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    1. How real the dream world is, I tell myself.

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:32 PM
      I'm fighting or running from something. At first it's just a black dog that keeps biting me and I keep trying to take it off me or break his neck. The girls from inside the house leave me alone. He bites harder into my leg or arm. I finally succeed to rip its body apart and throw it. An old lady in the corner of the street says it will come back, stronger, darker, as a boar. A man who is followed by death like in the Final Destination movie enters the house.
      I get to a bar and sit at the table with C. and C. There is a lot of smoke. I tell them the smoke is a very very bad sign.
      I'm living with my cousin in a trailer at an intersection. She sometimes goes out in the street dressed in the pijamas. I change myself inside.
      I tell myself "How real, how alive this dream feels!". My cousin and my aunt are with me. I know it is a dream, I think I fell asleep near them, so I tell them to wake me up, just a bit, to wake me up so I can gain control of the dream and that's all. They don't answer. I keep telling myself, Maria, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up Maria. I can't get control like this. I feel IT coming. I can't transform IT. I start running up a hill, climbing houses, doors. It follows me everywhere, it bites my feet.
      It keeps getting bigger and I keep getting smaller in my parent's room. It transforms. I can see it will become something big, so I try to turn myself into an elephant. I can't. It becomes an american helicopter. It shoots me. I think that if it kills me, I would wake up, so it's ok. It doesn't even hit me. My parents are in their bed. My mum comes at me to check who I am with a knife. There may be blood on it. I climb to the roof, to the dark night sky that is full of stars. I tell myself "It's the sky, Maria, I can control the dream!"
    2. 12/06/2010 - "Invasion Evasion"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:57 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Invasion Evasion"

      (I watched Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.)
      The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog; like a lab mix or something, and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. Some creepy shit happened, where a person came to the door and then turned into an alien, and we had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part is all really hazy. Soon after, I was alone, and running through the streets. The major attack had already begun, and there were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed and, no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

      After respawning a couple of times, I knew I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town, sprinting as long and hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for miles, without losing steam. But these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would literally travel for miles - seemingly to endless distances - through the air, to chase their target. Again, I died quite a few times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route. There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' itself in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before it completely encased me. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would actually spring to life, and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the game Prototype.

      It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but wasn't able to affect them.

      Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and was more having fun with it, than frantically fleeing for my life. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-tech chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages. I was going so fast that there was a single moment, there, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I pulled up on my own trajectory, as I could, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street, the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

      I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city. I don't think so, though.

    3. 6 Dec: Stabbed to learn not to feel pain

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      1:00 GMT

      Stabbed to gain control over fear and pain
      I am in some apartment building apparently coming out of my cousin’s home. She has something weird about her look, like dyed hair or extreme make-up. She goes downstairs but I feel more interested in following a corridor that seems to connect to a different partof the building or even a twin building. I then have fun exploring these connections - I go from corridor to corridor, explore different levels by taking the stairs sometimes. Every block is of a different colour or has different tiles on the wall, but it’s getting boring so I try to look for an exit.I’m a bit lucid. I look at a map on the wall, trying to locate myself, when some guy offers his help and tells me to just follow him. I do so and he leads me out. Outside, it’s a city street, looks like London and he meets a bunch of friends he was with before. They are making plans for next steps and they divide in two groups. I stick with the guy’s group, a small one – 2 guys and a girl. I don’t know where they are taking me. A bit further down, when we’re around some ugly buildings of a bad neighbourhood, the guy draws a knife and he wants to stab me in my belly. I am aware it’s a dream, but still, I shriek at the thought of feeling a knife slashing my flesh. They say “Don’t be afraid!” and I’m like “What’s wrong with you?” So just when they are about to stab me I say “Sorry, I don't want to be stabbed, I’m going to wake up!”. I wake up but I still had a brief moment when I could feel the knife cutting through my flesh. I felt discomfort and I was awake for a while...
      When I go back to sleep I am again in the same city and they are still around waiting for me. What the hell? I felt like I was going through a Freddy Krueger’s nightmarish type of thing. I ran away, I zig zagged between buildings, trying to lose them. I laid low behind a building and a concrete wall, where people threw garbage and I lost lucidity for a few moments. I got distracted with all the clothes and bags perfectly good that were thrown away. I am considering taking them with me to give away to people who need it, but suddenly I see my chasers about to find me and I instantly get back to the action. I run again but eventually they cut my way through, as they knew a shortcut through some tunnel. They grab my arms and the guy is once again about to stab me and he swears “It won’t hurt!”. I first thought he was just being psychotic, but now I have this clear feeling they were also lucid dreamers or some dream beings who were just testing me and trying to teach me something. Their attitude changed slightly when I opened myself to them. The guy said to me “It only hurts if you believe so. I’m telling you it won’t hurt if you don’t give in to fear.” Oh, so that was it? I was still a bit afraid, I was actually already feeling the pain again, just by thinking of it, so I told him ”OK, but let me do it to myself. And can I stab my leg instead? Just to try?” “OK”, he said. So I stabbed my leg and I was amazed that it felt like stabbing styrofoam. I could feel it buried in the flesh but it didn’t hurt. I was starting to lose fear and thinking about stabbing myself a bit more (lol). They smiled at me and simply left.

      Female robot and androids
      I am now free to do whatever. I look around and I am in some industrial park or similar. I see a huge robot-like metallic structure rising above the houses and go check it from a safe distance, because it starts to move its arms. Below it and around are people watching some demonstration of its functioning. It’s made of hollow metallic tubes that shape it slightly into a female form and some of this tubes are then channelled to some interface where half a dozen women are plugged in, apparently controlling or feeding this robot. The creator of this machine is explaining how it works and what it does, but then all the focus goes to one of these females who detaches from the interface. I find out these are not real women, but androids. Lots of flashes in her direction, reporters asking questions and the inventor says she can even speak Russian. He ask if any Russian speaking is around and some guy points to a girl by my side, but in the middle of the crowd we get mixed up and they bring me closer to the android. I say there’s been a mistake, I can’t speak Russian, it was some other girl, but the android lady is looking at me totally interested. She seems to think I am lying and she is processing that information and trying to figure out my intentions. She says she wants to meet me and asks me for my contact. I don’t recall even handing her over my contact, but I see her adding my email and name to her processor/brain – like if she just extracted it from my mind and I was reading the info on her eyes as she was processing it. Then she turned away and left, followed by a sea of curious people and reporters.

      Office scene
      I remember maybe it’s time to meditate a bit, but I can’t find peace, there’s just too much going on and I can’t make it still. Then I think about dropping a visit to Nighthawk’s dreams. I am now in a corridor with doors to offices. I see elevators and decide using one as a portal, but every time I try to get into one, someone holds the door and enters. I even try to do it with some suit guy by my side looking at me like I’m crazy, but it doesn’t work ‘cause he totally distracts me. I give up on elevators and try to use the office doors instead. The problem is they have glass windows and I can see the other side, so I have once again difficulties in making appear a different world on the other side, because I keep seeing the people working inside the office. When I open the door, it is still an office. Oh well... I just look around, checking every person on each cubicle. Mostly very young people. It’s a nice office, light coloured wood furniture, glass walls, lots of light. I go to the end of it and I find a window to a square interior patio, with view to all floors. I notice the building’s decoration is quite nice and then I see a corridor through which the company’s CEO, a tall slim lady in her 40’s, is coming in my direction. She sees me there and asks me what I think of the place. I say it’s nice and I like the carpets on the hallway. She invites me for a drink in her office and we sit and talk there for a while.

      4.50 GMT

      Just recall my mom had a good prize in the lottery and I clearly recall the numbers. Will suggest her to make a bet

      6:30 GMT
    4. Disturbing Fragment

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:22 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I dreamt that my whole grade was in the main school hall, and we were forced to watch some electrical safety video.

      It was supposed to convey its message by being shocking and violent. Like those drink driving ads.

      It showed a baby next to some water that was touching something electrical, so when the baby touched the water it started to spaz out and get electrocuted. Then another baby next to the first one placed its hand on the other baby and was getting electrocuted too.

      It was awful.
      nightmare , non-lucid
    5. Holes in my dreams lately

      by , 12-05-2010 at 02:46 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a very eventful night, with lots of dreams. I woke up at 06.00 with the intentions of doing a WBTB. I ended up falling asleep without taking the G+C pill, and woke up at 8.00 again. I figured it would be a waste to take the pill so I didn't. My dreams have been filled with holes lately. As soon as I wake up, I have to struggle to remember them, and when I do, they are filled with holes. I guess it's just a phase which will pass.

      00.30: Bedtime

      06.00: 5 minutes WBTB

      08.00: Civilization
      I'm flying out in space at an incredible speed. I'm not sure if I was lucid or how I started flying. Mars is closing in on me, but when I get close, it is replaced by Jupiter. A narrator voice starts talking. "Mars position in the solar system has been temporarily switched by Jupiter's" I fly towards the big planet. As I get closer I get a brilliant idea. "I'll use the planet's gravitation to go back to earth!" I crash into the planet near the edge (which is now only a disk the size of a room) and my momentum makes it spin around.

      I'm stuck to it by the gravitation. And when I see earth infront of me I push away as hard as I can. I quickly reach earth once again and I can see huge landmasses below. South America has a very edgy look to it, and I realise it must be man made. The buildings lining the shore makes a very cool pattern from way up. Suddenly I'm talking to the Aztec chief and I'm showing him a map of what I've just seen. He is pleased. Everything is seen from above. Just like in the game Civilization.

      There's just one more space left at a dock. I tell my brother Martin to start a settlement there. "USA will take this spot if you don't, and they control the whole damn world now!" The dream changes to a first person perspective.
      I'm standing infront of a conveyer belt leading into a hatch. A guy is operating the hatch with a lever, and he's cutting up pieces of pink soap. A rabid wolf appears behind the hatch and is trying to get through.

      The guy holding the lever gets very frightened and runs off. The wolf gets through with its head, biting the air. A strange dwarf jumps down from the ceiling and grabs the wolf's head. With a snap the wolf is dead. Everyone cheers and the dwarf is rewarded some prize for his heroic actions.

      08.00: Chinese food
      I'm sitting in a very oldschool car with Monica. It's raining heavily outside and we've just ordered Chinese food. We get out of the car and enter the restaurant. We get in the pretty long line of people. A guy infront of me turns around. "Hey Matteh! Great night last night, wasn't it?" he says and shakes my hand. I don't recognise him at all, but I play along, feeling uncomfortable. The guy next to him does the exact same thing, and I don't recognise him either.

      I try to remember what kind of party I had attended, but fail. "A kickass one obviously if I can't even remember" I think. It's our turn to buy the food, and it's already waiting for us in those white, styrofoam boxes. I take a look at the menu and everything looks delicious. There's a dish with a red X on it, and I can see it involves some kind of Chinese gambling on a machine.

      08.00: Back in class
      I'm at my cousins place, holding five empty glass bottles. I enter their bathroom hall. It's got grey tiles everywhere and is pretty narrow. I spot several reinforcing bars sticking out of the wall. "Haha as usual" I think and open a few drawers. There's no room in any of them and I close them again. I walk out into another room and I totally forget about the bottles as the dream changes. I walk into a classroom filled with my old class.

      "Hey Mathilda, can I have a few papers please?" She looks at me and whines a bit, but gives me a folder. I walk up to the teacher. It's my old history teacher. "Can I have four papers please?" I ask him. I intend to draw some. I head for my spot and there's a guy sitting there. "Hey can you move?" I ask him. "It's not your spot" he tells me. I can see my name on the bench in a black marker. It's a bit to the left, which is empty. I sit down and whine a bit to get some reactions from a douchebag.

      08.00: Fragment
      *I'm playing some kind of real life game, with Barney from "How I met your mother" The game is obviously to control him, and do whatever you want. I get alot of chicks to fall in love with me. Monica tells me she was together with him for a few months a few years ago.

      09.30: Poisonous spider
      I'm looking at a picture of an enormous red and black spider sitting in a web. The usual narrator voice starts talking. "This spider is as large as a large car" Suddenly I have the spider infront of me on the table. It's not that big, and it's got a ball of web in its mouth filled with eggs. I remove the ball and play with the spider for a while. I know this dream can be changed and I guess I was kinda semi-lucid. The spider grabs the ball again and I kill the spider.

      I dissect the spider and remove the fangs, which are enormous. I am careful not to get stung by one of them and I put all the spider goo in the sink. One fang is missing and I spot it in the sink. I grab it and I can feel it sinking into my flesh. It's just stinging slightly, but I realise that this is not good at all. I try to "Load" the dream (as I did in the dinosaur dream, just like you can do in a game) and I imagine the spider being whole and safe on the table again.

      It's not there. I can hear Monica in the shower, singing. "Oh shit, this isn't good at all" I think and take a look at my hand. It's getting red. I rush to the computer to try to get some advice on the internet on what to do. I guess I was going to ask in the DV chat haha.

      09.30: Another restaurant
      I'm with some co-workers and we're on a bus or something similar. We're all pretty drunk and I remember Linus being there. Suddenly I'm in the restroom at a restaurant. I can hear two people trying to have sex in the booth next to me. "Having sex with your own mother would be really sick" I think for some reason (wtf?) and starts taking a piss. As usual I soak the entire place in piss. I try to remove most of it, and I remove my clothes to dry them. I can hear my friends Eric and Felix talking on the other side of the wall.

      I walk out of the restroom and enter the dining hall. "Hey guys! What's up?" I ask them. They look at me with shocked expressions. "Dude, put on some clothes, we're in a restaurant!" Eric tells me. I look down and I'm only wearing underwear. I walk back towards the restroom to fetch my clothes. A table full of girls starts giggling and whistle as I walk past them. I put on my clothes and go back. My pants feel very weird, and they're definitely not the same as when I bought them. They don't even look the same. My mom tells me something.

      10.30: Taking a shower
      I'm standing in my mom's house. Waiting for the person in the shower to finish. There's a mirror above the door and I look at it. My little brother Morgan grins back at me. He gets out of the shower so Monica and I can enter it. It's an entire room made for showering. There's one shower each and it feels really good. Monica tells me there's something wrong with her shower. I walk over to her and try the different switches. All the nice modes of it comes with cold water instead of warm. She squeals when I turn it on. "Oh well, that sucks" I say.

      10.30: Fragment
      *I look something up on google. I spot my old dreamblog as the top result. The entry is just the same as the whole phrase I put in.

      11.00: Jungle creatures
      I'm looking at a few amazing pictures of a black panther. It appears the shot has been taken just a second before the panther would close its mouth on the camera. I wonder how they can take these kind of pictures and survive. It's like a movie starts playing infront of my eyes, and the narrator voice starts talking. "The jungle boys are brave. They agitate the panther into attacking, then retreats into the trees as they take pictures" I can see a boy jumping away from a panther just like that.

      "The frogs of this jungle are very effective. The tadpoles are amazing hunters" I see several black, very large tadpoles swimming around in a muddy lake. Trapping a few fish in the shallows. "Because they can walk on land, they are excellent hunters" the narrator voice says. One tadpole tries catching a fish, but it gets away. I grab it and inspect it. It has a slimy, black body and it's as big as a frog already.

      11.00: Fragments
      *I'm with my mom and their dog Igor. There's another dog there, a german shepherd called Edd. Igor is on his stomach, and I scratch him. There's some kind of open pouch on it, and it feels very soft. "Igor has been eating snakes, so we're waiting for them to come out" my mom tells me.

      *I'm sitting at a table with my family. My sister Madeleine asks me if she can borrow my saw. We've each received one as a gift for christmas or something. "You can buy a new one, it's only 1 kr" she tells me.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements before bed: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Alot of dreams... I realise I don't have as many holes as I think I have. When I'm typing most of it comes back to me, but I'm still 100% sure I was lucid in either the Civilization dream, or the Poisonous spider dream. As I can't remember fully, I cba to write it. I'm also not going to include semi-lucid anymore. G+C next weekend!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 04:10 PM by 36346

      Tags: 10+
      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    6. shamrox new dream journal

      by , 12-04-2010 at 10:28 PM
      It has been so long since I have had a lucid dream. It is crazy to think I have been practicing for almost three years now. The problem is keeping track of the daily routines in such a hectic life. For the past couple of months I have been trying to recapture my lost ability. I have finally come to the realization that my journal and reality checks were responsible for almost 90% of my lucid dreams and if I want to have them regularly I must pick up the habits once again. Here is where I am at right now. I have remembered several dreams lately, and experienced an intense sleep paralysis the other night. It was the most vivid sleep paralysis I have ever felt. I awoke in a deep rem cycle, rolled over, thought to myself I should try to enter sleep paralysis, and bam I flew into the blackness spinning and twirling! I heard voices all around me, childrens laughter, adult's conversating, screams of pain. Visions began swirling in front of my eyes, and in an instant, a flash of white light erased it all and I was soundly asleep in a non lucid dream. I have had intensly vivid dreams, but none lucid, I have been shocked that I haven't realized I could become lucid in many of them. It is just too much for me to write down. They have been long and vivid. From this point on I will be using this forum everyday as I once did to record my dreams and re earn my lost ability to lucid dream every single night. Last night I had a dream that a rookie was sitting down in front of what is now carter and tim the rookies lockers. He was not good looking and apparantly out of shape. He seemed to have ugly blonde redish curly hair and a matching beard. He had a smart and cocky mouth which he would not stop running. Taylor respectfully tried to calm him down but the douchebag refused to listen. Taylor got that look in his eye, his facial expression went blank. I know what that means, he had crossed that line. Taylor stood up and walked for him, I jumped in the middle and put my hands on his chest. I said " Taylor don't. Please man just let it go." I had saved that rookies life, or at least kept him from going to ICU. And that's it. Bring em on subconcious, I'm ready for you.
    7. Lucid Dream #26

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:25 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: 10 Min.

      I was playing with a broken fosset and I noticed an omitrix on my arm. I realized that it was weird and knew I was dreaming. So I finally got it to shut off and went upstairs. I saw some cubs and tried to turn into one of them. It didn't work. Then I was trying to fly in a large field. I tried times and times again and kept falling. It was very vivid, the shadows were superb. Then these two assholes said something about doing certain things in MY lucid dream that I shouldn't have done. Then they started to sing. It was very annoying. So I saw a little white dot in the sky and made it crash into those assholes. Nothing happened, then I saw this lady that was hot and I took some thing and shot some white stuff all over her. She smiled at me so I took my dick out and tried to have sex. Then I woke up. I know that earlier in this lucid dream I did officially have sex but I can't remember when.
    8. Collection of nightmares I have had

      by , 12-04-2010 at 10:28 AM
      Back over 10 years ago I had this nightmare ones and I still remember parts of it.
      Ants were crawling everywhere in the house they started to merge into bigger and bigger ants and then they started to eat everything and crawl everywhere. And then I woke up.

      Probably 3-4 years later I had this one.
      I was on the front porch of the house the family dog walked in then all of a sudden started to attack everything. And I had to fight the dog and I think I ended up killing it in the dream. D:

      Not sure when this one took place and I wouldn't call it a nightmare.
      I was laying in bed trying to sleep and then I started to dream of driving a car on a race track, I was going fast and then I lost control and crashed into a wall and woke up.

      Well I don't think I had many nightmares in my 17 years nor do I remember many of them.
    9. chased

      by , 12-04-2010 at 09:20 AM
      was in a matrix where the authorities for some reason were after me. They hunted me with helicopter while I was asleep at a friends place. The searchlights came into the room, over me, stopped, and then they said my name through a loudspeaker. The atmosphere was highly frightening. I'm in shock. I'm such a nice guy. What could I possibly have done?

      I'm obviously trying to become lucid.
    10. Dec 3 2010 - Hackers Being Stabbed By Pencils

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:56 AM (Mah Journal)
      It started off as some Tomb Raider style game, but eventually it changed.

      I was in some room, seemed to be a living room of sorts. The walls were beige. I was with KR and I think KA. I needed a phone number for some reason and asked KR for it. She handed me some random phone number so I took it and called it.

      The number was some sort of spam hacker thing. I called it, and it asked me for something. I wanted to hang up but I wouldn't for some reason. Somehow I knew that this person was going to hack my email and take over my computer.

      Eventually I got away from the phone, but I was constantly worried about that hacker. I scolded myself for being an idiot and not checking the number for anything strange first.

      Then it called back, but I didn't actually hear the phone ring or pick it up. The voice was just sort of talking to me and nagging me. It was trying to get me to say my email, and though I was tempted, I wouldn't give it up. I was scared shitless by this person. Even though I didn't know I was dreaming, I started taking control. I imagined a pencil in my hands. I started bending it, taking slight note of the fact that it was bendable and not breaking. I slowly bent it more and more, expecting to feel that snap... and so it did snap. I then used the two bits of pencil and blindly stabbed in front of me. I couldn't see the person, but I could feel it sort of dissipating against my attacks. We fought, and I felt it trying to defend itself and lash out at me again. At the last moment before I woke up, a quick picture of MI passed before my eyes.


      Though it doesn't seem scary, it actually really was scary. Surely you know how exaggerated dream emotions can be. I guess you can call this my first nightmare in quite a while.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    11. Zukin Slaughter + Spirit Warriors

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:10 AM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      Ok. What did I eat last night lol.

      Zukin Slaughter

      I was in a video game and it sort of looked like WoW. I was with 2 guys and a girl. One of the guys was saying something to the other boy, but I couldn't hear them properly to make out the words. The man summons a rope and captures the girl and I. We are brought to a dungeon like place.

      The man tells us that he is going to go fight a Boss Monster, and that we should remain in the dungeon until he is done fighting. It's not like we had much of a choice though as we were tied up. The other girl sits where the red X is, and I sat on the other side of the half-wall. The door at the top is where he left to fight the monster, and the door at the bottom is where we came in at. The dungeon looked like something out of a cyberspace movie. The floors had streaks of neon green and the walls were a black with plaid blue design.

      I sat patiently waiting for him to return. Looking over the half-wall, I saw a vine like thing growing from the floor. It was green, perhaps it looked more like a tentacle but it was branching off on the sides. It was attacking the other girl, sucking out her life. It turned its focus towards me, and I moved away from the first half of the room. I freed myself from the ropes, and went to the far corner away from the green ghosty thing. Before I could make it to the other side, the green spirit shot an arrow at me.

      The arrow went through my chest and blood dripped and splattered on the floor. Determined to save my soul from being eaten, I continued to take my last few steps toward the safer corner until I collapsed on the floor. The pain began to encompass my entire body, and I dug my finger nails into the ground. They scraped against it and burrowed into the surface. By doing this, the top layer of the flooring several feet around me disappeared, uncovering a set of stairs. I took cover from the creature by hiding in the dips in the floor from the staircase. The tentacles of the spirit creature couldn't reach me here.

      I was pretty pissed off now. I had been dragged here against my will, terrified, and nearly killed. When that man came back, he was going to get it. I waited patiently for him, wondering about what happened to the other girl in the dark room. She was being awfully quiet, so I assumed that she was dead.

      I heard a slamming of the door, and peaked up above my secret ledge in the floor. There he was. He was wearing a suit of armor and had a beautiful sword in his hand. If he hadn't been so cruel I would have assumed that he was a hero. I secretly watched him as he scanned the room, looking for life. He didn't look shocked when he saw the other girl dead.

      I creeped out of my ledge and hid behind one of the half-walls, waiting like a snake. When he came close enough, I instantly attacked him with all of my pissed-off-force. I acquired his weapon when he dropped it from surprise and began slashing into his stomach. Streams of blood came out of his mouth and he fell to the floor, but he wasn't dead.

      I didn't want to kill him. So I left him there. I slowly walked to the other door leading outwards, not taking my eyes off of him. When my hands touched the knob, he looked at me and smiled creepily.

      "Good luck escaping," He sneered. I wasn't sure what he meant by that until I closed the door behind me and locked it shut. When I turned around I was encompassed by blackness. I could barely make out a eternal series of staircases surrounding me. I knew that it wouldn't take him long to find another way out of that room, and thus I had little chance of fleeing without a re-encounter.

      I felt around for a railing and then sped down the stairs blindly. I heard moaning in the distance. It was the moaning of the near dead. He was near. I saw a shadow of a creature against the wall.

      [missing time]

      I was now in the bedroom, and we were having our last fight to the death. He was now a girl in black. I was continuously stabbing him with the sword, but it was only doing minimal damage. My arms were covered in blood from the massacre and he was equally fighting back. I was beginning to grow weaker when I realized that simply maiming him would not solve the problem. He must be killed.

      I climbed on top of him and held him down. I took my long blade and held it against his neck. With a swift motion, I slit his throat. I left him on the floor and exited the room. I locked the door behind me. The door had a window on it, so I looked in. He was laying on the floor, seemingly dead. He slowly sat upright and looked me into the eye. The pupil in his blue eyes grew larger and larger until the entirety of his eyes were black. Upon seeing this, I ran out of the house.

      Spirit Warriors

      I was trying to leave school really fast before the traffic blocked my exit. I put the car in reverse and accidentally drove over the grass. Oh well. The road twisted and turned abnormally. I accidentally drove onto the roof of the school. Don't even ask how that happened (I'm not sure). I couldn't drive my car off of the roof because there was no longer a ramp, so I was stuck there.

      I went inside the school, in the room underneath where I parked my car. It was apparently the drama room. They looked like they were doing construction in the room. There were loose boards everywhere.

      "Sorry I parked my car on your roof." They looked at me for a second and then laughed. They told me that it happens pretty often, and that I needed to visit the janitor in the school garage.

      So, I went out to the garage. It was made like a large, square, wooden hut. The walls were not furnished or anything and it smelled like cedar. The garage had 2 floors and was very cluttered with odds and ends. I climbed up the stairs to the second floor. There was a wind chime hanging from an open window. Outside of the window there was a wooden roof. I crawled out of the window and stood on the roof. Sitting on the roof there was a guy looking out to the horizon. Next to him there was a sword that looked similar to the Godric Gryffindor Sword, except it had spikes lining the edges.

      I asked him who he was, and he told me that he used the sword to fight off evil spirits that continuously attacked him. He gave me a battle axe and told me that if I was going to hang around him that I would need this for my protection.

      We went to his house and he introduced me to his brother (looked like Joe's brother). His brother wasn't mentally stable and was often more perceptive of the spiritual attacks.

      We were in the hallway when his brother fell to the ground and went into fetal position.

      "They're coming" he whispered, while rocking back and fourth. His eyes were turning red and tears were forming and running down his cheeks.

      "Who's coming?" I asked.

      "Ssh, wait a minute." The guy said. His body stiffened up and he held his sword ready for an attack. I held my battle axe as well, not sure what I was about to attack. A large "mass" came over us. It looked like a giant shadow. His sword lit up and we began to attack the mass.
    12. A lot of water and a white tiger.

      by , 12-02-2010 at 08:15 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am at a water front resort and there is a dark unseen presence pursuing me. I am scrambling over and through waterfront shops and bars to hide myself and often find that I am trying to hide myself in pools of water.

      I run out of hiding spots in the resort and run to the wharf where many yachts are tied up. All of the boats are the same size and shape but different colours. There is a wooden yacht just leaving the dock and I am able to sneak aboard and hope that I am out of the reach of my invisible pursuer.

      The yacht travels to the open ocean and has suddenly entered a different world where we are very small and sailing through a pool in what looks like a giant's shopping mall that has waterways and watersliders rather than floors and elevators.

      There are many giant humans lounging in the water while tiny tour boats like ours sail around them. The tour boat that I am on comes to a pool admist a giant's bar and bumps into a large orangish brown blob floating in a far side of the pool. The blob splits open and begins pouring a greenish black liquid into the water, which make any humans or fish who touch it, tiny or giant alike, very sick.

      The contamination spreads to all of the wate in the giant's mall but I am able to escape it by flying away from the boat and floating near the ceiling. This sudden flying ability seems to come from the black ball of yarn that I am suddenly carrying with me but comes at a price because I am now invisible and no one can see me.

      The dark presence that was pursuing me before suddenly finds me and appears as a giant gravity defying white tiger which can cling to and jump from wall to wall and thus continue chasing me without touching the contaiminated water.

      I am able to outrun the tiger for a while, but sudden find myself cornered in a dead end hallway at the far side of the giant's mall. I panic when the tiger draws near and drop the ball of black yarn that I had been carrying. The tiger lunges and snatches the yarn out of midair and takes off. Apparently it was after the yarn the whole time. After the tiger leaves the water suddenly clears up and is a beautiful fresh blue and everyone who was sick from the contamination suddenly recovers.

      I find myself suddenly back on the tour boat as it reenters the normal world and pulls into the wharf area of the water front resort where the dream began.

      The only thing I liked about this dream was that my favourite animal, the white tiger, appears in it. I have never had a dream with a tiger in it before.

      Updated 12-19-2010 at 10:44 PM by 6048

      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. Slender Man

      by , 12-02-2010 at 12:03 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid-Dream

      This was a lucid nightmare I had last night. I thought It was pretty interesting so I'm going to post it here.

      I was walking around a mall. The mall was HUGE. I suddenly became lucid. I was walking around looking at how real everything was, I walked to the end of one of the aisles and came up to a big window. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of trees. Almost looked like a jungle out there. I saw a black thing in the distance. It started getting closer... oh no, oh god no, It was slender man.

      I freaked out. he was coming at me on all is tentacles. I started backing away, not knowing what to do. He rammed his whole body through the window with a thrust of his tentacles. He was coming at me. I kicked him right in his fa-... Oh wait. He has no face. I kicked him in the front of his head as hard as I could. The dream faded, suddenly I was in a new dream, I was still lucid. I was in the passenger seat of a car and some one else was driving. We were out in the desert. about 50 slender mans were roaming around. I was kind of terrified. The dream faded there.

      Updated 08-11-2011 at 10:39 PM by 36638

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    14. Disneyland again, and my first named DC who wasn't an RL friend (Night of Nov. 18-19)

      by , 12-01-2010 at 06:37 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the night of November 18-19, 2010.]

      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in a theater, watching a film that turns out to be really scary and disturbing. The film begins with one Congressman sitting behind his desk in his office, while another is standing in front of his desk, calling him out on his shenanigans. The one behind the desk dies of a heart attack a few seconds after the one standing up finishes ranting. The ranter then starts an investigation of the one who died.

      At this point, the film's narrator says, "The more he found, the more he refused to see." The Congressman performing the investigation stays in one place
      [I think it may have been the dead one's office, but I'm not positive] for such a long time that he eventually survives by cannibalism. One of the things he finds while investigating is a bag of marijuana, which he goes through, looking for cigarette butts. At the end of the film, there is a message from his family, left in vinyl-cling letters on the window: he got out and is now getting help.

      The film ends, and I exit the theater and walk down the long flight of wide steps leading up to it. The theater is located inside Disneyland.
      [I've been having dreams featuring bizarre versions of Disneyland since I was a child, but this one really takes bizarre to a new level.] It's a beautiful, sunny afternoon. I walk through Fantasyland and into Toontown; the two share a long, open border with each other, with no transition point or hard line of demarcation between them. Riding on a moving walkway, I go past a turnaround mechanism for the Skyway - the big wheel that keeps the cable with all the buckets attached to it moving and allows the buckets to turn around and go back the other way. It is at ground level. The cable is there, has buckets attached to it, and is moving, but there's no loading/unloading station there, just the turnaround mechanism, all by itself.

      I walk past Mickey's house. The path through Toontown dead-ends into a section of the queue for the Roger Rabbit ride. I decide I might as well stay there and get in line, now that I'm there; it was only about 4:00 P.M. the last time I looked at the time, so I have plenty of time to enjoy myself.
      [D'oh! Should have RCed.] I get in line, walking through an opening into the enclosed, indoor space where the queue is. I walk past a group of Cast Members who are singing a barbershop-quartet rendition of "Stray Cat Strut." I wait for them to finish, then tell them that I know where I'm supposed to go to get to the back of the line, and I'm not taking cuts in the line. They understand and let me pass. One of the Cast Members lets me get in line in front of him. This puts me in line directly behind Gary Coleman and some other little people. We introduce ourselves to each other politely; he goes first. I realize that I'm dreaming just as it's ending, when it's too late to do anything; I can already feel my real body.

      I'm at a high school, in a room that has chairs in it, but no desks (possibly the drama classroom). One DC is talking at great length to a group of other DCs on the subject of her facial reconstruction surgery. I pull up a chair, joining the group, and listen. I introduce myself to the DC who has been talking. As we're shaking hands, she introduces herself to me as Anne-Marie. She says that she's ugly, and I automatically answer, "No, you're not." [She reminds me a little bit of real-life friend Dawn B. from college, now that I think of it.] She has dirty-blond hair in a ponytail, pale skin, and sunken, brown eyes. She has a black eye on one of them. I know nothing about her appearance is her fault, though, and I like people to be happy with themselves, so that's why I told her she wasn't ugly. In reply to my denial that she's ugly, she says, "Oh, are you another furry?" I answer, "No, but I am an anime fan." I know that she's an anime fan, too. We chat a bit more, and the conversation ends with our agreeing to eat lunch together.

      At the end of the conversation,
      I have another “Oh, yeah, I'm dreaming” moment. The realization comes easily and naturally, the only specific trigger being that I'm in an unfamiliar place. [I had been MILDing again, so when I found myself lucid dreaming, I accepted and realized it readily because it was what I was expecting.] I take a look around. The classroom is irregularly-shaped, high-ceilinged, and sunlit from skylights. Visual clarity is good. I get down on the floor to feel the carpet, which is short, institutional, and gray. I start crawling on the carpet through the room, remarking to myself aloud: “I don't have any energy today. It's my own fault; I should have gone to bed earlier.” My dream body feels just as tired and sluggish as I know my real one does at this early hour of the morning. I've never experienced this in a lucid dream before, so I find it strange, so I comment on it and come up with a logical explanation for it.

      “Why am I wearing this heavy backpack, anyway?” I say to myself, because, I realize, I am wearing one. It feels just like the ones I carried in junior high and high school, so it must be full of textbooks. I take it off, one strap at a time, and let it roll off my back and onto the floor. “That's better... a little,” I say. I can feel the absence of its weight, and I feel a little less tired, but not totally back to normal.

      There is a full-length mirror on one side of the room. I stand up and go to look at myself in it. My hair is wavy again, and this time, it reaches all the way to my waist. “Oh, cool!” I say. “That's so pretty! I've always wanted it to be like this!”
      [While it certainly was pretty, I know very well that actually having hair that long would be really impractical... but, yeah, there evidently is a part of my mind that misses having long hair.] I'm wearing a bright sky-blue T-shirt with pink hearts and gold and silver swirls and sparkles on it, and a long, blue denim wraparound skirt. While looking at my reflection in the mirror, I reach for the outer flap of my skirt with my hands and try to touch it, but I can't feel anything there. When I look down at the skirt itself and try again, though, I can feel it. [That's a pretty cool and interesting difference between dreams and reality, and more (anecdotal) evidence that whatever you concentrate your direct perception on, your mind works harder to create.] I woke up after that.

      Updated 12-03-2010 at 07:34 AM by 37356

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    15. Dead DC in my half-dream?

      by , 12-01-2010 at 02:25 AM
      November 18, 2010

      It is 11:49 PM

      -Just as a note this is one of those dreams where you kinda fall asleep then snap back awake.

      I'm driving down a local street in my town and I approach an hill going up. It is night time and there are leaves falling from the trees as it is autumn. As I'm passing over it I see a guy in the middle of the road dragging a dead guy across the street. This literally freaks me out so much that I wake up. I just had to write it down it was so unique of an experience.
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