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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. Cycling | Spaceship in a void + LD | DEILD Basic TOTM and more | DEILD a man with a moth stand

      by , 06-11-2018 at 10:15 AM
      I've been trying to became lucid after last Wednesday, but these last days I've only recalled one or two normal dreams/night. Until today, when I finally became lucid. I got two normal dreams and three LDs. One dream was both. I also succeeded in a TOTM, the basic one about complimenting a DC. Here are my dreams:

      Normal dream 1: I am cycling in my neighbourhood. I'm using my phone to watch YouTube videos at the same time. I don't remember what I was watching. There is a forest by the road. I see boys my age/older. I cycle the same route over and over again. The dream is foggy?? and I can't remember it fully.

      Normal dream 2: I can't remember the start of the dream fully, but I was in some kind of ship and was in danger of bombs or something. We have to go to the deck or atleast somewhere up to escape the danger. I find my three cousins and my aunt from their room. The walls are red. I tell them that we need to go. My aunt and the oldest cousin come and my aunt is already rushing up. I tell my other younger cousins to hurry up. I'm scared of a bomb. They come and we go to the deck (different scene). I think that we're safe. We are in space/ a dark and purple void?? You can fall of easily, there's no fence or anything. It's hard to describe. I see another ship in the dark. I think we are going towards it. I realise that it's not safe after all, because that ship is our rival and whoever is commanding our ship wants to start fighting with it. The other ship has canyons. I almost go back inside to find a safer place. I don't want to fall into the void. I'm scared but calm myself by remindig that I can just wake up if something bad happens. I know it's a dream and became lucid.
      Lucid dream 1 (DILD): I don't do a RC. I try to teleport to a safer place by closing my eyes and thinking of another place. First I think of my neighbourhood but decide that I don't want to go there and switch to my school. I wake up accidentally.

      I stay still and imagine my school. Soon I'm inside a dream.
      Lucid dream 2 (DEILD): I'm in the school yard. There are lots of people with dogs. I'm a little above them for some reason. In the dream I think that they are there because of a dream I just had, but it's not actually true. I remember wanting to compliment a DC because I have thought a lot about it when awake. I say (in Finnish) "Your dogs are nice and cute. Be proud of them." I said it to the crowd and not one DC. At first they didn't react at all and I became worried, but then they said "Thank you", as if they were just one DC. Then want to stabilize the dream. I forgot to do it in the beginning. I touch the ground (I'm not above the DCs anymore). It's sand. I take some of it and brush my hands against each other. The quality of the dream is kinda good, but not as great as last Wednesday. I wish it was better. I remember reading about how you are more likely to recall the dream in the morning if you try to remember things from the waking life. Or something like that. I remember my whole name. I try to remember things about last week, because a YouTuber had said it would be impossible in a dream. I remember that last week was the first free week after school ending and that I ate certain food. I don't think I could have remembered the food thing while awake... Then I look at the sky. Another Youtuber had said that it should look like a painting and I wanted to prove (to myself??) that my sky was normal. Well the sky isn't a painting but there's a message. It looks like it's written by hand. I'm afraid that it's something creepy. It's in English even though I speak Finnish. It said "Hey I'm the one reading your diary. -You" or something. It's clearly a direct message from my subconsciusness...It isn't as creepy as I thought it would be. Instead I find it super cool. The U in "You" was unfinished. I wake up.

      I imagine the school again.
      Lucid dream 3 (DEILD): I'm closer to the actual school than last dream. I'm flying. There's a stand and an old man. The stand is about a moth. It has a forest backround and pictures. I'm scared that it's something dangerous or creepy. The man shows me the moth. It's a green moth until you flip it and it's a blue btterfly. In the pictures it's only a blue moth. It's big. I don't fly away because I'm losing lucidity. The man convinces me that the moth is harmless and I let it fly to my chest. I don't control the dream enough and the dream unstabilizes. I wake up.

      So those were my dreams last night. Now that I am awake I realised that the man in the last dream was in one of my nightmares... He had a stand (I hope it's the right word) in that dream too... That nightmare is in my DJ here if you're intrested. I need to talk to him next time I see him.

      Updated 06-11-2018 at 10:32 AM by 93459

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    2. Eating Chocolate Cake

      by , 06-01-2018 at 01:24 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      02:40 AM
      Eating Chocolate Cake (Lucid)

      I am at a motel with my girlfriend and we heard banging of footsteps outside and go out to see whats going on. There is a huge swat team raiding on of the hotel rooms and a gun fight starting. I somehow have a gun now which I leave in a holster. I leave carefully with my girlfriend but we are stopped by some police officers and are taken to a table with a guy in a suit and tie for questions about how it went down. The strangeness of the situation makes me consider if it's a dream. This is enough to make me lucid even without RCing.

      I start out by telling the suit guy that I have a gun and putting it on the table. I then tell him to stop and think because this is a dream. He asks how that is possible so I prove it to him by pinching his nose for him. He believes me. I then remember my goal which is to complete the basic task of the month: eat chocolate cake. I reach behind me a whip out a slice on a small plate. It is a basic chocolate cake, not the chocolate mousse kind I hoped for but I give it a try. It is really good anyways! I think about moving on to my next goal but then realize I should have a lot more cake than just one slice since its a dream. I look away and look back and there is a full chocolate cake on the table. I eat it half of it one handful at a time and leave the rest on the table.

      Now, lets summon Juliana. I look and see the Millennium Falcon is around the corner though and run to that instead. Well that is interesting I think I want to explore that first. Maybe Juliana is in the cockpit anyways. I run in but loose some stability since the corridor leading to the cockipit is confusing.
      I loose most of lucidity and the next thing I know I am piloting the ship in 3d person like it's a video game. I am flying around a space station and docking with it. I wake up and know I have to write this dream down. I remember it pretty well but I feel close to the most tired I have ever been. It is 2:40 which means I am less than 3 hours into sleep. It takes me 20 minutes to wake up enough to fully type out notes on my phone and I fall asleep a couple times and I dream some more.

      I am on a cruise ship with my girlfriend. There is a show with a mentalist who also is a motivational speaker. I am sitting up front and when I say one thing to a guy near me the mentalist stops and gives me a look to try and say that I am being rude. I think this makes me a little semi lucid because it just felt weird he would be so dramatic about it. I barely made any noise. My girlfriend and I are chosen to be in the show. We get strapped into a amusement ride with us on rotating seats at the end of a pendulum. We have to answer questions and based on those questions while the ride is spinning and the mentalist will be able to read our minds. The ride gets going and its really a lot of Gs. I like the ride but man it just keeps spinning us non stop while he asks us questions. I actually start to get dizzy which rides usually don't do to me. I can't even focus on his questions. I tell my girlfriend I am going to phase through the seats and fly away. She says something, alarmed. I start to fly out of the seat and wake up again.

      Updated 06-01-2018 at 01:27 AM by 32125

      lucid , task of the month
    3. Dull inducement

      by , 05-26-2018 at 09:03 PM
      so these dreams is I'm always staring at girls then I get the nerve wrecking pinch that makes me want to do something else then about a hour a later I want to stare at girls again then when I recall it only last 8 to eleven minutes every time I have this dream
    4. Basic TOTMs Completed: DC Songs and Chocolate Cake

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:00 AM

      I am lucid in the foyer of a house. I enter into the next room over where a DC is sitting at the computer. I ask them to sing me a song. They do and it sounds very familiar, although I don’t think it exists in real life. The lyrics are sort of complicated and I can’t remember any of them. I walk into the kitchen to ask another DC in the hopes that they’d sing something I could remember when I woke up. I ask two more DCs. The first sings in Spanish and the second in English, but I can’t remember any lyrics now that I’m awake. Then I remember the other basic ToTM, to eat chocolate cake. I don’t remember how I get it (I either summon it or it was immediately handed to me), but I soon have a plate of chocolate cake in my hands and begin to eat it. It is very moist, more so than waking life cake.
      lucid , task of the month
    5. Advanced TOTM Completed: Flower Ice Cream

      by , 05-22-2018 at 01:55 AM

      I become lucid in a house. I walk through the closed front door into the front yard. It is winter and frost is covering everything (it is almost summer here). I remember the task to make a flower into ice cream. I walk around looking for flowers before finding dandelions, in both the yellow and fluffy white varieties. I pick one of the fluffy ones and begin walking back to the house with the idea of using something in the kitchen. Then I decide I don’t want to walk that far (not to mention it would be pointless) so I instead begin to spin the flower while it’s still in an upright position so the blurred bit looks like a cone shape. It soon becomes a real ice cream cone with ice cream in it. I taste this “dandelion ice cream” and find it tastes very similar to mint, but has a slightly chalky aspect to it.

      Not sure what happens next, most likely I lose lucidity or the dream ends.
      lucid , task of the month
    6. Be kind and friendly to your DC´s and you will wake up with a good feeling

      by , 05-13-2018 at 10:06 PM
      recall a bit fuzzy because of several DEILDS (i always get problem with continuity and mix up parts...) maybe i need to narrate the dream more while lucid. but with this DEILDS its super relaxed, no worrys to wake up or anything... you just need to remember to do it xD and have some proper goals or awareness will sink with time...

      -some sexy time with a woman in a bus
      - i am with A and F, A is visiting F, we are in the living room. i go to the toilet and get lucid [dreamsign i try to train... in one of maybe 10 or 15 it triggers lucidity] i phase back through a door and into the room. i remember the TOTM and ask the two if they want to sing me something? maybe something from queen? they start smiling instantly and start put their arm on the shoulder of each other and start singing (i also hear the music?), i smile and am curious if they know the songtext because me in waking life never remember any songtext. in the moment i think about it they just start mumbling and humming like people who dont know the text... we all laugh [sadly i cant remember which queen song it was...] and i wake up/FA and DEILD
      -i walk with a girl, i do a Nosepinch to see if i am dreaming, RC fail but i am not in my bed so this must be a dream, we walk and talk i rub my hands and sing an affirmation [it was one with a cool melody but i also forgot :/] we walk around a corner and there is a band playing with drums and singing and all, its very cool, i go there and dance a little between people i recognize one of the singers as a friend i know. the floor is made out of fine gravel. some girls dance bare feet. i am smiling that the "dream" is doing this for me. my goal for this dream is to be nice to DC´s and have a proper talk without expectation, so i go around the corner into a room where a super cute girl is sleeping with a big smile, i try to wake her calmly but she is very drowsy so i put a pillow under her head and dont want to bother her and again wake up and DEILD
      -i am on a canoe (later it changes that i am swimming) and i have a basket with me on a leash, i paddle past two girls next to the river and ask them if they wanne join eating. they smile shyly and deny. i feel very good about beeing friendly to everyone without any demand or expectation. i meet ("my"?) girl in the water i am swimming now and tell her food is ready. i climb out of the water on a platform that seems to be a cafe, i look into the basket and its empty, i look away and expect there food to be and look again. i find some cookies i try and deeper in the basket is some chines food in the typical take away boxes. the owner of the cafe comes around and i ask if its a problem that we want to eat here. he changes into a rat, perspective is changing and i see a group of rats disappear in a hole... DEILD??
      -i ride a bike with a girl, i phase thru several objects while on the bike, we park our bike and i ask her if she would like to have a talk with me but she seems not to? i stay friendly and tell her its no problem

      another lucid in same night:
      -i try to phase not thru walls (this got second nature) but i want to phase with the ceiling, but instead of flying... i jump feet first... xD sometimes i manage to get high enough and push myself with arms thru the ceiling sometimes i "fall" down again and a floor deeper... after some time i decide its stupid and phase thru a wall but instead of seeing the next room i feel like stuck in between the wall and everything is white?
      after that only semilucid stuff with low awareness i am to lazy to type
      Tags: dcs, deild, friendly, phase
      lucid , task of the month
    7. False Replica Reflections

      by , 05-11-2018 at 08:03 AM
      so this is a dream theory that when one perceives there imagery In dreams and reflects lights in the darkness of seeing human and conscious awareness in dream thinking demons angels monsters are all your subconscious creations so when dreaming in nightmare in ld its your mind trying to fathom how you perceive your own after life in a game played when your eyes are closed so when closing your eyes and meeting dream characters and having view and conversation when sleeping being that your mind makes a deep desire to replicate and create images in your own being and waking life seeing images and reflection of the scary monster the most ruthless demons the most exotic angels and having conversation with other human dreamers in a sense of imagery your mind wakes up in a dream a you seeing other images that aren't your image sometimes I'm not sure if someone has just a standing in a mirror point of view of seeing their lives unfold so when your mind contracts the darkness to reflect the light you make up being in the darkness in moments notice while trying to wake for daily activities in your own pre-set mind games and conscious fathoming
    8. Log 1102 - Magical May 2018 Competition - Day 4

      by , 05-05-2018 at 09:38 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 05 May 2018

      Got a DILD to note. There were a whole bunch of other dreams, but a kind of discomfort made recollection difficult.

      Several intended and unintended WBTBs before this dream.

      Dream 1 - Magical May 2018 Competition

      Scene 1 - Inustrial Communal Place Brief Awareness
      The visuals were blurred. I was an unknown wide facility, metal plating covering much of its walls. There was someone chasing me, or at least someone I was avoiding. So, while floating around, I kept near the ceilings, occasionally phasing through the ducts up to higher levels. Later, I found my brother, Alvaro in some communal bedroom. Got briefly aware. Immediate transition.

      Scene 2 - Bare Diminutive Awareness
      The visuals were blurred. I was home, showering upstairs, dim twilight peeking in from the window. Noticed the bathroom looked absurdly spaceous, retriggering lucidity. I made my way downstairs to the lounge, where I shrunk myself, first down to 1 foot in height, then even smaller. I then looked around, expecting to find unknown DCs to mess around with. Things destabilized. Took a moment to rub hands and concentrate. Transition half a minute later.

      Scene 3 - May 2018 TOTM Advance Task I
      The visuals were clear. I was at the lounge again, only back to full size. I step outside, but not to my neighborhood. Instead, I found myself at the lounge area of a beachside resort. A vast, round wicker canopy covered the place, the surrounding walkways, and most of the nearby shops, and also concealed a clear blue sky above. Seeing passerby's got me worried of my apparel (or lack thereof, given the whole shower thing above). An unnecessary concern, as I found I was already wearing pool shorts, a dark blue tanktop, and running shoes.

      I started recalling the TOTMs, settling for the ice cream one. After some searching, I found a flower growing near an unkempt bush behind a trash can, the bloom akin to a deep violet trumpet creeper. Through telekinesis, I plucked the flower, and kept it hovering over my hand. I then tried changing it. Initially, it transformed into formless darkness, before finally settling into a large glass full of white ice cream. I ate a fingerful, but could taste and feel nothing, just a faint blandness. Both the food and environment were deteriorating. A half minute of concentration fixed as much. This time, the ice cream had a slightly yellowish tint. I took a dab, which felt much colder and a bit coarser than normal ice cream (more akin to the low fat/fat free variety, or frozen yogurt). As for the taste, it was plain vanilla flavored, followed by an oatmeal-ish aftertase.

      Couldn't think of much else better to do. So I floated around aimlessly. It took more effort than usual to get off the ground, let alone to keep balance, which I could only manage by waving my arms around like an oaf. Furthermore, I couldn't get much higher than a head above a nearby archway.

      The dream collapsed soon after. I tried DEILDing back in, but lost lucidity.

      Scene 4 - Where'd He Get My ID?
      The visuals were a bit blurred. This depicted the life of some young, lanky manager in a print shop. Through some crazy coincidence, his former boss from his old job, a stumpy guy with glasses, was now under his employ. Though a diligent worker, this ex-boss was also quite needy, demanding constant advice and oversight.

      I was later given the young manager's role. The stumpy guy started bothering me to trade personal contact info with each other, more than I was sure was needed, down to our driver's liscense ID numbers. This made me very suspicious of my current state. Well, that, and that I found my own ID in this this young guy's wallet. The dream ended before I could do much about that.

      Scrap Group 1
      Some guy is making douchebag comments. I put him on an Argentine Backbreaker hold, then tossed him aside when he started whimpering.

      Updated 05-05-2018 at 10:45 PM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
    9. That look of eyes five inches a part

      by , 04-30-2018 at 06:51 AM
      I found myself in a huge convention center, it seemed. And to my surprise, the place sort of circled around a large domain where the space needle was being constructed, though it was black. I met this woman, and everyone presumed she had an attitude about her that made her cold, unapproachable, and seemingly ill-tempered. I chose to ignore these elements and sat down with her at a picnic table, still inside this convention center. This woman's disposition was an absolute amalgamation of several personas of multiple strippers.

      Laburnout theory-screen-shot-2018-04-29-4.24.21-am.jpgClick image for larger version. 

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      I'm so stupidly foggy as to other dream aspects, but I was at one point conversing with my mother about something lifelike.

      Additionally, my friend Matt was at my house, and he felt the need to watch television on our big screen downstairs. He gathered together a jumbled mess of extension cords, and sought the assistance of my father to garner a means to watch his program. When i met him at the foot of the stairs, I asked why he needed to do this, and he responded with "I didn't want you to give me that look of eyes five inches apart!"

    10. Completing all but 2 beginner tasks for April TOTM

      by , 04-04-2018 at 10:04 AM
      Long lucid dream WILD, that got more stable over time. I counted my fingers at different points when I doubted myself. I felt it was a pretty long, detailed lucid dream, and was a bit worried I would forget parts, especially as I slept between having the lucid dream and recording it.

      In our apartment I looked around the room, and everything seemed in place. I put my hands to the light and looked at my palm, which looked normal. I looked at pictures on the black closet. There were lots of tiny pictures. I looked closely at them, trying to take in detail.

      Tried to remember more dream tasks. I was in my parent's garden. I was wearing my blue top and black tracksuit bottoms. I tried to pull something out of my pockets but there was only fluff from the trousers. I felt the grass with my hands and my face, and I felt the texture and the temperature (it was not cold). I looked at the sky, it wasn’t too detailed and colours blended into each other. I tried jumping and gravity was a bit off, but I didn’t jump too high. I attempted to read ingredient labels, which was funny because they looked roughly convincing at a glance, but when read closely, they looked like made up ingredients.

      I wanted to eat chocolate cake, so I opened the fridge with the intention that I would find one, but the fridge was full of other stuff, so I didn’t eat anything.
      lucid , task of the month
    11. Group of Friends

      by , 04-02-2018 at 08:25 PM
      I was alone at first and I was working toward my team. My team of friends I became Lucid
      And I did a reality check to make sure I was lucid then I realised I was losing 100% lucid
      And then I realised I'm bad at Yemen well I had a group of friends but I really didn't like.
      One of them were close to me in the dream and we pu our heads together and we taught at once me and this dream character.
      It was for some kind of game but the game was stopped. Because of the bullies that came I wanted to fight them, but the dream character stopped me and said that what they want . He was the oldest one there I have stopped them and not make them do this to me anymore I'm stronger now.
      lucid , task of the month
    12. Spring 2018 Competition: Night Sixteen

      by , 04-01-2018 at 09:13 PM
      I am in my living room with a friend. I become lucid and decide to complete the ToTM "Ask your dream what would happen tomorrow in real life." I decide to use her as an embodiment of the dream and ask her, "what will happen tomorrow in real life?" She says something strange about tinfoil being put on someone's feet. (I will keep you guys posted if something like that actually happens...:chuckle:) I remember this is the last night of the competition, so I do the first thing I can think of that scores points, which is walking through a wall. I also remember super speed, which I do in circles around a room for a little while. Then a DC begins to talk to me. I keep myself focused by pushing my hand through a table, which I for some reason can't do on the first try, but then can on the second.
      The dream ends.

      I am on a Ferris wheel with someone else. I become lucid again and think I should do the ToTM again and maybe get better results. I can't remember her answer and I quickly lose lucidity.

      I am trying to infiltrate somewhere (???) but someone else who is trying to help is messing it up. I become lucid and decide to do my second task for the three-step task, teleporting. I try to teleport outside, but halfway through I decide to instead teleport to the next room over. I do and then walk through the wall to the outside to fly. I begin to fly, and then remember that I found the dream I was having before I became lucid interesting, so I turn around in midair and see one of the DCs that was a part of it. I ask her something and she tells me to go to a certain website. I turn around to fly away again, but I forget to stabilize while in midair and the lack of sensations causes me to wake up.

      1 Non-Lucid: 1
      DILD: 10
      ToTM: 15
      Walking through wall: 10
      Super speed: 5
      Interact with DC: 2
      Push hand through solid object: 5
      Second DILD: 5
      Interact with DC: 2
      Third DILD: 5
      Teleport: 10
      Second Three-Step Task: 10
      Walking through wall in third dream: 10
      Basic Flying: 5
      Third Three-Step Task: 15
      Interact with DC in third dream: 2
      [B]Total: 112[/B]
      lucid , task of the month
    13. chat online

      by , 03-20-2018 at 07:32 PM
      i was talking to someone on a chat of some sort
      and we were talking about dreams and sleep paralysis
      and i told him the fear you have sint real just calm down and take it easy
      and he said that it was soo scary and hard, and i told him , i told him hes over reacting to it .
    14. meeting with all black friends

      by , 03-17-2018 at 11:24 PM
      at first i was lone walking then a walked to my group of friends
      and one of DCs was a family member (hassa).then i became
      lucid . after than i noticed it was a team from old times in yeman

      some background : at that time we were a group of black kids and we had be
      together because people were racist to us there , and we had to help
      all of us and we had a team called the black kids.:

      after becoming lucid i made a RC and conformed i was indeed lucid dreaming
      and i walked to the team and our heads were put together and we sat there
      and then hussa came to me and told me you got this ( meaning being called nigger
      and c beating up for being balck is something from the past )
    15. Lace devil

      by , 03-17-2018 at 06:59 AM
      I wake up getting worship by god Girl on Drugs) I stare at there faces as they wake an I escape by darkness
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