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    side notes

    Side Notes

    1. No Recall.

      by , 05-26-2011 at 01:01 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I can't remember anything. It was storming last night, and I had to move to the basement. Couldn't sleep.
      side notes
    2. Tropical Dream Note

      by , 05-26-2011 at 10:41 AM
      This is a part of a dream I had about a week ago and I totally forgot to write something about it so I'll say a little just so I remember.

      The dream started in a wonderful area that seemed to be in between tropical and a wilderness area. The water was a radiant dark blue, you could see all the way to the bottom in it though. I had my own little house on the side of this lake/ocean. I had no reason to go in it, it was too beautiful outside, the perfect temperature and so tranquil. The house was white with maroon trim and was brand new. It looked very small but it had two stories, it almost reminded me of the houses in New York or in that show Everybody Hates Chris, very tall and skinny. I went for a swim so I could swim to my parents house, they lived on the other side of the ocean and greeted me happily when I arrived. I appeared at my Grandma's house once again, I did not enter the house this time. Instead I went to the backyard where the pear trees were, there was a small open cottage built back there, there was no door and it was very spacious. I remember there was a computer or a TV in there. My friend Nathan came out with his cell phone in his hand, walked to the right of the house which there was a large sitting area with about four people sitting there. I remember leaning against a girl there like she was my girl friend though I can't remember her face though she was very skinny.

      That's all I really remember I woke up from there, a lot of other things happened in between but they were scary parts that I don't recall as much. Well Gtg it's late hopefully I'll have another lucid tonight.

      Note: Grandma's house again, dream sign.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    3. been zoned out

      by , 05-25-2011 at 11:26 PM (My collection of dream tales)

      Updated 05-27-2011 at 09:13 PM by 44855

      side notes , task of the month
    4. Could be dreaming.

      by , 05-24-2011 at 09:26 PM
      Hate to waste a good dream entry...

      I was in a gym with a bunch of others with basketballs. I told them we should play knock-out.

      I probably wouldn't have even remembered this if a coworker hadn't mentioned playing a little bball. I hate not remembering my dreams. Stupid jobs.

      I mean, does America really need double stack burgers and "sea-salt natural cut" fries ?
      I could be dreaming.
    5. Catchup Post for May 21-22

      by , 05-23-2011 at 03:27 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      Night of May 20-21

      I'm in the upstairs bedroom of a house. Built into one wall is the entrance to a long slide, which I go down. The first part of the slide is plastic, tubular, and constantly curves back and forth in random directions. After a bit, the plastic tube slide connects smoothly to another section of slide, this one made of polished, light-colored wood. The wooden portion of the slide turns through 90-degree corners in between straight runs, and it goes through a series of spacious rooms that are made of the same light wood.

      Later, I'm back in the upstairs bedroom again, with some other people who want to go down the slide. I describe to them what the slide is like.

      Night of May 21-22

      I'm in the main hallway that runs through the middle of my church. There are tables lined up in the hallway, and I'm sitting behind one of them. Other people from my church are sitting behind the other tables. We're all talking to each other about the church activities we do. [This was all day residue. This dream was essentially a replay of what I had just done that day in real life at our church's spring talent festival. I count this dream as further evidence in favor of the hypothesis that dreams are produced when your brain is recording the day's experiences in long-term memory.]

      [I had a lucid dream in the next cycle, but I've forgotten a lot of the details. The following paragraphs contain what I do remember of that dream.]

      I realize I'm dreaming and think, Oh, cool. I'm dreaming. That means I can do anything I want to. I find myself in a rectangular room in which all the walls are full-length mirrors. I look at my reflection and notice that I have my long hair and bangs again [which was the hairstyle I had for most of my life until last October], and that my bangs are chopped off all unevenly, with little sections that end in different lengths. I either exercise, or just think about, two or more of the dream abilities I've already learned [I'm not really sure, because I don't remember this part very well], and then I decide to try an ability I've never tried before: changing my appearance.

      I close my eyes and visualize what I want my reflection in the mirror to look like when I open them: I want to see myself as an old woman, with my hair gray, but still long. I open my eyes, only to find that it didn't work. My reflection still looks the same as it did before. The thought of trying to shapeshift into some kind of animal crosses my mind, but I decide not to because no animal that I particularly want to turn into comes to mind.

      [Different dream, later in the night.] I'm visiting my boss's house, which is huge and very nice. My boss gives me a very kind, generous compliment about my after-school teaching. He says something along the lines of, “You're a great teacher. You treat them like people.” [“Them” meaning the students.] I'm very flattered.

      I go outside my boss's house. There is a small, private jet parked outside. A group of people I know and I are about to leave on a trip somewhere in the jet. Before we leave, I decide to go and use the portable restrooms that are located on the opposite side of the grassy field I'm in. One of them is a standard portable restroom, and the other is bigger and wider; it was removed from a commercial airplane, I know.
      [It made sense in the dream.] I can't get into either of them, though, because my mom is blocking the entrance to them. She tells me that I can't come in because P. is in the restroom right now.

      Side notes:

      In real life, I have two jobs, each with a different boss. The boss who appeared in my dream was not the one from my after-school teaching job; he was the one from my office job. It makes sense, though, in a sideways kind of way, that Office Boss would compliment me on my teaching in a dream. Two things that I know I really, deeply want are for my teaching efforts to be appreciated and for Office Boss to like me. I think my mind just combined the two desires and had Office Boss express appreciation of my teaching. (Office Boss has seen me teach in real life, but only once.) This dream, and the one I had on March 26 about being hired for that one job (which I did not get hired for in real life, by the way), lead me to this observation: Sometimes, when you really, really want something to happen in real life, your mind will grant you your desire in a dream.

      Cool, my first attempt at forging. It was unsuccessful, but I'm not really surprised. I'm looking forward to continuing to work on that skill.

      I begin to understand why we have a thread devoted to pictures “for daily lucid inspiration.” Lucid dreaming is beginning to feel routine and unremarkable, even when I'm in a lucid dream. It felt that way in this one. My initial excitement about the phenomenon has worn off. Now I see why one would want a source of daily lucid inspiration.
    6. Backstreet Boys and Mainstreet!

      by , 05-23-2011 at 12:05 AM (Land of Amanda's Head)
      (Side Notes)

      ( May 20th, 2011 - I have to say this dream is extremely scattered and pretty annoying to read. I remembered very little so I just blabbered on and on trying to fit some things together.)

      I remember in one, I was on an Island (not like a remote island in the middle of nowhere. More like...A place like Hawaii..) part of it, I remember chasing the Backstreet Boys down a street and hugging Howie, then I screamed “ I'm fat Nick, so slow down.” even though he wasn't far ahead. Sarcastic humor ftw! They laughed then Nick turned around, wrapped his arms around me and picked me up to twirl me in a hug. He even said I love you! I think it happened twice in my twice that I hugged Howie and Nick. They walked under a bridge and disappeared. There was a group of people on some sort of stands to my right and one girl asked who they (BSB) were and I just sang “Backstreet's Back, Alright!”

      At some point, I was standing line with a bunch of girls and we were attempting to sing and do the dance to everybody. I sang badly and the girls next to me barely sang and we failed. I ended up hurting my knee somehow and I was laying on the ground with a bunch of people around me; one guy holding my knee in place so I couldn't hurt it more. I remember crying and asking where the ambulance was but they said something about being too far on the island for one to come so we waited for a helicopter or a boat...idk...someone landed on my knee at some point and people laughed. Kind of happy that finally in my dreams, people help me and worry when I get hurt instead of ignoring me like they used to in em.

      I had a school related dream and I don't remember a lot at all.

      In another, I was with some kid and I think he had the hots for me...don't remember a whole lot except for laying on my stomach on the floor and wondering if he was going to..do my butt... By that point, I had walked to a door cuz he had to check on some kids and his father was coming and we wanted to get the kids to greet him. I stood in the doorway and remember screaming something like “hey all you beautiful blonde kids, go have fun!” and some girl smiled and idk... then we went outside with neighbors so his dad wouldnt catch me and yeah..

      I REMEMBER RYAN FROM CELTIC THUNDER WAS IN ANUDDER DREAM! It was some big room with a bunch of table desks..I was walking around outside and there was a “vending” machine by the entrance with cigarettes sticking out and I picked one but someone with me said no cuz they wanted to check and see if it was a good one...then I picked another and it like...exploded in my face or the tobacco shit from inside got in my face so I went back through the room, to a door that lead to stairs. I went down one flight. Took a short left and down another until I found a bathroom called “Men” and idk why I entered but I did. Two stalls, very narrow, small sink to the left. I went to the sink as a girl came out of the left stall and she was black..very gross floor cuz there was urine and poop on it. I washed my face off then left... saw a “teacher” standing infront of all the table desks and we had these little pamphlets we were suppose to write in a bout a certain country and I wanted Ireland but they said something like “Oh it's taken” or some shit about me not being from there. I wanted to see Ryan but Ic ouldn't so I just..left.. then I was outside by lahouts here in lincoln and it was dark, deserted, and wet outside. It was suddenly chrismas eve with no snow and I guess it was a tradition to play outside at night as a kid the day before christmas..weird shit...I wanted to lay and cry and wait for Ryan so I sat in a chair near the steps. A woman close by started screaming and I looked and saw a kid (about 7-9 years old) jumping into a stroller and attacking a baby. The mom started crying and I did too..then people from nearby started running up to them to help...I walked across the street to where that mall shit is and waited until I saw mom walk out with a container in her hands with yummy food and she walked across to the mall parking lot and...yeah..then it ended..

      I almost had a lucid dream. I remember laying in bed and I had my eyes partially closed but I could see my room and I was seeing weird shit as if I was slipping into a dream. I kept slipping in and out and I remember recording with my camera and feeling cool that I was controlling that shit....I am pretty sure it was a false awakening as I honestly thought I was awake and shit LOL.
    7. Demented Asylum

      by , 05-22-2011 at 11:57 PM (Land of Amanda's Head)
      (Side Notes)

      May 19th, 2011 - I will try my best to remember my dream. I am not capable of remembering full things so I can have loads of paragraphs on it, but I can have minor bits and pieces that will help improve my memory and dream recall. These are in no specific order unless I state so.

      I remember being in a hotel room and Mom telling me she got me an Agent of some sort and that I was going to meet them in a few days to discuss possible acting gigs. There was a paper with a line I had to practice but I can not remember what it was. I do remember at some point saying “I'll be waking up soon anyways. This is just a dream!” or something along those lines, but I did not become lucid. It then skipped a bit to where I was in some sort of psychiatric hospital ( more like the psyh. ward in a prison.) I think I was originally supposed to be shooting a scene or meeting with some big wigs because of the Agent mom got me previously, but that changed. If I remember correctly, I had a white t-shirt on under some sort of button-up smock of a dark greenish color ( like the strong-hold clothes they make suicidal people wear at the hospital in Concord) and pants made of the same thick material. A guard who was dressed in a uniform that resembled deputies in small country towns (greenish colored) were about with batons/night-sticks. There were two different executions going on but I am not sure if they were jokes or not though I did get the sense in my dream that they were joking. I had to use the bathroom so I headed to the communal one and I remember being in a narrow stall going pee-pee. Some random people were leaving as I went. I started feeling tired in my dream as I usually do when I am close to waking up. A guard with blonde hair twirling a night-stick came in to see why was taking so long. He almost resembled a semi-younger version of Anthony Michael Hall, but a pointier nose like Patrick Wilson's. It took me a couple minutes to wipe myself because I was weak and tired. At that point, another guard – a black one – came in and was about to open the side of the stall but I screamed:

      “Don't come in, I'm naked!” As a joke

      I flushed the toilet then waltzed out of the stall and yelled “free ballin” . I was fully clothed and magically wearing some sort of black spandex type pants. The black guard left and the other one watched as I washed my hands. I think he made a few cracks about taking too long to rinse my hands and about taking too much paper towels which was when I said I liked to use a lot. I remember talking to him about not remembering much about why I was there and I think he thought I was a tranny because he was talking about something....and motioning to his neck as if I had an adam's apple. I said something like

      “Well I can't remember a whole lot due to my accident...” and at that point, we walked down the hall where a few “patients” and a guard were gathered. Someone was wrapped up like a mummy and hanging by their neck. The Guard chopped the persons head off and it rolled to the ground. I remember jumping back and being scared while the guard escorting me continued walking. I had to squeeze between the dead body and patients, then step around the head when a girl screamed “BOO!” and I muttered something like “stop you fucking whore”. I woke up a few minutes later.

      Very odd dream indeed. I am really hoping to improve my dream recall and have more vivid dreams because I am really ticked off at the fact that I can only remember small fragments. It's hard describing them that way.
    8. The spoon is real.

      , 05-21-2011 at 11:39 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      A friend of mine has gotten into lucid dreaming about 2 months ago.
      He's been lucid dreaming naturally before that, but only learned about induction recently.
      Both his and my friends are very uncomfortable talking about dreams, so he and I talk about our dreams rather often.
      He has texted me on msn before this dream, expressing that he wants to experience more "spiritual things".
      Things like visiting unknown worlds and talking to "intelligent" DC's.

      I'm home, programming on a project for school. Things are not going well, I'm getting all kinds of errors that don't make any sense.
      I'm tired of this, I want to do something else. How awesome would it be if this was actually a dream and I could become lucid right now?
      Then I inevitably realize that I have no idea how I got here, and that the code indeed makes no sense whatsoever.

      I'll be damned, I am actually dreaming! sweet!

      I remember the conversation I had with my friend before going to bed and decide that it would be awesome to try and visit his dreams, they are quite different from mine.
      I summon my phoenix wings, search for his aura, and try to teleport to him.
      The transition is not as smooth as usually, I nearly loose consciousness, but then the new scene finally appears.
      The heat is strong, and I am blinded by the strong sunlight.

      I investigate my surroundings. It appears that I'm at an outdoors marketplace. It is very crowded.
      It reminds me of the Bazaar in Cairo, except it's completely outdoors.
      They sell all kinds of items, pretty much anything you can think of, from food over household appliances to souvenirs.
      I hear people speaking Arabic and English, I must be in an Arab country.

      Seeing how busy everyone is is very pleasant, but I'm a bit overwhelmed by it.
      It is very difficult to navigate the marketplace, it is way too crowded.
      I realize that I'm getting distracted and search for my friends aura and approach it.
      At first I doubt I'll be able to find him in this crowd, but his aura stands out, making it easy to track him.

      The crowd clears up a bit, and I finally see him next to some shop selling handcrafted and painted household items, such as many beautiful plates.
      He looks slightly different compared to waking life, but the differences are subtle.
      As I approach him I notice that he seems focused on a woman browsing some clothes a few meters away from him.
      I get a feeling of what he's doing. He's attracted to the woman, and he's trying to put the thought of being interested in him in her head.
      He's obviously lucid.
      I've done this before... I can tell quite clearly what he's doing.

      Should I intervene? I don't want to interrupt his lucid.
      Err, what am I doing, he said he wanted to experience new things.
      I sit on a desk belonging to the shop, right next to my friend, the woman is already approaching him.

      "No wonder you aren't experiencing anything overwhelming my friend, you're being distracted by women all the time."

      He turns around and looks at me very surprised. He looses focus on the woman and she goes back to browsing clothes.

      "I don't blame you, some women are just irresistible."
      "No kidding..."
      "You're Hyu right?"

      "Yep, you even used my nickname, how come?"
      "I don't know, you told me you're called Hyu in your dreams."
      "Fuck... this is really you isn't it?"
      "Yes, I can't prove it though"
      "Well, I suppose that doesn't really matter. Tell me about dreams! How to go past the limit of my imagination, how to meet dc's that seem sentient! Tell me!"

      I think for a few seconds, about many things, about what to say to him, and then I suddenly know exactly what to do.
      I grab a spoon from the shop we're at and hold it in front of me.

      "You've seen the matrix, right?"

      I start bending the spoon around with my mind.

      "Yes! The spoon doesn't exist!"
      "Huh? What do you mean?"
      "Why does the spoon not exist?"
      "Because it's not real. It's a projection of my mind, and because everything in my dreams is, I can control everything!"
      "Right... so... how do you define reality?"
      "Err... well, some time ago I would have said that whatever I can grasp with all of my senses is real, but nowadays..."
      "... uuuuh man, this is hard... I'll go with everything that directly affects my waking life."

      I'm positively surprised that he's thinking past his senses, but I'm not quite satisfied with his conclusion.

      "So, everything you experience in waking life is real, because it directly affects you?"
      "Do you agree that every action you take in waking life will change your future, the outcome of your life, regardless of how benign it seems?"

      He thinks a bit.

      "Yes, any action has an infinite amount of consequences, it's the butterfly effect."
      "Very good! Now, tell me friend, when you look at this spoon, when you touch it, when you bend it, does this not affect your waking life?"
      "Does your brain not save the sensation and experience of holding this spoon? Does it not form neural pathways to remember this information?"
      "Aren't many of your decisions in waking life based upon the past experiences you can access in your memories?"
      "Can you really in good conscience tell me that this spoon is not real?"
      "Sure, the experience of holding this spoon is very benign, but what about exploring your inner self, the experience of letting your creative mind run wild, do these things not affect your waking life?"

      I'm pretty sure he gets it, and I feel surprisingly wise telling him all of this.

      "Telling yourself that the spoon is not real is a fantastic way to improve your dream control."
      "But if you really want to explore the unknown and go beyond your imagination..."
      "... If you want your dreams to affect you, you have to understand that they can do so."
      "And you've stated yourself that every experience will ultimately affect you."

      "I see... that does make sense, and I feel like this will help me, but how do I create a sentient DC?"
      "Don't you see the contradiction? Creating something sentient? I think that is your problem."
      "You think that everything right now is an illusion created by your own mind."
      "Tell me, what are you basing this assumption on?"
      "I... well... Yeah, I have no fucking clue."

      "Now, I'm not telling you this spoon is not a creation of your mind, but if you want this world to affect you, to overwhelm you, you have to understand that it actually can!"
      "And if you want to meet a sentient DC, you have to understand that they may actually exist."
      "Yes, I understand."

      He takes the spoon from my hand and looks at it closely.

      "The spoon is real!"

      We had a discussion about this today, and I told him the same things in waking life, which ended in a discussion about
      how our brains are awareness factories, and what it does whilst awake and asleep.
      He feels that thinking everything is an illusion and nothing affects him (which he did) was indeed holding him back.

      Updated 05-24-2011 at 05:57 PM by 37117 (typo)

      lucid , side notes
    9. The Meeting

      by , 05-21-2011 at 07:04 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in a long, rectangular yard with a lawn, behind a building. I find myself flying backward over the grass. Recognizing the familiar dream occurrence, I mentally grab hold of the situation and wrench my movement into my conscious control. First, I start to fly forward, and then I just land and start walking across the grass toward the building, just because I'll have better and more reliable control that way. As I walk, I say something along the lines of, “If it gets me there faster, I'll just walk.”

      Inside the building, I walk through several rooms until I find one that contains a table and a bunch of people.
      [I think they were people I know in real life, but I'm not sure who.] We all sit down around the round table and have a meeting. [I don't remember now what we talked about, but we were all talking about something.] During the meeting, I focus on staying in the present moment, paying attention to it, because I want the dream to go on for as long as possible. It works, for a bit, but then I start thinking, I wonder how much REM time I have left? I don't want to wake up. Of course, the dream starts to collapse and I find myself waking up shortly after thinking about that.

      Side notes:

      I achieved this MILD by focusing intently on my feelings of intention and desire to have a lucid dream, mostly without thinking in words, and for a sustained period of several minutes. When I did think in words, they were, Lucid dreaming is easy. Everyone can do it, even me. I had this dream after several nights in a row without any dream recall at all, which made those feelings of intention and desire particularly intense and easy to focus on.
    10. Welcome to my Dream Journal

      by , 05-20-2011 at 01:35 AM
      Hello, everyone! I've been busy with life. Since my lucid dreaming life had not been going so well, I put it aside and now I cannot lucid dream at all. My dream's recall has degraded, and I don't keep a dream journal anymore. But I'm going to try again! I promised myself that I would. After all, it's been over five years.
      - Kyhaar


      Non-Lucid Dreaming
      Lucid Dreaming
      Dream Signs (or other interesting things)

      Current Dream Signs:

      • Chocolate (often involves the consumption or attempted aquisition of it, sometimes in a dessert buffet)

      side notes
    11. My whole world is falling apart

      by , 05-19-2011 at 08:57 PM
      and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to save it.

      My reality resides in my dreams...
      and this is the nightmare I wake up to.
    12. The strange iPhone camera

      by , 05-19-2011 at 09:41 AM
      So tonight i had a few fragments of the same dream and I am still not sure how it all fits together yet but so far its like this:

      Me and some friends from school are eating dinner in this little cozy room. Suddenly someone does something funny and i said "I wish we got that on movie" and some random dude said "well you got it on your iPhone - Just plug it to the TV"
      We all went to the old old TV and we saw the video clips i had on my phone..

      Another fragment:
      We are a few people sitting around this older man and his laptop (it is someones dad i think) and we are having a good time (we are pretty drunk). The old mans wife joins us and rages at the man because he replaced all her classic music with hardstyle in her itunes music library

      Third fragment:
      A dude from my class wanted to borrow some old playstation 1 games so i gave them to him. i felt dirty so i went out a door and suddenly im at something that looks like a hospital. A rather creepy man stands in all white cloths and a beer - just looking at me.

      last fragment:
      I am once again in the same livingroom. i am making out with some hot chick i dont know who am
    13. atrophy.

      by , 05-19-2011 at 06:11 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      This was one of those dreams were I felt like I was just watching a movie or something. I wasn't IN the dream.

      There were these twins at a party who collapsed because of intense leg pain. One of the twins was obsessed with girls, the other with video games. It turned out that they had been in an accident or had some kind of disease which they knew at some point would cause their leg muscles to atrophy. Someone called 911. It cut to them being at home with their parents (they were either in their late teens or adults that still lived with their parents). The doctor was also there and told them they would experience bouts of extreme pain for the rest of their lives and they would have to go to a care facility. It then jumped to their parents asking questions that they would use to choose the perfect facility for them. Every time they asked a question it would turn to the kind of screen you would see when making a decision or talking to someone in the Animal Crossing game series (at least the DS version) and the background of the menu was a pale yellow. One of the questions was whether they wanted to stay local (and it then zoomed in on a section of land that seemed to be around where they lived. it looked to me like the area near palm springs, CA) or go international (those were the two options). One of the twins wanted to stay nearby and the "game" chose a place for them right away. The other twin wanted to go to Japan. The screen then turned to a google maps type thing with the same pale yellow menu. It zoomed in on an area in Japan and I remember seeing labels for individual businesses (for example, there was a little pink fish with the name of a fish market next to it, etc). Then I woke up.

      Then today in History class this article we were reading used atrophying muscles as a metaphor for something we were learning about.
    14. Sky Show

      by , 05-19-2011 at 05:40 AM
      May 18 2011

      I am watching some scientist put some scientific stuff together.
      Scientist: "Its a fusion reactor and if it doesn't work right could vaporize the whole city!"
      He needs something, I run outside of the lab and run to get it not even knowing or caring what it was!
      There is a field and its entrance by a road with a big tree at the entrance, it looks very nice but I keep running.
      There are buildings in front of me but I run behind them between the long fence they had.
      Some poeople got in my face to tell me to "get out of here" whatever, I think they are zombies and push them out of the way.
      "Wow these zombies sure fall easily."
      I go in a door and there is a receptionist area there. I run up grab something from the desk, the people are in the middle of a conversation and stop to see me dash in and take something and dash out.
      I run back towards the lab.
      Pushing down a couple of guys and an old lady.
      "Strange zombies don't even seem to be interested in me but at least they fall easily."
      Past the field again.
      "This is boring, no more running."
      "Wait, whats that up in the sky?"
      Hundreds of little blocks of white, blue, and red are making up an animated moving picture in the sky using the blue sky as a background. It took up a large section of the sky and was a little animation of a jet liner taking off, flying around the blocky animated clouds and then coming back to the viewer.
      "Guess its an ad for the airport."

      [I saw nothing unusual about the sky show as I have seen about a dozen in my dreams but none recently. Since I was a little kid every once in a while a realistic area would have a "sky show". They seemed very real. They had sound to them but I was usually not close enough to the show to here it. For instance, one sky movie where I was pretty close too, and could hear the sound track off in the distance, had a short animation about how to brush one's teeth correctly. They were usually at night and were short movies, 10 or 15 minutes, with helpful messages ever five minutes or so.
      They were so frequent I was able to even track down the projectors. After having this as a goal fore weeks I closed in on one "show center" surrounded by a chain-link fence. I climbed it and I saw the projectors, about 200 metal cylinders facing skywards, about a yard (meter) high with metal parts and plates in them. They shot some kind of energized beam up into the sky and when the beams crossed they gave off light, different beams gave off different colors.
      If anyone has seen these let me know.
      Tags: sky show
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    15. My Lucid Dream Diary!

      by , 05-18-2011 at 06:02 PM
      Hello All

      I've been aware of Lucid Dreaming for a long time, but I've never really done anything about it, despite a huge curiosity for the subject. Anyways, I've now decided to put my full devotion into this new project and hopefully I'll experience Lucid Dreaming, perhaps even master it!

      So the project started the 16th of May, on a boring Sunday at my cabin. In the diary im now writing in, I will write down my; Dream Journal, Methods attempted, Notes & Personal thoughts.

      - English is note my native language, and thus there might be some mistakes in the text, but please bear with me
      side notes
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