non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the US. Scenes from a recurring dream where I think I am in Orlando, Florida. A lot of things happen, including being part of the audience of a Jeopardy show recording on a studio. On exit, they want to check everyone's papers and covid status. They ask me for a negative test and I complain that it makes no sense they ask for it at the end instead of before the show. I also remember someone telling me something about it and even handing me a test, but it was not mentioned at entrance and I totally forgot about it. I also was without mask all the time and nobody cared. The lady shrugs her shoulders and says it's ok. She puts a stamp on some paper anyway and offers me a few more tests for future occasions. I find it all very unprofessional and chaotic, but hey, it's Florida, right? Coming out of some escalators and turning around to go to another escalator, I see to my right, Gil and some other girl. They come from a hallway behind a glass door and he sees me and waves at me. I wave back but I keep walking past them, so once he opens the door, he complains "Won't you wait for me and say hi?". So I wait and we say hello properly. He asks what I am doing here and I say I am on a visit. He says he works here at the marine center. Then I also spot my friend Licas entering a cafeteria behind them. I say bye to them and go after her, mostly because I also need a coffee, but then we get together and leave together. Outside, on the streets, we get on a bus which drops us at an old town, which looks strangely like Lisbon center or downtown Porto, not at all a US city. We need to catch a second bus to our final destination, but my friend is hesitant because she is unsure which one is it and we almost get on the wrong one. Then I spot some people surrounding someone on the sidewalk and I notice it is Billie Eillish. When I am about to hop on another bus, I yell at her "Sorry, I don't mean to nag you like everybody else, but I am a fan from Portugal and wish you happyness and all the best." Turns out it wasnt the right bus either and my friend kicks me out of it again, resulting in an awkward situation in which I am basically jumping in front of Billie and blocking her way. The other fans scramble and she is with just 2 or 3 people of her own posse. She looks with her blasé look, like not amused, but then says "I know a portuguese girl, Lena D., she's a biologist" and I am like "No way! She was my colleague at the university, I know her well! You know she nows lives in the US?" Then I think "Stupid, that's probably how she knows her". But she doesn't react. She says "I am gonna follow you on facebook. A friend of a friend is my friend." And then she finally smiles and we start walking along and talking. I mention her music has been the sounddtrack of my life recently. Then we enter this bar or club with a great view over the old part of town on the hills and I say I am actually seeing the place where I am supposed to go and will probably just walk there. But my friend Licas who was with us, just went up some stairs of another building and disappeared. Billie asks about my friend, says her face is familiar and what's her name. Strangely, my friend is no longer Licas, she turned into that skinny gay boy I met through my friend Diana and I can't remember his name. She finds odd and funny that I can't remember his name and I am struggling with how my friend just changed gender and I can't remember his name.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a house which appears to be Carla's home. There's my mom and my grandpa along with a bunch other people, as if they all live together there. There is an earthquake and I suggest we get out while it is happening, but my mom points out that grandpa can't get up and walk on his own. So while we're doing our best to lift him, the earthquake stops. People feel like it is ok to stay, but I go check the house and some rooms look dangerously affected, with awful cracks on walls and ceiling. I insist on evacuating everybody and I manage to grab my grandpa on my own over my shoulder and take him away, but then mom and a friend remind me about all the cats that live there and especially like to gather on the rooms that are most damaged. I tell them I will get them all to safety, and I start grabbing them two at a time and putting them in improvised boxes and containers to a safer area of the building, and closing these rooms shut. But there seem to be more and more cats popping up. At some point the corner room that was more damaged, is really coĺapsing and the cats are just there hanging out like totally oblivious of the danger upon them. At some modern house with glass walls and straight lines over a grassy hill. There is a bunch of kids that come over for activities and I am somewhat responsible for them. We are playing with a radio broadcaster or similar and I am thirsty so I go drink a glass of water. It tastes horribly and I notice it is orange like it has rust in it. I go check our water source, some kind of well, and it is poisoned by two kinds of dead processionary caterpillars, one of them which is orange and black and I've never seen before. Doesn't seem very safe. Meanwhile I spot a bunch of them on the ground and before the kids or dogs touch them, I rush to pick them all and put them on a bucket. But on doing so, I grab some soil that is infested with different bugs and worms and there are some thin long ones that I think are baby earthworms, until one gets between my fingers and finds a way through my skin. It is so thin and slimy I can't get a hold of it and it enters inside my hand. I can feel it moving and it is exasperating and painful. I go to the doctor immediately and she gives me really grim news saying I just drunk water with a deadly toxin and have inside me the worst parasite that grows the larger of all. She says I have also been bitten twice by a black widow and I'm like "when was that, because I didn't complain about any of that?". She starts me on treatment but says the prospects aren't the best. I cry like a baby and say I'll never again even step outside the safety of a city. Me and Riverstone run a little shop with everything from new and used clothes to a books and antiques and we also have a few boxes with stuff for free that people can just take. Some lady is interested in used baby clothes as she can't afford brand new clothes and I am having difficulty in finding it in the middle of the mess the shop is in at the moment. She asks if some stuff she likes can be taken for free and Riverstone says yes, because he is overwhelmed by the excess stock we have, but I think it is very sellable stuff so I say no to her. Meanwhile the lady is waiting regarding the baby clothing and I tell her to come back the next day and I'll have the stuff she wants. That's when I notice she is a little person. Then I see some other customer sitting on a stone slab outside where some slug like creatures are sneaking behind him and because of my previous dream with worms, I panic and warn him about it. Still, one of them hooks itself on his back, like a leech. Fortunately we manage to unhook it. Then some stupid ass idiot comes by with a bunch of these worms in a jar, throws them at me and runs away. Everybody freaks out and helps me shake them out of my hair and check if any has latched on my body, but we think I am in the clear. I then get possessed and chase that mf down. Turns out it was a girl, she teases me like "so what? what will you do?" and I go full "Kali Ma" on her (Indiana Jones ref) and plunge my hands in her chest ripping her organs out and then to finalize it, I intend to project flames from my mouth, like a dragon, but instead I project hot green vomit on her, like the possessed girl in the Exorcist. When things calm down a bit, I sit with Zilla, Vera and a couple other friends at some outdoor café to drink something and relax. There are familiar faces around from my school past. I hear some music that makes me smile. And Vera interprets that I am smiling because I saw a guy on the next table, she assumes I have a crush on. So she takes a photo of him with her cellphone and goes around telling everyone he is my crush. He actually is a guy who bullied me a lot in middle school, his nickname was "ass-bomb" because he once farted in the classroom or something. I am fully aware now and tired of silly games so I explain to her what I was smiling at and whom the guy is and decide to go for a walk and do something with my lucidity. The area is like a kasbah, very tight streets with earth-rammed houses and vendors' tents. I soak in the diversity while thinking what to do. I see a few more familiar faces from middle school, another couple bullies for whom I actually feel tenderness, not so much from what they did but just to see them as they were back then, kids who haven't aged. I find it precious that I still keep their faces stored in my memory. Then something odd happens. Superman falls from the sky onto some iron structure like the entrance to a train station or something. He seems to struggle to get on his feet, then he is attacked by what seems another superman who looks more like a super butch superwoman, way more muscular than the original, but with a female face. And she beats the shit out of him. Then comes an emo superman, very pale and skinny and scared. He doesn't really do anything, just watches, confused, I am also confused. I decide to fly up where they are, to watch it better and maybe help the real superman, I don't know. But they kinda stop fighting and look at me surprised, like "and who the hell are you?". I feel like they now might pick a fight with me, so I just let go and fly away and let them sort it out. I keep flying but now I am actually on a plane over Florida. Instead of landing in the airport, it lands on water but not as an accident, apparently it is an hydroplane. The sky is so bright blue, no clouds, sun is shining bright, wonderful weather and beautiful light. When we land on the water, people are then taken to some water taxis and escorted by jet skis who are there as a backup (they have rafts for taking in people if necessary). I find it a bit too much of a precaution, but I am impressed with the organization. Some kid is looking at me and I smile at him. Most people are families with kids and I feel they are going to Disney World.
Updated 03-20-2021 at 11:50 AM by 34880
12/26/20 I am at a school with many tables and people sitting in groups together, I recognize some kids from my middle school. We are right next to the coast in florida and notice some storms with dark clouds in the distance off the shore. Though the weather is sunny and beautiful where we are. I am walking down the beach with a friend collecting shells, there are some large ones by a kiosk selling drinks and food, the owner laughs at us for being touristy. I am now on a boat driving fast down the coast. I am seeing many coastal homes on the water most on stilts with varying colours and designs, they are very beautiful. I dip my hands into the water and feel the pressure of the water as it passes, it is serene. I tell the companion in the boat with me I am originally from Charleston south Carolina and this feels very nostalgic for me. We travel down the coast more and make it to an event center of sorts. It is very large and packed with business men in suits, they are all very rich, this almost feels like a pyramid scheme mixed with Wolf of Wall street type mood. My old manager tells me he has moved my section so I could 'be with my people' on the balcony of the convention. (Used to regular in our cocktail lounge at my old job IWL) I tell my companion I haven't been to work in weeks/months and I just showed up and they gave me my section back, I didn't even have to ask and laugh out loud. We are instructed to just bring beers to people sitting at tables, I clarify to the managers 'so you just want us to bring beers without them even asking for them?' 'Yes' they reply, seems fishy but I do what I'm told. Most of the businessmen are older with full suits on. I see that I am only wearing a black button up and stand out somewhat. I ask a table if they want beers but then notice they all look like minors, not dressed like the rest of the people there. They say yes they want beers so I ask for an ID. They all huddle around each other whispering. A girl in the middle produces her ID. I struggle to read it but notice she won't be 21 till 2026, she begins some obvious lie about how she ordered a new ID because they printed that one wrong. I don't believe her and walk away. Looking at the many different tables and displays there are many sweets like donuts and brownies and all sorts of chocolate confections. We are then told as workers we can have anything to eat we want. I have my eye on a candy cane shaped donut with coloured sprinkles but there are people who grab them up once we are told we can eat, I decide to walk around more and see what is available. Walking back to the front of the convention floor past most of the tables of treats. I notice the entrance looks like a convenience store. There are people standing in line for odds and ends by the register. I ask a guy at the front of the line if he wants a beer, he raises his hand and shakes his head graciously signaling no. I notice a giant full wall display cooler to the right. It has many different types of prawns/lobsters in it. The largest lobsters are at the top, they are larger than anything I've ever seen at 3-4 feet long. The sign says they are $69 a pound. I recall paying $28 a pound for king crab IWL so this doesn't seem too odd and I gather most of the business men are incredibly rich anyway.Still impressed by the display I pull out my phone to take a picture of the wall of shellfish. As I am walking back into the convention center I notice the sounds of my feet hitting the tile go quiet in a certain section just after the main doorway. Curious I am made aware that there was a scientist before who used to do his research in this facility. He made himself invisible and was never seen again. I am made aware he was murdered and his body was smashed by being stampeded by the mass of businessmen in suits all flooding the convention center. They left him on the floor of the entrance as a disgrace. There was no sound because people were walking over him. The dream fades as I am disgusted by this discovery.
12/14/20 I am riding a bike w Matt stone through thick fog. There are two bike lanes on either side of a road/runway we are riding down. There are thick trees lining both sides, perhaps pines. The fog is thick and I can only see ~fifty feet ahead. I gather we are on the border of North Korea. We have permission to ride here but are told to stay on the right side. Matt stone rides on the left path defiantly. As we come up a hill he jumps over to the left quickly in case anyone is just beyond the hill and sees us. As we continue down the road we ride through several abandoned stations. Like gas stations that seem run down and emptied. We come across an abandoned air force base. There is broken glass and spray paint everywhere it feels like it has been well traveled. We ride our bikes through the center of the building and through doorways looking at the different rooms. One of the rooms looks like a commissary or small cafe. We stop and begin to walk around checking out the closets and find a stairway. The stairs go several stories underground. Matt stone becomes my friend B. Walking through the basement it feels like a fallout shelter that is still super run down. It feels nuclear in nature. We walk into one of the rooms and there is a very large korean man sitting in a brown folding chair with his back to us. He has on a stretched white wife beater. We casually walk up to him and he isn't really surprised to see us. I gather people come here often as tourists just checking out abandoned places. B starts talking to him in broken english. He responds with single words but his English sounds good. So I ask him how he is doing. He responds just fine thank you. B gives me a wtf look because I assumed he could speak good English and he did, B is naturally patronizing. He explains that this is his job to maintain the station down here in case anything catastrophic occurs. He has a tiny grey computer with a green screen sitting on the floor. It is his only communication with the outside world minus people who stop by occasionally to check out the base. I suddenly remember seeing this place before and especially him. I remember reading a Vice article about this place where he was interviewed and had his picture taken. I tell him I recognize him and I saw pictures of this place before. He abashedly agrees like I am sure he has done many times before to others who had ventured this way. I remember the term for this type of occupancy and Google the words 'Planned reoccupance'? And find studies describing the act of having one person live deep underground to man nuclear codes in case of a worldwide emergency. It seems like a thankless job but free room and board. We walk around some more checking out the basement, we know we cannot take pictures because we don't have permission from the government and know we will be searched before leaving the country. I make as many mental notes about what I am seeing as possible. There is a stack of different types of missiles that sort of resemble tall gas canisters leaning against each other in a corner. There are short fake windows high up on the walls to emulate natural light. The downstairs feels like a wet basement but it is slightly better kept than the upstairs which has plenty of broken glass and upturned furniture. When we come back upstairs we are suddenly outside and there is another man there we are now talking to. We describe what we saw and I gather he is another reporter of sorts. He tells us he saw a body down there once and shows us the picture, I gather this is something to do with the base research. He mentions how his picture was in full sunlight so the face was illuminated. While we are talking I see my mentor Doug walking up the stairs coming towards us. He is glad to see us. I am glad to see him as well and move to hug him. He talks about his travels and checking out this place was on his list too. He is surprised we came without him. I am in a car with my parents. We are driving in Florida and they want to go to the beach. They have a specific place they park when they want to go to the beach which is under some stilt houses that are all joined together. I am amused and ask them if they always park here, they say yes it's always open. While pulling in there is a younger woman with sunglasses sitting by the entrance who looks like she is working the lot. My dad asks her a question about the beach being open and she gives a snotty college girl look. My mom asks if she is working or not. She says she doesn't work here. But she does mention the beach likely won't be open very long because of the storm that is blowing in from the gulf, (we are on the east coast). I tell my parents I can check my phone to see what the wind currents are doing. I see that there was just a hurricane here but it was traveling away to the east away from shore, the precipitation is cleared for us but then notice what looks like a front forming on the west coast blanketing across the state towards where we are. I look up and now notice it seems overcast but there are still plenty of people on the beach. I am in a large white room that seems like a futuristic shopping mall. There is a lady is upset her toddler/child has become a life-sized doll. I understand that the doll is a plant by some malicious force. I also notice it is a bomb and rush everyone else away from the area. She doesn't believe me and stands by herself when it goes off in her arms. It is an energy weapon and she vaporizes on the spot. I am with Karl Urban as we attempt to move through the mall looking for answers, he is incredibly pissed off and determined. We are now in a music store. I wear a certain pair of headphones which have orange rims around the ears. Before we leave the owner of the shop offers to give me another pair of headphones free of charge. He puts them on my head and the most amazing classical synth wave music is playing. I am overcome with emotion and cry at the thought of our mission. I take them off and walk rushedly away leading my crew behind me so they cannot see my tears. It is known to me one of our crew who looks like Dwayne Johnson wants to exterminate the entire planet the enemy lives on. They are a sentient robot race I gather. While venturing through the mall I find myself in a stairwell which seems to have a booth set up with counters on one side, everything is still white. There is a girl there I gather she is an artificial person. She is brunette with dark rimmed glasses and an hourglass figure. I am sitting on the counter with my legs open as she stands between them. We are both nude and I notice she feels my legs rubbing on her sides, she looks at me closely and smiles. We begin kissing. Only I can tell this is her first time and she doesn't quite grasp the concept, but the emotion emanating from her is authentic. There are small bubbles in her mouth that I am wiping off of my mouth. I now understand the artificial people are struggling to understand humanity but they mean us no harm. I must stop my friend from wiping out their whole planet. He is in a darker all white room with many other people. He is in the process of convincing everyone the validity of taking out the enemy by destroying their planet. I have recruited a couple of my friends to my cause to stop him. I gather we need to create a makeshift guitar with cardboard and strings we find around the shop. It doesn't sound too good. I tell the guys we need to find a wire like a thin string to get it to sound right. Dwayne doesn't want us to succeed. He finds a small pair of scissors and attempts to cut our stings to the guitar nulling our plan. I stand up and begin some grand monologue explaining how the artificial people have been misunderstood and they are not our enemy and he wants to destroy their entire planet, it's not right. There is no way complete genocide is the answer to our problems. We need to communicate with them to find a compromise and learn to live together. Dwayne is irate with me but just stands by listening to me while I win over the crowd.
-1-There was a Miami sign in "Westchester", FL, which was about halfway down the western coast. It was snowing half-inch-size flakes ahead of a cloud bank that I saw to my west and southwest. All other parts of the sky were clear. Time of day was just after dusk (earlier on, it was daytime and cloudy). There was no wind that I remember. In front of me was a line of gravel garages built from logs. Beyond the line was a flat gravel lot, followed by woods. Then, I was watching an Accuweather video. Bernie Rayno motioned to the location of a Pacific system, and then to the Puget Sound area in Washington. He said, " goin here. This is a--you're supposed to be a lucario. The approaching mass of water should support life." He was calling out the meteorologists in Washington for not doing their jobs properly. In a later scene, he pointed at the east coast of Florida and said "[...]I'm thinkin 8, 9 inches." Also, Florida was distorted on the map, being turned 60° counterclockwise. There was pizza at one point. -2-There was a white wolf next to me on a grassy hill. There were restrictions for something. It was sunny and there was a feeling of really wanting to do something.
Absolutely CRAZY dream recall last night!!!! The one unfortunate thing that happened last night was my WBTB. I had the perfect opportunity for one last night, but when I got up I was too lazy. But, at least my recall was awesome! My brother, dad and I are planning a trip to New Hampshire. There is something in this dream about a parade, but this was the only dream of the night that I don't remember in detail. I am at a table eating dinner with President Obama and some other people. Obama says something that is funny because he is the president, and we all laugh at it. JSYK, there is someone underneath the table holding it up. using suction cups. At this point I'm pretty sure I do my failed WBTB. I am at a political event, sitting in one of the front rows. I turn around, and see my friend sitting next to the Bratayley family. She is motioning for me to go over, so I do. i talk to them for a bit and we get a picture together. There are several other people with us in the picture, but I don't know them. My family and I are on a beach in Florida at night. It must be some really famous beach, because I am telling my sister how cool it is to be there. Then the waves are growing higher, and dad tells us that we should go back to the hotel before a storm starts. I remember thinking that he was going to say that there was a hurricane. We turn to the left and walk down a path away from the beach. There is a little tower like thing that I decide to walk up. When I get to the top, there is basically a giant trampoline lined with a wooden deck. On my way back down, there are several kids there that won't move. I finally get them to budge so I can get through, but we keep throwing nasty remarks at each other. My last remark to them is "I have hair too!" I am in gym class, playing hockey on a giant trampoline. I remember feeling sad that one of my friends is not in that class with me. I am still in Florida, this time by the "run off water" of some sort of amusement park slide. My family tells me that they have to leave to look for something, and I should be the look out. All of a sudden I am at my house again. I am watching something going on in my backyard. My family has discovered jello out there! I start eating some jello, and it tastes really good. I tell my brother, and all of a sudden we are in a prison like thing. There is a woman(our mom?) with her hands tied together. A security guard gives me a remote control and phone, and tells me that they might be useful for me to escape with. I hide them in my scarf, and me and my brother escape from the prison. We are running up hill, faster than we ever have before. My dad is running close behind us, trying to persuade us to stop running. Finally we do. We turn back around, and suddenly we are on a nice family hike. My sister is taking pictures and we are sitting near creeks eating candy. Then suddenly I am back at my house in the bathroom. Katie, the mom from Bratayley is there saying that she is going to show us how Hayley overcame her fear of water. I get out of the bathtub so she can film. I am back at the beach in Florida, the same one, and my brother tells me that we aren't going to spend any more time there. I am angry at him, but we walk away, down the same path as before. As a I am walking away I can hear my grandma talking with an Asian person. We reach the tower, but this time I have to have a rope climbing competition with someone to make it to the top. As we are climbing the rope we have to answer questions about politicians. When me and my competitor make it to the top, I sit down with another girl on the giant trampoline. We start talking about Caleb and Bratayley. We then start using special crayons to draw pictures of memories with Caleb on the "trampoline wall." I typed this pretty quick and late, so I am sorry for any errors, And I probably forgot some extra dream fragments, but I'll add those later if I remember any more. Question!!!! Are Wisconsinites the only people that call physical education class gym class? Just wondering.
Dream False Awakening I was in Florida during the day time on a Saturday. I was supposed to requalify with my rifle and pistol but I got teleported to Venezuela with my grandma. She made me some weird soup and I ate it while driving. As I drove, I ran over a pretty Asian woman and backed up to tell her sorry but she ran into her house. I eventually arrived at a school/apartment complex as the sky turned to dusk. Christa met up with me and we started having sex. People from Christa's work showed up and it started to rain so we both ran to deliver a money bag to the school library. I suddenly remembered that I had left my car door open so I ran back to my car in the slippery pavement. I got to my car while some guy was breaking into it so I grabbed the guy and started punching him in the nose, eventually slamming him to the ground. A fat security guard said "Just let them kill each other" and some guy started making a joke and I told him about how Valery put hot sauce on my pizza a long time ago. I eventually got off the guy I was beating and cops showed up and started throwing CS. I ran back to my car where I took off my shirt and hid it as the cops arrested people that were known trouble makers. I woke up into a counter strike game and stated typing my dream.
Read about the SSILD technique and tried it. Not sure if this will be a good one for me. Woke up without any alarm. Tried the relaxation cycle. Fell back asleep. Nothing. Tried again and again as I kept waking up during the night. Nothing to report here. In the early morning hours I dreamt I was back in FL. I met all my friends again. It felt wonderful. We were at Winghouse. Suddenly we were all living in a medieval house (more like a castle). My friends all dressed up as if they would go to a re-enactment. They looked great. It was funny. They all were part of a procession and tell me to go with them. I just stand there and watch them. Suddenly I'm back at the house and the maidservant is telling me in an evil voice "Maybe they will never return from the procession!". I think something might be really wrong and something bad will happen to my friends. So I run through the house, open all these old fashioned locks and when I finally reach the last door I wake up.
Legend: Non-Lucid , Semi-Lucid , Lucid Last night was kind of a mess. i had to get early so i set my alarm, but a storm came in and the power went off a couple of times. So i had to reset my alarm. All of this took my mind off of dream recall so i didn't get much. Fragments: I go skiing with my dad. We are at the top of a very tall mountain. I start worrying if we'll even be able to get down. I'm in Florida with a friend trying to break into my teacher's chemical closet. I'm driving along a road and this guy asks me if i want to trade cars. I yell 'Yes' and i end up with a crappy version of my original car.
Feb. 16, 2003: I had some dreams I really don't remember,except that they weren't nightmares. Then I had dreams about woods, but they were nice dreams. Then I had a dream about a puppy. It was sort of scary but the end was happy, so it doesn't qualify a nightmare. Then I had a sort of semi, psuedo-nightmare, but the puppy was still involved... hmm... oh well. In my dream I was walking through the woods. They were more like deciduous woods, though. Not sure if they were Florida woods at all. I embraced a tall man with light brown hair. I can't remember what color his eyes were, or if they had a color. All I remember is saying "I remember you" and asking him his name. He wouldn't tell me his name Then there was the dream about the puppy, I don't remember much except that the puppy was going through a temple to save some people, and in the end the puppy managed to save them. It was smallish, sort of like a terrier, with silvery black fur, only it had floppy ears. It was a VERY cute puppy, though. Then I had a dream I was in a car with J following another car through some sort of theme park, and his brakes gave out. Somehow, though, we made it through that alive, mostly because the guy in front of us used the back end of his own car to slow us down (everything was mostly downhill so we would have kept gaining speed). The guy was NOT pleased that he had to total his car, but... hey... we didn't die.
9/12/13, 10:45-5:50 I meditated before sleeping. I said a few mantras. Went to bed at 10:00, couldn't get to sleep till 10:45. Dream 1: I remember it was the 17th century. Britain was colonizing America. The Brits decided to build a railroad from Britain to America. That's crazy! Since trains weren't even invented at that time. Don't know why I didn't see the dumb logic in that. :/ Dream 2: I remember a building. It might have been in Florida. That is all.
My dream last night was like I was watching an episode of Jackass live. It was like I was one of the characters but none of the other characters really acknowledged me. At one point we were in a canoe trying to sink it, and then Ryan Dunn got into a big plastic jug that had some water in it and he was put into the canoe. I was on one end and another Jackass character was on the other end and somehow we were spinning the canoe so that the plastic jug was spinning inside of it and Ryan was getting really beat up inside of it. We we stopped he was pretty angry and bloody. Then a character I did not recognize was on skis with a big sort of winged parachute being held about him. He skied down the street and fly up slightly into the air only to crash back down. I feel like I've dreamt this before because it was familiar yet I'm pretty sure it wasn't a real episode of Jackass. Another part of my dream I remember is being home, and a car which we don't own was in our driveway with the keys in it. In the dream though I thought we owned the car. At home I was also preparing to go with my neighbors to florida. I also remember something about mythbusters and how they were going to try and make a group of bubbles, ontop of some sort of pop or drink, pop in a specific order. Again it was a non-lucid dream and writing it down, it's crazy I didn't go lucid because of all the things that weren't right.
I'm back...I have a yearlong journal in the grandfathered section and my resolution in new years was to do another year long one straight. Mummy in the florida keys It was like I was coming back to college ut instead, I was going to college in the swamp lands of florida. It was weird because I would frequently see an aerial view of the neighborhood I was living in when talking about it. I spent most of my time in the airport with other kids who were going to do the same program that I was in. When I got t the the airport, I first met one girl, slightly chubby with blonde frizzy hair, who was going to my same program. Soon a lot of other kids started started gathering who were going to the same thing. In the library (another section of the airport around the gate), there were many sets of shelves, one of them seemed to belong to me in a past experience with the program. My stuff was scattered to the ground and thrown all over the place. I was pretty mad and I was spending a lot of time trying to find a small paperback book with a blood red cover with a black boy on it. Instead, all the books that I could find were other paperbacks, most memorably, a Redwall book like the ones I used to read when I was younger. There were 2 black boys and one tan white girl, all about 16 standing around and chatting around my shelf. It was them who had messed up all of my stuff. I got really mad at them and punch one of them but then I cooled down. He was still really mad at me so I let him punch my arm a couple times until he cooled down too. Then I told them that there was gonna be a mummy where I was living. The girl was instantly interested and one of the boys, a shorter bald kid who kinda looked like an older version of the boy in Role Models said that because i was telling these interesting stories, the girl was gonna be in love with me. This was true and she wouldn't stop following me around. the aerial view of the neighborhood that I was living in was interesting. It had a couple of houses painted in interesting tropical houses. A lot of the land was covered in water and the houses were mostly connected by dry sand patches in between the land. There was a bridge made of giant pink stones and covering it was a giant light house. Dirty Train This one was inspired by the movie metropia, an interesting movie but I was tired and fell asleep during it after I wrote the first half of this entry. I was on this strange train thing but I was in this very big grungy kinda really dirty room. the room had a couple couches and a lot of young 20 something girls, mostly tanned white but some middle eastern, yes all pretty attractive, but meant to look like they had been working really hard. They were all rebels against their big brother of a government. We were getting into the station and they did this massive cleaning up of their room to hide all of their contraband for when the government worker would come in and inspect it. This was amazing because it featured a giant garage door esque thing that scraped across the floor and very thing that was beyond view kind of disappeared...i can't really describe it right now. So when the room (a room about 30'x30' or maybe a little bigger, metal walls floor and ceiling, was scraped clean we moved back in the couches and added some fold-able tables to fill the space. I was also walking around and I noticed that we had a window at the front of the cart so that we could look out at the tunnel that we were traveling down. I walked out of the giant room and down a hall toward the front of the train (which shouldn't have been there because the window in our room was the front. I noticed that our window actually pointed into a weird sweatshop esque room. I ran back to my room and was yelling about the window, which was now covered in a blind, about how it should not be able to look to the front because there was another room there. This is when I became lucid but it wasn't that big of a deal for some reason. I kind of just brushed passed that. The girls wondered what I meant and lifted the blind and showed the room I was talking about but they said that it had never shown the front of the train...Finally we came to a stop and were about to be inspected. There was one guy who was the inspector guy. He looked like jason stathom but a little skinnier from not eating well. He inspected the room. Earlier in the dream, i just didn't know how to connect the 2 incidences, we were walking around this strange place, before the train, and I noticed that all the workers (all male), were bald with silvery grey skin. One of the silver guys asked me if he had something on his cheek. I laughed really hard and said that yes, he had large smudges all over his right cheek that looked like different color oil stains, like brown, yellow, and other food-ish like product. Later back when we were on the train, I asked one of the girls how the people became grey and she said they get that way after they disrespect the government. Each one of those splotches on the cheek (this detail a little fuzzy) was a mark after one of your family members was killed for punishment from your behavior. I was so sad because I had laughed at this guy earlier. So like I said, everything was inspected and we passed. I started walking around, still lucid but taking it for granted, and looking at all the people. It was really cool and I suddenly noticed once more...hey, why is this dream taking so long. Then I remembered, "duh, dreams just last longer when you're lucid!" At that moment I was walking passed a black middle aged guy and stared at him with a funny face as I walked by to amuse myself. He looked confused. Once again, I stopped myself and realized, Whoa, lucid, gotta do something with this! I realized that I didn't have any shoes on so the first thing I did was try to imagine the feeling of shoes on my feet instead. I didn't try for too long and I just quit that. The next thing I did was went to this ledge thing which was the ledge of a stairway, one of the kinds of stair ways where it looked like it wasn't connected to a wall...crap I'm sucking at explaining things right now. (somehow it wasn't a train I was on anymore I guess) Anyway, I started to try to jump up on it and grab the ledge but I wasn't jumping higher and my grip was extra slippery. I regain composure, "come on, you're lucid, just make yourself jump higher." I gave a couple more pushes with the same result. I looked behind me and the agent inspector guy was there and he was pissed, I was breaking some rule or something. We got into an intense fight (I was thankfully ok at that in my dream) but he still kicked my ass and tackled me to the ground, pinning my head down and sitting on my back. He said something about me doing something wrong and disrespecting him so he took away (the gov could do this) my access to some webpages and made my facebook less powerful (evidently it had some cool power to take away). Another Train (FRAG) took another nap... Just a fragment but I was on a train, regular size this time, and I was with one really fat white woman and probably 2 other skinny women. I remember vaguely the fat one talking about breast feeding and she took out her breast. Some other stupid stuff...
Updated 01-02-2012 at 04:41 PM by 24049
I remember a bus that was supposed to be taking us to Florida but so many things delayed us that by the time we were about to leave I wake up. (I actually do have a trip to Florida in the spring.)
I was going to go to Florida with my mom. We weren't buying plane tickets, we were going to stay inside our refrigerator during the trip there. At first it was. Too heavy to move, but I tried moving it again and I could lift it easily. I brought it outside and threw it on the floor, and it changed into a small cooler with a zebra print design. A group of guys came walking up the street and my friend was with them. He called out to me so I walked over. I told him I was going to Florida. I said he could go also.