledge and take the lid off from it. I start walking again, this time throwing the lid in the air and catching it so I can focus on something and not get caught up in the dream events surrounding me. After several tosses though, I realize I threw it too far forwards and I'm not going to catch it. My first instinct is to lunge forwards so I can catch it, but I stop myself because I feel like I can feel my body sleeping, and if make such a big exaggerated movement I think I might lunge out of my bed and wake myself up.

      The lid hits the ground and rolls to the left,striking the bottom of a bar counter. My lucidity is slipping here because I don't realize it's odd for a bar to be outside instead of in a building. I start walking towards the bar with the intent to ask the bartender if she has seen K. She is really busy though, and I am recognize that there are at least 3 people shouting their orders at her or trying to get her attention and it's very unlikely she'll have time to talk to me.

      I turn back to the street and keep walking. I pass the SUV, now walking towards the big city buildings, and see another less busy bar. This one has stairs behind it and a bridge that connects the bar to another building. The stairs are butted up against the bar and there are railings not walls, so I go half way up the stairs and wait for the bartender to walk towards the back of the bar. When he grabs some bottles from under the stairs I call out to him and ask, "Hey man, I'm looking for someone. Can you help me?" his response is very half assed and he's not really paying any attention to me, "Aren't we all? I'm busy." Undeterred I continue, "His name is K. Do you know him?" at the name, the bar tender's head shoots up and he looks at me startled. "What business do you have with K? Are you a younger woman? You're not very pretty." I'm annoyed, I'm not going to argue because I wouldn't consider myself attractive either. "No, I'm not pretty and I'm probably middle aged, but I need to find K. Do you know where he is?" The bar tender shakes his head, "It's none of my business." and starts to turn around. "Wait, I'll pay you!" I tell myself there's a pocket in the dress I am wearing with cash in it and so there is. I hold out first a $5 and a $10 and the bartender scoffs. I imagine the ten becoming a $20, and then the five becoming a $50. The bartender takes the money and tells me to look in the building across the bridge,in the dark hallway, the first door on my right. I thank him and go up the stairs and across the bridge.

      I see a dark hallways to the left, not even inside the building yet, and think this must be it. A guy is walking out of the door on the right as I approach the hall. He has blood around his mouth and covering his arms up to the elbows and is wiping his mouth on his shirt. He jumps when he see's me, and takes a step backwards, "Who are you?" "I'm looking for K. is he in there?" "What do you want with him?" "My name is B, I've been looking for him." He opens the door, but doesn't let his guard down, watching me the entire time instead of actually turning his head in the direction of inside the room. "Yo K, there's some girl out here looking for you."

      And I wake up for real this time -_-
      lucid , memorable
    3. Lucid goal achieved

      by , 09-02-2018 at 03:56 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Between 27-31 08 2018

      It was a dream on a country house, it’s night, I want to drive a motorcycle, I wear the helmet and take my niece with me, she’s wearing my wife’s nightclothes. I sit and start driving across a country road. It starts raining and it’s hard to see in the dark. Driving becomes a hard task since the motorcycle behaves weird. Sometimes I feel like it’s a bicycle. We get to a shore, the landscape is awesome! It’s already day and I can see some weird animals in the water. I realize the feeling, I know it’s a dream. I tell my niece it’s a dream. I don’t care much about her after that. I get to sort of ruins, there are some old doors when I remember one of my lucid goals was to get into a corridor with doors on the sides to explore old memories. I get into the last door to find that corridor. It’s there and I get into the first door on the left, must be my oldest memory I think. I find a small room. There’s only a two floor bed with wet towels on it. There’s no more place to walk around, the room is the size of the bed. I see a stuffed animal hanging on the wall, it look like a fox in detective clothing or something like that. I see a second one . I wonder if I saw it as I was a little kid. I try to see more things in this room. I see some stickers which I remember but cannot tell where do I know them or if they are recent stuff. I try to pay attention on the fox until I start losing sensibility
      I woke up then...
    4. Two lucids after very long dry spell

      by , 09-02-2018 at 03:29 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Between July-August 2018

      1st one I was driving a car towards my grandparents town. I’m sitting next to a woman talking something about lucidity when I ask my self if it’s not a dream already, I realize the feeling! I jump out of the car and start walking to a purple building close to the road. I see a blue colored butterfly while walking there, I want to explore some but I start to lose sensibility of my legs dream fade out until I wake up.

      2nd one was a couple of days after, it was after an anxious dream where I have to find sort of Bus station in the old city where I used to live. I’m walking on a street next to a river. The street is at a higher level, around 20 m high. I can see the river shore from above. I’m afraid to fall down when all of the sudden came the idea if it’s a dream! i realize the feeling, I decide to jump down. Nice fall. When I reach the ground, I notice I’ve changed my shape to a sort of mixture between a Gorilla and a Yeti. I see I have white hairs. I run four legged for a while, it’s nice to feel it again I was running that way until I woke up
    5. Dream - Everything Except My Request & The Croatian Tongue (+Side Note)

      by , 08-30-2018 at 02:56 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 29 AUG - 2018

      Dream No. 410 - Separated Sections

      Dream 410 A - Everything Except My Request (Lucid Dream 25)
      I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was in some unknown building and the corridors had lifts everywhere, ultimately freaking me out. I said to myself, “I’m not going in any of them without 18-Volt”. I then picked up my pace and tried to walk the heck out of that building. I noticed that the scene was fading on me and changing into a new scene.

      For the second scene, I was in my brother’s room, just casually walking around when I suddenly got the intuition to look at my hands. When I looked down at my hands, I only had five fingers but they were clutched around a pen… The hand looked no different to real life but I ended up reciting the automatic response of “I am dreaming”. I then decided to do some more reality checks to make sure that I was actually lucid.

      I decided to approach the kitchenette area where there was not one, not two, but multiple mirrors on the wall in this dream. On second thought though, I actually did want to go and look into the mirrors as I was worried about what I would look like and thought that the dream was going to make me look scary. Instead, I decided that I would count my toes, so I walked over to the couch and put my foot on there, counting six toes!

      Once I knew I was lucid, the intention hit me and I started diligently calling for 18-Volt but the dream was not going to co-operate for him either. I was calling “18-Volt!” like a broken record while now walking around the entire house on a hunt. At first, there was nothing but because I was lucid, I did not give up. Eventually, something did appear but the dream was only trying to give me some green coloured animal, I forgot which animal it was though.

      I shook my head in disbelief and sighed “no...” to the dream and so then the holographic animal disappeared and I continued on with “18 Volt!”, now heading out through the laundry and into the backyard. Half way down the slope of the backyard, the dream decides to try something else on me… My dad starts fading into the scene and again, this time I yell, “no!”, then muttering to myself “Oh my god, you give me everything but 18-Volt”.

      Then I went into the garage and out the front door, completing the loop of the house after calling for 18-Volt about 100+ times. When I was walking out of the front driveway, I finally noticed 18-Volt holographically appearing lower down in the court but as that was happening, I was waking up… I wasn’t happy about it but my ability to talk in the dream was now ceased.

      Dream 410 B - The Croatian Tongue
      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, I was standing just outside the back door to my house, on the skinny concrete strip, talking to 18-Volt; I was facing towards the house, he was facing towards the lawn. Without thinking, I ended up for the first time in a dream, saying something in Croatian, I have forgotten what I said though. Looking absolutely confused and baffled, he then asked me what the heck I was going on about. He said something along the lines of “What kind of gibberish is that?”.

      Before I had time to think of a reply, and to my surprise, Dreamy WB appeared in her dark-rust coloured hair, year 12 hoodie and black leggings and shoes, floating beside 18-Volt and she told him while pointing to me that I was not speaking gibberish, but rather “In the Croatian language”. 18-Volt then looks and goes to Dreamy WB, “She’s Croatian?”. And when Dreamy WB nodded in confirmation, 18-Volt grew this look of sheer amazement on his face, then looking to me and saying “No way!”. As this was happening, the dream was fading out and I woke up.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)

      - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No)

      Dream 410: Results (Competition #6)

      410 A
      Competition Night: 28
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      410 B
      Competition Night: 28
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB & 18-Volt (On Trial)
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 18.0
      Calculation Details:
      - First Lucid Of The Night (10.0)
      - Was Introduced By DILD (5.0)
      - WBTB Included (2.0)
      - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
      - Have A Dream Guide Automatically Appear: Dreamy WB (0.5)

      + Previous Total: 118.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 136.5

      At the start of the night, I actually had an endless stream of nightmares; the only thing is that I can't recall any of the details. Due to this endless stream of nightmares, I woke up at 5:00 AM and didn't fall asleep until 7:00 AM; this was after I came back from the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror and thought "if you don't get some more sleep, your mum won't even be able to recognise her own daughter"... I looked absolutely horrifying, especially around the eyes (I think I should have taken a selfie and posted it here on DV as proof!... Jokes).

      Where the intention for 18-Volt in the lucid came in is that I all of sudden discover that the workplace I am doing work-experience at in December is actually conducting the interviews from the 10th of September! You might be thinking, what does 18-Volt and attending the real life interview have to do with each other? That's not the correlation though. It's the fact that I will be required to go to the 13th floor and as past dreams have suggested, I have a big phobia of elevators. Originally, Dreamy WB has been providing me with the in-dream therapy but lately the dream has been tampering with her and not allowing her to appear.

      I could have ultimately put an intense amount of time into getting Dreamy WB back but there isn't much time until September the 10th. I feel that with this approach, the dream would only try to mess her up more and more and I would be wasting my time, rather than actually trying to get a reasoning with my phobia, allowing me to become somewhat competent. So instead of pursuing Dreamy WB at the moment, I have decided to go with 18-Volt. I like dream characters with a larger complexion when it comes to things like helping me face my fears as they can not only hug me, but also pick me up off the ground and hold me if need be, so I feel a higher sense of security with them, especially with a big, strong man. As September the 10th is very soon, I'm trying to make a very concerted effort to get as much exposure as possible, spending approximately 2 - 3 hours in the day, writing detailed letters or task plans in my exercise book. I stated that the minimum amount of times I would accept before September the 10th is twice (once each week) but these interviews can happen any time from then until the 27th of September, so if it is later, then I would prefer to have practice with 18-Volt at least 4 - 6 times as a minimum. I said that I would be competent to ride elevators in real life when I no longer have to touch 18-Volt (or Dreamy WB if she decides to come back on her own) and I feel okay when I wake up. Otherwise, if I don't have enough practice in-dream, then I'll be clambering to find a stair-well. Once the interview period is over (and hopefully 18-Volt's calmed me down enough), then I will be having a big crack-down on the Awareness Behind The Dream in-order to get Dreamy WB back.

      A bit about Dream 410 B now. I find it impressive that as 18-Volt is expressing his confusion, Dreamy WB appears on his side to clarify it to him. Usually, when there is a new significant dream character, I often have a series of "getting to know you dreams" (I don't plan these ones, they just come) where we meet for the first time and then they end up interacting with me and then learning about me as well. In real life, I have written that if it was possible to have 18-Volt go and see Dreamy WB to get behind the scenes tutorials on how my dreams work and how I conduct myself; so that's maybe what manifested in her appearing to him to explain my "Croatian" situation. By the way, Dreamy WB was telling the truth; in real life, I am actually Croatian.

      Updated 09-04-2018 at 09:26 AM by 93119

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    6. Nonlucids and a Long WILD Attempt - August 27-28

      , 08-29-2018 at 04:17 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 28 2018

      I'm in my childhood church. On the altar there's some kind of human sacrifice of women going on. I remember also being around the sound booth (I was here a lot as a teenager). There are scenes in the youth room and parking lot as well, and they're all very dark, but I can't remember what was happening.

      I'm in college again, but my curriculum is changing. I'll have to take a lot of advanced math classes I didn't have to take before. I'm really concerned but my fiance is trying to convince me it'll be easy, she starts drawing squiggles with her pencil on some paper in some sort of parallelogram (squiggles all going out from one point or line). I consider changing my major to Psychology, but I'll have to start with Psych 113 (whatever that is).

      Aug 29 2018

      As I was falling asleep, I did progressive relaxation, thought about a couple of new mantras* to see which felt right, and then started meditating on my breath, focusing on the tip of my nose. After a while I realized my body was mostly paralyzed. I decided to make the most of it and try to WILD. When I first thought of this, I got some pretty in-depth HI and imagined visuals, very vivid. But after that I spooked myself or something, and I couldn't get it to the same level of vividness for the next thirty or so minutes. So I MILDed on one of my new mantras and eventually moved and broke the paralysis.

      In the first dream I remember, I was driving around my WL car. It was hard to handle (like trying to legally drive a car in video games) and I kept bobbing and weaving and turning around. My viewpoint was shifting between first and third person. I was driving around a warped version of the city I live in, and ended up running some stops signs or red lights. At some point some cops pulled out of a parking lot and started following me, but didn't turn their lights on. I lost them and went to an interstate ramp, but I didn't want to get on the interstate for some reason, so I was stuck between the ramp and the exit (it was on the left, whereas they're usually on the right). I had to wait for the lanes to clear out so I could back up and get off the ramp -- quite stressful. I think this happened twice.

      In the next dream, it felt like an FA although I don't think it was. My dog was in it, which is odd because although I see him all day (probably more than my fiance) I've only ever seen him in my dreams once. We're in a darkened bedroom/living room combination. I walk downstairs and we're talking about somewhere we need to go. I'm possibly worried about an intruder? Slight shift and I'm going outside, I open the door and my dog almost makes it out but I grab his hind leg and put him back inside. Before or after that I caught him eating some crumbs off the ground.

      Scene shift again and I'm sitting on something or laying on the grass on the side of the house, looking up at the sky. I notice some lights in the sky, like heat lightning. Then (separately) I notice I can see lights on the clouds, and realize they're coming from my phone! Even with dream logic I'm amazed that my light can travel so far to the clouds from my phone (I recall a similar experience from my childhood with a high-powered search flashlight). I try to shine the phone's light on a tree that's hangning overhead, and I see the patterns of the leaves on the clouds above! I also notice 2 moons, then 3, some redder or foggier than others, but mostly the same size. I wouldn't call it semi-lucid, but I was seriously questioning the world. I think I should try to add looking at the sky to my dream routine, since most of the time I'm looking at the ground or my immediate surroundings, and seeing these inconsistencies may help with getting lucid.

      In the next dream I'm in a fitness center or some similar place. I'm sitting or laying down in these lanes, aiming my feet to sort of louge through the lanes. This is coupled with a video game-like view with arrows showing which direction I should go. At some point I turn around and lie prone, trying to go backwards, but my feet are dragging so I have to manually push myself. I'm sort of in a cobra pose with my back underneath this large pullup bar type thing (black metal wrapped in foam). Eventually I reach the end with a lobby or something similar (carpeted, reminds me of a Chuck E Cheese). I see someone I went to school with who I didn't really know, and I'm sort of embarassed. I say something stupid like "I'm having a Shiatsu massage**". She responds with something nice but is clearly weirded out.

      The dream shifts again and I'm in some kind of locker room. Another less-than-acquaintance from HS is there and is trying to convince the coach that he should recognize/remember him. He kept saying "I'm Double-D! Don't you remember me?" and the coach humiliated him. I think my dog may have been eating crumbs off the floor here too.

      *"I am a master/natural at lucid dreaming" - meh; "I look at my hands and realize I am dreaming" - solid; "I calmly take control of the world I've created" - good for focusing on stabilization, but it's a mouthful.

      **Of course I pronounced "massage" the british way, probably because I just watched S1E3 of Black Books, "Grapes of Wrath", which is arguably the best episode of anything ever.
    7. Games Workshop has a new Warhammer Setting

      by , 08-28-2018 at 11:47 AM
      Had a dream where I went on a field trip to a Games Workshop, the store there was unusually big for other stores like it, and had multiple millitary uniforms scattered away in various cloakrooms, after getting lost and walking upstairs, I kept seeing promotional material for Warhammer: 1941, in which World War II was lengthened by around 211 years the invasion of an alien force, this gave rise to Power Armour, and the equivalent to Space Marines in the setting, their designs looked less futuristic and ornate in comparison to regular Space Marines. One Power Armor chapter, depicted by some of the employees of the shop, had bright pink armour, and an emblem of a smiling pig.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Yay.

      by , 08-27-2018 at 09:46 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Backstory: I ordered a dybbuk box from ebay, and also some free holy oil from a church that claims to have a bible that leaks the oil by itself. I am now only waiting the oil in the mail. Also day after I messaged Jamie for real after several years. Still haven't gotten any response.


      I was in a giant antique looking store. There big sections, and I walked through a few until I realized it was a musical instrument shop. I immediately went to the keyboard section. I walked up to a funny looking soundboard from a keyboard and somehow pulled the keyboard to me and it almost crushed me. It seemed to be a piano with a retractable keyboard....

      Dream skips to outside and Jamie is with me, but can't remember if she was in the shop with me. She was starting to tell me she played keyboard or currently plays it... something like that. I say something about what I like to play on the keyboard. She responds to what I am saying but her words get jumbled up. I ask her to repeat what she said. She starts again but she can't speak properly. I am realizing she is having one of those dreams where you have trouble speaking like I used to get. Then she vanishes as if she had woken up. I wake up soon after.

      Inside a house.

      As I'm drifting off I briefly enter a dream where Jamie is walking past me, we are in a living room with dark lighting.


      First I'm standing in a house. The dream had been going on for quite some time but I can't recall the details. I'm in front of a couch where Jamie is sitting and she is smiling at me. My dad is next to her and has his arm around her... I'm thinking why would she allow such a thing to happen? I conclude she is perhaps unaware of what is happening and has her attention solely focused on me.

      Dream speeds up. I'm alone in the basement living room now and a dybbuk box opens by itself on the floor and a black and white picture of a boy standing in front of a house flies out of the box and onto a wall. Then a ghost boy emerges from the wall.

      I fall into sleep paralysis right away and can feel a dark presence. I can't move anything right then but I'm not worried and I know how to get out of it. I focus on the dark presence trying to enter into me by spinning the vibrations faster and again I see the picture against the wall of the boy. I am unsure of what I am trying to accomplish here so I begin praying to Jesus to get me out of this state. For a few seconds I can't seem to move any limbs but then I break free and wake up


      Dream of getting the oil that I ordered for free. Instead of being in a vial, which is what I expected. It was in a large Jar. I pondered what to use it for. People said it heals the sick cancer even. Some said it had even restored marriages, relationships and friendships. I suddenly had an idea of what to use it for.

      Oil again

      Dream I came home and my aunt had a package for me. It was the oil. She asked what it was for. I explained it to her and then I woke up
      The only other dream i had was sex related and it was very intense.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:16 AM by 6012

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Mokaner's DJ 9

      by , 08-26-2018 at 05:47 PM
      12.8.18, Dream 1/2
      I was at school with 3 people I know, all of whose names start with a J, where we were eating bread fresh out of the oven with butter. It was our noon break, though mine was significantly longer than theirs, wich resulted in me beeing alone from this point forth. With nothing in particular to do I walked up the main staircase, where a teacher, or at least an adult asked me if I could tell some class that he could not do the social course on behalf of him beeing busy otherwise. He went up with me for a bit, now on a staircase entirely unfamiliar to me and pointed at a door. This door was two stories above where we stood, so I went upstairs, passed one floor and made for the second set of stairs. I was a few steps up when he sshouted at me I was to go back, so I did, returning to the door directly beneath the one I had thought he had pointed at. I asked wether this was the correct door, to wich he replied that it was the one directly above this one, so I began ascending once again, arguing with him about why in the world he called me back when I was going the right way. At some point he climbed over the stair's railing and began fooling about. At one point another teacher came by and talked to us for a bit, until the first man suddenly fell, hit a ledge on a lower floor leaving behind orange and yellow textmarker rather then blood, and then falling out of my sight. At that point a friend turned up carrying out something asking me if I could help him by holding his "friend". I said I would, but I had to go to that room first and tell the people therein that this guy couldn't come teaching for a while on account of having had an accident on the stairs (I was not entirely certain wether he was dead). This I did, although it was hard to begin talking, it felt as though I was out of breath.

      This is only a fragment of a dream, but I thought it, in contrast to the rest of the dream, worth including.

      I was in a shop, where a gril I know appeared. Scene set. Another girl I could not yet see addressed her wich made me assume this was her sister, although the voice was not hers. My dream then reshaped itself to fulfill my expectations: When I first looked at the girl, I could only see parts (e.g. Hairs) of the girl I expected to see. The rest of her appeared and the dream continued.
    10. A Crisis

      by , 08-26-2018 at 05:31 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      W went away to the sea and never came back. I texted her, but nothing responded. I suspected she died in a shipwreck and I eventually had an emotional breakdown, closing my eyes and silently crying into my pillow before getting a text back from her saying she changed her name to Jose. I talked to her after finding out that she sold used car parts and asked her why she changed her name. She said that there were too many girls with girl names.
      Probably one of the more emotional dreams I have had in a while, but still hilarious.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. i projected outside

      by , 08-25-2018 at 09:31 PM
      I was taking a nap today after missing a lot of sleep this week on the job, when i dreamed I was looking from outside my house from the street towards my front door. There was a package there. I knew I had ordered something earlier in the week but did not expect it so soon. When I woke, I remembered the package, what it looked like and the amazon label on it. I was like, if I open my front door and there is a package there it means I astral projected out of my body and saw that package. Sure enough...it was in the exact same spot I saw it from the road in my dream..which I now know was not a dream but a pure out of body experience or remote viewing..cool stuff!!
    12. Toty #2

      by , 08-25-2018 at 04:04 PM (Exterminate)
      I had two dreams prior to this one. I'll list them below the main dream regardless. I woke up to my 5am alarm and got out of bed for a bit. Drank some water, used the restroom. I went back to bed hoping I could still have a lucid dream when I am sick.

      TOTY #2 - Mephistopheles and Faust
      I found myself in a dream and made it clear I was going to accomplish a lucid task this dream. I took a big risk and sat down on a thorny bush and closed my eyes to meditate for a moment. I had heard meditation does some spooky shit at times but does work quickly. I figured this would make the dream stable without me having to nurse it the whole dream. Normally when I close my eyes in a dream I wake myself up, but I made sure to focus on the sensation of the thorny bush and of birds tweeting around me. After a few seconds I decided to begin my task. As I am listening to the birds and feeling the thorny bush I try to will my eyelids open but it didn't work. I took risk #2 and opened my eyes like I would if I was awake. Thankfully I could indeed see. It didn't feel like the most vivid or lucid dream. (Lucid as in awareness) When I opened my eyes I looked directly into the sun and looked away with the after image burned into my retinas for a bit. It appeared to be dusk. I walk down the street and find my victims. There was a car that just arrived at their house. There was a mother, father, and 2 daughters. The parents went inside while the younger daughter noticed me. I said I had the power to grant her greatest desire. I then asked her what it was she wanted.

      She said she was always treated like a princess, therefore she really wanted a tiara. I smiled and snapped my fingers. Done. The parents saw me and invited me inside. I went to a nearby bed and grabbed a beautiful silver crown from the bed and put it on the girl's head. I was feeling generous, so I also summoned a tiara for the older sister. I then grabbed one more larger and more adorned silver crown and placed it upon the mother's head. This crown was different as it was a full circle and had rings that went down on either side of her head. Finally, I couldn't leave the father out of the party, so I said I had a splendid crown for him as well. I reached back and to my surprise no crown was there this time. I turned around again with expectation and found it lying near the other end of the bed. I moved over and grabbed it and then waked over and put it on the father's head. Unfortunately either he had a real big head or this crown was much smaller than I intended. It looked more like a cheap accessory than a crown of power.
      It was still adorned with jewels and whatnot, but it's size meant it did not fit on his head.

      The father walked away to another room of the house, while the mother thanked me profusely for being so generous. I said to her that I was so happy as well that I was able to complete this goal of mine that I have been attempting for a long time now, at least a few months. I was almost ready to end the dream until I realized that I forgot to take their souls! I said to her she needs to bring her husband back so I could leave my final parting gift. He came over and I told them to lock arms together. I said I had left out an important detail before, and that I must not leave until I do what I had to do. I told them I was Satan, king of hell. Due to my profile I couldn't ask God to give them what it was they desired, so I had to do it out of my own power. And my power doesn't come for free. Unfortunately the price that must be paid is their souls. I put one hand on her shoulder and the other on his shoulder. There was a flash of light, everything went dark as if the sun just burned out. The kids were gone, and the parents were both very thin and gaunt. They didn't look so good. It may have been the lighting, but I wasn't sure what taking people's souls was going to do to them. The man didn't move. I wasn't so sure either were even alive any more. The woman walked toward me while acting sexy and kissed me. I was kinda shocked. She was behaving so erratic and different than before. When she backed away from the kiss she had an evil grin on her face. I came to the conclusion that without their souls they no longer had any morals and their impulse control was gone. They turned instinctual.

      Obese angry woman
      I had a short dream earlier on in the night where some large chick was flying through the air and going on a rampage. She kept calling me a slut and acting all mad. I asked if she was accusing me of being a rapist and I explained that I most certainly am not. Whatever her problem was I kept talking to her and calming her down. As I talked with her I saw a visual indicator going down from 10. When it reached 2 I started talking intellectually with her. Whatever set her off I do not know.

      Bomb threat
      Another dream later one involved our family going to a bowling alley. We had heard there was a bomb threat but we didn't believe it. When we arrived it was dark and there were many ambulances there. The location was in a slums with graffiti and broken windows all around. The focal point appeared to be a high-rise building. It looked like an office building or an apartment maybe. I counted at least 6 or 7 ambulances. I didn't see any police or other emergency vehicles. Some people were being carried on gurneys into the backs of some ambulances. There were EMTs all around. I made the stupid remark questioning what the hell had happened here. I looked around at the graffiti and it was all referring to bombs. There were paintings of bombs and words showing the threats of blowing up the place. I pieced together that a bomb must have already gone off and many had been injured and killed. I noted that it did not seem as if we would be playing bowling tonight, given the circumstances. Good thing we left our equipment in the car or we would have really looked dumb.

      As I turned to go back to the car I heard a large boom. I turned to see a giant fireball hurling toward me. I ducked behind a wall and just barely missed being incinerated. A few more large explosions followed and giant fireballs kept being thrown in every direction from the building. I managed to avoid getting hit by two or three until I hightailed it out of there and ran down the street and around the corner. As I fled the scene the dream ended.
    13. I have a Glass of Orange Juice

      by , 08-24-2018 at 05:26 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      Me and a friend who moved to the US from New Zealand were in the north pole when we found a Jewish church. My friend then sang a four second song about dropping a glass of orange juice. It went like this:
      "I have a glass of orange juice
      And now I dropped it"
      He was painfully off key. Afterwards, me and my cousin were discussing the ethics of having sex in VR.
      I will attach my cover of my friend's song from my dream here.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d9v...ew?usp=sharing
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Bunch of Fun, Vivid Semi-Lucids and NLs - August 24

      , 08-24-2018 at 04:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 24 2018

      Yesterday afternoon I discovered SAT which pretty much describes what I called "relaxed ADA" in previous posts. I did this throughout the day, and started doing more consistent RCs (noseplug, question surroundings and past actions for ~30 seconds at least, then finger through palm to make sure) throughout the day. Before bed I didn't do meditation or anything, just progressive relaxation and a little MILD. I also did some autosuggestion that I would do an RC every time I woke up, since I've been having a lot of FA's lately and wanted to convert them. Then I fell asleep pretty quickly (and pretty early).

      My first dream was of a huge, squarish/adobe-style mansion. I had the understanding that it wasn't mine, but rather I was staying at it. My fiance was staying there with me, and we had some R&R in our shadowy corner of the mansion, where we could still see some sunlight on the terrace. She was wearing an outfit I'd seen recently IWL. Occasionally we went on the main grounds and met with others staying there (non-WL DCs, but they were friends, not random lodgers). I remember semi-consciously shaping events and character actions, but I definitely wasn't fully lucid and never did an RC. It was a fun dream though, one of those simple and joyful NLs that you remember fondly afterwards.

      I woke up after this dream and didn't do much MILDing, fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm a kid with three sidekicks, young Hermione and two other kids our age. We're all walking around an outdoor/indoor farmer's market that morphs into an oversized shopping mall. We start avoiding Darth Maul and his gang, they're trying to catch and kill us, or rather wipe out our existence. At one point we're flying around near the ceiling of the mall, dodging slow-flying homing darts. We're also avoiding the big stinky guy from spirited away (not noface, the stinky guy that turns out to be a river spirit). He apparently has the power to reverse-age us if we get to close to him. We eventually find our way into a room with a closet/armoire named Percy. He can take us back to some years ago before this happened. I think this part of the dream happened twice, in different ways. The first time, we all got in and were saved. The second time, only I made it into the armoire and shut the doors tight, with Darth Maul's fingers gripping the edge of the door. He was making some kind of persuasive argument, appealing to my emotions, and I felt sorry for him, but in the end I was able to shut the doors and I made it out. Flash-forward to several years later. My friends who didn't make it out were reincarnated and are the same age as me now (several years older). We are all at a smaller outdoor farmer's market. They are all the opposite genders now. One of them has discovered a new strain of blueberry, which is oblong.

      Our curtain dropped IWL and I had to put it back. I went back to bed quickly after that. My next dream was an NL. I was in my high school gym and it was the last day of high school. I was in the top row of the bleachers joking around with my friends during an emotional and apparently important speech by Coach M. I got called out and cried in the dream. Several of my high school friends were there also, and they're some of my dream signs, so I should have recognized them. Despite this, I didn't question anything. I walked towards the exits and on the way out had a heart to heart with Coach M. Once I was out, I walked under the overhang and got made fun of by my friends for crying, but then we were all cool again.

      Slight dream scene transition and I'm in the HS parking lot, where I see someone taking my dog into a black SUV. I run after them and I am flying on the street (I think I was semi-lucid here but I can't be sure; again, I definitely didn't do an RC or anything). I see one of my WL coworkers in the air on a flying machine (think chitty chitty bang bang). I ask him for help. As I fly forward and he flies towards school, I communicate with him telepathically and have him drop down some electronic turnstiles/gates to allow me access through where this black SUV is taking my dog. The gates and general scene remind me of the new Jurassic Park movies for some reason.

      Somehow from here I end up in a version of Disneyland with fiance. Again, she's wearing an outfit that I saw IWL recently, a business-ish dress this time. Everything is frozen. There's a huge blue bioluminescent flower that's completely frozen. The entrance feels more like a shoddy amusement park than Disneyland -- the sign for it is like 8.5x11 and just says in small Denny's-like font "Disney". Fiance is wearing ice skates, I'm wearing her thin slippers from WL. I get a strong sense of deja vu as we enter and hop over a cold puddle. I can feel the ice crunch underfoot and feel the cold, but not in a bad way...very vivid. I make a comment about taking a swim or something similar

      From here I end up at a pot luck that looks like a huge Thanksgiving feast. I brought my own meal though, and I feel bad about it because it's not enough for everyone. I say my hellos and then head to the back where there's a darkened living room (fireplace behind/to the righ of me) and I'm in a chair/recliner. There are some older folks and family members around me and fiance eventually joins me.

      *Note: Mostly slept on my sides last night. I think this results in more vivid semi lucids and non lucids, which can be nice every once in a while Interestingly I don't think I had any FA's.
    15. A Brief Lucid and some WILD Attempts - August 23

      , 08-23-2018 at 03:28 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 23 2018

      Woke up at 3:30 am, remember bits of a long NL. I was a female (possibly jewish?) in some sort of relationship/society/sisterhood. My best friend or leader was dismissing me from the group sternly but also still loves me and was sad to see me go. I remember the words "Is it possible to always be a mama bear?" with no context (hey -- they made sense then). I also remember a DC from earlier in the dream that looked like an old (current) Seinfeld with white hair. I think I was returning to my family.

      Was moderately relaxed but again had some trouble getting back to sleep*. Got up and went to the bathroom, then came back. Figured since I still couldn't get to sleep I would try to relax and WILD. No success after some time (although I had some pretty great hypnagogic imagery), so I SSILD'd and laid on my side**.

      I eventually got to sleep about 45 minutes or an hour after waking. I didn't notice it, but my neck was strained because of the pillow's position. I then had a series of FA's where I would wake up in my bed and talk/move around, but my fiance would angrily tell me to go to sleep each time because she had work in the morning. Between the second and third FA, I woke up briefly and realized was happening. I resolved that if it happened again, I would take advantage of it.

      Success! The next time I FA'd, I saw apple peelings on the bed, and went downstairs to get some apple juice from the fridge, and I thought about tryptophan and realized I was dreaming! I didn't immediately look at my hands and clarify the situation, but I was able to stumble through the dark dream living room (my movement felt somewhat staggering). There was a terrifying old (demon?) woman's face on the couch, so partly out of fear I decided to leave this dream. I pressed my dream head down into the "pillow" to change dream scenes and vaguely thought of a giant tree as a new destination.

      I think that when I used this technique (pressing head back into pillow), I somehow became more conscious of my WL body and realized I was lying on my side with my neck strained and my left eye being pressed in by the pillow. As the new dream scene materialized, It came to me in portrait format instead of landscape, if you can imagine that -- and it was letterboxed (black bars on the left and right). This effect worked so well because I could only see out of my right "dream eye", so I didn't have the advantage of binocular vision to "3D it away". Because of my awareness of my neck strain, I also couldn't move my head at all, and the only thing I could control was zooming my vision in and out.

      The dream scene wasn't a giant tree, but rather another, smaller version of the previous living room, only bright this time (with daylight coming in through the window and the indoor lights on). There was no one in the room. I understood that it went back some ways behind me and was dark that way. The couch was similar to my childhood couch (old and scratchy, had diagonal woven textiles, like thick yarn) but was grey instead of tan. There were some objects strewn about the couch. As I zoomed in closer, objects would "pop" out of existence, sort of the opposite effect of the Object Fade setting in video games; when I zoomed out, they would return. There was a largeish button, a cylindrical something, a box, and some other miscellaneous vague items.

      I should have tried to change dream scenes again, but I think that would have been difficult considering I probably would have had to press left instead of back to fall into the pillow, and who knows if that would have worked. The dream faded very slowly and I probably could have held onto it longer.

      Later I had another FA but failed to convert it. When I awoke I was feeling more relaxed and thought I'd casually try to WILD for a bit again. It was nice because I could feel the waves of vibration flow over me. I was doing LaBerge's "1. I'm dreaming. 2. I'm dreaming. 3. ..." method, trying to be a passive observer and let the dream take me in. Had some very vivid HI again and let it play out before me. I think I got partway there, because I remember my HI started integrating into moving imagery, then mini dream scenes, then almost a full dream scene. At the height of it, I was a point in space rotating around a stadium that looked like a giant thimble. I think I was fully aware, enough to at least call it a semi-lucid, but I don't think it was a dream as much as imagery; it didn't feel dreamlike, and I didn't feel as if I was really "in it" as much as I was just "seeing it".

      Later in the night I had some more FAs and in some of them I was semi-lucid but not fully there. Once I was trying to WILD again, but got interrupted by a sudden and powerful fear of an intruder.

      Overall, a pretty good night! I'm intereseted to know if anyone else has had this kind of "locked view" experience in their dreams, lucid or otherwise.

      *I'm not sure why this is happening lately (waking up earlier and can't get back to sleep); I always considered myself a heavy sleeper and never have trouble getting to bed. Also, I haven't been setting alarms or autosuggestions to do WBTB, I think just possibly raised nighttime awareness after meditation is causing small disturbances to wake me. Any advice appreciated.

      **I tend to lie on my back most of the time, which helps with vivid dreams and recall, but seems to be causing problems with getting to sleep and staying asleep if I'm not already tired from the day. It also makes me hyperaware of early morning hunger.

      ***Also just wanted to note that I've been abstaining from my nighttime tea (it makes me drowsy on weekday mornings) and any supplements (I sometimes use melatonin and/or valerian), but have been drinking half a glass of apple juice each night 30ish minutes before bed. Luckily I

      Updated 08-26-2018 at 09:49 PM by 95458

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
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