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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Night of 8/19-8/20

      by , 08-20-2010 at 01:43 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      At first when I woke this morning I thought I only had one fragment that I'd managed to maintain, but when I was in the shower I had a bit of a revelation. Since I'd awoken this morning I'd been thinking in the back of my mind, "Crap, I cheated on my wife!" But when I was in the shower and the thought crept up I immediately realized, wait a minute, no I didn't, that was a dream! And then like floodgates a lot of missing detail from that dream came back into memory.

      The fragment, which I seem to recall being first, involved having a nosebleed. Oddly, it was coming out of both nostrils. I remember looking down at my chest and the blood was flowing down in two nice neat streams that curved symmetrically sideways and then back down in sort of a Y pattern.

      The earliest point I can recall of the larger sequence was parking in a parking lot on the south side of a block that would be across from my old middle school, Ben Franklin. It was night. I entered the school; inside it was dark. I went into a poorly lit room where 3 people were waiting: a female teacher of whom my memory is quite blurry, Dr. Biberdorf, and another girl whom I identified Bethany P. (though she looked more like Emily G.) and seemed to think was either a friend or colleague. We were there for some sort of awarding ceremony. At some point, a fire broke out in the building and my viewpoint switched to a sort of retro-video game 3/4 view floorplan of the building and I watched little flame icons appear where the fire was and spread. As it reached my location it went back to first person and Biberdorf yelled at us to escape. I led Bethany outside and back to the parking lot, where we paused to recover. In a bit of only-makes-sense-in-Hollywood, Bethany and I proceeded to have exasperated survivor sex, complete with Hollywood fade-out and fade-in without being able to see any of the juicy details. Afterwards I offered to drive her home. I remember driving, seeing a few intersections. She lived at a building that looked like a college building, but inside was kind of a wierd mall-with-no-shops/college dorm hybrid. We stopped at some office where she had to grab some papers and some other guys came up to me and asked me if I had sex with her. I confirmed it, smug and apparently proud, and they congratulated me. A few other students (all of them in green shirts with some small, unidentified white words on them) continued to gather and congratulate me. When she came out of the office I waved goodbye and then left. I went back to the middle school, which was again somehow intact, back to the poorly lit room. Biberdorf was still there. I started telling him everything I remembered from the dream, leaving out the sex part (for some reason even now I couldn't remember who the female teacher was), when some random black kid came in. They began discussing something quietly, when I suddenly panicked as I was thinking to myself, "Crap, I cheated on my wife!" Apparently I had thought this out loud, because Biberdorf and the black kid stopped talking and looked at me. After a short pause Biberdorf briefed me on the importance of keeping this secret. He turned to the black kid and told him that if there was ever any rumor that I had cheated on my wife that he would personally kill the kid (I realize now after the fact that this is a little silly, being as there was already a mall-with-no-shops/college dorm hybrid full of people who already knew). I think the dream ends there.
    2. Non-Lucid Powers - HEROES Style!

      by , 08-20-2010 at 12:35 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I broke my right wrist two weeks ago, so I can't write my dreams down, and I had just started to.
      It's also annoying to type, thus no DJs
      To fill in the time, I've been watching HEROES online!!
      I first remember being inside the toilet block at my school, but it was more of a living room inside. I remember teleporting Hiro Nakamura style to the next room, and seeing Matt Parkman and Kaito Nakamura there.

      Next thing I remember I'm out the front of my school library where there are tables to sit at. Mine had a tablecloth over it :S
      My dad was sitting with me, as well as someone else, probably a friend. I started pouring my dad some sparkling grape juice, and was purposely getting it on the tablecloth, which was starting to turn purple all over.

      My dad said "Quick, go under the table and pause for 5 seconds." I did this, hoping the other people there wouldn't see (I can't let them find out about my ability) and I saw the grapejuice frozen in mid air, like globules, IT WAS SO COOL!
      I could hear my dad counting to 5, even though time was paused, and then the globules splashed onto the ground.

      Next thing I remember, I'm in a bus/coach with Nathan Petrelli, and it was raining.
      Suddenly, an evil person somewhere outside the coach paused time, but I was aware it was happening, so Nathan told me to pause against it. When I did, I could move, but time was going really slow, instead of being still.

      I looked out and observed the raindrops falling and splashing onto the puddles, every single raindrop make a tiny slow-motion splash, it was beautiful.

      Then we were at this house, Nathan and I, and the people wouldn't let me in unless I showed them my power. I paused time and walked behind them, they let me in

      I came to this machine which could let me swap my power for another character's power. I vaguely remember choosing "Elle" who can shoot lightning, but I don't remember what I did with it.

      Then I chose "Claire" who can heal herself. I felt like I was getting more energy from being healed. Nathan, meanwhile, flew off somewhere.

      I think I followed him to somewhere, but I can't remember anything from healing myself to waking up.

      I have discovered my new goal!
    3. 20 August - around 10 dreams (7 recalled)

      by , 08-20-2010 at 12:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Yesterday was exhausting, so I had difficulties in recalling last night's dreams. On the first dream-phase I know I had 3 or 4 dreams, but no matter how much I try to recall, I just have vague feelings. In the morning all I could remember from these first dreams was one bit that was lucid.

      Lucid mirror manipulation
      Not a big deal as I have had many lucid dreams a lot more interesting, but hey, it's was lucid so it's important to mention. I got lucid when looking in a mirror. It happens a lot, even if the image is just perfect. There was somebody else with me and I wanted to show this person we were dreaming so I put my hand on the mirror until it became soft and I could put my fingers and hand through it. Then for some stupid reason, I decided I wanted to try its taste! SO I grabbed a little bit of liquified glass in my hand and touched it with my mouth. It got stuck in my teeth, as caramelized sugar and solidified around it. Imagine, glass teeth! I'm sure it would look cool, but the sensation was not so comfortable, so then I lost lucidity trying to get it off my teeth. How stupid.

      Guesthouse with lots of guests I know
      On my second dream-phase I also don't recall the beggining. But I was visiting some city (recurrent dream I have, always travelling somewhere). I can only remember well from the moment I entered the place where I was lodged. I had to insert a code on the door to be able to enter and I was afraid I didn't know what it was and would have to sleep outside. [semi-lucid] I kinda knew I was in a dream and that is why I had no idea of the code. But I tried the one from a place in Germany where I was staying a few months ago and it worked. Nice. So I entered this place, it was very late in the night and there was no soul around. I went to a room that was available - no idea if it was mine or not, but I had to rest. I thought it was extremely nice place and apparently costed 50 EUR per night, which I thought was not that cheap but also not so expensive for the conditions it had.
      I hear some voices in the corridor so I open the bedroom door and I saw a bunch of my old colleagues from the university. Somehow they were now like some characters from Grey's Anatomy. They were interns in med-school (althoug we are actually biologists) and were all leaving in the middle of the night to go watch and learn some important surgery.
      I go back to my room and there is this strange vintage curtain over the bed. I pick it up and realise it would make a lovely dress (dresses seem to also be a recurrent theme), so I try to transform it and try it out, when two girls start entering my room. Apparently it was theirs or they are also trying to find one that is empty. But one of them is a girl I know for many years called Diana. We talk a little bit but the conversation ends around the dress I was trying to make. I look in the mirror and I look incredibly fat on it - usually in my dreams I'm incredibly hot - and they seem disgusted, and comment that such nice dress on a fat lady is just wrong. I think that I'm not that fat but didn't realise it was a dream-effect.

      The Pope and buddhist monks
      Later on I am wandering on this guesthouse which is now huge like a city in itself. I found myself in a part of it that is castle like. I don't remember the details but I am now with my buddhist teacher and some buddhist monks. I am wearing robes like the ones of the monks but actually they have 3 colours: red, yellow and aqua-blue. When I am still starting to figure out how I and them got there, passes by us on a corridor a bunch of catholic priests and monks and then the Pope. Lots of people with candles follow them and we do that to. We all end up on a room. [This was clearly resulting from a conversation I had with my dad during the day. He doesn't accept very well that I'm buddhist so I asked him if he'd feel more happy that I was catholic. He is an atheist so that would be even more hideous to him]. The Pope is conducting a mass and even the buddhist monks are paying attention and respects and I think, maybe I should do the same, but for some reason I don't feel any devotion towards this guy as I do feel for my teacher. Then I hug my teacher wholeheartedly. Of course he is only my projection and that is why he doesn't react. I notice that his robes are the exact opposite of mine (in terms of colour disposition) and I can't help to realise the parallel with the Da Vinci code theory about the clothes of JC and Magdalene on the Last Supper. I hear all of the mass and then the Pope and everybody else leaves. When I pass in front of a giant mirror in a hallway, the way that my half-buddhist robes are now falling, instead of folded, I realise that I look so much like Virgin Mary. And I look beauuutiful.

      [ Prince of Persia
      I'm now on top of what looks like a curtain wall of the guesthouse turned into castle. There's a lot of commotion on the street down there. The earth is shaking a bit and a huge scar appears on the ground. On the other side of the street there's more of this castle like construction and a gate leading to its inside. There's a big banner announcing Prince of Persia (I guess the movie). A guy appears behind me and invites me to go cross the other castle. Apparently it is already closed as it is night but he knows some way to get inside. I go think about it but first I go back to the guesthouse inside to rest or change clothes or whatever.

      Peeing and the black hair girl again
      Again in the guesthouse, which is becoming more palace like each minute, I try to find a toilet. I finally get to one but when I'm already going to seat on the toilet I realise there's a girl in the shower. But she is just sitting there, with clothes on and I'm not sure what she's doing there. I look at her and recognise the girl with the long straight balck hair from yesterday's dream on a cave. She just tells me to go ahead and pee. I do it and it actually relieved me a lot. But here I got semi-lucid and realise that I could be peeing myself in bed! I think "I hope not". but continue living the dream.

      After the toilet scene I was again going up and down exploring the guesthouse and found myself in a huge ballroom where a marrige was being celebrated. Mostly old people were there but also a few youngsters. I realise everybody is looking fancy and I'm on sabrinas with socks and decide at least to take the socks out. Some young girl laughs at me because I took at least 5 socks from one foot. Then I sit on a table with the young people and one the boys invites me for something. Actually I think it's the one that wanted to visit the castle in front. Apparently he is quite a playboy and only the hot girls get his attention so everybody is either surprised or envious that he is flirting me. I mean, not that I'm ugly, but I'm in a palace, on a marriage, with 5 pairs of socks...

      Kill Bill
      In the last dream-phase of the night I was inside the Kill Bill movie. I don't know if it started before, but remember only being under the ground with Uma Thurman. I felt like I was her but watching her from the outside at the same time. She was pissed and trying to get to the surface. Unlike the movie, in this dream there was a guy by her grave just ensuring she was really dead and buried. Then, like in a zombie movie, she put her hand outside, the guy freaked out but had no time to run, she grabbed him by the neck, beat him up and threw him on the grave hole left by her. He was K.O. for some time but when he was waking up, she threw on him an explosive. His eyes popped out with despair when he saw death coming and she pressed a button and kabum! Then I though - wow, that was mean and I would definetly not do it. I'm just watching, I'm not really her. Then I was not having fun anymore and woke up.

      When I woke up and was trying to remember all the details of the dreams to write it down, I then opened my eyes and the face of this girl in black hair was still hovering in front of me on the ceiling. Who is she? Maybe she's been on my dreams for a longer time but only know that I'm recalling many more of them I noticed her presence. Or maybe she is just a dreamer that started now sharing dreams with me. If you're out there, I hope to find you
    4. Dream fragment from mid August 2010

      by , 08-20-2010 at 10:14 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in my parent's basement and there are hundreds of people there, all holding hands and spiralling around me. It is a physical and visual representation of a new internet fad that is like twitter but consists of short video clips. Someone starts a post on a certain topic and anyone can respond with thier own video clip or something like that.

      The scene changes and I am outside in a park somewhere but the same thing is going on. I am viewing the video twitter clips on a laptop but there are still people holding hands and spinning around me.

      There is a part about someone not being able to post because they are South American and I protest and start a new video twitter about it. Many people get in line behind me to use my computer so they can also post their protests.

      Near the end of the dream some celebrities show up to join in but the only one I can remember is Michael Bolton.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:07 PM by 6048

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Professional sport and an extra son

      by , 08-20-2010 at 08:34 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      20 Aug

      Recall was good last night, 4 or 5 ? dreams fairly good length and vivid

      1)I was playing inside centre for the springboks, I was really amped and planned to really hurt the other team. I wasn't scared at all which is weird since they would all easily crush me. One of the players from NZ got up and gave a message before the game, I think I did too...

      2)I stooped outside M's house and talked with hid brother T, He asked me if the bug zapper belonged to me (it was quite emotional - M is a friend of mine that died 2 months ago). C and my self were on the way home but we were walking and we were indoors, in a school or hospital with lots of corridors. I kept on turning on lights as we walked (they took time to switch on but I thought it was because they were old) We arrived at our place which was a room in a corridor, just before it was a kitchen area with plastic cups from C's holiday club and hundreds of empty green T-bags, C said it was from her doing fear factor with the kids???

      3)We had another son L's age but I had memory of having neglected him because he was funny looking (he really was) He had orange hair and a really funny chin. I felt bad and was trying to make him feel loved and accepted by giving him lots of attention. He was complaining about having a sore bum and was wearing diapers???? I got some bum cream from C's bag and took him to a bathroom in a kitchen and put the bum cream on his bum (this is only funny if you're not a parent) It didn't seem to be the right stuff but he said he felt better. Then we travelled to my childhood home in Kimberley. C had forgot the house keys in the office but when we got there the lock had been forced by a wrong key that was stuck in the lock. We say that someone else's stuff was in the house like ornaments and stuff and found like a drunk homeless lady in W old room. I got the rage thing again and then we found the daughter and her boy friend in A's old room. In the dining room there were like 20 of them, I was so angry and threaten to hurt them and told them to go, I threatened to have E beat them up and he came out of the lounge to back me up....

      4)I was lying on a sleeper couch watching cricket on tv, suddenly I'm in the game and I'm playing for South Africa. At some point I'm on the couch again and my game has been ruined by my parents messing with the channels

      5)On top of signal hill in Bloemfontein riding a bike, following a really hot lady in a silver sports car, we're together. I get stopped by guards outside the observatory. One take my license and won't give it back as a joke, I get irritated and explain to the other guard that I need to go meet this lady. He gets the license back for me. I drive around Bloem looking for this lady. At some point I drive past a apartment block with people naked and possibly having sex on some of the balconies. I seriously consider going back to go watch them but decide against it. I pop some wheelies to show off and kind of fall. I stop on the curb and CA and her mom come out of their house and so good bye to guests, CH comes up to me and asks if she can ask me a question she asks a really important question but I can't remember the answer...
    6. Invisible assassin and police/EMT's

      by , 08-20-2010 at 08:07 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      19 Aug

      2 dreams recalled

      1) I was some sort of protector in ancient times (assassins creed universe, schemas FTW). Someone was coming to assassinate an important person P but she wasn't my daughter in the dream. We were feeling pretty smug because we were well fortified. When the assassin came he was invisible but also not solid like a wind. I knew that he was there but the DC that was me didn't (weird, not sure if this was 3rd person). I eventually caught on but pretended not to know when the assassin was close to me I pushed the wind into the wall and it materialized into red marbles that fell to the floor, they quickly started coming together and returning ti their "ethereal" form but we collected them and I put them in a jar that P was holding. Se was a bit careless and almost let the marbles fal to the ground and I had to tell her to be careful.

      2) I'm a police/EMT in hilbrow (most dangerous neighborhood in South Africa which is saying a lot) I'm knew on my job and my partner is a lady, we drive out on a call and I ask her how many call outs we get in a 8 hour shift, she say 6. We travel to the scene but on the way there is a beach and ocean next to us (false logic) I question her about Johannesburg having an ocean and we decide that we are in a tunnel with a projected ocean put there secretly by the government to keep people happy We arrive at our destination and M is bleeding from a stab wound to the shoulder 2 EMT's are already working on him we go and assist. I put my knife on his lap? and use my shirt to help stop the bleeding. We go into his garden to get water and the dream plot changes. I recognize this house because it is in a neighborhood where all the houses are the same. I have false memories of all the people that live in the neighborhood that I know. We go to another house and I have memories or did dream at some point that I was doing webcam chats with the people who lived here, 1 of them was Cacophony? from DV. The chats were sort of voyeuristic in nature they had set up cameras for other people to watch them live there (I had been watching the DV dream tube videos earlier in the day and there's one there by Cacophony). At the house one of us went into a basement thing that had a large machine and tried to operate it but got like sucked in in a conveyer belt or something. We then contacted the owners of the house (Cacophony) who then looked at heir own webcams to tell us how to get the guy out of the machinery, the guy happened to be Walter from Fringe...

      Updated 08-20-2010 at 08:47 AM by 34248

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. Mountain Dew Dedication

      by , 08-20-2010 at 06:20 AM (Twilight Tales)
      I was shopping at the mall with my cousin then went to the train station to go home. We discovered there were no trains going to our town soon so we turned around, then we were on top of the Empire State building. I asked my cousin what to do and she said "jump". So we did! We landed in the ocean and sank all the way to the bottom. Then we kicked off the sea floor and swam to the surface, it was a long swim to the top! Once we were swimming above water, I realized I dropped my Mountain Dew that I had bought during our shopping trip on the ocean floor. I told my cousin to hang on, I had to get the Dew! Then I swam all the way back down to the sea floor to grab this 24 case of Mt. Dew cans. I got back to the surface and told her it was okay to swim home now.

      Notes: This was just so amusing. I risked running out of oxygen for soda? LOL
    8. August 19th, 2010

      by , 08-20-2010 at 05:27 AM
      I had a dream I met up with someone who I once worked with. We met up at 4AM to smoke a joint (( This seems to be recurring theme lately )). It was winter. She went to go shovel snow and while she was doing this, wanted me to sneak into her house and grab the ganja and papers from her parents office. While I was inside, I decided to shower first. After showering and changing, her mom barged into the bathroom I was in, but upon seeing it was me, she was relieved, somehow already knowing me. I remember sitting out on a couch in her living area and playing with her two dogs.

      I awoke. Did a reality check. I'm awake. it's 6:12, I decided to try and WILD. I laid extremely still; trying to incubate the idea of the forest as to complete percy's task. I kept my body still and eyes closed for an eternity, but I didn't even get to my usual point of fast heartbeat and rapid eye movement..when I decided to give up, it was almost 8.. sleep cycles are about 90 minutes, I think I might have dozed off and not even noticed? I wish I were better at WILDing.

      I woke up once again at 10:19 because I forgot I set an alarm. I quickly fell back asleep-- I should have attempted to wild here, because I had a long intricate vivid dream..and when it was over, it was only 10:30. The dream:

      I was at a mall with my parents and Alyssa. There were several girls and one guy who were being loud and obnoxious the whole time throughout the mall. On our way out, they were spraying aerosol deodorant around, and I ended up spraying some on one of the girls in gest. She ended up chasing me outside with a huge ass knife, took one stab at me and missed, and turned around. It was then I struck her with my lanyard--but at the time it felt like a ninetails whip. She fell to the ground, screaming in pain. She yelled that it felt like hot white lightning had hit her--she seemed almost paralyzed. My parents and Alyssa left without me, I was stuck having my statement taken by several police officers, when I woke up.

      Updated 10-14-2010 at 05:36 AM by 34689

    9. August 18th, 2010

      by , 08-20-2010 at 05:14 AM
      I don't recall much of these dreams, so they'll just be posted directly from whats in my physical dream journal.

      Alyssa moved into a big apartment on York campus, it had several closed circuit cameras installed. Derp (her cat) was classified as a "class 2 cat", so she didn't have to get rid of him. She had a camera mounted outside her front door that had an 'anti-rape alarm'

      My next dream I can barely make out what I scribbled. I'll interpret it to the best of my ability.

      "Strange dream, living with parents, they hated me smoking weed. I decided to use a clean bong as a waterbottle, and then received a big talk from both my parents. Me and my mom drove around until Alyssa arrived in a taxi. Neighbors were complaining about the parking situation. Some more neighbors came and asked me if I did art. I told them not metalworking or floral art. They kept referring to my parents as snitches."

      after re-reading the dream, I recall it being incredibly vivid at the time, however reading it now it seems more foggy.

      Updated 10-14-2010 at 05:37 AM by 34689

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Dream Recall picking back up.

      by , 08-20-2010 at 05:02 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      So I've had 11 dreams recalled in the last 3 or 4 days. Definitely not bad and muuuch better than I had been doing. I guess it was just my hectic schedule/lack of proper sleep. Anyways I have three more to report for you guys. I could have had a 4th, I'm pretty sure, but it faded before I could get a good grip on it. Sometime they come back over the course of the day but this one didn't.

      Dream One: Playing music with a buddy. This was a cool dream because when I was walking around, in the dream, with the guitar and strumming it felt really cool to actually be able to play something. I can barely play in real life.
      Austin a friend and I are behind some sort of eat out spot on like a back patio where there are more tables and such. I'm convincing Austin to stay and play the show with me and to move in with me. He's reluctant to but finally agrees to as long as he can leave every night by midnight to go home to his parents. At the time I think it's odd that he's willing to do that.

      So i star jamming some finch song on guitar while waiting out back for people to come and a few kids pass by on their way inside. They are super impressed by what I'm playing. Finally it's time for the people eating to come out and watch the show. They start filing out to the various tables and I take the stage. Suddenly I'm really nervous and I realize I don't know any songs. My wives parents are there and I'm scared i disappointed them.
      This was the tiniest sliver of a fragment.
      I also remember some odd fragment as well. I can't remember if what position it is for but my buddy Justin recruits me for his band. And then I'm hanging out with my buddy Josh. And then the dude from hello goodbye is walking down the stairs while playing a ukulele and singing.

      Another basketball related dream. Fffuuu. Why don't I RC? I know my dream signs..
      I'm playing full court basketball with the Chicago bulls against some random other guys. I get to one end of the floor and go up for a huge dunk but some defender pulls me down. As I land I go right back up from the other side to try and put it back. I go onto a message board and see a thread about best dunks you've ever missed.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Old haunted Saloon and battling evil creatures.

      by , 08-20-2010 at 04:52 AM (Visions of the night)

      Last night I had this dream and wish that I had at least written it down before taking so long to post it.

      I found myself in this old time Saloon not a one story either. It was very old fashion and I was wandering around in it.. I kept hearing noises ahead and behind me but nothing was there. I was pretty scared because the doors ahead of me would open but no one would be around. Things were falling on the floor hard so I knew immediately the place was haunted.
      What stood out the most was this tall man in a suit and top hat.. I couldn't make out his face but he did have a beard he held his head a bit down to not show off his face but I was able to see his beard.. reminded me of Abe Lincoln in a way. This guy had some sort of powers because he would curl his fingers in a weird manner in mid air and things would start banging around inside of the saloon.
      I no longer wanted to be in there and tried finding my way out and this guy was right there behind me just standing and smirking underneath his top hat..
      I didn't want to see his eyes for some reason.. I was already scared of the activity going on in the saloon..
      I went up some stairs and saw what I thought was an elevator but I guess it was some sort of thing that allowed slaves to move around the saloon without being noticed by using this special carriers that were embedded in the walls..
      The floor to this so called elevator was marble off white and the walls were made of dark oak. I wasn't sure if I should get it in or not but I heard this noise behind me and when I turned that jerk of a top hat man yelled loud in my face with his hat off.. all I noticed was a very pale ghostly face and no eyes in his eye socket..
      I found myself moving over a cliff and immediately the scene changed..
      I was with a group of people and we all had this heavy iron swords.. I felt like a warrior and felt strength standing amongst this crowd. We all had on the same garments and of us were protective of one another watching our backs..
      So we enter this huge dark room.. looked like a gymnasium and there was no light on but in the dark I was able to see multiple eyes in different areas peering at us.. I clutch my sword tightly feeling anger grow in me.
      These eyes are just peering.. the way a cat's eye reflects in the darkness but there were different shapes and sizes..
      All of a sudden we are sitting in the middle of this gymnasium.. females on one side facing males like some sort of gathering.. immediately us women stand up and being to sing in unison but no words.. just making these wonderful sounds with out voices..
      The men looked at us with such amazement.. and we sat down smiling. A woman with no leg who was sitting next to me told me that we were more dominant over the males and were very powerful hunters..

      That was all I could recall..
    12. Dreams and Fragments from August 18 2010

      by , 08-20-2010 at 04:50 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I arrive at my college for a new year, but as I'm unsure where to go I end up meandering through random hallways. In one of them I find my friend Mary T, who directs me up to her room. She's very happy to see me, and we hang out by playing a music theory game using a piano controller against another friend via Skype. Soon we start to cuddle, but as we do we're rudely intruded by an orientation activity. The RAs are leading a "Parade of Geeks," dressed in suspenders and huge glasses. They take my friend CW from the room after asking "Is anyone weird?" and Mary and I join him in support. I get lost on the way and stumble into a succession of other rooms on the floor. One contains freshmen girls from my old high school, another is an office space, and another is an apartment housing my roommate from the research station and his father.

      2. CA and I are the only survivors of a pandemic that is changing all of my college into gibbering lunatics. I commend her as she singlehandedly diagnoses the disease and develops a cure.

      3. I'm present in the final level of a Paper Mario game that takes place in the bar level from Guitar Hero. I am playing bass in the background, but when the final boss shows up I start to interact in the Paper Mario world. My dialogue is extremely cocky as I fight rather poorly, but as people criticize me I say I'm roleplaying. Another band leaves in fear and I insult them, leading to one of their members and I exchanging insults. He ends up kicking me in the face, which loosens the glasses I'm wearing.

      4. I am watching a dinner show at the Dollywood theme park. Each guest is given a light gun to interact with the show as it goes on. As the show starts, the main character boasts how presidents (Bush father and son) and other dignitaries love it. The seats then move backwards to proper viewing distance for a massive screen, where a trippy music video appears. In the video, a redneck pharmacist has placed the world in a stupor by distributing colorful pills in colored Solo cups. The audience seems to enter the music video, and there's a crowd marching single-file through a large mansion.

      At this point, I remember the main character declaring that the whole thing is a dream, and I feel a mild awareness for the rest of the scene. However, I don't feel any control and the faintest of physical sensations, so I'm not counting it as a true lucid. For some reason, I know my name is Vincent in the dream, and my body has split into several selves. One looks like the waking me, but several are burly black men and one is a golden robot. I feel pulled away from the march through the mansion, and my other selves go exploring with me. The robot leads the way to a golden cabinet, where I see a camera and a cell phone. Out of the corner of my eye I develop an X-ray vision and see the two objects go down a shelf in the cabinet. I know that to go further into the mansion, I have to move the objects myself, as the vision was an illusion.
    13. 20/08/10

      by , 08-20-2010 at 04:11 AM (Ferret's Lucid Dream Journal)
      Spider Thing

      I dont know where I was, I only remember a small bit of this dream as it happened early in the night but there was this creepy huge spider thing. I think I had a dagger. First I cut its head off, then I went away and came back and it was still dangerous so I cut its torso off. Then I came back again to rip the rest of it apart so it couldnt hurt anyone. It was realy evil.

      Not Enough To Go Around

      I was bartending for a friends party. I was pouring beers and wines and it was realy fun around lots of friends. Then I had to make sandwiches for everyone. All the guests were around my bar waiting. Only thi9ng was there was only enough chicken for 2 sandwiches and the rest had to be ham or something. There were lots of people and I knew that lots would want chicken. I started stressing out a bit. I told everyone about the chicken and asked who wanted the chicken ones. At first no one said anything and then everyone started putting their hands in the air. Noooooo!

      Cool Crystals

      I was at a family friends house, someone there had lots of cool big crystals. I noticed one big one that had chunks of all different colours. Each different colour had been outlined and labeled, there must have been atleast 10 different types of crystal in this one piece!

      Creepy Kiss Guy

      I was in some famous persons house. There was what seemed like the famous girl and her stuck up bf. He was wearing a sleevless slayer tshirt (it was a fucking cool shirt) The girl had a young son maby 8-10 years old and the bf was a dick to him and the mom didnt seem to care either. This wierd person came in the house a few times who reminded me a bit of someone from kiss mixed with I dont know scum haha and he would come into the house and hold the kid up by the neck while looking at me. Then he left, he did this a few times. The kid didnt seem to worried and I dont know why I didnt do anything or think anything of it. Very random!

      Shopping With Akhil

      I was in a grocery store with one of my tutors from last year who I still see around the campus all the time. Hes a realy cool guy, we stopped at a huge wall of some type of lollie things. They were realy cheap and tasted amazing! Then I noticed that they had expired in 2007! They did taste damn good though. I got heapsa other yummy food and went to the checkout. I was going to get a dozen beers but instead just got one. Haha pretty random for me! I got to the counter and got ID'd. I dont have my ID on me I told the lady. Then she asked if I know this guy and said a random name. No I have no idea who that is! Then she says sorry I cant sell you the beer.
      Tags: crystals
    14. I hate school

      by , 08-20-2010 at 12:47 AM
      Last night as usual my dream took place at my old high school, not the one i graduated from but the one i was expelled from and therefor had to finish at a different school. I was talking to Mr. Moscowitz which is unusual for seeing as how i hate that guy and he was having me walk around some parts of the school picking up pieces of crap with a shovel and weird rake. My p.e. teacher from the second school i mentioned was also there and telling me some kind of something that i guess was supposed to be inspiring and it seemed that he worked for principle Moscowitz now as well. The layout of the school was a little different than normal and parts of it were a concrete ground kind
    15. cousins and neil patrick harris

      by , 08-19-2010 at 11:17 PM (limitless' limits)
      I had 4 dreams that im aware of, but only 3 recalls. I couldnt sleep until 4:30am:

      1. Woke up around 7:50am
      Im with my cousin Kristen and we're outside, talking and walking down a strangely familiar sidewalk, its around midnight. We stop our conversation because we see some chick rollerskating down the adjacent sidewalk holding a conversation with a short man in a trench coat. Shes skating a few sidewalk slabs ahead of him, so we can hear them. Her voice sounds familiar. All of a sudden i hear myself yell, "Jessica?!" She doesnt seem to hear me, she turns and skates onto the grass and around a house that was on the corner. She shows up behind us and it turns out to be my cousin Jessica, who lives in Toronto. We talk and she explains that her and her business partner just bought a store front in Oshawa, to sell shoes that she designs. She also informs me that she changed her name, but i couldnt remember what it was when i woke up. Weird dream, because shes a vet.

      2. Woke up at 8am
      I know i had a dream, but when i woke up i couldnt remember what it was about. All i know is that near the end, a deep ominous tone took over my hearing and everything turned this very deep blue and it swallowed me as i woke up, gasping. I know that if i were more experienced with lucidity, i could have taken control at that point instead of waking up.

      3. Couldnt get back to sleep til 9:45am, cat was meowing and mom had company.
      Woke up at 1pm
      Had a longer dream, and realized an important, "common staple" in a lot of my dreams.
      My dream started like a regular dream, i often involve friends or familiar faces. This time it happened to be my boyfriend and i, and 3 other couples in a big white house that i dont recognize. I used my "staple ability" once in the beginning because it was useful at the time. After a while my dream changed. I switched rolls and i became one of the guys who was sneaking out of the house to get away from another guy. He thought he heard me and followed me out of the house and i climbed the tree out front to escape from sight. At this point i realized i was being chased by Neil Patrick Harris as Barny Stinson from How I Met Your Mother.. and he followed me up the tree. We had a pretty epic battle on the tree tops of a near by park, i could sense that they were fighting over a girl, but wasnt too clear. During the battle he turned into the Shadow Guardian from Tomb Raider, but in my dream he was hairy. We found ourselves back at the house and trashed it with our fight. Next thing i know im waking up [false awakening, i guess] as myself but im completely aware of what happened, and i go down the stairs to clean the house up so no one finds out what happened. I went into the main bedroom where a few people were hanging out and asked if i could use their ensuite shower. But the guy that i had become had just come out of there, he looked like he was in rough shape. So i asked him if he would want to go for a ride, and take me home so i can shower and change. He agreed, and i told him i would meet him in the front foyer. This is the common staple that happens often in my dreams; I go under a bed, and relax myself and i fall through the floor, so that im on the main level of the house without having to use the stairs. Its a controlled, walking-through-walls type thing. But this time its different, and i guess i have become aware that its a dream, but i have a hard time telling myself i can do it. I had to relax and sink my torso through first and push with my arms on the ceiling to get the lower half of my body to go through, and as i struggle, i wake up.

      Updated 08-19-2010 at 11:27 PM by 35587

      non-lucid , false awakening