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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. 25/09/12--Insect TOTM

      by , 09-25-2012 at 02:11 AM (VictoReverie's Night-time Adventures)
      I'm an insect!

      I'm at school and find out that there are people out of class during class time. I think to myself "either I have my timetables mixed up, or this is a dream". I'm dreaming! I start to tell people in my locker bay that this is a dream, but they all ignore me as if I didn't exist. I remember the TOTM, so I start spinning, imagining that when I stop, everything around me will appear enlarged, and I will be a tiny insect. When I stop, I find that everything is indeed much bigger, and my perspective starts from the ground. My body a slightly larger than a human hand. I crawl around and then grab onto a pair of legs. A girl shrieks when she sees me on her leg and runs away. Then some other people pick me up and start playing with me. I will myself to grow even smaller, so I can escape their grasp, but I find myself on my bed instead(False Awakening)

      (FA countinued) I get on my bed and walk through a mirror, deciding that I will be an even smaller insect this time. Instead, I end up in my bed again. FA. I get out of bed and then out the door, and find a small park with trees and grass. I imagine the trees getting larger while I grow smaller. Unfortunately, only the trees grow as large as skyscrapers but the don't get any wider! The grass doesn't get taller, so I still feel human sized. I decide that I've had enough of trying to be an insect, and approach a brick wall and try to destroy it with a punch. The wall breaks but all the separate bricks remain intact. I then move some of the bricks with telekinesis, and try to throw them at passing cars (I miss). After I finish playing with bricks, I decide I want to go drag racing. First, I walk on to the road, and see if any cars would run me over. I quickly do a reality check before a car comes close to me, just in case I was actually in real life. I am relieved when my finger goes through my palm, but when I look up, the car had disappeared. I try to get run over a few more times but all the cars stop before they hit me. When I decide to move on to drag racing, the dream fades and I wake up.
    2. OBE or induced lucid dream, orrrrrr?

      by , 09-24-2012 at 02:43 PM (Mysteries of my subconscious)
      The Induction
      Now, I feel that this was not a directly induced lucid dream. Here's my method. I woke up to my alarm at 4:30, and then after my alarm goes off, I usually just go right back to sleep and try to stay aware long enough to do a finger induced lucid dream. those seem to work well for me. But I remember very lightly doing the FILD, and hardly even doing it. And then I felt myself snap into a dream but hardly really. I plugged my nose as a reality check and I could breathe.
      This is where it changes.

      The Rest..
      I stand up and get out of my bed but think nothing of it. I walk through my house, very fatigued, and I felt very heavy. I got see everything very clearly. Everything appeared to be hyper realistic, which I generally associate with an OBE. I've never had one though, so I don't know what it's truly like. I walked slowly through my house due to my fatigue. My vision was blurry through one of my eyes, and it was mostly blurry from farther distances. I heard a drumming from my garage, which is weird because I don't have any drums or anything. I went to check it out, and it was my friend Javier. He just said what's up to me and that was the end of that. I started walking back through my house a bit, and then I heard my music playing from in my room. I tried to plug my nose, and see if I was still breathing, and woke to find I wasn't.

      So now, I'm just wondering what this was, but I think it was more likely a LD. I didn't experience any rushing noises, or any vibrations usually accompanied with an OBE. Either way, if I didn't accomplish a dream goal, it was still pretty cool.
    3. I destroyed the dream world on accedent.

      by , 09-21-2012 at 11:05 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      The first dream I had was of very little importance. I don't remember much of it, literally the only piece of it I can recall was Mulder from the X-files was gay. It didn't really make sense.

      The second dream that was actually memorable started out with me and my sister Rose at the park. I've been chanting a reminder in my head the past few days to attempt one of the DreamViews monthly challenges where you shrink your perspective down to the size of a tiny bug and explore the world. I finally remembered to do that in this dream, but it didn't last as long as I would hope. So, back to the plot.
      Rose and I were walking around with my niece in a stroller, like we have actually done in the past- nothing seemed out of place. I actually visit this park frequently in real life, it's down the street from my house. We walked along the pathway going through the grass and saw a small commotion over by the Park&Recreation office building, that's also next to the main playground. We made our way over to the side of the building and saw what everyone was buzzing about. There was a strange red-orange orb of energy hovering next to the sidewalk near the street. The orb had a dark ominous larger field of energy surrounding it, but you could tell the it the dark energy was radiating out of the smaller red one. I began to analyze my setting, trying to figure out what that could possibly be. It felt dark, and foreboding. I started to become lucid just then, I'm not sure if it was out of luck or if my critical thinking during the day is just paying off.
      I decided then that I wanted to get rid of that energy in the park. I attempted to create a orb of white and good energy to blend with the red one and nullify it but my white energy didn't seem to last very long. This is the part where it gets interesting. I decided to take an alternate route. I wanted to harness whatever this orb was, it obviously was of great importance in my head. But I also was reminded of my goal of shrinking, so I decided that if I DID get to explore the world of a bug or bacteria, it would be a well precaution to absorb the energy of that orb before going under, incase of any potential difficulties. I calmed my mind and focused on the perspective of my size. I wanted to make focus on both making myself smaller and the things around me larger. I focused my intent and closed my eyes for a technique that I usually use to summon things in front of my vision, but instead- I opened them to be standing next a forest of grass!
      I made my way just through a few blades and onto the side walk. The building next to me was much, much larger than it had been before and the projectile of my vision made the dark orb look like a red sun. This new light made the orb seem even more ominous, and what happened next- I guess I should have left undone. I began to expand the orb in my mind before I attempted to absorb it. I made it grow in size about twice as large as it had been but then, it ripped appart my dream. I guess it turned into some sort of black whole, the world went dark and I saw shapes of space and matter flying into it's spot until everything went dark and the dream ended. I woke up later, excited about the incredible visuals of the explosion but... it was unfortunet that I didn't get to roam around as a tiny me a bit longer.
    4. TOTM with dinasaurs

      , 09-21-2012 at 09:35 AM
      In RL decided to allow dinasaurs to eat me. I thought it would be interesting to be eaten by dinasaurs.
      I was walking in the cave, remembered that its a dream, made RC. I went to the wall and wanted a door, but appeared only door handle. I turned it , the wall opened and i made a step in the ashient ocean. The water was very clear and soon i saw 2 big kronosaurus. They ate me very qucikly - just swam to me and began to eat my legs. I threw up and awoke.
      lucid , task of the month
    5. Lucid #76: Advanced ToTM

      by , 09-16-2012 at 02:13 PM (Magic Box)
      My house was on fire.

      I was panicking, and waterbending any water I could find into the flames to put them out. I was thinking of just firebending the flames, but for some reason my dream self knew I sucked at firebending. I was in the kitchen when I suddenly got lucid. Everything went HD instantly, which was really awesome to witness. I stood there, amazed at the realistic graphics of the dream. I walked outside, leaving my house in flames, and not caring a bit. I didn't think about stabilizing, because the last few times I tried to stabilize, it ended up making the dream hazy, I have no idea why. This time everything went smoothly. It must've been because I didn't think the dream would fall apart, so my mind found no reason to do so. If that makes sense.

      I was out in the middle of the street. It was nighttime and there were no cars around. I closed my eyes and imagined a huge pool of water appearing in the road. When I opened my eyes, there it was. It looked like a huge pond with blue-black water. For a moment I thought, "Am I really doing this?" For the past few lucids, I've been planning to do it, but I always chickened out at the last minute. I was afraid it would be too scary and shock me awake, or make me lose lucidity.

      Oh, fvck it.

      I jumped in. I was underwater, a few feet from the surface. It was very dark, but I could see that there were dolphins around me. They looked so cute, just a bit larger than me. There were about 5 or 6 of them, swimming playfully. Then I remembered my last unfinished personal monthly goal, which was to turn into a mermaid (thanks NoDaniel for the idea ). I was initially planning to turn into a mermaid while doing the advanced ToTM, so I'd hit two birds with one stone. Plus, it'd be easier to travel underwater and there won't be any breathing problems.

      I closed my eyes and imagined turning into a mermaid. I tried moving my legs but it felt like they were glued together. They felt very light too. I looked down at myself and saw that I had a shimmery silver fin, which was about twice as long as my normal legs. It was really cool. I decided to swim down, thinking that the deeper I go, the further into the past I'd end up in. (Perfect logic seems legit ) After about 20 meters or so, I started seeing huge aquatic thingies moving past me. They moved really fast so I couldn't see what they were. I shifted upright, and stayed still. Then this ginormous crocodile-looking creature moved beside me. It was quite different though; it didn't have reptile scales, but a fish-type skin. I could see there were about 3-4 of them in the distance. There were also a lot of squid-looking creatures that were as big as me, floating around. There were seaweeds too -- I had to push some of them away from me.

      I decided to swim back up to the surface.
      I must've lost lucidity sometime in between, because I don't remember ever reaching the top.

      P.S. So I was looking up pics of the cretaceous period animals and found this, and I remember seeing it about 2 weeks ago. Good job brain, for remembering

      Updated 09-16-2012 at 02:16 PM by 53603

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    6. 12th September 2012 - 21st Lucid Dream [I'm in spppaacceeeeeeee]

      by , 09-12-2012 at 02:48 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I was hanging out with my mum and we decided to go and get some pizza for dinner. We headed upstairs in our house, which had apparently turned into a floor dedicated to restaurants and fast-food joints. We head into my parents' bedroom which was now a pizza place called "mama's pizza" or something. They had a deal where if you got 3 toppings on your pizza you got a second pizza for free. We asked for a menu and I seemed to be unfolding the thing for ages, it was ridiculously long once it had all been unfolded. I found the pizza section and they had the most bizarre toppings. We decided to go with pepperoni, plum and onion. We were debating the apricots instead of the onion, but chose against it.

      We waited for a while and finally our food was ready, although, instead of pizza they had served us up gigantic salmon fillets with our chosen toppings on. We decided to just walk out without paying and go to another pizza place.

      Across the hall in my brother's bedroom (which was supposedly Pizza Hut) we wonder why it's just a bedroom when it had a huge "Pizza Hut" sign on the door. We walk out and go into my bedroom, labelled as Domino's Pizza, and the same issue occurs.

      I become lucid randomly and, as always when I become lucid, I do the most random things to stabilise. I start grabbing onto portions of my mother's hair and stroking my fingers through it. When I'm satisfied with the level of stabilisation I head over to the wall I always use to phase through in my lucid dreams. I remember the Advanced Task of the Month and will myself to go there, but when I walk up to the wall I just smack my face into it. I keep trying to push myself through, but nothing happens.

      I give up on this goal for now because I didn't want to waste the lucidity. I go downstairs and in the living room I decide to try conjuring up an energy ball in my hands. Nothing really happens at first, I'm holding my hands with a small ball shape space in the middle and specks of ambient light are shining out of it as I try to conjure the energy ball. I move on to trying to do a "Kamehameha Wave" from the Dragonball series. I pull my hands back and it works right away, an orb or blue light starts growing in size in my hands and but when I release it, a beam of light is just projected in the direction I point with no destructive force. I try again multiple times with varying degrees of success, when I notice how stunning the outside world looks.

      It almost looks like it's snowing, although it's far too dark for that. I assume it's ash, like what you get after a volcano erupts. Somebody had placed a huge cover over my Dad's car, but the rest of the street was completely barren, not a car or person in sight.

      I was going to phase through the window to get outside, but I remember the failed attempt with the wall so I decide to just punch the window, breaking it. Initially there's a huge fist hole in the glass and slowly it begins shattering into tiny pieces, soon spreading to all other panes of glass in the window. It's fascinating to watch as it crumbles apart.

      I climb up through the window and head outside. It's no longer snowing ash and most of what settled on the ground seems to have disappeared. The next portion is somewhat blurry and I think I briefly lost lucidity. I was using a wall as if it was a keyboard and typing to a friend, saying something along the lines of "Isn't it awesome how I'm sending you this message from inside a lucid dream?!"

      Afterwards, my lucidity fully returns and I walk out into the middle of the street performing reality checks to stabilise. There's a zombie behind me wrapped up in chains and slightly in front of it I notice a truck with cages stacked on it slowly making its way down the street. Up the front of the truck was another zombie in one of these cages and then I notice even more similar cages lined up down the street in front of everyone's houses.

      I fly up in the air, deciding to ignore the distraction and remembering my goal to fly into space. I fly higher and higher until I get to a point where the scenery in the distance just kind of "cuts off", as if it's a chunk of Google Maps which is taking a while to load. I turn around and ignore it, continuing to fly up. I'm at the highest I've ever been while flying and I can see the curvature of the world now.

      I notice how awesome the sky looks, there's lots of dark clouds interlaced with white ones and a deep blue sky. Over in the distance I notice a thunderstorm starting, so I hurry and fly up through the clouds before it makes its way over to me.

      Upon reaching the atmosphere I'm astounded by the awesome appearance of the sun as it shimmers over the Earth's surface. The clouds had cleared now and it's almost cartoon-like how detailed I can see the Earth's land from this high up. I turn around, briefly blinded by looking directly at the sun, until I find the moon.

      I fly towards it leaving the Earth behind. When I reach it I'm shocked at how small my subconscious had chosen to depict it, it was so small I could see a pretty sharp curvature after landing on the moon's surface. I look towards the Earth and notice again how unrealistically small it is, my subconscious had depicted it as so far away from the moon. Regardless, I'm amazed at how everything looks. From here I can see the other planets in our solar system in the distance and the sun glimmering over the Earth.

      At this point I'm reminded of the video game "Portal", and just that thought is enough to trigger a schema and an orange portal is formed on the moon's surface, right in front of me. I'm pleased with my first ever portal creation, albeit somewhat small. I stick my head through it and see what looks like a lab with DCs discussing something on the other side of the room. I pull back out of the portal and try to make it bigger without much luck, so I just try squeezing through.

      I end up being sucked in and I'm now standing upright in this lab, portal closed behind me. I quickly discover that what the DCs were talking about was a self-destruct sequence for this room. Myself and two others were left behind in here and we were rapidly trying to find a way out. The hatch the other DCs used to escape had been sealed and upon trying to open a new portal it doesn't lead anywhere as the previous portal exit had closed.

      I tell one of the DCs with me, a tall man with dark hair, to grab onto my hand and squeeze it. I use his squeezing as an anchor onto the dream world so that I can close my eyes and use lucid powers to find a way out of here. He grabs hold of my hand but starts questioning me as to what I'm doing. I tell him to shut up as I can't concentrate and, finally, I close my eyes and focus on the squeezing sensation from his hand.

      Soon I get a "vision" of sorts in the darkness. I see a ventilation shaft that we can escape through. I explain this to them and we rush towards it, slipping down through the tight gap.

      We appear on the other side and the scene transition has made me lose lucidity, which I'm frustrated over because I would have been able to complete the Basic Task of the Month.

      We seem to be in an engine room, but I soon discover that we've simply become incredibly small, or we're just on a huge circuit board. There are transistors, a CPU and huge wires which look like vines. Everything in here is running at extreme temperatures so we have to avoid touching any of them, otherwise we'd turn into roast human.

      The others leave me behind and I struggle to make my way through without touching anything. I briefly scrape against a small white box and feel the heat scorch my arm. I cringe and move on, making my way to this ladder and burning myself multiple times in the journey.

      We all climb the ladder together and I wake up.

      Updated 09-12-2012 at 02:51 PM by 54730

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid , task of the month
    7. Advanced TOTM (almost), and failed Basic one

      by , 09-10-2012 at 07:19 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I believe I had my first true DEILD this morning. I'll try to remember the details (it happened sometime between 7:30am - 9am), and I slept way in after that, so I don't remember a ton of details. But I know I had vibrations 3 times, and each time I went straight into a dream where I was in my bed and had to think for a bit to make sure I wasn't really awake (my room is starting to look too correct lol). There was literally seconds between each dream, where I didn't move, just felt the vibrations and immediately went into the dream. I also did the advanced TOTM! It was just a little blurry and pretty short because of how unnerving it was. At any rate, I woke up at 5am, went back to sleep, then 6am, sleep, 6:45am, sleep, 7:15am, sleep (lol, school mornings are rough). When I went to bed at 7:30am, I was so tired by this point that I felt the vibrations come on only after a few minutes of just laying there. I waited until I could start to see a picture, and I opened my eyes. It was my room, and again with the strange orangeish light that's almost my only giveaway that I'm dreaming. Still, I get up very slowly just in case. I look at my hands, and the tip of my right ring finger is missing which confirmed lucidity. I give everybody a good wiggle and leave the bedroom. Not thinking of the TOTM right away I decide to go outside and have a look around. I feel like flying (I don't usually, but now I'm starting too more. I think that's good because I bet I'll get to see and do more stuff this way hehe). I shoot straight up and as soon as I can see over the houses, I notice a huge river that doesn't exist irl. Then I think of the advanced TOTM and I bet I can manipulate this river into a cretaceous ocean once I'm underwater. Ever since I chickened out in my last attempt, I formed a plan: find water again, have a cage or some kind of underwater enclosure that lets me see but not get hurt, and one of those electrocutey things. It's a tall order I admit, but I'm really determined! Anyway, I flew up to the river bank, and I noticed a partially sunken inflatable blue canoe, big enough for one. I landed next to it, pulled it out and it immediately popped into shape. I sat down inside it, and it shoved itself on down the river. I willed it to form a glass shell over the top, which it did (but it didn't close properly, which I will discover later). I forgot about the weapon, oops. To my right in my new "sub" is a little control panel with a few unmarked buttons. I pretend I'm punching a combination for "The Cretaceous Period" and I say it aloud as I'm pushing the buttons. The submarine sinks to the ocean floor, and it's brown and murky and a bit hard to see (a little visual snowish). But I squint and pay close attention and move forward across the prehistoric ocean floor, looking for life. Sure enough, I see something that looks like an alligator at first, but as it got closer I noticed it was a mosasaur*. It was weaving left and right along the ocean floor, then it saw me. It paused for a moment and looked at me and I froze. It looked angry, like it wanted to get to me but didn't bother trying because I was protected. Then it swam off. A whole school of mosasaur came next, weaving back an forth like the first, all in unison. They all swam past my little nautilus, and each and every one looked at me all pissed in the same way as the first, then continued on. I was so scared, I thought I would wake up. Then they were gone, and I decided that was good enough for the task and I willed the sub to resurface. As it was moving up, it started filling with water. I just hoped it would make it up before I drowned. It didn't. But I was able to breath, I just wasn't breathing water. It felt like there was always a mask of air in front of my face, and water never came inside (which is actually normal for even my nonlucid underwater dreams, there's always a bit of air there). I could see the glimmer of the water's surface just above me when I woke up.

      I felt vibrations right away, and knowingly phased into an LD in my room the same way. I got up and thought of the basic task (greedy). Already I wasn't sure how this was going to work, so I just left the bedroom and went to the living room. I stood in front of the piano and said "shrink" but nothing happened. I said it again, but this time I squatted down on the floor at the same time, hoping my subC would fill in the blanks lol. Nothing. So then I remembered someone on DV saying to just make everything around you grow instead. So I willed the furniture to grow, and all that happened was they stayed the same size, but the legs got really long lol. Then I woke up. That one is going to be way hard for me. I'm going to need a plan again, like maybe using a mirror portal or going up a beanstalk haha.

      Same transition again (I'm already thinking how cool it's going to be to blog the fact that I did a true DEILD, as well as noticing that the 2nd was shorted than the first. So this one may end up being even shorter, oh well). Again, I "awoke" in my bed immediately lucid, got up, left the room and headed for the living room. I saw Danny (irl he's at work). I was glad I saw the DC version of him, because we had a bad fight last night irl, but this DC doesn't know that hehe. I hugged him and he bit my hand, demon style. I slapped him on the side of his head, and he returned to normal. I said "Let's go outside." We went to the front yard. It was cool, and cloudy. I said, "I can fly, want to come with me?" He said sure. I got behind him, and put my arms around his chest and locked my fingers. With effort, I jumped straight up, and we started to sink immediately. He was so heavy! I forced us to go higher, which worked, but it was hard to steer with Danny in my arms. We were heading straight for some trees, but I forced us to the right as hard as I could. I said "It's really hard to steer while holding you." But I managed to get us up higher, and over the houses. I said "Want to see something cool? Just over those houses is a really big river!" So I flew us to the river so he could see it. We just hovered over the rooftops, watching the water move for a few moments, then I woke up.

      Gucci was barking irl so I got up and let him in. I went back to sleep and had a few FAs, all related to confronting Danny about our fight last night. That's all there was.

      *edit: not pliosaurs, they were mosasaurs. I googled different ones and it was the mosasaur that were more alligator-looking.

      Updated 09-10-2012 at 10:40 PM by 905 (wrong dino name)

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    8. *LUCID* The Deep Blue Sea TOTM

      by , 09-09-2012 at 01:13 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Before hand I decide to do the advanced TOTM, swim in the cretasious sea. I watched BBC Sea Monsters with Nigel last week and was prepared. I would enter the mirror in my room and be on Nigel's ship.

      I decide to WILD and actually did it! It was a lot like DEILD after all. I layed there with my mantra and a very dim awareness and suddenly I hit SP. It was a slight twinge and I wondered why so short. I relaxed and felt it again but stronger I get wildly excited. I feel my heart pounding and my breath shorten. I wanted lucid so bad tonight. I force myself to be calm with my meditation. Once I was relaxed the SP went away. My dream body gets up but I feel really real and wonder if I am a wake. I walk to the mirror and push on it and it is solid.

      I am suddenly back in bed with SP. I get up and run to the mirror and bash my head on it solid. I feel embarrassed and drunkenly go back to bed. I feel the SP again. Again I rush to the mirror I really thought that if I entered the mirror I could be on the deck of Nigel's ship.I hit my head on it and wonder if why wife thinks I am nuts. I feel like I was just sleep walking. I go lay back down only to hit SP again. This time I think more about it. I remember the room didn't look right and I barely felt the mirror. OK lets just concentrate now.

      I cleared my mind. I felt like I was floating. I get the urge to spin. I felt like I was on my back and the center point was my stomach. I begin to spin so fast that I could feel the centripicle force on my arms and legs. It was a nice feeling but I wanted to get on Nigle's ship! I made a new mantra. Nigel. Nigel Nigel Nigel... I imagined my hands connecting with a smooth railing of what could be a ship deck. I felt the friction from my spinning movent on my hands. I stopped the spinning and had a solid hold on it with my left.

      Suddenly I am back in bed sort of awake. I DEILD quickly. I hit SP again but this time I slowly get up. No good. My body feels sluggish and the bed feels like a tar pit. I could only get my left arm over the edge of the bed. I imagine my feet slowly floating over the side.

      Suddenly I feel something hard and cold on my left hand. It is so cold it almost hurts. I don't know if it got me or if I got it. I feel like I am pintching a cold raw half thawed chicken wing. It scares the hell out of me and I think something evil is there. I force myself reminan calm. I know I am dreaming and I am very determined to do the TOTM. The thing is so gross but It actually helps stabilize me. I stand up and pick the thing up since it is attached to my fingers. I want to know what it is. My vision is dim but the thing in my hand turns to my son. He feels cold and dead. I feel panic and I wonder if he is even alive. But no no. I am dreaming he is not real. I really have to tell myself this. I don't feel like I am going to wake up but a part of me wanted to so that I could check on him. I cuddle him to me and calm down. I force myself to walk the the mirror once more.

      I feel my son sort of meld into my left arm and dissapear. I slowly face the mirror an with more determination I press my face into as hard as I can. It is just solid. So weird. I see my reflection. My face is blured and my reflection is looking to my left with a mind of its own. Yes I am deffinitely dreaming. I breath out with frustration and my breath fogs the glass. I hear my wife complain about something. I look over and she threw an arm up in disgust.
      I say, "OOOH SHUT UP. You're not real anyway."

      OK time to think how am I going to do this. I open the bedroom door thinking I would just be there. Nope. I walk to the front door and really concentrate on being on Nigles ship. I walk to it but I am slowed down. The room stretches and I can't reach the door. I try to run but I feel like some force has me by the waist and I can't get any traction. GOD my house is getting scarry!

      I see my hands and it causes me to pause for a moment. They look so odd that I am distracted. I remembered something I wanted to try. I look at my fingers and see how crazy distorted they are. The lengths are all wrong and some fingers fan out into 4 or 5 other ones. I kind of chuckle at this. I have read that this happens in dreams and makes a good RC but I had never see it for myself in a lucid dream only in HI. Then, I remember something else and I try to make magic like on skyrim or the sorccerors apprentice. Bah I got nothing.

      OK back to work! I am too determined not to complete my task. I force my way to the door and now it wont open. So I hit it. It cracks like glass. AH HA! I hit it again and again and each time the door cracks away. I begin to see daylight. They living room was so dark before. The last time the door looks really weak so I use the force. I force push like in Star Wars and the door explodes into tiny peieces.

      I run outside but it is just my normal neighborhood. I run a few houses down to the south. On the East side of my street I see 2 women sitting on thier front poarch talking.
      I stop and ask, "Can I get a ride to Nigel's boat?" I figure it was worth a shot. They both look hessitant and shocked that I talked to them. I think about how DCs like to talk gibberish a lot and I don't expect much of an answer.
      But the one on the left says, "Yeah". I follow her to her house accross the street. Shis is wearing a black and grey one piece bathing suit. I see her keys in her hand.
      I say"Well the thing is we might have to drive to the ocean. That's a long way." I think how I don't want to spend my LD trapped in a long car ride! She looks discouraged and confused.
      I decide to try to convince her or something else. I said, "Look. Don't you have a teleporter? I know you have to. Eeeeeveryone has a teleporter!" I look at her hopeful and try to convince her.
      Then she says one word without emotion, "Yes."
      As she goes in her house she turns and says, "I have to freshen up a bit."
      I follow her inside but think to ask, "Is it ok if I come in?
      Again she says "Yes."

      I look around and she has a messy house. I see a cat run off. I take it all in.
      She says, Sorry my house is a mess."
      "Oh dont worry about it. I dont mind." Then for some reason I get horny. Its just me and her alone in her house. Giggity. I grab her to me and take her top down. She goes limp and to allows me without emotion. I stop.
      "I am sorry. I should not have done that." I remember that I have a task to do. I don't want to waste my lucid dream on sex. I would just wake up and be mad. I let it go.

      We walk to a back room and she hands me a pill bottle full of some liquid.
      "Here drink this."
      I say, "What? So I drink this and I am teleported? She nods. "Are you sure? Whats in it? Oh well here I go." I open it and drink all of it. I remember one TOTM where you drink a potion and I didn't focus on the taste. This time I took the time to. I noticed it was thick and slightly sweet but tasted a lot like cough syrup.

      I waited but nothing happened. "nothing happened"
      "Oh thats just my vitamin thereapy. I dont like it."
      I get pissed and realize she obvioulsy isn't going to help me. I hear some man talking in another room but Ignore him. I start to walk out side but I see a hallway to the left. I decide she has to have a teleporter some where in the house. I sneak in hoping she thinks I left the house.

      I walk to a room and see a gross and dirty tanning bed. I see the light and feel the heat from it. There is a dirty toilet to the right. I start to get in the tanning bed thinking that will work but I really dont want to try that.

      I walk to the next room and see a black pod of some sort. It looks like a SCI-FI deep sleep chamber. That has to be it! I get in and lie down. The lid closes and the light dims. Nothing happens. I look by my right hand and see a control panel. I punch a few buttons and say, "Cretaceous Period!" I hear a chiming sound and a swooshing noise. Then a chiming sound and the lid opens.

      I AM AT THE BOTTOM OF AN OCEAN FLOOR! I see all the fish from the Sea Monsters show. Thousands of fish swimming all over the place. I am so happy. This is way better than Nigel and his ship! I am right in it. I see a Mosasaur right off the bat. I dont see sharks. I see something like Ichthyosaurs. I see a few Xiphactinus. I also see hundreds of other things that don't belong. Like little cartoony worm like things on the floor. And cartoony looking turtles. There was so much activy and so many different things swimming around that I have hard time seeing it all. I feel like sensory over load.

      I hear some silly music and a dopey voice singing. "...Here I am swimming in the deep blue sea. The deep blue see. The deep blue sea...."
      I laugh my ass off at this. I laughingly repeat "The deep blue sea hahaha!"

      I notice and am not surprised that I can breath underwater. I remember that every underwater dream I could always breath like no big deal. I begin to swim. I notice the coral life in the floor and white sand. I see a deep ocean floor valley not far away. The water is so clear and everything is amazingly beautiful. But the ocean life is so thick! None of the fish seem to notice me and I am not afraid. Even when the big fish with large teeth swim by I feel calm and they ignore me. The fish don't even bother to eat each other. This Cretaceous Ocean is tame. I am surprised at this because I thought for sure I would be eaten if I pulled this off.

      I get kind of bored just swimming. I feel content that I completed my task and am happy with myself. I see woman in a bright red one piece. She is just floating like she is dead. But I see her head turn and one eye look at me. Her reddish hair flows in the water. I come to her from behind. At first I act like I am a fish and lightly bite her arm. Then I get really horny again the dream turns into the best lucid sex ever. I feel really guilty because I don't like wasting a dream on sex. I didn't care at that point. I'll leave the rest to the imagination...

      Afterwards. I notice we are on a white sandy beach and I see a rock cliff. For some reason I think there is a road up there but I don't care. I really just want to wake up now and record my dream. At that thought the world fades to black.




      Updated 09-12-2012 at 01:37 AM by 5967 (Added image)

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    9. Month 1: Phoenix

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:47 AM (The Medium)
      This post is not a lucid dream or anything. I am writing this to 'get my mind back in the game' and to hopefully increase my recall. How it will work is just following the movements of the past and refining on old techniques. By posting in my dream journal, it may help with improving my recall in general since I look forward to the next post. I will also start posting my current goals in order of importance:

      1) Increase recall
      2) Regain lucidity
      3) Find dream guide
      4) Work on stability

      I will be setting 4 personal tasks of the month for now on, with these counting for September. Hopefully 3 and 4 will work hand in hand. Yeah, the goals are a bit bland and obvious. (especially number 2) I say regain due to the fact I have had more lucid dreams in the past. I will also be setting code names for each month which I will be incorporating into lucid dreams. Sort of a theme so to say. And this month (September) will be Phoenix. A bird reborn from it's ashes. I lost my recall and sort of 'died' in my ability to lucid dream. This will be the rebirth. Well, I'm off to bed. I will post again tomorrow. Good Night!
      p.s.: After writing this sounds sorta dumb to me. Geekish maybe? Lol, I don't really care this in some way will help.
    10. Face surgery

      by , 08-26-2012 at 11:30 PM
      Very brief dream, still aware of waking self. There was a person who, through sorcery or misfortune, had got the face of a pig. I proceeded with a face transplant for the patient, but awoke before being able to attach the new face. Surgery was going very well, and the removal was smooth and complete.
    11. My first FILD. And it was truly awesome.

      by , 08-26-2012 at 11:14 PM (Mysteries of my subconscious)
      I woke up in the middle of the night which happens somewhat often for me. As I woke up, I remembered the FILD technique. So I started twitching my fingers back and forth for about 20 seconds. After that, I did it for another 10 seconds. But after about a total of 15 or 20 seconds, I felt a snap away from my body. But I continued anyways. After the 10 seconds, I grabbed my nose, to see if I could still breathe, which I could.

      I had done my first induction into a lucid dream. I was really proud. The first thing I did was go up to a mirror. I wanted to try and teleport into a different dream scene. I wanted to be a part of a zombie apocalypse. I tried many different mirrors, but the first two I went up to, I just saw my reflection, which in fact, now that I’m in full waking awareness I realize, it didn’t even look like me. A third one, I got teleported into another scene, but it was not much different, and then I tried going back and I did. I just stayed in there. I was hungry and I decided to just fly around the city while I eat. I couldn’t just “float” I had to flap my arms like a bird would, but as I did, I just held my food in front of me floating.
      Since I wanted to create a zombie apocalypse, I tried to desperately create a plot in my head and make it happen. I tried to create a scenario where some vaccine doesn’t work on somebody and it changes them. None of that worked. I tried to just imagine zombies in front of me, but I can’t do that. I don’t know how to create an entity very well. I also just tried to create an entity I could fly on top of, but could not.

      I don’t totally remember that many details, because it was an early dream in the night, and I could not access a computer till later that morning. But I remember that I had awoken many times, so I thought, but just held my nose again, and realized I was still in the dream state. One time there was a scenario which I don’t totally remember. But I had a friend who was a TV show character, Barney, from How I Met Your Mother, and he said he had a “shadow” spirit kinda thing inside of him, controlling him. I tried to expel it by looking into a mirror, which the first thing I saw was a little excerpt showing how the spirit got inside of him and that it truly was controlling him. I went inside the mirror to try and fix things, but slowly, my dream faded. The dream was over.

      I did accomplish a dream goal of mine, which was to maintain control for the entire night.

      I did not remember nearly as many details of the dream that were a main part, but it was still an awesome experience, that I can mark down as my first full lucid dream.
    12. Advanced TOTM (August ??, 2012)

      by , 08-20-2012 at 05:54 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Advanced TOTM

      It was a false awakening early in the morning. Something didn't feel right to me and I used my reality check where I try to feel the dream.It felt like I was dreaming and I became lucid. On my desk i saw an odd looking book that I do not own. It looked to me like an old fancy journal. It was then that I remembered the advanced task of the month. I assumed that the book was the journal I was supposed to write my waking life in.

      I opened it up and found a quill inside. I sat there for a moment and tried to recollect my waking memories. It was kind of difficult, but I was at least able to remember that I went shoe shopping that day. My shoes were starting to feel uncomfortable because my feet got bigger. So we went to some store that I can't remember for some sale related to taxes. I don't like shopping so I was trying to be quick. I found a pair of black tennis shoes that felt comfortable enough and chose them. That's where my memory ended.

      I picked up the quill and wrote something very similar to that in the journal. The writing part was fairly simple and I didn't have too much trouble after the memory part. I can't remember how the dream ended though.
      lucid , task of the month
    13. Multi-Tasking

      by , 08-19-2012 at 11:49 PM
      I've done alot of reading up on it and I've been telling myself to master DILDs first. But after this month I've had a change of heart. I'm going to master both WILDs and DILDs I need more control over my sleeping pattern and I'm truthfully (and regrettably) becoming impatient with the results that DILD is producing alone. I would either have an LD and then lose all of the minimal control that I already have by doing something stupid and extravagant (Like a Kamehameha wave). I'd rush the LD, or I'd become too exited and go into a free falling tailspin and get knocked so hard that i'm in twilight. And I have no say about what happens because of my excitement. So I'm going to preform and try WILDs every night before sleep (which I know is a no no; it should be 4 to 5 hours into sleep) until I get it. I already have some knowledge of what a partial WILD is because I've been up to the hallucination level more than once. But I used to get freaked out and wonder if I was going crazy because I'd hear voices so many times. So if anyone has any comments, criticisms, questions, concerns, let me know because I'm going into this head first, and I'm not stopping. Until I can do both or at least one of them.
    14. 08132012-2nd Dream, Advanced Lucid TOTM, Dream Journal

      by , 08-16-2012 at 07:27 AM
      I was so happy to finally achieve TOTM! It's been difficult, and I kept trying to incubate this idea.

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The dream begins in the elementary school cafeteria acrossthe street. I’m setting up tables and preparing for some event. I’m notnormally active with the school for stuff like this and I’m actually standingthere trying to figure out how I got roped in to helping. Normally I enjoyhelping out with classroom activities but I know I’m not a PTA member so theactions I’m performing seem wrong.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As I lay down a tray of cupcakes I suddenly realize thereason I feel wrong is because I must be dreaming. Even the cupcakes lookwrong, as though my realization is causing the frosting to turn into blacklicorice, and I hate licorice.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I look up from the table and out the window to see a bunchof kids on their way to the cafeteria. I know I’m supposed to be working but Inow have a choice and I realize I don’t want the kids to actually make it tothe cafeteria before I do something. As I stare at them the line stops, justlike when the teacher tells the kids to pause for a moment.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Now that I have a moment I’m trying to figure out what Ineed to do. The Task of the Month idea suddenly comes into my mind and Iremember the dream journal. Looking back at the table I see a log-book thatreminds me of the one I once saw at a funeral. As I stare at it the coloreddesign along the top of the pages resolves into the words “Dream Journal” and Iknow what to do. I try and think of something that happened during the day butI can’t remember what day it is. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Is it Thurdsday? No…Sat…no, Sunday I think. Time to take outthe trash. Wait, I’m supposed to do something. My thoughts are confusing butlooking at the book again reminds me what needs to happen. I look around butthere is no pen. Usually they attach one to the book with one of thosestring-things but I don’t see one. I lift the book and even check the spine butI can’t find a pen. The only thing I have are the odd-looking cupcakes. I grabone and start smearing it across the page. At first it’s messy but I gaincontrol of my hand enough to actually make my writing legible.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Quickly I write, “I chatted with Alucinor and ccrinbamatoday on DV.” I’m impressed I can recall how to spell Alucinor because the odd lettercombination of the name ccrinbama seems easier to remember for some reason. I’mstaring at the words (which don’t look pretty at all) when I suddenly becomescared of what I did and I slam the book shut. A small amount of frosting comesout the side and I wipe it with my finger, which I then smear on my pants inlieu of a napkin. It seemed like a good idea at the time.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Turning around at the approach of a voice I shout, “Yes Ilike the cupcakes! They don’t have hair in them!” The parent facing me lookssatisfied and confused at the same time but I just presume it’s because I’m notwearing my name badge that they give you in the office. Though I wasn’t askedabout it I say, “I’ll go get it now.” [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I walk out of the cafeteria and right on out of thebuilding. I can see a fire truck coming up the street and I worry that maybeone of the kids ate a cupcake with hair and they were now choking. Still I knowthey are in good hands so I walk towards the street where a rally is going on tokeep the bicyclists from being allowed to ride and walk their dogs at the sametime. People seem really upset about it and someone actually picks up a bikeand throws it into the street. I want to help but I’m not sure which side tojoin. The decision becomes moot as the TV news shows up and people scatter inall directions not wanting to be arrested. I run but not towards my housebecause they might look for me there. Instead I run into the library but I musthave got the wrong day because a group of voters are in there and I don’t havean appointment. I look for a window to climb out and the dream ends as I wakeand need to pee.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    15. Quarter Dodgeball, Marching Band, and an Emergency Surgery

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:10 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was on some large street intersection in a coastal city, it seemed like California. I was with a group of people who were apparently my friends standing on one side of the intersection and there was another large group of people, around their low 20s, standing on the other side next to some sort of toll booth. There were about 5 people on my side 10 on the other side. We walked towards the other group a little bit until we were about 25 feet away from them and then stopped to listen to a new person who was standing next to the toll booth. "Good luck!" he yelled, "GO!"

      At this point we all dashed to the side and started running around. The other group of people starting throwing things ad us. One person and I locked eyes right before he threw something at me. It hit my side and then I ended up catching it in my elbow. "You're out!" I yelled. It must've been some sort of dodge ball game only instead of dodge balls we were using quarters. He looked at me with a smirk, laughed, and then threw another quarter at me though completely missed. For some reason, as he was laughing, I started to think this was a dream. I started to question things and looked around, paying a bit more attention. Then somebody threw a quarter at me and the guy sitting by the toll booth yelled, "You're out!"

      I walked over to the curb, a bit annoyed at what just happened, but as I was walking I did a quick reality check, plugging my nose. Ah, that feeling of being able to breathe with your mouth and nose closed, awesome .
      I sat down on the curb, looked around and stabilized a little bit, rubbing my hands ad then observing the area. There was a large city behind my with skyscrapers and other large buildings with a rather decrepit building directly behind me, some sort of old warehouse. Out to my front there was a beach and then the ocean with a boardwalk not too far up the coast.

      I thought of what to do, maybe flying, maybe get into a big fight with all these guys, but I decided to do the TotM since I had only done one last month. Both came to mind, the surgery and the dream journal, so I just looked around for ample opportunity to do one of them. Much to my delight there was a notebook lying on the sidewalk, one much like my waking life DJ. I grabbed it and opened up to a page in the middle only to find a pen! Thanks subconscious . Most of the pages in the book were blank except for a few in the beginning which seemed to have little doodles on them. Nothing really jumped out on me, it just looks like somebody got bored in math class.

      I thought of what to write and kept thinking of my MILD mantra (did a WBTB/MILD last night) but I wanted to do a real waking life thing. Then I remembered that we had had a marching band practice that night and did a run-through of our show for our parents, the "parent preview." Once I thought of marching band all the details came to me and I just quickly wrote down something along the lines of, "Went to marching band practice, did parent preview, woodwinds rushed and got off the beat in the first song, rest went smoothly." Thinking back about it now that's actually pretty accurate. There, one down, lets see if I can get two! The dream still felt well stabilized and fairly vivid so I just went for it.

      I looked around only to realize that while I had been writing in my notebook I had moved to the high school where our practice took place. I was sitting on the curb looking out at our parking lot where we did out run-through. Nobody was there, not even a car. I got up and figured the best place to preform a surgery was at a hospital so I walked towards the main set of doors and imagined a hospital on the other side. The fact that these were glass doors (i.e. transparent) made the whole thing a little interesting. I stopped the door while it was only half opened and saw the school through the glass but through the part that was open I saw what looked like the ER of a hospital. I closed the door a little and it was just school. I opened it a bit more and it was hospital. It was pretty cool seeing the whole dreamscape change right in front of me like that but I knew that I should finish the TotM before I lose lucidity/wake up.

      I walked in through the door and noticed a bunch of nurses running around. One of them stopped in front of me, looked at what I was wearing and said, "good enough," in a very rushed and hurried voice. She grabbed my arm and dragged me through the hospital to a sink, "come on, wash up!" she said, "Hurry!." I washed my hands and put on a pair of gloves that were right next to me. They were rather large, reaching up past my elbow but before I could really take anything in the nurse grabbed me again and dragged me into a little room and closed a curtain. I looked around a little bit and noticed that it was an emergency operating room with a table in the middle. Lucky for me there was a patient on it. Oh boy, I am not looking forward to this .

      I looked at the patient and he was already unconscious, whether it was from anesthesia or passing out I didn't know, but he was out cold. The nurse who had dragged me through the hospital told me he had been shot twice with a 22 caliber pistol in the thigh but luckily it missed the femoral artery. I looked at his legs and noticed two small holes in the right thigh (he was laying on his back). I looked around the room and saw a pair of tongs, perfect! I grabbed them and went over to the patient. When I got a closer look at his leg I could see the bullet just about an inch under the skin and spread the whole a little bit with my fingers giving me enough room to fit the tongs in. Thank god I had gloves. There wasn't a lot of blood, however, at least not the amount I had expected. There was some but it wasn't all rushing out. It was like if you prick your finger to test your blood sugar or something, one drop every few seconds.

      I reached in with the tongs which were more like what I had used in chemistry class than any surgical tongs I've ever seen. It was quite easy to grab the bullet, just like picking something out of jell-o, but the bullet wasn't deformed or anything. It was still perfectly intact, as if it had never been shot from a gun and just broken off of the cartridge. I dropped it in a little tin the nurse had been holding next to me and grabbed the other one which was a few inches below the first one. This came out just as nicely and in perfect shape as well. Having no clue how to stitch a wound I asked the nurse if she could. She nodded and grabbed a needle and this weird thread. She sewed up the wound in just a couple seconds and did so just like one would to a blanket.

      Being finished with both TotM's I wondered what to do next. I didn't have any specific goals or anything and was out of ideas. I decided I would just walk around the hospital a little bit. I walked through the ER which still had a bunch of nurses running around as fast as they could in it, and headed towards the waiting room to see what the DCs in there were doing. The waiting room was just outside the ER and there were only a couple people in there, an elderly woman to looked a bit crazy, and kid about 12 years old with a pickaxe stuck in his shoulder. Yes, he had a full sized pickaxe stuck several inches into his shoulder. The woman pulled out a mouse from her pocket and started feeding it a little square of cheese that she now had. Wtf, my DCs are freaking weird!

      I walked over to the person sitting behind the desk and asked what I should do next. "Well doctor," she said a little smugly. I guess I was the normal ER doctor there, "I think you should wake up." At first I was a bit confused, but then I started getting angry because my DCs and dream objects always did this to me. "Oh what the hell!?" I yelled at here, though the dream was fading. I tried spinning and spinning but I could hear her say, "Sorry, spinning doesn't work in times like this." Damn it, she was right.
      I woke up. I did a quick RC to be sure this wasn't just a FA but I was indeed awake.

      Jeez, my DCs are not only weirdos but also jerks!

      Updated 08-14-2012 at 04:16 PM by 31951

      lucid , task of the month
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