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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Kissing, Scarf & Transformers, Drop the Weapon...NOW

      by , 12-28-2013 at 06:43 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kissing (DILD)


      I was kissing someone that sublimated overwhelming feelings of wanting to be intimate with her. Her existence had a very familiar vibe, but I couldn't really tell who it could be.

      I was more focused on being overly attached to her, as she was with me, and we ended up kissing each other frequently. My memory tells me that she was mixing around with several faces, or it could just be a perception error on my mind.

      But whatever the case, her existence was comforting. She was wearing a long black dress, and had light Caucasian skin.


      Scarf & Transformers (DILD)


      Since I put off recalling this dream to full detail, I'll just give a list of things that occurred:

      • Saw a girl that looked like Sarah B (black haired one)

      • Some Transformers theme were placed somewhere in this dream

      • I believe I actually did see some Transformer robots

      • The same Sarah is wearing a Scarf

      • There was a blue wheeled object that I can only closley associate to a laundry wheeled container that was filled with some items that I believe were clothes

      • Sarah and some girls she was with were scavenging through the assortment of clothes, and Sarah seemed to have given me a long stare with a smile on her face.

      Just Drop the Weapon...NOW (DILD)


      The environment was mostly Fall-related with orange-brown leaves scattered in abundance. There was a fancy shack in the middle, and there seemed to have been no windows, though the outlines have been cut out to imply that there could be ones fitted in.

      There was a man that looked a lot like the waking life counterpart of a dark skinned man that wears glasses that had a thick black trimming. He had a weapon in his hands, and I'm not sure if I had one as well.

      I'm telling him to put the weapon down in an authoritative tone, and I believe my mother was to the left of me trying to help me out. The guy looked like he had a hair trigger if I said anything wrong or out of place.

      After a while, the guy didn't seem like he would be a threat to anyone, and he just seemed to point the gun at me without any intention to actually shoot. It seems my mother got tired of this and left, and as she's in the process of leaving, I was wondering why she's leaving just like that without worrying what this guy may do to the both of us.

      Even though the guy is in an awkward position seeing how he's inside of a shack that's kind of hard to get out of without getting shot by someone else, it felt like this dream just went down the gutter after my mother left.

      It felt like the script in this dream for trying to get the guy to put the gun down as I could euphemistically state was nonexistent, which ended up with me probably getting out of the dream environment as well.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 07:03 PM by 47756

    2. Darts-Theft - Sailing On A Lake - Venedioid City

      by , 12-28-2013 at 12:27 PM
      First Dream:

      Our old house got a huge renovation - with ripping out cables and water-supply and heating installations.
      For some reason, there were many people there for visit - two friends of mine and around five others.
      We wanted to play darts and put up a weird contraption on ropes and chains - dangling it from the ceiling more or less, but fixing to the floor.
      Everybody wanted to try out my darts - and I was trying out other people`s.
      Then mine were gone - big search and turning over everything - it was clear, somebody had taken them - but we couldn't find out who.
      I needed them for an upcoming tourney - and in the dream they had been very expensive - and I had not enough money to get new ones.
      So I tried out others - but couldn't get along with them.

      Second Dream:

      I woke up between dreams - but anyway - part of the solution to the darts-loss came in this one.
      It was clear that they had been stolen, because I found the wallet, they were in originally lying in the sand of a beach at the lake.
      I was there for sun-bathing - when I went into a cafe - I met an old friend of mine - and he invited me to join him and two others on a sailing boat on the lake.
      This was a wonderful dream - looking at the landscape, feeling the wind and spray of the water and the sun.
      Extremely vivid for a non-lucid - well - for a lucid it also would have been - veery vivid.
      Only negative thing, was an argument with a friend of mine already on the boat - why she wouldn't have told me about the sailing and had invited me.
      Turned out, she had a crush on that guy sailing with us and was afraid, I might snap him away from her.

      Third Dream:

      Not sure which - but a German city was laid out like Venedig - with canals for streets.
      I had started a job there - but stayed in a hotel for first - it was a bit problematic for me to see through how transportation worked there - came late - but wasn't a problem - to my big relief.
      I had to go buy new clothes too - having gained so much weight, that nothing fit anymore (inspiration not hard to decipher - this time of the year gives me an extra 2 kg regularly - couldn't close some last buttons yesterday, too..). The only thing I found was a tent-like jeans-dress - like for pregnant women - great..
      What was nice was one snippet from that dream - I saw a dog jump from the balcony of a 4th story flat - into the water - and bouncing back out - up to a balcony on the opposite side of the street on the 2nd floor.
      Then the dog told me, that this bouncing was a speciality of these canals - and that he would always do it like that to visit another dog.

      There was more to the dreams - but - while posting a lot - I always get a bit nerved by writing DJ and rather hold it short and do not give it much effort to make it nicely written - maybe later - not much time, though - and need to do it for the comp..
    3. Horror Day

      by , 12-28-2013 at 09:24 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Well this dream was the last of my sleep but i found it funny and scary.

      I was with some people and we were going to beach .. we went to beach and we saw incoming a plastic boat u know the one u gotta fill with oxygen air but without air and like crashed , i and it was heading back to sand and i took it out ..
      then we were on the sand and u know like celebrating with families , but i saw 1kid opening holes from the sand and little fly's and those small things ocming outside so i try to cover all those covered holes .. in 1 moment we heard that there is a killer or something ...

      everyone left ..
      and there was a building near unfinished one but almost finished like 90% only painting left..
      i went near and i had to climb on the roof from the wooden thing that electricity comes and see from the top whats going on , and i've took something from there i dont remember something importanrt really like a pendant or i dont know i dont remember.
      So then i was kind of scary and i climbed down from the same way from the electricity line cables and the
      building , that was so pro lol.
      so when i reached down and everyone was left ... you know in dreams u dont do sometimes what u want cus its dream and if you dont know that your dreaming then the dream is going it byself ..
      and it guided me to go inside the building and search for him or something ... wow i was scared abit but i was kind of going silently and when i realised that there is a killer that kills people out on that sea or whatever , i just try to run back lol while running to go back something messaged in my mind "the door you entered is locked" but i didnt care and i went and headed over there as fast as possible to leave that killer.

      when i found the door i was like omg i knew he will lock me in and come and kill me ..
      now what to do ? he put on the Door a metal thing that u have to slide at right but u can't touch it cus u will get electro shock .. and what i did was i slide it with my foot lol , i mean with my shoes i pushed it and TICK, door opened .. i wanted to continue dreaming that maybe if i willl sleep again now i might do , and see that nooble killer what he can do , thats how i pwn !

      have fun
      Tags: nightmare
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. So you Think you can Dance and Basketball

      by , 12-28-2013 at 04:29 AM
      I'm back after a nearly 8 month layoff from dreaming, and I should have become lucid but sadly didn't.

      1. Dancing Comp.

      It's week 2 of a school dancing competition, and this week 2 people were going to go home. Sadly me nor my partner actually know how to dance, so it seemed like we were doomed. "Wait a second, why do I even care?" My partner replied "I don't know know, why do you?" I lose motivation and this dream ends.

      2. Basketball (fragment)

      I'm playing basketball with my friends from XC
    5. Anime and Super Dream Control

      by , 12-28-2013 at 03:52 AM
      I was in an Anime travelling via train with my family somewhere and while travelling, trying to get to speak to this girl named Harriet. Coming out of the train, my sister bumped into a young girl. Her dad was also supposedly coming to the same building whire we were going. I called out to Harriet who was talking to another boy. The man beside teased me about losing her to an idiot.
      I then heard my dad's voice. i was close to getting up, I didnt know that. I didnt know I was dreaming. I didnt want Dad to see this dream (he doesnt believe in watching anime), so I zoomed out of my dream, such that I was seeing the anime on the computer, with my dad standing behind me. I then created 2 walls behind me and transported myself into a forest clearing while I caught a tablet which had the second dream going on. Once I figured out what ti htat done, i woke up.

      The whole time i wasnt lucid as I didnt even know it was a dream.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Altering a DC breaks the dream

      by , 12-28-2013 at 12:38 AM
      A note from an earlier wakeup that I no longer remember: "Rescue mission. 2 people ready to bodily drag this guy away from the queen, not realizing he has his own plan."

      I become lucid. (I no longer remember what was happening before this, if anything.) I'm standing at the bottom of a short flight of steps leading up out of a shop, onto a street, and there's two guys I'm with who are heading up the stairs, and if I want to follow the storyline of this dream I should head up those stairs with them. But given that I've just become lucid, I'm not sure the lucidity is stable enough to last through a scene-changing doorway, so I decide to abandon the storyline. I look around the shop instead, looking at the wooden pillars and ceiling, wondering what I'd like to do. There's a guy working the register who's grumbling, in a bad mood, and we start talking. He's attractive.

      The scene changes; we're elsewhere, having sex, and I can feel everything I do to him as if it were being done to me. He's aware of the sudden scene change, and he's confused, but up for it. His appearance gradually changes, and I become aware that without consciously deciding to do so, I'm changing him to better suit my tastes; now that I've noticed I'm doing it, I consciously encourage specific changes. Everything I change alters gradually, but then suddenly his whole appearance changes in an instant, now a goth/punk look, pale and with half his head shaved; I hadn't intended to do that. I'm thinking that all the gradual changes I was making must have pushed him to some tipping point, and I'm a little annoyed with myself. He's now becoming distressed; I don't think he's aware that he used to look very different, but he's aware something's off. The dream disappears, and I'm in darkness, no visuals, no body, thinking over what went wrong.

      I become aware that I'm lying in bed.
      (False awakening.) I open my eyes: I'm in a dorm, I think of this as a place associated with dreaming. The room's filled with many bunk beds, reminds me of hostels, and although I should have this room to myself, there are a bunch of people here now, new students who've arrived in the night. I try to go back to sleep, although they're very noisy, and I overhear something about framing someone for something as a joke, and something about cats and bad luck. Eventually I remember that I don't live in a dorm anymore, therefore none of this is real and I don't have to be here, so I get up to leave. One of the students tries to stop me, referencing cats and bad luck again, and I get really, irrationally, over-the-top irritated by this - by the idea of a DC standing in my way and wasting my time. I put my hand around his throat - my hand has long claws as I do so - move him out of my way, and walk out the door. (And then woke up.)
    7. 2 dreams from last night and nap

      by , 12-27-2013 at 10:28 PM (This is my DJ, feel free to comment whatever you want.)
      Last night I dreamed that I was in some kind of police patrol and we went inside a huge building. I can't remember a big part but I can remember after some time, when I was alone, I went outside this building (looked kinda like a abandoned hospital). I went outside and found a park with some guy smoking pot, I told him that police would arrest him if they found him. So I went for a walk with this guy, really calm. At some point a few pretty girls appear and this guy gives them the joint. Big part I can remember and then I am at home with my brother, he is about to steal my weed but i stop him and wake up... Horrible recall, also im starting to think im reeaaaaally a pothead.

      Nap dream: Again I'm with my brother, he is wearing my shirt and get angry about this, he goes to play some games in his PC and then i start to imagine the game. It was something about a huge disaster created by a huge international corporation and a guy who is going to "fix it". This guy is the protagonist of the game and he starts saying that this corporation is not interested in fixing the problem but instead is interested in killing the witnesses and basically destroying the whole place. It made me remember to half life, but the main character was the bad guy. After this short dream I had sleep paralysis. Or maybe I dreamed that I had it, I couldn't move at all and woke up in the same position I dreamed.
    8. Finally got to Denn, yay!

      by , 12-27-2013 at 09:10 PM
      fragment 1:

      I think that my mother, my sister, and I had just gotten back from some swamp. We were at my parents' house and my sister kept acting very sleepy. She kept passing out. I tried to help her get to the kitchen but she passed out on the way there. She wouldn't wake up so I decided to call 911. Instantly, my mother pulled out a gun and said, "Don't you dare call them, put down that phone!" The way she did it was very much like Frank Reynolds in Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but not quite so funny. I called them anyways, there was no way she would shoot me. But she started firing, so I ran behind a wall and told the dispatcher that my mother was trying to murder me. The dispatcher thought that was hilarious, meanwhile I'm freaking out and crying. The dispatcher kept laughing her head off, she said to me, "A very nice try, but I am a trained actor and I can tell that you're indicating". I threw the phone and my sister got up and pulled out a shotgun. I became lucid and made myself invincible. I walked out and ignored their shooting me then made both of their guns fly out of their hands. They both passed out and I went outside.

      I remembered that I wanted to try some teleportation techniques and so I first tried one that I thought of. I flew really high in the sky so the city below was obscured by clouds. I imagined that the world below was Denn and it was working, I could see the city below morphing into another town. When it was done morphing, I could tell that I was flying above Denn but as I almost got there, I woke up, DEILD.

      dream 1, DEILD:

      I was standing on the clouds above the city, Denn looked like a partially materialized town, kind of like how towns look like as they're loading in assassin's creed. I flew down and started to run across the rooftops of the partially materialized town, but then I woke up fully.

      dream 2, WILD:

      I started out in a fully enclosed, stone room and there were what looked like two police DCs in there. Must have been a continuation of my previous nightmare. I ignored them completely though and remembered the next teleportation technique I wanted to try. I closed my eyes for about 7 seconds and imagined being at Denn. I could both see the town and feel myself being there. When I opened my eyes it actually worked, I was a little bit surprised but happy all the same. Denn looked like an Arabic town from back in the day. There was sand on the ground and all of the buildings were made out of sandstone. Most of them had beautiful cloths draped over the top as a roof and cloths for doors. I was in the free market and the blacksmith was standing in front of me. He had a huge barrel of weapons next to him, so I told him that I needed a weapon and he threw a little baby spiked dagger at me. He asked me, "Does this work for you?" I told him no and tossed it on the ground. He then threw me a double-bladed battleaxe and I thought about it for a second and told him no again. Then he pulled a large-bladed scimitar out of the barrel that could fold in on the handle so that I could store it like a pen. I told him, "Now that's what I'm talking about". I reached into my pocket and pulled out some wooden coins, half of them flew through the air towards the blacksmith. I thanked him and decided to head towards the green fairy. Dream ended, DEILD.

      dream 3, DEILD:

      I was back in the free market, wandering around while looking at all the cool stores. I saw a medicine store and thought about going in there, but then the dream ended again, DEILD again.

      dream 4, DEILD:

      I started out on the rooftops and the town looked like it was only partially materialized again, so I ran across the rooftops for a minute to solidify my place in the dream and then I jumped down. After wandering around for a little bit I found some taverns, I almost went in but when I looked at their signs they didn't say The Green Fairy. There were a lot of taverns too, I figured the people in this town must be a bunch of drunks. I asked a DC where I could find the Green Fairy and he pointed around a corner, I thanked him. Sure enough, the Green Fairy was around the corner. It has old-western style swing doors. As I walked inside, I noticed that this building was very tall but it had a white cloth for a roof above the 2nd floor. I asked if there was a table I could sit down at and the bartender told me to go to hell, dream ended. I DEILD'd again.

      dream 5, DEILD:

      Back in the Green Fairy, but this time I was sitting down at the bar, drinking beer with my dream girlfriend. We talked for awhile and joked around, I started to get a little bit lost in the dream but then it ended again. DEILD, last time.

      dream 6, DEILD:

      We were now sitting at a small table by the bar and our pitcher of beer had almost ran out. Bartender walked by and spilled our beer on the floor, I was pretty upset. I had forgotten that I wanted to start a brawl in there though. I drank the rest of the beer in the pitcher and got over it. He offered to move us to a nicer table, I said okay. As we were walking I remembered what I wanted to do, meet Staysharp and battle him in the bar. Dream got blurry, I tried to stabilize, didn't work and I woke up. Tried to DEILD again, wouldn't work, woke up fully. Tried a WBTB WILD, didn't work. I was too excited that I finally got to Denn.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 02:00 AM by 66732

      Tags: denn, guns, psyblade, rpg
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    9. Six toes (“The Chrysalids” influence?)

      by , 12-27-2013 at 06:27 PM
      Morning of December 27, 2013. Friday.

      This is one of those “body” dreams; that is, the primary focus of my dream being on the condition or state of the body. Such dreams usually have magnification of imagery and “closer than possible” perspectives and are often semi-lucid. In this one, I am mostly focused on my feet.

      My feet have a sort of discomfort on each outer side, sort of like when wearing shoes that are a bit too tight, but I am barefoot in my dream. When I do any type of affirmation pulsing with the word “healing” or “healing powers” (as opposed to “healthy” or “healthy energies”) I have dreams of this nature (every single time thus far). This is likely because “healing” has a completely different association with other areas of the mind and memory than “healthy” (especially as “healing” implies an ongoing event whereas “healthy” implies a state of being). I have honestly recognized this for over twenty years, but I still use the word “healing” to discern variations and am still experimenting with direct to dream pulsing.

      “Healing” seems to send the message that you are in a continuous state of change and always brings about unusual dreams relating to the body and again, usually with both magnification and “closer than possible” perspective of the particular area of the body. Normally, though, it brings about dreams of open sores that often close themselves (thus, always a dream-instigated opportunity to keep healing), hollow areas within the body and extremely detailed imagery of internal anatomy (even microscopic views - such as blood flowing, etc.) I have also noted (and no longer use much) the association with “flowing”. For some reason, the dream self’s mind can only link the word “flowing” with water or liquid (in one dream, it seemed like paint). Thus, when I used phrasing in pulsing sessions such as “healthy energies flowing”, I would always dream of water flooding a room, or similar (usually not in a negative or stressful sense, though, but rather purposeless, perhaps).

      In this dream, I eventually check my feet more closely. I see that a couple layers of skin are peeling off around the outer sides of both feet. Inside each “cocoon” of thin skin is a small toe (at this point, I am still “logically” assuming they are the fifth toe on each foot - yet much closer to the instep middle-point than would be normal), my toenails breaking through first (without any actual pain, though). I am trying to work out the situation. Perhaps my shoes had been too tight for too long and somehow caused skin to grow over each small toe after a time (as well as each small toe being pushed down and against the outer instep over time). As the skin comes off, it feels a bit more comfortable. A little later I flex my feet and toes (the toe-line changing and now being mostly even across, unlike just before) and then notice that I have six toes on each foot (all appearing normal otherwise). It does not concern me all that much. I look at them curiously and a couple relatives look at my feet without comment. I guess growing extra toes like this is not all that unusual, especially in the dream state.

      This was possibly partly influenced by “The Chrysalids” (known as “Re-birth” in the USA), my favorite novel of any genre. In the story, though, it is Sophie that has the six toes, not the main character. I had found the story remarkable in how closely I related to David Strorm, almost as if I was reading about myself and my life (at one level) directly (the only book that I ever perceived this level of such clear and “familiar” associations and “closeness” in identification with a fictional character).

      Updated 12-06-2015 at 11:01 AM by 1390

    10. 00:00 Friday 2013-12-27 comp #16 night #15

      by , 12-27-2013 at 05:24 PM
      00:00 Friday 2013-12-27 comp #16 night #15

      00:15 bedtime two 200mg tabs of Valerian


      F1) skiing, there's not enough snow

      1) arcade game contest, you have to get a huge balloon-like ball through a hoop in the ceiling. The game is arranged with mirrors. It's very hard to see what the goal of this game is exactly, I'm trying to figure it out. Eventually a faint hoop high up in the back comes into view and I know you're supposed to get this huge ball through that hoop. I'm trying different ways, including throwing a deflated balloon, then I get the idea of get the balloon in place to fall through the hoope: I tie a a string to the balloon, throwing the string over the roof of the building beyond the game area, and pulling the string from the other side of the building to get the balloon directly over the target.
      Dream changes to their being an attack from one team on another down a river. One team is waiting for the other team, there's an ambush. The older people are upset they didn't want to participate in an attack, it is a betrayal of trust. Is some places the ground is food, like pizza.

      F2) A guy says "only people who are believers (O) can come inside".

      F3) A guy fails the test of good character, "b" (flat mark) Pyt.T. is grading the test. I see a hand/pencil making a mark on the grading form paper up close.

      F4) a campus police offiicer is standing in full uniform in the distance, I see his badge. They're advertising the job of being a campus policeman. There's a guy sitting at a gate then this policeman comes out.

      2) bowling in the bowline alley throwing the ball, left handed, it crosses over the middle, hits near the 10 pin, but in a very slow chain reaction all the pins fall down for a strike. I said "wow that's one of the (ugliest/slowest) strikes I've every seen!" Some people were watching, they don't react much. I'm happy to get a strike. I bowl another ball, having trouble releasing it on the proper arrow. I try to stand far back, and approach the 2nd arrow from the left. Look at the ball and the finger holes are all wrong and spread out strangely and there are more than 3, I see the ball up close. I'm playing another guy, I bowl the first ball, and he bowls the second shot, I say "hey you're not supposed to do that, that was my shot." He's upset that I chastised him, and he says "that's the reason why I don't like to play this game," which I think is ridiculous. All the time I'm in the left-most lane of the alley up aginst the left edge of the building. I keep missing my arrow, and the ball at one time skips over an entire lane and enters the gutter of the 2nd lane to the right.

      04:40 BTB, doing MILD and SSILD


      F5) watched a woman having a nightmare about being a mermaid. Her legs were short and amputated-looking rather than fishy. Then there's a close up of her bloody decapitated body with the neck stump rubbing up against the bottom part of a couch next to the floor. The view is from overhead.

      3) with children trying to watch a movie, I'm in a rocking chair that won't stop rocking, like it's motorized. It's really bothering me, I'm trying to figure it out, to make adjustmets, I say "it's a bad rocking chair, a RC should only rock when you want it to."

      We're doing a project with these kids, building something, a little toy house is being fixed up.
      Outside with a bunch of kids, they're playing in water.

      The kids are playing in the water, a small shallow creek with short reeeds. "we're being sponges" they say. I move to stand in the water too. The kids are naked, and I get naked too. They're all little boys but one is a girl. She's older and she's not naked but is topless. She is shy and keeps turning away from me, I keep maneuvering for a better view. I'm walking in the mud and feel it on my toes.

      I'm concerned about making progress on all the projects, the kids are not concerned, they say "you could do t his, you could do that," since they're not concerned, I say, "OK, I'll be a sponge, too."

      I see two purple fly-like insects up close with triangular heads covered with insect eyes, their weird mouth appendages are touching each other. I recite the little poem "There were purple bees, kissing in trees." Then I see a very colorful small rainbow minnow flying through the air, it stops in front of me, I see the horizontal stipes of the colors, purple on the top and bottom, and red and yellow in the middle, it's beautiful. I say "hey did you see that?" The guy saw it.

      4) in a room, large, tall ceilinged, rectangular, white paint on the walls. It's like a hotel or a dormitory. Son2 is there and wife. Someone rings the bell. Nobody goes to answer the door, eventually I go open the door, I open it, there's a second door, but on the doorknob inbetween the doors is a piece of paper. I take it back into the room and open it. It is a number of pieces of paper stapled randomly together so it's really hard to open and see anything. I eventually see some number, it's a bill for the stay, 1000, or 1900, or 19000.

      There's a large toy/model house, one floor is a drawer with a lot of garbage in it, food garbage, and it's wet. Food and dirty. There are strange coins, I try to flip one of these coins but I can't because the coin is too large. I try to do this repeatedly but can't. The coins are rolling around on the ground. I try to find a smaller coin to flip it. I find some "19 r" coins, they're not normal coins, they're only for buying a weird thing. A giant vacuum cleaner starts spewing out sewage into our room. I put it out into the corridor so it's a shared problem, not just our problem.


      F6) a doctor is searching a man for lesions inside and older man's head. I see the top of the man's bald head, his head is bumpy like an egg carton (or snow moguls) all over the top of his head, the doctor is pressing in the valleys of the head poking around trying to find something. I see the front of the face of the patient briefly.

      5) in childhood home (DS!!!), I hang up a coat in the hallway closet. We're rushing somewhere. There's a sweater that wouldn't go properly into a drawer. My wife asks me to push it in, I look down and see it protruding from the bottom drawer of a dresser. My wife has a business with Yo Yo Ma, but he hasn't been working recently, but we were still paying him. "If he's not working why in the heck are we paying him for?" Wife answers "he still works occationally, he taught just a few days ago." I say "it's amazing you have so many contacts with famous people." My wife was talking about paying the insurance so we could take care of a pink spot under my arm.
      non-lucid , side notes
    11. Pogo Dancing - Lego And Rodents - FDJ Kids And Stinking Lake Of Urine - Poison Dart Frogs

      by , 12-27-2013 at 01:42 PM
      I have markedly more recall then usual - and - I am probably too lazy to explain, where all the stuff is connected to inputs/outputs/experiences from yesterday - but loads.
      Maybe I make this: * whereever I see connections.

      First Dream:

      I was in a club with my husband - a punk band was playing and people jumping about doing pogo.
      When I wanted to the bar - I threw myself into that and got pogo-danced to my destination - was the only way to get somewhere.
      We met a girl later, who told us, she got thrown out of a squat by the police - but dream-logically - went with us to show us the place. Somehow she had gotten it back, because it was so loud there, nobody wanted to rent it.
      It was a really nice little one-room affair and she had a high-bed* platform installed almost over the whole room.
      I was also looking for a flat in that expensive city - and thought - why not such a thing, not directly at a big street - but the size would be okay.

      On the way to our small hotel - I lost sight of my husband and searched the streets - but I found him back.

      Second Dream*:

      I was visiting a friend and her family - rather her and her children.
      And I had given as a present to one very young girl a box with something like Lego.
      She had been somewhere to play with it with others and their sets - but being so young - the mother had gotten her home earlier than the whole children-play-meeting ended.
      I convinced her, that in actuality - there had been no reason to take her home so early - she was a bit unhappy.
      But she also had gotten a pair of some sort of rodents - they also looked a bit like finches - and we played with them - the mother had a book about what to do with them/how to care for them.
      This whole dream got to do with Alricīs Santa thread..

      Third Dream:

      I was on my way home - and saw about 30 children in FDJ-uniforms (former DDR/east Germany youth organisation - I am from the west, though) being marched by a militarily dressed and behaving woman from a house on a hill into the streets.
      They all had small posters, on which there was advertisement to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol.
      Didn't even make sense to me in my dream..
      Maybe a missed opportunity for RCing.
      Then my bike broke down - I tried to repair it - and hurt myself and was dirty from that already - when I decided to take the subway.
      Now it got really nasty - once I went down the stairs - it was a horizontal shaft, where I only could rob on my stomach.
      And worse yet - there was about 10 cm of really horribly stinking old urine* standing in that tunnel.
      The rationalisation then was, that it was not the subway, but some sort of public toilet.
      I didn't have any strength left to rob towards the light.
      Luckily I woke up.
      Just as one aside here - reading The Lies Of Locke Lamorra at the moment - where somebody gets put in a barrel with horse-urine to drown in - which he doesn't - but anyway.

      Fourth Dream:

      Once more at the house of the parents of my first boyfriend.
      This time - another guy was the one, on whom the constant blame was cast - and rightly so - he just lived there uninvited and constantly nagged for money and help, because he was supposedly orphaned - but he was in his 20s - and from Poland, and couldnīt go back and lalala.
      There were several episodes - one was the family and me playing solving optical puzzles - there were cards, which supposedly belonged in a certain order - and one should stick them together as they fit.
      This was very difficult - always, when we thought, we got something - there was a little mismatch somewhere.
      The geometry of this is hard to explain - like a card-house a bit - but with slots..
      And the prize for just putting together something was getting a good coffee from the new maschine.
      Mistake - and you got only sugared milk* instead .. (*got that yesterday - hubby not getting along with the new espresso-machine of his parents..).
      There was an episode, where I found out, my ex would love freckles in girls - and I have 3 and a half myself in summer - but I found a lotion, which promised to produce more of them.
      I didnīt use it though - afraid to look like an idiot.
      When the mom said at another point - this Polish guy would be a pest - but having me around would be neutral - but nothing nice either - I went out to pick her some flowers.
      Suddenly my ex was also there - and he showed me a hedge where hundreds if not thousands of poison dart frogs were meeting to find a partner - in all colours - it was beautiful!!
      Later we also met a friendly dog the size of an elephant being walked on the sidewalk.

      There is actually much more - Iīm lazy writing.
      I will add two fragments later on.

      Somehow, I didn't care much about recall lately - meaning I didn't mantra on it or anything.
      But yesterday I thought - come on - you can do better than that - and just told myself so before sleep.
      It might sound as if I wanted to brag - but honestly - I do next to nothing in the moment - maybe one RC a day and some affirmations when lying in bed before sleeping..

      Memorable was the sight of these frogs:

      Updated 01-27-2014 at 06:55 PM by 66050

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    12. 39 Clues and False Awakening

      by , 12-27-2013 at 03:23 AM
      Escaping from some guys trying to catch me and my friends.

      False awakening angry that the deild alarm didnt work. Read the time and found that AM and PM were interchanged.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    13. King Rufus [Violent and annoying dream]

      by , 12-26-2013 at 11:44 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      So this dream was somewhat unusual and did tick me off somewhat.

      During the whole dream I wasn't lucid, and I also wasn't physically present, I only saw things from 3rd person perspective. The dream basically consisted of me seeing various kinds of monster girls (hence girls with animal traits like tales or wings) in different situations, all of which ended with an more or less violent death of said girl. There were some explanations about some of them, most notably one nicknamed 'Scales' because of the fact she had dragon feet, hands, wings and a tail, which where covered with yellow scales. Her scales could prevent any damage or piercing but the pain from impacts (like arrows) was still the same, just as if the arrow would dig into the flesh. She was hunted and in the end pain paralyzed by a storm of arrows, then carried to some village where the population mob most violently and brutally killed her by ripping her into 2 parts, the dream showing how how her legs and hip separated from her upper torso. All of these incidents where caused by a king called Rufus who spread hate and racism.

      I suppose I might make him a target in one of my future dreams since blowing him up for messing with my dreams would certainly be appropriate.

      Updated 06-10-2017 at 11:00 PM by 48127

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Swimming and Flying.. And throwing babies

      by , 12-26-2013 at 07:39 PM
      ~My house was completely underwater. I still lived in it. One day, me and my sister swam for what seemed like hours, and everything was colorful and beautiful. There were big tubes of all different colors in certain locations that you could swim through to get to another room, or outside. Our entire property was underwater: about seven acres. I remember becoming a little nervous, because I had the feeling we were both going to be late for school, and I was afraid we were going to forget to come up for air every once and a while. I went off on my own for a while, and when I swam back into my living room, I find my sister sleeping on the couch. I woke her up so she could go outside and get some air at the surface. The entire dream was very realistic and beautiful.

      ~It started off as a nightmare, where I was a baby and my mom was playing these 'games' with me and the guests in our house. The games mostly consisted of me being thrown from one end of the room to the other. I was completely helpless, so it was actually pretty scary. After a while of this, I decided just to stand up. When I did, I was back in my 17 year old body. I walked up to my mother and told her "You can't do this to me anymore, I am 17." She stared at me for a moment, then she went and got a little machine that looked like a mini guitar amp and pressed it against my chest. It beeped and showed a number, i think it was 42. THis apparently was some sort of baby detector, because she said plainly, "You're a baby." Horribly enough, I suggested she would just play these games with my little brother or sister to take the pressure off of myself. We were walking upstairs, i think for her to decide who she wants to choose, and I was wishing i could just escape. Then, without a reality check, I simply just remembered I was dreaming and ran upstairs for a window. Mom opens the window for me, not sure why, and i try to climb out. I got a little stuck, and got a terrible feeling that my mom was holding me back. Then, I remembered this feeling is just my own subconscious, and pushed through. I soared through the clear sky for a while, It was exhilarating and wonderful, as flying would be. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, and decided when I woke up, I would be someplace else. When I opened, I was in the dark bedroom of a guy I used to be in love with (i dont use that term lightly) . He was sleeping. I crawled on the floor and into his bed... which is when I experienced a false awakening :/ I woke up in my own bed, sitting up straight. I layed back down and closed my eyes, which is where I actually woke up.
    15. President at School

      by , 12-26-2013 at 06:53 PM
      I was at this one airplane school and then I heard something about a president in high school somewhere.
      I decided to sneak out of it and go to the school. I entered the school. climbed a whole bunch of stairs for some reason and then finally got to meet this president. It was My Ceramics teacher from highschool.
      After it was al over, met a couple of friends on the way back.
      They were all saying things like "Hey man, what happened to you at Junior year?"
      What do they mean what happened? "What do you mean?"
      they said something and then I told them all lies about me just to get them of my back because I really didn't know what happened.
      I went down stairs then I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment